Three jewels refuge is:
-Refuge in Buddha Said (Buddhasaraṇa)
-French medical Warranty (Dhammasaraṇa)
-Y Increase Security (Saṃghasaraṇa)
-French medical Warranty (Dhammasaraṇa)
-Y Increase Security (Saṃghasaraṇa)
Divine beings in General, people say, was born in my life, if there is no slash, then life thanks to place considerable suffering, both physical and emotional part. If there is high thanks to the Lady, then place the life enjoyed many happy!!!. Indeed, most of the kids are happy, life is full of amenities, Princess is due thanks to her parents, her family the bereaved relatives raised; want to be so good people are useful for himself and for his life, then the need to teach the teachers thanks to the Lady.
To become noble human need where Lady thanks to noble where called in the world's most noble, in secret, of thousands of sentient world, then only the Buddha Said, Germany France, Germany Increased Security .
Who would have fresh charm to the refuge where thanks Lady three jewels: Buddha, Germany France, Germany Increased Security, who then called the place thanks to the most noble Lady, became the southern approach or reach the women in Buddhism. They are the result of real noble treasure past present and more shit in. If these people are full of these happy three France-la-suite, due to accumulated from many lifetimes, the bitch has a wholesome charm meet Buddha, or Holy Buddha's disciples Text Bar in the past, then the past life of this current can be noble Holy in Buddhism.
The refuge first Security Ii
After becoming Chief Justice, College of Buddha Buddha Gotama an enjoy the peaceful liberation, Nirvana during the 7 weeks, on 49, around the great Bodhi maple tree in the forest of Uruvela (Buddhagayā). The Buddha is in a tree called Rājāyatana, far from the great Bodhi South maple tree about 4 hand span. Meanwhile, the two brothers are merchant Tapussa and Bhallika guide 500 cattle wagon, cargo from the Ukkalā traded in the Majjhimapadesa (made in China). On the way there the female Angel in its trees, has served as the mother of the two brothers merchant in reincarnations, the Evangelical message appears for two brothers to know that:
This two-, one Evangelical message for two you know, Buddha has appeared not long upon the Earth. You have entered the Arahán Result, enjoy the peaceful liberation, Nirvana during the 7 weeks, 49 days, yet real animals mode. Now, He is under the tree at its called Rājāyatana. Two children should bring about real animals to respect Buddha donation. The donation, will bring the two con a lot of interests, the evolution, the long peace.
When listening to the Angel male Protestant newspaper, the two brothers wedding Festival, infinity merchants available to bring the real animal dishes delectable, two brothers to the most wealthy girl, white Buddha ceremony that:
-White Glass Germany World Religion, please open the great bi accepted animal life, level the economic reality of the US, to give us the interests, the evolution, the long peace.
The Buddha has accepted life real character of merchant brothers, by the Bowl because the four Heavenly glass surges. He has real character of delectable dishes level two brothers merchant.
As such, the two brothers merchant Tapussa and Bhallika is the first sacrifice donation real animals to Buddha Gotama.
Mrs. Sujāta glasses surges donation rice dishes made with condensed milk to Germany Bodhisattva Siddhatthaprime evidence before him, the Primary Sensory Class Buddha; also two brothers merchant Tapussa and Bhallika, be the first to sacrifice animals to come to him, the real donation after He has privileged the Buddha Chief Dan.
After He finished, the real-life Buddha sermon an international merchant brothers, they incredibly wedding Festival. Meanwhile, no increase in khưu, Bhikkhu schools of the brothers to Tapussa and Bhallika please Shou allowed refuge and Buddha thanks Lady Germany France, Bach Said that:
"Ether mayaṃ Bhagavantaṃ gacchāma, saraṇaṃ, Bhante dhammañca upāsake Bhagavā dhāretu ajjatagge saraṇaṃ pāṇupete, no gate" [1] .
-White Glass Germany World Religion, we sincerely ask for refuge where Germany World Religion, and refuge where Germany, France Said. Dear please acknowledge us as people approach the South has attributed the second medical Privacy, since today for life.
As such, the two brothers Tapussa and Bhallika is two people reach the South has attributed the second medical Privacy first in the Dhamma of GotamaBuddha, called Dvevācikasara-ṇagamana.
Meanwhile, two brothers, and behold the white merchants that:
-White Glass Germany World Religion, please open the great bi mercy us, gave us a treasure, so we always mind daily, Bai donation, to make every friendly France is growing.
The Buddha takes up the top right hand pluck the few hair strands called "symbolism of hair" gives the two brothers merchant. They extremely bowed glass bows, wedding, parties, put two hands to receive the symbolism of hair 's done, the two brothers, wealthy Girl Like Marian Religious merchant, and then ask permission to leave.
After the trade of finished goods, the two brothers returned to the city, Ukkala Pokkharavati built a Stupa worship and symbolism of hair of the Buddha.
Currently, the symbolism of hair he was worshipped at the Shwedagon Stupa, the capital Yangon, the Myanmar waters.
The South access citation first refuge
A life of Buddha, dwell in Jetavana temple near Sāvatthi, citation for the brothers to Tapussa and Bhallika that:
"Bhikkhave, Etadaggaṃ sāvakānaṃ paṭhamaṃ upāsakānaṃ mama saraṇaṃ gacchantānaṃ yadidaṃ Bhallikā vaṇijā-Tapussa," [2] .
"This, in khưu Bhikkhu lettered approach the nam Thanh Van disciples Tapussa and Bhallika, As merchants are two close the South has attributed the first Binary Security in medical teaching of the Tathāgata".
A life of excuses, Germany That is Religious in Rājagaha, two merchant brothers Tapussa and Bhallika bring back goods for sale in the city Rājagaha, two merchant brothers to the most wealthy Girl Like Marian, listen to Him the sermon; the British Tapussa Prime witness into the ranks of Saints Enter Save, while younger Bhallika glasses please Buddha allows renunciation becomes khưu in the Dhamma Bhikkhu. Later, not long He greater Germany Bhallika Prime witness a Holy Arahán along with the Mainland.
The first three jewels refuge
The Prince Yasa, son of millionaire households in the Bārāṇasi, are a precious flower, glory in a year rich in three the castle: four months in cold season in a castle, the four month hot season in a castle, the four-month rainy season in a castle, enjoy five full ceiling [3]. Nightly, the choir singing, dancing performed for the Prince Yasa see happy eyes, ears. One day, while watching the show, Prince Yasa sleepy; When the choir sings see the Prince of sleep, they all stop, and is located in the place of the sleep stage. Meanwhile, the lamp still burning bright, the Prince woke up seeing on the runway, she had her number, missed his waves lies asleep that she has, that mouth full of saliva flow, etc. The thought felt it as a ghost, graveyard tha value for AWE, so arose the driving Centre (saṃvega), clearly guilty of Tran, boring team. The Prince himself uttered that:
Lettered in good location, real affliction incredibly fucking loop!
Lettered in good location, very dangerous affliction bastard!
Lettered in good location, very dangerous affliction bastard!
The Prince Yasa abandoned home. Chu opened the door to the quantum genius comes out in a natural way, dare not make obstacles to the export of electronics. The Prince Yasa tends to launch forest born nai called Isipatana.
The final soup night, Germany World Religion dwell go out of business, seen Yasa , he traveled to remote stop cover specific coordinates to sit down. Meanwhile, the Prince Yasa walked uttered:
Upaddutaṃ vata Bho!
Upassaṭṭhaṃ vata Bho!
Upassaṭṭhaṃ vata Bho!
Lettered in good location, real affliction incredibly fucking loop!
Lettered in good location, very dangerous affliction bastard!
Lettered in good location, very dangerous affliction bastard!
Germany World Religion called the Prince Yasa, and he taught that:
"Idaṃ Yasa anupaddutaṃ repository,
Idaṃ anupassaṭṭhaṃ.
Ehi nisīda dhammaṃ te desessāmi, Yasa ".
Idaṃ anupassaṭṭhaṃ.
Ehi nisīda dhammaṃ te desessāmi, Yasa ".
"Yasa, This Nirvana without bouncing fuck!
Nirvana had no greater risk of woe!
For this, the Yasa come sit down here
As will the level of economic theory ".
Nirvana had no greater risk of woe!
For this, the Yasa come sit down here
As will the level of economic theory ".
The Prince Yasa listen the call of German Religious World, and hear that:
"Idaṃ kira anupaddutam
Idaṃ anupassaṭṭham ".
Idaṃ anupassaṭṭham ".
"Nirvana does not have bouncing fuck
Nirvana does not have dangerous bastard".
Nirvana does not have dangerous bastard".
The Prince Yasa safely, remove the wedding festival Golden sandals, bare feet away to How most wealthy girl German desk, sat listening to the sermon, Sir; After hearing the Chief Justice France, Prince Yasa arising intellectual meditation wisdom, which leads to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths enlightenment syndrome, Prime witness to enter Holy-Holy Saved Import Saved results and Nirvana, becoming Holy ranks enter the Save in place.
In the morning, mother of Prince Yasa, up to the Castle does not see the instant death, down to the Prince's father. Mr. Phu households passed to people go search every direction, his own head to the jungle freed nai called Isipatana, near to the forest, he saw the Prince's Gold slippers leave on the way, should he go.
See the rich man go to remote households, Germany World Religious thought: "As a hybrid should use the spirit through obscure Yasa, not to let him see the Yasa".
He came to the German World most Religious household Phu, Bach then that:
-White Glass in Germany That He had seen Yasa, Religious, children of the family or not? Mr. White.
Germany World Religion teaches that:
This, the owner-sit down, where you meet Yasa, children of the family.
He heard That German households rich Religious instruction as such, feel secure, wealthy Girl Like Marian Hy Festival Ton done, sit down one place.
Germany World Religious sermon by the level of his rich international France sequentially: alms, precept, France born the realms of heaven, sin of the ceiling, the result of the shunned five ceiling. When he knows there are household friendly rich clean, easy to teach; Germany World theoretical Respect France four emperors: Emperor Framework, set of Roman Empire, Destroying the Roman Empire, the Emperor Leaders. Mr. Phu households incurred wisdom meditation wisdom, which leads to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths food poisoning symptoms, the DAC Type Save-Save Entry to the Holy Scriptures and Nirvana, becoming Holy ranks Enter.
Mr. Phu households lauded praises Germany for world Respect, Lady Buddha places thanks to the refuge, where Germany, France, where Germany Increased Security, transparency, and behold that:
"Esāhaṃ Bhagavantaṃ, saraṇaṃ dhammañca, gacchāmi Bhante bhikkhusaṃghañca upāsakaṃ Bhagavā maṃ dhāretu ajjatagge,, pāṇupetaṃ saraṇaṃ gataṃ" [5] .
"The white Glass Germany World Religion, I sincerely beg refuge where Germany World Religion, where French, German medical rules please refuge where Chu Bhikkhu khưu Increase. Dear Sir I'm recognized approach to the South has attributed y Tam, since today for life".
