Tuesday, 1 August 2017

II-Grace-Germany France (Dhamma Guna).

Advice : French voice mean? And there's an-Germany?
A: basically : It means that France has real-state, certainly, is a motto stand-thing, Nice.
France has grace-Germany halted-keeping, tell-bodyguard for beings would, when-under the stand-by sa no propriety in low places-a, making escape from the scene. France has computer-how to glean for beings would remain dark-dark circumstance, to see clearly what is perhaps sexual harassment, sin and blessed journey to realms and realms of nirvana. France specify shows the happily wedded-bliss. France such as lamp or the Sun are computer-how to enlighten them-being in the world, make up the loss of mind, overcast. Once the mind has lost and beings can clearly see the path alone, nice brought to the scene happily purity.
Advice : Grace-Germany France only then or is still more spending?
A: basically : Also a lot of grace-Germany others as France, France and France (9 St.) that the Buddha has a theory or cough and Nice.
Advice : How learning and called or how?
A: basically : The French learned – volume, read to read back for pure-Shu called the French study (Pariyatti), is mainly to all the Buddhas in Tibetan language is France that Germany World-religion has a good presentation in the beginning, the middle and the final paragraph. That award: The Angel-Human-only novel a four shelf posts the same sentence or paragraph, is in a three-sentence, or the first, second and third sentence to then or in the Middle, the fourth sentence as theory or in the last paragraph. If the theory about the Economy or the first post in that story and raw-arises up French article, or in the middle because the erudite explanation of the main bodies, just for your level or human beings-he listened as arguments, or in the last paragraph is more cause to take listeners to have faith (saddhà).
Furthermore the Dhamma by his very first paragraph or in the world, is good in the middle is meditation, berries, Director, surveys-it's nice in the last paragraph is Nirvana. In other words is the first metadata is meditation, or in the middle of minh-and, or in the last paragraph is the Result and Nirvana.
Again, higher education-physics offers many benefits for people who listen to the end to remove the constraints, France or French is prevented. So for the first paragraph or so is giving grace to you-Germany-people, or in the middle is bringing peace because-action-suicide, or in the last paragraph is giving very high benefits for upper-author is privileged to be directed results Nirvana.
Furthermore, Germany World-religion has on school-French presentation-very nice, full-tiềt of Almond and Date-Dao-Dao: the Award.-from which The World-religion has called Education Award lecture, Bowl-path-Chief-may 8 corners called Dao Hanh, two things this Happy Offense He has full details, clean no place openings for Add. As well as the four-anniversary-of no one who can say is lacking and more loads into the five-anniversary-of. Or is Bowl-Chief-leader which He presented then, oil for an intellectual level would also not find words to add loads less out anymore. As so called France, that Germany World-religion has a way of explanation in clean and good.
All higher education-physics which he explains, if talking about the part a, speaking of the Catechism, there are two business and law, is talking about Tibet, there is an economic, law, commentary, talk about A-Jaw pilot five-A-jaw, talking about the genus, there are nine genera, said of the eight disciplines disciplines four thousand muon (84000).

Advice : Place your teachers say-have a diocese-the?
A: basically : Talk about fate-the one is from when the Buddha DAC infinity-upper Primary-Primary-Victorian Sensations until entering the great Nirvana in about 45 down, He always Client-level theory, humanity, threatened, etc.., all of these Buddha-spoken he collected only one diocese the flavour or aroma-taste called unit-the prize-escape Vimuttirasa .
Advice : Spot says Buddha-two languages is an economic and law?
A: basically : All the training from him ever since, only two back is common and the law.
Because all things in law, a law on organ, also all coaching from the other of the Buddha are known as menstruation. So when the first Australian tripiṭaka episode-The Ca-Romaine said like this: Yannũna dhammanca sangãgheyyãmã vinayanca vuso a mayam (the monk-dệ, let's review together, sort of business and law). As well as at the Buddha Dai Lok-Germany Ananda in two hours is: Yo vo ananda mayã dhammo vinayo ca desito ca, pannato so mamaccayena satthã This (vo Ananda! Kinh do As-Lai was preach well, laws such as the prize-Lai has prepared-Yes. Business and law, when As-Lai was President and then extermination, will be the master of you so).
Advice : Place the three quotations Buddha say?
A: basically : Place the three languages is Buddha Buddha spoke the language directed at him had just finished out the first mouthpiece is a Buddha, the language Mr. spokesmen out theory then all called central Buddha, before entering Nirvana to him-the last language called dark-spokesmen late reply.
When recently Mr. Director, DAC should delight the very first spokesmen out so: Aneka jãti samsãram etc. (have the full grace place award-Buddha).
What about Buddha-ultimate language finally runs out when You are about to enter Nirvana talk like this: Ãmantiyãmi bikkhave dhamã sankhãra sampãdetha appamãdena khayavaya vo (this the teacher Bhikkhu-khưu! As-Lai lok the th y that: compounded micro-truth does not have sustainable area of defeating the destructive is often, so the master should not be easy to get done, beards, Diocese of-the of each person round enough).
