Monday, 14 August 2017

Buddhism: the nature and the path of enlightenment.


If interpreted in psychology and epistemology, the enlightenment is a process. First of all is the metabolism of knowledge: replaced by foolish. The second is emotional metabolism: the attitudes of fear and anxiety is replaced with the NET security and promoted; suffering with happiness. The third is the metabolism of attitude: accept the seat was replaced by ly taking. The fourth is the metabolism of manners: the dispossessed are replaced by the given; lazy by dynamic; the destruction by the creation.
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Phật, beginning with the Buddha's enlightenment experience Like-houses (Sakyamuni Buddha), which is the path or method (magga) to reach enlightenment the Buddha. Buddha (Buddha) means the Enlightenment, awakening people completely away from the binding and its capital of the world; and the Enlightenment (bodhi) is the awakening of the existence and life by the label of the coast staff. Is a person awakening, these disciplines or teachings are geared to the Enlightenment (bodhi), or the awakening fullness (sambodhi), nothing can be considered equal.
By the efforts of Chief Justice leg through the path of meditation and a projector, the Buddha has become a Supreme enlightenment ranks first in human history. After proven himself the path of enlightenment, the Buddha has guided beings good and subtle experiences of his enlightenment and the path has brought Him to that purpose. The Buddha's teachings are therefore considered enlightened teachings or your path to enlightenment.
The concept of enlightenment in Buddhism including many meanings depending on the context in which it appears. In this article, written by xin outlined some important content about the nature of enlightenment in Buddhism, through experience or the path of the Buddha's enlightenment is reflected in the classic Pàli. 1. ENLIGHTENMENT is the ATTAINMENT of THREE COALITION
The path of enlightened wisdom in Buddhism is shown by Buddha's enlightenment experience. Under Pàli, experience the classic prime evidence of the Buddha are recorded by the food poisoning type four best meditation (rùpajjhànàni), successor to the three (tevijjà) in three consecutive night's soup function implies that the attainment of the three is the end result of life offense. Many articles in the field of economic Ministries and Central Business also reiterated this point. The research on the content of this experience allows us to come to the conclusion that the process of Supreme enlightenment (sambodhi) of the Buddha as well as the final phase of the process taken to result A-la-Han is understood to the attainment of the three.
Gain experience each proving this is Jing described as follows: "ignorance times times destroyed off, intelligent or enlightened wisdom light arises" (Central Business I, 54-57). Three coalition include:
(i) Student Network (pubbe nivàsànussati ~ nà.na): memory or sense of wisdom is to many past lives of ourselves from the general definition given to details.
(ii) Natural-label-(dibbacakkhu or sattàna. m cutùpapàta ~ nà.na): wisdom, get to know the life and death of beings, who listed high guys, to the beautiful people, rough guys, bad luck, misfortune, are happy.
(iii) Smuggled-avail-(àsavakkhaya ~ nà.na): wisdom clearly about the reality of suffering and smuggled or, cause being run, the status of peace due to the absence of them, and the way leading to the cessation of them. This is the kind of wisdom in the highest sense of bringing salvation to practitioners.
Lines of evidence this wonderful experience is described in the following:
"With the mind intention plain, static, no texture, no negativity, nhuyến, easy to use, sturdy, even so, we lead the mind toward smugglers to take place. We win the tri as fact: "this is agony," as real "this tri-win is the cause of suffering," WINS tri as fact: "this is suffering," WINS tri as truth: "this is the path taken to the suffering," WINS tri as fact: "these are pirated or" win, voters like truth: "this is the cause of the contraband or," WINS tri as truth "This is the omission or removal," WINS tri as truth: "this is the path taken to the smuggled or kill." Thanks to know so, thanks to see my mind, so exit the exercise useful escape illegally smuggled, pirated ignorance escape. To have freed themselves as such, start up position knowing: We've been freed. We've won tri: "Being happy, take advantage has work to do, did, does not also back this State anymore." (M. I. 23, 249; The MLS. I, 29, 303; Central Business I, 57, 543).First that the Buddha's wisdom is food poisoning syndrome tri string reborn or the past life of himself in the three realms. In other words, regeneration is an aspect of reincarnation (sa. msàra). The existence of these beings in the present is a part of a hotel chain has not yet been broken of dead old birth and rebirth that we progress from past lifetimes immeasurable. The existence of this need to be aware of with the intelligence to not accept the player may start up in the future. So the path of liberation, reincarnation is terminated.
