Monday, 14 August 2017

Essential history classic and spread
the characteristics of Tibetan Sutra Nikàya.


SUTRA Nikàya, Pàli and A Tibetan inh-Han and Tibetan is the business function in traditional Buddhism, also known as the Tibetan Economy. That was the Nikaya contains what the Buddha taught throughout 45 years of missionary work, including the basic tenets such as the four noble truths, pratītyasamutpāda, egolessness. Buddhist studies researchers, historians are considered primitive organs Economy is the most reliable materials and closest to determine what the Buddha declared dogma.
I. history of the classic episode urban planner
After the Buddha entered Nirvana 3 months, a Congress was summoned to the Court read the Buddha taught to preserve the treasure of France. This is the classic episodes of the first urban planner.
After the Buddha entered the 100-year removal, a Congress was convened to review evidence of what is the right word i v Buddha and what passes swerved; mostly a few issues of controversy about the precepts, has 10 new things arise: Matchsticks, only net space communication, convergence, head of the net, net, NET based option cuu, Hoa hiep Tinh, students flood the net herd nuns, useful cards, net money kim. The taste for 10 things on is Africa France was separated into Theravada, the undertakings made 10 things the reform then separate the mahāsāṃghika-the Division of the first Buddhist Congregation. The Scriptures of both the factions of the original classic and is still maintained by the method of reading in the proceedings not written into the text. This is classic second episode unlawful.
Classic episode unlawful third times in about 200 to 234 years after the Buddha entered Nirvana. The main faction is venerable and mass produced many sects, including about 20 ministries. The doctrine is explained according to the inclination of the sect. In it, Angel (Mahadeva), a famous Buddhist scholar gave 5 limits of fruition a-la-Han: Balance the Department example, senseless, hesitant, tha ghost enter and try to start the bar staff Director. That's what makes people paranoid. From the influence of the great Celestial and otherwise-the influence of the Catholic Church means Grandma-la-confused subjects in the doctrine of Buddhism, Ashoka decided to support the convening of the Congress under the Buddhist leader Mr Moggalipputta Tissa (Moc-hopea-Empire-tu), the teacher of King Ashoka. This period is called the times of the third episode, Fang Zhen adjust the mixing in the Catechism. Theravada movement called distinguish novel (Vibhajyavada), Ashoka and strongly support. The theory of segregation is the father of the main Council of the LP, the ye (Tamrasatiyah) was the Nikàya episode 5 unlawful very full. In the Nikàya is Prince Mahinda after producing countries bring transmission in Ceylon.
A fairly strong other systems also emanates from the Theravada sect Theory is necessarily useful (Sarvastivada) not support Ashoka because they advocated more logic is an economic law. They moved slowly up the North East India, based in Ca-low-di-la (Kasmira), gradually they spread the Chief of France encompassing the northern frontier and into neighboring countries. To the King-nị-SAC-ca (Kaniskha), the King wholeheartedly supported the Conference and Fang classic episodes. This is regarded as a classic episode Fang Wednesday, in the second century after Christ. The Buddhist tradition of Northern tribes are spread from this faction through 4 sets of āgama, Vinaya and some comment letter. This new episode is unlawful copying period into the van.
5 the Nikàya own are Mahinda bringing over Ceylon retains the traditional style password until a set of unlawful Congress held in Ceylon in the village of Aluvihata. This is the first Tibetan Pàli 3 was copied in on the leaf let go in 83 before Christ. This time the call was the fourth classic episode Fang (Tibetan Nikàya).
II. The kit A-the function and Nikàya
1. Āgama (Agama) room is irrational or French law, including 4 sets:
a/. A field-strength (Dirghagama), vol. 22, because he Buddha-da-da-XA (Buddhayasas) and Buddha Architecture Anniversary room (412 TL, y for the organ in France).
b/. The medium āgama (Madhyamagama), vol. 60, do you Increase old-topics-BA-(Sanghadeva) translated in about 397 TL. This is the Foundation of Friendship.
c/. Magazine A-function (Samyukta-agama), vol. 50, do you Pray-canvas-da-la (Gunabhadra) Room 435 years of Organic foot (y TL.
d/. Falling For A-function (Ekottara-agama), 50.
2. Nikàya set of 5 volumes:
a/. Market (Dìgha-Nikàya).
b/. Central (Majhima-Nikàya).
c/. Samyutta Nikaya (Samyutta-Nikàya).
d/. Rose genus (Angttara-Nikàya).
e/. The minor (Khuddaka-Nikàya).
