Ancient land Samana Hang pagoda Chu Hoang Van The recount.
General Interest List Recommended (divided into two parts)
1. The meaning: the meaning of this prayer.
2. Translating the Name: who translated the letter Tau.
General Interest List Recommended (divided into two parts)
1. The meaning: the meaning of this prayer.
2. Translating the Name: who translated the letter Tau.
As told in advance that the eight subjects presented, are known in a general meaning of it. Now to explain the style, to say the total problem before, making the wooden margin context; should plan like this total list threads.
BUSINESS NOTES Amitabha Buddha
Number: Recommended means there are four: 1. Buddhist theory capacity; 2. The contemporary theory; 3. Buddha struck; 4. Summary named one theory.
Sakyamuni Buddha in this world say this prayer after retribution, the district reported dignified, credit, may be reborn in Amitabha water in the other realms. Higher general standard, in turn divided into the following as:
Stars: "General" are: First full-text stated strategy, to give context smoothly, meaning full, after sequentially per each individual award. Headline just say the name Buddha, following which the medical report said, newspapers etc .. What is the district? In economic Quan says: "In the Buddha is
enough, so the Buddha is said to take over everything."
No: Turn split prize: The word "Buddha" is a Sanskrit saying enough follow: Buddha (enlightened bothered), Train service is enlightened because all three mean Enlightenment; Back translation: False position. Because there is nowhere that he did not know. The word Buddha is a brand of the ten brands (from the Tathagata, Arhat etc .. until Exalted). The Venue in business said: "The word Buddha means there are ten." Team Tri Assuming Tiantai said: "The word Buddha means there are six"; Flower Adornment Sutra also says, "Buddha ten bodies have enough." So said the Buddha is Heaven on rows sky; Sacred Scripture in the upset. Qualities in particular where a Buddhist word that is just right the Master Shakyamuni so.
Stars: Sanskrit: meaning pure. For word meaning Tau said Pham's office has enough substance.
The word "specifically" was Ordination. Saying enough according Sanskrit (Brahma) said Buddha e
à (Buddha). Now do not say the word "Da" is less text. If translated to the voice of China, we read that bothered Enlightenment, because for beings about which said he was Giac.Song Sense has three meanings: 1. Voluntarily other than ordinary. 2. Giac other neighbor with second redundant. 3. Sensory other chronic with Bodhisattva.
Three full sense should tell him that myself, Tha, Giac complacent.
Back ly false mind is Self-discipline; glass ceiling is excellent sense of Forgiveness; ly two: false mind, sharp hearing, also called Man Giac triangle means. Said to be worth; Ie that the Enlightenment position.
The phrase "no place that he did not know" is the argument Tri High said: "He knows all beings and not some beings, permanence and impermanence (1), because his mind that he did not place know, so hailed by him as his "the strains Dac Nhut location", ie that the Enlightenment complacent ....
verse "Ten brand" is
Buddha all virtue and for all, can not say for all. Now just say the word strategy brand Tathagata Buddha plus up to ten brands, that Buddhism is a brand of the ten brands. Because obtain ten, this is where the masters of the world and the earth should be called Bhagavan.
Saying Buddha ten means: Enough two basic position position (2) and after special care (3), paragraph two afflictions distention distention (4) and tri obstacles basis (5). Giac Truth (6) and continuous substrate (7) , to two benefits: self-interest and the benefit of others. and two examples: Joinery and United open sense, meaning half as ten.
the word "Buddha" has six meanings: first, the reason is Buddha (say all existing beings Buddha nature), eventually after an end is Buddha (say Dieu Giac fruition). the original is the omniscient, the middle leg was full anesthesia. Sensory Sensory without loss, after new injury ended somewhere completely without feeling. Buddha said this word right here is just salvage omniscient Buddha so (8).
Buddhism had ten relatives are: First Enlightenment Buddha to Buddha tenth Depending limp, clearly enough in the Ly world. Ten Buddha body here, only in the Flower Adornment Sutra has said (9).
But higher sum weak spot, though some relatives out that neither Man Giac, so said ten bodies are fulfilled, new achievements throne Enlightenment, Buddha called Consummation.
"Heaven on the sky line" is: God has four realms: 1. Heaven earth: The king of the country. 2. God being God: The God of the three realms: Gender Education, Lust, and Formless world. 3. Pure Heaven God: The holy Four results: Pratyekabuddhas. 4. God means God: The Holy Cross Head Bodhisattva.
With four Sun said above, are transcendental Buddha than the Buddha should say God is Heaven on rows.
"Sacred Scripture in the restaurant" are: Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddha and Bodhisattvas, but have not yet attained the Holy more. Buddha is the only extreme results should say: Buddha and Sacred Scripture in the restaurant.
Ie Sakyamuni is: With past life, life in the future, please raise Buddha spent? Ie Sakyamuni is sitting place should just confess ashrams him alone in a void because the two Buddhas, example: Imperial dynasty in ancient times, claiming to have a national name called, also with the authorities in these times, just confess right call is
a venerable one, also by reason of a country does not have two kings, or the two sovereign.
Thus it is enough to understand: Every Buddhist place says a word or just right for Prince Siddhartha Gautama attained the Buddha Buddha's fourth incarnation Hien (present life) is so.
Number: Signature (Theory) is
beautiful, beautiful happy inside, because four states eloquence always took from 12 to four items of business are fading that theory at all.
Stars: "Feel beautiful inside" is? The birth of the Buddha's vow to preach glad beautiful body inside. As in the Larger Sutra says: "Blessed want this economic theory, before said, the apartment was flushed, his face unusually playful". This measures how much more shall list the Buddhist concept that theory here was that body, as long as the pleasure to know.
Four measures eloquence is: That means, the French measures, measures and kneading theory From eloquence. Both 4-course do not hesitate to say that theory.
Ministry Trung Luan said: "The Buddha y two Base (Chon custom insole and insole) to as being preached". Yes location: Word (word) do not be afraid, because the world take place to talk about the difference, have fun location theory (like say) do not be afraid to take the position as the easiest means to talk about or clever.
In this not say two things: That the French measures and measures, is due to speak later includes two measures are both previous measures. By From measure theory and kneading action measures have included photography and French That means it.
Twelve sets of (lay) etc .. is legal struck.
The word "All Men" in both Chinese and English half is variable Candidates discounts. Used four subjects: World; Nhon Area; For Tri; and First Circuit means doing four things that benefit beings: Rejoicing, being friendly, destroy evil and on the Way.
