Saturday, 3 December 2016

Last Tuesday 
Brief History  of Shakyamuni Buddha 
(from  the director  to  enter Nirvana )
A. Opening offer: 
In the previous article  we  saw  Buddha  Sakyamuni  as a  volunteer university  great, because a heart from  boundless compassion that  ordained  find the Way.  The prayer  and  compassion  that great compassion is "the bridge  into Buddhist  temple Results for on meet four deep grace, suffering under rescued three lines. "
So after  enlightenment , he did not rush  enter Nirvana , but think of the  mission  of Him is: Replace buddhas previous life,  continue to  move enlightened love  for all  people .
The mission  that he  knew  was not easy, because of the higher Religion His  mysterious dark magic, that  being radical  does not have engines, and from all life had set Drop in  ignorance misguided , hard to get to understand the now  the meaning  of the profound  doctrine  him. beings  from  a long  long used to living life in the darkness of  ignorance , today would not help dazzled, frightened when  exposed  to bright flashes of light of  wisdom . But he said that although the review live in darkness, but every  living being has the germ  Buddha nature , such as  lotus , though living in mud fishy foul, but still radiating yellow stamen fragrant. His real-diamond-determination is  the mission  of his. 
B. Chief Recommended 
I.  The  chemistry India  's vast and Together Across  the Buddha  
Mission  chemistry of  the  Buddha , as  we  already know, is heavy and difficult. But thanks to enlightened wisdom ,  kindness and  deep compassion wide, thanks to  the spirit of equality thoroughly  and by  the will  brave  not retrogression ,  Buddha  had  completed  the mission  her a  fullness . While  chemistry degree , he was based on the following three principles: 
1.  Chemistry of  class order  frugal
began when  communications director ,  thought  first  of him is to  Deer Park  looking guys  fellow with him previous to  the sermon . Several of his friends was: KieuTranNhu, AucBe, ThapLuc, MaHaNam and BacDe. Last  lecture  was the Four first-magic-soles. This year you are enlightened , and  became the  fifth  disciple  of the Buddha's first. Then  the Buddhist theory of three months for the 55 who always Brahmin, which the  head  is Mr. Da-Xa, 55 men will apply for refuge  in the Buddha, and with 5 people in his group KieuTranNhu into 60  disciples , 60  disciples after keep  precepts , the Buddha giving life-sign  Act passed  around. 
Buddha  left the garden Loc-flexible travel south to the land Uulautanloa and  surrender  a patriarchs  very  credibility of Zoroastrianism is Mr. Ma-ha Ca-Lettuce and his two younger brothers. Ca-Lettuce He brought all  his disciples  his 1250, please follow the Buddhist rules-y. 
Recall promised years ago with the King of Qin-she-far-la, he comes into Vuongxa Makietda origin to the king. King Tanbaxala see him,  glad  wisdom strangled, transmission construction monastery  Bamboo Forest , to  visiting Buddhist  and  monks  stayed  and preached  the birth . 
While Buddha  Vihara  Truc Lam , the Pure-Sanskrit king  heard  he had  become a Buddha , porcelain-fake TV goes into Catylave take him to. But 9 times 9  messengers  go have disappeared without a trace , no  return . It turns out these people as to  Truc Lam monastery heard  the Buddhist theory of  law, have spellbound forget  the mission  of their own and apply  the precepts  ordained . 10th, Suddhodana sent a courtier-King  confidant  -Da-Di is a priority, the Buddha of the new appeal. On the way from the  United amnesty  return  Catylave,  Buddha  has preached  the goods  to not  know how many. About the Catylave, He stayed seven days. Although just in  time  was short,  the Buddha  has  touched  every  family  Interest and everyone in the family  are pleased  refuge  and a large number of application  ordained  in the Buddha, as he: Nan-Da , A-Nan-Da, A-Nau-Lau-Da, Rāhula ... 
After  returning to  visit  family  and hometown,  the Buddha  and the  disciples  to  continue  going communications director . He went to the Xa-Ve as the kingdom of  Kosala , under the  domination of the king of Persia-Nac. In this city there is a great god named Tu-Dat-Da, rich heart  of generosity  to those destitute  orphaned , should be referred to  the title  as  head fake  loneliness level . He admired  the Buddha  should have let out all  the money of  gold  in stock to buy large garden of  Prince  KyDa to  monasteries  for Buddha and  disciples  His,  sermon  the birth . 