As such, Mr. rich households, the Prince Yasa, is the approach to the South has three jewels refuge first in the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama. Called Tevācikasara-ṇagamana.
When sitting to listen Germany World Religion theory his father an international, Prince Yasa arising intellectual meditation wisdom, which leads to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths enlightenment syndrome, auto week Prime evidence For Hybrid-Hybrid For the Holy Scripture, the Holy Hybrid Hybrid-Director Any Scriptures, until Holy Holy Arahán-Arahán results and Nirvana became Holy ranks Arahán great piece, kill all the negativity, the craving, the French evil not leftovers. Germany World Religion know the Prince Yasa never regress, back in his life again. He successively discharged the God, then he saw the Prince household Phu Yasa also are sitting in it, and he said:
-Yasa the child's mother, forlorn, because can't see you, you go to the back of your mother!
Upon hearing his father talk like that, the Prince Yasa heads up the German Religious World view.
Germany World Religion unknown rich man households, the Prince Yasa, now Holy ranks Enter Save, attributed the y Tam, had faith completely clean where the three jewels, not unshakable. He then asked Mr. millionaire households with greater Italy that:
This rich-households, the perception of how about this? Who is the Holy steps Enter Save wisdom meditation, wisdom has enlightenment truths of Holy Roman Empire, the four Prime evidence like my Nirvana. Holy ranks Enter Save he continued to meditate wisdom, has led to the most privileged witness to the Holy Hybrid self-For Hybrid Hybrid, Fruits of the Holy Scriptures-Holy Hybrid Leaders, until the Holy Arahán-Arahán St. and Nirvana became Holy Arahán awesome piece removal ranks all the negativity, the craving, the French evil not leftovers.
Rich households, this Saints Arahán he can return to the life of the vile, beneficiary enthralled in the five ceiling, as the life of people in the household before or not?
Mr. Bach with World Religious household Phu that:
-White Glass Germany World Religion, something which could not have been. Mr. White.
This rich-households, Yasa children of the family is Holy ranks Enter Save, had the wisdom of meditation, wisdom has enlightenment truths the four Holy Roman Empire, a prime witness Nirvana just like you. Yasa has continued conducting meditation wisdom, has led to a prime witness For the Holy Hybrid-Hybrid, Hybrid Any Scripture Most Saints-Real Future Saints, until Holy Holy Arahán-Arahán results and Nirvana became Holy Arahán awesome piece removal ranks all the negativity, the craving, the residual non-evil alive.
Rich households, This far Yasa children of the family is Holy Arahán ranks could not return to the life of the vile, beneficiary enthralled in the five ceiling like life s ng people in his past.
When the Buddha preaching to his millionaire households understand the mentality of the Prince Yasa now is the Holy Arahán noble ranks, totally different from previously voracious class multiply normally.
Listen to the Buddha preaching, he incredibly Hy Bach Festival households rich that:
-White Glass Germany World Religion, Yasa, children of the family has been blessed.
White Glass Germany World Religion, Yasa, children of families get higher benefits. Yasa Holy Arahán, ranks has become completely freed from suffering postpartum depression.
Germany, the World Religious white glass into a visiting German glass That same Respect Yasa, tomorrow real life to dwell in the House of them.
Germany World Respect accepted the invitation by silence.
He said That German households of phú Ton got verbal invitation, the wealthy girl glasses Marian World Religion for permission to return home, inform the family, met Yasa and sometimes the Buddha along Yasa the following day dwell to real life at home.
Father of Prince Yasa 's medium, the Prince Yasa , wealthy girl Marian World of Bach, that:
Labheyyāhaṃ Bhagavato pabbajjaṃ santike labheyyaṃ upasampadaṃ, Bhante.
-White Glass Germany World Religion, please allow your home to be become Sadi, Bhikkhu khưu in the Dhamma.
Germany World Religion consistent review of the electronic money charity Irene Yasa is finished and he taught that:
Ehi bhikkhu! Svākkhato dhammo brahmacariyaṃ dukkhassa antakiriyāya sammā, cara.
-You come here! You may become voluntary discretion khưu, Bhikkhu the Chief Justice that the hybrid had the perfect sermon As the first part, middle part, last portions, the practice violates the almond is high, leading to the end of Suffering.
When Germany World Religion taught just stop respond, Prince Yasa successively became a Bhikkhu khưu are full of widgets stuff 8 Samôn, Phuoc Thien, arising in the stately general increase, a greater Germany has 60 years lower.
Then, Buddha and 6 Arahán saints have appeared upon the Earth.
The first three jewels refuge women
Morning, Germany World Religion wear y carries the Bowl along with the great Germany Yasa , qifu gangui went home to his real tame her millionaire households, was of greater Germany Yasa. Germany and German Religious World Yasa sitting on seats arrangement available, Mr. and Mrs. rich households and daughter-in-law (ex-spouse of Prince Yasa while still at home), to the most wealthy girl Marian World Religion, then sit a place. Meanwhile, Germany international theory of world Religious degrees by the France sequentially: alms, precept, France born the realms, the sins of the whole ceiling of the berries, shunned the five ceiling. When they are clean, easy-to-teach the meek Center, Germany World theoretical Respect France four emperors: Emperor, Imperial Gauge, Destroy the Roman Empire, Roman Empire, Director, Ms. rich and her daughter-in-law arising intellectual meditation wisdom, which leads to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths enlightenment syndrome, Prime witness to enter Holy-Holy Saved Import Saved results and Nirvana , become the Holy ranks Enter.
The two women lauded praises Germany for world Respect, Lady Buddha places thanks to the refuge, where Germany, France, where Germany Increased Security, transparency, and behold that:
Esā mayaṃ Bhagavantaṃ gacchāma saraṇaṃ, dhammañca, Bhante bhikkhusaṃghañca upāsikāyo Bhagavā dhāretu ajjatagge saraṇaṃ pāṇupetā, no gatā [6] .
-White Glass Germany World Religion, we sincerely ask for refuge where Germany World Religion, where French, German medical rules please refuge where Chu Bhikkhu khưu Increase. Dear please acknowledge us as people reach the females attributed the y Tam, from now until the whole life.
As such, Ms. rich and her daughter-in-law was the approach the male has the first three jewels refuge in the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama. Called Tevācikasaraṇagamana.
Then, the whole of his family greater Germany Yasa, composed of rich households and grandparents daughter-in-law, sacrifice glass donation in Germany That same Respect Germany Yasa things delectable food animals. After the real-life complete, Germany World theory full International Religious family, they incredibly wedding Festival. Germany World Religion with you Great Germany Yasa dwell back to accommodation.
Access the citation three jewels refuge women first
His mother Great Germany Yasa is Ms. Sujātā, who sacrifice donation rice dishes cooked with fresh milk very elaborately, to Germany Bodhisattva Siddhattha on April full moon (lunar calendar), a prime witness before him into Primary Sensory Class Buddha.
Ms. Sujātā as his daughter Rashmi households Seniya, Senāregion, near the forest of Uruvela. She has been at its Sujātā skin tree in the forest of Uruvela pray with natural tree skin that maple tree in the phrase:
"When I was the mature charm with people of the same class, lineage and birth son. If you are satisfied, then annually, on the April full moon (lunar calendar), I'll do Thanksgiving donation ceremony of Chu heaven".
Indeed, when she was the grown-up Sujātā charm with the Prince his son Phu households Bārāṇasī and b. be Yasa, first son, achievements such as wishes. So, each year, on the morning of the April full moon (lunar calendar), she usually makes Thanksgiving donation ceremony of Chu.
On the morning of the full moon in April of that year, Germany Bodhisattva Siddhattha to sit under a tree in the forest of Uruvela skin wait time qifu mumo. Then she Sujātā along with her Puṇṇa, the rice dishes cooked with fresh milk very elaborately to sacrifice donation Germany Bodhisattva, she thought that the angels appear receives gift donation of her, she's incredibly hoan Hy.
Now fresh coast came to the Prince Yasa , a son of Mrs. Sujātā, khưu, Bhikkhu became also the Holy Text Bar Arahán tier disciples of Buddha Gotama. The Buddha along with Him Great Germany Yasa , dwell to her Interior Sujātā. He international level theory she Sujātā and her daughter-in-law are prime evidence into the ranks of Saints enter the Store. After a privileged witness of Saints enter the Save is completed, Mrs. Sujātā and daughter-in-law into the glasses please allow three jewels refuge life.
A life of excuses, Germany World Respect her commendation Sujātā who reach the male has the first three jewels refuge that:
"Bhikkhave, Etadaggaṃ sāvikānam paṭhamaṃ gacchantīnaṃ saraṇaṃ upāsikānaṃ mama yadidaṃ seniyadhītā Sujātā" [7] .
This khưu Bhikkhu, in Chu-portfolio approach the female disciples of Literature such as Hybrid Bar, she Sujātā, son of millionaire households Seniya, is close to the females have three jewels refuge first in the Dhamma of the Tathāgata.
Where Missy thanks
All of them born in General, people say, most people or have the computer fears the disaster happen for themselves, want to avoid the disaster, should they seek to slash the forest, where trees mountain place thanks to the old perennial garden place Tower, etc. to must, appealing, they avoided the disaster thing, and ask for their blessing to live the peace; Moreover, they also pray for them was the great wall of achievement as Italy.
Princess thanks to two places:
-Do not place thanks to the Lady.
-Lady thanks to where.
-Lady thanks to where.
Do not place the main leg thanks Lady
The Buddha taught, most people look to where the high mountains, deep forests, ancient trees, the garden (bushes), Temple Tower ... to. That is where the main leg no thanks Lady, because she's not the places, where the Lady thanks to an evangelical, not where Lady thanks to noble. The lady who came thanks to the places she could not release any footage.
The Buddha teach with shelves that:
188-"Bahuṃ ve saraṇaṃ yanti
Pabbatāni vanāni ca
Manussā bhayatajjitā.
Pabbatāni vanāni ca
Manussā bhayatajjitā.
189- Netaṃ saraṇaṃ repositories khemaṃ
Netaṃ saraṇamuttamaṃ
Netaṃ saraṇamāgamma
Sabbadukkhā pamuccati " [8].
Netaṃ saraṇamuttamaṃ
Netaṃ saraṇamāgamma
Sabbadukkhā pamuccati " [8].
Most people usually or fears
Looking to the forest, mountains, gardens, old Tower
Where do Lady must needs thanks
Avoid disaster, expecting everything as Italy.
Looking to the forest, mountains, gardens, old Tower
Where do Lady must needs thanks
Avoid disaster, expecting everything as Italy.
The place is not clean, safe thanks to Lady
The place is not noble, thanks Lady
Who to please she places thanks to Lady
Cannot be freed from all suffering and scene.
The place is not noble, thanks Lady
Who to please she places thanks to Lady
Cannot be freed from all suffering and scene.
