(The Sixth Form had enough 3 and 3, Leanne 3 scenes)
The sentence this Court spoke about the sixth form. Sixth form full 3 amount and 3 scene 3, Leanne. Three names are: friendly, real friendly and signed. Charity brings pros: pros reason primary foot and benefits for his people. Real friendly means against loss: with reason and legs hurt for his people. Infinity sign is for good and evil cannot memorize, differentiate (as in good or evil).
The following definitions and reciprocity of interest taken to explain the 3 names. Pros of interest 2 life called friendly names. Against the loss in 2 lifetime called real friendly names. As for the result (hetero Shu) craving [40] and has no craving that can record and distinguished, called the infinity sign Tanh. In other words, self (= born) and results (= that's the Shu hetero), both have the store (Ireland) and delight (tribe), known as friendly names. In contrast to the friendly names is real friendly names (= non-AI). No AI (no fancy) and no non-AI (no hate), can not record and distinguished, called the infinity sign.
Also, can get 3 personal possession and contraband smuggled to explain 3 Tanh. The three-number is present, the female energy and non-energy. Does the amount of solution, please see the previous chapters. This is just the Prize amount and rate amount. Male energy is highly aware of morphological comparisons, speculate correctly about the scene (by conscious y on c nh already know). Africa is morphology aware that there are emotional, not rational about, so in comparison, speculation about the scene wrong.
Consciously recognized under 5 morphology:
1. Plan early virulent Chinese consciousness (Central Italy): is the sense of charm to the scene. The scene in there (= to at birth) and the. The back has the best comb pole [41] [42] sharp jiong and extreme. In summary, in meditation, self awareness in the French identity engenders in France of [43] (= France country stock photography).
2. toxic taste-conscious head Rivets [44] (poison spreads consciousness): is the sense of life with excellent lead department [45] (and [46] the best facility design variables), that is, the sense in the expression design variables kicked out the French of France. Like flowers spotted the middle of nowhere, the image in the mirror, color sketch are classed this identity, news of stock photography.
3. the first exclusive Chinese Dream consciousness (dream Central consciousness): is romantic scenes with sense.
4. Intelligent touches the consciousness (the five sentence sense): is the sense of starting up a weekly with 5 previous knowledge together with 5.
5. Disorders of Central consciousness: consciousness is the disarray and then kicked out the frenetic expression through 5. As people with heat illness found out yellow-green, not because of the label without consciousness is conscious hysteria.
High current in the sense defined. Poison spreads consciousness go with female energy and non-energy. Dream Central consciousness and disorders are conscious Central Africa. Clever touches the consciousness including the 3, but for the most part is the amount, the less energy and non-energy rates.
Three scenes are subtropical landscape and nature scenes, owned the exclusive photos of the scene. The names of the previous chapter, the scene has far more explanation along with exclusive footage and photo quality tropical scenes.
1. The names of the scene: the true ceiling and do 8 France features form, (sometimes) is the result of identity [47] really, because true death birth. The names of the scene only does weight: General section of the form 5 before and General section of the form 8. The names of the truly outstanding scenes is made the object of a sentence-sense coast facility [48]. The names of the scene is the true self in not carrying the quotations (concept), being transformed because of the effect of gynostemma pentaphyllum rate discrimination awareness. The basic spot when foot charm as well as the names of the scene, due to the use of the unconscious mind, taking office could transport Assembly (foot).
Leanne scenes divided into 2 types:
a. an infinite substance Tanh scene: said above.
b. Owner Leanne substance scene: absolutely no definition of an infinite substance is only going to part, Leanne General (no real sense in), stand on the way the meaning of the color substance that temporarily says Leanne is the scene. Due to the PC the hypothesis should be called owner Leanne nature scenes.
2. Tropical nature scenes: there are 2 types:
a. tropical nature scenery: Leg took heart charm (as official Saturday with General comments section of the eighth consciousness), in between the two, General section of the heart charm features and general part of the mind the same coast facility jointly being kicked, called tropical legs.
b. tropical nature scenes: I take heart charm (as conscious recall the scene was over, and this is just the bare silhouette scene [French ceiling], not to the General of the scene), in between the mind and sharp, general part (of landscape Department of charm) just from the comments section (of the heart charm features) being run. Vicarious, medium sized properties variable (variable) should be called tropical landscape nature of data mining.