Is shortly  to hear  the king Pure-Sanskrit severe pain, going ice,  Buddha  rush  back to  visit him once  last . Seeing  his father  sorrow  in bed  Buddhist theory  of "wealth-often supposed, suffering, no, no-self" to the king to hear. Hearing this, the king ceased,  negativity , faces  joyous , spoke  Buddhist concept , then ice a  smoothness . 
After the Pure-Sanskrit-King died, the Buddha's foster mother and her MaHaBaXaBaDe DaDuDaLa along side many  women  they Thich  pleased to allow  renunciation . From that in Buddhism  there are TyKheoNi first. 
Buddha  and the  disciples  to  continue  going  communications director , where he also went to the devotees,  followers  and many to follow his example TinhXa CapCoDoc up, take  amphitheater to him  preach  the birth . 
Thus  we  see  the Buddha  was  sequentially  chemistry degree  and  admitted  disciples , from the position of people sufficient  understandable  through  the teachings  of Him and then spread to the  
other; TyKeo ago TyKheoNi following up. 
2.  PLAT  customize the  convenience 
During  time  away  sermon  crockery ,  much as  the Buddha  also had many scenes  tough opposed by the jealousy of  heathen ,  pagan , or heart  jealous  of Internal  relatives  of cause out.But when he also custom  media  to  sensitize  them, and put them on the right path  probably right. For example, when the girl he was the  pagan  padded fake pregnancy stomach to between Gaya  to slander him; He was the guy when  brain Forever  chasing decided to kill him to get the thumbs provide the remaining one thousand fingers that it was murder to get, because according to the theory of  heresy , it believes that doing so has New  attained ; when the Buddha was Devadatta , his cousin brutality,  conspiracy  to harm by releasing a drunken elephant Buddha to run to  trample  the Buddha, or big rocks rolled down from the mountains to play. 
But all the  plot  that are  invalid  results because  imposing moral  prestige  and  wisdom  of Buddha Buddha surrounded, not an act of  evil  that can win Buddha. He has sufficient  means of skillful wisdom, alternating  diverted  easily, convert all  adversities  into  advantages . And  finally those who despise him  back to  love Him; against his people  back  to him; those  heathen become  Buddhists . Evidence is: DeBaDatDa also  Buddhist life  up; VoNao guy is also  the refuge ; drunken elephants are  penitent ; King AXaThe also repent and  return to the  right path. 
Speaking  in short ,  the Buddha  have the thousands of  vehicles  adapted to everyone , everything , all the  circumstances  to  goods of  all those whom he met on the road communications director  's Him. Not only in real life, but in  the Church  of Him, He also depending on the  radical ,  psychology  of each  student  that  applied  methods  appropriate . Such as for Mr. Nanda, although the body has  ordained , but the mind still wants to  traveling ,  and lesbian friends, he used  spiritual powers  to take him to  heaven  watching the live footage  nice , unusual fun, then brought him down to  hell  witness  the punishment  painful ,  grisly  horror  to him comparing  two conflicting views that life took a road buffet. 
As for his A-Nan, who  educated  heard many, but for  now grace  is heavier, should  suffer the problem of "MaDangGia", the Buddha to bring  teachings  profound  Shurangama-Sutra is the teaching to his A-Nan see clearly what's precious  nature of mind  that lo  cultivate , not traveling under false scene anymore. 
Considered  that the  Buddha  used the  media  to  grace  the goods , as he  Herbalist  good option for smoking patients, not  necessarily  have to follow a fixed path at all. For those relatives, enemies, for those  smart  or  stupid , for the rich, the poor, he would have enough  practice  for them  enlightened  and  take refuge  under him. 
3 -  PLAT  accordance with  the spirit of equality 
spirit of  radical  equality  is a most precious gem in the  teachings  of  the Buddha , as well as in spirit  Him. As early as infants,  the spirit  that has been  revealed  in the  gesture  as one that impoverished rescue, animals  in distress , as  we  have seen in the previous post. 
As  a director ,  the spirit of equality  was again  revealed  clearly  more. He had the immortal words, making today, it is held as a golden rule, as when He asked water a person under  class abjection  Indies least  India, spreading fear this man unclean for him, and he asks: "no  class  in the same red blood, tears and saline. Each person is born has  Buddha nature  and can become Buddhas." 
