Monday, 14 August 2017

Part 3


1. Subject Matter non-Tu For Buddhists in the home

TU? Is this page.
So Buddhists have tu?
Buddhists worship Buddha pagoda go to do?
It has called the tu?
Worship Buddha so please request an or Super bridge? Such is the job of the Buddhists?
From this ask the Buddhists. Examples: Buddhists had children it about his visit, for the money for presents and then it requires to respond to it, excuses ... then ask yourself are glad that their gift? They are the children themselves but put his condition forced her to satisfy them when I get the money, our animals?
The children are so good with their parents? Must is the gentler the workshop? A strictly right parents have to accept such ridiculous demands of children?
Here the cult of Buddhists. Worship Buddha some sacrifice, money would then expect the bridge to Buddha for myself this thing. Buddha must help his relatives for Superman, help yourself, fulfills her wish things were in my life. Buy may sell expensive, crash out, the quiet leader, should children should list parts etc. know how much his job requires in the Buddha with a tangle of such sacrifice?
So it is I tu? Tu is correct. Here you have this page? I just have to take part, there is no fix at all, right? That is contrary to the tu news reference. Tu is correct. This page is this page taking the pitch to take the pitch feedback times si si no more. The new so called tu! Rather than that every day the monastery more greed.
Providing ripe banana, paving and incense was the Buddha worship, excited too, after giving two ripe, two more tiles anymore ... so it is each day more greed. At the bridge, and not more, make other other Buddha, Temple of the spirit.
The cult of Ant such temples in Buddhist, that's the easy Coast Railway Scouts to step on, step into the superstition. To listen where there's nothing sacred victory, what's a little strange to never drag brunch is everything etc. see demons lead example is go into primary education personnel lost ties Director.
Such is the unfortunate place for Buddhists. Have good heart that sow multiplier is incorrect, do not need to understand the Dharma. The Council also made a work that people understand there are good results, and people not understanding the results then.
Also just a ripe banana incense which the tangent to understand the Dharma, the met is happily benign, while the French people do not understand, only even more grief, if not futile Juana.
Say so to the Buddhists see tu not to seat fully responsible for what the Buddhists. Actually, the fault is not in the Buddhists, that if there is an error then it is said of the Sangha. The accidentally or intentionally putting the Buddhists to realize deviance.
The Buddhist temple to ask for worship 100 copper. Abbot position or responsibility produced instant money question:
--Buddhists like to pray? (ask and Guide) Request an or Super bridge?
And also at it psychologically much more, learn about the family of Buddhists, know something's not right, then the suggested prayers for etc. Buddhist Dharma that sailings missing out buddy be careful care teacher, like Italy. And, thanks to the master help for this, the excuses through worship, globe, globe Super. ..
Why when Buddhists hold money, animal sacrifice cult opinion, if the teacher has asked what bridge? Buddhists don't answer that:
-I don't what other bridge, the only bridge to the tam school exists to escape being affective Nich.
So the Buddhist temples, worship Buddha, Buddha must be reset. The tu in Buddhists must be reset.
First of all Buddhists to the pagoda to donate. The donation of this means your contribution to maintain the throne three jewels for longer forever in my life. That represented kingship Tam is to increase Security. As such, Security means donate donation give rise. When worship crush the wish for Increased Security has been the source of life that sustained Buddha, France Said. Monks have lived then crowned the new Tam often head in the world and do light lamp for beings towards to goal except how fears that the dark ignorance.
To know the opening leader oxidized is immeasurable, as precious things that donation should be blessed in Germany which also immeasurable. Donation is so not because the private that to both the three jewels, for all beings, though not what other bridges that blessed Germany still bigger. The donation is not intended to convert the greed, not moving from the reference into the deviance took part, were not legitimate ones. Here comes the guide is aimed to define the terms of the judgment do, in order to build for the Buddhists have been Chief Justice opinion, get the proper look when going into the homes of the Dharma.