Thanks Lady where the main leg
The Buddha taught people who look to the Lady thanks to where the Buddha Said, Germany France, Germany Increased Security. Three jewels is where the main leg, because thanks to the lady who rules where the Bao Buddha thanks Lady y, where Germany, France, where Germany Increased Security, leading to food poisoning syndrome Holy Roman Empire, the four noble truths Dak 4 patron saint-St. 4 Result and Nirvana. It is the place where well-being thanks to the Lady Lady thanks to noble. The ranks of Holy Lady refuge has come thanks to the new Tam place so, freed of all electronic gauge scene born reincarnation of tam.
The Buddha teach with shelves that:
190-"Yo ca Buddhañca Dhammañca
Saṃghañca saraṇaṃ gato
Cattāri ariyasaccāni
Sammappaññāya passati.
Saṃghañca saraṇaṃ gato
Cattāri ariyasaccāni
Sammappaññāya passati.
191- Dukkhaṃ dukkhasamuppādaṃ
Dukkhassa ca atikkamaṃ
Ariyaṃ caṭṭhaṅgikaṃ maggaṃ
Dukkhūpasamagāminaṃ.192- Etaṃ saraṇam repositories khemaṃ
Etaṃ saraṇamuttamaṃ
Etaṃ saraṇamāgamma
Sabbadukkhā pamuccati " [9].
Dukkhassa ca atikkamaṃ
Ariyaṃ caṭṭhaṅgikaṃ maggaṃ
Dukkhūpasamagāminaṃ.192- Etaṃ saraṇam repositories khemaṃ
Etaṃ saraṇamuttamaṃ
Etaṃ saraṇamāgamma
Sabbadukkhā pamuccati " [9].
People would come to the refuge where the three jewels
Buddha Said, France along with Increased Security Protection,
When her symptoms food poisoning Four Holy Roman Empire
By Super wisdom meditation wisdom tam.
The four Holy Roman Empire is noble
Holy Roman Empire, Human beings suffering agony Holy Roman Empire,
Holy Roman Empire-high Gauge removal Nirvana,
Holy Roman Empire, French leaders Legitimacy Bowl practice
Food poisoning symptoms Nirvana kill Holy Roman Empire Gauge.
The refuge of the divine Holy
The refuge, Security Chief of leg
Is the primary foot noble refuge
Chu was Holy to the refuge's
Be freed completely in every scene.
Buddha Said, France along with Increased Security Protection,
When her symptoms food poisoning Four Holy Roman Empire
By Super wisdom meditation wisdom tam.
The four Holy Roman Empire is noble
Holy Roman Empire, Human beings suffering agony Holy Roman Empire,
Holy Roman Empire-high Gauge removal Nirvana,
Holy Roman Empire, French leaders Legitimacy Bowl practice
Food poisoning symptoms Nirvana kill Holy Roman Empire Gauge.
The refuge of the divine Holy
The refuge, Security Chief of leg
Is the primary foot noble refuge
Chu was Holy to the refuge's
Be freed completely in every scene.
Causes qui y Tam
Those who have faith in clean where the three jewels: the Buddha, Germany France, Germany Increased Security, good faith Center of the glass to life, please allow three jewels refuge, due by two causes:
-Remote cause: Reincarnations have been sowed fresh coast where the Buddha, Germany France, Germany Increased, in the past, have ever made any blessed in Buddhist, have been accumulating all France three almond-la-suite from many lifetimes lifetimes in the past until the present this shit.
-Causes near: Past life, the present Buddha period having appeared on the Earth, there are pros, get good opportunities, the only fresh n to have most of the Buddha, or Holy Buddha's disciples Van Bar, was listening to the Chief Justice of the Buddha, should arise pure faith where the three jewels.
There is evidence people privileged stepped Holy, should wholeheartedly into the glasses please allow three jewels refuge life.
Have a clear understanding of who is German Grace Tam, should wholeheartedly into the glasses please allow three jewels refuge life.
Three jewels refuge has 2 key
1) Allowed refuge by tam Tam French Super world (Lokuttarasaraṇagamana).
2) Allows tam Tam according to French medical rules (Lokiyasaraṇagamana).
In each allowed three jewels refuge has many hierarchical low high vary according to each person's understanding ability. So, the people have faith in clean where the three jewels need to understand allows three jewels refuge; because, three jewels refuge permit is the first step in becoming the approach to the South (upāsaka) or people who approach the female (upāsikā) in Buddhism.
1-allow the refuge by tam Tam French Super world how?
People who have had healthy coast in Buddhism, did France three almond-la-suite over many lifetimes lifetimes from Buddhist followers in the past, or lettered Text Bar Holy disciples in the past. Now damn it had fresh charm to present most of the Buddha or Chu Thanh Van, Saints were listening to the Chief Justice of the Buddha, meditating, France progress leading to food poisoning syndrome Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths of Holy Scripture-DAC and Nirvana, kill all the negativity, great snippet be Holy in Buddhism.
When suicide-na Moral Scriptures Center (maggakkhaṇacitta) , as soon as he released the fake achievements allowed refuge by tam Tam French Super world .
In teaching:
"Lokuttaraṃ maggakkhaṇasaraṇagamanupakki diṭṭhasaccānaṃ lesasamucchedena ārammaṇato-Tattha Nibbānārammaṇaṃ hutvā kiccato sakalepi ratanattaye ijjhati" [10] .
"In 2 allowed three jewels refuge (refuge Tam allowed under Super trailokya, and allows three jewels refuge by France trailokya); allow the refuge Super Tam tam is certified by the French Enlightenment truths the four Holy Roman Empire, the Prime witness of Saints, when suicide-na Who Leaders arise, Holy object Nirvana, great piece removal impurities in the mind pollution. Meanwhile, the ranks of Holy achievements allowed three jewels refuge by France Super trailokya, simultaneously every fate the refuge three jewels are also full achievement at the same time, not before not after ".
As such, the three jewels refuge by France Super trailokya is:
According to the mind: it is suicide-na Moral Center of Scripture (Maggakkhaṇacitta).
According to the object: the object that is Nirvana.
Kill the affliction way: that is how the great piece removal impurities contaminating three jewels.
According to the Department: When suicide-na Who had incurred Director Holy objects, object not Nirvana 9 Buddha, 6 Grace Grace Grace 9 France Germany Germany Rising. According to the Department, when the Song Holy Leader of mind arising have Nirvana, object, all the three jewels refuge by France Super trailokya are full achievement. So, not to say Holy ranks by saying: "saraṇaṃ, saraṇam Dhammaṃ gacchāmi Buddham gacchāmi, Saṃghaṃ saraṇam gacchāmi..."
Hierarchy of the three jewels refuge by France Super trailokya
Hierarchy of the three jewels refuge by France Super trailokya was pursuant to 4 Saints Who Leaders. Therefore, the three jewels refuge by France Super trailokya has 4 steps from low to high as follows:
Enter Save Holy Leader of mind arising object Nirvana, destroying magnificent passages are two types of pollution is affliction: deviant comments and skepticismwas completely full achievement of all the three jewels refuge.
Most Holy Leader of mind arising object Nirvana, destroying magnificent piece is a kind of pollution is: affliction of mind kind of rough pitchwas completely full achievement of all the three jewels refuge.
Any Future Holy Leader of mind , Nirvana, object removal great piece is a kind of pollution is affliction: mind the golf sort of subtle, and are completely full achievement of all the three jewels refuge.
Holy Arahán Directed the mind arise, object removal, great snippet Nirvana all the negativity the remaining pollution is: taking part, si, ego, zoom, sleepy, didn't know the disgrace of guilt, does not know the frightful Sin, every craving, every evil France no longer residual mistakes, and be completely full achievement of all the three jewels refuge.
Result of allowed refuge by tam Tam French Super world
* Holy Holy leader for Results
Allow the refuge Super Tam tam that is, according to France 4 Centre Director in Holy charity, trailokya for result is relevant, Mind Fruit 4-Holy no time separated, meaning Holy Leader of mind would!, Holy Mind he Results subsequently born, in the same Direction the route to the Holy heart , don't have time to stop calling is: "Akālikadhamma." the Holy Center of Leaders with 4 4 Bible Fruit Center are as follows:
Enter the Saved Saints Center Director born and then kill, raising Import Saved Saints Who born Fruit.
Most Holy Heart Director born and then kill Most sailings, Holy Mind Fruit.
Any Future Saints Who Directed born and then kill Any Future sailings, Saints Who born Fruit.
Holy Arahán Center Director born and then kill, Holy Arahán Who born Fruit sailings.
In each Holy Leader roadmap.
Enter Holy fruits to enjoy peace Nirvana
If Holy ranks have special abilities to enter Holy Berries (Phalasamāpatti) Department of his Prime, to enjoy the peace Nirvana, during a one-hour, two-hour rules ... just have Saints Who constantly destroyed and born Fruit, and have the object Nirvana. Until the Holy well, Fruit import discharge back to the normal life of mind knows objects: 6 colors, flavor, taste, tactile, France.
Holy ranks Result in low level could not enter the Holy Result ranks highly.
Holy Fruit of higher ranks could not enter the Holy fruits of low ranks.
Holy ranks Results would, only special ability to enter Holy Result then only.
Result of the sacred treasure in hybrid position fuck
Holy Ranks Enter Save certainly no longer an evil realms world 4 sa: hell, Warrior plays hungry daemons, demons, animals being renewable only from 1, 2 shit ... so much for 7, in the person or 6 realms of heaven education gender; past Saturday will definitely be Saints Arahán President kill Nirvana, terminate the Prince born reincarnation of the three about four species.
Holy Ranks For Lai also regenerate 1 again in the next life or the physical world's goddamn in heaven will definitely be Saints Arahán President kill Nirvana, terminate the Prince born reincarnation of the three about four species.
Holy Ranks Real lai no longer regenerate back to the realms of sex, gender, gender identity realms up recycling only (or the myriad realms of gender identity), and then will be President Arahán Holy extermination Nirvana, terminate the Prince born reincarnation of the three about four species.
Holy Arahán Ranks right shit will kill President Nirvana, terminate the Prince born reincarnation of the three about four species.
Chu Holy life allowed refuge Tam
Chu Holy ranks are certainly achievements allowed refuge by tam Tam French Super sex, as soon as the suicide-na Who had incurred Director Holy objects Nirvana, also has all the accomplishments of the three jewels refuge in mind here, have become Holy ranks.
To be officially recognized as people approach the male or the female approach people; again, in the presence of the Buddha, or Holy Texts of Buddha Bar ranks. 's Holy Ranks into the glasses please allow three jewels refuge life:
If the person is female, the Holy life, please allow three jewels refuge by respond that:
"Esāhaṃ Bhagavantaṃ saraṇaṃ, Dhammañca gacchāmi Bhante, Bhikkhu Bodhi-saṃghañca upāsakaṃ maṃ dhāretu Bhagavā ajjatagge,, pā upetaṃ saraṇaṃ gataṃ".