In  the Church  of Him, He receives people from the  class  abjection. As he UuBaLy, a  disciple of Him has  a reputation  for  discipline , was a person of abjection Chiendala gender, profession burden distribution. The afferent did for kings  discontent . Main BaTuNac king was  white Buddha : "  Chi Ton who  admitted coward in every  Increase Supplies  such, do not be afraid that gravel mixed  with  rubies , which  takes the value of  our Rising  Star?" Buddhism teaches that: "The despicable that knows  Development Center  Bode,  ordained  monk , St. results attained, the precious  incredibly , just like  the lotus  grows in  mud,  dirty but still  pure  fragrant". "One instant he was born not into Brahmans ( class  above all) or Chiendala ( caste  lowest), but precisely because of that person basis, forming Chiendala or Brahmans." 
His string needle for the blind fears,  joy  receive child clay balls which were molded to give him, life consulate  dinner  last  coal fired workers by  poor  offerings. Because the  chemistry of equality  like that, but the sleeping Sutra was  praised : 
- "Germany  Tathagata  does not just  preach  to the king class as BacDeCa nob, but also preached to the impoverished classes as he UuBaLy; not just  territorial life  the  offerings  of the wealthy as he TuDatDa, but also  life leading  the  offerings  of grades  poverty  as he ThuanDa; not only  allows  ordained  grades without greed as he CaDiep, which also  allows  ordained people with much greed as Mr. Nanda; not only  preached  for category was  calm  not attend  the birth , but also  preached  to the king TanBaSaLa busy while the water; not the  lectures for young grades, but also  preached  for 80-year-old old man, not the  sermon  for MatLi queen, but also preached  to the  female sex  LienHoa ". 
II. Year  Period  Talking Business 
In summary , in  a life  of  Buddha ,  depending on  the level  of  people  that  the sermon  teaching, until his  death , plus 49 years. The  Sutra  of him saying, after the  disciples  aggregation  divided into five time: 
1.The first says the Flower-Adornment 
When Buddha  into Tao , at root Bode, said  the Flower Adornment Sutra  21 days. Pointing out the true nature , only expressed profound magical place of  Buddhism ,  intentionally  with two things:  
a) Lead levels  Bodhisattva  up  status  College sensory  and  sensory Dieu .  
B) If the statement  teachings  ultimately  of NhuLai, Buddha to Buddha only  understood  only; Also  every  dual redundant blind listening needs, such as deafness, much more  heathen , pagan how incomprehensible!  Buddha  presented  teachings Vietnamese super  great  he is wanted for the public  to practice the  Mahayana Buddhist  newly  absolutely  ultimate . 
Buddha said Monday 2.Thoi Doing A-Ham 
Knowing that: "Want to go far  from the place  near, want to climb from a low place", German Shakyamuni  according  Buddhas which says France  Tam admitted .  So  the time Monday, he said  Agamas  a full 12 years, used  examples  fact , specify  truth for every  Theravada  easily identifiable, that self-cultivation and self-concern level surface. 
Buddha said Tuesday 3.Thoi  Beijing Local Level . 
Buddhism  not only speaks of  enlightenment  that he was only part of his presentation  method tha sense  anymore, which is encouraging from the  enlightenment  negative  narrow the Theravada  (Arhat), to advance to the  enlightened  positively immense  of  Mahayana Buddhism .It is time to say  Dang Kinh means  a full 8 years, led  Hinayana  through  Mahayana . 
Buddha said Beijing Wednesday 4.Thoi  Prajna . 
When  Buddha  see  radical  of  being  able to move a step higher again is  absorbed  is completely the teachings  of Mahayana , so he just presents  ethical  vacuum  of the  universe , notes  the  true minister ,  no minister of legal entities. It is  time  to say Beijing  Prajna  full 22 years. 
Buddha said Thursday 5.Thoi  Lotus Sutra  and  Nirvana . 
The  chemistry of  the life  of  Buddha  near  perfection , add saw  radical  of  beings  has  matured, can  shoulder the  Mahayana  Dharma  of the  Tathagata , He then said clearly  skeptical of  his manifest  birth because a  cause of  major: "Opening  our market  being  realized enter  Buddhist knowledge." His rich blessing,  prophesies  for every  disciple , the future will  become a Buddha . It is time to say  the Lotus Sutra  and  Nirvana Sutra  full 8 years. Come  tasks sermon  the birth  of his life was  fulfilled . 
