Why the Buddha brand SATTHÃDEVAMANUSSÃNAM (Angel-Entertainment-Master)? By Mr Wrack is both Heavenly and human-Divine-type.
The benefits of higher education-France.
Pope-France The World-religion has taught for Chu-Natural and human-Kind in order to benefit the three upon-useful:
Ditthadhammikattha: Benefit-Current Utility
Samparãyikattha: Benefit-Useful Future
Paramattha: Benefit-Useful Height-upper is Nirvana.
The Benefit-Useful currently there are four:
- Utthàna Sampadã: So industrious-makes the job of daily network feed is the primary career-career leg-innocent-error.
Career guilty are: gas traders (Satthavanijjã), trafficking in people or animals (Sattavanijjã), the meat trade (Mamsavanijjà), the wine trade (Majjavanijjã), sell poison (Visavanijjã).
-Arakkha Sampadã: Should the maintenance-keep the property has no tear target for Deng ruined because of the different causes such as fire, steal, dudes, gambling etc.
-Kalyãnamittatã: Should the body reach you is the you have faith, have world-happy, do these things blessed countries, there are Position-intellectual property etc.
-Samajivitã: So spending money in a way-the amount of weight, is depending on his strength has earned, not waste.
The benefits – four Useful:
-Saddhà Sampadã: Have Faith is to believe grace-Germany, Tam, tin tin.
- Sila Sampada: have Sex-Happy, is maintained in clean (five precepts, Eight Precepts, etc..)
- Cãga Sampadã: the End of money is Put out work to pilot the Phuoc sa-and poor-the same, sick-disabilities etc.
- Pannã Sampadã: Yes-Wisdom is to know sin and blessed truth-the General of the French property.
Who would take all four full-on thing is people have finished clearing the path goes on location to future sessions; When tan-half Five-Aggregates this easy path.
The benefits – high-Utility is Nirvana.
The World-religion teaching, only to see the leg-is the four-Magic-Soles (Ariya Sasa):
Dukkham: God-Gauge (12 the suffering of human-kind).Dukkhasamudayo: God-(human beings of their suffering is Craving heart-Exercise).Dukkha Nirodho : Kill-Soles (where removal of the suffering is Nirvana).Dukkha Nirodhagãminipattipadã : Dao-Soles (Bat path-Chief-Executive Administrator according to go to where the removal of suffering).
He has higher education-culture depending on wholesome charm (Upanissaya). Beings would less wholesome charm, more troubling-the brain then You teach about the benefits-useful we-in and taste-lai. Beings would teach Him the thick high Coast charity said about the high benefit-upper is Nirvana.
Great leaders rotating lead degree.
In the Niddesa Mahã have Master of letters (Satthu) like this:
"The World-religion is the master, because he is a professional Director leads ranks is pimp led caravans-action through the markets far from the danger-filled Outback ear-damage, about to come home or go to the place that has some definite-indefinite-the whole. The path away from the danger-filled Outback tai-does damage 5:
Corakantãra: Disastrous because thieves
Bãlakantãra: dangerous for animals
Nirudakakantãra: dangerous because there is no drinking water
Amanussakantãra: Dangerous because the non-human (yaksha, ...)
Appabhakkhakantãra: dangerous because no animal-food.
Also like him, The Angel-human-guided our Lawyers-birth through out the 13 remote path (Kantãra) has a lot of agony-the brain and ear-damage as follows:
Jãti Kantãra: Dangerous roads of the Birth
Jãra Kantãra: afterimage of the Elderly
Byãdhi Kantãra: afterimage of the Sore (disease)
Marana Kantãra: path of danger of death
Dukkha Dukkha: suffer suffering of the Suffering
Soka: suffer parting, lament
Parideva: Suffering because the weeping cry
Domanassa: suffer sorrow
Upãsa: Suffering because of discomfort, upset
Ditthi: disastrous because knowledge
Uddhacca: disastrous because launch Center
Vicikiccha: disastrous because of skepticism
Silabbatta Parãmãsa: disastrous because banned player (accept the Holy religious rules, the God of fire, etc..)
The World-religion have used 30 France-La-Suite together make a statue of dung cutting board or a fortified vehicle, pass the remote path 13 disastrous brain gauge filled, to the place where the unconscious being immortal is Nirvana. After you pass yourself From dinar to teach they used the birth-you treasure her and guided through distant beings with the suffering of birth, Aging, Illness, death ... to where an-Lac as well as him. Or suppose You used the French 30-la-suite forms a boat, sea-gauge myself as being London-e-mail feedback, and then you use the boat he brought beings from the shore where Marina.