Second is the discovery of the effects of the law of karma ( kamma; P. S. karma), which dominates the life of beings throughout the past the present and the future. It is also an additional aspect of reincarnation. In other words, thanks to the cessation of the activity created career, gradually advanced to the DAC Nirvana.
The third Coalition appears at last, as the natural consequence of two previous coalition. The appearance of it is very powerful and sure to break the ultimate basis of samsara. It is explained as is the understanding of reality in relation to the four Noble Truths or Four Holy Roman Empire (Samyutta Nikaya V, 613).
Proven experience three of the Buddha are You claiming by a very impressive shelf tests and facts:
Wandering the how lifetimes
I search but never met,
Who built this House,
Instead, the gauge must be reborn.
Oh! Who do the other House (craving)
Now I've found you!
Who doesn't do the House any more.
Body hand blow ye snapped,
Truss columns (negativity) you fall
The mind we reached the President,
Craving desires destruction.
(Dhammapada, shelf 153, 154)
As such, the enlightenment of the Buddha is the realized the essence of the existence of humans, human understanding and results of humans and the world. The purpose of the enlightenment is liberation from the suffering in samsara reincarnation and achieve complete happiness, Nirvana.
Seen from another angle, the sensory-food poisoning can be considered the intellectual property of Four Holy Truths tri or the four noble truths ( Ariya Cattàri Saccàni; S. Àrya-Catvàri Satyàni) [Samyutta Nikaya V, 614]. Four noble truths including the reality of suffering of every existing or suffering (dukkha ariya sacca), the cause of the suffering of existence or exercise racks (dukkha samudaya ariya sacca) status, absent the entire block of suffering or extermination (dukkha nirodha ariya sacca) and Holy path led to the cessation of all suffering or moral (dukkha nirodha-sacca ariya tipadà gàmini pa.).
Rights Prophet about the four noble truths is clearly spectacle by wisdom that (i) birth, old age, death, melancholy, miserable, bi, pros, the brain, the bridge is not suffering; in General, the year its aggregates is suffering; (ii) intellectual property is the cause of suffering is tri-craving, factors leading to rebirth; (iii) absence status tri wisdom entire craving and suffering (Nirvana), and (iv) intellectual property is the path of the Holy Prophet Eight Industry Leaders is the way out of suffering (ariya-a.t. thangika-magga) [Central Business I, 115-116].
Classic notes that the process of liberation of the Buddha was kicked away by the wisdom Prophet about the nature of secular life; who is happy to resolutely want to escape the secular status of life of that suffering, and finally reached the Nirvana by way of meditation on the four holy truths (Central Business I , 366f; Samyutta Nikaya II, 185f; Increased Nikaya I, 260f). After a long cultivation processes full of challenges, the Buddha was finally successful: tri piecemeal wisdom the cause of all suffering (Dukkha-files) and the path taken to the suffering (Dukkha-killer-relief), and reached Nirvana (Pàli: nibbàna; Sanskrit: nirvà.na). The wisdom of that classic is tri-defined as the Enlightenment (bodhi) (Central Business I, 373f). The Buddha declares: "in the long range have a idea to have an idea, I declare to the world, the cause of the world, the world and destroying the road segment brought to my snippet destroy the world (Samyutta Nikaya, i. 145-146). The world here not merely the foreign exchange world, which is used to refer to all what the turn ruined (Samyutta Nikaya IV, 96).
The truth is clear to see that the four noble truths of experimental method of denoting a spirituality or a survey object as they really are: see an object, identify the source of it, know the condition of absence of how it, and methods to achieve that status. Four noble truths was also booked for the process of with medicine before a disease: symptoms, causes, cure, and state the remedy cures. Also, the Buddha as a salary about mental practice medical (Increased Nikaya II, 692; IV, 49) specified shows us about the four stages of a process of psychic experiments, escaped all suffering: receive the legs clear the nature of the things in his life, determine the cause of the arising of suffering, the suffering, the absence of the State and the methods eradicate suffering.
