Monday, 14 August 2017

The machine plants absorb Buddhism.


We can envision as a Buddhist tree with enormous appetites twig deck communing. There's a big trunk, with the main branch, and then crashing out of the small twigs, and finally the leaves on the stems. Below ground is a tree root system. As well as the section on the ground, this root system is again divided into many roots.
Now, Let's imagine a large trunk to rise up off the ground and raise social, nourish the tree branches and leaves. This tree symbol for the action seek refuge--refuge--of Buddhists. This is a joint action for all Buddhists, and is one of the most important aspects of any research work and maintain Buddhist. any theory, and onion French sects of Buddhism are viewed as the action originates from the view that weak, but each Buddhas from must maintain regular proceedings , that's the rules. In Pali, the action called "sarana-gamana" (refuge). "Gamana" means to go to, search on. "Sarana" meaning refuge, breeding, nursing, help guide. "Refuge" of a place would mean to them to ask for help, guidance and maintenance of livestock. Usually, that's what we do when we encounter a crisis in life, when we encounter a hard fact that we can't handle. Thus, we find a place to ask for help.
What makes a religious into a Buddhist is not simply seeking refuge. Typically, the majority of us go find refuge in something else, such refuge on friends, alcohol, tea of careers, drugs, entertainment, family, professionals, sports, the distraction, sex, travel, etc., Things make a person become a Buddhist woman's legs to find refuge in the Buddha , The Dharma, and the Sangha-are-called Qui Y Tam.
As a result, three branches of taproot to nurture stem is Buddha, France and Rising. Each noun behold again has many different meanings. So, we can imagine is from three roots that back stabbing out many other roots. However, within the limits of the article, we will only refer to profile three taproot behold only.
Taproot is between France (Dharma). This noun has many meanings. In the Buddhist context, the most important meaning of France is Nirvana, is the ultimate goal of all Buddhists. Nirvana is the destruction of all seed brought to suffering, real content. All Buddhists are efforts on the removal of that gauge. That's the main meaning of France. But the French word also means that the media, the way to help us reach the ultimate goal, Nirvana. To help us achieve that goal is a positive attitude and the truth, from which brought to the noun "happy world". As a result, the second meaning of France is happy About, related to the names of each person. France also is what helps us develop world. From there, meaning France's third is the Catholic thing. What does education help us to Nirvana may be viewed as France, but typically, Buddhist refuge on teaching things that are recorded in the Scriptures (collection of sermons of the Buddha) and in law (a collection of precepts laid out for the monks, who left the family life to devote all their time and energy to maintain French Leaders).
The two branches of the root that is the Buddha-da (Buddha) and Rising-(Sangha). There are many different opinions about the meaning of the title Buddha. Everyone agrees that in history there have been many Buddha, and Buddha in recent times as You All Reached Multi Having Talks (Siddhattha Gotama), also referred to as the Sage President wear (Houses, Muni) their lines Like Ca (Sakya). The tribe Like Ca is probably a minority tribe, ethnic origin and the other with a similar population to A h-Le-da (Aryan), just like the main population are living in the region. Therefore, when You All Reached Multi Having Talks to the Three cities-la-complaint (Benares) and the Valley of the Ganges (Ganges), perhaps venture and his way of saying the content seems a bit strange to the people in the region. Also that they did not appreciate Him because they think He belongs to ethnic minorities, less civilized. Although native to the stranger and suffered such prejudice, but after a time preached, he has inspired French Finances are a lot of people, including those with an important position as the God King, generals, merchants, and Jewish scholars of his time. All those who have served, and pineal view Him as a teachers guide. So, when I refuge in Buddha, I respect Him as a most noble masters of Chu and humanity, a whole people most. In other words, he is an epitome of the main leg to all Buddhists follow.
The noun "Steady-old" means a group, a community, society. Increase-that all the Buddhists attributed the threshold is A Chile-growing skin old (Ariya Sangha, four Saints rise-elderly), is the mass of the Holy steps topping, who has developed intellectual property and about Germany tonality has reached Nirvana or on Road near to Nirvana, is often called the Holy. The thing to know here is the Member of A Chile-growing skin old not just monks, which is also not any monks would also be members of A Chile-growing skin old. An absolute, when a Buddhist refuge Increased Security, people's refuge into a monk or a mass the other Buddhists. True, her refuge in a mass of the upper position, have the wisdom and the German border, there is a high level at all, than mediocre ones. However, the word "Steady-old" is often used to refer to other communities, such as the community of monks (Bhikkhu-stilts Rising-elderly and Bhikkhu-stilts-ni Increase-elderly), community musician households increase (Pros-BA-di-Ms-rules-Increase), the artist community has heard the Buddha preach and have to ask for refuge with him (van Bar rise-elderly). There are some Buddhists believe that probably should see the entire community of Buddhists as a Steady-old, as a symbol for A Chile-growing skin old men that they scale the threshold. However, in countries with longstanding Buddhist tradition, Steady-old often are viewed as the community of monks.