Dhammam sutvã kappasatasahassã te pannãya "Ye passanti"
Beings would have real-the Three French-La-Suite is 100 thousand great fuck-Fuk, after hearing That The French are-religion, making the intellectual understanding arises his teachings, see clearly the four-Magic-removal, Soles make the mind-brain who exercise in mind by using the A-La-director Han-wisdom; She beings to be through off the far have much suffering because of the birth, life no longer means being on the pregnant mother's cells again as five master Jiao-Tran-As same Yasakola and his friend, ...
According to "the relevant Causation" ờng called "Ten-Second human-Charm", compounded by Micro-human resources which arises up, when whole-people kill off then the France he also kill-off.
Birth (Jãti) is raw-of Laozi (Jarãmaranam), when being destroyed, the Laozi. Thats right with Buddha-"Jãtinirodhã Jãra Paridevadukkha nirujjhanti Domanassupayasa Maranam Soka": birth, then go kill the elder's death, mourn, weeping, sorrow, brain gauge, the rức also kill all.
Thus, the ranks of Holy would no longer ranks, it's reborn also no longer have the five-aggregates. If not have five-aggregates without the folks, death, pain and suffering in the evening. Compounded by the destruction Virus off and then, we can say that the Holy steps over from far above the medium route 13.
Chu-Natural and human-Kind.
Chu-Natural and human-type (Devamanussãnam) here, saying the row had more charm, friendly beings may be privileged, privileged outcome in the current lifetimes (Puggala Bhabba).
The truth, not the Buddha only-Lettered rows mode-Natural and human-Kind's only where, He also always-all animal species. Because although mammals in the shit now, but when heard by the French World-religion and then create fresh charm, and thanks to her wholesome charm, in two three-prime pharmacy will contrast damn moral outcome. A perhaps more, the animal species, in the past life, too-past, when do people do at Sun, etc. has gathered many charity-charm, to fuck there-in but were charged by the evil business framework result made as cattle-birth but friendly charm still exists, until this shit, jade, to meet the Buddha-for.
As the area of the sky position Mandũka :
While The World-religion theory of population levels in the Campã, next to the shore of Lake Gaggarã, there's a frog to recognize, the one in his speech. Someone standing nearby cow blanket, anti-ground iron rod, would surprise hit the frog and crush crushed the top of the frog. The frog died and sailings reborn in heaven realms Ðao-a Golden Temple width 12-week, new equivalent by waking up after a sleep. When seeing the magnificent temples and Client Group-the women surround themselves, the Sun's surprise-surprise, asking "do we have to do what is friendly-blessed so?". After trying to search in mind, remember that this blessed-friendly did not spend more than is the awareness of being, in the words of a sermon by the Buddha. He brings instant gold lights Solar unit to fly down the ceiling of the Buddha ceremony, wealthy girl.
Although Roger knows, but He still asked by word that the shelves:
"Iddhiyã jalam yasasã pãdãti vandati me Ko abhikantena vannena obhãsayam disã sabba "
(Would that be more God-force, there are towering and taste-dime-flaming-brilliant optical illumination at all four directions, to the foot of the ceremony As the hybrid-wealthy girl?)
And he's the white Sky position by word that the shelves:
"Mandukoham udake tava vãrigocaro asim dhammam pure sunantassa avadhi vacchapalako"
(The White World-Religion! At first I was the frogs that live in the water; While listening to The French World-religion, farmers have been cow-kill me).
The World-religion theory for Sun he heard, eight four-thousand Prime beings unimpeachable moral-results in that session, longer Sun Mandũka was a prime result of Tu-Da-Hườn, smiling delight-like about the Sun.
So thanks for the Grace-The above medium, so the Buddha is SATTHADEVAMANUSSÃNAM effect (Natural-human-Professor).
9. Buddho (Buddha)
Why the Buddha brand is BUDDHO (Buddha)? By Him are:
-Has Knowledge-the province
-Ranks were Escapist
-Physical communication-Level throughout the quarter finals-Magic-and bring out the parish for the same beings known as Mr.
Degrees of DD ã-province.
