Tuesday, 8 August 2017

The Mistakes Mistakes To Avoid When Playing.

"Credit-Prayer-Happy" is the wage of the Persian worship are few beings. French households anniversary comes up it comes down also reunited on three points.
Today we talk about the word "Credit". The word "Credit" is expressed in those worship. example when sick people an course worship, that person has a "Credit". At what an obstacle course in order to worship that is "Credit".
The way most professional employees no longer austerities chao segment measured between France French francs from this again, so is the "Credit" of them extremely powerful, they have been resolved. Thanks to this trust that start friendly units. Those who credit the higher base goodness. Those friendly self-catering is often weak or uncertain, hesitant. So the "Credit Center" closely related to "good Basis".

"Good Basis"? Say for simple, out of the need to do philosophy, is the gentle people. In the past people have donation Chu Buddha, had the austerities, which is gentle people. On the client's Upper West-Friendly Staff-everything. Therefore, when it deems that its beliefs are also weak, then know as much life in her next life apartment friendly overhaul. So, now what?
Please lower the resolution trust in question A-Di-da Buddha. When started believing in question A-Di-da, his Buddha the up, I pray earnestly, I set up for steadfastness. What this belief it increases donation based up, and thanks to the good that justifies its new help for his faith steadfastness. It's like two ladder, this support for the other, the other to support it.
When his mind staggered, uncertain, worried something, do not think that this worship French micro magic like that, then proved his weak faith! Now don't you should segment the measurement again. Buddha said so I just decided to go down, trust determination worship then his apartment friendly nature from that which grows up.
Today we talk through the "Pray" for a while. Every person that has a strong heart then credit the vow will earnestly. People do not have strong heart's prayer credit not earnestly. As such, the prayer not it originates from the belief. Now, if I saw a woman across the worship was a guest being, something iconic that motivate yourself to believe, although I don't understand why? I saw that her family does not know the word means nothing, don't know what, but the classic Tool for sincere pieced together A Tissue sleeve-Di-da Buddha for the current birth is; You don't know where is the Western, just listen to the Buddha speaks so earnestly immensely, day and night, day and night, so that her current birth! This rewarding yourself here to pull down, the food poisoning. Oh! Must have a great mystery in this mission, what? Start up beliefs.
For the basic down as we should remember this:
-"Pray" is earnestly pray few Western birth, rather than pray most ailments.
-"Pray" is earnestly pray few Western birth, rather than pray for you solved all life and the new debt.
-"Pray" is voluntary and the public alike about the contentious Western hearts, not pray I get it done the family story, I help my wife, helps her husband, help me, help, help, help law ... for finishing, then I am new safe worship.
-"Prayer" is the current contentious prayer of Sukhavati Western, not: "Nam A-Di-da Buddha, the coated body event, opening worship to the lily decoration.