"The white Glass Germany World Religion, I sincerely beg refuge where Germany World Religion, where French, German medical rules please refuge where Chu Bhikkhu khưu Increase. Dear please Germany recognized the Religious World as people approach the South has attributed y Tam, since today for life ".
If the person is female, the Holy life, please allow three jewels refuge by respond that:
"Esāhaṃ Bhagavantaṃ saraṇaṃ, Dhammañca gacchāmi Bhante, Bhikkhu Bodhi-saṃghañca upāsikaṃ Bhagavādhāretu ajjatagge saraṇaṃ pāṇupetā,, gatā".
"The white Glass Germany World Religion, I sincerely beg refuge where Germany World Religion, where French, German medical rules please refuge where Chu Bhikkhu khưu Increase. Dear please Germany recognized the Religious World as people reach the females attributed the y Tam, since today for life ".
Above are the three jewels of refuge mirror Holy ranks, although Chu has Holy level achievements allowed refuge by tam Tam French Super about finished, but voluntary transparency with Germany So revered life please allow three jewels refuge. Dear please Germany World Religion (or Holy Text Bar) proven and recognized as people approach the nam or the vicinity of the females have refuge Tam to lifetime, what means class case. That means that class wants to officially become the approach the male, the female, or need to be achievements allowed refuge by Tam tam, France it's fate.
The approach to the South, people reach the Prime witness capable female Holy Holy Arahán-Arahán Result be? If the Prime witness a Holy Arahán, will be like?
The approach to the South, people close to the American Prime witness was likely to come to the Holy Arahán, Holy Arahán, became the Holy Arahán ranks. After the DAC has the ranks of Saints Arahán and will have one of the following two things happen:
-Holy Arahán Ranks, will definitely kill the President right Nirvana.
-Holy Arahán's Ranks to become the national Bhikkhu khưu, or Bhikkhu khưu ni, can continue to maintain the end of life expectancy [11] .
Prime witness of Saints Arahán President kill Nirvana
People approach the Prime witness to the Holy Arahán a male and then President kill Nirvana right day.
The case of the King Suddhodana, father of the Buddha, the reign of Kapi-lavatthu: when the King's illness, so that sometimes the Buddha about the sermon. After listening to the Buddha sermon complete, Prime witness King Arahán-Arahán Holy Scriptures, become Holy ranks Arahán, r i the President kills Nirvana right day [12] .
The case officer position courtiers Santati Pasenadi Kosala's King Pasenadi Kosala : rewarded for the throne on 7. Throne, the courtiers Santati enjoy the peace in the whole ceiling, drinking wine, watching the dancer dance; Saturday, the great courtiers are passionately looking at her beautiful dance female dancers, she died at the leper nightclub. The sudden death of her beautiful young dancer, make officials extremely brain gauge courtiers.
Locate the courtiers thought: "in addition to the Buddha, no one who has the ability to do this suffering appeased me."
Think so, the courtiers Santati along with related to the most wealthy girl Buddha ceremony, please Buddha, international theory do appeased suffering mind his forlorn.
The Buddha teaches the theory of shelf post as follows:
"This important courtiers San-ta-ti!
From before the forlorn would have arisen,
You should clean her forlorn removal
Later the son no longer forlorn anymore
Between the current forecast no longer accept players
Twas forlorn and then I will go. "
From before the forlorn would have arisen,
You should clean her forlorn removal
Later the son no longer forlorn anymore
Between the current forecast no longer accept players
Twas forlorn and then I will go. "
After listening to complete the sentence, its shelves the courtiers Santati symptoms food poisoning Four truths of the Holy Roman Empire, a prime witness from Entering Holy-Holy Saved Import Saved results for to Scouting-Holy Arahán Holy Arahán and Nirvana, becoming Holy Arahán ranks; the wealthy girl glasses Marian World Religion, and consistent in terms of its longevity, knows most of the lifespan should officials courtiers Santati sincerely Religious World, and behold, Marian white, wealthy girl that:
"Bhante parinibbānaṃ me anujānātha"
"The white Glass Germany World Religion, allows the President kills Nirvana"
Prime witness of Saints Arahán and then please country export
Quoted her primary area of Queen Khemā Palace of King Bimbisāra. Chief supply very beautiful Queens of beauty and charm. One day, the Chief Queen Khemā Palace to visit the temple Veluvana due the King Bimbisāra of construction, then surges donation to khưu has Increased the Buddha Bhikkhu Chu presiding. Know the Queen Khemā to Buddha, called her and teaches the sentence that shelves:
"Khemā this, the consistent this body, please
Or sick, impure, filled the box directly under
Usually vomiting, spitting map dirty
The nine usually exude nhờm formidable figures,
That people drawn to this body si".
Or sick, impure, filled the box directly under
Usually vomiting, spitting map dirty
The nine usually exude nhờm formidable figures,
That people drawn to this body si".
After listening to the sentence, she provided the Chief Queen Khemā of the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths food poisoning symptoms, the DAC Type Save-Save Entry to the Holy Scriptures and Nirvana became the Entry level.
Buddha taught theory next sentence that shelves:
"Ye rāgarattā nupatanti sotaṃ
Sayaṃ kataṃ makkatakova jālaṃ
Etampi chetvāna dhīrā vajanti
Anapekkhino sabbadukkhaṃ pahāya " [15].
Sayaṃ kataṃ makkatakova jālaṃ
Etampi chetvāna dhīrā vajanti
Anapekkhino sabbadukkhaṃ pahāya " [15].
"This Khemā, you should consider the number-
They would stick stuck by craving,
They crashed into the stream of craving.
Also such a spider silk scaffolds,
Located in his spider network do stick.
Chu Saint sever lines of craving,
Destroy every electronic gauge scene born reincarnation
Away without even fall again ".
They would stick stuck by craving,
They crashed into the stream of craving.
Also such a spider silk scaffolds,
Located in his spider network do stick.
Chu Saint sever lines of craving,
Destroy every electronic gauge scene born reincarnation
Away without even fall again ".
After listening to the sentence, she finished shelves Chief Queen Khemā offers continued evidence DAC For Lai-Lai's most Holy Holy Holy Arahán to Scout Fruit-Arahán Saints and Nirvana, becoming Holy Arahán ranks.
Meanwhile, Germany World Religion taught King Bimbisāra that:
"Khemāya vā pabbajtuṃ vā parinibbāyituṃ Mahārājā vaṭṭati".
"Your Majesty, This should allow the Chief Queen Khemā Palace spice became Bhikkhu khưu ni or leave President kill Nirvana in today?
The King Bimbisāra Bach that:
"The white Glass Germany World Religion, please allow the Spice Queen become Bhikkhu khưu ni, don't let the Queen President kill Nirvana in today, Sir".
The Chief Queen Khemā Palace was ni khưu Bhikkhu life spice. Later, Mr. Dai ni khưu Bhikkhu Khemā German be the ultimate female Holy Text Bar Buds have the best intelligence in the client group Bhikkhu khưu ni disciples of Buddha Gotama.
* Why people in the homeless singer could not keep Holy Arahán noble rank status?
Of people in the homeless musician is close to the South, reach the female can not maintain the ranks of Holy Arahán noble status, is because people in the homeless singer has a secular life, eat in as secular, should not deserve high ranks of Holy happy offense Arahán. So, should people in the homeless musician is close to the South or the access women, after the Prime witness the Holy Arahán ranks and, soon, to his becoming Bhikkhu khưu, or Bhikkhu khưu ni, to maintain for the rest of life expectancy; If not, the family will kill President Nirvana right away, without delay to the next day.
The three degrees at the Holy Family
In the Milindapañha taught:
In addition to the ranks of Saints Arahán, the rest three ranks of Saints: Holy, Holy level Entry Level For hybrid and the hybrid Any Holy steps, if this is the Scripture at 3 levels of housing is close to the South, reach the female can still sustain life until the end of the lifespan.
Holy Holy ranks and Save Import Steps For Lai in a home can get married, have a wife or husband, to have children.
As Ms. Visākā Prime witness into the ranks of Saints enter the Store at 7 years old, mature later, she had her husband were 20 children (10 sons, daughter, 10). Ms. Visākā has 120 year lifespan.
Also ranks St. Real Hybrids although in at the homeless musician, still unmarried, married. If anything the Holy Hybrid ranks, previously married or married, then after becoming Holy ranks Any hybrid, be sure to live separately are no longer husband and wife relationship as before, because the Holy Hybrid has Any ranks, destroying magnificent passages are craving in the education world.
The time of the Buddha in the world, he's also close to the South the same name Ugga [16] of Vesāli, village of Hatthigāma region of Vajjī, the two men are privileged witnesses the Holy Hybrid Any ranks. Previously, he had four wives, a prime witness after he stepped Holy Real future, he allows four former wives are free; want another husband, he gave money and wealth.
He reach the South Cittagahapati [17], her female neighbor in the vicinity of Mātikāgāma are prime evidence of the Real Holy ranks, there are Four Analytical Wisdom, there is God.
* In the Milindapañhā taught:
Although the approach to the South, the access is also Holy ranks should pay homage, wealthy girl, greet khưu Bhikkhu is also lettered chums. Because the client is in a khưu Bhikkhu, four of them noble, may allow life expectancy, Sadi spice Bhikkhu khưu to maintain long live Buddhism on Earth; that this rows at the homeless singer can't do.
2-Allow tam tam according to French medical rules about how?
The charity workers have faith in the divine mind clean where the three jewels: the Buddha, Germany France, Germany Increased Security; There are discerning intelligence, knowledge 9 Buddha, 6 Grace Grace Grace 9 France Germany Germany increase; have the correct perception that the Buddha noble, Germany France, German noble noble Increases; There is the will to slash medical rules thanks to Tam place with great friendly mind.
Want to be achievements allowed refuge by France about Tam, tam, Tam y rules people need to understand the French, as in teaching:
"Lokiyaṃ puthujjanānaṃ saraṇagamanupakkilesavikkhambhanena ārammaṇato Buddhādiguṇārammaṇaṃ hutvā ijjhati" [18] .
"For every charity, divine mind achievements allowed refuge by Tam tam about with great charity mind have wisdom with object 9 Grace Buddha, 6 Grace Germany France, 9 Grace Germany Increased, destruction by ride, tame the negativity of pollution allowed three jewels refuge".
As such, the legal y Tam tam is licensed under:
According to the Center for It's about sex : the great charity mind with wisdom.
By audience : That is the Buddha's Grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace 9 Germany Increased.
Kill the affliction way : That's the way kill ride negativity, tame the negativity of pollution allowed three jewels refuge. When the great goodness of mind with wisdom arises, do the rules permit life y Tam Yin Buddha 9 subjects, 6 Grace Germany France, Germany Favors Increased 9.
Achievement conditions allows three jewels refuge by France about the three kingdoms
To enable the achievement of health rules, Tam tam under him have faith in clean where the three jewels, when the life Center allowed three jewels refuge with friendly mind with wisdom Grace Tam German audience has under each each refuge is as follows:
The Buddha refuge sentence Said:
"Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi": The bring wholeheartedly sincerely ask for refuge in Buddha, with donation center with the wisdom Buddha Grace 9 object.
