1. Do any merit century (shame what he does not have faith financing)
2. Ming-century upper basis (expressed his place cherish)
3. Raw century business like (at their place this commentary)
2. Ming-century upper basis (expressed his place cherish)
3. Raw century business like (at their place this commentary)
Chief: Chu Hoang has lowered philistine who, back to life degenerate, narrow place outback background, shallow surface belated educated, responsible for such information, which tigers words down, cake draw stomach profited hungry, hard quartz rock still lie eyes of ancient lakes (skilled human trafficking).
Commentary: Office before speaking Buddhist concept such benefit, not suffer harm Buddhist concept like that, so I just narrated the importance chanting Buddha. Van ago, before taking padded base for introspection and self-criticism. "Dharma Ending" is the carrot approach, following a two-time Dharma and statues (33) was born to his coal era no Buddha. "Demeaning" the newspaper itself is not good.
"Narrow-minded" is not found wide seat. "Learning Late" is: Intellectual understanding is not deep. With not understand, much less know the reason? That is: Words are not enough to make people believe that.
"Capital tiger" is: For shallow self-knowledge, to shame with empty words, means: tiger speech sent jobs (34).
"Cake draw": Easy to understand, such as empty words.
"Stone alone" is the jewel-like stones, not jade.
"Old Lake" is: The domestic trade in the Western Region, well-known jewel familiar things. Oldtimer with fossil collectors are still members, posing as jade overweight, then do the reading type to lie flickering his eyes, and look forward unto the high price. The other day brought courtship (breeze) with Lake Stock. Ho said: This is where jade stone and not a bye! Man took as cropping up retreat. For example, shows the narrow-minded direction, ambiguity is not true, only the immediate derision crystal good knowledge of life (35).
Commentary: Office before speaking Buddhist concept such benefit, not suffer harm Buddhist concept like that, so I just narrated the importance chanting Buddha. Van ago, before taking padded base for introspection and self-criticism. "Dharma Ending" is the carrot approach, following a two-time Dharma and statues (33) was born to his coal era no Buddha. "Demeaning" the newspaper itself is not good.
"Narrow-minded" is not found wide seat. "Learning Late" is: Intellectual understanding is not deep. With not understand, much less know the reason? That is: Words are not enough to make people believe that.
"Capital tiger" is: For shallow self-knowledge, to shame with empty words, means: tiger speech sent jobs (34).
"Cake draw": Easy to understand, such as empty words.
"Stone alone" is the jewel-like stones, not jade.
"Old Lake" is: The domestic trade in the Western Region, well-known jewel familiar things. Oldtimer with fossil collectors are still members, posing as jade overweight, then do the reading type to lie flickering his eyes, and look forward unto the high price. The other day brought courtship (breeze) with Lake Stock. Ho said: This is where jade stone and not a bye! Man took as cropping up retreat. For example, shows the narrow-minded direction, ambiguity is not true, only the immediate derision crystal good knowledge of life (35).
Chief: Dear faltering under the identity of Buddhist prophecy, devoted to serve this business, look for the Pure water is home, back dear Lord From Religion as parents.
Commentary: Has the judge yourselves padded base with as surely follow ancient virtues bothered. The word "Chi" is Kinh. King-known pearl of life, the Buddha's golden words are out of life called the "Sac". Is devoted to serve the service of thoroughly. Pure water is home to say: Because Pureland quiet, is where the body of each person to an established network. But leave the old country apart, drift origin who, like travelers who stray particles, only a return to the concept lo fatherland only.
Germany From Religion to say that support market (trust) or parents: Because my father was spot thanks, my mother trusted the seat (36), the Buddha uses the pronoun heart, compassion to lead beings, brings us by St. pregnancy, feeding us with milk Justice. Immediately place in our heart itself far apart from here, where such grace that force was formed unto him. German isles such extreme heaven (37), so that we again have the heart to give birth origin, as the intelligent components other adoptive children accompanying them (38).