Twelve sets with all the legal business, as the case which has immeasurable media theory. But nor external summary: world, four theories All Men always make four things unto joy ... benefits only. See given legal body, other documents and a wide variety, not every strategy said.
Number: Buddha's theory: Since midyear speaker own choices.
Stars: Five people are Buddhist (1), Bodhisattva (2), Heaven (3), Korea (4), of multiplication (5). Here are five economic theory is. But clearly this is the holy sutra up words, words uttered by his own theory, such a contract with the Bodhisattva also in lovingkindness amendments. Heaven kind of flesh, mixed with pagan Korea, goods not damage human kindness.
Say what you like projection of natural death row did not contract with the prime minister and said that promote the king of a small country.
Number: Amitabha Buddha is clearly stated in the other realms. Sanskrit "A" translation "Forever". Sanskrit Amitabha translation "of". That is, his merit can not ultimate. So saying, the Infinite. As it says: "Life network immeasurable, innumerable luminous" is of immeasurable, just say a few things, including that of the other merit.
Stars: Countless has two meanings:
1. East many without number.
2. Vast unlimited amount.
Has two meanings:
A. Countless numbers is one of 10 large (Flower Adornment Sutra enough).
Countless B. is back infinitum.
Just say a few being: With infinite life span and not only clarity only. As clearly in the following documents to take.
No: The word business. Sanskrit saying Sutra (Tu Da La), Train Services: "scriptures", and Special has two meanings. The word has two meanings Khe. The word has several meanings Beijing. Beijing has more of that, but not outside the four means: Shop, Photography, Normal and France.
Stars: Communication, Special is: The Buddha's teachings are called common theory is: Tu Da La, which is meant Update. If you split the time: Beijing is Tu Da La, Law is Pi Nai, Luan is Abhidharma; Special it is meant.
The word "carambola", there are two means: 1. Deed: Words matter of morality. 2. Khe base: Church with radical measures. Now just say the word quit digit Kinh Khe text is less so.
The word "Business" has more meaning: the United States, the word complex population center has five senses: 1. Export of birth; 2. Show; 3. Careers; 4. He wears; 5. Kiết man.
Luan said the Buddha Land has 2 meanings: 1. Shop bracelets; 2.Nhiep maintenance.
Phuong here (Tau) has four meanings: 1. Normal; 2. France; 3. Landscape; 4. Typically, therefore speak with many meanings.
The sentence "No other than the four that" are only four words Quan, Photography, Normal and France. Because of the letter, translated Western Regions party line (thread). Quan Tri online means. Consistent string of floss, the teachings struck. Tri is: REC keep from being taught fall. Two full years that include that: Export of birth, etc .. Show above. But this local classic (vessels) also called as Beijing. The service is meant Beijing. Song of China do not you just get the letter font should route to add text Kinh Khe. Often: Then for is
correct. The word "Normal" is: Until now constant. French letters: Nearly away from copper sheet. The word "Normal" is: Castle which still adhered to, that the general said, namely Landscape (path).
The term "France" means: French rule means appointed right feet, that cry is Sweden (molds). It has two meanings: Normal and France include enough of all four other means (Often, France, Landscape, Sweden). So the other realms (India) said shop and photography as well as this method (Tau) and France Often called; General agreement and he said: "In four words, were enough so that Beijing".
Number: Leave the word "trade" also has two meanings and Special. An "Sutra" called Communication (General). And in the words "Amitabha Buddha Speaks" called Biet (separately). Chi as Education, Administration and Physics, and Special as well. Three words here (Education, Action, Physics) ie coordination with the three virtues (France itself, Prajna, Deliverance) ordination dung. As Tiantai He said: "Just heard the name of economic headlines, has immeasurable merit." By coordinating with the big three, the Buddha was able to modern, contemporary Infinite Life minister, Boundless Light is used as in the Catholic university said.
Stars: Education, Administration, Li is the original place that established by the Church; where the Church to practice medicine, by training that clearly is Li. The business will have all three: Education, Action, Physics, so-called "information" (General). By specializing in this business just two words: "the Buddhist theory of" the Church. Four words "mortgage over the title" the Executive. Three words: "Amitabha" is the reason. According to this other than to call on this experience as "Special" (separately).
Coordinate with the three virtues. 1. The reason that is France itself; 2. Church that is Prajna; 3. Acts ie Deliverance.
Again informed the Executive and Professor Li, the French body that is Prajna and Deliverance, until releases both Justice and Education, or under the Justice and Administration traffic such. Ie say a third; than on should know.
Can, General and Applied: Cardholder's Master, says Buddha means is enough to know, so get the word "Buddha" as possible.
General letters are available in all the General Body. Be endless, General also endless, so get three words "Infinite Life" as the Gen.
The word is in Fitness Tools Tools arises. The seal can also slide projector to go there, so take the three words "Boundless Light" abuse, or also against such views or Ranger on.
Profile: The scheduling of threads, many took all three dishes Human, France and Du. Or use a business, or have experience with both. Using one's own sutra (people). And he had two, because people experience the results of the two realms, the damage to the three: Human, France and Du are common solution.
Why: One of the two is like Hoa Nghiem Buddhist Dai Phuong Quang complete all three: Human, France and Du. Buddhist Maha Media's newspapers and French En there, not enough. Lotus Sutra with France, for example, without staff. He Bodhisattva's Lac, Du without France. Maha Prajna France without staff, Du. Du Brahma Net Sutra there without Human and France. Now there's just this business without France and Du. The other of the following comparison, will clear.
Who attained in two worlds at HR Bodhisattva, Tathagata in fruit, so-called Buddha's results. Now Shakyamuni Buddha in this way (Saha) Amitabha introduced in other countries (Bliss).
"Dung informed," said a news because three. As of this Amida in one's own though. But it said France's new, there's a new set Du. Although that word natural, but that member, General Council and of course for such transparency.
Number: Originally sutra called "pulse inconceivable Public Germany World Buddhas Nhut Ho Niem Department". Now, Mr. La Cross nails has two meanings: 1. Buddha meant endless photographic problem. 2. Belgium ridicule Buddha head office multiplication problem.
