Tuesday, 29 August 2017

What Is Human, Charm, Results Reported?

    Evil General head owners report due. Why was there a newspaper results coming soon, have something to late? This is a must see in Charm. Buddha in bringing these facts, tell us very clearly, very transparent, individuals want to turn into the fruit, inside must have charm. If not, there is no charm, but have met but not the results.
    Evil General head owners report due. Why was there a newspaper results coming soon, have something to late? This is a must see in Charm. Buddha in bringing these facts, tell us very clearly, very transparent, individuals want to turn into the fruit, inside must have charm. If not, there is no charm, but have met but not the results.
    Exchange rate as we stated for example, we cultivate melons, melons are the result. What is pickle's? Seeds. Melon seeds. It is necessary to have the pedology, need water, need light, need air, it can sprout new growth, flowering results. If we take this paragraph out charm, melon seeds to bring in the tea, to 100 years it is also unable to the melon. Why is that? Intra coastal sections.
    So in Buddhist say causality, as has the strategy and then, inside is still a charm. This is normal we say causality, human charm. And in theory often with disciples, he does not say causality, he says birth charm. Can see the "Charm" is really the bottom line. We can worship the large inflow of birth into Buddha. Based on what? Based on charm.
    In the "Di-da" saying very clearly, not less radical, Phuoc Thien in Germany, human charm. We meet in life, in the win over hostile coast can grasp the predestined, we like to be bitten, sailings can be bitten. This is common in the Buddha said: "all of France from the mind of the idea". Mind the idea today is charm, death race contained in the A-back-skin formula that's career. So the results reported to the sooner or delay, not what other relation, the relation is charm. Meet charm, having been earlier then it results soon, having been late the late results. But the workers permanently lost, this is what we need to know.
    You know the truth of this truth, we run a dynamic mind, everything created, will naturally pay attention carefully. The decision to not be evil, but the human created small, that may result. German stock said: everything is left, the only career carry, it is the words of master Vinh says. What in this world, we came empty-handed, the future still have to go empty-handed, what also can not get. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/8/2017.

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