The World-religion is already awake-the, since he is no longer in the mind 7 France sleep-underground (Anusaya) is the Mind-Brain micro-economic potential-can wait, the Museum raised up:
1) Kãmarãgãnusaya: Passion love sex-sleep-submarine
2) Bhavarãgãnusaya: Tam-preferred sleep-submarine
3) Patighãnusaya: real-the average sleep-submarine
4) Mãnãnusaya: High drain port, falls asleep-submarine
5) Ditthãnusaya: knowledge of sleep-underground (Ta-comments)
6) Vicikicchãnusaya: Huai-sleeping facilities-underground
7) Avijjãnusaya: Infinity-intelligent sleep-underground.
He is the Sensory level-food poisoning, meaning that understanding yourself-know wall-take (Bujjhi) and kill-take in mind the seven-bedroom French submarine just above, then you woke the sleeping enchanted beings asleep in the coroner for waking him. Beings would improve enough, round-charm then woke up. Beings would little to no-charm, then rolled through the back and then forward-continue to sleep anymore.
The World-religion himself woke up, nobody remind-remind or consciousness-only, due to the province thanks to the French 30-La-Suite dug-in 4 A-increase-and 100 thousand College-fuck. The main food-action fullness 30 France-La-Suite's formula-the Lord, for the correct time or sleep were sleep naturally wake up do not need one call.
Since its leader under its Portuguese Threads to enter Nirvana, he has Europe-du Hong,-45 school year full of birth pants an over-non-stop College-stay. For he is the Sensory level-food poisoning, official-the first, so You clearly see sin and suffering-the brain due to sleeping, and the peace of the nirvana. He saw the beings are diving-get moaning in agony, squeeze should play the Compassionate-Min bao-la, lo-prompt-prompt, scene-the province (Bodhesi) the sleeping passionate beings within samsara, molecular beings woke up like you.
Degrees of DD ã escapist.
The World-religion is exited, the out of infinity-. Infinity-(Avijjã) has two meanings:
- Adassanam: Do Not See,
- Annãnam: Don't Know.
Infinity-Ming, says do not see, do not know the true France is Four-Magic-Soles. There are four things:
1) Dukkha Annãnam: do not know what the gauge. Beings have consciousness as Leanne Sun people, animals, etc. being the the suffering harm ride non-stop is miserable being, suffering, misery, suffering and death, suffering injuries, suffering, agony, sorrow, suffering, etc. Yet peace-course as it seems not to know what she's suffering, still pristine-sharpening by Active-Chen Lu-education, I, unknown probably fit tan of Five-Aggregates. The framework is, the weapon for clean, the genus is Infinitely-often for is sustainable.2) Samudaye Annãnam Dukkha: don't see, don't know the episode-God is Charity heart-Exercise (there are 3 or 108) is raw-arises the suffering.3) Nirodhe Annãnam: Dukkha does not see, does not know God is where removal-removal take advantage of the gauge.4) Dukkha Nirodha Gãmini Patipadãya Annãnam: do not see, do not know the Dao-way, is God's pimp-leading to where the gauge off removal [*].[*] Infinity-Proving just as Tibetan followers on the prize (Suttanta), also under the organ prize (Abhidamma) then there are 8 things: 4 things on Foursome-Magic-God had and more:5) Pubbante annãnam: do not know the originator of Five-Aggregates6) Aparante annãnam: unknown place last of Five-Aggregates.7) Pubbantãparante annãnam: do not know the start and end of the Five-Aggregates.8) Paticcasamupadde annãnam: unknown result-staff-(12-charm).
Invisible screen-How Smart-bosses all beings not to see the light that is Wisdom clearly, knows the true France, for as yet the chicks hatch, also in egg shells can not see the Mylene. Sees when the chicks that try to grab mine soi egg shells, take break holes for new wide-out shell and see chui sunlight.
The Buddha is the first tier smash egg shells-intelligent mind You wrap Invisible from how A-steady-States shit too-past, DAC is Wisdom-information throughout the French Miracle-Triangle-God, then You need real professionals-Executive Division-the (Buddha Kicca) nonstop to enter Nirvana.
Diocese-the Buddha's in there every day 5:
1) Pubbanhe Pindapãtam: morning Chiping qifu gangui.2) Sãyanke Dhammadesanam: driver level theory Sessions.3) Bikkhu Padose Ovãdam: the evening staff-from the Bhikkhu-Khưu.4) Addharatte Devapanhanam: in the middle of the night, answering the questions of the Chu-genius.5) Paccũseva Kãle Vilokanam Bhabbãhabbe Gotte: Near Aurora, You see they have wholesome charm any living being-or not Deng arrived-at.