Four events on is the Supreme truth that all of humanity and love of the species on this planet and the other planets must be recognized. Do not be negative because it that four events are called the four noble or holy truths (ariya sacca). All four events on should be viewed as important as each other in a combination with the serial logic. Means the reaching Nirvana will not be accomplished if the path of Nirvana are not present. Similarly if not realizing the cause of suffering, the absence of suffering can not be. If the gauge has not eradicate the Nirvana cannot achieve certification. But because, in fact, suffering is a reality cannot be negative. The cause of them emanates from awareness to action and lack of human wisdom. Nirvana is absent the entire state of misery and bowl of legitimacy is the way to get us to escape suffering. Hence, the Buddha taught that the four Holy Roman Empire need to be aware of the following: the reality of suffering need Willow tri (pari ~ n ~ neyya), the cause of suffering needs to be eradicated (pahàtabba), completely absent State suffering need to prove food poisoning (sacchikàtabba), and the way the framework needs to be practicing escape (bhàvetabba) (s. V , 420; Samyutta Nikaya V, 612-613).
Not only has limited the value of experimental spirituality, progress towards liberation, principle of the perception of the four noble truths were considered the formula applied to all things are (Samyutta Nikaya II, 33-34). The study of all things according to this method, practitioners will be able to except extermination was the passionate mistakes and see things in a way true. The notice said as truth that is called the Chief Justice tri (sammàdi.t.thi) or intelligent (vijja). In Buddhism, the DAC is tri this also considered achieved the ultimate goal, freeing all suffering that is Nirvana (Samyutta Nikaya II, 34).
Again, the four noble truths need to be wisdom tri with three (tipariva.t.tam) and twelve General Executive (dvàdasàkàram). Three move three voters opinion respectively, linked to each of the four Holy Roman Empire, created all twelve General Executive. Voter opinion is first to realize each of the Roman Empire as it is (sacca ~ nà.na, moved). Voter opinion Monday was realized something should be done about every (kicca ~ nà.na, transfer): the truth about the current state of suffering should clearly understand, the cause of suffering needs to be objective, the absence of the State except the whole suffering need not be certified, and the path leading to the cessation of suffering needs to be practiced. Voter opinion Tuesday was to recognize the completion of what should be done (kata ~ nà.na, moved). The Buddha claims about this as follows:
Until this time, the Male-stilts, in the four Holy Roman Empire, with three and twelve General Executive as such, not like real ants tri purity in Our place; This time the Female-stilts, until he, in this world with the Natural World, world, breaking the natural world, with the masses Sa, Ba-la-Mon, Chu Heaven and humankind, We do not have evidence of voters being infinitely superior Chief of College.
And until when, the Female-stilts, in the four Holy Roman Empire, with three and twelve General Executive as such, tri was cleverly detailed purity in Our place; until this time, the Male-stilts, in this world with the Natural World, world, breaking the natural world, with the masses Sa, Ba-la-Mon, Chu Heaven and man, new evidence that We have loads of Upper Class Districts.
(Samyutta Nikaya V, 613-614)
In other words, the enlightenment is the Chief of voter opinion about the four noble truths.
In the sentence-Award coming into office accommodation (Ko'savyàkhyà, VI, 4), the four noble truths are placed under two headings: human and results, or the world and the world (samsara and Nirvana). The second truth depth and secondly as the reality of suffering and the causes of suffering. They represent causal systems within Samsara (. msàra) or belong to the world (loka). The third and the fourth truth is the absence of the State as a whole suffering and path to escape the typical gauge condition for causality of Nirvana (nibbàna, nirvà.na), published in the world (paraloka). The two first truths are viewed as characteristics of samsara (sa. msàra) which is filled with smuggled or (p. àsava ; S. à'srava), and two final truth as opposed to the two first truth no longer counts or (p. anàsava; S. anà'srava) or liberated or pirated. In summary, the four noble truths in order to answer the following questions:
1. What is the reincarnation of? Please reply is craving (I "), defilements ( kilesa; P. S. kle'sa) and ignorance (avijja).