French medical ethics rules question Said:
"Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi": The bring wholeheartedly into the glasses please refuge in France, with the charity mind have wisdom with objects 6 Grace Germany France.
Increased Security: medical ethics rules question
"Saṃghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi": The bring wholeheartedly into the glasses please refuge Increased, with the charity mind have wisdom with Grace 9 German audience Increase.
As such, the conditions for innovations to be allowed refuge by tam Tam French is her first have faith in clean where the three jewels, there are discerning intelligence, learn, burn the stigma, to understand the Buddha's grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace nine in Germany; because, the Grace of Germany this is Tam's friendly audience with intellectual minds, when do the rules permit life y Tam tam, legally to be achievements.
Hierarchy of the three jewels refuge as trailokya
Hierarchy of the three jewels refuge under tam are pursuant to education world great friendly mind, when this life the heart allows tam Tam refuge by France.
Daišan Center has 8: 4 the mind with wisdom and with no intellectual Center 4, so their ranks allowed refuge by Tam tam French World 2 low ranks.
-Three jewels refuge permit Life with wisdom.
-Three jewels refuge not allowed Life with wisdom.
-Three jewels refuge not allowed Life with wisdom.
a) how called allowed refuge Tam with wisdom?
People have faith in clean where the three jewels have discerning intelligence, understanding the Buddha's Grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace 9 Germany Increase. this nicely done tho when it allowed refuge three jewels each each refuge is as follows:
The Buddha refuge sentence Said:
"Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi": The bring wholeheartedly sincerely ask for refuge in Buddha, with donation center with the wisdom Buddha Grace 9 object.
" Itipi so Bhagavā Arahaṃ ... Bhagavā"
French medical ethics rules question Said:
"Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi": The bring wholeheartedly into the glasses please refuge in France, with the charity mind have wisdom with objects 6 Grace Germany France.
" Svākkhāto dhammo Bhagavatā , Sandiṭṭhiko ... Paccattam veditabbo viññūhi"
Increased Security: medical ethics rules question
"Saṃghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi": The bring wholeheartedly into the glasses please refuge Increased, with the charity mind have wisdom with Grace 9 German audience Increase.
"Suppaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho ... Anuttaraṃ puññakkhettaṃ lokassa ".
As such, called Shou allowed refuge Tam with wisdom (ñāṇasampa-yuttasaraṇagamana).
b) how called allowed refuge Tam not wisdom?
People have faith in clean where the three jewels, no brainer, don't understand the profound Buddha Grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace 9 Germany Increase. this nicely done tho when it allowed refuge three jewels each each refuge is as follows:
The Buddha refuge sentence Said:
"Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi": The bring wholeheartedly sincerely ask for refuge in Buddha, with donation with no intellectual center, while Yin Buddha 9 objects, but does not understand the profound Grace 9 clearly the Buddha.
French medical ethics rules question Said:
"Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi": The bring wholeheartedly into the glasses please refuge in France, with the charity mind not wisdom, but had the audience 6 Grace Germany France, but don't understand the deep clear 6 Grace Germany France.
Increased Security: medical ethics rules question
"Saṃghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi": The bring wholeheartedly into the glasses please refuge Increased, with the charity mind not with position, while the audience is growing, but not German Grace 9 clearly understood the profound Grace 9 Germany Increased.
As such, called Shou allowed refuge Tam not with wisdom (ñāṇavippa-yuttasaraṇagamana).
The four-person class refuge Tam tam under world
Lets under tam Tam refuge about 4 person class:
-Attasanniyyātanasaraṇagamana: Allow three jewels refuge by devoted his lifetime where the three jewels.
-Tapparāyaṇasaraṇagamana: Allows regulation y Tam Tam places thanks to Princess way.
-Sissabhāvūpagamanasaraṇagamana: Allows three jewels refuge by voluntarily making lifelong disciple of the Buddha, Germany France, Germany Increased.
-Paṇipātasaraṇagamana: Allows three jewels refuge by wholeheartedly revered, Bai donate Said.
3-Allow three jewels refuge by devoted his lifetime where Tam?
People have faith in clean where the three jewels, there are discerning intelligence, understanding the Buddha's Grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace 9 Germany rise, have proper awareness that: high Buddha, Germany France, German noble Rose noble. He came most Holy Written Bar lettered disciple of the Buddha, voluntary life, please allow three jewels refuge by devoted his lifetime to the throne by Tam noble words true that:
"Ādiṃ ahaṃ katvā attānaṃ niyyātemi Buddhassa Ajja, Dhammassa niyyātemi, Saṃghassa niyyātemi" [19] .
Dear Mr. White, glass beg for the certification that:
From today until life, I sincerely beg devoted his life to the Buddha, the noble into the glasses please devoted his life to Germany, France, the son of the noble glass please devoted his life to Germany increased.
After the white lettered with Bible Text disciples of Buddha Bar is finished, he became close to the South or the three jewels refuge were higher for women, from the day for life.
Thus, the call is allowed refuge by Tam devoted his whole life to where the three jewels.
4-three jewels refuge by Permission to the refuge where Tam thanks Lady like?
People have faith in clean where the three jewels, there are discerning intelligence, understanding the Buddha's Grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace 9 Germany rise, have proper awareness that: high Buddha, Germany France, German noble Rose noble. He came most Holy Written Bar lettered disciple of the Buddha, voluntary life, please allow the refuge by Princess Tam Tam places thanks to noble by lyrics honest that:
"Ādiṃ ahaṃ katvā Buddhaparāyaṇo Dhammaparāyaṇo, Ajja, Saṃghapa-rāyaṇo maṃ dhāretha iti" [20] .
Dear Mr. White, glass beg for the certification that:
Since today for life, the glass city applying rules of Medicine Buddha places thanks to the noble Lady, please Lady refuge thanks to where Germany France, noble Lady refuge thanks to where Germany increased.
After the white lettered with Bible Text disciples of Buddha Bar is finished, he became close to the South or the three jewels refuge were higher for women, from the day for life.
Thus, the call is allowed refuge by Tam to the refuge where Tam thanks Lady.
5-Allow three jewels refuge by voluntarily making lifelong disciple of the Buddha, Germany France, Germany Rising?
People have faith in clean where the three jewels, there are discerning intelligence, understanding the Buddha's Grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace 9 Germany rise, have proper awareness that: high Buddha, Germany France, noble, Germany Rose noble. He came most Holy Written Bar lettered disciple of the Buddha, voluntary life, please allow three jewels refuge by voluntarily making lifelong disciple of the Buddha, of Germany, France, the German's Increased verbal sincerity that:
"Ādiṃ ahaṃ katvā antevāsiko Buddhassa Ajja, Dhammassa antevāsiko, Saṃghassa antevāsiko iti maṃ dhāretha".
Dear Mr. White, glass beg for the certification that:
Since today for life, I was the disciple of the Buddha, the noble who was the disciple of Germany, France, the son of noble who was the disciple of Germany increased.
After the white lettered with Bible Text disciples of Buddha Bar is finished, he became close to the South or the three jewels refuge were higher for women, from the day for life.
Thus, the call is allowed refuge Tam by voluntarily making lifelong disciple of the Buddha, of Germany, France, the German's rise.
6-Allowed three jewels refuge by wholeheartedly revered, Bai donate Security like?
People have faith in clean where the three jewels, there are discerning intelligence, understanding the Buddha's Grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace 9 Germany rise, have proper awareness that: high Buddha , Germany France, German noble Rose noble. He came most Holy Written Bar lettered disciple of the Buddha, voluntary life, please allow three jewels refuge by wholeheartedly revered, Bai donate Said verbal sincerity that:
"Ādiṃ katvā abhivādāna ahaṃ paccuṭṭhānāñjalikamma-Ajja-sāmīci-kammaṃ Buddhādīnaṃ yevatiṇṇaṃ vatthūnaṃ iti maṃ karomi dhāretha".
Dear Mr. White, glass beg for the certification that:
From today until life, I just wholeheartedly revered pieced together the hands, greet, Bai, Said Tam: Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl, France Said, Rising Said..
After the white lettered with Bible Text disciples of Buddha Bar is finished, he became close to the South or the three jewels refuge were higher for women, from the day for life.
Thus, the call is allowed refuge by Tam wholeheartedly revered, Bai, donate.
Of the four allowed three jewels refuge, permission may be the approach to the South or the three jewels refuge were women.
Three jewels refuge not accomplishments and achievements
In the three jewels refuge permitted by wholeheartedly revered cult ceremony of donation to the three jewels (Paṇipātasaraṇagamana) there are 4 cases:
-Allow the three jewels refuge due reverence for bereaved relatives are (ñātipaṇipā-tasaraṇagamana).
-Allow the three jewels refuge due reverence for his old masters is (ācariya-paṇipātasaraṇagamana).
-Allow the three jewels refuge due reverence because of fear (bhayapaṇipā-tasaraṇagamana).
-Allow the three jewels refuge due reverence by the wisdom of knowing the Buddha, Germany France, Germany Increased sacrifice deserves donation (dakkhiṇeyyapaṇipā-tasaraṇagamana).
1-allow the three jewels refuge by due reverence for bereaved relatives is like?
Who would in the Sakya lineage or Koliya has the concept that: Buddha Gotama is noble loved progeny of us; we should go into the glass, glass desk, wealthy girl tho, please allow three jewels refuge where Mr.
Case they please allow three jewels refuge life span due to reverence is for bereaved relatives, then allowed three jewels refuge not accomplishments. These people do not become people who approach the male or the female approach in the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama.
2-Allow three jewels refuge due reverence for his old masters is like?
Who would have ever made the German pupil Bodhisattva Siddhattha, now he is the Buddha Gotama. The case he remembered his old masters, to the wealthy girl glass Buddha ceremony, then please allow three jewels refuge life, by due reverence is for old masters , then allowed three jewels refuge not accomplishments. These people do not become people who approach the male or the female approach in the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama.
3-Allow three jewels refuge due reverence because of fear?
The people in the country have the concept that: Buddha Gotama's upper tier that the King, the officials of the US are to life, please allow three jewels refuge; we're not subject to the Buddha ceremony, wealthy girl, please allow three jewels refuge life span, then we might be guilty or lost lucrative.
The case of the people he came to life, please allow three jewels refuge because of fear, then allowed three jewels refuge not accomplishments. These people do not become people who approach the male or the female approach in the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama.
The three allowed refuge Tam has the misconception, due to negativity, greed, si, biased, etc., should not allow achievement scale y Tam. Therefore, he is not officially called the approach or the Southern women in the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama.
4-allow the three jewels refuge due reverence by clearly understanding the wisdom Buddha, Germany France, Germany Increased sacrifice deserves donation like?