Degrees of DD ã-throughout the four Management-Magic-Soles.
The World-religion endorsed-for four-legged French Foursome-Magic-Caturãriyasacca (Soles):
- Dukkha Sacca: God-Gauge,
- Samudaya Sacca: Episode-Soles,
- Nirodha Sacca: Kills-God,
- Magga Sacca: Dao-Soles.
Each Magic-Soles are 4 or the status or energy.
The gauge-4 God's justice:
1) Pilanattho: have energy supplies, harm-ruined them-being.
2) Sankhatattho: status due to whole-kindness-creation Education.
3) Santãpattho: has the power to make tempers frustrating.
4) Viparinãmattho: status change not always sustainable.
Episode-4 Soles:
1) Ayuhanattho: Association capable of Suffering-for Soles arises.
2) Nidãnattho: status is the cause of the suffering (Yes the suffering is the result)
3) Samyyogattho: Has the capacity c? t tie, confinement in-World beings (the suffering)
4) Palibodhanattho: has the power to make busy beings on the path to enlightenment is not for DAC-results.
Removal-4 Soles:
1) Nissaranattho: has the power to make escape from mind-brain (the suffering) and out of Tam-about.
2) Vivekattho: status of silence from the gauge.
3) Asankhatattho: status does not constitute the reason is (invisible beings).
4) Amatattho: status not dead (immortal).
DAO-4 God's justice:
1) Niyãnattho: has the power to give out birth-London e-feedback.
2) Hetvattho: there was the way Leanne brought to Nirvana.
3) Dassanattho: has the power to make clearly Nirvana.
4) Adhipateyyattho: is important in the way France names for clearly Nirvana.
General or special team-computer (Lakkhana).
Quarter finals-Magic-2 Soles for special-feature: Lakkhana Sankhãta (special-situations-Vi) and Asankhãta Lakkhana (characteristics-infinity-Vi).
The Australian-Owned properties-Vi 3:
- Uppãdo: Leanne-from-birth up
- Vayo: Tanh-to-kill
- Thiti: Tanh-based way-lai.
Clouds-infinity-Micro is also divided into three:
- Anuppãdo: Leanne-not-being up
- Navayo: Tanh-not objective-removal
-Leanne-how non-space.
Agony-and-Ethics, Soles-Soles belong to special-situations-Vi, also belongs to God-removal-computer Loads.
The (Kicca).
Quarter finals-Magic-if God divided France (Kusala) and Evil (Akusala) and France not Friendly not Evil (Abyãkata), then God is Evil, France-Dao-God is France, French is not Friendly Soles removal-not evil, God is both French-Friendly Framework is both Evil and France France not Friendly not Cruel.
God is Charity France-gauge if paired with Dao-God (Goodness). Italy said: When people would try to learn and Experience--meditation or 13 France Starter-Da, or Pro-need to do the blessing (Alms, Maintenance, etc.) in the learning and real-world, as there are many constants the cam go ultra-hard, but the gauge is called-vi are healthy, so the industry is called God-Gauge is France.
God is Evil-gauge if paired with the God-(France). Italy said: when people would try to do evil things-(Contentious Surveillance, theft, Prostitution, etc.), many at the sunny range rain beams subjected to search, plot-to-crush fulfiment hope and there is always the fear (fear of reprobation, was fined etc.), so called gauge. Again these are micro-enterprises is evil, should call God Evil is France-Gauge.
God is non-Friendly gauge not Evil if coupled with Kill-Soles (France not Friendly not Cruel). Italy says: the Dao-Results A-la-Han (the Buddha, Thinh-Writer, ...) are attempting the round-the-desk high enough-and theory-the spectrum of real beings is tired, but no treasure Phuoc (Result) genus, should call God is not French-Friendly gauge is not evil.
The Café-idea of Five-Aggregates reason Quartet-Magic-Soles.
If the Café-idea of Five-Aggregates reason Four-Magic-Soles, are consistent-each idea aggregates a. Starter's Colors-Aggregates.
The fun-like would have been up by the Excellent place arises, called the delights of God-was ..., can be ended by a food poisoning – off.
Identity is unstable-firmware, is suffering-brain, always changes-Usually, called sin of Identity arises up by where is God-Gauge ..., may be by the enlightenment-get-out.
The end to leave the Italian Center was wanted in Color, called escape from ... He is God, can removal-sensory-food poisoning is by making it clear-.