As has been said, is the hold the throne three jewels. Help increase Security is vital to the continuation of the primary Buddha lamp. Then Buddhists must learn to listen to France.
Sees the temple, if just a worry wart donation (the quarter) No, not enough. The Buddhists are cultivating more Dharma to monks and nuns. That, the light and the new Buddhist monastery which has the entrance, when the onions are not misleading.
Such is the principal, the Buddhists to pay attention is not that tu Tu ... blind. Besides, there is also support for monks and nuns cultivating self coast to respond to possible lessons of the Buddhists. Rather, no one questions, prompting the monks and nuns who have also suspended the Convent School. To date, paragraph, then just do one thing odd about a religious opinion. So, Miami spice for a lifetime of learning.
Buddhists to the pagoda, to bridge the learning the Dharma, and should just talk about the problems the Buddhist Dharma, giving the world the abuses should not rejoice over the table. Just takes time now useless and confusing the mind.
Buddhist study tu tu?
Has anyone asked: Is Buddhists, after death come about? Buddhists will answer?
If we demand the Buddhist monastery, which industrial leaders, and Holy Buddha they are physical.
I will support me on this! So Buddhists have yet to master the way you are.
Must know in Buddhism are divided into five admit, is in excess, in each tier to the tu people towards. In excess is excess, natural legacy: human, Thanh Van Thua, Charm, sense of Bodhisattva.
With industry to admit must also know. For example, in the Human, human beings will be about what tu realms? Want delivery on the person must keep the year about doing the basics. In Heaven, like to being about the Sun to tu Thien Cross etc. The Buddhist to know through such things to determine his direction, to know that I will go on.
As his now not eligible birth of Buddha realms that cleverly kept his birth year jar, then know for sure is that after death I will being returned. And by the French should have a healthy overhaul of virtue was the dignified, rich luxury etc. Know that, not being (mind) in doubt, the safe practice of France.
The Buddhists of France is his part tu tu?
This is the monastery of the Buddhist. Buddhists have gender rules of life. , Not killing, Buddhists are well kept should not kill people, should not kill the storm trailed creatures. Are limited to a maximum of the circumstances of his condition, trying to avoid the debt being the network as much as possible.
The second world, not theft, Buddhists were well kept and should not happen. Not theft of the person in any manner, or indirectly or directly are also not recommended.
Third world, no. Buddhists must show a double litter life the way chon TAM Chief Justice, avoid the case of lang the Wal, adultery.
Fourth World, don't lie, Buddhists are honest, though in the trade job, should not cheat cheat people. Traders do not have the answer, but at the same time, Thinh is targeted on the effort, the sweat on his wisdom. Avoid all cases to exploitative human resources, financial people. Cut the price of money, the treachery of items, flip the contract contract, WSW 2 mph bumper credits in business etc. The prestige the Buddhist is determined in large part on this.
About Thursday, does not drink alcohol, it is now important for the South. The Buddhist men are quite subdued about this. In life, do not get out of the international delivery, but for the alcohol tea, are cleverly flexible do not entangle. Or at least come out or entangled in must also know the way out. Prestige people located on the place and say. Buddhists must tame his affidavit. Have seen the harmful effects of alcohol on all sides should avoid as far as possible. Buddhists should the light. There is the new morning found the problem complex is surrounded his life. For dark screen is still dense ignorance, Buddhists make break out all the addiction!
As Buddhists, also at the homeless Musician not tu nothing more than, if there's enough charm far better. If not, just keep the job you have is possible.
Buddhists also tu negative dimension (just don't give offense in the world) have to exert on a positive dimension. News to help people, created for the coast also are as themselves. This need to fudge made in the spirit of openness, sincerity because people, not a map service of private interests. How, where Buddhists silhouette is the place that has fresh life, has the smooth warm happiness. Family of Buddhists, the happy family. Neighbors have Buddhists, then its neighbors more fun. The life of Buddhists have warmth, there was quiet.