So to truly feel the grave only lifetime (39), that the lower sides (40), early evening visit to visit, not to disobey (41).
Commentary: Has the judge yourselves padded base with as surely follow ancient virtues bothered. The word "Chi" is Kinh. King-known pearl of life, the Buddha's golden words are out of life called the "Sac". Is devoted to serve the service of thoroughly. Pure water is home to say: Because Pureland quiet, is where the body of each person to an established network. But leave the old country apart, drift origin who, like travelers who stray particles, only a return to the concept lo fatherland only.
Germany From Religion to say that support market (trust) or parents: Because my father was spot thanks, my mother trusted the seat (36), the Buddha uses the pronoun heart, compassion to lead beings, brings us by St. pregnancy, feeding us with milk Justice. Immediately place in our heart itself far apart from here, where such grace that force was formed unto him. German isles such extreme heaven (37), so that we again have the heart to give birth origin, as the intelligent components other adoptive children accompanying them (38).
So to truly feel the grave only lifetime (39), that the lower sides (40), early evening visit to visit, not to disobey (41).
Chief: So hugged cum interests, spreading the message directing you places. Unfortunately my favorite pastimes of the past, today there was little public duty full enough! Only a few files are published annotated birth place, but mean words but set too narrow, somewhat reasonable, but not clearly expressed. No ultimate conclusion to propagate public place, where faith can arise for the masses?
So, I quickly forgot seat narrow perception, thinking wholeheartedly, including recording the type of business; where an almond base just about the only chance Manjushri mystery. There are parts of the US business magazine; During the depth disciplines, including the extensive time; not that such a consumer of the nature. But there is always in prayer toward Bodhi fruit. This child shows little sincerity, leaned forward Buddhas household.
Commentary: Never spend your benefit that could benefit the development front than Bodhisattva mind, practice their religion, should not it just be peaceful worried for a hard hug her because nagging heart took the obligation cum error; but with the obligation to work part-time benefit, the idea is not to spend more than the preaching work before Nhut. But the words of this prayer digit, this much was lost, at no clue about before! But only one of two duty circulating in his life, but only roughly strategic place, do not be stripped of the mysterious meaning.
"Hoang of" merit is inconceivable. Because of this unknown person has enough merit so vast as without private facilities; Oil is not the true message. So reluctantly, I made this word commentaries. "It is narrow-minded voters" are: It shows skin Dharma, said the site lost out in such deep understanding, find shallow spot like that. Accommodation perceive too shallow; Where easily compared measure deep sense of Buddhist mystery; but because it was too interested at life graciously, shaking his urge to rush home to forget ignorant coward.
"The heart of thinking": Mind is chief of thought (42). King Yao, Shun king is also frustrated St. wholeheartedly thinking with employment, we are quite easy yet often frustrating but unto?
Ministry kinds: Those full of talk about Bliss as "General Duty" etc ... years. Manjushri is doing "Manjushri Prajna" talk about legal specialist proclaimed title of "Circuit happy Samadhi".
Business Review Flowers (43) Flower Adornment Sutra is due to take marine nature as cardboard, obviously not so shortsighted law professor.The business is the result of contention for evidence, is to show that depression is not a word (44), well as in the two subjects, "Nghia Ly" and "The Kind" to take action in the following prose.
"Consumption of nature" is: Speak not specialize in "The General" because at extreme places on where to choose before all gastrointestinal, where dung Assembly on its nature. Because both Earth and the world, and not a public law unto leaked out self interest; retribution, chief press (45) where the Pureland per each well are proving a wonderful feeling.
For as the vase, bracelets, anklets, rings, forms of each other although items, but only one made of gold. Countries where slot, canals, rivers, streams, although each separate site though, but always flowing lines on a beach. The main means: no such object is stored export from the legal world, and not any such animals return to the legal world.
"Dedication Bodhi" is: In every place of worship were reciting the prayer for rebirth, called "dedication." But what direction is not towards more than just dedication of the Pure, Pure dedication to dedicate ie about its nature.