Stars: "Photography endless" is like the previous writer said the Buddha is
enough, when all are from Buddhist merit that out, because Buddha is inconceivable. Amida is the great German re pink identity, all beings in the ten directions are my third favorite. On the Buddhas are praised, as to peta animal refuge also offers buff; is any merit incredible.
SO: What is the number of stars? Word to interpret economic commentaries; Say how to solve the meaning of the word commentaries for easy understanding.
Stars: "No.": Then said has two meanings: Private presentation and remember. Said today it is clear that business presentation that hidden in the background, remember that such mistakes and forget. "Why," said former two: Grabbing and chroniclers. Grabbing the presentation own essential place. Ie copies of memorandum to clear. The word "sign" is expecting. In every sense of confusing, thanks informed commentaries words. Textures cryptic words, thanks to the words spoken so plainly expect everyone to understand that business!
Profile: Match nature of the Enlightenment is that the word "Buddha". Nature immeasurable sense is the sense of "Amitabha". Self-Deity, and they sense is that two people experience the results of the two realms. Can nature inspired sense is that economic theory throughout, then the following is also valid.
Stars: Worthy News the reason is due to instant justice, place calls that can consolidate all species, ie Nhut mind, y press time, neither the district where nature newspaper? Back of the news that a medical destination. As of Pure List said: "Depending on period net interest, net of principle Buddha". Now this sutra says: "Circuit negative mental disorder" that nature Amitabha, Pure idealism, is concrete in this sutra, a word association on the grounds, so-called value management.
The word enlightenment is that total. In the letter to Great Enlightenment endless wandering is known Bon mean, there are two meanings. According to the following conclusion before speaking: Time Amitabha Buddha is antique, Sakyamuni Buddha is new, then there is an obligation Buddha, Buddha is a contest; Instant availability primordial nature is Buddha "Bon ', this was ignorant mind clearing or certified as' competition'. Comment on multiplication result and said: Time buddha (Gautama) teach newly found rebirth Amitabha, the
other is an obligation here, that is the essence of Buddhism is available Bon Hotel. Medicine where Bon new location where to find Buddha, to become Buddha is Bon, Thi Lan Thong, usually feeling no soot, lighting up the sky , dazzling soi land, throughout this past, often speaking of the conference hundreds of thousands like memory, so.
Q. Word commentaries of this star is promoting merit over the name, around the globe recommend everyone born on the other realms, so star every criteria required of every nature, so that the method becomes the pole maintenance list rules (too high), the Pure is the mind clear, all give this galaxy to the other vows to do?
a: This is the boss all two units, breaking both or as in all previous self is clear. by so padded base where the Minister accept that to be
enough. See this experience makes them know 'the' there is 'reasonable', do not accept the reasons that give . the nature of that benefit grounds approved prefer not, watch this makes their business was in the reasons, do not give up just to find justice.
Doing this again because loan capital letters the title of Buddha's two other to specify his own mind, agrees with the Clerk of the cross bar. Time who want to realize your own mind, the Buddhist concept needs to be reborn.
Again, the bodhisattva also close to the Buddha as in previous scientific Run Church said. So when people came to understand his mind, also must recite the Buddha birth, there must be comfortable spending that?
Again, of Duy Ma said: "Although the water realm of the Buddhas know with beings are not, because the artificial multiplication coast, but often initiates the Pure and teachings of beings" so afraid that his heart that his concern with such realize that. If your mind and realize that I had shown the French do not have a self-interest out. Then the mind is the scene ie, that scene is about, reborn in the Pure Land, launched Amida, was not afraid to spend with idealism, but also not to do with nature!
Asked: The ancients said Flower Adornment Sutra is the supreme teacher of extreme excess, can practice the virtues allowed to clear the bar, the method did not say; The College also coming down from the business (in Theravada) also make enforcement practitioners do?
Stock faith replied: The sense of willow (Mahayana) the meaning of any willow (Theravada) are also in another sense both because only a mind only.
Based on this, the offended member of muscle for teachers, business professor that such member; the level of interest received when experiencing what it is not true justice? One of the two is like Hoa Nghiem Buddhist Dai Phuong Quang complete all three: Human, France and Du. Buddhist Maha Media's newspapers and French En there, not enough. Lotus Sutra with France, for example, without staff. He Bodhisattva's Lac, Du without France. Maha Prajna France without staff, Du. Du Brahma Net Sutra there without Human and France. Now there's just this business without France and Du. The other of the following comparison, will clear. Who attained in two worlds at HR Bodhisattva, Tathagata in fruit, so-called Buddha's results. Now Shakyamuni Buddha in this way (Saha) Amitabha introduced in other countries (Bliss). "Dung informed," said a news because three. As of this Amida in one's own though. But it said France's new, there's a new set Du. Although that word natural, but that member, General Council and of course for such transparency. Number: Originally sutra called "pulse inconceivable Public Germany World Buddhas Nhut Ho Niem Department". Now, Mr. La Cross nails has two meanings: 1. Buddha meant endless photographic problem. 2. Belgium ridicule Buddha head office multiplication problem. Stars: "Photography endless" is like the previous writer said the Buddha is enough, when all are from Buddhist merit that out, because Buddha is inconceivable. Amida is the great German re pink identity, all beings in the ten directions are my third favorite. On the Buddhas are praised, as to peta animal refuge also offers buff; is any merit incredible. SO: What is the number of stars? Word to interpret economic commentaries; Say how to solve the meaning of the word commentaries for easy understanding. Stars: "No.": Then said has two meanings: Private presentation and remember. Said today it is clear that business presentation that hidden in the background, remember that such mistakes and forget. "Why," said former two: Grabbing and chroniclers. Grabbing the presentation own essential place. Ie copies of memorandum to clear. The word "sign" is expecting. In every sense of confusing, thanks informed commentaries words. Textures cryptic words, thanks to the words spoken so plainly expect everyone to understand that business! Profile: Match nature of the Enlightenment is that the word "Buddha". Nature immeasurable sense is the sense of "Amitabha". Self-Deity, and they sense is that two people experience the results of the two realms. Can nature inspired sense is that economic theory throughout, then the following is also valid. Stars: Worthy News the reason is due to instant justice, place calls that can consolidate all species, ie Nhut mind, y press time, neither the district where nature newspaper? Back of the news that a medical destination. As of Pure List said: "Depending on period net interest, net of principle Buddha". Now this sutra says: "Circuit negative mental disorder" that nature Amitabha, Pure idealism, is concrete in this sutra, a word association on the grounds, so-called value management. The word enlightenment is that total. In the letter to Great Enlightenment endless wandering is known Bon mean, there are two meanings. According to the following conclusion before speaking: Time Amitabha Buddha is antique, Sakyamuni Buddha is new, then there is an obligation Buddha, Buddha is a contest; Instant availability primordial nature is Buddha "Bon ', this was ignorant mind clearing or certified as' competition'. Comment on multiplication result and said: Time buddha (Gautama) teach newly found rebirth Amitabha, the other is an obligation here, that is the essence of Buddhism is available Bon Hotel. Medicine where Bon new location where to find Buddha, to