About Buddha-Quotations are all French theory in the middle of the Buddha-head-first Languages and Language-late night-Buddha.
Advice : Spot says Buddha-Tibet has three Languages?
A: basically : All Buddhist Quotations collected only three organs are: Business Law, Tibetan and Tibetan, Tibetan.
That award: about the duty-la-MOC-far of master khưu and the duty of the world-Bhikkhu Bhikkhu-khưu ni, two divisions-split (vibhanga) of the diocese-the Bhikkhu and Bhikkhu-khưu khưu-ni, 22 khandhaka (the chapter or section), 16 parivãra (dependency) that Jesus Ðại-The first set of links including the back called Tam-organ.
All Buddhist Quotations in 5 sets of āgama (Nikãya) as Market-A-Ham has 34 business, Central-A-252 new business function, Samyutta nikãya have business and 9557-A-15 business. All the time this gathering called Organs.
All the Buddhas in the 7 Languages as the Dhamma sangani, Vibhanga, Dhãtukathã, Kathãvatthu, Yanaka, Pannati, Puggala, Patthãna and called the Organ.
-The voice of it means the specification-or rate-the law is to cultivate other amendments separately.
The Buddha's Law: the tournament has only one of each is distinct, but depending on the segment of sin (ãpatti) as real-lemon-capacitor 4, increase-increases of 13, etc. each segment of the Sin are different and separate.
Again the law have a special point-especially as anupannati: successor payrolls have many benefits such as make learning becomes extremely easygoing or less for so called special point-, talk about cultivating way of the margin for the body to become clean, nice, dignified, non-vulgar, qifu gangui lất Wicked, in-vi.
-Place of business means speaking out or ink-size or the back.
The prize that he said: many benefits to themselves and to others that the Buddha spoke out depending on the level of each-different. Place the cartridge size is worth speaking to the mind-consciousness which standards. Possible link back to the strings as strings of flowers which the United workers skilled together in a good way, so called.
-Place said Comments means France have evolution, France, France value for donation, France is not mistaken, France high-terrace.
That prize: French speaking spot evolution is practitioners would take-under France's Heart doctor-AI scattered throughout the decade-make meditation-arises up can birth scene is excellent-realms.
The spot says France is France's features-computer (lakkhana) separately for each State as Active-Chen, then colors the ceiling is not confused with thinh Tran, etc..
French speaking spot value for donation is legal are is compounded-contraband (sekkha), France (asekkha) and gonorrhea infinity-French world (lokuttara) are worth a donation.
The spot says France not mistaken is not sharp like the French mistake that for life is, etc.
French speaking high-seat terrace is the France Germany's World-religion has as identity theory-France-French, French-upper intake. All France was called to comment on the award.
Collected all three paragraphs is an economic, law, treatise called Tam-Organ or France-learn.
The spot says is the part or was contained. Because France, divided into many-probably should call different animals contain all Buddha-the language.
* Tam-Tibet if talks about the presentations, there are 3 is:
Anãdesanã: Tibetan Buddha law theory caused by the authority He prepared for the right behavior-and sexual harassment.
Vohãradesanã: Organs Economy due to the Buddha stated opinion-calling out, encourage, Pimp lead beings.
Tamattha desanã: Tibetan Buddha, novel full of deep France sa, vi, conferred.
* Tam-Tibet if talks about Religion-Justice also has 3 is:
Vathãparãdhasãsanã: teaching words depending on the sin of being, is mainly about Tibet.
Vathãnulomasãnasã: according to the teachings and Leanne-sex of beings, is mainly Tibetan.
Vathãdhamma sãnasã: practical teaching of higher depending on beings have much ego, is mainly Tibetan.
* Tam-Tibet if talks about learning French, you have 3 is:
Adhisala sikkhã: The first is learning About, mostly about Tibet.
Adhicitta sikkhã: France in the middle is to determine, mainly about Tibet.
Adhipanna sikkhã: Last Lily learning, mainly Tibetan.
* Talk about the end to the three kingdoms-Tibet also has 3 parts:
Vitikkamapathãpa: The end to quit messing-rough-brain is largely French-with about-, mainly about Tibet.
Pariyutthãna Pahãna: The end to remove the mind-brain prevented meditation-, mainly about Tibet.
Pahãna: Anusaya The end to remove the mind-brain mind is dormant in France with position-intellectual property, mainly Tibetan.
* In Tam-Tibetan, each organ has 4 deep way is:
Gambhira Dhamma: Depth of the cause is the Pali.
Attha Gambhira: Further result is the argument of the Pali.
Gambhira Desãna: The theory of Deep-process.
Pativedha Gambhira: About Deeply sensory-food poisoning or head-and the result is the Pali and France's arguments.
* In Tibetan the Tam has 4 Saturday speech-language is:
Buddha Bhãsita: Programming-language-consciousness by the Buddha called Buddha-theory of language.
Sãvaka Bhãsita: Programming-language by Thinh-writer to speak out called Buddha in tu-van-Thinh.
Isi Bhãsita: Programming-language direction-singer and Chief Justice-comments belong in every foot-out language called Dao-artist.