You must remember for this point thoroughly. Magic Audio prompts to go repeat does not know how many times. There are many very long but also along the convent has the wrong prayer! That means that is his wife continue the death disease, karma, owes his life ... it just wear themselves out, it wears its slightly off until then it still wears, so you have to open your eyes to try to do something (?) rather than blindly don't be!
Don't ever think that: -I make to my new life debt done tu ". Never have. Never:
-Oh! I have to take care of her daughters, I worry for my son, I take care of grandchildren, I worry for foreign ... If I do not worry, no one else worry! ...
Not i! "The slippers under the bed to bed in a hurry. Today's life forever tomorrow? ". Never had such a thing!
Don't ever let the grandchildren, never to let the child, never to let his relatives who bear the guilt. Because they cause themselves fallen.
The other day I was talking to this. If you know the merchant know lo austerities. To spend? To do when it dies I lettered in Upper-Charity-Workers on the Western realms down here to save it. This is the person who knows this. Rather than not, then the father pimp the hell, then the pimp you to hell ... On well hell, hell also. Together go on that way, certain no one save one is both! Understanding is comprehension.
I'm the wife to death, then the procedure means:
-"Prayer" is the current contentious prayer of Sukhavati Western, rather than pray for you are "For real" mentality.
-"Prayer" is the current contentious prayer of Sukhavati Western, rather than pray for her worship until "Infinity".
-"Prayer" is the current birth is about, on the early Western would the day that, rather than pray for the worship to be "happy".
-"Prayer" is the current voluntary birth of Sukhavati Western Model A-Di-Nam Da Buddha, the recipes please go on the Western, rather than pray for your worship is privileged, "Worship Me Mirna".
Because remember, "Worship Me Mirna", "For the real Mind Disorders" ... both in the Buddhist scriptures say, but that He is for the people of the upper terrace of the apartment, the charity the great charity, are the greatest Portuguese-Slapped. You then want to pray. For the Buddha, the divine Lady death prayer is to continue the current contentious about the Extreme Western Tribes. What about "For any heart disorder", leave! "Anniversary of the real", leave! Do not leave in the mind.
Chu said Nest worship does not demand for any heart disorder may for any heart disorder. The demand for any heart disorder, who hope it will emerge, never for any heart disorder!
-"Prayer" is the current contentious prayer of Sukhavati Western, rather than pray for the most hope for the worship was for, to hope ideas don't happen.
Hope thought it to copy to leave, their anniversary for anniversary, not when expectations rise, the idea for front desk Buddha: "Nam Mô A-Di-da Buddha, please give the most hopeless idea".
As such, the magic has prompted up prompted down don't know how many times the questions: "Prayer of Sukhavati Western beings as a guest". All other issues please let go.
Hope to? Hope thought as to the more voracious class his wife knew that continue. Already know that everyone will get his wife to death, then the procedure required to have hope. There is hope in the idea and then ask the certain hope that this reminder to increase upper charm for her worship. Also those who tries for treatment with hope, i.e. for how to kill off hope, then accidentally as worship as being headaches! ...
So You Down-new-said: "Worship not the bridge off hopes. Worship is not for for any disorder Center. Worship only to current bridge being on the Extreme Western Tribes ". Because I know every divine wife continue, so more and more concepts. The more chaos, the more voracious to know. Know is divine and then worry that the wife bought the machine press. The press i.e. the machine. Now this temple would also have the click. Click, click, click, click ... Instead it counts his press for themselves. Every anniversary, the hand just click, click, click, click ... it's the machine.
Who would the onset of heart, then we start to go. Who would not yet begin the center set up for the go too slow, or is sitting a seat. When the other anniversary a day of twenty-five thousand, and we have new two thousand! Two thousand we must also meditate. Because there are only two thousand like that, I start thinking ... Oh! Why so weak? I have to go three thousand, four thousand ... Means that your machine is slow onset, but when starting to go ... go ... go ... After the break it was there then it will go. So when that person has the natural centre of the credit of their vows and the immensely earnest their almond was formed in a natural way. The credit Center, who has not yet established who would set up happy happy.
I would like to mention here a story, this story is real. Many people often say, long I happy new?! ... There is a man that age 77, right, 77 years old. Instrument overhaul and thirty years field vegetarian. Stuff each tu is fifteen over sixteen pagoda. In the little Saigon has the temple would not come to that stuff. All of the eight key instrument for full participation, the Interior also attend Buddhist course in full. But at home, when there are people who know the methods of households, to encourage worship Tools, the Tool does not. Tool says:
-We have too good of such seclusion, didn't need reciting so soon. We're not dead, to slowly going ...
Size approximately six months later, there is a door at the stand are Tools, the Tool has found a sack of rice poured out, and then have a flock of chickens to eat the rice sack. Stuff in the House running off chasing those chickens, then Tool stumbled to the sills and falls down, and then injury coma. When the Tools back, New Stuff to say why where chicken to his home lot? But absolutely no rice, no chicken anything! Invisible stuff is in the hospital for about a month ... maybe something at the time. The hospital suffered a new defeat to take home, and I have to go to households for his tools. I'm not officially households. My program is not in place long ago. Coma his tools, just the the enchanted maze, the labyrinth maze province so far, death not being a guest.
When I go to households for his tools, I was also the one week anniversary of household, make a declaration to that man did not wake up. I call upon the family out to ask detailed questions, from the top to tail, then recently discovered is out of this. Is before the day on which he died, he often stood before the door holding the hand drive Honda talk buzzing, buzzing rẩm rẩm leak? Eventually he found a flock of chickens. But that's actually not have chickens that? ...
Have you considered, today before I say that is the divine wife to death, then continue the base down matter left home comes next. So when his mind who would want to play, I have to do. Themselves are thousands year anniversary two thousand. Two thousand are at "Chess" or "talk" ... begins worship. If that has the click, you're standing between three-four, they are talking, I don't know where to hide, then thrusts his hand out of the bag, let the arm Pocket that click click in it: "A-Di-da Buddha, A-Di-da Buddha". Its really fake that smile to laugh with them, but that his mind is sinking in A-Di-da Buddha. Thanks to the press that it helps yourself. It called for. The press called the machine keep rather than nothing else. Thanks to that we have little dimension. Bring this helpfulness merit matter left for home. Please don't wait! ...
The other day, would it say that, so I do eat a tasty, tasty preparation going okay I worship? Don't be. Who should play Center has. The big mind is capable. Its not likely so small. To spend? To create the German away, to revert direction for matter left home soon. Because if not, then they will stand firm in his wait six months from now, three months doing anything new ... But in fact, they already knew what his fate will come at any time! ... You ơi! The ones it set very strange!
So when know so, tu then must play mind tu soon Jesus, Sir. Because of its network that Hui tu, not because someone else. Not because a child, because a nephew, a wife or something to that because shume yourselves. I don't know the day would go. Breath, breathe out do not inhale is finished. So that notion is the prompt for the households we must worry austerities, and when I lay down, then all this knowledge I know off, know all the households easy notion. Just sit next to: À Six doctor! Worship goes. Yes! ... What I told nghen. Yes! ... Know all smooth. At that all the people sitting around the notion of "A-Di-da Buddha, A-Di-da Buddha". We're also "A-Di-da Buddha, A-Di-da Buddha". Will, will graduate with A prayer-Samyutta-Di-da Buddha. We on the Western easy! ... END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM NGO.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,NEWCASTLE.9/8/2017.

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