Thursday, 17 August 2017

  Time here we survey the terms: (a) ' the year of foreign origin, (b) ' year ' of ' subject-term-(a) wish to refer to the mind, consciousness, Turkish national labels, lost consciousness and body awareness; longer term (b) want to talk to the ' Subject ' (i.e. ports) through which the subject label subject year, Turkish subjects, male subjects, disciplines and subjects are shown. We should understand the deliberately emerged thanks to years ' Subjects ' as a body and not in action, but as ' môn'thuộc of Italy.
' Exposure ' where the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and Italy called six tactile. There are six ' binge ' is the ' subjects ' in the correlation performed by tactile, tactile, Turkish national brand exposure, exposure, exposure. There are eight articles "do not refrain from" it is not refrain from the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body susceptible, body-movement, and Italy
In terms of content, eight angles do not curb was withdrawn in France, namely: air, furniture, lacking location, impatient, and lazy. No one in France would of them back [96] appears in the ' subject ' in the process of realization, after they have been clearly identified. The only appears right at the start of the process of perception. About the current state of ' non-restraint ' appear right in the process of speed force called the ' non-restraint in the years ' subjects '. The exposure of the same-existence with the label called tactile label and deliberately is an Italy career. And that mentality (i.e. label) called the ' subjects ' of an Italy career. In the label, no year article "non-restraint"; the exposure of the same-survive in the next mind ' (close) fall ' is the center of the exposure, and intentionally is a career. And also the mind that (i.e. the mind absorb) as ' subjects ' of an Italy career. Here, nor in what "non-restraint." Similarly to the case of ' observation ' and ' guess[31]'. Same exposure-with speed mind is a force of mind contact; intentionally is Italy and the speed force is ' subjects ' of Italian industry. Here, the "non-restraint" is not restraint on the label, and likewise is the method to be applied in the ' subject ' in Turkish, female subjects, and subjects alike. But when the force of mind about ' Italian subjects appear, with an audience of one of the objects of the senses or other objects, to affect the movements (of the body), known simply as the ' stem ' subjects (that is, even without the help of ' password-keeper ' (speech port), then the same exposure-with speed force is Italy.
Deliberately is an act that leads to career. But the force of mind often not prompt[32] to as ' Italian ' subjects. (Meant here is) due to the stem career appearance, the appearance is not ' Italy ' subjects. Here, the "non-restraint" was the no-body restraint. When the force of mind appears, affecting the ' password-keeper ' (speech), pure and simple, without the ' body ', the subjects the same exposure-exist with the mind that is Italy.
Intentionally is a behavior do appear. But the force of mind is not usually called ' Italy-keeper '. Because the appearance of advocacy (of the votes), this appearance should not be called ' Italy ' subjects. Here, no-restraint is not-control password. But when it appeared that mind power speed, don't have the help of hands and voices, as ' pure ' subjects, the idea the same-existence with the mind that is Italy.
Ýù want to be a career; the mind that is the subject of ' industry '. Here, no-restraint is not work-main control center.
The ' subjects ' non-curb label, Turkish, male, were killed, the body susceptible, body-mobility-, speech and mind, due to the current state of eight non-restraint, should be understood as the ' subjects ' of eight non-restraint.
Eight current state no-restraint is not-curb label, Turkish, male, were killed, the body, the body-mobility-speech and mind. Absolute sense, this is in principle means: maintenance, mindfulness, wisdom, patience and effort. [97] does not appear in any of the eight principle this principle in the process of the mind until the final determination of na police appear. Although appear with the speed force, the curb again alludes to the ' subjects '. We should understand the entire control appear like the method in the case but the ' no-restraint ': ' same-exposure exists with labels is tactile labels etc. Thus, thanks to eight curb that, should we understand ' refrain from the label "just like the eight ' subjects ' restraint.
Ten real friendly career are: Observation of birth, identity theft, deviant sex, hope, loss, thoroughly evil, previously importing terminology, evil, greed and evil deviant opinions.