become Buddha is Bon, Thi Lan Thong, usually feeling no soot, lighting up the sky , dazzling soi land, throughout this past, often speaking of the conference hundreds of thousands like memory, so. Q. Word commentaries of this star is promoting merit over the name, around the globe recommend everyone born on the other realms, so star every criteria required of every nature, so that the method becomes the pole maintenance list rules (too high), the Pure is the mind clear, all give this galaxy to the other vows to do? a: This is the boss all two units, breaking both or as in all previous self is clear. by so padded base where the Minister accept that to be enough. See this experience makes them know 'the' there is 'reasonable', do not accept the reasons that give . the nature of that benefit grounds approved prefer not, watch this makes their business was in the reasons, do not give up just to find justice. Doing this again because loan capital letters the title of Buddha's two other to specify his own mind, agrees with the Clerk of the cross bar. Time who want to realize your own mind, the Buddhist concept needs to be reborn. Again, the bodhisattva also close to the Buddha as in previous scientific Run Church said. So when people came to understand his mind, also must recite the Buddha birth, there must be comfortable spending that? Again, of Duy Ma said: "Although the water realm of the Buddhas know with beings are not, because the artificial multiplication coast, but often initiates the Pure and teachings of beings" so afraid that his heart that his concern with such realize that. If your mind and realize that I had shown the French do not have a self-interest out. Then the mind is the scene ie, that scene is about, reborn in the Pure Land, launched Amida, was not afraid to spend with idealism, but also not to do with nature! Asked: The ancients said Flower Adornment Sutra is the supreme teacher of extreme excess, can practice the virtues allowed to clear the bar, the method did not say; The College also coming down from the business (in Theravada) also make enforcement practitioners do? Stock faith replied: The sense of willow (Mahayana) the meaning of any willow (Theravada) are also in another sense both because only a mind only. Based on this, the offended member of muscle for teachers, business professor that such member; the level of interest received when experiencing what it is not true justice? One of the two is like Hoa Nghiem Buddhist Dai Phuong Quang complete all three: Human, France and Du. Buddhist Maha Media's newspapers and French En there, not enough. Lotus Sutra with France, for example, without staff. He Bodhisattva's Lac, Du without France. Maha Prajna France without staff, Du. Du Brahma Net Sutra there without Human and France. Now there's just this business without France and Du. The other of the following comparison, will clear. Who attained in two worlds at HR Bodhisattva, Tathagata in fruit, so-called Buddha's results. Now Shakyamuni Buddha in this way (Saha) Amitabha introduced in other countries (Bliss). "Dung informed," said a news because three. As of this Amida in one's own though. But it said France's new, there's a new set Du. Although that word natural, but that member, General Council and of course for such transparency. Number: Originally sutra called "pulse inconceivable Public Germany World Buddhas Nhut Ho Niem Department". Now, Mr. La Cross nails has two meanings: 1. Buddha meant endless photographic problem. 2. Belgium ridicule Buddha head office multiplication problem. Stars: "Photography endless" is like the previous writer said the Buddha is enough, when all are from Buddhist merit that out, because Buddha is inconceivable. Amida is the great German re pink identity, all beings in the ten directions are my third favorite. On the Buddhas are praised, as to peta animal refuge also offers buff; is any merit incredible. SO: What is the number of stars? Word to interpret economic commentaries; Say how to solve the meaning of the word commentaries for easy understanding. Stars: "No.": Then said has two meanings: Private presentation and remember. Said today it is clear that business presentation that hidden in the background, remember that such mistakes and forget. "Why," said former two: Grabbing and chroniclers. Grabbing the presentation own essential place. Ie copies of memorandum to clear. The word "sign" is expecting. In every sense of confusing, thanks informed commentaries words. Textures cryptic words, thanks to the words spoken so plainly expect everyone to understand that business! Profile: Match nature of the Enlightenment is that the word "Buddha". Nature immeasurable sense is the sense of "Amitabha". Self-Deity, and they sense is that two people experience the results of the two realms. Can nature inspired sense is that economic theory throughout, then the following is also valid. Stars: Worthy News the reason is due to instant justice, place calls that can consolidate all species, ie Nhut mind, y press time, neither the district where nature newspaper? Back of the news that a medical destination. As of Pure List said: "Depending on period net interest, net of principle Buddha". Now this sutra says: "Circuit negative mental disorder" that nature Amitabha, Pure idealism, is concrete in this sutra, a word association on the grounds, so-called value management. The word enlightenment is that total. In the letter to Great Enlightenment endless wandering is known Bon mean, there are two meanings. According to the following conclusion before speaking: Time Amitabha Buddha is antique, Sakyamuni Buddha is new, then there is an obligation Buddha, Buddha is a contest; Instant availability primordial nature is Buddha "Bon ', this was ignorant mind clearing or certified as' competition'. Comment on multiplication result and said: Time buddha (Gautama) teach newly found rebirth Amitabha, the other is an obligation here, that is the essence of Buddhism is available Bon Hotel. Medicine where Bon new location where to find Buddha, to become Buddha is Bon, Thi Lan Thong, usually feeling no soot, lighting up the sky , dazzling soi land, throughout this past, often speaking of the conference hundreds of thousands like memory, so. Q. Word commentaries of this star is promoting merit over the name, around the globe recommend everyone born on the other realms, so star every criteria required of every nature, so that the method becomes the pole maintenance list rules (too high), the Pure is the mind clear, all give this galaxy to the other vows to do? a: This is the boss all two units, breaking both or as in all previous self is clear. by so padded base where the Minister accept that to be enough. See this experience makes them know 'the' there is 'reasonable', do not accept the reasons that give . the nature of that benefit grounds approved prefer not, watch this makes their business was in the reasons, do not give up just to find justice. Doing this again because loan capital letters the title of Buddha's two other to specify his own mind, agrees with the Clerk of the cross bar. Time who want to realize your own mind, the Buddhist concept needs to be reborn. Again, the bodhisattva also close to the Buddha as in previous scientific Run Church said. So when people came to understand his mind, also must recite the Buddha birth, there must be comfortable spending that? Again, of Duy Ma said: "Although the water realm of the Buddhas know with beings are not, because the artificial multiplication coast, but often initiates the Pure and teachings of beings" so afraid that his heart that his concern with such realize that. If your mind and realize that I had shown the French do not have a self-interest out. Then the mind is the scene ie, that scene is about, reborn in the Pure Land, launched Amida, was not afraid to spend with idealism, but also not to do with nature! Asked: The ancients said Flower Adornment Sutra is the supreme teacher of extreme excess, can practice the virtues allowed to clear the bar, the method did not say; The College also coming down from the business (in Theravada) also make enforcement practitioners do? Stock faith replied: The sense of willow (Mahayana) the meaning of any willow (Theravada) are also in another sense both because only a mind only. Based on this, the offended member of muscle for teachers, business professor that such member; the level of interest received when experiencing what it is not true justice?END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/12/2016.
