Friday, 16 December 2016

Buddhist theory Amitayurdhyana Buddhist .

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I heard something like this:

A childhood and that, the Buddha on the mountain Vulture near Rajgir, along with the great 1,250 and 32,000 monks Bodhisattva close the question. Manjusri Holiness ranks foremost ally do.

At that time in college Rajgir, a prince named Ajatasatru. Because upon by evil advice of Devadatta should have arrested his father Bimbisara, tightly locked in prison with seven layers of walls and god forbid not frequented pants. But the country's name Lady Vi-threads-hy very reverently great king. After bathing clean, queen honey and dried powder applied to his body, he lost in the beads containing grape juice and secretly offered to the king.

At that time, the great king ate and drank grape juice powder, then please mouthwash. When gargling finished, he hands reverently and towards the Vulture Mountains bowed that transparency:

"Great item-devout-venture is child friendly, willingly let him start feeling compassion and communication Uposatha for me."

Then, he Category-devout-linked as the eagle flies, immediately flew to the place of the great king. Everyday so, venerable TV Uposatha life to the king. Buddha also told venerable Phu-Long-na preached to the king. Time spent like 21 days, the king eat flour and honey, to hear Air France beauty so funny. At that time, King Ajatasatru prison guard asked:

"Go to his father's today I still alive you?"

At that time, the prison guards said to him:

"Great king! Korea Lady applying honey and flour to himself, lost his re-chaining using grape juice containers and brought to the king. Recluses Section-devout-ventures and long-Phu-na from above flying to France for the monarch theory should not be able to stop prohibited. "

When the king heard Ajatasatru said before the finish, he was angry his mother:

"I do my mother is the enemy, the enemy as a friend. Recluses human evil, arts deludes uncle, the evil king makes long days already but not dead."

At that time, King Ajatasatru took up a sword that would destroy her mother. Then there is a great god, smart intellect, called Moon Light, along with the United-she rushed to worship the king, said to him:

"Great King! God heard the saying of critically-momentum is far from primitive life has 18,000 evil king, because taking up the throne of his father murdered. But never heard anyone godless killing his mother. Now college do unruly kingdom there shall be unclean close-insole-profit line, the fried-da-la-class. Spirit impatient to hear this. We should not mind staying here again. "

When the two courtiers say he is finished, he took out a sword and stroked her regressive step.

At that time, King Ajatasatru appalling fear and told her America-:

"Khanh nor because I do my back?"

States-she said to him,

"Great king! Be careful not to hurt her."

When the king heard this done, please pray for repentance, immediately let go and stop harmful for the mother. Then commanded the detention introspection into the depths and not to step outside again. While the queen Vi-threads-hy impounded, sad anxious heart, body emaciated. The queen looked on Mount Vulture direction, worship the Buddha and said,

"At the old Bhagavan Tathagata often A-Nan appointed him to visit you. Now my heart sorrow should not be seen majestic Buddha. Bend forward he go wrong venerable Section-devout-venture and A-Nan come for me to see. "

Complete works of Bach words, feeling pain cry, tears fell like rain, and the direction that looks to pay homage to the Buddha. While still barely looked up then at that time, Bhagavan in the mountain Vulture knew the queen's mind-hy Vi-topic. Lien immediately sent General Category-devout-ventures and his A-Nan from nowhere to fly to.Buddha also lost on Mount Vulture hide and appear in the palace.

Meanwhile, Queen Vi-finish problem-hy bowed and looked up immediately they saw Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha-contradiction-ni, purple yellow body, sitting on a hundred golden shower. He Section-devout-venture almost left, his right hand A-Nan most. And nowhere in the Empire-like, Pham Vuong and households Sun World deities scattered flowers everywhere to make offerings.

When you see Bhagavan Buddha, Queen Vi-threads-hy-chaining themselves away his pen touch, his body on the ground, crying and screaming white Buddha that direction:

"Revered sir! I was born guilty before what evil child born this death? Exalted how to have an affinity which along with Devadatta doing relatives. May the Exalted because I go said wide pros worry about where no negativity. I now want to rebirth and life no longer delight in evil degenerations in Yan-line-problem anymore. Chốn filled with evil degenerations hell, hungry ghosts, animals, and more the gathering evil. May the next life will not hear evil, see no evil people. the direction of this Buddha, his head bowed close to the ground and beg penance. Only the French chapel Buddha contemplation where the purity of the industry. "

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Prussian time of Buddhas Realm Countries
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At that time, the Blessed One golden aura emitted from between the eyebrows. Projectors that light immeasurable variables cross the world, and then returned to office on the top of the Buddha and into metals such as mountain station Tu-di. The pure magic realms of the Buddhas are currently in. Or national level because of the loss protection. Nations that have full lotus. And a national level as the Heavenly Palace of Independence. National level have mirror-like crystal glass. The ten countries have current realms inside countless Buddhas and national level so dignified clearly, to make the queen Vi-threads-sacrifice seen. Meanwhile, Queen Vi-hy-white Buddha recommended that:

"Revered sir! The Buddha was an extremely pure level and are luminous, but this child was born just like the World of Buddha Bliss A-di-da. Duy Bhagavan willingly teach thinking and parenting Secretarial life. "

At that time Bhagavan smiled and from the mouth of the Buddha emitted rays of light in color. Each ray of light to the crown of King Bimbisara. Meanwhile, the king closed but although detained unobstructed horizons and from afar saw Bhagavan. His head bowed and naturally attained A-na-function.