3. Exclusive images: there are 2 types:
a. Invisible toxins photo scene: the sense of creation in the world of images (General part) is not really like flowers spotted rabbit horns, middle of nowhere, the images recede, futures ... The image and the sense of being from the same strain. In short, the image spot flower middle of nowhere etc. are not real, just the fantasy product of consciousness.
b. ownership and agent photo scene: the sense of reproducing the image when passing scene coast 5 basis, with current and strain (of A continuous skin back up changed: power and order of order), so the image being run which have borrowed nature. The image that (General part) and consciousness (comments section) engenders from the same strain, so called exclusive pictures.
The scene is charm. Knowledge is power charm. Scene and are able to separate the names. Leanne's landscape, see explanation above. Charm features: knowledge except knowledge loss of na, 7 remaining conscious use and consciousness itself the center of the facility depends how Tanh. Exclusive photo of the scene is taking comments part of self awareness existing variables set the general part; (obviously) can of formula features the main charm is itself the consciousness and the mind-dependent property. The tropical nature of the scene is (officially charm functions) order initialization variables, in the middle (and exit) set out the General section (essentially doctors rather than have the general character of the scene); (here) of energy-conscious charm is consciousness, consciousness loss of na and the Center dependency property. Therefore, the court sentence on said official Friday to have the object of awareness including 3 scenes.
The five-sentence sense while in the case of pure perception [49], you reach the general perspective, is the names of the scene. The sense of charm the heart and mind is the tropical nature scenes. The sense of the French coast had not really able to [50] is the exclusive photos of the scene. The three cases above is on the phu Huu chums field smuggled that said. Standing on the field of endless false black-market 8 formula are all charm 3 scenes.
Talk about 3 scenes, Mr. Huyen Trang, based on the novel by Mr. Households France, have crafted that proceedings article:
The names of the real scene enforced
Exclusive photo Rafael comments
Tropical nature love through a
Custom class strains. Leanne
(The names of the scene is the field of reality itself is not subject to the effect of Center segregation [any enforced] the independent world's image ... image by building awareness when it acts independently, so the exclusive images taken comments part of self awareness can make variable [Rafael opinion]. contact scene quality Lowland [associated] with formula [sense] and basis of knowledge [A back skin formula] , is the field of Italy [the object of consciousness] in which general part coast facility is made on the Foundation in part of the formula or basis of knowledge [a situation]. Leanne is A race back to the skin and the other protocol, depending on the function of each recipe that Samyutta with Exclusive footage, images or names of Tropical nature scenery [optional application College]).
Trailokya possible allergy-forecast London tri
(Easy unwrapping of general formula Friday when it rotated in three realms)
Trailokya, explained in the previous chapter. London, is rotated. The court sentence to say, formal Friday through three realms very easy to know, because it's General presentation in a clear and formal than others. Consciousness (bringing people to the kind of birth or freed, by it) is the greatest motivation and mainly arises the action of body and ngữâ language: language play body toxic micro Max.
Samyutta Center facility five Decade for
(The Sixth Form to adapt 51 types of mind)
In the United Kingdom only mind awake wake 8 Friday is all dish 51 Samyutta Center facility, along with future support each other, not against the left. In mind the Department turns, 5 special Department Center scene, who owned 11, 3 basic affliction (tham, si), 2 the Central afflictions, 8 great afflictions, all open in the previous chapter. This chapter only 3 basic affliction left (starboard side, evil, biased), primary afflictions 10 options and 4 Center Department of indeterminacy.
The three basics negativity is:, and evil.
1. Starboard side (arrogance): special agent who owned this property is reliable User Datagram Protocol (talent or power) that expressed high arrogance, despise. The active use of the starboard side is doing engenders the crime and do the obstacle course mind not arrogant. People who are arrogant, the psychological raise, do not have the modesty to Tanh (loads of smuggled a heart) and who have ethics; due to this, the line being Prince rotation not together, suffered the agony of the brain.
2. Comfort (skeptical): special agent who owned this property is hesitant (disbelief, confusion) for the truth make it true (the tetrarchy). The active use of facilities do hindrances and obstacles do not mind the French friendly skepticism. Psychology major hesitation (skeptical) that the thing be arises.