BUSINESS NOTES Amitabha Buddha
Number: Recommended means there are four: 1. Buddhist theory capacity; 2. The contemporary theory; 3. Buddha struck; 4. Summary named one theory.
Stars: "General" are: First full-text stated strategy, to give context smoothly, meaning full, after sequentially per each individual award. Headline just say the name Buddha, following which the medical report said, newspapers etc .. What is the district? In economic Quan says: "In the Buddha is
No: Turn split prize: The word "Buddha" is a Sanskrit saying enough follow: Buddha (enlightened bothered), Train service is enlightened because all three mean Enlightenment; Back translation: False position. Because there is nowhere that he did not know. The word Buddha is a brand of the ten brands (from the Tathagata, Arhat etc .. until Exalted). The Venue in business said: "The word Buddha means there are ten." Team Tri Assuming Tiantai said: "The word Buddha means there are six"; Flower Adornment Sutra also says, "Buddha ten bodies have enough." So said the Buddha is Heaven on rows sky; Sacred Scripture in the upset. Qualities in particular where a Buddhist word that is just right the Master Shakyamuni so.
Stars: Sanskrit: meaning pure. For word meaning Tau said Pham's office has enough substance.
The word "specifically" was Ordination. Saying enough according Sanskrit (Brahma) said Buddha e
Three full sense should tell him that myself, Tha, Giac complacent.
Back ly false mind is Self-discipline; glass ceiling is excellent sense of Forgiveness; ly two: false mind, sharp hearing, also called Man Giac triangle means. Said to be worth; Ie that the Enlightenment position.
The phrase "no place that he did not know" is the argument Tri High said: "He knows all beings and not some beings, permanence and impermanence (1), because his mind that he did not place know, so hailed by him as his "the strains Dac Nhut location", ie that the Enlightenment complacent ....
verse "Ten brand" is
Saying Buddha ten means: Enough two basic position position (2) and after special care (3), paragraph two afflictions distention distention (4) and tri obstacles basis (5). Giac Truth (6) and continuous substrate (7) , to two benefits: self-interest and the benefit of others. and two examples: Joinery and United open sense, meaning half as ten.
the word "Buddha" has six meanings: first, the reason is Buddha (say all existing beings Buddha nature), eventually after an end is Buddha (say Dieu Giac fruition). the original is the omniscient, the middle leg was full anesthesia. Sensory Sensory without loss, after new injury ended somewhere completely without feeling. Buddha said this word right here is just salvage omniscient Buddha so (8).
Buddhism had ten relatives are: First Enlightenment Buddha to Buddha tenth Depending limp, clearly enough in the Ly world. Ten Buddha body here, only in the Flower Adornment Sutra has said (9).
But higher sum weak spot, though some relatives out that neither Man Giac, so said ten bodies are fulfilled, new achievements throne Enlightenment, Buddha called Consummation.
"Heaven on the sky line" is: God has four realms: 1. Heaven earth: The king of the country. 2. God being God: The God of the three realms: Gender Education, Lust, and Formless world. 3. Pure Heaven God: The holy Four results: Pratyekabuddhas. 4. God means God: The Holy Cross Head Bodhisattva.
With four Sun said above, are transcendental Buddha than the Buddha should say God is Heaven on rows.
"Sacred Scripture in the restaurant" are: Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddha and Bodhisattvas, but have not yet attained the Holy more. Buddha is the only extreme results should say: Buddha and Sacred Scripture in the restaurant.
Ie Sakyamuni is: With past life, life in the future, please raise Buddha spent? Ie Sakyamuni is sitting place should just confess ashrams him alone in a void because the two Buddhas, example: Imperial dynasty in ancient times, claiming to have a national name called, also with the authorities in these times, just confess right call is
Thus it is enough to understand: Every Buddhist place says a word or just right for Prince Siddhartha Gautama attained the Buddha Buddha's fourth incarnation Hien (present life) is so.
Number: Signature (Theory) is
Stars: "Feel beautiful inside" is? The birth of the Buddha's vow to preach glad beautiful body inside. As in the Larger Sutra says: "Blessed want this economic theory, before said, the apartment was flushed, his face unusually playful". This measures how much more shall list the Buddhist concept that theory here was that body, as long as the pleasure to know.
Four measures eloquence is: That means, the French measures, measures and kneading theory From eloquence. Both 4-course do not hesitate to say that theory.
Ministry Trung Luan said: "The Buddha y two Base (Chon custom insole and insole) to as being preached". Yes location: Word (word) do not be afraid, because the world take place to talk about the difference, have fun location theory (like say) do not be afraid to take the position as the easiest means to talk about or clever.
In this not say two things: That the French measures and measures, is due to speak later includes two measures are both previous measures. By From measure theory and kneading action measures have included photography and French That means it.
Twelve sets of (lay) etc .. is legal struck.
The word "All Men" in both Chinese and English half is variable Candidates discounts. Used four subjects: World; Nhon Area; For Tri; and First Circuit means doing four things that benefit beings: Rejoicing, being friendly, destroy evil and on the Way.
Twelve sets with all the legal business, as the case which has immeasurable media theory. But nor external summary: world, four theories All Men always make four things unto joy ... benefits only. See given legal body, other documents and a wide variety, not every strategy said.
