Tuesday, 1 August 2017

III-Grace-Germany (Sangha Guna)

Advice : Voice Rising mean? These grades? How much grace-Germany?
A: basically : Increase means group or them. There are two grades is Sammati sangha -divine Rose-is the Group khưu-four from Bhikkhu upwards to increase the action, yet privileged direction; Ariya sangha -St. Rose-is the group who has the Holy, Holy, DAC results.
The increase means "close together" because the Holy oil in the far country of excuses from different breeds but also called near each other because only one is the framework and knowledge in each other.
Furthermore the increase means people dig take mind-brain because the try digging through the roots of the mind-brain depth is love to escape the mind.
Boost divided Thinh-writer, there are two is: divine-van thinh (Puthujjana sãvaka) and Holy Thinh-writer (Ariya sãvaka).
Group of people just listening to coaching from the Buddha's or the row-van thinh to tu Buddha, but not privileged, only spending results Director faith and medicine tam called chums thinh-writer.
Also the group who listen to France of the Buddha or heard of his then-Georgia ranks a prime leader in French at listening or listening to then-under, a new leadership at Prime fruit, then later called Holy Thinh-writer.
Advice :-How real nice-action called?
A: basically : You true-action as Chief of France, real-action not to come back, take-action until Nirvana, left inverse and no-action-under the Church-France.
Advice :-How to call is right under the Chief Justice?
A: basically Real-action follow: the path of Sacred, Holy, is the real-world, under the plan, the lily.
Advice :-How to call is no come back?
A: basically : Is when the plant – they have been to the Holy steps and then never back the back is the divine human being.
Advice :-How to Nirvana?
A: basically :-By-suicide until the hue speculation swept p.m. Nirvana.
Advice : How real-called-not contrasted?
A: basically :-Not left inverse is real-no action against with Nirvana.
Advice :-How is called the plant – under the Dhamma?
A: basically : Is the real-of the Executive in accordance with the Dhamma (Dhammã-nudhammappatipãda) is taking to Nirvana. Because the real You-to and result for so called real-action according to the Dhamma. Moreover, the monks under coaching from the Buddha's teaching is not wrong, nice action called.
Again, you get the World fencing to prevent the enemy's guilt and the mind-brain. Retrieved to determine how the rock conceals the evil Mind constraints on France. Get bright lamps do Lily inside compounded micro-depth is Five-Aggregates clearly shows is suffering-brain, egolessness, and make incisive intelligence to take advantage of the removal of the French dormant in the very Center of the micro-economy.
There are very low then the Almighty Dak ranks Tu-da-hườn destroying three France-end guy (Saniyojana) is falling, skeptical and accept the offer of the gods. Because of his self clearly clean by threefold is, Determine, Hue for so called real-nice action.
Advice : French Sentence says "Ujupatipanno" is?
A: basically : The real-action Is straight, right-thing.
Advice : How is called the plant – plant – straight action?
A: basically :-Immediately straight is real-not around her thin, curved, sloping, not tilt the party, is the only live-action reality straight to Nirvana, not follow France-gauge (Attakilamathànuyoga) as CAI path to Nirvana. Moreover, the real You-immediately remove the tough ends straight to the naughty, winding, treacherous of stems, export, Italy for so called real-action upright.
Advice : French Sentence says "Nãyapatipanno" is?
A: basically : Is the real You-for enlightenment Nirvana.
Advice : How real-action for enlightenment Nirvana?
A: basically : Real-action according to the Chief Justice's France suggests Nirvana. Furthermore the real Sir-for escape from samsara, not because the list or for the good to go with the Sun or want to praise people in the present, so called nãyapatipanno.
Advice : French Sentence says "Sãmicipatipanno" is?
A: basically : The real-action Is worth for the holidays ...
Advice :-How to practice the cult ceremony?
A: basically : The real You-released under the primary path is About, to determine, hue, hone, export, Italy, straight to nirvana for people who accept the hand must salute, Bai.
Advice : French Sentence says "cattãri attha purisayugãni Yadidam purisapuggalã" ?
A: basically : Is the Monks would double count if there are four, if the count is eight degrees.
Advice Double counting: If there are four, counting the then eight steps?
A: basically: Like Prime has directed and Tu-da-hườn is a double.
Ranks were privileged and result of Tu-da-ham is a double.
Prime has directed and results A-na-is a double function.
Prime has directed and results A-la-Han is a double.
Also since the out four privileged private and four Prime ranks results, own the eight steps.
Advice : Has a privileged Tu-da-hườn and the end to remove the evil mind?