Devatã bhãsita: Programming-language due to the Natural foot Chư-savvy Chief speaks out called Natural-Language.
On Wednesday-the way of France-then there are 3 is:
Pariyatti: Alaggaddũpamã France, as the catches snakes is to have people learn by France, with Italy's bad-far, not nice, like to be profit in quarter-animals-, or to war-racing for present you with names of people, or to intentionally answered the questions of the listener for it or not, learn to the considerations under the position clearly shows grace tu?-High German-upper of France needs to reach. So that had to suffer long because Italy-of learning not good-beautiful. For as people catch snakes, snake catch new shows aim instant, not get bitten to surgery for lives or die also. Because solid capture is not the right way, how dangerous it is to study Tibetan the Tam with Italy-not good also will suffer pain.
Pariyatti: Nissaranattha France learned that people learn intentionally-released under the French high-upper most is maintained-for-n Dang birth-death round rotating escape-feedback.
Pariyatti: Bhandãgãriya France learned that the human spirit has a prime result but only to protect existing teacher-French-or learn more because the diocese-the.
How-action, under Tam-Organs have different benefits.
As the teacher Bhikkhu-khưu if-good-beautiful right according to law, the organ will be privileged by Tam-about-thanks.
If proper administrative organ under real-Economy will Record Prime-pine (in favour-the Buddha) by the Dinh-thanks.
If-action organ will Comment according to DAC 4 distributed intellect-it (Patisambhidã) so thanks to Wisdom-almond.
If-action Organ law mistakes become the Break-out, if the wrong organs Economy will become Ta-opinion, if wrong, the mind will become Treatise organ disorder mad-madness.
Advice : Buddha-language speaking Spot divided into five A-Function?
A: basically : In the business A-Function is: school-A-jaw (Digha nikãya), Central-A-jaw (Majjhima nikãya), nikãya, nikãya and Anguttara Nikaya, Samyutta Sub-A-jaw (Khuddhaka nikãya).
Advice : Buddha-quotations are divided into nine genera?
A: basically : 9 chi is: geyya, veyyãkarana, gãthã, Sutta, udãna, jãtaka, abbhũta, vedalla, itivuttaka. That award:
suttanipãta in article 1) as Mangala sutta (Almond-Bliss), Ratana sutta (-), etc. and ubhato, vibhanga khandhaka, parivãra, etc. and the other in Tibetan language Buddhist Sutra called sutta full-heartedly.
2) Geyya is all the passage belongs in the article and the shelves Shelves in the Samyutta nikãya called Geyya.
3) Veyyãkarana are all trading post in the Comments or in the organ business without confusion with the language and Buddhist language-not-have-to 8 other genus called Veyyãkarana full-heartedly.
4) Gãthã is of the Dhammapada Bhikkhu-khưu and Bhikkhu-khưu ni is not involved in the trading post.
5) Udãna is all 82 passage always both shelf-quotations due to the licensing agreement-like intellectual ranks's spokesman.
6) Itivuttaka is 10 rows of passage-van Thinh said up based on Buddha-the Buddha's language theory.
7) Jãtaka is talking about the-550 in reincarnations.
8) Abbhũta is talking about the strange French, never heard, now again arises. As in the Ðại-The Ananda has 4 France-strange nickname, etc.
9) Vedalla is the passage when asked the Buddha finished, clean, fun, delight-complacency.
Advice : Buddha had 84,000 language disciplines, how is divided per disciplines?
A: basically : Buddha quotations have all disciplines 84,000 divided like this: business post would have every anusandhi (as per the contact or conclusion) is each disciplines. If there is how much anusandhi then that's left France. In the shelves, each answer are each all disciplines. In Tibet, each part (genus) or (limbs) or is in the distraction each part are each disciplines. About Tibet in law, every story, every one màtika (form of birth), each school, each thing, each offender not guilty, each of the guilty or not guilty dều is each disciplines. The way divided such disciplines.
Advice : What about the Saints-France (Lokuttara dhamma) that The World-religion has properly-how good?
A: basically : Called St.-France that The World-religion has a nice way is:
Faculty practice solutions primary legs worth bringing to Nirvana. Because the Nirvana that people would like to achieve, must-for being in the far lià cleaner to AI-love, anger, delusion is right under the Tam-learn, is About, to determine, Hue. Because the World to prevent and end skip mind-brain's primitive, Si. Also Determine the end to remove the mind-brain and the average take part, Si. And finally to kill all Hui took part, Si is the negativity virus. This is the path the foot properly-collected, Chief Justice ran into the one place is Nirvana. For example, all the water in the River Ganges were flowing out a common path with the Yamunã river water, the color, the smell, the same medicine as well. So Holy that The World-religion-France has a foot-award-Chief Justice, right-nice and also like her.
Advice : So how is Holy shalt-France?
A: basically : Uttaranti Lokam ' ti lokuttarã: France to picked up beings known as Saint- lokuttarã Lokãuttaranti'ti: France or France to pull out of the beings Tam-called Saint-France, or atirekã'ti lokuttarã Loke: France conferred the most in the world called Saints-France.