In brief  5 times  sermon  's Stock  Will  verse  as follows: 
Hoa Nghiem  at primary  ventricular renovation 
A-Ham  duodenum ,  Phuong Dang  bowl  
Two  duodenum  aged  Prajna  negotiations  
Us  Nirvana  bowl dating community.  
Prior said  Huayan  intimidation one days  
A-Ham twelve,  Phuong Dang  eight  
two fifty two years said  Prajna  
Us  Nirvana  plus eight years. 
III. The  chemistry The  Consummation 
Since  the Act  under a tree  Bodhi  until  day  death ,  underwent  a  period  of 49 years,  the Buddha  had passed through the land  of India  Great  immense , all one country to another. Every place has stomped his feet to the  Gold cherry  grandeur shine brightly. 
Every day he followed a  time  expression, a  program  certain , never neglect,  laxity , since young to  old, from the rainy season  to  the dry season. Every day when the sun is not shining, he came out from the bed to go to bathe, change  clothes  before entering the room  body shop  until  the time  the sun  appeared . Then he  preached  to them Boost  new lunch time break passive man. In the afternoon, he  preached  to the  adherents of  the area  adjacent  to hear; then  explained  the question  of the Increase of the  issues  that he has  preached  the morning. 
Each year, he went  traveling  to  preach  the birth  of sunny 9 months; have three months of summer  rain (according to  weather  India ), he is always in the back at the  monastery  to  retreat
Banknotes in 49 years like,  seeds  of compassion  Him  diligently  spread  throughout the lands in India . From North to South, from East to West, from the forest to the plain, nowhere is he not arrived, or transmitted  disciples  to replace him for  the chemical  beings . And where he and  his disciples  were also  people from the king to the people, from rich to poor, from young to old, from male to female, rushed out to welcome him, dressed fun bathing in  sunshine  wisdom  and water compassion  watered down by him. Where there is  light golden Directed  come,  Heresy  and paganism  gradually receding, as the clouds disappear, as darkness disappears before dawn rising. Accents  sermon  His voice had its power is like  a lion  roaring, makes  animals  to serve terror, like the sound of Hai  tide , overwhelming all known how many  billions of cells  of insects, birds. 
Directed  Bodhi  from here was so deep-rooted in the peninsular  India  immense , and  became the  religion  of the country, large and small at that time in  India .  The Buddha  after  voluntarily , was  feeling forgiven  and to this  unfortunate sense  of His  fullness . 
IV. Before You  Enter Nirvana 
1 - the news coming Buddha died. 
When  feeling well  were  fulfilled  , the Buddha was 80 years old. At this point,  the body color  the four elements  of the law he also  impermanent that  change , love the price. In that year he entered the forest land in the land CauLy Sala, a city about 120 miles Balanai. One day he called Mr. Anan, the  disciple  is always on the side he comes and asks:  
- "Ananda! Directed we now  fullness . As  the prayer  of old, I have had enough now four classes of  disciples : TyKheo, TyKheoNi, UuBaTac, UuBaDi. Many  practitioners  can replace our legal transfers, and Dao have also  spread  everywhere. now you can leave that out.  Body  do, under the law against the wall, now IO as a worn-life vehicles. I borrowed it legal to carry, this car has just worn that law also has spread everywhere, so do we also regret the body  emaciated  anymore? a-Nan! In three months again I will enter Nirvana. " 
Tin  Buddha  entering  Nirvana , spread out like a  thunderbolt . The  disciples  of Him away missionaries  in remote places, continents continue  to return  to the same  Awakened  final separation. 
In the  period  of three months  last  of him,  the Buddha  did not rest, but still  continued to  go communications director . One day he went  preaching  through a wooded area, having worked as a coal burning, he  Chunda , invited him home for a meal. He  silently  accepted the invitation with the  disciples  followed him about. Coming home he  Chunda  move out  offering  him a bowl of mushroom soup  Lamb herd , commonly called mushrooms boar, because this species is breeding boar are  preferred . 