Bowl-Chief-Dao has Chief-(as seen in primary 3-foot is human) is first called Dao-Soles, can sense-food poisoning by allows Contemplation-Idea.
So consistent-more about idea Tho-Aggregates, Idea-Aggregates,-Uan,-Uan, y according to French open on about Lust-Aggregates.
Consistent-Staff-Result-Related Ideas to reason Quartet-Magic-Soles.
Legal-Result-Related (Cross-Erren-Charm)- Samuppãda Paticca -there are 12 genera and Lady contact — with each other. This genus is the genus, and is also the result of the genus before, such as a chain of 12 drill, drilling adjacent to this is the result of the previous drilling and is also connected to drill the following (please see detailed wide award in Entertainment-Result-of Ðại-The chon TAM Buu).
12 genera:
1) Ignorance (Avijjã) engenders Released
2) (Sankhãra) engenders Formula
3) (Vinnãna) engenders Lust List
4) List (Nãma Rũpa) engenders Apartment Green
5) Continental Flat (Salãyatana) engenders Emotions
6) Contact (Phassa) engenders Tho
7) Shou (Vedanã) born Ireland ...
8) Ai (Tanhã) engenders Player
9) Capital (Upãdanã) engenders Ownership
10) (Bhava) engenders Birth
11) Birth (Jãti) engenders,Jarã Maranam (the Death)
12) the trade Always-sorry, weeping, sorrow, discomfort, etc. These are the same gauge-arises up with old, dying into 12 genus.
If her Charm-12 visualizations to reason Quartet-Magic-God then:
-Elders, Prince is Miserable-Birth-God is, God, the escape-glass of Laozi and the Birth is Destroyed-God, Wisdom to know God is God-Dao-Removal.
-Birth is Suffering-is-God, God, the escape from Birth and the Owner is God's wisdom, know removal-removal-God is God-Dao.
-Owner is Suffering God,-is-God, the escape-ly from the owners and Players are Killing God's wisdom, clear-Kill-Soles are Dao-Soles.
-The seat is Miserable-as-Soles, Soles, the escape-ly from the Player and the Ai is Destroy God's wisdom, clear-Kill-Soles are Dao-Soles.
-Ireland is Suffering God, Tho-is-God, the escape-from-life is love and Wisdom, God know removal-removal-God is God-Dao.
-Shou is Suffering-is-God, God, the escape-from-life and exposed is God's wisdom, know removal-removal-God is God-Dao.
-Exposed is Suffering God, Green Apartment-is-God, the escape from Emotions and Luc Apartment is Destroyed-God, Wisdom to know God is God-Dao-Removal.
-Green Base is Suffering God-List,-is-God, the escape-from-green Base and mailing-SAC is God's wisdom, know removal-removal-God is God-Dao.
-Contacts-SAC is Suffering God, consciousness-is-God, the escape from the contacts and Knowledge is God's wisdom, know removal-removal-God is God-Dao.
-Is God, is Action-Gauge-Soles, the escape from Formula and is Destroying God's wisdom knows, Di-t-God is God-Dao.
-Action is Suffering God, infinity-Minh-is-God, the escape-from-and Act as God's wisdom, know removal-removal-God is God-Dao.
The President-the old, dead by gauge, mourn, weeping, sorrow, suffering, upset, angry, frustrated, etc. called God-Gauge.
The Buddha saw know the wall-make-conduct-and Ireland-is two root (Mũla) wheel of causality, is London's original-anise, is raw-arises the gauge, called God episode.
So thanks to St.-Dao, he has cut (kill take advantage of) both the root. Infinity-and Ireland-Education has been destroyed, the other is, Officially, a-sac, ... were destroyed by and Human wheels-Result-also stop rotating. The take he called Kill-Soles.
So thanks to determine and Meditation-Suicide, you have to make it clear-marked path goes to the place of removal, called Dao-Soles.
After the sensory-food poisoning, through Four Management-Magic-you brought God's Church-the same beings know chemistry, most take-under to kill – take the unity-and-exit award as well as Him.
Again, The Australian dollar has as well by BUDDHO (Buddha) thanks to the grace-Germany here.
Buddho Sabbadassavita.
He has seen all the terrible things in the past-past, present and future –-in Italian-speaking experiences (fear that beings suffer when sa on Cattle-is-evil being, hungry daemons devil, A-tu-la, places of hell (Duggatibhaya).
Buddho Khinasavasankhatena.