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Tinh Tam Phuoc Industrial
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At that time, the Buddha told the queen Vi-threads-hy:

"Now the queen see? Buddha amitābha not far from here. The queen should clear photographic shop realms of mind and the other countries is due to pure form now. We now because the queen said that extensive examples. re also making all ordinary life in the future, those who want to cultivate pure rebirth now and will be in the realm of the pure in western countries. every country wants the birth to the other, it must be between eight blessings:

- A parent support is hospitable, serving teachers, compassion does not kill, and Pyramid Kamma.

- Second life over the Three Refuges, keeping the whole world and not committed enough majesty.

- Three is played Bodhicitta, deeply believe cause and effect, recite the Mahayana sutras, and encourage others to practice attack.

These three things are called Pure Karma. "

Buddha Vi-queens problem-hy:

"The queen now know? The three main types of business is the world's third career translational childhood Buddhas past, present and future."

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16 of Perception
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Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"Listen, listen and clever thinking! Nay Tathagata as whole beings life in the future, those who are harmful invaders disturbing noise, but about pure now.

Protestant replace V-threads-sacrifice! The queen was soon asked to be clever it.

This A-Nan! He should maintain life and wide as a public statement saying that the Buddha's teachings. Tathagata will teach this subject-hy Vi-beings and all life in the future to contemplate France World Bliss in the west. Because Buddha's power, he would see the other pure realms, as impressive example and see the faces of my self.When seeing the wonderful joy of the other realms, so your mind will rejoice and immediately attain instant French Radio Being Rings. "

Buddha Vi-queens problem-hy:

"The queen is mortal, weak mind and no third eye open so far can not customary. However, the Buddhas Tathagata has special means to make visible the queen."

At that time, the queen Vi-hy-white Buddha recommended that:

"Revered sir! The due date of the Buddha's powers should see the state of the other. If after the Buddha's death, the evil beings were degenerations unwholesome urgent miserable year, they must show how the World Buddha's Bliss A-di-da? "

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1. Perception Sun Diving
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Buddha Vi-queens problem-hy:

"The queen and beings should have a concept most specialized center, which is in western contemplation. Contemplation how? All beings have eyes' will see the sun set, unless you are blind from birth. Qualities this visualization practitioners should sit upright swing to the west, and then start the memorial and clearly bar where the sun was about to set, making head-hearted commitment, specialized unchanging idea. Quan saw the sun set just as the drum is hanging. When finished, the sun shop closed my eyes are open or closed at will be transparent.

This is consistent, called Admin Bar. Such consistency is the main restaurant; if otherwise is wrong shop shop. "

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2. Perception Countries
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Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"When the preliminary achievements shop, things to contemplate the country. Quan everything are higher in western fishery, see the country settled in and also to make it clear, the mind is not dispersed.

At the thought that water should start to finish tape. Seeing transparent tape and then think of the lapis. When this visualization achievements saw lapis land, in outside throughout.

The bottom has made vajra colon phan seven precious lapis ground support. Plants are full phan colon and eight octagonal corner. At 100 minutes each side are due gem formed. Each gem has 1,000 beams. Each ray of light with color and lighting 84,000 ground lapis as 1,000 regular sun blockers to impossible to see the end.

On the ground lapis with gold rope dividing each of the seven second places jewels, very bright and a straight line path. In every treasure has 500 color light rays. Light rays that like flowers and like the stars and the moon, hanging in the middle of nowhere and forming light stations. On the floor of the station has a thousand treasures composed by 100 th. On either side there are 100 stations and countless memories Corolla used to stately instrumental. There are eight categories in the bar from where the wind blows out the light, and brandishing the musical dynamic, resonant sound Forum said: suffering, no, impermanence and non-self.

This is Thuy Tuong, is France's second shop. Visualizing these achievements, each shop will wisely points clear. Always remember this, but only sleep, but close your eyes and open your eyes time, do not fade away. Such consistency is the main restaurant; if otherwise is wrong shop shop. "

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3. Perception Land
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Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"When the French on the achievements visualization is called Thomas Ants National Land of Ultimate Bliss. If the three-soot prime time will see the planes land was stark other countries to not be able to tell all.