Advice : That's the French spirit of France?
A: basically : The Saints-France that is Four-Anniversary-Made, four-Chief-Need, four Student-God-, five-, Five-, Portuguese-Interior parts, Baghdad Chief of Threads-Dao, DAO, 4, 4 and 1 Nirvana.
Advice ; Quarter finals-Anniversary-Of?
A: basically : Quarter finals-Anniversary-Of is:
1) satippatthãna: Kayanupassanã Anniversary in Hull
2) Vedanãnupassanã satippatthãna: Life Celebration
3) Cittãnupassanã satippatthãna: anniversary of the mind
4) Dhammãnupassanã satippatthãna: anniversary of France.
Advice : How is called Anniversary themselves?
A: basically : To contemplate like this: where is governed-by four-, water-, Ðất: fire, Wind. It is infinitely-often, suffering-brain, infinitely-fell, when the Café-idea regularly then the mind will get bored-nan, end to dismiss the passionate love in the fuselage. Contemplate infinity-often will put a stop to be fourth-for this body is sustainable. Consistent framework review-brain, the end is ideal for this body-is-fun. Consistent review loads-falling then the end to put this body to-status is. When the mind was bored-Nan will end to quit being fun. When the end to remove the maze like the end is love-new ... When the end is love-exercise, no longer has the problem-accept (Upãdãnã), is-escape.
Advice : How Life Anniversary?
A: basically : When the life gauge is fun, life expectancy to discharge or visualizations that this life-typically, a gauge-brain, infinitely-fall in then times times bored-Nan no longer passionate love as her life again and end skip trouble-life ones as the Anniversary observance.
Advice : Anniversary of mind like?
A: basically : When the mind has a sex-education arises (all 16 mind such mantras as well, such as anger, delusion, Cavalier, Yen head etc.) know love-Education Center has arises and the idea that the mind-education-also loads-often, brain gauge, egolessness and depressed, no longer passionate love under her mind again and end skip the bigotry as her heart as a souvenir.
Advice : Anniversary of France like? (France there in France obscures, the five-aggregates, green, seven human beings results Bodhi and Quartet-Magic-Soles).
A: basically : When France obscures- Nivarana -arises up, knows France obscures has arises up and must contemplate France is endless-often obscures, suffering-brain, infinitely-falling, and then no longer depressed delights like under the French obscures and end skip always trouble-accept in France he again, that when the end to remove the bigotry is the prize-escape.
Advice : Four-Chief need is the France?
A: basically : Quarter finals-Chief-Need- Sammappadhãna -four France tries-Elf-ton to as follows:
Try to put a stop to the evil French essential-ton would have been up in the mind arises we then for the goal.
Try essential-partitions-prevent the evil French would not arise up don't let arises.
Great effort to make fresh French would never do.
Try essential-ton French fresh-keeping u.n. peacekeepers would have had then don't let lose.
Advice : Four Spirit-Student-information- Iddhipãda -is France?
A: basically : Such is the French four-base to the French spirit-up arises like: Chandidhipãda (the wishes), Viriyiddhipãda (an attempt), the Cittiddhipãda (Centre of my thoughts-thought), and Vimamsiddhipãda (Wisdom to know everything).
Advice : Five-battle (Indriya) is France?
A: basically : Five-credit, tons of Flat, Apartment, Apartment and determine the notion of Hue.
Advice : Five-according to be clean because thanks to France?
A: basically : Five-according to be clean is due thanks to fifteen is: each apartment is clean there are three France, the base year with out fifteen. As the magma was clean thanks to three is: Assadhe puggale parivajjhayato -do thanks to alienate people who don't have faith, saddhe puggale sevito -by the close thanks to the person who has faith, pasãdaniye suttante paccavekkhito -do thanks to consideration to the economic post would make in-clean, delight-like.
About Apartment was clean Tones as well thanks to the three is: by alienating people lazy, so close the the essential-tons, due consideration of four French Foursome-Chief-Need.
On the anniversary of the Radical is clean thanks to three is: due to the alienation of people there remembered or forgotten, by the close thanks to the person who has the full memo, because thanks to the considerations to France Four-Anniversary-Of.
About Apartment was clean also Determine three is: do people Who have shunned the lao chao, Bohemian, not silence, because thanks to the close the average mind-an-stayed static-gold, because thanks to the discretion and award-meditation-escape.
About Apartment Lily was clean also thanks to three is: do thanks to alienate people with stupid-silly, delusion, because thanks to the close who has Tri-intellectual property, due consideration for many thanks to France to arises out of position-intellectual property.
Advice : So shalt not Active-Based when making development due to these France like?
A: basically : Five-Basis when making development ten France, which each have two France. As the basis of two considerations: consistent investment France is ng of the root and the considerations to end to remove the no-credit basis. The four remaining French then considers the same as above, just change the name of the root.
Advice : Who should speculation of Team-Based these groups?
A: basically : There are eight groups of seven Saints class (Sekha puggala) and a voracious charity worker class-tri-form.
Advice : Five-force is France?