He is no longer in the mind of the French three-Luan (Asavã) is London-in the five-Chen (Kãmãsava), London-in Tam-about (Nhavasava) and the bass-in-Rotation (Avijjãsava).
Buddho Nirupakilesankhatena.
He took away the 10 lià Mind-Brain (Kilesa) is taking part, si, falls, knowledge (TA), skeptical, mind, mind the example-Spike, non-active part of the disgrace of sins, not frightful sin.
Ekayamaggam gatoti.
He has to follow the foot-the Chief Justice only has one, is that middle path-(Majjhimãpatipadã) to the destination is Nirvana.
Eko anuttara abhisam buddho sammasambodhim.
He is himself visually-food poisoning foot-Chief Justice, through 10-Hui (Dasabalannãna) [*] Wisdom and understanding all compounded and Wuwei no residual mistakes (Sabbannutanãna: Magic-Sense –), not Chu-and-Heaven would.
[*] 10 Hue of the Buddha:1- Thãnãthãnannãna: Hue knows whole-or not-human right under the foot-LY.
2- Vipãkannãna: Hue knows the result of companies (in good or evil) was created.
3- Sabbathagãmimaggannãna: Lily knows how to put micro-beings to Bourn happy or miserable.
4- Nãnãdhãtunnãna: Hue know all-different substances.
5- Nãnãdhimuttinnãna: Hue knew process-the vile of beings or noble.
6- Indriyaparopariyatannãna: Hue knows different beings-base.
7- Jhãnãdinnãna: Hue know profane or in cleaning of the celestial realms and the-escape.
8- Pubbenivãsannãna: Hue knew his reincarnations and beings.
9- Cutupapãtannãna: Hue knew birth Prince London-feedback of beings do follow (or Evil).
10- Asavakkhayannãna: Hue know France downs Luan and removal take advantage of leftovers not alive
So thanks for the grace-Germany conferred on medium, so the Buddha brand is BUDDHO (Buddha).
10. Bhagavã (world-religion)
Why the Buddha is BHAGAVÃ effect (world-religion)?
By Him are:
-Steps have section (Bhãga)
-Split Level (Bhãgi)
-Ranks Feel Wins (Jaya)
-Tier Thread Removal Take (Bhagga)
-Irene-The Australian Ranks (Bhãgyavã)
-With Ug-Bliss (Bhagi)
-Power Ranks Loitering (Bhaji)
-Tier Thread End Corners Tam-(Bhavãnam Antakariti).
-Split Level (Bhãgi)
-Ranks Feel Wins (Jaya)
-Tier Thread Removal Take (Bhagga)
-Irene-The Australian Ranks (Bhãgyavã)
-With Ug-Bliss (Bhagi)
-Power Ranks Loitering (Bhaji)
-Tier Thread End Corners Tam-(Bhavãnam Antakariti).
The Bhagavã (world-religion) is a celebrity from speaking to the cult and reverence of beings for the Buddha because he is dark-upper ranks than the beings and have the grace-Germany conferred no one dermatome.
Ranks somewhat.
The Buddha is the quadratic part. This section, the said section you treasure noble charity is 30 France-La-Suite that you have dug-in 4 A-increase-and 100 thousand College-fuck the fruit-, have energy to bring l i happily for him and all the beings in the world and the world.
Divided ranks.
a) He split for monks the four widgets (y-utilities, place of residence and health-medicine) by the pilot server donation.
b) He divided the taste of higher education-is the French bring the benefits-and save-the-wing exit for beings.
c) He split France each part, each type for clarity and transparency, for example, 3 is part of France, France French, not Friendly not Evil with evil; 4 kinds is the heart, the mind, belong to the world and the world export etc. He separates the French off: Aggregates, the nature, the root, the ceiling, Magic-Charm-Originator, Soles etc.
Sensor ranks WINS.
After its leader, the Chief witness-Victorian Chief Justice-Education-physics Sense, bring the spread for the delicate French-repellent beings micro-magic suffering. There are beings who played the depressed, cut home-living the life charity violates-Hanh's Steady-old. Having become class has pure faith, into three kingdoms-Bao. Increase map and good-credit in higher education-France's very East-the island untold.
A perhaps more, on the Europe Route du sermon-degrees at birth, we have pants layman kidney-determination-– with him, but he never núng-e-shy, nao still make the mistake of our arguments and explanations for them clearly see where is the kind of Chief Justice, where is the railway line. Only You have the new Mind-penetrating even Wisdom, full of dread-force sensitive WINS we're pagan House doctor. Sometimes after the debate, someone found himself misled go long, mind-Freemasons y fiend and become subjects-his disciples.