Buddhists must embody the Dharma life comes into his life. OK look at the Dharma on the Buddha, the Dharma in his look, and right in the heart of life. Dharma is France, not France to die.
Buddhists want to commend the Dharma, to live the true Dharma. Such is the donation for the ultimate high. Buddha who will most lettered for the qualified Hy option live as such. And from which all life's tricky will be satisfied settling times. Such is the French force were households. An impenetrable private summer residences were. Âúy also from his place living efforts because the Dharma which only, there is nothing magical or mystical.
Buddhists have had liver life as Dharma, then do not pray for peace that security is the primary foot Buddhists find what other security risk. Risk also is General, it also is General. That was "the General" news is frivolous, then an overall risk or prospects are damaged. So Buddhists right there. A peace so new it was great peace. And from peace, Buddhists have suffice awake through risk transfer into an according to the view of a lifetime. Turning bad into good circumstances.
Ridiculous, tu is only to "an". Tu is the antagonist of ghost, how an army again? That's not even an then pull out, is that the tu? Back then the one goal except military ma? Ma army but also the security how safe? Though want to get security?
So the tu can not accept the "security requirements" as such. Cannot request an by rot, do not fight with the army of ghosts, by slavery ma army, or by foot follow the Buddha, hiding in the aura of hiding around the Bodhi maple tree.
Do not! People have to think about the tu can not so be it.
Must know, Buddha also was the person who fought with ma. Now He didn't approve flood "descendant" just know we're getting the ball away party surrounded Him.
Not, don't also have to fight. Have accepted the fight, a take a longer, how that was. So though there are security requirements. Ma had suffered for me an army? Can it only when it feels like núng before me, that means we have to win on the momentum they're subjected to new security, accepted the new security requirements.
Keep fighting! As The disciples did not have the power to tame elects to balk. The eternal vow not to pray an awful psycho. when security force ghost bridge Only become slaves under the tay engine.
As Buddhists, i.e. lines of wisdom, is the line make Uncivil ever. The Buddhist look blade colors, hold firmly in the hands of flexible reception flood ma. The bridge on the first glance van engine light flood ghost army. Such is the demand for true security.
The austerities as such in a plain Buddhists into Buddhist belief, know the right truth, will clearly see that not a overnight. The tu so underwent many lifetimes. All three a steady States.
To say so is not to cause a complaints seems bored. We clearly see a truth is not simple, is not an easy thing. A common occupation in the world, that want to reach the level of penetration of glass must also come to life. More this is a translucent, virtual, hard of hearing, hard to see, hard to implement, then asked with a time line of three thousand on thousands of retail travel's, will use to be. I have to, just in one's life.
The austerities that brought three times ten thousand six thousand days to determine the truth nothing!
Home Meditation says: To attempt this life. This is a highly articulated the will, encouraging the staff guys wife. States, how is it done in just one lifetime. There are affordable is the quadratic has tu over the life, to this life one thousand listeners, then the call is done. Complete this base which says. Or done is in this life, no longer mistake anymore. For truth has shed light on the obvious. Rather than the happy round that was. And if there was, then just finished part, the Buddha. Such is the case of the female Flower France in Long. She has been Writing Him Enemies, point escape sailings into Buddha. Buddha's Buddhist is multiplied. While the causality here is bringing at the same time. Election time is the same at both the human and the raised bronze result. Not that proper enlargement of popping sailings. As well as Lotus seed and mirror shower, and there is a weekly, same popping blooms, to then grow up; not meant as soon as beads, mirror is large achievement of seamless whole.
So, to understand this shalt not be mistaken. Not as long as far that discouraged, not because that rapidly rushing viewed often. Though long time or mau, also should not look down or discouraged. That must know this is a job that requires an extraordinary courage, a non-overlapping Bank Center events.
However, with regard to the judgement of the tu then always remain disengaged in at job. So, although not yet reached fruition at last, also kept an idle free properties.