A: basically : Five-force, as well as Team-Based is: Credit-force, Ton-force, Anniversary-force, force and power-Lily-to determine. This two is like another, one side is the basics, one side is the physical-force or Conference-to take action to Nirvana. This force is:
Do not shake-up, stir-pinky before the French-like distrust,
Help the French, make clean the diocese-the,
Make the mind,
Make discerning Minds in France-food poisoning,
Make the mind was clearly leg-Ly,
And make people be an-based in France alone-silence is Nirvana.
Advice Seven human beings: results of bodhi (bojjhanga)?
A: basically Human beings: seven results Bo Trach or theme-French-is:
1) Satisambojjhanga: Bodhi anniversary or the mind or memory locations as praetor-critical depth make the benefits was because human triumphs-when do regardless what do, but American accomplishments-complacency by the mind.
Moreover, the mind is keeping the French-the door holder is label-Mon in (cakkhudvàra) do not let the evil French invasion in mind, when the ceiling as ceiling shades to touched on with the door, not for two France happy sad arises.
For the King, who considered the view for new opening for evil bad guys left in, not then stop again and not open to the infinite. The remember this place is mind foot-Chief, always keep in mind according to the four-anniversary-of.
2) Dhammavicaya sambojjhanga: Bodhi hue hue is the correct French media speculation of ways to eradicate trouble-then-French under the brain.
3) Viriya sambojjhanga: Bodhi tons is the try-tons under the Quartet-Chief-need.
4) Piti sambojjhanga: Bodhi Mind is only fun only-hoan-happy, satisfied, because when a genus are due to have Heart joy to wish the new-innovations.
5) Passaddhi sambojjhanga: NET Center, Bodhi is pure silence will do the work to be accomplished easily.
6) Samãdhi sambojjhanga: Bodhi is the center based in new realms provide clearly General-foot infinity-typically, a gauge-brain, and infinity-fall of Five-Aggregates easy.
7) Upekkhã sambojjhanga: Bodhi Mind is discharge are no fun Centre, not sad, like the French section at the higher self as-upper for to make its innovations in benefit-thing-useful.
Advice : Also the Bowl-Chief-Dao?
A: basically : Bowl-Chief-Dao has eight genera:
The Chief Justice (Sammà ditthi)
Chief-sankappo Sammà (Single)
Speech (Sammà vàcà)
The Chief Justice (Sammà kammanto)
Chief Justice Network (Sammà àjivo)
Chief-vàyàmo Sammà (Jin)
Mindfulness (sati Sammà)
Determine the primary (Sammà samàdhi).
Advice : How is called the Chief Justice opinion?
A: basically : The Chief of the see in Mind legs-the Chief Justice, there are four:
a) Dukkha nànam: see clearly the 12 gauge.
b) samudaye nànam Dukkha: clearly the cause arises up miserable ones.
c) nirodhe nànam Dukkha: see clearly where kill off the gauge.
d) nirodhagàminiyà nànam patipadaya Dukkha: clearly the real-action taken to place-escape the agony.
Advice : So, the Chief Justice had these comments?
A: basically : There are two things are:
- Koliya ditthi: Chief of staff often ranks as found to heal then met, do evil then having the data,
- Lokuttara ditthi: Chief of the Holy steps-as clearly justified Quartet-magic-Empire.
If divided by characters, then Chief Justice opinion there are three primary means of entertainment are:, Chief of primary school, and latter-day Saints ranks of Holy benighted ranks.
Advice : How is called the Chief Justice Wednesday-only?
A: basically : Chief Justice-is the only foot thoughts-Chief Justice had three genera:
a) Nekkamma sankappo: Is the mindset to escape the sex-education team or thinking about the bare-all.
b) Abyàpãda sankappo: thoughts on the not enemies-the uncle of Turkish decline or resentment-craving.
c) Avihimsà sankappo: thoughts on the do not harm others, or think to crush bi-introspection mercy to all beings.
Advice : How is called speech?
A: basically : Speech is speech the Chief had four-foot: don't lie, don't say no evil speaking, shove my prick as the noun, not saying a word scolded disabled; or is it comes out lyrics lyrics speak out leg-districts, suave, say benefit-useful and speaking out is from Libya to the listener.
Advice : How is the Chief industry?
A: basically : Chief career is doing the foot-the Chief Justice as not being, not stealing, not deviant sex or employment from the fuselage as unresolved-sweeping the temple courtyards, temples etc.
Advice : How is the Chief network?
A: basically : Chief Justice network is the raising his life for the primary foot as in good-credit then shunned 5 trade craft, or export-join then shunned French 26 Ta network.
Advice How is called the Chief Justice: essential-ton?
A: basically : Chief-ton is the issue-to-issue-as the primary foot attempt in four French foursome-Chief Justice-needed depth is trying-to-tons to prevent the evil French yet arises up, don't give up arises.
Advice : How is called mindfulness?
A: basically : Mindfulness is the notion of the idea of the foot-the Chief Justice as the anniversary Quartet-anniversary-of or anniversary according to the ten headings Anussati: Anniversary celebration.