Three branches of the main roots nourishing mind to feed the trunk, and from an action attributed to y Tam, created the conditions to establish Buddhism as a religion has held. There are many different methods to refuge. Ultimatum, we can say that there are many different medical manner since there are countless different individuals, because in the history of Buddhism, the ultimate refuge is a decision of each individual, and each person must find his own way in life each person's own life. I can see every Buddhist is a leaf attaches to well-oiled trees absorb Buddhism. Leaves of life thanks to the Spike, Spike attached to the branch, the branch is derived from a large branch which grow out from the main stem. From there, let's look to the main branch.
The main branches of the tree can be viewed as being based on the basis of the scriptures contain the teachings of the Buddha and disciples. A main branch named Branch Office Bar (Savaka). The monks in this Administration Branch maintained according to the Dhamma that everyone believes that it is the public teachings of the Buddha to the monks and disciples renunciation. The old days, there are many sub-genre crashing out from this Text, but the Bar branch today only a branch. That branch is called Theravada (Elders) means the word preach of the elders. Elders, or the venerable, priest has about life is at least 10 years and have a sense of wisdom. Theravada sects based on the administrative tradition through generations of elders. The Dhamma of the Buddha are written back in a classic collection by Pali. Although the Theravada monks have studied different types of books, the basic platform of the teaching and maintenance is based on the Pali Scriptures. Theravada sects (commonly known as the Southern Tribes, or Primitive Buddhism) is today present in Ceylon, Burma, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam.
The second main tributary again subdivided into a lot of exfoliation sub-genre. All this subfield has a common trait is that they accept the value of the other classic type does Stick branch admit that that is not the word of the Buddha's teaching of history. This branch was known as the Mahayana branch (Mahayana, Northern Tribe). Very large numbers of Mahayana sutras and nobody can end in a lifetime, and therefore, Mahayana Buddhists often only monographs on a couple of sets, or just a business. Such as Zen Buddhism (Zen) are often understood that rely only on the wonder nikaya Old Mausoleum (original title "Old Mausoleum A Multi Canvas La" means French foot on the island passed the old Mausoleum-Ceylon, a country both Theravada and Mahayana branch). The Translational speed of the sects based on the Scriptures describe the extreme purity levels of peanuts to the regeneration, we continue maintaining Dharma is easier in this difficult world. Also many other smaller tributaries, such as the French branch of flowers by Diệu Liên French, based in the United States--a classic aims to unify the sectarian--including Japanese group (Nichiren) and Creative Society (Soka Gakkai believers) are currently active in Japan, the United States, and elsewhere. Typically, this small branch knit back together, make up the influence each other, it is difficult to distinguish.
Buddha Gi o Mahayana (Mahayana) had extensive development period in China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam and In-the-si-a (Southern Ocean), but today there were many changes. In United Kingdom-si-a hour this is a Muslim country. Buddhism has the remnants of the lụn in the Mainland of China. The majority of the Korean people by Ky-Cars, only one-third as Buddhist Buddhist above da. decline in Japan and are being replaced by hundreds of new religious groups (sometimes just seems to be superficial Buddhism). Buddhism in Vietnam also was weakened because of war in the past and at present is the political pressure, economic, although Vietnam is where there have been efforts to combine the two branches of Mahayana and Theravada. Can say is that the risk of making Buddhism will probably decline in Asia in the next 25 years. A sad thing is that this tree branch, a very healthy and lush, are far from being rotten and cancer risk will go and fall because of the weight of it.
The main branch is the third branch of the diamond (Vajra). In fact, to correct, can say this branch is borne from the Mahayana branch, but because of the peculiarities should be able to watch as a main branch. Classics of this branch is based upon your uncle, should also be called Secret Buddhism (Tantric Buddhism). This is the classic type written in a van from the specials, not obvious to those who are not lineage, called secret meaning. We can't study or maintained without direction instructions, and the teachers have the special lineage disciple have Ghost with which to act. Your tribe is main sects in Tibet and Mongolia (from traditional to Tibet). Also the morphology Suite tribe in China, and from there transfer to Vietnam, Korea, and Japan even the other Buddhist sects also suffered more or less influence of the Suite, in the reasoning as in onions. For example, in Vietnam today, often find a harmony very well, very special Men's Tribe, many Northern Tribes (pure land and Zen) and Suite. Korean Buddhism now is also a synthesis of meditation, and a few traces of the Net.
Here, I've finished the presentation, main stem roots and branches of the tree branch the tree's main Buddhist receptor deck. Now, we see the whole of this tree is created. It is composed by 2 main sections, the wood and plastic part meat plant. Part of the wood, is the framework of Buddhism, is Wisdom. Plastic parts, to help give the trees continue to exist by transmission of the nutritional elements from the roots to the others and to the twig, is Compassion. No plastic parts From Bi information flow throughout the whole entire tree will die fast. No piece of wood then Intelligence transmission and no plastic will evaporate quickly. Like, not the more important part part. Both parts back together to maintain life for the machine plants absorb Buddhism.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/8/2017.

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