A: basically : End to remove the four evil mind Council comments and a nostalgic-city facilities out of the year. End to three French fucking end (seconds to tie the center column) is falling, Huai-and issue-religious rules observance. End to the two-bedroom French submarine is Ta-opinion-and Huai-sleep sleeping facilities-the stadium situation underground, end-stopping rough-site.
The review of the ranks of Tu-da-hườn five is:
1) Consistent review of the ranks of the Tu-da-hườn on,
2) Consistent in terms of causation, the
3) Consistent in terms of mind-brain has ceased,
4) Consistent in terms of mind-brain left,
5) Consistent in terms of nirvana.
Advice : Tu-da-hườn Ranks those grades?
A: basically : Tu-da-hườn Level has three grades:
1) Ekabiji: is the quadratic must also did a reborn again Prime new A-la-Han and no longer reborn place.
2) Kolamkola: is the quadratic must reborn into this clan-to-others in two or three new A-la-prime shit.
3) Sattakkhattum Parama: is the quadratic must reborn into the scene and the way the seven new c A-Ridin again damn it la-grosvenorii and enter Nirvana always in two lifetimes.
Advice : Why degrees of Tu-da-hườn are divided into many such class?
A: basically : The steps different then is because due to the place-suicide. As also a tier again thanks to powerful discerning observer-for. Children also two or three lifetimes is thanks to minh-suicide just high. Tier seven shit anymore because of them-medium to medium high or because the police-police intelligence somewhat weak.
Advice : Tu-da-hườn Ranks are full of France?
A: basically : A full world.
Advice : Tu-da-hườn Ranks also share more?
A: basically : Also divided further. Addition to the three above class is also divided according to the-na (Khana) Center for end to quit messing-brain has 24 steps are: take four administrative (Patipadã) for nucleus two nicely (Dhura). As a still ranks has four administrative, steps two or three lifetimes also has four France, ranks seven lifetimes again also has four France. All twelve administrative staff provide for two more responsibility into 24 overall class.
Advice : Tu-da-Level end to quit are troubling-the brain?
A: basically : End to remove the four evil Mind Council deviant-comments, two fellow evil Mind real-the average, ended the French guy is always two deviant comments the guy over and fucking grudge ends, end two France-education is the dormant dormant dormant discontent, ended craving-removal, anger, delusion lightly. Also being in a sex scene again and Prime A-la-new Chinese import always Nirvana. He also reviews bars in France as the ranks of Tu-da-hườn.
Advice : Tu-da-Level function if divided by rubbing na Mind end quit messing-brain have?
A: basically : Have all twelve grades is divided by three French freed (vimokkha), each vimokkha has four administrative City out of twelve.
Advice : A-na-Rank function end to remove the evil French?
A: basically He put a stop to be four: malevolence, Ta d t copper centers, two French fucking end is sex and anger, two French completely dormant is love and discontent. About the Café review also has five Tu-da-hườn.
Advice : A-na-function Level divided into those grades?
A: basically : Split into:
Antara parinibbãyi: is the birth up to date-the realms yet half the age of the Sun, the DAC A-la-grosvenorii, enter Nirvana always at the time.
Upahacca parinibbãyi: is birth up the Brahma, the lifespan of over half of the lifespan's most privileged A-la-Han enter Nirvana.
Asanhkãra parinibbãyi: is Prime A-tier la-Chinese results, in France the end guy on an easy way not difficult.
Sasankhãra parinibbãyi: is for a stop in France that guy ends above to DAC A-la-an awkward result of Han is trying hard.
Uddhamsoto Akanitthagãmi: is also on alert from above to the scene Akanittha Prime new A-la-Han, such as the birth of up Avihãscene, off this birth scene longevity up scene Canhatappã, Canhatappã lifespan runs out again being up the scene Sudassã, Sudassã sight shelf life expired back up contentious scene Sudassi, Sudassi sight lifespan runs out again being up Akanitta new scenes make A-la-Han result arises up was to kill the French guy end year parties on where criminals does bias (in this scene is called Suddhãvãsa: Christian to own for the A-la-Chinese only). In the first four scenes, each scene has five steps into out of twenty. The Akanittha then only four steps except steps Uddhasmoto , the A-na-function and class had twenty-four dhùra (the Department) is Saddhãdhũra and Panna dhũra into out of forty-eight.
Advice : A-Level-full function France?
A: basically : Mr. French full meditation.
Advice : Mr. A-la-Han end to quit how much evil French?
A: basically The end to remove the Center four: evil Council deviant comments and magnify the mind, completely in France over sexual beings is the end guy about sex, sex, sex, gender identity, sex, about birth of birth of invisible colors, fall, launched the mind and ignorance. And three French dormant is falling, love and ignorance are both completely where the mind.