Advice : Chief Justice is like?
A: basically : Chief Justice is centering the legs-the Chief Justice according to the 4 realms in meditation and organic loads. As-making fake purity depart five ceiling and the evil French, enter on muzzle-meditation are full in the genus are: games, suicide, hazelnut, happily and etc.
Advice : Baghdad Chief Justice-this Director if divided by three colleagues then France would in with career?
A: basically : Career has three, and Italy is As the Chief industry in business. Speech belongs to industry. Also Chief comments, Chief-Chief Justice, only essential-tons, mindfulness and the Chief of the Italian industry.
Advice : If the Bowl legitimacy gom in khanda: about, to determine, the Hui chi on with khanda?
A: basically : The Chief Justice, the Chief Justice only, then the four-Hui section. The Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice told the network. Chief Justice-tons, mindfulness, defined in part determine the Lienholder.
Advice : In Baghdad the Chief-leader, why tell the part the lily first and foremost? Also in France, tells About first?
A: basically : In Bowl-Saints-directed, since the section is first because Lily Hue in this premature and the cause. Because in the Bowl-Saints-directed the Chief to do more important taking off, 7 on the other side is the genus-Tung for the Chief Justice. Also in the threefold, the Chief Justice is, Hue is the result.
Causation can change each other. When young, Lily, the Hue is, is to determine the result. When Lily had mellowed the Hue is the result, Dinh is multiplied.
As in the Bowl-Saints-leader, Chief Justice opinion led because Chief Justice opinion see foot-Chief Justice and maintain boundary, have maintained about the new class in meditation following entry. When it has been entered and have the new self-suicide hue later. So-close intellectual property arises due to meditation, meditation arises due to maintenance. Maintained are a hue, have foot-see the comments of Chief Justice Chief Justice before. For as the planting, before taking on the left, planted fruit grows up into the trees, then make showers watering, plants will grow up to have left, so have left thanks to the tree, the tree has thanks to the same is left. So should new causation can replace each other as above.
Advice : Dao (Magga) room?
A: basically : Dao is your path to Nirvana or eradicate status times times the mind-brain. As- Kilese marento gacchatiti maggo -France would have the names the way the mind-brain last removal then he called France.
Advice : Dao that destroy brain-mind there, so never mind-brain removal in the past, the future or the present?
A: basically : Mind-brain in the past also no end to quit, mind-brain in its current or in future too.
Advice : If the mind-brain in the past, the current hybrids are not turned off, so the truth-for the leader-elect out countless useful?
A: basically : Not for useless leaders where Prime, is because the mind-brain in the past, in its future and in the present is not the moral end to quit, because moral end is end to remove the cause or the means to arise out of mind-brain. For example, the new tree grows yet have left, if want to chop don't give rise more not tight like before, whether or not have left or just where it grows, that people only take roots removed, new trees cannot grow anymore.
Prime practitioners such as leaders who tightly cabin trees, botanically similar to grow plants such as mind-brain, mind-brain as yet have left in its future, young trees just grow it as five-aggregates or mind-brain present, tree roots as the cause of the mind-brain, if killing off or dig the roots of the cause are all mind-brain are all self removal. As well as trees that people have dug out the roots.
Advice : Dao have these things?
A: basically : Dao has four things is: Tu-da-done leader, Tu-da-ham, A-na-jaw and A-la-Han.
Advice ; Results have you?
A: basically : Results of four is: Tu-da-perfect result, Tu-da-ham, A-na-result and A-la-Han.
Advice : The end of ethics put mind-brain, so do not ignore result used to stop to remove something?
A: basically : The end result does not put something off, only enjoy taking the happily. Such people had the disease when it was stronger then no longer need to use the drug again. Mind-brain such as sickness, such as medicines, the healthy off the disease for as result. So the results need not eradicate mind-brain.
Advice : Holy is to escape the tam-about, so why the already privileged Tu-hườn, Tu-da-da-ham, A-na-OK function but also have to take birth in the life-world anymore?
A: basically : Indeed, the patron saint of France has put energy beings out of tam-about, because Dao had eradicate bothers-brain would then not be brain-mind arises anew to take--beings reborn. The DAC has low-level leaders also reborn again is because of the capacity, the world has a prime French Holy does kill the French but the Scriptures do not run out of the mind-brain, so the mind-brain would survive Him for giving away the new reborn in the world more or less depending on mind-brain that Dao have eradicate leftovers.
As the twelve evil Mind bringing beings go tho being the four evil road, eight great charity Mind put beings take rebirth in the six realms-sky world and the people. In the mind of the best organic meditation brought beings to go tho being in the Brahma world best. Four mind in infinite meditation realms colors bring beings go reborn countless scenes in four colors. Also eight French does not take Holy beings take rebirth in the realm. So for the new Sir no reborn again somewhere else, because that's the French Holy also being back in the little shit anymore, it's because of where the world of meditation taken away.
Advice : Nirvana mean?