Number: Buddha's theory: Since midyear speaker own choices.
Stars: Five people are Buddhist (1), Bodhisattva (2), Heaven (3), Korea (4), of multiplication (5). Here are five economic theory is. But clearly this is the holy sutra up words, words uttered by his own theory, such a contract with the Bodhisattva also in lovingkindness amendments. Heaven kind of flesh, mixed with pagan Korea, goods not damage human kindness.
Say what you like projection of natural death row did not contract with the prime minister and said that promote the king of a small country.
Number: Amitabha Buddha is clearly stated in the other realms. Sanskrit "A" translation "Forever". Sanskrit Amitabha translation "of". That is, his merit can not ultimate. So saying, the Infinite. As it says: "Life network immeasurable, innumerable luminous" is of immeasurable, just say a few things, including that of the other merit.
Stars: Countless has two meanings:
1. East many without number.
2. Vast unlimited amount.
Has two meanings:
A. Countless numbers is one of 10 large (Flower Adornment Sutra enough).
Countless B. is back infinitum.
Just say a few being: With infinite life span and not only clarity only. As clearly in the following documents to take.
No: The word business. Sanskrit saying Sutra (Tu Da La), Train Services: "scriptures", and Special has two meanings. The word has two meanings Khe. The word has several meanings Beijing. Beijing has more of that, but not outside the four means: Shop, Photography, Normal and France.
Stars: Communication, Special is: The Buddha's teachings are called common theory is: Tu Da La, which is meant Update. If you split the time: Beijing is Tu Da La, Law is Pi Nai, Luan is Abhidharma; Special it is meant.
The word "carambola", there are two means: 1. Deed: Words matter of morality. 2. Khe base: Church with radical measures. Now just say the word quit digit Kinh Khe text is less so.
The word "Business" has more meaning: the United States, the word complex population center has five senses: 1. Export of birth; 2. Show; 3. Careers; 4. He wears; 5. Kiết man.
Luan said the Buddha Land has 2 meanings: 1. Shop bracelets; 2.Nhiep maintenance.
Phuong here (Tau) has four meanings: 1. Normal; 2. France; 3. Landscape; 4. Typically, therefore speak with many meanings.
The sentence "No other than the four that" are only four words Quan, Photography, Normal and France. Because of the letter, translated Western Regions party line (thread). Quan Tri online means. Consistent string of floss, the teachings struck. Tri is: REC keep from being taught fall. Two full years that include that: Export of birth, etc .. Show above. But this local classic (vessels) also called as Beijing. The service is meant Beijing. Song of China do not you just get the letter font should route to add text Kinh Khe. Often: Then for is
The term "France" means: French rule means appointed right feet, that cry is Sweden (molds). It has two meanings: Normal and France include enough of all four other means (Often, France, Landscape, Sweden). So the other realms (India) said shop and photography as well as this method (Tau) and France Often called; General agreement and he said: "In four words, were enough so that Beijing".
Number: Leave the word "trade" also has two meanings and Special. An "Sutra" called Communication (General). And in the words "Amitabha Buddha Speaks" called Biet (separately). Chi as Education, Administration and Physics, and Special as well. Three words here (Education, Action, Physics) ie coordination with the three virtues (France itself, Prajna, Deliverance) ordination dung. As Tiantai He said: "Just heard the name of economic headlines, has immeasurable merit." By coordinating with the big three, the Buddha was able to modern, contemporary Infinite Life minister, Boundless Light is used as in the Catholic university said.
Stars: Education, Administration, Li is the original place that established by the Church; where the Church to practice medicine, by training that clearly is Li. The business will have all three: Education, Action, Physics, so-called "information" (General). By specializing in this business just two words: "the Buddhist theory of" the Church. Four words "mortgage over the title" the Executive. Three words: "Amitabha" is the reason. According to this other than to call on this experience as "Special" (separately).
Coordinate with the three virtues. 1. The reason that is France itself; 2. Church that is Prajna; 3. Acts ie Deliverance.
Again informed the Executive and Professor Li, the French body that is Prajna and Deliverance, until releases both Justice and Education, or under the Justice and Administration traffic such. Ie say a third; than on should know.
Can, General and Applied: Cardholder's Master, says Buddha means is enough to know, so get the word "Buddha" as possible.
General letters are available in all the General Body. Be endless, General also endless, so get three words "Infinite Life" as the Gen.
The word is in Fitness Tools Tools arises. The seal can also slide projector to go there, so take the three words "Boundless Light" abuse, or also against such views or Ranger on.
Profile: The scheduling of threads, many took all three dishes Human, France and Du. Or use a business, or have experience with both. Using one's own sutra (people). And he had two, because people experience the results of the two realms, the damage to the three: Human, France and Du are common solution.
Why: One of the two is like Hoa Nghiem Buddhist Dai Phuong Quang complete all three: Human, France and Du. Buddhist Maha Media's newspapers and French En there, not enough. Lotus Sutra with France, for example, without staff. He Bodhisattva's Lac, Du without France. Maha Prajna France without staff, Du. Du Brahma Net Sutra there without Human and France. Now there's just this business without France and Du. The other of the following comparison, will clear.
Who attained in two worlds at HR Bodhisattva, Tathagata in fruit, so-called Buddha's results. Now Shakyamuni Buddha in this way (Saha) Amitabha introduced in other countries (Bliss).
"Dung informed," said a news because three. As of this Amida in one's own though. But it said France's new, there's a new set Du. Although that word natural, but that member, General Council and of course for such transparency.
Number: Originally sutra called "pulse inconceivable Public Germany World Buddhas Nhut Ho Niem Department". Now, Mr. La Cross nails has two meanings: 1. Buddha meant endless photographic problem. 2. Belgium ridicule Buddha head office multiplication problem.
Stars: "Photography endless" is like the previous writer said the Buddha is
SO: What is the number of stars? Word to interpret economic commentaries; Say how to solve the meaning of the word commentaries for easy understanding.
Stars: "No.": Then said has two meanings: Private presentation and remember. Said today it is clear that business presentation that hidden in the background, remember that such mistakes and forget. "Why," said former two: Grabbing and chroniclers. Grabbing the presentation own essential place. Ie copies of memorandum to clear. The word "sign" is expecting. In every sense of confusing, thanks informed commentaries words. Textures cryptic words, thanks to the words spoken so plainly expect everyone to understand that business!