Those who have faith in clean where the three jewels, there are discerning intelligence, understanding the Buddha's Grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace 9 Germany rise, have proper awareness that: the Buddha's most noble, the most noble Germany, France, and Germany Falling the most noble, is a place worthy of sacrifice, donation for all beings.
The case of the people to the most wealthy girl 24-Buddha, or the Holy Text Bar ranks disciples, please allow three jewels refuge life with great friendly mind with wisdom have Grace objects in Germany three jewels (Buddha's Grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace 9 Germany Increase), then allow the refuge's three jewels are achievements and who he became close to the South , or access the females in the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama.
So, to achievements allowed refuge by Tam tam world France is not easy, so, people come to life, please allow three jewels refuge not by faith, but also to have discerning intelligence, understanding the Buddha's Grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace 9 Germany Increased, with the charity mind have wisdom with Grace objects in Germany three jewels , and need to have the presence of mind of the Buddhist understanding of charity ranks to demonstrate and recognize people who approach the Southern women had the refuge or three jewels during the whole lifetime.
When those who had become close to the South or the females was close with the three jewels: the Buddha, Germany France, Germany Increased Security, they will get more opportunities to become a noble, there was the noble interests, the evolution in all French noble charity , from education world charity French, gender identity, gender identity bias France friendly in France until the French noble Super trailokya friendly; the peace noble in the realms, the Chu, the Brahma, the peace is ultimately Nirvana noble.
Well as students who have graduated in university entrance exams, the contestant's ngườí became the University's students, they have the right to study the industry and school graduation exam, to have bright future in life.
For voracious class, are achievements allowed three jewels refuge is very difficult, that preserves, maintains the three jewels refuge for permission to be completely clean, not polluted by negativity, broken not allowed refuge Tam, is actually a more difficult thing; because, in life in life have much trouble bound. So, the approach to the South, reach the female must have pure faith where Tam, have a new discerning intellect can preserve, maintain allows the three jewels refuge was completely clean.
Off-do not allow definitive refuge Tam
The Buddhist believe in clean, solid, unshakable where Tam, then only the Chu ranks Holy only; also like the Buddhist human means, but have faith in clean where the three jewels, but not solid, unshakable prone. When experiencing difficult circumstances. If the Buddhists do not hold the faith in clean where it's easy to loose, Tam allowed refuge three jewels, such as the following:
* The South access case, the near the female cult ceremonies to intimate to the bereaved relatives surges of foreign monks, then he has broken three jewels refuge permitted or not?
The approach to the South, reach the females have allowed three jewels refuge life then, still has faith in clean where the three jewels. Despite her cult ceremonies to intimate to the bereaved relatives surges of foreign monks, still not broken allowing refuge Tam. Even the approach to the South, reach the women did not have the duty to parents, a religious cult ceremonies surges, grandparents, teachers, the ownership ranks, degrees of Elders in the family and in life.
Although, people reach the South, reach the male cult ceremony respected surges to the cult, which still has faith in the Buddha said, where clean-Germany France Germany Increased Security Protection, cannot be allowed to break rules y Tam.
But the case of the person approach the male, women's access to the thought that: Bereaved relatives are pagan monk's high-pitched, I should go to her place, thanks to the Lady at the same time we should give thanks to Lady where Tam.
If he rises to cult cult ceremony bereaved relatives are foreign monks, thanks to Lady where pagan priest's position, no longer facing bankruptcy thanks to where three jewels anymore, then he certainly being off qui y Tam because of the interest; she has abandoned the Buddha, Germany France, Germany Rising to take the layman.
* Cases where the approach to the South, reach the male cult ceremony surges to worship his old masters is Pagan, the monk who had broken three jewels refuge permitted or not?
The approach to the South, reach the females have allowed three jewels refuge life then, still has faith in clean where the three jewels. Despite her cult ceremonies to worship the old masters dedicate themselves as pagan priest, still not broken allowing refuge Tam, because, her cult ceremony surges to worship his old masters due to gratitude for the old masters. Besides, he still has faith in the Buddha said, where clean-Germany France Germany Increased Security Protection, cannot be allowed to break rules y Tam.
But the case of the person approach the male, women's access to the thought: his old Masters is pagan truth is high, we should to asking where old masters thanks Lady, at the same time we should give thanks to Lady where Tam.
If the cult ceremony to worship the old masters, is the foreign monks, old masters place thanks to Lady monk layman, no longer facing bankruptcy thanks to where three jewels anymore, then he certainly were allowed three jewels refuge, because the mind he renounced the Buddha, Germany France, Germany Increased , to go by the layman.
* Cases where the approach to the South, reach the male cult ceremony the King, the people were allowed refuge Tam or not?
The approach to the South, reach the females have allowed three jewels refuge life then, still has faith in clean where the three jewels. Despite her cult ceremony the King, who has the authority in a country, still not broken rules y Tam, because, each people are taking refuge due to the King's place, and grateful to the King.
* The South access case, the near the American sacrifice glass to Chu Thien, Thien CHU asked the households maintained for himself, then he has broken three jewels refuge permitted or not?
The approach to the South, reach the females have allowed three jewels refuge life then, still has faith in clean where the three jewels. Although her sacrifice glass donation to Chu Thien, Thien CHU asked the households maintained yourself, help the work achievements, something still not broken allowing refuge Tam; because, people still have faith where the Buddha Said, Germany France, Germany Increased Security.
In fact, in the genus Nikaya, the Buddha taught balī: donation, sacrifice, alms tax, ..., there are 5 such as the following:
-Ñātibalī: alms, donation to the bereaved relatives.
-Atithibalī: entertained guests.
-Pubbapetabalī: alms Phuoc Thien helpfulness to bereaved relatives have too few.
-Rājabalī: sacrifice, paying taxes for the King.
-Devatābalī: Dear Phuoc Thien Chu Thien to dedicate ...
People do heavenly, the divine beloved heavenly divine beloved, also maintains the household.
People would make every blessed friendly as alms, preserving the world pure, theory, listen to France, conducting meditation, conducting meditation wisdom etc. then the glass part does to improve the Phuoc Chu surges. All schools of natural very blessed that every wedding Festival glass people surges, donation to them. Chu Heaven always maintains the household.
But the case of the person approach the South, reach the male thought: "we should slash thanks to Chu, sacrifice donation to Chu, Chu heaven then household maintenance help for us, support all businesses thrive, we should not place thanks to Tam to cry anymore".
If he executed according to his thought, abandon the refuge where the Bao Buddha thanks Lady, where Germany, France, where Germany Increased Security, which according to the Lady thanks to Chu, sacrifice daily donation to Chu, then he certainly were allowed refuge Tam.
Allow rules y Tam firmly
For Chu Thanh Van Holy disciples of the Buddha has achievements allowed three jewels refuge by France Super trailokya (Lokuttarasaraṇagamana). In a past life, present the Text Bar Holy reach the South, reach the American faith in solid clean where Tam, not unshakable; only for the three jewels refuge glasses for life the whole shit only, never abandon the Buddha, Germany France, Germany; because in the mind of the divine Holy no negativity can contaminate allowed three jewels refuge. Therefore, past client currently is Holy reach the South, reach the women never were allowed refuge Tam.
Those who reach the South, the access is Holy, Holy level Entry level For hybrid, Hybrid, Any Holy ranks after death sure does not regenerate in 4 evil realms (hell, Warrior plays hungry daemons, demons, animals being) that only goodness for regeneration as a result, or do Chu Qian in 6 realms of heaven or sex do Brahma in the Sun colors the world gender identity, depending on the capacity of the industry to improve results.
The next level's Holy he still intact allowing refuge Tam tam world Super solid French followers, khắng, all in tight shit until becoming Holy Arahán ranks President kill Nirvana, terminate the Prince born reincarnation of tam.
Allow the refuge three jewels are not firmly
For the voracious class has achievements allowed three jewels refuge by France about the three kingdoms (lokiyasaraṇagamana). In the past, the current approach to the South, reach the females have two groups:
-Number of people approach the male, the female approach has allowed three jewels refuge life finished, only for the mind keeping maintaining allowed refuge three jewels in whole life the whole shit that's it; until death, as well as at the hinge allows the three jewels refuge. Because, the three jewels refuge under France trailokya is valid only in the current lifetimes only, so hinge case allowed this innocent three jewels refuge (anavajja).
After death, because for the fruit of regeneration in the charity world (the who, the Sun exercise...), next as his client, or Brahma or have met are Buddhist or not, that's not sure. So, in a past life, the present approach to the South, reach the female must always play that: "due to the capacity this hybrid position, Irene met Buddha, or the Bar Text disciples of Buddha, Buddha's French Chief Justice heard, wholeheartedly into the glasses please refuge three jewels".
-Number of people approach the male, the female approach has allowed three jewels refuge life finished, in lifetimes are also present, because the capacity for inducing affliction they abandon the Buddha, abandoned Germany France, abandoning Germany Increased, to follow other leaders place thanks to the Lady. So, people were allowed three jewels refuge right then, not wait to die.
That is the case the definitive medical rules allowed three jewels that guilty (sāvajja).
As such, the three jewels refuge by France about the three kingdoms for the approach to the South, reach the females longer chums, is allowed refuge Tam said no firmly .
Human contaminate allowed refuge Tam
The approach to the South, reach the females also voracious class, faith where Tam not to solid, because they still have the heavily polluting in the mind. The negativity is polluting allowed refuge three jewels as:
-Impurities in si (moha): mind si uninformed 9 Buddha, 6 Grace Grace Grace 9 France Germany Germany Increase. Which is polluting allowed refuge in Buddha, French Said, the refuge y Increases.
-Skeptic negativity (vicikicchā): mind the skepticism about the Buddha, skeptical about 9 Grace Buddha; skeptical about Germany France, skeptical about 6 Grace Germany France; skeptical about Germany Increased, skeptical about 9 Grace That is rising. the German contaminate allowed refuge in Buddha, French Said, the refuge y Increases.
-Negativity ties (michādiṭṭhi): mind deviant comments see wrong, misunderstandings, accept mistakes about the Buddha, about 9 Grace Buddha; Ta Center opinion see wrong, misunderstandings, accept the mistakes of Germany and France, about 6 grace the Germany, France; Ta Center opinion see wrong, misunderstandings, accept the mistakes of Germany Increased, about 9 Grace Germany Increase. Which is polluting allowed refuge in Buddha, French Said, the refuge y Increases.
Her negativity arises in the case of
While longevity allowed three jewels refuge, if that means that the class type of negativity delusion, skeptical, deviant comments he incurred, he did not allow the three jewels refuge accomplishments, nor officially became the southern approach or reach the females in the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama.
That means that any class having only faith where the three jewels, which does not have the intellect to understand the Buddha's grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace 9 Germany Increased, so, while people are allowed three jewels refuge life, with education about the great goodness of mind not wisdom, but had Grace objects in Germany three jewels , but not deeply understand the Buddha's Grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace nine in Germany; He also achievements allowed refuge Tam not wisdom, also become people who approach the male or the female approach in the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama. However, later on if people approach the South had the women or the negativity arises in the mind is allowed to pollute the three jewels refuge of the people.