A: basically : Nirvana is France escape from mind-brain siege beings or the fire destroyed the French mind-brain suffering. Fire: fire's love troubles, fire, fire up due to where the mind arises si made profane Heart, hot, popping, frustrating. Also contentious is fire, brain gauge fire fire fire fire, pain, death, sorrow, crying, mourn, angry, etc.
Only the new Nirvana kill off the mind-brain fire he was suffering, because the fire cannot be in Nirvana. More Nirvana back to kill off all the legal acts, including sankhara artifact from the mind-brain and craving. Nirvana is not the Earth, water, fire, wind, is also not in sight not infinity-editor-the editor-infinity-natural, formal, infinity-property-owners, Africa-Africa-ideas-heaven, nor in the in-universe or universe-space will come or not to the Sun or the moon. Nirvana does not have to come from other villages of this village, there is a space where all.

Advice : All status are denied visas, so nirvana is France empty, no?
A: basically : Not so, Nirvana. Because it has a very subtle State, only the new Holy see clearly due thanks to the wisdom-label only.
Advice : If nirvana is real, so do not ignore it.
A: basically : Nirvana is invisible (arũpadhamma) without shelter as the French colors. Speaking in near, far from it. Close is in place when the next take, si. Also in far beyond the last of the three kingdoms-about.
Advice Says nirvana is ridiculous-shaped, so OK in that the genus support?
A: basically : French support base There (dhammãyatana) because nirvana is invisible invisible also base for which France should be able to support each other. For example, clouds of smoke have subtle colors hard to catch or the attachment again, as actions of air micro-economy in each other should support new clouds of smoke. More Nirvana comes true, for as well as a native would have truth, when of how he wanted to also have the path that ultimately how roads also to him, the Nirvana, too, there is the way the Bowl-Chief-leader, when to end her will to nirvana is not wrong.

Advice : If nirvana is real, why did no one see?
A: basically : Because nirvana is France Asãdhãrana (not public figures) so like to see nirvana is Scriptures ranks who depart mind-brain see, also as divine human class is full of mind-brain and see how Sin?
For as the frog mother when in the water with the frog (tadpole) when it slammed ashore to dry this way possible. When returning the baby to mother frog go? Mother frog: my mom said go ashore to dry land. These frogs my mother said I didn't say: believe, because if the dry coast, why you do not see, do not know. Frog instant mom laughed and said: the mainland coast is real but you can not see because you did the tail just below water only, how to see the land. Wait when you shed the tails out the frog and then you will see that the Mainland is not wrong.
The article indicates this Italian language-speaking mother as frog who was privileged, the Mainland like Nirvana. The longer tadpoles as divine, mind-brain-like tail when the tail loss then will see land. As most brain-mind the removal will find nirvana. So says nirvana is to attach himself to public entertainment that is unique-so special.
Advice : So shalt not in Nirvana Miss leftovers?
A: basically : Only the wisdom results only.
Advice : Intellectual property's results do?
A: basically He had been due to the fruit's wisdom: thanks for the French administration these visualizations depth is five-aggregates y under ten France-suicide. Such as coconut, if left to long it rotten, if planted, it will another tree grows out again, if don't want to let it rot or other tree grows out again, then brought it out and squeeze stuffed WINS oil, oil to long nor rot nor did the same to the other tree grows out. As well as Nirvana purifying out from in the five-Aggregates due as a result of the intelligence police.-
Advice : The only Nirvana happily or confused with the suffering?
A: basically : Only a happily only so called ekantaparama sukha.
Advice : If Nirvana's real and happily, so can for example image idea how fun the of Nirvana?
A: basically : Do not give out such as this happen to animals is because Nirvana extremely subtle beyond all things in the universe, as well as hot at all is real, tangible but who had never seen the sea both times, then why bring such massive sea comparison, seawater has how many barrels , how many fish are in the sea?
Advice : Nirvana cannot bring out examples, but grace-Germany Nirvana can be compared-comparison with other status?
A: basically : Comparable but slightly overlapping to me that's all OK if so-matches as the true status of the Nirvana cannot be. For example, drops of water can not on Lotus how are mind-brain also could not stick on Nirvana to be such, or as the person he/she is thirsty from how thirsty then Nirvana make people happily because he/she has to kill off the mind-brain, no longer makes tempers desire to miserable.
Advice : Nirvana features like?
A: basically : Nirvana features is removal take legal ignorance craving, greed, anger, delusion, always all France makes them profane are rotated within the rollover death birth.
Advice : Nirvana the like?
A: basically : The nirvana is not dead (acuti) not under the control of the legal action. Nirvana is the French market, not being, do not kill, do not dissolve. More Nirvana make for mind-body steps are happily Holy, cool, peaceful, self in escape from all the hectic, frustrating, hot temper of mind.
Advice : Nirvana had what is result?
A: basically : Nirvana's status to escape "scene of compounded vi". More nirvana is the cause of all the legal reverse depth is love (kãmaràga) is the result.
Advice : Nirvana had the grace-Germany?