In the above position, ' suicide ' means being slaughtered or killed the creature. ' Life ' is generally a beings (literally referring to anything there breath) mean absolute, which is spiritual[33] (lives). And the term ' survey ' being applied both in the ' password ' and ' body-keeper-Mon ' where anyone know that beings is a "creature", which is deliberately severed lives where beings. Among the harmful organisms [not helpful (guna)], to bring forth a slightly bad action in the case of killing the creature, and in case of great creature the birth survey result was an extremely bad behavior. Why is that? Ladies it is depending on the volume of effort spent and enormous size where the object was killed, despite trying to quit can be the same. Among the people (performing the surveillance of birth) etc. chances are those of virtue, then the observation being small creatures harm to their little virtue, but if is large creatures, the harm caused to their virtue greater than. We should understand that when benefits equal Shades lighter or heavier, depending on what level of harm and the efforts (of the bugs criminals) spent more or less. There are five genera that make up the level of error in light to heavy surveillance that is contentious: offense-a living beings, know clearly that's a beings have life, intentional killing, effort and the consequences caused by the death of beings. And also has six vehicles to make efforts (suicide being) that is:-by the hand of the (contentious killers), who masterminded, the means (police being), Wile (Italy) of the long term, and effort (made observation of birth). Because the detailed commentaries on very long lines, so will we skip this section, as well as the explanation. Those who want to know the full details, please read the Annotation file Sāmantapāsādikā on the Vinaya[34] .
' Theft ' (adinnādāna) means "to take away what's not for"; what is taken away other people's property, robbery, or the status quo are doing the thief. Here, ' not for "refers to the assets that are owned by other people. A property called owned by other people, which means that property owners can do whatever they like with regard to that property, without being punished or reprimanded. Intent to steal, try to grab something that, with the Center know that it [98] owned by others, the article just mentioned above is called the ' theft '. And this behavior causes a mild violation error, if the object is owned by another kind of trivial, and caused severe violation error, if the object is owned by another person in the high quality category. Why is that? Ladies that is due to the characteristic qualities of place objects. If there is value to peer, then steal the animals owned by people who have more severe error will virtue, than stealing those creatures who have owned at least (or less) than virtue. There are five genera make up (charged):-the assets of others, knows about animals that have had heart democracy, theft, attempt to steal, and consequently cause. -and there are six media made "theft":-manually steal etc. This means one can be made depending on the circumstances, in making a steal by the tools that measure such as distortions, by strength, by tampering, conspiracy by or by the impersonation. This is a draft report about the crime of identity theft. The report details please read the comment in the file Sāmantapāsādikā. (Vinaya)
In the phrase ' deviant, ' lewd ' means ' in the story of sexual copulation '; ' deviant ' means ' basic personality and really deserve rebuke '. A special team of ' deviant almond is deliberately appear in ' body ' subjects, through illegal intent, through the breach to a human being that I have no right to do so. Here, the people that do not have the right to infringe is: (a) ten unmarried women: class-a woman still under (1) of the mother, the father's and (2), (3) of both parents, (4), (5) brother's sister's cousin's, (6), (7) of the clan, (8) of the spiritual guide (9) the woman married, (10) women are executed sentence; and (b) ten married women class, i.e.: (1) women who are buyers, (2) the woman voluntarily do his wife for a man, or (3) by the desire of the person's property, or (4) desire to have nice clothes, (5) the woman by her parents to marry according to the law following the ceremony, the couple hand dipped into a bowl of water, (6) women be freed from poverty, class (7) wife-slave, (8) the wife-of-the-most, (9) is the wife of POWs (captured during the war), (10) a mistress.
Among these women, married women and women who are suffering imprisonment, along with the women in the class type (b):-men are not ten women of this class comes close. And the crime is heavier or lighter, depending on scenes of women that prohibition has been more or less virtue, namely keep the Dhamma. There are four genera form crime: who influenced home with banned object, attempts to achieve the enjoyment of it, these tricks to achieve and seized the woman. And only a single vehicle that is: personal experience.