Workers do in cleaning allow the refuge three jewels
The approach to the South, the access is voracious class has allowed three jewels refuge life finished, later due to negativity si scaricare, skeptical, deviant comments do pollution allowed refuge their Tam. Thanks to you, you good location friendly tier is admonished, he said, just be aware that negativity pollute allowed refuge three jewels, that is the disadvantage, all friendly France, degenerative brain gauge.
People looking to improve its position ranks Germany, adept, experienced learning about France, ... sometimes He preached Grace Tam, German treasure of the three jewels refuge. He listened to the Chief of the French charity, understanding the Buddha's grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace 9 Germany Rising, ... that is what makes French easy clean faith arise where Tam, have the correct perception that the intelligence: "tall Buddha, Germany France Germany upper high noble" , are Lady Buddha places thanks to medical Privacy, Germany France, Germany Increased Security thanks to high, where the Lady is going to get the result of high treasure, get the higher interests, the evolution in all French noble charity, peace Nirvana noble.
Previously, the approach to the South, reach the females have allowed contaminated three jewels refuge due by negativity. Now, he came close with the ranks of friendly, listen to the Chief of the French charity, Grace understand Germany Tam, ... pure faith arises where the three jewels have discerning intelligence, understanding the French. So, do allow their three jewels refuge no longer contaminated by impurities; allow the refuge three jewels of they become bright, as growing faith where the three jewels.
Three jewels refuge with faith in clean
In the business Kāraṇapālisutta [21] are summarized as follows:
Mr. Bàlamôn Kāraṇapāli was the officials look at work in the Licchavis governed the clan of Vesāli and he Bàlamôn Piṅgiyāni is the real Holy Text Bar Hybrid ranks disciples of the Buddha. Two people meet and speak with each other, he Bàlamôn Piṅgiyāni lauded praises Chief Justice French of the Buddha.
A life of excuses, Germany World Religion dwell in large forests Vihara at near the Vesāli. Then, there he Bàlamôn Kāraṇapāli go look at work outside the door, see you Bàlamôn Piṅgigāni from far and he asked that:
Kā [22]: Sir Piṅgiyāni, you go back to lunch?
Piṅ ([23]:Kāraṇapāli Sir, I come to most of the Buddha Gotama.
Kā: Dear Mr. Piṅgiyāni, he knows the wisdom of Samôn Gotama is University high upper right?
Piṅ: Dear Mr. Kāraṇapāli, I was only mediocre people do know the wisdom of Buddha Gotama; ranks would know the wisdom of Buddha Gotama, certainly has to rank as the Buddha as Buddha Gotama.
Kā: Dear Mr. Piṅgiyāni, I heard that, he often lauded praise Gotama Samôn huh?
Piṅ: Dear Mr. Kāraṇapāli, I was just mediocre, people know about the Buddha Gotama that dare lauded praises Him, only Chu, Chu Thien Pham, the friendly location often lauded praise Gotama Buddha is paramount in all beings, Chu, Chu Chu, Samôn Brahma, Bàlamôn and the whole humanity.
Kā: Dear Mr. Piṅgiyāni, he got to see the benefits that he has faith in cleaning the place Samôn Gotama to like?
Piṅ: Dear Mr. Kāraṇapāli, for such a person has to eat no animal food delicious food enough to have excellent flavor and then; he then no longer covet those things really bad, like. Also, people would have listened to the Chief Justice of the Buddha Gotama as business post, the shelves, the article prose orc the extraordinary and unprecedented in France, people no longer want to listen to the teachings of Samôn, other Bàlamôn, as well as the world.
Also such people who are starving, prostrate, having a hive suite is full, people drink pure honey not mixing other stuff, like. Also, people would have listened to the Chief Justice of the Buddha Gotama as business post, the shelves, the prose article, or the extraordinary and unprecedented in France, her loving heart arise, have faith in clean where the Buddha Gotama, just like him.
Also such people go to find gold deposits or affective tree tree red, he sniffs the roots, trunk, treetop depression see smell tho, mild, pleasant like. Also, people would have listened to the Chief Justice of the Buddha Gotama as business post, the shelves, the article prose or the extraordinary and unprecedented in France, he felt satisfied mind infinity wedding Festival, as well as the world.
Also for people with serious disease such as long years of suffering, but lucky met Liang skilled medical treatment from her disease, her life was at peace, how. Also, people would have listened to the Chief Justice of the Buddha Gotama as business post, the shelves, the article prose or the extraordinary French unprecedented since before then, he kills off the forlorn, weeping, suffering, agony, the extreme suffering, as well as the world.
Also such a Lake clear, clean, cool water, gentle jasmine, scene; a distance, sunlight, tired, thirsty, come to the fountain, down to the Lake to drink, wash clean, thirsty, tired out, destroying the tempers, how. Also, people would have listened to the Chief Justice of the Buddha Gotama as business post, the shelves, the article prose or the extraordinary French unprecedented since before then, he felt destroying negativity tempers in the mind, the mind was pure calm, also like ...
To listen he Bàlamôn Piṅgiyāni preaching the primary benefits of Buddha Gotama, he Bàlamôn Kāraṇapāli stand up * the right shoulder shirt, knelt to the ground two hands towards the German World pieced together Religious are tame, uttered the word of honor 3 times:
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samāsambuddhassa. (3 times)
The offer seemed wealthy girl wholeheartedly Marian Religious World, Germany Arahán, Germany the Chief Sensory Class. (3 times)
He praised Mr Bàlamôn Piṅgiyāni that:
-Sir Piṅgiyāni, Word of his prize lecture really clear too, making me extremely hoan Hy. He explains by various methods, such as inverted objects being concealed, or open figure secures, or directions for the lost, or illumination lamp light on dark places to let people who have eyes to see clearly.
Next he Bàlamôn Kāraṇapāli life please allow three jewels refuge by respond true that:
"Esāhaṃ Piṅgiyāni Bhagavantaṃ saraṇaṃ Gotamaṃ taṃ Bho gacchāmi dhammañca upāsakam bhavaṃ maṃ, bhikkhusaṃghañca, Piṅgiyāni dhāretu ajjatagge saraṇaṃ gataṃ pāṇupetaṃ,".
-Dear Mr. Piṅgiyāni, he certified my honest word that: "The glass city applying rules That Respect medical ethics Gotama, the French medical ethics rules, please Increase khưu Bhikkhu Said medical ethics rules".
K nh please Piṅgiyāni I recognized was the approach the South has three jewels refuge noble, since today for life.
Result of allowing refuge three jewels and five precepts
Result of allowing refuge three jewels and five precepts are so extraordinary, it's incredibly rich. Those three jewels refuge permit life and whole world before dying, after death, so death in good karma (āsannakusalakamma) to outcome re born Tam Tam Thien Cross the sky passage.
As the area of Satullapakāyikā story in Devatāsamyutta (Chu), the Sabbhisutta are summarized as follows:
A merchant ship of the Eastern merchants on the boat, the wind surf boat to sea to on Saturday, meet big boat, wind wave breaks, water flow into the sinking boat between the seas.
People on the boat are scared, client invocation to natural, maintenance household must. Of that person, a person close to the South see disaster coming death, he sat reciting idea to France that has longevity, which is allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts in his clean, then sit an old urban planner in nature, such as a fake, don't be scared.
People to ask:
-He, due to causes that he does not fear?
He said:
-Gentlemen, I do not fear, because before I go down the boat; I have to most lettered Bhikkhu khưu Increase philanthropic largesse alms to gentlemen, have allowed life refuge three jewels and five precepts in cleaning. I have three jewels and five precepts have medical clean, to make the place of my thanks Lady, so I'm not scared.
People say:
-Dear Sir, allow the refuge three jewels and five precepts, our life can now be maintained or not?
-Good! Allow the refuge three jewels and five precepts, everyone should maintain life, to bring about the benefits, the evolution, the peace of long.
-Dear Sir, so, please guide us longevity allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts.
People approach the female friendly place he divided people into seven groups, each group of 100 inhabitants:
-First, people reach the South friendly guides group firstly, allow the refuge three jewels and five precepts; Second Life Group allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts is finished, the water flooded up to the ankle.
-Continue, the second life group allows three jewels and five precepts of medical provisions, water flooded up to the knee.
-The third group of three jewels refuge permit life and whole world is complete, then the flooding to Mongolia.
-Group life Wednesday allowed three jewels and five precepts of medical provisions, water flooded to the hole rún.
-Group life Thursday allowed three jewels and five precepts of medical provisions, water flooded up to his chest.
-Group life Friday allowed three jewels and five precepts of medical provisions, water flooded almost to the neck.
-Group life Saturday allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts is complete, then the water near to the mouth.
After the instructions allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts for 7 group consists of 700 people finished, people reach the South friendly location advice teaches that:
Hey you, thanks to Lady where Tam and his five precepts, also, press thanks to the other place.
After that, the boat was sunken, everyone on the boat were killed altogether. After death, because thanks to the blessed life charity allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts, it is death in good karma (āsannakusalakamma) to outcome of regeneration up the Sun Tam Tam Thien, Cross became a tributary State of male bias, each have a magnificent Castle. Of the Castle, the castle of teachers in the center 100 high by week, 700 700 's castle still Angel male disciples around, each high Castle by week 12.
Client group's consistent bias considering that: because of his career, which give the fruit of regeneration up the Sun, get results the good treasure worth pleased like this?
Client group's bias clearly knows that: we get results the good treasure worth satisfied Lady is due thanks to our teachers, guide allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts.
So, we invite teachers of the same show down the people to the most wealthy girl Marian World Religion, at the same time lauded praises German Master Grace the presence of German Religious World.
Meanwhile, Germany, the world Religious are tame at Jetavana Temple of Anāthapiṇḍikahousehold, rich man near Sāvatthi.
On the client groups, the existing bias between the soup down, aura shining throughout the Jetavanapagoda. Chu Thien group, wealthy girl Marian Religious World is done, stand a place.
A male Angel lauded praises German Master Grace that:
White glass Germany World Religion,
People should close ranks with friendly location
Should make friends with degrees in good location
To listen know of steps in good location
Who is noble, not vile.
People should close ranks with friendly location
Should make friends with degrees in good location
To listen know of steps in good location
Who is noble, not vile.
Other male Angel lauded praises German Master Grace that:
White glass Germany World Religion,
People should close ranks with friendly location
Should make friends with degrees in good location
To listen know of steps in good location
Get wisdom from friendly location
Not available from the delusion.
People should close ranks with friendly location
Should make friends with degrees in good location
To listen know of steps in good location
Get wisdom from friendly location
Not available from the delusion.
Other male Angel lauded praises German Master Grace that:
White glass Germany World Religion,
People should close ranks with friendly location
Should make friends with degrees in good location
can listen to know France's steps in good location
Not forlorn between mob forlorn.