Degrees of DD ã removal-avail.
He was devastated, destroyed all the critical brain-mind avail-and micro-economic, are taking part, si is the source-original. Or said another way, you have war-winning and eradicate Five-Ma (Pancamara) while still dwell under its Bodhi before.
5 United Kingdom-class are:
1 mãra Khandha): five-Aggregates-United Kingdom
2 mãra: Kilesa) Mind-Brain Ma-United Kingdom
3 mãra: Administrative Abhisankhãra Ma)-United Kingdom
4 mãra: Devaputta) Chu-Ma-United Kingdom
5 mãra: E-Spirit Maccu) Ma-United Kingdom.
The Five-Aggregates-United Kingdom : Because the fuselage Five-Aggregates, should new beings have the system-and also because of mistakes-lost Five relatives that in disputes-Aggregates has, for me, is that of Aggregates Identity, he is us ...
And because life-ideas, accept-aggregates,-UAN,-aggregates also like him, should the new brain-gauge arises. All five handicap (Five-Aggregates) he Upãdãnakkhandha such as in the name-hackers under the stick being to wait given the siege-damage, should be called the five-Aggregates-United Kingdom.
Mind-Brain Ma-United Kingdom : Mind-brain has 10 or 1500.
10 mind-brain (Kilesa) are: Lobbha (to take part), Dosa (), Moha (Si), Màna (-, high Tribute), Ditthi (-Ta-Ant), Vicikicchã (Huai-Yi on human-fruit), Thina (do-projections, any slack-spike), Uddhacca (launch Center), Arihika (guilty conscience), Anottappa (not frightful SIN).
About 1500 mind-brain, please see the next section, forward mark ARAHAM (Worship).
10 mind-brain matter on the evil French roots is constant makes beings, suffering constantly in the past life, the present and the future and have to suffer from postnatal depression London forever within birth Prince reincarnation, so called mind-brain ma-United Kingdom.
Administrative Ma-United Kingdom:
Artifacts due to behavior, export, Italy, evil oil or charity are called France.
Administrative (Apunnàbhisankhara) had 12:8 human evil greed (Lobha mùla), 2 human anger (mùla Dosa) and two si-enchanted (Moha mùla).
Administrative (Punnàbhisankhara) has released about Education-friendly 17:8 (Kusala Kãmàvacara), 5 Act friendly about Colors-(Rùpãvacara Kusala) and 4 passenger friendly infinity-colors-(Arupãvacara kusala).
The Administrative Executive and evil on this are called Ma-United Kingdom. Because administrative stand firm, often pushing evil beings created the database industry, suffered a miserable past and current sa-fallen in evil-line 4. French charity action often drooping left-threaded beings do what Jason (dad-, maintenance-, for-meditation, etc.) for nucleus influence Phuoc, visas to the Sun etc., works forever in the three realms was not out of the loop being London-e-Islam.
Chu-Ma-United Kingdom:
There is a row of Chu-the rat-hating those who heal, according to prevent not to do things. Client class-the leader he called Ma-Wang (Mãra) usually in a private place-in the Sun-Tha-Self-In (Paranimmitavasavatti). United Kingdom-main has to stir up trouble and tempted the Buddha at Bodhi place, but is He winning sympathy by the French collected thanks to-the-father is French for three-la-suite.
Benefits-gas of Chu-Ma-United Kingdom is 3 NET: love-exercise (Ràja), the net-hate (Dosa), net craving sex-Active-Chen (Tanhã). Beings would be sa on 3 then grids, plates must always bear the suffering excruciating pain-Department of oil tried to swim well why not get rid of, such as species of animal was sticking on the main grip Africa trapped in the net of the Hunter and is not easy.
Prince-I Ma-United Kingdom:
Called Ma-United Kingdom, because the dead have the power-cut-end span of beings. Don't have a large gauge by the agony of death. The oil does not want far-left the human-animal-loving affectionate, Who also took part in the oil passage of money-career, song when death-God has arrived, the Kings or commoners, to both or extreme poverty-the same, stupid, or place someone who can't resist the death-God.
The Buddha was a war-winning and removal-except all of 5 Ma-class United Kingdom he should be done-in-a-whole.