Advice : A-Tier la-Chinese consider those bars?
A: basically : Mr. consistent considering there are four such as Tu-da-hườn, except the residual brain-mind mistakes don't need consistent review because you eradicate all mind-brain.
Advice : A-la-Chinese split into those ranks?
A: basically : Divided into four ranks are:
1) Sukhavipassako: is due thanks to the onion-suicide disturb brain and gauge-DAC A-la-grosvenorii clerk has privileged the French spirit.
2) Chalabhinno: is the Sir when Dak A-la-and requ Han? c always green.
3) Patisambhido: the Mr Hui always privileged the analysis.
4) Tevijjo: the DAC A-la-intelligent ones of all three Khavi always Han.
Four A-la-Han two groups: Sukkhavipassako and Samatha yànaka. If divided by three French Vimokkha, in each Vimokkha has four France, the twelve steps. For the two groups of Sukhavipassaka and Samathayãnaka into 12 groups all have twenty-four steps.
Advice : The A-la-French full of Han?
A: basically : the full intellectual, Sir
Gathering of all the tier to be holy is one hundred and eight Tu-da-hườn twenty-four, the Tu-da-mươì two functions, A-na-forty-eight, A-la-twenty four Han. As in the Buddhist quotations say: puggalã sapatthãti imissãgathãya atthuttarasatam vannanãyam atthasatam Ye ariyã vuttã (the one hundred and eight Holy ranks that if divided leadership has fifty-four and fifty-four fruit in another.
Advice : French speaking Seat (Patipadã)?
A: basically : Four French is:
1) Dukkhapatipadã bhinnã: when food-a miserable then when DAC management very difficult.
2) Sukhãpatipadã dandãbhinnã: when food-onions very easy but when DAC leader back hard.
3) Dukkhãpatipadã khippãbhinnã: when food-onions very hard but when a privileged direction easily.
4) Sukhapatipadã khippãbhinnã: when food-onions so easy that when privileged, the leaders also quickly easily.
Advice : The truth-action difficult and easy that any reason?
A: basically : Because of people's basic and Executive-mind-brain, such as:
1) real people-hard luggage delay is due to the brain too-troubling place and when a prime leader also delays due where basic (indriya) are weak. Such as the ill, walked to the House doctor, when to go to long and hard, when to go and make the drug, the drug he is less so when healed must also long and difficult.
2) real people-easily move that when privileged back delay is difficult because the mind-brain lightweight but very weak fundamentals. For example, when patients go to the doctor very quickly, but very little at engine smoking rare for so long ago healed.
3) real people-long hard that when privileged easy leaders swiftly. For example, people who are ill to walk to the doctor long and hard, but when the cure is easy because the powerful smoking lick abundantly in full.
4) real people-action that easily despatch when DAC is rapidly leaders such as the sick person lightly when going to the doctor as well as the mau mau and the healing is easy due to the powerful is also thanks to the many pills full.
Mind-brain disease such as, whole root such as medicines. Moreover such people go crawling, the depth to go deep into the jungle and cattle when sword met cows also in the forest, as well as the real-action, while difficult and when a prime leader also delayed.
The second when go cow then follow the easy but when meet cows is met in the forest as well as the fact-action very easily but when a prime leader back delay difficult.
The third person when the bulls go into the jungle but when meet cows back out in space, as well as the long-action when making difficult but when DAC easy leaders swiftly.
The Wednesday when go crawling then go way back and meet the bulls met outside clear when the leaders as well as swiftly and easily as DAC easy also leaders soon.
The fabled people go cow is holy cow, is the leader, Woods was bothered much brain-mind-brain is one way, at least. Real people-and a different Director was privileged as such.
Advice : The phrase Esa sãvaka bhagavato sangho ?
A: basically : All monks had, he is the first e-Buddha-van thinh.
Advice : Ahuneyyo is saying?
A: basically The four leaders life worthy: homemade items to bring to their host countries rise. That award: Four dishes of widgets is that credit KESA medical laboratory experiments from near or far to bring to rise for those cosy world. All widgets, monks is written e-filing-Gerald Buddha head, because the life span affords You can make homemade widgets are more blessed by the Lord's treasure. For so called new life who led four of widgets lab dishes.
Advice : Pãhuneyyo is saying?
A: basically The four leaders life worthy: the dish people shopping widgets page to entertain them. The award of the widgets that compose the procession to the fuselage by the bereaved in appreciation from the far, but giving rise to cult followers Increase. For the guests who come to her by virtue of monks. Because monks as well as guests, but only during the time of the Buddha's birth. In addition, time out, never having been monks is her guest ever. Furthermore, you have the dread-for facilities who play clean, wherefore affection you about Germany. So using widgets to hospitality far but worth bringing out surges for the cult.