The following two statements are connected addressed eventually, start following text: Before want to do good, surely Buddhas household demand. Bodhisattvas are like, let alone the ordinary man?
Means no two crystals; Members are not lying. Stock faith says: "The heart of a very extreme planet, will be leading spirits help" (46), let alone the Three Jewels mercy pronoun human beings as well as red, every job has benefits for all beings, sincerity bridge Buddhism, where Buddha was not home!
So, I quickly forgot seat narrow perception, thinking wholeheartedly, including recording the type of business; where an almond base just about the only chance Manjushri mystery. There are parts of the US business magazine; During the depth disciplines, including the extensive time; not that such a consumer of the nature. But there is always in prayer toward Bodhi fruit. This child shows little sincerity, leaned forward Buddhas household.
Commentary: Never spend your benefit that could benefit the development front than Bodhisattva mind, practice their religion, should not it just be peaceful worried for a hard hug her because nagging heart took the obligation cum error; but with the obligation to work part-time benefit, the idea is not to spend more than the preaching work before Nhut. But the words of this prayer digit, this much was lost, at no clue about before! But only one of two duty circulating in his life, but only roughly strategic place, do not be stripped of the mysterious meaning.
"Hoang of" merit is inconceivable. Because of this unknown person has enough merit so vast as without private facilities; Oil is not the true message. So reluctantly, I made this word commentaries. "It is narrow-minded voters" are: It shows skin Dharma, said the site lost out in such deep understanding, find shallow spot like that. Accommodation perceive too shallow; Where easily compared measure deep sense of Buddhist mystery; but because it was too interested at life graciously, shaking his urge to rush home to forget ignorant coward.
"The heart of thinking": Mind is chief of thought (42). King Yao, Shun king is also frustrated St. wholeheartedly thinking with employment, we are quite easy yet often frustrating but unto?
Ministry kinds: Those full of talk about Bliss as "General Duty" etc ... years. Manjushri is doing "Manjushri Prajna" talk about legal specialist proclaimed title of "Circuit happy Samadhi".
Business Review Flowers (43) Flower Adornment Sutra is due to take marine nature as cardboard, obviously not so shortsighted law professor.The business is the result of contention for evidence, is to show that depression is not a word (44), well as in the two subjects, "Nghia Ly" and "The Kind" to take action in the following prose.
"Consumption of nature" is: Speak not specialize in "The General" because at extreme places on where to choose before all gastrointestinal, where dung Assembly on its nature. Because both Earth and the world, and not a public law unto leaked out self interest; retribution, chief press (45) where the Pureland per each well are proving a wonderful feeling.
For as the vase, bracelets, anklets, rings, forms of each other although items, but only one made of gold. Countries where slot, canals, rivers, streams, although each separate site though, but always flowing lines on a beach. The main means: no such object is stored export from the legal world, and not any such animals return to the legal world.
"Dedication Bodhi" is: In every place of worship were reciting the prayer for rebirth, called "dedication." But what direction is not towards more than just dedication of the Pure, Pure dedication to dedicate ie about its nature.
The following two statements are connected addressed eventually, start following text: Before want to do good, surely Buddhas household demand. Bodhisattvas are like, let alone the ordinary man?
Means no two crystals; Members are not lying. Stock faith says: "The heart of a very extreme planet, will be leading spirits help" (46), let alone the Three Jewels mercy pronoun human beings as well as red, every job has benefits for all beings, sincerity bridge Buddhism, where Buddha was not home!
Chief: Dear Lord Pope realms Saha legal doctrine, faith From Religion Foundation to lead the West and economic realms "inconceivable Buddhapalita" Shariputra, Manjushri and the Saints in two realms, Hexagonal buddhaland the mote around, past present and future, the Three Jewels are countless take witness said. Drooping bent for compassion my prayer life photography. This child lying unclean realms of knowledge brought to quantities of pure mind Tathagata Buddha. Yes very great threshold compassionate Three Jewels of the household for the ordinary man is a holy place: that each child's words are with the will of the Buddha, that circulated far and near, the benefit to mankind spiritual content, who can see, listeners rejoicing, are reborn, and stock up fruits "Tinh Quang Supreme Enlightenment".