2. Result of reincarnation? Please reply is suffering or is not satisfied (dukkha).
3. of what is Nirvana? Please reply is the foot path (magga)
4. Results of Nirvana? Please reply is the cessation of craving, suffering and ignorance.
In other words, enlightenment is Tri Comments on Causation. It is wisdom to be friendly, the duty to base any voters of any charity, wisdom and goodness are obliged to tri (Central Business I, 112). Ten evil career is real friendly, real friendly Golf is my duty si. Ten friendly is friendly, not his duty. the si yard
In the Holy Roman Empire, Holy Roman Empire, the quarter finals and the second is in on Pratītyasamutpāda (Paticcasamuppàda) (Increased Nikaya I, 318). LY pratītyasamutpāda is understood as the activity on all six forms of beings in samsara (hell, hungry daemons, animal beings, who, a-tu-la and the Sun) and in three realms: education world (kàmadhàtu), SAC (rùpadhàtu) and colors (arùpadhàtu). LY Pratītyasamutpāda is the Buddha wisdom tri soon after He achieved enlightenment proof loads of upper (Buddhist scriptures Talk 1 & 2).
LY Pratītyasamutpāda (p. paticca-samuppàda, s. pratìtya-samutpàda) is the same in principle of relativity of all things of this world phenomenon, from the intangible to tangible objects, from physical to psychological. Similar in character of existence are described with relative terms as follows:
Due to this, the other is present.
Due to this being, the other being.
Because this is not present, the other not.
Due to this removal, the other.
(Samyutta Nikaya II, 55-56, 119, 171; Central Business II, 453; III-222).
In relation to the current reincarnation of the beings in the three realms of six lines, Li pratītyasamutpāda is understood as the twelve suffered human chain charm (nidàna), a similar way belong together in the following way:
Due to ignorance (p. avijjà, s. avidyà) should be present (Sankhara, sa.msk àra) are present; because there should face (vi ~ n ~ nàna, vij ~ nàna) are present; due to the present Protocol should list the colors (nàmarùpa) is present; due to the excellent list there should face Lu (salàyatana, sa. dàyatana) are present; because of the continental type is present should contact (phassa, spar'sa) are present; due to the exposed surface should have tho (vedanà, vendanà) are present; because the life is present should be AI (I ", na t.r.s.) are present; due to the presence of charity should its capital (upàdàna) is present; due to its absence should (bhava) is present; because the owners have to face should bring forth (jàti) is present; by being present so old and dying (jarà Due to the absence of dead old ignorance should be present
(Samyutta Nikaya II, 10;
Falling Branch Of Business I, 318).
And so, the pratītyasamutpāda back from the start. Keep so that the endless rotation of reincarnation from the past to the present and the future. In the process of experimental spirituality, geared to the rescue, the Buddha emphasizes three charm, that is, the overcoming of ignorance, craving and its capital. Removed this coast three practitioners practice will definitely break something caught dogs reincarnation and tasted the fruits of liberation, Nirvana unit.