This is Planet Ideas, Tuesday is the French restaurant. "

Buddha told him A-Nan:

"He let his teachings and maintain life for all public life in the future, those who want to escape the yoke of suffering which said France this shop Perception address. If the address bar, it will eliminate 80 Remembrance lifetime memories guilty birth and death now. When exhaust itself in the world press that the time will be reborn in the Pure Land, the mind is very comfortable. How is chief shop shop; if otherwise is wrong shop shop. "

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4. Perception Treasure Cay
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Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"When Planet Ideas achievements, to visualize things treasure tree. Quan told receptors in each of the seven classes precious trees. Each tree by-week high of 8,000. On the treasure tree is full of flowers with loss protection. Each flower per leaf different golden color. In lapis colors shine golden light. In the color pink shining crystal. In color agate shining nacre. In nacre colors radiate light blue gem . coral, amber and all they said were used as decoration.

Use screens wonderful gem covered throughout the tree. On each tree has seven mesh. In between each layer mesh with 500 memory palace, like heaven's magnificent Great discounts and pupils have the natural heaven in it. Each pupil is adorned with 500-chaining of memories he lost pearl Romanian to win. The light of her Romanian jewel shines 100 by-week, bright as the sun, moon hundred memories together to peace could not unspeakable. Then there are the jewels mixed in gorgeous colors.

The tree-lined treasure each row, each leaf symmetry to each other.In the middle of the green swells of wonderful flowers. On the natural flowers with seven precious fruit. Each leaf measures 25 by-week term. He leaves with 1000 colors and 100 types of drawings as he lost heaven chain. There are such wonderful flowers with yellow rotating ring of fire needle-herd of salt-compliance, flexibility in between the leaves and the fruit goes over the birth of the Prophet average as from security topics-like. Large fruits emit light, into the colon and immeasurable phan sure what. In this protection, light is the Three Great Christian World and present also all of the ten Buddhist country in which the Buddhas. When saw trees and comprehensive, it should also be consistent in order stems, leaves and fruit branches. Each must clear each.

This is the Prime Minister, is the fourth French restaurant. Such consistency is the main restaurant; if otherwise is wrong shop shop. "

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5. Eight Countries Public Perception Germany
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Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"When Prime Minister achievements, things to contemplate eight merit water. Visualizing the Pure realms eight ponds. Each pond formed by loss protection. The soft puree and his treasures from Europe as the king was born . pond divided into 14 branches. each branch has the wonderful colors of loss protection. the water channel made of gold. At the bottom of the channels are used as heterochromatic vajra sand spreader. In each country there are 60 memories flower pond seven golden lotus. Every shower are balls, the perimeter 12 by-week. There are water flowing Romanian lotus stalk up and down on the sound and magic, takes said: suffering, no, impermanence, selflessness, France Balaam the bile, or praise good minister of Buddhas.

As for the African kingdom then launched the golden rays of magic.The ray of light into colored birds with hundreds of colors and singing sounded sure amiable, often praise Buddha, the French conception, conception Increase.

This is Bat Cong Duc Thuy Perception is the fifth French restaurant.Such consistency is the main restaurant; if otherwise is wrong shop shop. "

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6. Perception General
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Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"In every region of the country they make sure the memory that has 500 floors. In the floor of the countless gods that have emerged musical heaven. Then there are the musical instruments hanging the middle of nowhere and heavenly treasures as colon phan, wines without trays that themselves. In the sounds that were played to say Buddha, recite French monks recite Tang.

When the French on the achievements visualization is called Crude World Knowledge Bliss Thu Bao Bao Location Maintenance.

This is General Perception, is the French restaurant on Friday. If you see such consistency would eradicate extreme importance immeasurable karma lifetime memories. After the public network, they will be reborn in the realms certain other countries. Such consistency is the main restaurant; if otherwise is wrong shop shop. "

Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"Listen, listen and clever thinking! Now I will because he and the queen that differentiate French explained eradicate suffering. The children remember life over and explained to distinguish broad mass."

When he finished talking, the Buddha of Boundless Life and straddle consecutive appearance in vain. Left standing at the right hand is almost two Great Artist: Avalokitesvara and mahasthamaprapta. His clarity of the brilliant to not be able to find out, whether the hundreds of thousands of golden-suite-herd of salt, they can not match.

When you see the Buddha Infinite Life, Queen Vi-threads-hy his head bowed with his forehead touching the foot of the Buddha and said that:

"Revered sir! The power of Buddha now due to see the Buddha Infinite Life and two Bodhisattva. Beings, the future how to shop Infinite Life Buddha and Bodhisattva II?"

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7. Perception Court Sen
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Buddha Vi-queens problem-hy:

"All the other times wanted to shop Buddha memorial should start. Contemplation on the ground seven treasures have showers. Each petal lotus paintings like heaven. Over 100 colors including 84,000 security sharp and veins. Each with 84,000 rays veins, are very clear and visible. the length and width of each small flower petals 250 by-week. each petal lotus have 84,000. In the middle of each petal there are 100 Romanian European memory King used as decoration. Every continent Romanian kingdom rays emitted 1,000. rays that as the seven precious parasols pervading the composition and on the ground.