' Hope ' language is applied in industry and export industry, for people to lie, to do harm to the wealth of others. Ýù want to give full effort of ourselves and words to deceive, with Italy cheater others, [99] called ' hope. ' A different definition anymore:-' Lied ' to apply with no authentication or non-existent, and ' talking ' means words that are present that are authentic and survive. A special team of ' lie ' or ' wrong ' word or ' wrong ' manners is intentionally of a person wishes to present to others a bogus thing as authenticity thing, this led to a corresponding suggestion. Sorry this offense heavy or light, depending on the pleasure be hurt smaller or greater due to ' lie ' is created. Or in other words: This is just a slight error in the case of ordinary people, if they said something untrue:-' I don't have that thing '-it does not want to give away something of themselves; and is a severe error if, as witness, perjury, they aim to cause damage (to others). For those who live far from the way people, this is a mild error if, by saying, while only a little butter or oil, that person said:-' I, today, there is a river full of oil flow in the village '. However, it is a severe error for those who say that they have seen something they never saw '. There are four genera that make up this offense that is error: bogus thing, the cheater, the corresponding efforts, communicated the problem to others. Only a single means that: individual behavior; and we should understand this behavior as is the Act of cheating others by the body, or somehow related to the body[35], or by word of mouth. If by that action, others get to know the implications of that action, then, intentionally created the action associated with the action lies. Likewise for the person cheated by behavior, by some way associated with this behavior, or by word of mouth; also Similarly, with respect to a person who incited others to ' Please tell that to him ', or put a leaf had written the letter in front of another person, or write a text, fixed on the wall etc. for the purpose of ' we should understand this sense that way ', so also is deceiving others. Therefore, it is reasonable when the assert is the recording is bad, convey and fixed as regards any form of charity. But when these commentaries do not acknowledge this, you should only pass after consideration of criticism.
' Hermaphrodite ' loss means the speech put things, when to say something with another person, damage to heart affection and respect of the people with slander, or main slanderous words speakers that also damaged for a third character.
Evil password [36] make yourself the talk becomes scurrilous, or make others become vulgar speech itself, it's not easy listening, deafening and also not collected are heartless. A so called ' evil '.
' One tree Hill ' is talking nonsense, useless things. Here, be interpreted as intentional lies deep in all the words of this type and is called how to speak slander etc. With depravity, a person tries to use words and attitudes in order to cause loss of gas between other people, or to make others love yourself, it is called an intentional slander. [100] This Error heavy or light, depending on who had divided Germany degrees more or less. There are four factors that make up this crime: (1) split the other person; (2) purpose: ' they will be apart ', or desire for myself is another endearing person; (3) try respectively; (4) convey information. But when does not cause the infringement ended, it is not a complete solution; only when the, then it is a violation.
' Evil password [37] ' means to intentionally completely callous, try using the word and the attitude to cause suffering to other people with a deadly wound[38]. The following story is an illustration: A boy who disobeyed his mother, went to the forest. Do not stop your son, she said: ' maybe a forest buffalo chase it! '. And a Buffalo has appeared as the will of Mrs. The boy claims that ' the one true wish of his mother said lyrics does not occur; the price that happens things his mother thought in mind! '. A Buffalo standing on Pearl as hearts[39] in it '. Therefore, although the effort through her words hurt extremely, however, say she's not really malicious, because of her dignity. Because sometimes, the parents often say this style with their children ' Reviews that bandits cut us to pieces! ' However, they do not desire, even a leaf shower falling on their children. Occasionally, the teacher and spiritual guide who also speaks with their students ' we must do something for us student bombast, this levity? Rub neck we go! ' But nevertheless, they still desire that their students can succeed and completion of schooling. But because if your heart, then the words can not become harsh, too, are they not the amiable just because of the lack of their soft speech. The words of a person who intends to kill: ' please let him sleep comfortably! ' no lack of lightness; because with harsh ideology, then the wording exactly. Harsh words symmetry with the manners of a people comes the deafening reply. Three factors make up the offensive speech is this: people with insults, frustrated, and thought the insults.
Any intentionally created a friendly Word and attitude convey the useless thing, called ' frivolous ' talk. Sorry this offense heavy or light depending on the offense are the bugs criminals that set up again several times or not. The two genera form the date error is this: the tendency to say things that waste-such as the stories about fighting the Bharatas and the kidnapped Sita, [40] and the art etc. of the subject. But bugs criminals do not take place throughout the course of action, if other people [101] do not accept stories; only when they accept, then it is in error.