A: basically : Nirvana there are many grace-Germany, but only since there are 32 grace-Germany only:
1) Ajãti: Nirvana there is no being,
2) Ajaran: There is the old,
3) Abyãdhi: No pain,
4) Nibbhayam: Without AWE,
5) Asankhatam: no whole-staff composition,
6) Bhavabhindam: Trailokya fracturing,
7) Sukkham: The happily,
8) Khemam: Safe place,
9) Tãnam: Princess place thanks,
10) Lenam: hiding Place,
11) Niccam: Does not change,
12) Acalam: No vibration,
13) Dhuvassatam: The school exists,
14) Avattasãram: No Lun-hui,
15) Sulkamaddanam: End to leave the scene and who's happily,
16) maddanam Kudda: Compression Ðè the hungry,
17) vinayam Pipasanca: End to quit his thirst,
18) Manãlayam: No pity, affection
19) Sammagghãta vajjam datthesam: End to remove the guilt in the mind,
20) Visankhãram: No French property as Honorable,
21) Vivajjam: There is no sin
22) Tanhakhayam: End to all AI-education
23) Vibhavam: Far lià tam-about,
24) Virãgam: No sex-education,
25) Vitamoham: There is no delusion,
26) Nirodham: Removal of gauge,
27) Animittam: no show-the statue,
28) Santabhãvam: Mind-brain, silence,
29) Arãsãkaram: Nirvana wuwei (there is no taste of craving),
30) Appasãsanca: End skip to the fun in Mind,
31) Sitam: Cool,
32) Amatam: nirvana is not dead.
This is the Bible that Germany World-religion has explanations in a good way.
Advice : Also the French sentence says Sanditthiko ?
A: basically : Is that Chu himself Holy see clearly due thanks to Leanne comments, that is when Leanne self has put a stop to bother-and he then himself brain clearly see St. Ariyamaggaleaders. Also like human wife when not yet end up the mind-brain-exercise there is depth at think expedient to harm others or harm himself, also suffered as miserable. Also like the Holy see clearly the leg-is privileged and the leaders no longer care one should harm premeditation was the happily by due thanks to Leanne comments. Four directors, four further results and a nirvana is scriptures that France who was feeling cooked-food poisoning and then no longer hear and believe other people anymore, because his own opinion, sure, sure, seeing the names due to location-intelligence-police. Again the Holy won the mind-brain due thanks to Chief Justice with Holy berries and Nirvana.
Advice : France says Akãliko ?
A: basically : Is France not wait on prime time.
That prize: When saints have arises up for someone, the Holy instant results arises then without delay, we recommend not to wait years, or is a day or half a day's pay. That is when the force directed the mind arises up then off went the power arises Mind result speed up tubular design, meanwhile, doesn't Mind power speed would fray. For so called New France did not wait on the hour.
Advice : France says Ehipassiko ?
A: basically : Is France when Prime fruit and leaders were calling for the other guys can come to d y said was, that people here consider it like this. Because the French Holy status really clean. As people in the hand if there is no impossible gold would call for anyone deemed to be or in the hand have profane objects is not gold n then when anyone seen can not rejoice in the clean was because the whole is dirty. On the contrary this is holy truth, clean bright as the full moon, or brilliance needs n mani, so new value for other people to consider.
Advice : France says Opanayiko ?
A: basically : Is France the Holy ought to do in the mind where visualizations. That prize: French Saints that the saints have to in the mind and the oil for the fire, fire top also does not waver. Further research into the results are leaders and Holy Nirvana also called Opanayiko.
Advice : French Sentence says "Paccattam veditabbo vinnũhi" ?
A: basically : The upper ranks Is knowledge itself clearly see where the mind.
That award: the Holy three-class is superior to another, central position, the lower self, clearly see where that we have real results-Executive Director Yes, Nirvana is where we gauge removal made thoroughly. Because the new chums that Scripture clearly see himself where the mind.
Moreover, a Australian-German sometimes Upavana to the Buddha ceremony and wealthy girl that: "The White World-religion! It is often the place where France called Sandditthiko for Paccattam veditabbo vinnùhiti to mean himself clearly the truth etc. due to the cause? "
The World-religion replied that: "this Upavana! Bhikkhu khưu in this Dhamma when the label was based see colors the ceiling and then have the feeling to know we're happy or sad, knows the passion in her ceiling shades. When Turkish flat contact with the bar ceiling, exposed ceiling incense base aspect ratio, flat ceiling unit exposure, trunk base in contact with the exposed ceiling, Italy French ceiling exposure base and then have the feeling, to know we're happy or sad for France's ceiling, knows the delights like French in the ceiling. Hey Upavana! Bhikkhu khưu know we're happy or sad for France's ceiling, knows I have the fascinate like in France's ceiling due to any cause. This Upavana, France who himself clearly the truth is like that. "
Or when in contact with the base of the continental mainland and know Who's the ceiling ceiling not fun or enjoy Continental's ceiling, that we don't have the mind fascinate like according to the so called her bare record that bothered the upper positions seen know where the mind. So called Opanayiko.
About printing-Germany France have explanations on the German noble-grace of the Holy Clerk had bothered to tell the level of degree chums. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.( TNCT ).VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.2/8/2017. 

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