3. Evil (see know mistake): the special name of the mind this is crazy thinking, understanding the island about the truth make truth (tetrarchy). The active use of the evil's opinion is do the obstacle course seen know friendly France (foot) and create offense. The main see know crazy Island (aberration) that suffering (suffered) more and more. Evil comments 5 types: one is, the stem (accept the existence of the ego); two is, (accept a party: often, dead still typically longer, [or] opinion piece, dies loses); Thirdly, TA (physical negative causation); four is, comments (accept the opinion wrong Award for truth); the year is, the banned player (accept keeping the old-fashioned rules, precepts of mistakes).
Ten minor afflictions options: (by each type of self being kicked, narrow Samyutta range, so called minor)
Ten minor afflictions options: (by each type of self being kicked, narrow Samyutta range, so called minor)
1. Outrageous (getting past the anger): special agent who owned this property is angry with the scene contrasted ahead. The active use of resentment is like to react not mind barrier and angry. The anger, the most manifest through gestures and facial expressions.
2. Anger (hatred): special agent who owned this facility is the resentment, because of earlier angry, after hugging the resentment please don't hate tha. Use the activity of hate is the Center barrier and hot temper is not hatred. The hatred, the anger cannot swallow, accept, often the makers. Resentment and anger in the center of the courtyard.
3. Phu (conceal) who owned this property features is their SIN concealed the doing for fear of losing reputation and profit. The active use of repentance is sorrow and obstacle course mind does not conceal. Who conceals sins then often regret, sorrow, mind is not an OK. In the center of Phu tham and si.
4. brain (angry): special agent who owned this property is upset, because outrageous hate (instigation), the sting of aggressive touches. Function of the brain is stinging the enemy (through speech and gesture) and obstacle course mind is not angry. The brain in the center of the courtyard.
5. Disabilities (ganh hate): special agent who owned this property was hated, would rather give up his network run according to benefit rather than other people haven't been promoted. Function of the disabled is no obstacle of mind and something disturbing the ganh hate. The sense of jealousy, when seen, hear other people be United wholeheartedly embrace instant misery, worry not, an sad okay. Disabilities in the center of the courtyard.
6. San (dirty): special agent who owned this property is xẻn, no popcorn discharge put money member or sharing the Dhamma to someone. The active use of the San is stingy, and capacity obstacles popcorn xẻn no mind. The popcorn xẻn has frequent psychological narrow-minded, hiss your favorite area, glue contain material that doesn't want for people. Join the mind belongs to San.
7. Stalk (lie): special agent who owned this property is false, insidious qủi by faking the expression in Germany to benefit nursing and the compliment. Function of the stalk is the machinations of birth misdeed (= TA network: way of life do not clean) and obstacle course mind does not lie. Liar feel hugging attempts, often manifest much work and way of life are not clear. Join the mind belongs to stalk and si.
8. Siểm (dua quit): special agent who owned this property is dua winding flattering just to deceive people by what the other looks to the inner (= is the mouth and Italy self conflict, and conflict with France). Function of the siểm song is banging, sucking skills speaking and hindrances of mind not flattering dua (= Center of substance users). Dua winding flattering just to lie by lie created ways how pleasing other people, know when a dua, when winding. Siểm also means judgement (winding) conceal his failures, despite the advice of your physician sincere commandments. Siểm belongs to the Center to take part and si.
9. Harm (harm): special agent who owned this property is hurt and the psychological disorder of others, due to lack of crush bi introspection. The active use of harm is reclaimed for rape being upset, and obstacle course mind is not compromised. People who have hurt the preferred the see others misery. Damage in the center of the courtyard.
10. Being arrogant (arrogant): special agent who owned this property is pride and arrogance, because high themselves to be successful in a career (as wealth, authority, talent), and then immerse yourself deep, mesmerizing drunk on the win. Work of his is the French magazine for infection (= unhappiness and negativity), and obstacle course mind not arrogant. People who are arrogant, once being head of all (defilements and kamma) magazine. His heart belongs to take part.
In 20 optional dish negativity, then 10 custom Sub dishes (above) and 3 mind: ample interior, launch anniversary, misdeed tri (Sui dynasty's) belong to the wrong part of the negativity (, since no distinction should have a Leanne characteristics section of the basic affliction). The seven remaining facility Center (infinite, infinite in you very good options, and any credits, incentives, Kiss, trạo, Sui dynasty's disarray) belongs to the class name (nickname, due to possible but have the same basic affliction with Leanne characteristics).