On the terrace there is a jewel in the palace like-ca-Pi-steering-old and is decorated with 80,000 pearls vajra chain security, Romanian pearl from Brahma realms and magical gem nets. Above the palace has four pillars protected natural colon. Each security colon hundred thousand thousand tall as Mount Tu-cell memory. On security screened colon such treasures in Heavens Da-ma and the 500 breast gem of magic used as decoration. Each gem has 84,000 light rays. Each beam of light has 84,000 different types of yellow metal.Each golden treasure turned around realms, where places and cultural transformation of the general heterosexual incredible. Into the radio or vajra. Or gem into nets. Or into the cloud with many different types of flowers. We arbitrarily turn the Buddha appeared in the ten directions.

This is the US Court of Perception is the seventh French restaurant. "

Buddha told him A-Nan:

"The magic flower that is due to the volunteer duties of French monks of Tibet that. If someone wants to recite the Buddha there must first time the court should contemplate his wonderful flowers. At this visualization is not customary. each point must be consistent, every petal, every Romanian county continent, every ray of light, each station, each protected colon, must be clear, obvious as his self-inspired face in the mirror.

When this visualization of human achievement that will eliminate 500 lifetime memories of birth and death, and now certain crimes will be reborn in the Pure World. Such consistency is the main restaurant; if otherwise is wrong shop shop. "

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Figure 8. Perception of the Three Holy Statue
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Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"When you see things and, secondly Buddhist contemplation. Contemplation how? Dharmakaya of the Buddhas Tathagata Dharma continent and to turn around the minds of all beings. So, when the heart of the children to think think of the Buddha, his heart was good and 80 32 General beauty of the Buddhas. When doing Buddha mind, that mind is Buddha. Sea Variable Tri Chief of the Buddhas are born from my mind. so to be one heart technical specialist shop concepts and other Buddha, steps Tathagata, Arhat, Awakened.

Qualities want to visualize the other Buddha, first should reflect the image. Now close your eyes are open or closed, they must find a statue sitting on a lotus with yellow as salt-line-board. When we see that the image is on, open label open mind and see very clearly the security failures in the realms dignified Bliss. As land is precious, golden pond, trees each precious, precious veil of gods covered throughout the tree, and the golden nets stretched across the middle of nowhere. Must see things like that very clear, as seen in the palm.

At the same show, it must also be done on the left side of the Buddha bar has a large shower and shower like no other before.Back on the right side of the Buddha bar has a large shower. Then visualize a figure of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva sitting on a flower on the left, yellow and other non-target before. Next, visualize a figure of mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva sitting on a flower right. When this visualization, the statue of Buddha achievements and Bodhisattva are corona discharge. Golden halo which illuminates precious trees.At the bottom of each tree has three showers and shower on the same statue of Buddha Bodhisattva binary variable throughout the other realms.

Visualizing these achievements, one will hear the sound of running water, the aura, the precious trees, and birds lovebirds tern, were declared outstanding French said. Manufacture or import of the moment, one will always hear the wonderful Dharma. When it came to remember and do not forget to maintain life with Kinh Khe. If not in agreement, it is delusion. And as star fruit is called Rough Idea of ​​Bliss World Knowledge.

This is fantasy, is the eighth French restaurant. Such consistency will eliminate countless memories of birth and death life crime now. In the present life will attain the Three-black Buddhist mindfulness.Such consistency is the main restaurant; if otherwise is wrong shop shop. "

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9. Form Body Vi Dieu Perception of Buddha Infinite Life
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Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"When this achievement visualize, visualize things to clarity the form of the Buddha Infinite Life. Hey A-Nan! He should know, the body of the Buddha Amitayus yellow as hundreds of thousands of thousands of Australian-ma salt-line-male bias. Buddha high 60 thousand memories tha na-do-do-week multitude. eyebrows eyebrows white middle curl toward organic and lithe as in Tu-di mountains. Eyes Buddhist white and bright blue as the water of the four big sea. the pores in the body emit light as big as mountains Tu-di. halo Buddha's other 100 balls as the Three great Christian memories World. In halo in 100 thousand memories tha na-by-chemical multitude Buddha. Each also has numerous Buddhist cultural massification attendant Bodhisattva.

Buddha Infinite Life has 84,000 fine minister. In each match, there are 84,000 beauty minister. In every beauty has 84,000 light rays.Each projection light rays to all beings turned nembutsu at ten in the world, away from photographers such craft. In general every beauty and Buddha rays have much chemistry can not unspeakable. He should always remember the great and makes the mind clear labels.When we see things and went immediately to see all ten schools of Buddhism. Workers see the Buddhas by the so-called Three-black Recitation. So called Quan Quan Necessarily Buddha Body.Because of the Buddha contemplating the body should also see the Buddha mind. Buddha's heart of compassion. Use ungainly from the beings to life photography. The shop is so, then the discharge report in the world body, the time will come first reborn Buddhas and Radio Being French prime Rings.