A school-school of Ministry-copied the French post. A high-Function and copy the French post in the Central high school. Samyutta The equivalent of A Junk-Ham-copy the Scripture have similar content. Falling For and increase Spending-copy the sorted numbers. Private Sub Nikaya Pàli new organ then-brief shelf the notes.
III. The characteristics of the original Teachings
1. the traditional A-both the jaw and Nikàya are the primitive traditions, even though roads have circulated another but not different content. The thought of the two traditions are kept the style and taste of early Buddhism.
2. both are preserved by the method of transmission for a fairly long time about 400 years after the Buddha enter.
3. The category of narrative, memoir, taking messages from the OWL and should easily bored when reading. However reflects the economic thought, learning, living, qu n, religion ... of the society of the time.
4. Buddhist ideology expression learning practically close to human psychology, the examples easy to understand and simple reasoning but very tight. The basic definition of the term Buddhist studies very clearly.
5. contain a lot of the teachings of Buddha reflect on issues of practice, how to live, behave, about the argument, social ... very easy to quote and easy to remember.
6. Primitive thought contained the original idea or thought background of thought.
IV. The issue of Mahayana and the Primary Surplus
Generally before that the original tenets of primary tenets are not brought to fruition the ultimate Buddha, Mahayana doctrine only new is true teachings of the Buddha. In contrast, the primitive, the monk said that the original teachings of Buddha, the new transmission is also Mahayana teachings is the layman. The dissent did icy relationship of two thousand years of tradition. Today with the means of progress, all aspects of social change, the views and Mahayana is no longer appropriate. Through research, showed that:
1. The period of primitive Buddhism until the period of The sect (later Buddha 400 years) not have noun Mahayana or Minor. Noun Mahayana and the U.S. admit appear simultaneously with Mahayana Scriptures about the I century before or after Christ.
2. The mailing from the surplus should not be understood as Theravada, which is only for The stage, the dispute over the way that leaders act at the time the Ministry dispatched too focused on theory and form.
3. Today do not have any Minor system available in the world. In 1950, the World Fellowship of Buddhists meeting in Colombo (Ceylon) was unanimously resolution remove excess from the list when it comes to Female Buddhist tribe.
4. Catechism was the traditional two: primitive tradition and traditions developed. Geographically, the lineage then called Northern Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism. Using the original wording and development says up computer throughout the life of the great tree, Buddhist teachings, which are primitive roots, root part; the surrounding foliage is growing. No one would call the tree without roots or tops. Consistency in the physical system to be set up and not out of two primitive system and development-both complement each other. The Buddhist thought of development must bring computer inherits the original teachings, if not then the doctrine development will lose its value.
5. Although the original tradition and development there are differences, however, the difference is not fundamental. On the contrary, the similarities were basically as follows:
a/. They both looked Like Buddha-houses-ni is the masters degree.
b/. Both accept and maintain the four tenets of the Holy Roman Empire, bowl of legitimacy, pratītyasamutpāda...; French accept Suffering, not India, egolessness; both accept the path of practice: about-Plan-Wisdom.
c/. Both were rejected on a creative God and reign in the world.
In summary, the original organ is the organ notes Buddhist Scriptures and the most complete them. This organ with practical experience of intimacy with the human psyche and the living of the society. This is the basis of the doctrine which we take as the basis for all research, practice and is out rightly thought the Buddhist development.
However, for more than 400 years of transmission and more than 2000 years to spread, business higher education inevitable omissions or repurposed, life's meaning is still not purely primordial nature. The classic study of development without a firm grasp of the original system, the precision level is not high. If considered as a primitive Tibetan Economy is inferior, then so is wrong and dangerous. The great tree is a Dhamma service life the perfect tree from the root to the rolling industry./.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/8/2017.

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