Commentary: Russian "Network Code" as usual language perfections, said reverse way. The word "pattern" has two meanings:
1. That "glans", who lives only mean the network itself is a very important character of all, this brings to both body bowed glass network, is an incomparable devotion hearts.
2. That "natural rules": The network that brings family and immediate recording of all photographers bow bridge six bases (47) of where Nhut mind.
Sakyamuni is the cardinal planes Saha, Amitabha Buddha's realm Western cardinals, as initiated by the prime chanting Buddha Sakyamuni should bow first.Who do I figure that was ordained servants, while not forgetting the original place (48). Want to upset Holy ordinary women inferior thank Buddha or what?Long ago someone dying burned incense, before offering Sakyamuni that this is so.
"Cardinal sermon" is: Since the birth of the sermon, in a realm of the Buddha can not have two so called cardinals. That is: a master teaching.
Next lead is being remembered as Buddha, the Buddha stretched his hand to lead, such as pedestrians, having helped the weak, the support, the only road leading forget. Has two meanings: One is to live, the lead time for direct help quiet the mind. Second to death, the lead guide spirits reborn.
Dai Tu Ton: As I remember I called the "From". Compassion does not spend more than is called "the Great". The word "Ton" means such as letters home.Another to say can also call the Sun from Sakyamuni this realm, is the cardinal virtue Amida other realms. Two Tathagata is called the throne "The Buddha". This economic principles as "inconceivable Buddhapalita Anniversary" was the "Dharma". We hear this prayer as he Manjushri, etc ... He Shariputra house called "Sangha".
Saying the word "Security" is the mean of six strategies. 1.- rare; 2. Lia dirty;3. Health quarter; 4. Glowing beautiful; 5. Very good; 6. No change. In the "weak" have enough sense to say this.
Consider the ultimate two realms: Saha and Bliss, the four corners on the bottom ten, rings to buddhaland much as the mote throughout all the land: Past, present, future, and throughout all time. Three Jewels including ten horizontal vertical boss for three gender, also to the endless variety.
Jewels also divided back there, reason and others, the following documents with the contract as well. Said here today in the outer office, and who are dependent on their throne were. Ancient virtues bothered said: "After the Buddha's disciples flesh of technical texts detailed works, what books, are required before the feast of the Three Jewels".
Because of the high holy landscape mystery, secret Buddha, which want to use the least of mortal mind to liberty than the table, any other measure taken clam sea, sky slash binoculars (49), self-hard beds, some parts are not . So need glasses Three Jewels, praying that household.
Compassionate, as it says: "Buddha inconceivable power, France inconceivable power, the holy sage inconceivable force." So, Princess Jewels powers of the mind can make the holy city where suddenly stupid. Human mouth silently recounting Buddha mind such agreements.
Near and far that includes "Origin" and "Time". Origin is: From one corner to the end of the ten directions. Time is: From one moment to the extreme life in the future, are called from near to far. Ham spirit, calling all beings because not look like tree species accidentally kicked.
"Seeing heard rejoicing" is that everyone here for doing that is the eye sees, or headphones to either accept temporary, joy is born planted fresh root, will be reborn on contracts that other State.
Quang was President realm of Tathagata Pure feet. Who were born in other countries and then, seeing the Buddha heard legal, is legal enlightenment "Radio Being Rings", received his preoccupation; because of the mind can and does use Tich Chieu not two so called "Permanent President".
Results "Supreme Enlightenment" Buddha attained "enlightenment fullness" beyond binary excess goods and Bodhisattvas. On any jobs here they do not further the so-called "Supreme Fruit," that is certified "Circuit World Race Tri" (50) of the Buddha. In doing so said, "where are retrogression La fruits A brown leather Tam Tam Mieu Bodhi". Enough to know that: As long reborn unto the decisions become Buddhas. So stock up results say yes "Quang Supreme President," Buddha prayed includes such standard equipment.