He is the Australian ranks-Blessed-The two probably because:
Perfect Body Colors: 1) the full 32 General good and 80 General.2) The Whole Friendly Happy: He did the whole French administration-friendly and thorough removal of France do not balance.
There are beings class threshold-the grave complete body-American identity, the mind has pure faith where Mr. Yes-class idea where Germany-all-friendly almond, his glasses cut the craving to become subjects and religious obedience –-coaching.
Both beings, after the news-thought then, were to be framework-in reduction and depending on charity and charm-tons, enjoy happy-the world and blesses the world.
That ranks-...
He has 6 ranks is happy:
1) can force ride, tame-thought for the evil mind arises.2) real-action full Thread enough of France, the world and the world.3) celebrity-important wine-famous all over the about Tam-none by4 brilliant body Colors such as gold), aura precipitate around making fun beings like when looking at Him.5) When things or wish to use material accepted for him and for others to come as Italy-Chapel.6) Have the Chief Justice-the essential-ton is trying-hard in 4 (quarter finals-Chief-need), making the rows being admiration.
Energy Level-v ãng.
a future feature where a guest-Sir) intensive painting along the Cup is where the bar away far from the noise-making, for-meditation type-set.
b-the current function, Sir) administrative world is the Best of-meditation-and-gender-identity, the France-suicide under 3 General infinity-typically, a gauge-brain, Infinitely-Holy-Holy leaders 8 falls and result and Nirvana.
Degrees of DD ã end corners Tam-about.
He has ceased studying Tam-world. Italy said his journey from how A-increase-in-world's goddamn period up to the present has to fuck, because human beings have sex-craving completely kill off, then reincarnation wheel also stopped turning. In other words, he has super out of Tam-and reborn again.
So thanks to the grace-Germany valued just above, should the Buddha brand is the BHAGAVA (world-religion).
The last part
Both 10-mark from Araham (Application-Worship) to mark Bhagavã (world-religion) was preaching-, not due to any character in the nucleus tribute to the Buddha. Extra-and not a sample-late he is Net-King (Sudhodhana) and Sanskrit Mahã Mãyã, not 80 thousand people bereaved-in lines Like-ca, nor Angel United Kingdom would have more spirit-power as a God-Like German (Sakka), Germany Ðẩu-Capacity-United Kingdom (Santusita), etc. the glass he titles his consecration.
Both 10-spontaneous-he kicked up to the Buddhist schools of too-past, present-and-future at the same time with Mind Magic-Sense – is completely light-wisdom through understanding the residual non-alive (Sabbannutanãna) when the medium under its Portuguese-Threads.
Both 10-mark, if the 3-key-grace of the Buddha are lettered Net-Germany (Visuddhiguna), Bi-Germany (Karunaguna) and the intelligence-Germany (Pannãguna) was awarded in the first chapter of this book, then:
* 3 signals ARAHAM (Application-Worship), SUGATO (Friendly-Report), ANUTTARO (Infinity-Upper-Singer) belongs to the net-Germany.* 4 mark PURISADAMMASARATHI (Fair-Dwell-Thy-Phu), SATTHADEVAMANUSSANAM (Natural-human-Engineer), BUDDHO (Buddha), BHAGAVA (world-religion) belongs to the Bi-Germany.* 3 mark SAMMASAMBUDDHO (Chief-Turned-Prophet), VIJJACARA NASAMPANNA (Ming-Almond-Poppy), LOKAVIDU (World-) belongs to the intelligence-Germany.
A perhaps more, if divided by the benefits:
* 5 mark ARAHAM (Application-Worship), SAMMASAMBUDDHO (Chief-Turned-Prophet), VIJJACARANASAMPANNO (-Almond-Poppy), SUGATO (Friendly-Report), LOKAVIDU (World-) belongs to grace-Germany beneficial-helpful separately for him (guna Attaheta)* 3 signals ANUTTARO (Infinity-Upper-Singer), PURISADAM-MASARATHI (public schools-Dwell-Thy-Phu), SATTHADEVA-MANUSSANAM (Angel-Entertainment-Professor) belongs to grace-Germany benefit-useful for them-being (Parahetaguna).* 2 mark BUDDHO (Buddha) and the BHAGAVA (world-religion) belongs to grace-Germany just benefit-useful for Him just to benefit-useful to them-being.
The word of the Buddha gold ancient ban
Ring-Executive complaint the Supreme Nirvana
Ring-Executive complaint the Supreme Nirvana
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