('Tam Mon ' Career) has been interpreted not to consider the three career [11] (Kamma). Now, while explaining the three companies (Kamma), we will begin a detailed study form (index) in the rest of France about the ' subjects '.
Such is the three (Kamma): Trunk (Kamma), Password (Kamma) and Italy (Kamma). So the career (Kamma) what is this? Ladies it is deliberate, along with some status associated with intentionally. The following Scriptures demonstrate deliberate it is a status quo created (Kamma). ' Little Bhikkhu-khưu, we declared that it was deliberately created (Kamma). When tried, they act on the fuselage, and Italy '[12]. ' Little Ananda, When acting on the stem, or Italy take place, the suffering and the happiness will appear where the person itself, for reasons intentionally have the ability to create a close, export, Italy. [13] This tributary three khưu-intentional Bhikkhu that have the ability to create a behavior turns into stem careers, real charity, increasing pain and create suffering consequences; Bhikkhu khưu, four-lettered ily mean that also have the ability to create password, any industry etc. Bhikkhu khưu, three-lettered ily mean that also have the ability to create real business friendly intentions etc.[14]. Also Similarly, relatives and Italian industry, imports increased suffering and bring a refreshing results. [15] O Ananda as if human beings useless Samiddhi, be questioned, the House will have to answer for its fake Pscared ustaliputta that ' Little lettered Bhikkhu-khưu Ptaliputta scared us any person making a deliberate cheery behavior through the fuselage, and Italy are each cheery this experience, if that person made a behavior ... bring about suffering ... If it is a behavior ... Africa tribe African gauge... don't presume that people experience. be non-suffering or Africa lost nothing. " Then the useless Samiddhi answered immediately for its imitation ofscared usPtaliputta that that, Oh Sir Ananda,[16] -that this is the Tibetan Economy demonstrates shows right at the beginning, then deliberately is a professional (Kamma).
And France Samyutta with deliberately is also (Kamma) were the four classification (Kamma) proves the obvious: ' Behold Chu khưu, has four things-Bhikkhu [89] As Lai has proven enlightenment, WINS. Four things what is it? Behold Chu khưu, 1/had-Bhikkhu type (Kamma), 2/no clean and create all the integrity; Behold Chu Bhikkhu-khưu, 3, have the kind of career (Kamma) pure medium while unclean, and just created the clean at the same time also created all things unclean; Behold Chu T-khưu, 4, has the kind of career (Kamma) Africa impure Africa, should not create pure thing which doesn't create any unclean thing, and through (Kamma), led to the destruction of the career (Kamma). And behold Chu Bhikkhu-khưu, karma (Kamma) would not defile nor to be clean, have created is clean and unclean things? How is primary (Kamma), leading to destroy (Kamma) other? Can say that funiture sensory genus: Mindfulness, etc.. can also be considered (Kamma) Africa impure Africa, did not create this clean no unclean thing form, and leads to destruction (Kamma) other. So also for furniturespending sense[17], mentioned to replace Chief Justice Ethics Bowl. Therefore, four distinct ways (Kamma) have proven that there are endless this pitch, France 15th there is Furniture and sense of the Chief Ethics Bowl factor.
There are twenty-one France, i.e. this 15 plus six France as:-greed, anger, ties, loads, Chief Justice opinion-should be understood as France Samyutta with intentionally (volition).
Among them, the Super Administrator may imply and classified into three forms of karma (Kamma) (body, password and Italy). Broadly: when restraint is the violation of evil things, we should understand that is dear; When gun control is the violation of evil things, we should understand that as the password. Thus, the main action is the fuselage and main export industry speech. When there are both double speech, the Chief industry, immediately we get the Chief Justice network, because the Chief Justice of this network include both professional (Kamma). When the mind of restraint are things bad offense, then that is your business. Italy career back on five different aspects which are: the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, mindfulness and the Chief Justice. So if are classified, the Super Administrator that are classified under three forms (Kamma). At this point the subject sees discusses Professional (Kamma) short cage with the ' subjects '. Although the industry and export industry derived from ' Italy ' subjects-but still have a career (Kamma) did not take place with the full process of it. [90] The kind of career (Kamma) have been grouped under the ' môn'khác. The following is an example to illustrate:
There are people who think ' I will hunt deer ', instant prepared his bow and arrow, scroll [18] the rope, sharpen the spear, eating, clothing arrangement-that person was up the road. After a wander in the Woods all day, that person doesn't get even a rabbit or a jungle cat. So, this is due to the fuselage (Kamma) any charity that out or? Ladies don't have to. Why is that? Ladies it is due (Kamma) that does not reach the full process of action. Karma (Kamma) should only understood as an act of poor relatives. Similarly for the other actions such as fishing, etc.