Four mind Department of uncertainty:
Talk about who the real facility, 4-course consciousness-tam litigation is cross listed:
Any position, hypnosis
Games, four, the second the second.
(Centre of Department of indeterminacy is:, hypnosis, and four each dish are enough 2; the names of good and evil (pure land and pollution)).
The four who owned dishes this indeterminacy is not the same with 5 types of mind before (as the Act, scene, charity, negativity and negativity). The word (), which means turning around 8, 3 and 9, all of the names. Four mind this facility means any definite. (that is not certain is in good or evil). Yogic treatise used 4 necessarily (: Leanne, and consciousness, time) to explain the 5 types of mind different departments: 1. turn the fan Center has enough 4 necessarily; 2. Center for special facility is necessarily (8 who form the United Kingdom) and Tanh (friendly, and evil); 3. Center the Department necessarily friendly (3 realms, 9 place); 4. basics and negativity No 4 necessarily; 5. Center the Department only for the names of indeterminacy.
The four who owned dishes this indeterminacy is not the same with 5 types of mind before (as the Act, scene, charity, negativity and negativity). The word (), which means turning around 8, 3 and 9, all of the names. Four mind this facility means any definite. (that is not certain is in good or evil). Yogic treatise used 4 necessarily (: Leanne, and consciousness, time) to explain the 5 types of mind different departments: 1. turn the fan Center has enough 4 necessarily; 2. Center for special facility is necessarily (8 who form the United Kingdom) and Tanh (friendly, and evil); 3. Center the Department necessarily friendly (3 realms, 9 place); 4. basics and negativity No 4 necessarily; 5. Center the Department only for the names of indeterminacy.
1. (repentance): means of other partner [51] (hate the did). Stain is, is can of stain. So the news is, the comment should say that means stain, is based on mean causation. Who is this facility owned special regret the evil industry did. The active use of the barrier is only. Only, away from ma tha, was stopped every thought and stand where mindfulness.
2. Hypnosis (hypnosis Swedish): special agent who owned this property is daydreaming, sleep, make stems not at, mind very stupid. The active use of hypnosis is stumbling overhaul. , Bhikkhu property Bowl na, was under Center, take consistent position (by writer, tu) as possible. Problem is, if when the maze of sleep is no mind, how has the effect of "do not for themselves at the very center, stupid"? Have had the effect it must have the consciousness, because the mind is truly a Swiss facility can have its effects.
3. Range (search): special agent who owned this property is clumsy motion (coarse), make the conscious mind (consciousness) of the Italian language in the rush transformation scenes.
3. Range (search): special agent who owned this property is clumsy motion (coarse), make the conscious mind (consciousness) of the Italian language in the rush transformation scenes.
4. Four (police) who owned this property features is motion virtuosity (move), making the conscious mind (consciousness) convert slowly in Italian language.
The active use of this facility Center base 2 and delineate on the effect of mind-body makes an or mind insecurity. What is your language? The scene is the object of consciousness, and consciousness holds many part objects by quotations (= concept), so called language Italian landscape (landscape of quotations of consciousness). Games and four are using part of the Centre of the Department of investment and intellectual property departments to do be Leanne. If the cause is due to the security-conscious mind awareness through part of the scenic Centre of the Department. If making the mind of insecurity is due to the conscious perception of the scene through a part of the Centre of the Department of intellectual property. The center of private facility bearing the names slowly (in the disturbing, artifacts) should be fine. The Center carries the Leanne wisdom despatch Department (in the choice of discerning) should have the harshness. As such, the Center is the center of the Department, not the Department of intellectual property; the Center also has insecurities that the center of the Department of intellectual property, not private property. Above said, "games and the four are using part of the Centre of the Department of investment and intellectual property Department can do mind family identity," is? He explained that French Household, have the same tiger in coordinating between the names of subsections with the Chief Justice. If you use the center of the Department of investment made, the Chief Centre of the Department of intellectual property according to the mind of private property which has the effect of causing the Center. the Center if the Department of intellectual property, the investment facility Center Chief to do depending on the Centre of the Department of intellectual property which has the effect of making the mind of insecurity. In other words, the games and the four are using investments and intellectual property without the left against each other. Meaning Samyutta (= blending together) has 5 elements are: time, Department of medicine, Department of General Administration, and the coast. For example, the United Kingdom and the mind: at the same time being kicked, and a medical facility is the basis of knowledge, and there is general opinion issued common share, a fellow fan, a can of the coast, so says the Samyutta.