Buddhists cleverly tu so, though yet to come, but when the true France, tu the right way then the tu are also gently message thoi. As if truth is eat, the taste is just no, just welcome. Keep so that eating more and more food, no more welcome.
If different then must review, see his way there as France does. France is the French liberation, the Buddha is from head to tail, must also carry computer freed.
There are Buddhists while tu is not correct Guide to France, leaving out the stagnated and had more pity for the individual and those around. Instead of the convent to get happily release is being ridiculous, disagreeable created more fears that insecurity for themselves and for the people, causing endless way of life, scrambling to create more binding, the stick stuck not.
So Buddhists must understand that tu according to Dharma is aimed at giving the life between yourself and the Council are happily. Or at least out themselves must be happily as France.
How to know when to go to the temple, the embittered family of disorders. Sees when know the temples became smooth warm family happiness. So new is a good Buddhist.
The Buddhist is so smart people learn. Know the use of life in secular life. To apprehend, the Buddhist in the homeless musician must be clear about the job when it comes of the Dharma:
  1. Need to get the right decisions about the donation.
  2. To build human tu according to cause and effect. (Result: indefinite reference. Human: are you actually take part)
  3. Tu not to demand an Overhaul is fighting with ghosts.
  4. Tu is not one on one sessions.
  5. Tu is a must watch.

2. Key Of Reincarnation Free

The purpose of the austerities is out of the Samsara of birth, are enlightenment and liberation. The tu, the more that person freed is not how much. Why? Because of the Buddha is not correct? Because the obstacles are too high? No, France is Buddha's Supreme Truth, still no barrier high not heavy, just because the person is not the correct answer practice austerities Buddha, or does not know the key of reincarnation and liberation to landing craft and mastery.
Buddha: being the rollover in the three realms of six lines is due to ignorance, causing impact and bear fruit. Want to let people understand the austerities from beginning to end, Buddha LY the twelve human charm:
Ignorance, coast, Coast action list, the coast Forms list the colors Green Coast Green Coast entry, entry, exposed coast, AI yanshou, AI players, charm charm charm organic beings, beings, charm Laozi. If ignorance kills the kill, kill, then the formula ... being destroyed, the Laozi.
As such, the reincarnation of birth death must then destroy ignorance. Let's find out what is ignorance? Under A ham, if not know God as quarter-truth is ignorance. Under Member of Sensory and skandha body deems the ceiling there is actually ignorance. According to the nest, if ninety-nine part is fake, only see a small part for real there is still ignorance.
How did destroying ignorance? It is difficult, because it belongs in the past how human are? So we can't off samsara in ignorance, which must find another place. Onions, recipe, list the colors, green added, also can not be, because of how it is destroying career the past. Consciousness, color, green is part of the human body, carries out ruin? Exposed, tho is the feelings affect us also not tu be. Only Ireland is the organs khoen soft for twelve rounds in the khoen of reincarnation, where the austerities aim to fasten.
Charity is love. Because love should want to hold (the seat), holding for us, that of the (fall) I (ego). Kill AI news is breaking except accept the ego and the Department.
Person's life be happy, praise the life that is lost. Lost then sad, that life is suffering. If there is no voice compliments not cooking then its not funny, not sad, it's ridiculous. The above is talking about. If talking about the colors, too. Snow then like bad, then the aversion. Tu people do no longer preferred mind, aversion, anger, meaning keep the mind NET security rather than wood.
Have a craving is love, enjoy, there is greed (tho). If what is hate then run the Palm courtyard (tho suffering). Why don't join, don't pitch. AI Samyutta with contrast, hated Samyutta with pitch. Also the ignorance is Samyutta with si. Join the original tam si is pitch.
SI, is the culprit causing sin, is the other name of ignorance. Because delusion misled that we don't differentiate things or probably bad. Do not know where is the truth, where is fake, the line does not come crashing back into the commie, Bush. To kill the stadium will take. si If not find the si to kill then not ever kill are taking part.