To order the case the ' subjects ' voice, who then ordered: ' I'll go hunting; Let's quickly prepared bows and the rest '. And the same as last time, that person never caught any prey in the forest at all. In this case, despite the export industry, but the industry body not at all, because it is not fully transparent progress action. [So (Kamma) also should only be understood as an act of mismanagement in words only] [19] .
But in the case of ' Italy ' subjects had seen this difference: only hiding intentions of suicide was also contentious (Kamma), and that is just bad intentions that man is not the really contentious police acts. Because the fuselage (Kamma) any charity appear in the ' body ' subjects and "password-keeper ', but does not appear where the ' Italy '-export industry subjects any friendly as well. But his real business friendly arises in three subjects. Likewise for the stem (Kamma), password-and Italy. By the way? Who would hand his life stealing, winning and taking time offenders, i.e. we have breached the hull (Kamma) through ' the body ' subjects. So first of all, dear (kamma) any charity appear where ' environmentally-keeper '. Greed, cruelty and deviant opinions to coexist with the mind, are coupled with deliberate and (as the fuselage (kamma) were not significant[20]. For those who are really ordered others like: ' come on, let's get the network (kill) people, snatch me, let's take this snatch of brought back ', the person that has made the body (kamma) via the ' password-keeper '. Thus, the body (kamma) any charity appear where ' password-keeper '. But evil, greed and evil deviant opinions to coexist with this mentality, coupled with deliberate and (as the password (kamma) is not significant. Until now, the Conclusion Pastor all agree with this interpretation.
But some members (cult) back to that real body friendly industry made can also appear in ' Italy ' subjects. When pressed to cite any Minister would have been Three Australian Society through to prove this, the participant quoted Jing Kulumpa:-"Behold Chu Bhikkhu-khưu, [91] and in this life, there are realms on some people, who live life hermit or Brahmin (brahmin), is through gods power , and has the ability to curb his desire, but constantly has bad intentions, have sex to have a baby with the woman. but not the fetus that engenders a safe way! Behold Chu khưu, which is-Sin Bhikkhu observation of birth children that Kulumpa violated '. After having quoted this nikaya, which members say ' so, just have ideas, then the fetus then have destroyed like a cloud of foam balls (fish do) floating on the water. On this score, the movements of the torso and password do have? Ladies in ' Italy ' subjects, which stems (kamma) real friendly appearance '. After saying that ' we will consider The implications of business[21] of Chu Bhikkhu-khưu ', the Conclusion was the following considerations: ' Chu Bhikkhu-khưu has confirmed the observation of birth through the spirit (the range capacity) '. Then there are ten types of spirit: (1) decisions, (2) allow customized, (3) due to the completion of wisdom (4) by the common sense wisdom (5) of the Holy steps (6) congenital has brought results (kamma) (7) God through bring merit (8) has a fine century complete (9) through the Wisdom and understanding (10) perform the work excuses through thetechnology process[22] ' among the things just listed on, Chu Bhikkhu-khưu mean spirit communion? ' ' Dear God that is by knowing that there was. ' ' Something? Wasn't there a police action being caused by God is done through understanding? '. ' Yes Dear Boy ' (some Conclusion professor said that every action was only done once only. For example, when a person wants to cause pain to others associated with people thrown into the water, the vase that shatter and the water flows out, so, by the spirit through implementation thanks to understanding, action observation of birth can only be done once only. (From here, the action has disappeared). Through this event, after claiming that God is done through understanding, s t action being done not once or twice, the Conclusion was questioned Chu about the khưu-Bhikkhu the concept ' So there must be made through spirit thanks to understanding back charity properties any donation or sign the stars; Samyutta, life expectancy with a gauge or discharge; concerned with possession Games related with Lili Lili lock not relevant with infinity Infinite views of the four was found where the experience of sex, Gender Identity, and gender identity invisible anymore? '. Members would know the answer, will reply as follows: ' God is done thanks to understanding just how friendly or characteristics do not carry loads up, but only the Samyutta-life with equanimity, without correlation with games or Four, and the only experience where the Colors (I should have questioned) ' Ýù plan survey of birth imply the type of moral values? '. If understanding the problem, that person will answer ' Ýù plan survey being just a real friendly action only, and only related to feelings of misery, only occurs where with and Four and only experience through the Education World only '. In response to this question is the question ' if so, then the interpretation of the access parent does not harmonize with the tam tam, [92] subject matter tho, three kingdoms theme owner Lili range, also not in harmony with the universe where officers '. ' Yes! then the great Australian Tibetan Economy back so useless? '. The official answer is ' not useless, but Chu Bhikkhu-khưu do not know the meaning of Nikaya's '. To explain:-here, saying ' be for God through superhuman, and gain control of themselves ' not referring to spirit communion is made thanks to meditation, but alluded to the spirit is in the interpretation of A-thát Vedic[23] (Atharvaveda). In this nikaya, indeed that person has reached God. And it can't be won through God if not attributable to the apartment and the voice or the ' other ' subjects. Because those who desire God hamlet A-thát (Atharva) this must cultivate ascetic lifestyle within seven days, as eating (no salt), and lying on the grass dabba ground cover, and within seven days, to undergo a certain action sequence in a standing posture with cemetery After the finish has conducted seven steps and rotate the hand-out is when the set goes to repeat some incantations; After that, they finished the job. As such, cannot achieve this without the spirit through the ' body ' and subjects-subjects. Here, we can conclude the torso (Kamma) which does not appear in ' Italy môn'được.
