The Buddha's disciples are believed to understand good Tam Phuoc binder is in the world. The cultivation in Germany, with Tam Phuoc is France common is wholesome, tu for all those baby Buddha. Tam, glass rules Should serve onion Tam, Tam light come up on the pillar is France tu basic profile into a new leader but also throughout France by the false beast towards Nirvana.
Planting the Hybrid, As Germany in wholesome can not share this
The basic route of the Buddhist monastery is blessed achievements and step by step. The Buddha is full circle entertainment Phuoc. Every disciple of Buddha, the lifetime of the essential need to nurture lifelong intellectual and German claims Phuoc. In the French charity that the disciples of Buddha in daily life then cultivated friendly public apartment in Germany where the three jewels is the enemy to win.
"A time of Buddha in the country, the forest-States-Residence, the garden of Anathapindika.
Now That Honor Religious fake security A-nan:
-There are three fresh apartment can't end, towards Nirvana. What are the three? That is grown in merit As a hybrid, this can heal. Cultivation of the Primary root, France Germany in this can heal. Planting the Germany in wholesome, our Saints of this can end. That is, this A-nan, three Protestant base can take advantage of the same, to be Nirvana. So, this A-nan, to procure vehicles are blessed never end. As a result, A-nan, try this!
Now A fake Religious-nan heard Buddha done, fun, well done ".
"Growing the Hybrid, As Germany in wholesome can end this." The Buddha's enlightenment, Phuoc ranks second place n, bi position fullness. The Buddha's birth opened the way for awakening beings set happy, at peace where this life and the hereafter. Should the glass Buddha, Buddha, donation ceremony lauded praise Buddha, embellished and protect existing always in Buddha-body metal world, pray until the Buddha cultivation ..., is grown in merit As Lai.
"Growing the French, Chief Justice in this healing can take advantage of the same". While the Buddha was Nirvana but France said remains (France also said the Buddha still existing in the world). France still expected copper Buddha's music to this day, to save from the three organs Economy-Law-Comment. Buddhist disciples who pray follow Him then have to Chanh refuge in France. Study, learn, study, maintained that litigation, escort, xiển, explanations, practical applications ... the word of Buddha, is planted in the Chief merit of France.
"Growing the Germany in wholesome apartments, this Scripture never end". This does not mean that our Holy assemblies all the Saints that is Rising purity and harmony group. Of course, an Increase is not Holy to them, and where would that monks do not purity, harmony, then where's the existing Scriptures. The reality of the current study, the seclusion we spice them Holy standard which not many but not the No.
In other words, the assemblies would have practice and achievement of gender-Determined-Wisdom is the paddy fields of fertile Phuoc to we cultivated the Germany. Increased security has very important role, thanks to Increased security force that Hong Tam dedicated the new school existed in the world. Homage, donation, households maintained, well under the direction of prayer, followed the monks, the monastery is growing in our Holy merit.
Clearly, cultivated the Germany where the three jewels is "three healthy can take advantage of the same base, reach Nirvana". The Buddhist disciples need to understand about the blessed and the Germany households maintained three jewels to execute in order to benefit themselves and taking advantage of people, contribute to create world peace, peace. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/8/2017.
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