As said above, the life was fun, then praise of being yelled at, then cooking aversion. If not found, how to end it? Such is the key of the austerities. Do not see merit cooking is real, then will stop being ignorance. The teaching must be "consistent framework a life", also don't like peanuts, nor angry, miserable life expectancy does not touch the gauge also loathe. The equal right to life--three kingdoms
The head of something tho, get good is miserable. Scenes of suffering, the archrival, the bitterness in life is agony, but also value happy scene, the compliments, the sweet taste has to be miserable? According to the Buddha's teachings, the funny, sad, sweet, bitter, cooking, ... are all suffering, is fake, is impermanent. Want liberate the tu must keep calm mind, no longer hurt hate, as the wood bird looks, then where was, need to up the mountain, to enter the Interior of the Cup do But know that very hard.
According to Jing, the ham, A compliment is often ruined the kill so miserable, cooking is also impermanent ruined the removal is also suffering. Know it was stupid born love hate. If not born in love hate then take and then destroyed. We were miserable because there was real merit for the accept, accept the word of cooking for real there, accept the beautiful pictures for real there and then love, accept the bad image for true got born crush aversion. If all is impermanent, is suffering, don't hate, not love. Take the pitch off, then si also no longer, know is often not ham, so end are craving. End to end, as the si is samsara, be freed.
Now we try to base on the Sutra view? You experience any proceedings whatsoever, also ends with an elegant Bowl Interest. Uncivil is intellectual. Tu method would also be thanks to the Uncivil. Australians would have the break lucid intelligence except to be ignorance. Such as lighted lights lit up the darkness himself dashed. Uncivil advocated skandha period do not, know all is not, then escape all suffering yoke. All things self may not, so that the harmony coast, it's just going to get there, is fake. If all is fake, then also soak up, passion, hate, instigation to do? All have is not, then no, no I, no ignorance, obstacle course, which also has no karma. But this mood only to those who have come to France "not necessarily", who made who, the person wrote, rather than the longer they still see reincarnation, have freed, mortal, has Nirvana, guilty, have reported, there, there.
Who has the wisdom to understand the word of praise, cooking, beauty, bad designs, pieces of sweet, spicy ... all is charm combined into, is going, is fake, then your favorite no longer hate, thanks to that end are craving, greed and runs out. Enlightenment, mind, the scene was a fake, using wisdom shining soi all new then is freed, the end to be ignorance, except be si.
We live in life acquainted me, people and landscape. Now thanks to the Uncivil place soi projection, we understand all is fake there, in a theatrical performance is there. Even see there, must know that it is not, all of the free French equivalent can not, Leanne news no. The table in front of him, now see there, but it ruined the times times, then will turn into no. This place is very easy to understand, not according to the law the following are impermanent. That's according to A Business function. But speaking in Sutra, the table itself is not owned, by charm in harmony, can not. The table is also exactly has not ruined that knew it was not, that it's a vacuum. That's not what this also arises out of the there, there is "not a News Best News market".
You see all is fake, is not not good to do, sitting there, or up the mountain, up non hidden. Actually, see the skandha and period, is already the feeling, but only gets a little and then back. Do the long sense of self-awareness, forever remember the feeling tha. The bodhisattva after testifying are irregular word play college ball crush, roll into the evil weapon cell life to save them. Ðứng on can not accept a French name would, but standing on the practice did not give up a good would that do not do.
We have learned to understand and to practice, self-lit torch onto that go, t m Torch light then we get enlightenment and liberation.
In summary, the key of reincarnation and Liberation, under A ham, must understand the four noble truths as God, all things are impermanent, is, so is not. Also according to the Sutra to uphold intellectual, to enlightenment to know everything so mixed coast, resources may not be. The austerities nothing strange, how the major points are intellectual lucidity to be enlightened, that whosoever shall be enlightened is to be freed. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.14/8/2017.

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