Advice : Dakkhineyyo is saying?
A: basically The life worthy leadership: Dakkhinãdãna. It is believed that human reason award-result bring's out, Dad-pilot called Dakkhinãdãna. Monks is Gerald ranks-writer can do for your home-laboratory-Phuoc are many results, so the value for led life blessed countries.
Advice : Anyalikaraniyo is saying?
A: basically : Are You deserve for being cult ceremonies. Monks: the award is Gerald-van-electronic filing, Buddha had many German Protestants. Speaking to the same oil for beings just look at you with compassionate eyes, the eyes will not be sick and anyone seen eyes also feel affection millions of lifetimes is not wrong, or because the place of reverent ceremony cult that shit would also be being up in the line just like you-there are many peoples the right to strip the topping.
Advice : Punnakkhettam Anuttaram lokassa sayings is the meaning?
A: basically : He is blessed-fill of being no.
That award: Monks are disciples of Buddha-van thinh, is obviously valuable depth of beings not by. When people want to seed sower genus as rice, glutinous rice, beans, Sesame, corn, sweet potatoes, etc. are looking for pieces of the paddy fields have many quality compost for cultivation of fertile seed varieties to rice field, with the desire for crop fruit fruit how nice the beings. When planting the same seed is blessed his treasure is also expecting to be much blessed treasure should have to choose who led Longevity treasure rice pieces blessed his pilot was German Protestants are more pure, wherefore have far lià the mind-brain primitive or otherwise-can make new laboratory results are abundantly blessed not wrong , as well as sow the seeds on the paddy field weed, well, at least there is no confusion, the stone fruit crop of newly carved full fruit. More seeds which sow the rice pieces are full up eight new genus has many fruits. Eight of the genus is:
1) paddy fields do not go, not low.
2) does not have the stone.
3) Ðất not very salty.
4) deep Ploughing and cool.
5) are more fertile, quality compost.
6) without the ear-damaging as insects.
7) has brought the country into.
8) Have to shore up around paddy fields.
Granular like that who sowed up pieces of rice had eight limbs will be more affluent fruit how are blessed that human laboratory offer worship to the monks is eight treasure rice more details will also be more blessed so immeasurable treasure. Eight of the genus is:
1) Monks was the first e-Buddha-van Thinh has Chief Comments,
2) Has Only four-Primary,
3) Have Speech,
4) Have the Chief Justice,
5) Have the Chief Justice network,
6) Have Essential Primary-Ton,
7) Have Mindfulness,
8) and determine the Lienholder.
As the language of the Buddha shelves there says:
Tinadosãni khettãni rãgadosã pajã tasmãhi dinnam vitarãgesu mahapphalam hoti ayam.
Tinadosãni khettãni dosadosã pajã tasmãhi dinnam vitadogesu mahapphalam hoti ayam.
Tinadosãni khettãni icchãdosa pajã tasmãhi dinnam vitaticchesu mahapphalam hoti ayam.

All the pieces were grass ploughing is impediment of sin. Beings suffer love is sin, so for so blessed that the lab made to ranks no sex will be more blessed.
All pieces of rice being the grass was guilty. Beings suffer the anger is sin, so blessed that asserts the donation to the ranks were far lià anger will be more blessed.
All pieces of rice being the grass was guilty. Beings suffer from the delusion is guilty, so blessed that asserts the donation to the ranks were far lià delusion will be more blessed.
Monks have titles from Ãhuneyyo to Punnakkhettam lokassa feature in other genera such as the elephant of the King.
The King's elephants are in the genus are:
1) Sotã: Is known to listen to teachings of self-deprecating guy,
2) Hantã: When fighting, try to kill to be the enemy,
3) Rakkhitã: know the preserve the parts when fighting,
4) Khantã: bullet-nose mirrors lizard patience when fighting,
5) Gantã: always the will of self-deprecating guy.
The elephant would have in such a significant new spending for the King used to spend while fighting monks is how it ranks-van Thinh filed e-Buddha has the title Ahuneyyo Wherefore also there are five genera:
1) Sotã: love to hear Germany's World France-religion explains,
2) Hantã: Know eradicated three thinking,
3) Rakkhitã: know the currency ended flat, green
4) Khantã: Know the patient in all the depth the conditioning the heater,
5) Gantã: Is the only straight to nirvana is where people are often less to go to.
Furthermore all Grace-The aforementioned Increase, if collected only two Germany is Attahitaguna and Parahitaguna.

Possible sentence from Supatipanna ... to Sãmicipatipanno called Attahitaguna (Grace-The benefits for yourself).

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