' Evil ' means greed greed: a process targeted appropriation of other people's property in the face of such properties. Greed has signs thought characterized as ' A! the price of that item that belongs to her! '. This violation error heavy or light depending on the case the theft happened after that. The two genera that make up this offense is error: property owned by others and the tendency of ourselves. Although the appearance the greed for the capital asset is the dish of the others, but yet to discern the full process of action, so long as people don't tend to say is ' A! the price of that item that belongs to her! '.
YÙù want to do damage to the prosperity or happiness is called ' evil Pitch. Italy map has a distinctive signs is breach of the spirit of error, harm to others. The level of errors violate subject case malicious speech is like. The two genera that make up this violation error is: someone and intentionally harm. Only angry with others, not yet reached the stage of discernment process Act[41], as long as no harm, such as ' praying for he died suddenly and was destroyed! '.
Ta ' opinion ' meant recognition of a false way, by not accepting the Chief Justice. A special team of deviant comments are false look, such as ' A gift without (benefits) at all '. And bugs criminals heavy or light depending on the case frivolous speech, or depending on the deviant comments temporary or long-term. The two genera that make up this offense is error: wrong about how to look at an object and expressing this deviation depend on deviant comments opposed this view. The following are the views reach the phase separation process in action: (1) no results (in a friendly); (2) no cause (where things happen); (3) no action (charity), and not due to other perspectives.
Real friendly with ten career leader, we can go to the decisions concerning them in five aspects, i.e.: (1) as the basic psychological factors (2) as the group, (3) as the object, (4) as the life feelings, (5) as the origin[42] (the root). (1) in the same order as the industry leader, the first factor seven is just the intentionally only; three of the process started by the evil greed is the factors associated with the wish. (2) the first group of seven and the deviant comments-this is the industrial group eight leader, not the original source. But both the evil and the greed is evil yard and industrial origins. As the source, the origin of evil is Real friendly to take part, as the original source, is the source of any donation. (3) acts of suicide being a charm creatures do object, because police had contentious behavior as life. The theft has beings or things to do. Deviant porn have things as conditions and do object, or as some say, it is caused by contact with another being. Hope the language also has a beings or things human charm do object. Amphibians were killed also. Password object is only evil beings. The series that both beings and creatures do coast objects, by see, hear, feel and Italy. Similarly to take storage batteries. The stadium had an audience of evil beings and deviant comments scene is the charm creatures in the three realms. (4) monitoring behavior being related to the life gauge. Because even though is the King, when he saw a thief, could still say that ' that laughing Would, Let's kill him! ', intended to link with the life gauge. The theft may be linked to three types of expectancy. When seeing the property owned by others, the thief is willing take socks with Shou; If he's stealing this property in the unspeakable fear, he has a miserable life; He's feeling the same thing, if he's stealing while thinking about the consequences will occur. If he's stealing a way these aggressor contingency, it was tho to discharge (Africa tribe African suffering). Deviant porn links with two types of expectancy or longevity to discharge; but in the decisive ideas, no discharge life. Expectations quotations have all three life-like type of theft; amphibians were killed also. Evil password associated with the life of suffering; fast five life categories have all three languages. To illustrate:-when the narrator recounts the story kidnapped Sita, or fighting the Bharatas etc. many cheered and throw their scarves to heaven etc., for Narrator, has a peanut and pleasant life. Later, when a person has been rewarding up and say, ' Please tell us from the beginning to go ', the Narrator is not happy with this suggestion and think that ' if I said something was not accurate and narrating? '. In such a case, the gauge while telling stories will appear; If the Narrator feels no arousal while the Narrator, a discharge of life will take place. Take part in the life of two evil, and discharge; Likewise for the ties. The stadium will create an evil Shou. (5) monitoring behavior being two, due to the pitch and si; the theft also comes from two root causes, by and by or with si, si; deviant porn also has two root causes, by taking and si; also, hope is due to the language and si, or by taking part in and si that out; Likewise for the loss of amphibians and one tree Hill. Evil password due to the pitch and si, and the evil by cheating, has a single root causes; Likewise for the yard. Deviant comments have two personalities is taking part and si. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM NGO.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,NEWCASTLE.18/8/2017.

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