So wise to shop carefully so single-mindedly Buddha Infinite Life.Qualities want to clear customs Buddha of Infinite Life should be a good minister to, just so consistent white eyebrows eyebrows in the middle and have to very clear. When we see ourselves in the middle of white minister eyebrows 84,000 general good times will naturally appear. Now see the Buddha Infinite Life will immediately see countless ten schools of Buddhism. By countless Buddhas see the Buddhas should be signed this present life.

Necessarily this is variable Form Body Shop General, is France's ninth shop. Such consistency is the main restaurant; if otherwise is wrong shop shop. "

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10. Form Body Vi Dieu Perception of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
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Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"When you have seen the Buddha Infinite Life clarity, things to visualize Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. The body of this Bodhisattva high 80 thousand memories tha na-do-do-week. The body yellow and blue. On the top protuberance head. the neck has a halo and each side is a hundred thousand by-week. In his halo has 500 chemical Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha-like conflict-ni. each chemical has 500 chemical Buddha and Bodhisattva countless gods do attendant. In the light of the whole body were out all appearances of contingent beings religion. On initiation jade sun hat Romanian to win. In that there is a chemical sun hat standing Buddha, 25 by-week high.

Face of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is yellow like salt-line-board.General prospectus trench in between eyebrows with seven precious colors and light rays emitted 84,000. Each ray of light with the countless hundreds of thousands of chemical Buddha. Each chemical has a wealth of cultural Buddhist Bodhisattva as an attendant, manifested itself in the cross throughout the world.

The color of the shower arm like pink, light 80 wonderful memories and he was wearing beads touch. In stringing he is optimistic that common all solemnity. Colored hand shower of 500 different memory. In ten fingers, each each are 84,000 publications like paintings and documents. Each painting has 84,000 colors. Each color has 84,000 lights. Puree and soft light spectrum that compares all. With this golden hands, he coached and to lead all beings.

Beneath the minister's feet to 1,000 toothpick wheel. When he raised his foot, then into 500 breast natural light stations. When he lowered it down there with flowers and pearls vajras Romanian sprayed everywhere and cover everything. The other generals in the body are good enough integrity as other non-Buddhist. The only minus protuberance on initiation and an empowerment minister is not by Bhagavan.

This is the shop Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva True Form Body General, is the tenth French restaurant. "

Buddha told him A-Nan:

"If someone wants to visualize Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva should be consistent so. As is customary that, time will not meet with disaster, clean except karma and eradicate countless lives guilty samsara now. Even just you heard the name of this Bodhisattva is immeasurable blessing, Galaxy case is thoroughly consistent. If anyone wants to clear customs Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the first should reflect protuberance on initiation. next sun hat shop. other generals also have to turn to clear customs, as evident in the hand. How is chief shop shop; if otherwise is wrong shop shop. "

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11. Perception of Form Body Vi Dieu mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva
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Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"First to visualize mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva. Body small bulk of this Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and Bodhisattva. Halo on each side is 125 by-week and 250 by-week shines. light yellow body turned purple and the projection cross country. These beings are fortunate all will see. As one can see a body pores where they immediately will see the light of the countless outstanding net Buddhas in the ten directions. Thus, the title of this Bodhisattva called Boundless Optics, which uses light of projectors all intellectual spectrum, making escape centrifugal force map and attained supreme. so list Bodhisattva's performance was mahasthamaprapta.

Of your sun hat has 500 Bodhisattva precious flowers. Each flower precious treasure has 500 stations. In each radio appearances are long wide net of magical realms in ten schools of Buddhism. Like protuberance on Top pink lotus. On average empowerment protuberance has a golden halo containing capacitors and current spectrum Buddha. The other's form as well as Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, without any differences.

When the Bodhisattva goes, then all cross the world on the spot concussions and vibrations land has 500 memories precious flowers.Each precious flowers are highly dignified as bright as in the World of Ultimate Bliss. When this Bodhisattva sitting position, then the state of loss protection fluctuate simultaneously. In mid-air from the lower world of the Buddha world Kim Quang until the top of the Buddha Guang Ming Wang, are immeasurable mote out clones of the Buddha of Infinite Life Sutra, Avalokitesvara clone and mahasthamaprapta. They were all gathered realms Pure water, the air thick closed, sitting on a lotus and magic French speakers to suffering of beings.