Provisional difference evil chi distribution
(Form separate coordinated Friday: when the mind with the Department, with the evil at the facility)
The sense to see the friendly scene with fan friendly Samyutta. Conscious when experiencing any friendly or ridiculous scene signed the same mind real friendly facility or infinity sign Samyutta. So says a private forecast is up coordination. According to the argument, hasten the considerations may also know is this.
Tanh, about life, the constant shifting of the three kingdoms
(The Sixth Form frequently switch between 3, between 3 realms, Leanne and between 5 tho)
The sentence of this Court said, at the sixth form moved constantly by 3 Tanh (friendly, evil, invisible), 3 (Exercise, best, Colors) and 5 tho (suffering, lost, optimization, Hy, discharge), because its General ease of self change, easy to transcend self. Private life of the 5, have not the same theory. The seventh and eighth consciousness only to discharge the life. In the previous protocol conversion and life-life gauge. About the sixth form, there are 2 comment says different. Comment the first lawyers say, if the venue [52] which has the gauge (= infected magazine), the sixth form consists of enough life 5. Comment the second lawyers say, if the venue does not have a gauge, then the sixth form only has 3 priority life, Hy and discharge. Comes to life: feeling form 2 gauge too and have fun too, the problem is, when the sense of exposure for the scene or scenes too hilarious gauge, what does he have fun or gauge the impact on the mind? The answer is, the suffering in hell Loads of fun in the Sun or the cockroach tam meditation, in which, in the sense of how can forget are reversible scene. (In other words, consciousness is present in 3). Body painting or fancy Cypress, called life or gauge the life lost. Heart pine or fancy shots, called life or life the wedding favor. The mind is not a painting, nor fancy Cypress, called life discharge. Retrieved reasonably speculate, the commentary says, the place which has the gauge shows mean it. of consciousness as such.
Radical, customized, equal credit of correlated
(Basics of negativity, negativity, turning onions, and indeterminacy, 51 minds Dept. tandem switch according to the sense)
College of letters only for the type of mind rest facility such as: onions, and indeterminacy. The Translational infection, 51 French dishes of mind Department of successive also converted according to the sense, like Leanne, 3 3, 5 Shou said above.
Body language, exclusive mobile micro Max
(The Sixth Form was superior to the other in the trunk and drive password)
In the United Kingdom, administrative center of general awareness 8 of consciousness superior to both, because of the nature of the work to the body language and action arises. Mahayana Into career (due to the bodhisattva Avatar edit) talk about the sense as follows: external action, body language arises, demonstrated inside the mind of thinking; like the fish lurks at the bottom of the water, see water khua, proved to have the fish.
Function of consciousness is the thinking. There are 3 types of thinking: one is thinking, considering, premeditation (LU investment due diligence); two is, thinking averred, confirmed (investment decisions); Thirdly, boot, thinking arises [through the body and language] (play). The other form has no such widespread activities, should speak up sense wins over the other protocol.
Leading energy power industry Zhao Qian complacency
(In the sense of having the capability to create a close and satisfying career,: Guide and results: the total result and result)
Consciousness can alone create 2 career lead and complacency. Two industry has the capability to sense the result two of Zhao and results (General report and special report), and that is the power of winning. vengeance Lead industry, is available for the power lead. Complacency, is fully rounded career of results. For example, the artist, the previous overall sketch (= lead) who, after drawing new details (= satisfied). This definition should know. In conclusion say 4 cases career directions: one is, 1 career lead off 1 result; two is, 1 career lead off more results; Thirdly, many colleagues cited 1 result; the four are, many career leads many results. Through this sense has the power to create career, Zhao. Part of evil 5 previous knowledge can also create. The seventh and eighth form, both cannot be created, because the infinite nature. If the table of 8 formula: zhaoye achievement, is the eighth consciousness and 1 part of 6 previous knowledge; There is no create career Zhao, only official Saturday. Part of 6 previous knowledge, and nature is said to anyone (that's 6). Of the total, is the result of overall newspaper as unhealed, sugar sugar mature hetero (UM, contentious, due to the lead of the eighth consciousness make industrial sense Zhao). Special report, is the result of wrong (in General) as long life or abortive, wealth or poor white trash, beautiful or ugly, etc. (, the unimpeachable thousand, due to the complacency of 6 previous knowledge increases the upper coast).