Profile: Match nature of the Enlightenment is that the word "Buddha". Nature immeasurable sense is the sense of "Amitabha". Self-Deity, and they sense is that two people experience the results of the two realms. Can nature inspired sense is that economic theory throughout, then the following is also valid.
Stars: Worthy News the reason is due to instant justice, place calls that can consolidate all species, ie Nhut mind, y press time, neither the district where nature newspaper? Back of the news that a medical destination. As of Pure List said: "Depending on period net interest, net of principle Buddha". Now this sutra says: "Circuit negative mental disorder" that nature Amitabha, Pure idealism, is concrete in this sutra, a word association on the grounds, so-called value management.
The word enlightenment is that total. In the letter to Great Enlightenment endless wandering is known Bon mean, there are two meanings. According to the following conclusion before speaking: Time Amitabha Buddha is antique, Sakyamuni Buddha is new, then there is an obligation Buddha, Buddha is a contest; Instant availability primordial nature is Buddha "Bon ', this was ignorant mind clearing or certified as' competition'. Comment on multiplication result and said: Time buddha (Gautama) teach newly found rebirth Amitabha, the
Q. Word commentaries of this star is promoting merit over the name, around the globe recommend everyone born on the other realms, so star every criteria required of every nature, so that the method becomes the pole maintenance list rules (too high), the Pure is the mind clear, all give this galaxy to the other vows to do?
a: This is the boss all two units, breaking both or as in all previous self is clear. by so padded base where the Minister accept that to be
Doing this again because loan capital letters the title of Buddha's two other to specify his own mind, agrees with the Clerk of the cross bar. Time who want to realize your own mind, the Buddhist concept needs to be reborn.
Again, the bodhisattva also close to the Buddha as in previous scientific Run Church said. So when people came to understand his mind, also must recite the Buddha birth, there must be comfortable spending that?
Again, of Duy Ma said: "Although the water realm of the Buddhas know with beings are not, because the artificial multiplication coast, but often initiates the Pure and teachings of beings" so afraid that his heart that his concern with such realize that. If your mind and realize that I had shown the French do not have a self-interest out. Then the mind is the scene ie, that scene is about, reborn in the Pure Land, launched Amida, was not afraid to spend with idealism, but also not to do with nature!
Asked: The ancients said Flower Adornment Sutra is the supreme teacher of extreme excess, can practice the virtues allowed to clear the bar, the method did not say; The College also coming down from the business (in Theravada) also make enforcement practitioners do?
Stock faith replied: The sense of willow (Mahayana) the meaning of any willow (Theravada) are also in another sense both because only a mind only.
Based on this, the offended member of muscle for teachers, business professor that such member; the level of interest received when experiencing what it is not true justice? One of the two is like Hoa Nghiem Buddhist Dai Phuong Quang complete all three: Human, France and Du. Buddhist Maha Media's newspapers and French En there, not enough. Lotus Sutra with France, for example, without staff. He Bodhisattva's Lac, Du without France. Maha Prajna France without staff, Du. Du Brahma Net Sutra there without Human and France. Now there's just this business without France and Du. The other of the following comparison, will clear. Who attained in two worlds at HR Bodhisattva, Tathagata in fruit, so-called Buddha's results. Now Shakyamuni Buddha in this way (Saha) Amitabha introduced in other countries (Bliss). "Dung informed," said a news because three. As of this Amida in one's own though. But it said France's new, there's a new set Du. Although that word natural, but that member, General Council and of course for such transparency. Number: Originally sutra called "pulse inconceivable Public Germany World Buddhas Nhut Ho Niem Department". Now, Mr. La Cross nails has two meanings: 1. Buddha meant endless photographic problem. 2. Belgium ridicule Buddha head office multiplication problem. Stars: "Photography endless" is like the previous writer said the Buddha is enough, when all are from Buddhist merit that out, because Buddha is inconceivable. Amida is the great German re pink identity, all beings in the ten directions are my third favorite. On the Buddhas are praised, as to peta animal refuge also offers buff; is any merit incredible. SO: What is the number of stars? Word to interpret economic commentaries; Say how to solve the meaning of the word commentaries for easy understanding. Stars: "No.": Then said has two meanings: Private presentation and remember. Said today it is clear that business presentation that hidden in the background, remember that such mistakes and forget. "Why," said former two: Grabbing and chroniclers. Grabbing the presentation own essential place. Ie copies of memorandum to clear. The word "sign" is expecting. In every sense of confusing, thanks informed commentaries words. Textures cryptic words, thanks to the words spoken so plainly expect everyone to understand that business! Profile: Match nature of the Enlightenment is that the word "Buddha". Nature immeasurable sense is the sense of "Amitabha". Self-Deity, and they sense is that two people experience the results of the two realms. Can nature inspired sense is that economic theory throughout, then the following is also valid. Stars: Worthy News the reason is due to instant justice, place calls that can consolidate all species, ie Nhut mind, y press time, neither the district where nature newspaper? Back of the news that a medical destination. As of Pure List said: "Depending on period net interest, net of principle Buddha". Now this sutra says: "Circuit negative mental disorder" that nature Amitabha, Pure idealism, is concrete in this sutra, a word association on the grounds, so-called value management. The word enlightenment is that total. In the letter to Great Enlightenment endless wandering is known Bon mean, there are two meanings. According to the following conclusion before speaking: Time Amitabha Buddha is antique, Sakyamuni Buddha is new, then there is an obligation Buddha, Buddha is a contest; Instant availability primordial nature is Buddha "Bon ', this was ignorant mind clearing or certified as' competition'. Comment on multiplication result and said: Time buddha (Gautama) teach newly found rebirth Amitabha, the other is an obligation here, that is the essence of Buddhism is available Bon Hotel. Medicine where Bon new location where to find Buddha, to become Buddha is Bon, Thi Lan Thong, usually feeling no soot, lighting up the sky , dazzling soi land, throughout this past, often speaking of the conference hundreds of thousands like memory, so. Q. Word commentaries of this star is promoting merit over the name, around the globe recommend everyone born on the other realms, so star every criteria required of every nature, so that the method becomes the pole maintenance list rules (too high), the Pure is the mind clear, all give this galaxy to the other vows to do? a: This is the boss all two units, breaking both or as in all previous self is clear. by so padded base where the Minister accept that to be enough. See this experience makes them know 'the' there is 'reasonable', do not accept the reasons that give . the nature of that benefit grounds approved prefer not, watch this makes