The speaker's actions messed up etc, by signal by hand is also an industry, but ' subject ' is the stem. Therefore, any business friendly guns also appeared in ' the body ' subjects. But greed, malevolence, Ta comments co-exist with the mind coupled with deliberate and (as the trunk), then all insignificant. But the Act of a person is the wrong thing to say, etc.. is the password, and ' binge ' is also the ' password-keeper '. Therefore, that any business friendly guns appear in the ' password-keeper '. But greed, malevolence, Ta opinion coexist with the mind coupled with deliberate and (as the password), then all insignificant. Here, the Comment Pastor all agree.
But members say a real friendly industry ' also appears in ' Italy ' subjects-when asked to cite a Nikaya was adopted at the Congress, the participant quoted in Uposathakkhandha:-If Jesus Bhikkhu-khưu, if after having been summoned up to confess to three times but that still does not khưu-Bhikkhu unit recall and did not confess himself was actually offensive, then that person has intentionally[24] lying '. While citing this Minister, that person said. ' It does not confess was convicted of violations, which still remain silent, Bhikkhu that khưu-a different offense. Here, where that business and industry bodies where the taste-khưu Bhikkhu? Dear password this from any industry in ' Italy-keeper ' emerges.
The answer is:-' here? Tibet's economy CITES that have hinted at, or direct meaning? ' ' Dear my organs economy means directly. ' We should remind you that, ' should not say so; We will consider carefully the meaning of The this ' and we should be questioning Jesus Bhikkhu-khưu, ' People would intentionally lie, then guilty? '. A person who knows the opposition will respond that it is guilty of dukkata (World), deliberately lied[25]. Then, we should tell the participant that [93]: ' and password is root of two precepts. Because all types of crime in which the Buddha was announced are related to two ' subjects '. There is no legislation concerning these violations again alludes to ' Italy ' subjects. Chu Bhikkhu-khưu already too familiar with the properties of the Dhamma, through which the main tributary, Bhikkhu-khưu has launched the strike rules of severe violation error, not because of the Buddha. Chu Bhikkhu-khưu denounced the Buddha enlightened a whole (is not full), Chu Bhikkhu-khưu has a flat in the field the authority of the creator whom Conquest (Conqueror) '. After speaking these words to displace The Religious World, we should add that people questioned about the following issues:
' Affordable wrong things intentionally that appear from errors or miss? ' If there is Wisdom, that person will say ' Ladies from Miss that out '. Then, that person will have to deal with this question ' who won't confess the error of his offense, then really the person that acted like that? '. A when not witnessed any particular action, surely people would worry. Therefore, we should convince people that by the meaning contained in this Kit. The meaning of this Minister is exactly what will be said, Through an error, the Buddha has said anything to these bugs criminals deliberately? In other words, it's the kind of bugs criminals? Such is the bugs criminals on world situation (dukkata), and rightly so, not by the characteristics of verbal mistakes, but through the words of the Buddha, we should understand this as the violation occurred from shortcomings in the ' password-keeper '.
And there's a saying:
If not PHO with anyone,
Not to other guys favor take his words,
It was an error in words, not in action:
So the word of the proper conclusion here is: password not friendly any business comes from ' Italy ' subjects.