Consciousness can alone create 2 career lead and complacency. Two industry has the capability to sense the result two of Zhao and results (General report and special report), and that is the power of winning. vengeance Lead industry, is available for the power lead. Complacency, is fully rounded career of results. For example, the artist, the previous overall sketch (= lead) who, after drawing new details (= satisfied). This definition should know. In conclusion say 4 cases career directions: one is, 1 career lead off 1 result; two is, 1 career lead off more results; Thirdly, many colleagues cited 1 result; the four are, many career leads many results. Through this sense has the power to create career, Zhao. Part of evil 5 previous knowledge can also create. The seventh and eighth form, both cannot be created, because the infinite nature. If the table of 8 formula: zhaoye achievement, is the eighth consciousness and 1 part of 6 previous knowledge; There is no create career Zhao, only official Saturday. Part of 6 previous knowledge, and nature is said to anyone (that's 6). Of the total, is the result of overall newspaper as unhealed, sugar sugar mature hetero (UM, contentious, due to the lead of the eighth consciousness make industrial sense Zhao). Special report, is the result of wrong (in General) as long life or abortive, wealth or poor white trash, beautiful or ugly, etc. (, the unimpeachable thousand, due to the complacency of 6 previous knowledge increases the upper coast).
Start the wedding Festival Center location profile
(In the mind, consciousness Hy Festival start the capacity infinite contraband got WINS enemies into every sense to his advantage and people)
In the center of the profile, the wedding Festival consciousness has moved into an infinite contraband, because 2 Karma distinguish fell accept and France accept (and the evil Director pollution junk [53]) have all paragraphs except.
Q: Three lifetime timeout (contraband) or? If timeout or current, or not of the same mind and being. The past has been destroyed, the future not yet being, as such at any stage?
A: Just discussed when the start position or the position at the time, except for lai, of or cannot continue being run, and the call is segment.
The sentence being constant current self travel
(However, in the wedding Festival, still have the sentence being crumpled accept and France accept the for should still have the current and death race being run)
The current is constant (ngu). Hypnosis is bīja (heavily). When in place, the wedding Festival Center profile of consciousness is still current and strain of the sentence being temperamental and affliction, caused by obstacles such as tri-conscious yet pure infinity pirated. Consciousness is not usually in the Cafe just about ego and France did not.
The local climate is pure endless practice far smuggled
(After the local administration of remote sense plain new loads smuggled)
The local administration of remote news is the first location to furniture. The sense from the first location to furniture and earlier, pirated and smuggled natively strains clustered being run, so the sense of space in an often just yet. From the first location to furniture and later the new consciousness is pure endless death sentence because illegally being temperamental and affliction tri karma is no longer current, but typically an head office where the only consistent. However, the only consistent about not falling (being not) then the fullness. Only consistent about France is no longer interrupted (and flawed).
Again, in 10, 5 first place for the most part is just a useful General Consulate, the less is just endless number-General. The Prefecture Friday, the less is the only consistent ownership and General, much is just endless number-General. From Saturday or over is just plain ridiculous General Consulate.
Intelligent observers of celestial
(Now, the true sense turn into Magic, have used observation circle shining throughout the world heavenly soi)
The sixth form in the center of the location but the wedding Festival profile no longer 2 Karma distinguish fell accept and France accept, transformed into an infinite contraband, but still contentious sentence bīja negativity karma and Karma in the current tri-venue: Glass structure, Luminescent, Diem wisdom, Nan WINS, Does the money. To Saturday, local administration, Telecommunications bīja contentious sentence of 2 permanent obstacle course was offering, are no longer being run again. Now, the constant birth usually run form NET counts, the sense which the Samyutta present the facility transformed into Magical mind consistent observation position, always bright circle (member), shining throughout the heavenly world. Do not say the world is because of a soi projection Magic consistent observation position power projection soi around it. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.24/8/2017.
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