Thought should also note that because the computer pratītyasamutpāda condition chain ring concept, reincarnation is not meant for that ignorance is stuck in the tracks of the first born. Because, Buddhism does not acknowledge there is a first cause engenders the rest. So, ignorance is not there, nor is the cause. Ignorance due to the smuggled or (àsava). Kinh said: "from the start of the start of the episode, had smuggled or ignorance, from the destruction of smuggled or the destruction of ignorance." (Central Business I, 127). In other words, the compatibility of the twelve in the incidence of dogs can begin by getting the craving sausage (I.), or even by map (àhàra). There are four types of food: the real group, real emotions, real and practical concepts. (See Samyutta Nikaya II, 27-29, 180-185). The human chain this coast stuck moving in a circle has no beginning, and no relation to time or space. Thus we see the Justice of Pratītyasamutpāda Buddhism does not explain the origin of the world that are just to confirm things in life so s/he engenders. Physics formula Pratītyasamutpāda is also used to prove that the world because a relatively current should no character has a truth be invariant. In other words, if the world Buddhism and all things have a real entity, that is the principle of pratītyasamutpāda in contrast or "y tha pratītyasamutpāda Tanh" (Idapaccayatà Paticcasamuppada) (Central Business I, 375). Means the things of the world to the present subject. Therefore, the principle of pratītyasamutpāda is considered the key brought to truth. Other than to say, when practitioners certified food poisoning was true of this truth, the position he found was "the truth" of all existence. With the above reason, the Buddha has assimilated the tri wisdom of pratītyasamutpāda with see the Buddha and the Chief Justice:
"Who saw Li pratītyasamutpāda, he saw France; anyone found to be France, he saw Li pratītyasamutpāda. (Central Business I, 422). This recipe's main answer the issue of human life (Samyutta Nikaya II, 46), and the world, which are being approved or is there (atthità) or no (natthità) as two opposing extremists (Samyutta Nikaya II, 37, 140).
The Buddha is not only the first person in the history of humanity had discovered the operation of getting chain of twelve this coast which is also Mr. Nhon first has mastered them in his hands and he has off them into each discrete chain stuck to them will never can bind Him to the scene of suffering in three of the six realms of the road again. So you've been enlightened, and the enlightenment of he is enlightened about the principle of pratītyasamutpāda of France.
In summary, the enlightenment is tri comments on Pratītyasamutpāda across Four Holy Roman Empire. Rights Prophet twelve human charm, about the initiation of the twelve human charm (this should start the other startups), about the removal of paragraph twelve human charm (this should kill the other extermination), and about the path taken to the removal of twelve human charm (the Holy path Eight Industry Leaders) (Central Business I , 117-128).
With the wisdom of the voters Four as well as the wisdom of Pratītyasamutpāda tri, the practice will clearly see the three foundational truths (Tilakkhana) of all present that is impermanent (anicca), suffering (dukkha) and anatta (anatta). Beings and the world's only object is the existing relation and so they are often contentious and the source of suffering. Except for the enlightenment and Nirvana, there is nothing that does not originate with the chain of causes and conditions. What is the gauge is empty, egolessness, not falling, not falling, can not do as we want (Central Business III, 100; Samyutta Nikaya IV, 97). After seeing the same, boring (nibbada) run up in the mind of meditators. Due to the boring should join the Cup (viràga) appears. Due to separatist attitudes to take part should practitioners be freed (vimutti). The culmination of this cultivation process is freeing tri (vimutti ~. nadassana) or complete enlightenment (sambodhi). (Samyutta Nikaya III, 155)
6. ENLIGHTENMENT is FOUND to BE JUSTIFIED ANATTA As result of Pratītyasamutpāda, the Buddha declares that, can't have a constant and often not changed including the ego, and all or any part of the composition of human or beyond-human, physical, mental or , cannot be identified with the ego usually hang, because, in that case, it is due and Coast will also be subject to the variable. The human component is only a temporary existence, so people should not accept them and not think about them with the attitude of "this is mine" (eta. m mama), "this is me" (eso ' ham asmi) and "this is my ego" (eso me attà) [S. IV. 2ff; Samyutta Nikaya IV, 82].
The Buddha realized that love is the main cause of the suffering, and the best way to remove this is knowledge that voters fall handicap without the ego often constant. Perspective on the ego is the source of all suffering of human lifetimes. Goes against the tendency to respect the ego of the world, the Buddha's teachings that all things including beings is anatta and every component of a human capital depends on the law of pratītyasamutpāda. Without any human or in something other than humans that is not subject to the common law.
7. ENLIGHTENMENT is the WISDOM of the PROPHET is NOT the concept of "not" (p. su ~ n ~ natà, s. sùnyatà) in Buddhism is not completely not empty. It is a term used only the absence of ego (Samyutta Nikaya IV, 97; Central Business III, 100). From the theorem Pratītyasamutpāda, all things appear, the phenomenon exists and then kill Necro became something else, etc. . formed by a sequence of similar conditions charm. That is they are only present in correlation due to birth charm. They seem to only "truth" on the "phenomenon" but "not really" in "Save." When aware of the French is anatta, practitioners will realize emptiness of France. Not (sùnyatà) is standing or pass up "on" two aspects and negative assertions, present and not present, survive or sabotage.