Quan Quan Kien so called mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva. This is mahasthamaprapta Form Body Shop General, is the eleventh French restaurant. The bar is so time will eradicate countless lives aeons term birth and death sins now, the fetus had no life anymore, and often travel to the realms of water purification Coliseum magic of the Buddhas. When this achievement visualize the Ordination shop called Avalokitesvara mahasthamaprapta. Such consistency is the main restaurant; if otherwise is wrong shop shop. "

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12. Pure Land Perception In Lotus
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Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"When you see things up, he should start his own mind reborn to the Western world of Bliss, sitting cross-legged on a lotus. Then visualize lotus blossom, lotus flower closes visualization. At the customary lotus blossom 500 color concept refers to your body. Visualizing the practitioner's eyes opened and saw the Buddha and Bodhisattva filled the emptiness. the waters, birds, trees and buddhas are the sound and said outstanding performance contract with the French Ministry of Economics 12. If after a time out will not forget to remember life over.

When he saw the then-called Knowledge Infinite Life Buddha Bliss World. This is Popular Perception, is France's twelfth restaurant.Then there will be countless incarnations of the Buddha Infinite Life Sutra, Avalokitesvara with mahasthamaprapta usually towards the practitioner. Such consistency is the main restaurant; if otherwise is wrong shop shop. "

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Figure 13. Perception of Three Small Statue St.
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Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"If someone even to rebirth in the Western mind, it should first contemplate a Buddha statue high above a lake six staff. As mentioned earlier, the body of the Buddha of Infinite Life is infinite, not of ordinary mind can force measuring impairment. However, due to the Tathagata volunteer duties should the other people who will be remembered visualize your achievements. Even just contemplate the statue of Buddha which is immeasurable merit alone that full bar full body of the Buddha. Buddha amitābha have psychic power as standard, a self-turns in ten countries around the plane. Or big embodiment, the boss over nothing. Or embodiment small, high staff a size six or eight staff. My current modeling is true golden needle. merchandise halo of golden Buddhas and lotus like mentioned above.

The body of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and mahasthamaprapta it everywhere all at the same as the beings themselves. Only forms on the top bar and then you know what you are Avalokitesvara, the public is mahasthamaprapta. This two support Bodhisattva Buddha amitābha universalism and teaching all beings.

This is correlated Magazine, is the thirteenth French restaurant.Such consistency is the main restaurant; if otherwise is wrong shop shop. "

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14. Three Brand Perception in Shanghai Sanh
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Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"Every student in western whoever will in one of the nine products. At the rooftop terrace of birth, if any living creature other countries wishing to be reborn on the plane and three times will reborn in mind the above. What are the three ?

1. devotion
2. depth information center
3. Center dedication vow

Those who met him three times would definitely mind being in the other realms. Then there are three classes of beings will attain rebirth. What are the three?

1. Compassion is not killed, the whole world happy enough.
2. Read chant the Mahayana sutras Local Level.
3. Cultivation concept continent (1), and vow a vow to dedicate born on the other realms.

If the full merit of which is from one day to seven days will immediately be reborn. By him brave and diligent practice coming up at rebirth in other realms, Germany amitābha Tathagata, Guanyin, mahasthamaprapta, countless merchandise Buddha, hundreds of thousands of monks, Thanh Van mass, multitude of gods, and palaces seven treasures out. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva holding vajra stations and mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva will come before him. Buddha amitābha exaggerated lighting luminous body together practitioners Bodhisattva monks welcoming arms. Avalokiteshvara with mahasthamaprapta and countless Bodhisattva praise, encouragement tons practitioner.

As he sees it, joy and gladness, and found himself on the radio myself vajra, then followed the Buddha. As long as the nail tray immediately reborn in the other country. At the other realms was born on the mainland see a full color and fully meet the general body of the Buddha, saw all the appearances integrity mighty Bodhisattva, luminous light and magic tree expresses French treasures. After listening, French Radio Being Rings instant enlightenment.Experiencing some flashed open and may serve the Buddhas in the ten directions and turn the world was ordained before the Buddhas.Upon returning to the attainment of the kingdom hundred thousand French boundless momentum-la-ni subjects. This is called The Superior Upper Sanh.

Individuals born in the upper middle is not necessarily being habitually recite sutras Local Level. But have fun and clever interpretation of the mind for most practitioners of such means does not work, do not believe deep and defame causal Mahayana. Then take the virtues of prayer dedication and the Pure Water birth. When people practice such virtues are about the public network, the Buddha Amitabha, Avalokitesvara, mahasthamaprapta infinite mass and relatives around, arms raised to the purple metallic gold stations before him and commended that:

'Hey sons! His French practice Mahayana and the First Sense willow. So now I come to lead you. '

There were 1,000 Buddhist turned to leading handset simultaneously. Meditators will find yourself sitting on gold metallic purple stations and hands praising the Buddhas. As long as a moment concept, born consecutive loss protection in ponds in the other realms. Kim stations golden yellow flowers purple as large and experienced a night they will bloom.