their business was in the reasons, do not give up just to find justice. Doing this again because loan capital letters the title of Buddha's two other to specify his own mind, agrees with the Clerk of the cross bar. Time who want to realize your own mind, the Buddhist concept needs to be reborn. Again, the bodhisattva also close to the Buddha as in previous scientific Run Church said. So when people came to understand his mind, also must recite the Buddha birth, there must be comfortable spending that? Again, of Duy Ma said: "Although the water realm of the Buddhas know with beings are not, because the artificial multiplication coast, but often initiates the Pure and teachings of beings" so afraid that his heart that his concern with such realize that. If your mind and realize that I had shown the French do not have a self-interest out. Then the mind is the scene ie, that scene is about, reborn in the Pure Land, launched Amida, was not afraid to spend with idealism, but also not to do with nature! Asked: The ancients said Flower Adornment Sutra is the supreme teacher of extreme excess, can practice the virtues allowed to clear the bar, the method did not say; The College also coming down from the business (in Theravada) also make enforcement practitioners do? Stock faith replied: The sense of willow (Mahayana) the meaning of any willow (Theravada) are also in another sense both because only a mind only. Based on this, the offended member of muscle for teachers, business professor that such member; the level of interest received when experiencing what it is not true justice? One of the two is like Hoa Nghiem Buddhist Dai Phuong Quang complete all three: Human, France and Du. Buddhist Maha Media's newspapers and French En there, not enough. Lotus Sutra with France, for example, without staff. He Bodhisattva's Lac, Du without France. Maha Prajna France without staff, Du. Du Brahma Net Sutra there without Human and France. Now there's just this business without France and Du. The other of the following comparison, will clear. Who attained in two worlds at HR Bodhisattva, Tathagata in fruit, so-called Buddha's results. Now Shakyamuni Buddha in this way (Saha) Amitabha introduced in other countries (Bliss). "Dung informed," said a news because three. As of this Amida in one's own though. But it said France's new, there's a new set Du. Although that word natural, but that member, General Council and of course for such transparency. Number: Originally sutra called "pulse inconceivable Public Germany World Buddhas Nhut Ho Niem Department". Now, Mr. La Cross nails has two meanings: 1. Buddha meant endless photographic problem. 2. Belgium ridicule Buddha head office multiplication problem. Stars: "Photography endless" is like the previous writer said the Buddha is enough, when all are from Buddhist merit that out, because Buddha is inconceivable. Amida is the great German re pink identity, all beings in the ten directions are my third favorite. On the Buddhas are praised, as to peta animal refuge also offers buff; is any merit incredible. SO: What is the number of stars? Word to interpret economic commentaries; Say how to solve the meaning of the word commentaries for easy understanding. Stars: "No.": Then said has two meanings: Private presentation and remember. Said today it is clear that business presentation that hidden in the background, remember that such mistakes and forget. "Why," said former two: Grabbing and chroniclers. Grabbing the presentation own essential place. Ie copies of memorandum to clear. The word "sign" is expecting. In every sense of confusing, thanks informed commentaries words. Textures cryptic words, thanks to the words spoken so plainly expect everyone to understand that business! Profile: Match nature of the Enlightenment is that the word "Buddha". Nature immeasurable sense is the sense of "Amitabha". Self-Deity, and they sense is that two people experience the results of the two realms. Can nature inspired sense is that economic theory throughout, then the following is also valid. Stars: Worthy News the reason is due to instant justice, place calls that can consolidate all species, ie Nhut mind, y press time, neither the district where nature newspaper? Back of the news that a medical destination. As of Pure List said: "Depending on period net interest, net of principle Buddha". Now this sutra says: "Circuit negative mental disorder" that nature Amitabha, Pure idealism, is concrete in this sutra, a word association on the grounds, so-called value management. The word enlightenment is that total. In the letter to Great Enlightenment endless wandering is known Bon mean, there are two meanings. According to the following conclusion before speaking: Time Amitabha Buddha is antique, Sakyamuni Buddha is new, then there is an obligation Buddha, Buddha is a contest; Instant availability primordial nature is Buddha "Bon ', this was ignorant mind clearing or certified as' competition'. Comment on multiplication result and said: Time buddha (Gautama) teach newly found rebirth Amitabha, the other is an obligation here, that is the essence of Buddhism is available Bon Hotel. Medicine where Bon new location where to find Buddha, to become Buddha is Bon, Thi Lan Thong, usually feeling no soot, lighting up the sky , dazzling soi land, throughout this past, often speaking of the conference hundreds of thousands like memory, so. Q. Word commentaries of this star is promoting merit over the name, around the globe recommend everyone born on the other realms, so star every criteria required of every nature, so that the method becomes the pole maintenance list rules (too high), the Pure is the mind clear, all give this galaxy to the other vows to do? a: This is the boss all two units, breaking both or as in all previous self is clear. by so padded base where the Minister accept that to be enough. See this experience makes them know 'the' there is 'reasonable', do not accept the reasons that give . the nature of that benefit grounds approved prefer not, watch this makes their business was in the reasons, do not give up just to find justice. Doing this again because loan capital letters the title of Buddha's two other to specify his own mind, agrees with the Clerk of the cross bar. Time who want to realize your own mind, the Buddhist concept needs to be reborn. Again, the bodhisattva also close to the Buddha as in previous scientific Run Church said. So when people came to understand his mind, also must recite the Buddha birth, there must be comfortable spending that? Again, of Duy Ma said: "Although the water realm of the Buddhas know with beings are not, because the artificial multiplication coast, but often initiates the Pure and teachings of beings" so afraid that his heart that his concern with such realize that. If your mind and realize that I had shown the French do not have a self-interest out. Then the mind is the scene ie, that scene is about, reborn in the Pure Land, launched Amida, was not afraid to spend with idealism, but also not to do with nature! Asked: The ancients said Flower Adornment Sutra is the supreme teacher of extreme excess, can practice the virtues allowed to clear the bar, the method did not say; The College also coming down from the business (in Theravada) also make enforcement practitioners do? Stock faith replied: The sense of willow (Mahayana) the meaning of any willow (Theravada) are also in another sense both because only a mind only. Based on this, the offended member of muscle for teachers, business professor that such member; the level of interest received when experiencing what it is not true justice?END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/12/2016.
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