8. ENLIGHTENMENT is TRI AS REAL OPINIONS From one approach to another, enlightenment in Buddhism is the Prophet's wisdom about nature "as" of all things (p. yathàbhùta-~ nadassana., s. yathàbhùta. m-j ~ nànadar'sana). Means looking at things exactly as their nature is, without adding in any all imposed, properties up them selves. Mahayana sutras, for France, the United States is developing a cognitive attitude it. way true to the essence of things into the principle "as a cross" which is: (i), (ii) the names of towns such as general market, (iii), (iv) marketing such as eyesight, (v), (vi) marketing such as market, (vii) as the coast a , (viii), (ix) marketing such as newspaper, a (x) as the duty to a loss of save. The ethical value of looking things true to the nature of them is, is that it helps practitioners do not accept players into the world of foreign exchange in the world and the feelings and reactions. So that practitioners can live free at the cancer in their lifetime, escaped all bondage. Once bound, the practitioners mind no longer will rescue and salvation that is made by wisdom.
9. ENLIGHTENMENT is OFFERING PARTICIPATING FORCES, MA, SI according to the Buddha, six of our apartments and the object of them are burning with the fire of tham (lobha), (dosa) and si (moha). The purpose of the experimental path spirituality in Buddhism is how để荊 put out the flames. The doctrine of the three flames are first mentioned in France Tuesday of the Buddha, The Adittapariyàya Sutta (Pàli Dictionary of Proper Names, page 247) or Longitude Afire (Aditta Sutta in the Samyutta Nikaya IV, 33-40). The term màra is used in the literature with Pàli figuratively rather than literally. Ma here does not mean Devil or evil as in the Jataka have legends, which are intended to refer to "the dead" (Samyutta Nikaya I, 283; Dhammapada, 46, 47, 48 rack, 287; Trading Volume, shelf 357, 587, etc..) and more importantly the defilements (kilesa) (Business Volume, shelf 166; The Dhammapada, shelf 37, 276, 350). In that context, the concept of enlightenment here also does not mean the war th ng foreign ma, the ghosts of external forces, which is winning the name of pirated or aggressors and negativity in the Center (Central Business I, 360; Trading Volume425-449 shelves).
Pàli classics already listed out ten important army that all practitioners seeking enlightenment to resilient struggle to destroy them. The first army, the second is real, the third is hunger and thirst, Wednesday is craving, Thursday was married Friday, lobe deposits is fear, Saturday is the eighth suspect, is recalcitrant slurs, list the benefits is ninth fame, respect and the tenth is pushy yourself , cancel stock other guys (Business Volume436-439 shelves). The army resident in the mind of people, prevent the enlightenment of practitioners. The appearance of the Ghost army before the moment of the Buddha achieved enlightenment loads upper is the appearance of the ten names aggressors negativity has just stated that the Buddha was won thanks to meditation. The triumphal songs which are the Buddha and A-la-Han's remarks in the third coalition which is voter opinion about the cessation of all contraband or (smuggled take place).
Therefore, the struggle with the army photographer who offers ma, tame the defilements (kilesa), except the hindrances (nì which prevent the path to liberation. The Scriptures describe that the Buddha has won the army with swords (intellectBusiness Volume, shelf 443; The Dhammapada, 40 racks). So we can say the enlightenment is offering ma in mind, extinguishing the flames take the dedicated paragraph Fang si, courtyard, free birth y (the causes taken to reborn), realized net security Nirvana.
If the Buddha is an enlightened human, not God or creator, then what He was and made enlightenment was, of course, others might also gain and do. But the gain? The simple answer is Let's boldly put each foot firmly onto the ancient path that the Buddha has come through. That is the path: get foot distress as a reality, discover the origins of suffering, feel the absence of the State suffering and make your way to escape suffering. That is the way leading to the cessation of suffering, from the world of the living being to the world being, from blur to the formula.