Complete passive man, Buddha and  his disciples  leave him  Chunda  gone. Is a journey, Ngai Affairs  bowl him  Ananda  and hammock on TV, in the woods Ta-la (Train song translated as life trees, large trees with two branches split off as two victims), to his rest . He lay down on the hammock head  back to  the north, leaning towards his right hand, face turned toward the  sun goes down, legs crossed. 
Hearing that  he was about to  enter Nirvana , the people around the area to visit a large glass, and of these there is an old man in his 80s, named TuBacDaLa to ask  the monastic  ordination  Sadi with him, he  triumphantly  accepted. It was the  student  last  in life  Him. 
2. The Buddha said Beijing  Di Church  and the words rich blessing 
At that time the  disciples  of Him are there large enough, except for Ca-Lettuce than going sermon  far, not to keep. His association all  disciples  and  followers  around him and advised him to  one  end. His rich blessing as follows: 
a)  Y, bowl  passed to him is his Ma-Ha Ca-Lettuce
b) The  student  must take  the precepts  as the Teacher
c) At the top of the Business should have 4-letter stated: "As the market falls documents"
d)  The relics  of His will divided into three parts: 
- Part of the  Heavenly Palace , 
- Part of the  Long bow , 
- A share of the 8 position  Sultan  in  India
Here are those words which he had left in the hour of  final . 
- "Behold! The people have themselves the torch up and go! The French people do take a torch! Follow my French, but freed! Do not look for  salvation  in any other guys, do not find  the solution escaping  somewhere else, apart from the people! .. ". 
- "Hey! These people do not because  of desire  to forget the words I have commanded you. Everything  in life has nothing valuable. Only the  truth of the island was inert translated. Be diligent  up to  liberation , dear who are  loved  by me! ". 
After reminding  thoroughly  done, he  entered the  then into  Nirvana . At the time that the full moon day  in February Lunar  (according to Chinese religious history). 
Ta-la woodland flower flush down covering his body, heaven and earth  gloomy , droopy trees, the birds  stopped  singing.  Everything  as submersible heavy silence in the moment of separation. 
The  disciples  integrity attack his body into the needle and 7 days later, he entered into the race needles exam Questions Thien Quang Pagoda to the ceremony and  cremation  (Mass  cremation). 
Eight  Sultan  major  Indian  soldiers pulled relatively brave heroes to fight for XaLoi acidosis. But he Huong-Built  according  to the will of Buddha, standing out negotiations, and thus the  division XaLoi are satisfied. 
C -  Conclusion 
Buddha  has  entered Nirvana , but  the example  of his life remain illuminated  brightly  ahead  of us . During  a lifetime , in 80 years, not once does he neglect  the purpose  supreme  as  the goods being  're  misfortune  of suffering. When he was  home , he was in a  position  have  blessed  , highest of life. Yet he still does not think of the film; when in Dao, he is the person in the  position of Director towering, yet he still did not stay in the  position  that, again  struggled  rong traveling on all roads dusty,  gritty  to put  beings  on  path of happiness , joy and  liberation  completely .Compassion of the  Buddha  truly  boundless . 
1. The introduction should follow  the example  of the Buddha.  
The  sacrifice  greatness,  kindness and  compassion vast,  enlightened wisdom ,  willpower mighty  His is how much the  example  for every individual  Buddhists , but also for all  people , if we  conceived  him as a great man of  humanity  from past  to present , if  we  conceived  who was the  superhero  , it's an order of  superhuman  beings higher  superman  other. If we  conceived his life as a  manifest  of the Buddha, it is  manifested  beautiful  and most complete  sense  above all in the  current market . So not only to  adherents of  Buddhism , but for  the whole  humanity , Buddha  deserves  worship  and  contemplation . 
2.  Believers  should remember the words of the Buddha wills -  We  , the  Buddhists , everyone knows life  Buddha  is  beautiful , sublime; His life lessons are valuable,  profound . But if  we  do not  try to  learn, the lesson whether  or cough  precious as much as  useless .  Buddha  before death , has told  us  a question  last : 
- "Everything in life has nothing valuable.  The body  then will disintegrate. Only Act was precious. Only the  truth  of our Religion is immutable.  
PLEASE  diligent  UP to the rescue!" 
Then  kite event  key  to  liberation  is the  effort .  We  should never forget the  conditions  that while the  practice END=NAM MO CAKYA MOUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.4/12/2016.

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