Commentary: Russian "Network Code" as usual language perfections, said reverse way. The word "pattern" has two meanings:
1. That "glans", who lives only mean the network itself is a very important character of all, this brings to both body bowed glass network, is an incomparable devotion hearts.
2. That "natural rules": The network that brings family and immediate recording of all photographers bow bridge six bases (47) of where Nhut mind.
Sakyamuni is the cardinal planes Saha, Amitabha Buddha's realm Western cardinals, as initiated by the prime chanting Buddha Sakyamuni should bow first.Who do I figure that was ordained servants, while not forgetting the original place (48). Want to upset Holy ordinary women inferior thank Buddha or what?Long ago someone dying burned incense, before offering Sakyamuni that this is so.
"Cardinal sermon" is: Since the birth of the sermon, in a realm of the Buddha can not have two so called cardinals. That is: a master teaching.
Next lead is being remembered as Buddha, the Buddha stretched his hand to lead, such as pedestrians, having helped the weak, the support, the only road leading forget. Has two meanings: One is to live, the lead time for direct help quiet the mind. Second to death, the lead guide spirits reborn.
Dai Tu Ton: As I remember I called the "From". Compassion does not spend more than is called "the Great". The word "Ton" means such as letters home.Another to say can also call the Sun from Sakyamuni this realm, is the cardinal virtue Amida other realms. Two Tathagata is called the throne "The Buddha". This economic principles as "inconceivable Buddhapalita Anniversary" was the "Dharma". We hear this prayer as he Manjushri, etc ... He Shariputra house called "Sangha".
Saying the word "Security" is the mean of six strategies. 1.- rare; 2. Lia dirty;3. Health quarter; 4. Glowing beautiful; 5. Very good; 6. No change. In the "weak" have enough sense to say this.
Consider the ultimate two realms: Saha and Bliss, the four corners on the bottom ten, rings to buddhaland much as the mote throughout all the land: Past, present, future, and throughout all time. Three Jewels including ten horizontal vertical boss for three gender, also to the endless variety.
Jewels also divided back there, reason and others, the following documents with the contract as well. Said here today in the outer office, and who are dependent on their throne were. Ancient virtues bothered said: "After the Buddha's disciples flesh of technical texts detailed works, what books, are required before the feast of the Three Jewels".
Because of the high holy landscape mystery, secret Buddha, which want to use the least of mortal mind to liberty than the table, any other measure taken clam sea, sky slash binoculars (49), self-hard beds, some parts are not . So need glasses Three Jewels, praying that household.
Compassionate, as it says: "Buddha inconceivable power, France inconceivable power, the holy sage inconceivable force." So, Princess Jewels powers of the mind can make the holy city where suddenly stupid. Human mouth silently recounting Buddha mind such agreements.
Near and far that includes "Origin" and "Time". Origin is: From one corner to the end of the ten directions. Time is: From one moment to the extreme life in the future, are called from near to far. Ham spirit, calling all beings because not look like tree species accidentally kicked.
"Seeing heard rejoicing" is that everyone here for doing that is the eye sees, or headphones to either accept temporary, joy is born planted fresh root, will be reborn on contracts that other State.
Quang was President realm of Tathagata Pure feet. Who were born in other countries and then, seeing the Buddha heard legal, is legal enlightenment "Radio Being Rings", received his preoccupation; because of the mind can and does use Tich Chieu not two so called "Permanent President".
Results "Supreme Enlightenment" Buddha attained "enlightenment fullness" beyond binary excess goods and Bodhisattvas. On any jobs here they do not further the so-called "Supreme Fruit," that is certified "Circuit World Race Tri" (50) of the Buddha. In doing so said, "where are retrogression La fruits A brown leather Tam Tam Mieu Bodhi". Enough to know that: As long reborn unto the decisions become Buddhas. So stock up results say yes "Quang Supreme President," Buddha prayed includes such standard equipment.
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