Classic copy that after relinquishing two extremists: the passionate in education (kàmasukhallikànuyoga) and the gauge self-propelled (attakilamthànuyoga), the Buddha was determined to take the middle path (majjhimà pa tipadà)., which is the Holy path consists of eight branches (Samyutta Nikaya V, 611). This road is summarized in three characteristics: (sìla), (samàdhi) and wisdom (pa ~ n ~ na) [Central Business I, 660). The Holy path of eight branches including Chief Justice (sammà di.t.thi), Chief Justice of thinking (sammà sankappa), speech (sammà vàcà), Chief Justice (sammà kammanta), Chief Justice Network (sammà àjìva), the Chief essential tons (sammà vàyàma), mindfulness (sati sammà), and the Chief Justice (sammà samàdhi) (Samyutta Nikaya V, 612 and many other Scriptures).
The method of austerities are divided into three groups of purity (tisikkhà), that is: (i) intellectual property studies (pa ~ n ~ na) news including the Chief Justice and the Chief Justice, (ii) sexes (sìla) news including speech, the Chief Justice and the Chief of the network, and (iii) to study (samàdhi) news including the Chief Justice, mindfulness and the Chief Justice (Central Business I , 660). The path of enlightenment a friendship level consists of eight sections as the specified genera, whereas, the path of steps A-la-Han included ten genera stake consists of eight genera section on plus two new section's Chief genera (sammà ~ nà.na) and Chief Justice freed (sammà vimutti) (Central Business III, 245; Falling Branch Of Business IV, 563). Therefore, the three loads smuggled into four loads smuggled by the added of liberation (vimutti) (Increased Nikaya I, 550-551, 703; II, 271), or can become invisible by the contraband years added by freeing tri (vimutti ~. nadassana) (Increased Nikaya II, 747).
The Chief Justice is the most important factor in Buddhism (Central Business III, 238). In terms of history, Buddhism was originated from the enlightenment of the Buddha under the Bodhi tree at Bodhgaya. In terms of causation, can say that Buddhism began to take shape when the Prince Siddhattha, the future Buddha, witnessed three phenomenon of life: an old man, a sick person, and one person died. Through this scene He realized the truth of suffering (dukkha), truth is the first of the four noble truths, and realize this is not something in addition to the Chief Justice or the Chief Justice foot perspective Ant (Sammà di.t.thi), the first step of the path of the Holy Bowl.
Primary main idea is aware the legs (Sammàdi.t.thi) urges Him to soon give up secular life, to search for the three remaining truths, which is the cause of suffering, Nirvana and the exit path. After six years of practice with many challenges, He finally achieved moksha tri (Vimutti ~. nadassana). Supreme enlightenment process, so, starting with the Chief of tri (Sammàdi.t.thi) and ended with the rescue tri (Vimutti ~. nadassana). Tri-liberating opinion also understand synonymy with complete enlightenment (Sammàsambodhi), the level of the highest sense of wisdom that a fake can achieve certification. After the successful implementation of the DD suffering an ờng passion, the Buddha has declared that: "the Ancient as well as now, We just tell the agony and the agony." (Central Business I, 318). And he also claims that his theory only one, it was a liberation. (Ud. p. 56; Buddhist scriptures Talk, page 352)
Chanh tri (sammàdi.t.thi), the first enlightenment, awareness needs to be practiced and accumulation by the help from the outside as well as the intelligence of her position (Central Business I, 644). This enlightenment perspective platform is mainly for people who collect and grow disciples to get themselves out of samsara. It is the get the legs are three special nature or the names of life ( which is impermanent (anicca), suffering (dukkha) and anatta (anatta) (Central Business I, 313-315, 510-511). The know the degrading attitude this fall "is" the attitude to accept the seat (abhijjà) "is" as well as the problems of hate (vyàpàda). In the Holy path of eight branches, the Chief Justice opinions brought to the Chief Justice and the way he brought to the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network, mindfulness and the Chief Justice. Spiritual achievements such as the safety net of mind can help locate practitioners break out to a World Cup life attitude, navigate to the join and the rescue (Central Business I, 316).