Then the practitioner body is yellow and blue. At the foot of the seven golden shower also. Buddha and Bodhisattva simultaneous optical zoom projection practitioner in body, bright eyes were opened. Do's practice in previous lives should hear sounds around them say the whole First Sense profound. Then the radio went quickly down the needle, palms bowed and praised Bhagavan Buddha. Spent seven days immediately attained retrogression where Supreme Awakened. Immediately astronauts can serve the Buddhas in the ten directions and the Buddha Gaya triangle-soot practice.Experiencing a life time will attain elementary French Radio Being Currencies Forbearance and was ordained. This is called The Superior Middle Sanh.

People born in the Upper birth to believe the causal and not defame Mahayana. Directed by Supreme single play center, and bring merit and dedication prayer was born in the Pure Water. Network at upcoming general practitioner, Buddha amitābha with Avalokitesvara, mahasthamaprapta the Bodhisattva monks, holding a gold lotus and Buddha turned out 500 welcome him. 500 turned launched once lift his arm and commended that:

'Hey sons! This pure his heart and mind Invisible God. We now come to guide him. '

When you see things, then, that will automatically find himself sitting on a golden lotus. Set is complete, closed flowers, followed by Bhagavan and immediately attained rebirth in pond loss protection.Experiencing a day and a night, the newly hatched shower and within seven days will see the Buddha. But relatives of the Buddha but found no apparent heart good generals. Must wait until 21 days after clearly see and hear the wonderful sounds were played French said. Then they traveled offerings ten schools of Buddhism and profound listening to the French before the Buddhas. Experiencing life will elect three sub Legislation Department at Hoan Hy Mon and office location. This is called The Superior Lower Sanh.

Above Upper Background Sanh called Perception is the fourteenth French restaurant. Such consistency is the main restaurant; if otherwise is wrong shop shop. "

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15. Three Brand Perception in the Middle Sanh
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Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"In the roof the birth, if any living being five precepts, Uposatha life, keep the commandments of religious life, not create turbulent years of the crime and not do bad things. Then bring him back friendly apartments direction and prayer born in the Pure World in the west. at close to the public network, Buddha amitābha same lettered monks surrounded by relatives, reporters golden light to it and took the body said: suffering no, impermanence, selflessness, praise renunciation, far from the suffering. Practitioners see done, great joy your mind. Then find yourself sitting on the station himself lotus, knees kneeling, hands pay homage to Buddha and had barely raised his head, it was reborn to the Pure World. lotus instant swells. of when flowers bloom, the practitioner heard the sound of praise France Four and immediately attained the Dao Arhat, full Sanming, Green Pine, and Bat Liberation. This is called the Middle blasphemy Sanh.

In the middle the birth, if any living being Uposatha long life over a day and a night, Sarah di sila life about a day and a night or as long as a day Ordination presented a majestic night and no defects. Then take the ethics of the religious orders that dedicate incense and pray about water birth Bliss. At yogi like going public network, they will see the Buddha amitābha with relatives of golden corona discharge, holding lotus comes first loss protection practitioner. Then, one will hear a voice on the air commended that:

'Hey good son! Virtue like him, so depending upon the teachings of the Buddha's triangle should I come to lead you. '

At that time, practitioners find themselves sitting on a lotus flower, lotus and immediately closed the pond rebirth of World Treasures in Western Bliss. Through seven days of the new lotus bloom. When the flowers bloom, one open eyes, hands and praised the Exalted.After listening to the French, being joyful heart and attained Tu-momentum-complete. Half life will undergo a Arhat. This product is called Central Middle Sanh.

At the lower the birth, if good men and women to death personally tastes good parent support, how benevolent treatment. Now people are going to the public network which meets the wise Soul and wide because they say the wellbeing of the country where Buddha realms amitābha vows together 48 French Tibetan monks. When listening to him then, suddenly public network instant. In such moments passed before the demand for coated doctoral position telescoping arm, immediately reborn in the Pure World to the west. Through seven days later will meet Avalokiteshvara and mahasthamaprapta. After listening to the French, being joyful heart and attained Tu-momentum-complete. Elementary will undergo a life of Arhat. This product is called the House Middle Sanh.

Above-called Middle Boi Sanh Perception is the fifteenth French restaurant. Such consistency is the main restaurant; if otherwise is wrong shop shop. "

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Three Brand Perception 16. Lower Birth
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Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"In the upper being lowered, if any living being to create bad karma, but not defamation The College Classics but it creates the bad sleeper, please do not know shame. When going to the public network which meets the wise knowledge and because they say the name Kinh Mahayana in 12 Nikaya. by hearing the name Beijing should eradicate extreme importance karma 1,000 lives. wise to teach hands-proclaimed South-size concept amitābha Buddha. because recite the name of Buddha claiming to eradicate 50 crimes now being Prince lifetime memories. At that time, the other Buddha merchandise immediately sent Buddha Avalokitesvara chemistry, chemical mahasthamaprapta came before him and commended that:

'Hey good son! He proclaimed by the Buddha should recite eradicate crimes. To lead us to him. '