But by the way, when limbs dance khua mind plus accompanying computer covet, who grabbed the woman's arm, etc ... take the rod with inimical etc with deviant comments that people leave, homage, greet, respect, edited compose make alms the Buddha before the altar, while saying ' Khandha [27] , Siva or (the headless genius) are the High growth, then the action is my career longer ' subject ' is the stem subjects. Therefore, a real friendly industry comes from ' the body ' subjects, but here, can't call intentionally is a professional body is (indeed, this operation is not significant).
Once, the agencies say that the vibrations have the mind comes in with greedy someone keen property of another thought: "as things owned by the other guys back is mine! '; with malevolence who also declared, ' leave to those who killed, imprisoned, being sawed to pieces, or do not exist anymore; with your space, people still say ' of the alms, the alms is not worth anything. [28] etc then that behavior again become Italy career is also ' disciplines ' as ' password-keeper '. Therefore, a real friendly career appearance at the ' password-keeper '-but here, deliberately not called password (literally is not significant).
But when we're not at hand, foot or mobile speak anything, we just sit where discreet, cherished the center attached to the greedy, malicious and harmful comments, then the behavior that's Italy career and ' binge ' is ' Italy ' subjects. But here, knowingly and willfully comes with French which appeared in ' Italy ' subjects. Therefore, we should understand that a charity appearance in any industry in all three ' subjects '.
And with what was presented to the above, along the stem, and experienced Italian guns [29] also are similarly at all. ' This is the method to apply: for whatever reason, once we used to hand out signs, because without the ability to speak, the person receiving the things such as:-' I am not dieting being, not stealing, not deviant sex ', then that operation is environmentally and ' binge ' just ' the body ' subjects only. Therefore, an environmentally friendly industry appears in ' the body ' subjects. And altruism, Metta, the Chief Justice who comes with the knowledge that, linked to deliberate, but not called the career[30]. But when this person receiving all three things that verbal learning comes out from her mouth, then it is the torso, but ' subject ' is ' password-keeper '. Therefore, an environmentally friendly industry appeared at the ' password-keeper '. And pleasing profits etc. comes with the mind that, linked to deliberate, but not called Italy. But when the school board out of such things, and we accept them, without even moving, speaking or limb at all, he/she forgive in first:-I am not dieting being, not stealing, not deviant sex, then it is the stem, and ' binge ' just might be ' môn'mà of Italy. Therefore, an environmentally friendly industry appears in ' Italy ' subjects. And profits, etc. comes with the mind that, linked to deliberate, but not called Italy.
A password is the ethics of someone who always turns to learn four things thanks to abstinence doesn't do the things Sin etc. by myself etc. by the way as described above should be understood as stemming from the three ' core subjects ' we should understand is the revolt where three ' subjects '. Here altruism, etc.. linked to deliberate, but not called Italy. But the action of a moving limbs due to the mind with endless questions and make the selfless acts as your primary place of sweeping and revered by power surges, cosy primary aroma. Italian industry and the main subject is a body. So a good career charity appear where ' environmentally-keeper but deliberately here not to be called a career. The longer someone is when you are using but the speech organs through the mind comes with handicaps, etc. said that: ' affordable what belongs to others who do not belong to me '; but who is the person with the heart comes in to the Center from left, thinking that, ' [95] shalt not anything anyone beings get rid of all the evil, all enmity, escape all suffering; the price that they can keep their happiness '; or that person can think as Chief Justice opinion that ' the alms will bring many benefits, etc. then it's a good career, but ' subject ' is ' password-keeper '. Therefore, a good career in good appearance at the ' password-keeper ', but here, deliberately not called a career – that is not significant. But when no move limbs or speak at all, that person sit alone, who cherished comes with PC profits etc. the operation is Italy, and ' binge ' is ' Italy ' subjects. Therefore, a good career in good appearance at the ' Italy ' subjects.
But in this place, intentionally and France comes with it only appears in ' Italy ' subjects. On this point, when people would say that according to the order instigated, career survey of birth, identity theft is the industry body, and subjects which thanks to it, the ' stem-keeper of conservation is that industry, but aborted are career. Thus, with the intent to protect career we should not ' break ', ' Mon ', should not be for the purpose of ' maintaining ' the ' that ' break '. And ' should be understood as subject was talking about above, and because of ' subjects ' that, should act as a body, has ' protection ', ' subject ', but ' snap action '. Therefore, with the intention of ' protection ' action, one should not ' break ', ' subject '; should not intended to ' protect ', ' subject ', ' break ' action. So we should understand the action and ' expertise ' as has already been mentioned. So, we should not break anything both ' subjects '. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM NGO.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,NEWCASTLE.18/8/2017.
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