The enlightenment or the voters projected to deliver ultimatum is the expression of the highest reaches of life offense. It is the Chief Justice position (~ nà.na) or Holy wisdom (pa ~ n ~ na). In reincarnation (sa. msàra) it temporarily unavailable, due to ignorance (avijjà) or the absence of voter opinion properly. Thanks to it that beings find salvation. In other words, thanks to the existence of the mind that the process of reincarnation of an individual through the operation of the smuggled or (àsava) is off or destroy completely (Central Business II, 300). Here, the saints have completed disciple escape path consists of ten genera.
However, there are a number of business also refers to enlightenment as a result of disciplines other than Eight legitimacy. Such Samyutta Nikaya copy that thanks to the practice of the four as a student (iddhi-pàda) that was called As A-la-Han, Chief Justice ranks Equal (Samyutta Nikaya V, 423). Also in the Samyutta, in a different segment, the Buddha asserts thanks to the growth In units (pa ~ ncindriyàni) (Samyutta Nikaya V, 312, 361) or Interior cultivation bodhi (satta bojjha "ivory) that beings chums wife become enlightened ranks (Samyutta Nikaya V, 201-202).
Since then, the number of disciplines was increased to thirty-seven products support (sattati. msà bodhipakkhiyà dhammà) (the school of Nikaya I, 614). With the development of Mahayana Buddhism, the Ba-la-suite (pàramità) and (bhùmi) also was viewed as the path to enlightenment (see Cross Product Location in the United States Economy Severely). Sikh, the path of enlightenment is to multiply the eight thousand four thousand of France, a number that represents large amount cannot count. That is according to Mahayana Buddhism, the path of enlightenment has no limits, ready to embrace all beings have freed bridge range hearts suffering of fire three realms.
If interpreted in psychology and epistemology, the enlightenment is a process. The transformation can occur in four ways, that is knowledge, emotions, attitudes and behaviours. First of all is the metabolism of knowledge: foolish (avijjà) was replaced with wisdom (vijjà = pa ~ n ~ na). The second is emotional metabolism: the attitudes of fear and anxiety is replaced with the NET security and promoted; suffering with happiness; greedy, stingy was replaced by the, willing to help humanity; selfless or selfish is replaced by panels of altruism egolessness, etc.. The third is the metabolism of attitude: accept the seat was replaced by ly took part; hatred by friendship; malevolence by compassion. The fourth is the metabolism of manners: the dispossessed are replaced by the given; lazy by dynamic; the destruction by the creation.
Four metabolic aspects on Capital Management as interdependent Pratītyasamutpāda (. ticcasamuppàda). Means the conversion of knowledge will can lead to emotional metabolism, which led to the change in attitude, and on how to behave, to get a clean life and NET security in thought, speech and action.
The Buddhist practice of enlightened path is to make yourself happy and give happiness to others right in the present. Depending on the level of intellectual property that results achieved more or less happy. The Buddha teaches: "people just act a part, then the achievement also only a part; the full maintenance action, the achievement of full. " (Increased Nikaya I, 422). Similarly, Samyutta Nikaya V, 315 record: "who do the fullness, are results of fullness; who do each section, are results. "
In summary, different from and rise above the salvation in other religions, enlightenment in Buddhism kh ng must be something occult or supernatural. It's just the metabolism of comprehensive knowledge, emotions, attitudes and behaviours. Enlightenment can therefore gain or experience in this life when the Chief Justice of the individual foot effort was invested and done properly. Because the result of enlightened position was made right in this miserable life, at this current moment, people achieve enlightenment is still living in the world as people, have the necessary day-to-day needs, perform duties, but there are things he does not like the taste, the secular, in that, he absolutely no longer accept individual player , narrow-minded, selfish; on the contrary he taste live with altruism, not stuck everything in life (Increased Nikaya IV, 444). The heart of the action so he was depicted as winged bird business fly on the immense blue sky without a trace!END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM NGO.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,NEWCASTLE.14/8/2017.

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