Say that finish, he should immediately see the aura of the Buddha turned his pervades net loss. When you see it, that instant joy and corporate networks, sitting on a lotus security, followed by Buddhist cultural treasures and living in the pond. 49 undergoing nine days, newly hatched shower. , While the flowers bloom, the Great Compassion Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and Bodhisattva mahasthamaprapta clarity and magnification before he preached 12 Nikaya profound. When closed, the credit hear the Invisible God and the mind. Life will go through ten full profile Legislation Department and was on Private Land Gate. This is called the House of blasphemy Sanh. "

Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"In the medium being lowered, if any living being canceled violation Five, Eight Realms, or Ordination world. Those who stole this stupid stuff for monks, theft of items Currencies Increase, impure preached , please do not use the knife and bad karma to dignified self. Because evil deeds cause offense to people like that were supposed to fall into hell, and when going to the public network, the flames of hell also drag to. But thanks to the wise Soul met with great compassion, he said merit Cross of the Buddhist virtue force A-di-da, wide praise and very prestigious aura of the Buddha the other gods, as well as praise gender, intellectual property, liberated, liberating knowledge. When he heard about the birth and death of the 80 industrial guilty memories of their life will be eradicated. the fire of hell will be burned into the cool breeze blowing the natural flowers. On the flowers are chemicals and chemical Buddhist Bodhisattva to lead to that person.

As long as an idea, they immediately attained instant reborn in a lotus pond in loss protection. Spent six lives, the new lotus bloom.Avalokiteshvara and mahasthamaprapta will use Sanskrit sound to comfort each other and the theory of profound Mahayana sutras.After listening to France finished, they immediately found interest Invisible God. This product is called the House Middle Sanh. "

Buddha told him A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy:

"In demeaning birth to, if any of these beings do not now healthy, is created in sin naughty, do ten evil, and do the whole job immoral. Do bad deeds should cause people stupid like that, supposed to fall into evil paths and through many of life to suffer endlessly. But this stupid ones at coming public network, thanks to the wise meet food needs comforting, French and teaching magic theory nianfo . However, because the other person should not be hard to keep images of Buddha. Then good is the security level:

'If he can not recite the Buddha often should the other time of the Buddha proclaimed title of Infinite Life. Keep in mind even profess South-tissue amitābha Buddhist chanting and making each not broken and full tenth anniversary like that. '

Therefore confess my commission in every Buddhist should eliminate 80 anniversary memories of birth and death life crime now.At the public network, that person sees the same yellow lotus appeared before the sun. As long as an anniversary moment, they immediately attained rebirth in the Pure World. They stayed in the shower and when complacency eons, 12 newly hatched shower.Then, Avalokiteshvara and mahasthamaprapta will use sound and great compassion for that person to tell the truth broad French Minister of Justice and eradicate crime obstacles. After listening to the French, they being immediately discovered joy and Bodhicitta.This is called Ha Ha Pham Sanh.

Above Ha Boi Sanh called Perception is the sixteenth French restaurant. "

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Benefits Play France
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At that time the Blessed One had said that done, then the queen died and micro-threads-500 ladies to hear his teachings, they immediately see the minister's long World Wide Bliss and saw the body of the other Buddha II Bodhisattva, your mind is happy and praised the unprecedented. However enlightened Empress xit and Radio Being French prime Rings. And ladies and Development Center 500 Supreme Awakened and vow to be born in the realm of other countries. Blessed Life will sign them after birth and rebirth of the other countries will attain the Buddhas of the Three-black Money Show. Meanwhile, countless gods Religion also played Supreme mind.

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At that time, Mr. Ananda arose from his seat and white Buddha that:

"White Exalted! Kinh What is this called, and this weakness should France maintain life like?"

Buddha told him A-Nan:

"Doing this is called the National High Bar Bliss, Infinite Life Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva and also called karma Sanh Net Cash Buddhas. He should maintain life and not to waste forget. 'All who practice this black triangle-lifetime they will see the Buddha Infinite life and two University medical attention. If there's good men and women do charity only heard the name of Buddha and Bodhisattva, the binary position also countless lifetimes eradicate crime samsara now. Ha case is often remembered concept. If anyone should know who recite the Buddha this time is the white lotus in every person. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and mahasthamaprapta Beef Slapping is win their friendship. He will sit in Gaya and born in the house of the Buddhas. "

Buddha told him A-Nan:

"He just kept clever words. Those words maintain life, ie life over my commission Buddha Infinite Life."

At Buddha say he is finished, he came to the same Section-devout-venture Illustration A-Nan and queen Vi-threads-hy to hear his teachings, they are very excited.

At that time Bhagavan walk in vain and returned Vulture Mountains.Meanwhile, A-Nan him because the whole mass which declared the incident over. Then countless gods, dragons, stomach-rubbing, to hear the words of the Buddha preached, they are happy modern consciousness, worship the Buddha and report back.


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