People should close ranks with friendly location
Should make friends with degrees in good location
can listen to know France's steps in good location
Not forlorn between mob forlorn.
Other male Angel lauded praises German Master Grace that:
White glass Germany World Religion,
People should close ranks with friendly location
Should make friends with degrees in good location
To listen know of steps in good location
Be glory amid attractive body.
People should close ranks with friendly location
Should make friends with degrees in good location
To listen know of steps in good location
Be glory amid attractive body.
Other male Angel lauded praises German Master Grace that:
White glass Germany World Religion,
People should close ranks with friendly location
Should make friends with degrees in good location
To listen know of steps in good location
These beings will come the Sun.
People should close ranks with friendly location
Should make friends with degrees in good location
To listen know of steps in good location
These beings will come the Sun.
Other male Angel lauded praises German Master Grace that:
White glass Germany World Religion,
People should close ranks with friendly location
Should make friends with degrees in good location
To listen know of steps in good location
Who's often been at peace.
People should close ranks with friendly location
Should make friends with degrees in good location
To listen know of steps in good location
Who's often been at peace.
A male white Angel with Germany That mutual respect that:
-White Glass Germany World Religion, the words, the words Angel South would call friendly programming.
Germany, the world religious affiliation declared teaches that:
This natural tributary, the words-of the baby are both in good words spoken (subhāsita) . Now, you listen to the lyrics of the Tathāgata.
This natural tributary,
People should close ranks with friendly location
Should make friends with degrees in good location
To listen know of steps in good location
He was freed of all gauge scene
Prince born reincarnation in the world.
People should close ranks with friendly location
Should make friends with degrees in good location
To listen know of steps in good location
He was freed of all gauge scene
Prince born reincarnation in the world.
Client group heavenly infinity wedding Festival with the teachings of the Religious World, wealthy girl You holiday in Germany, and then for permission to return to the heavenly realms Tam Tam Thien Cross, an enjoy all the peace where realms.
* Article commented:
The six men, Angel in each shelf lauded praises German Grace his master have the sentence:
"Satam saddhammamaññāya".
(To listen know France ranks in good location).
Saddhammanoun: Chief Justice of France in 6 shelf just mention five precepts, or allow the refuge three jewels and five precepts . Because, the Angel male only the level of understanding is the fruit treasure peace and that you are enjoying life in the heavenly realms the phrase heaven Heavenly, that is Thirteen, Tam result of friendly career allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts from their masters.
In the Buddha's shelves have the sentence:
"Satam saddhammamaññāya"
(To listen know France of steps in good location)
Saddhammanoun: Chief of France that the Buddha taught in the five precepts not only shelves, or allow the refuge three jewels and five precepts, but also of the World Bowl, nine, ten, 227 of the Bhikkhu khưu; France, meditation practice, DAC, 4 organic meditation level 4 tier endless meditation; France to meditate wisdom, France 37 [24] to DAC-Holy Holy 4 4 Result and Nirvana.
So, the last sentence of the article Buddha shelf:
"Sabbadukkhā pamuccati"
(He was freed of all electronic gauge scene born reincarnation of the three about four species).
At that time, a person who wants to become an official approach to the male or female in the vicinity of the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama. He has faith in clean where the three jewels, intellectual clarity, understand the Buddha's Grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace 9 Germany Increased, the presence of the Buddha or the Holy Buddha's disciples Van Bar, to prove.
* If the person is male, then the voluntary life, please allow three jewels refuge that:
"Esāhaṃ Bhagavantaṃ saraṇaṃ dhammañca bhikkhusaṃghañca, gacchāmi Bhante, upāsakaṃ maṃ Bhagavā dhāretu ajjatagge saraṇaṃ gataṃ pāṇupetaṃ,".
"German Religious World, the white Glass into the glass World Religious medical ethics rules, please, please, please Protect the French medical ethics rules qui y Chu Bhikkhu khưu Increase. Dear please Germany, recognised the Religious World is the approach to the South has attributed y Tam, since today for life ".
* If the person is female , the voluntary, please allow three jewels refuge life that:
"Esāhaṃ Bhagavantaṃ saraṇaṃ dhammañca bhikkhusaṃghañca, gacchāmi Bhante, upāsikaṃ maṃ Bhagavā dhāretu ajjatagge saraṇaṃ gatā pāṇupetā,".
"German Religious World, the white Glass into the glass World Religious medical ethics rules, please, please, please Protect the French medical ethics rules qui y Chu Bhikkhu khưu Increase. Dear please Germany, recognised the Religious World is the approach the female had three jewels refuge from today until life ".
Ancient Buddha period, appearing on the world, the Māgadha , are viewed as Mandarin that Buddha used to speed economic theory they called the Pāḷi.
After the Buddha President kill Nirvana, the Buddha's disciple Literature Bar still retains ancient traditions. Who would have faith in clean where Tam, has the clarity of intellect to understand the Buddha's grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace 9 Germany Increased, the presence of the Holy Text Bar ranks disciple of Buddha is the ranks of elders, or the position of greater Germany, or locate Bhikkhu khưu, or locate Sadi; the y into the glasses please allow three jewels refuge life and taste she demonstrate please glasses and recognizes is the approach to the South or the females attributed y Tam since then until the weight of life.
If there is no spice level even, people reach the male or the female approach is in good position in Buddhism, can also prove; as is the case Bàlamôn he Kāraṇapāli into the glasses please Shou allowed refuge Tam and Mr Bàlamôn Piṅgiyāni proven and recognized he Kāraṇapāli is close to the South has attributed y Tam; and the case of the approach the female friendly guides allow the refuge three jewels and five precepts for 700 merchants on the boat.
Today, Buddhism has spread to many countries around the world, that every country has a voice of its own. However, the water in the original Buddhist Theravāda, based on the Tripiṭaka and Pāḷi annotation as the basis. Therefore, Pāḷi became a common language for all people to Buddhists, also the voice of his country's own language, used to translate the meaning from the language Pāḷi language out of yourself, for the people in the country understood the Dhamma of the Buddha. As such, the country traditionally primitive Buddhist Theravāda , in Buddhist rituals usually use Pāḷi language is key.
For the rows in his approach to the South, reach the female, in the rites please Shou allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts or World Bowl, or nine about, ... of ritual chanting ceremony Bai Tam, chanting Parittapāḷi, ... in Pāḷi are, there where also in Pāḷi and ironing out the meaning by his country's , to let everyone in the country knows clearly the meaning.
Spice level for Sadi, Bhikkhu khưu in the ritual life, khưu, Bhikkhu Sadi life litigation action Kammavācā increase, ... be sure to use only the Pāḷi language only, cannot use his country. Therefore, in the traditionally Buddhist country primitive Theravāda, the main Buddhist rituals, are using the Pāḷi are virtually identical.
Today, the water according to the Theravāda Buddhist tradition as Srilankā water, the country of Thailand, the country Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Buddhism Theravāda primitive in Vietnam... usually apply the common three jewels refuge permit is as follows:
Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Tatiyampi Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Tatiyampi gacchāmi saraṇaṃ Dhammaṃ.
Tatiyampi Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Tatiyampi gacchāmi saraṇaṃ Dhammaṃ.
Tatiyampi Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Allow the refuge three jewels is imitating life spice way Sadi that the Buddha has issued to Chu Bhikkhu khưu. The Buddha allows renunciation Shou Sadi that:
This khưu Bhikkhu, as Chu-Lai allows renunciation Sadi by life expectancy allows qui y Tam.
Khưu Bhikkhu, so the phrase for this, called life spice Sadi.
Locate an priest (upajjahāya) guidelines allow refuge three jewels in Pāḷi before, about life death allowed refuge Tam, repeat every word of each sentence in accordance with international masters degrees from the first sentence: "Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi" until the last sentence: "Tatiyampi Saṃgham gacchāmi saraṇaṃ".
When the world has the right to repeat every word of each sentence by the international masters degrees, about life death allowed refuge full Tam 3 times, about her death officially became Sadi in the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama.
Today the life allowed refuge three jewels are applied to the rows in the homeless singer who reach the South, reach the females in the country according to the TheravādaBuddhist tradition. So, should allow the three jewels refuge is allowed refuge popular Tam of today.
The Guide allows the refuge of the popular Tam
Today, Mr. Grand Master Guide allows three jewels refuge so, is because those disciples, the novice Pāḷi, besides, if to each country's own English, then each person speaks a different way, cannot bar every word of each sentence together, make life rituals allowed three jewels refuge less dignified. Therefore, his Excellency the Grand Master Guide allowed refuge Tam every word, every sentence, so that the same disciple who repeat bar right every word, each sentence y follow him Grand Master. do it makes life rituals allowed three jewels refuge part dignified.
Still more important, the instructor allowed refuge Tam was the Master of his own, the Master , has a very important role to do the teaching, telling the disciples who understood about Buddha, Grace 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace 9 Germany Increase. Because Grace Tam is German, the object of the three jewels refuge , help support for the disciple of achievements allowed three jewels refuge. Teachers also have the duty teach the disciples of other important legislation such as the World-Plan-wisdom, ... So, the disciples must have the respect and gratitude.
How the achievements allowed refuge Tam
To enable the three jewels refuge achievements by France about the three kingdoms (lokiyasaraṇagamana), the important role of the disciple is the key. So, who is this disciple who has faith in clean where the three jewels have discerning intelligence, learning, remembering, understanding the Buddha's Grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace nine in Germany; because, the Grace of Germany this is Tam's friendly audience mind, when this life the Center allowed three jewels refuge.
When the disciples are allowed three jewels refuge life, repeat every word, each sentence with the charity mind with wisdom, understanding the meaning and object 9 Buddha, 6 Grace Grace Grace 9 France Germany Germany Increased as follows:
-When to repeat the sentence:
"Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi"
Meaning every word:
Buddhaṃ: where 9 Grace Buddha.
Saraṇaṃ: refuge.
Gacchāmi: I'm up to, you know ...
Saraṇaṃ: refuge.
Gacchāmi: I'm up to, you know ...
The whole sentence means:
"Children bring wholeheartedly sincerely ask for refuge in Buddha", with a friendly mind with wisdom Buddha Grace 9 object:
"Itipiso Bhagavā Arahaṃ ... Bhagavā ".
-When to repeat the sentence:
"Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi".
Meaning every word:
Dhammaṃ: where 6 German Favour France.
Saraṇaṃ: refuge.
Gacchāmi: I'm up to, you know ...
Saraṇaṃ: refuge.
Gacchāmi: I'm up to, you know ...
The whole sentence means:
"Children bring wholeheartedly into the glasses please refuge in France," with the charity mind have wisdom with objects 6 Grace Germany France:
"Svākkhato dhammo Bhagavatā ... paccattaṃ veditabbo viññūhi".
-When to repeat the sentence:
"Saṃghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi ".
Meaning every word:
Saṃghaṃ: where Grace 9 Germany Increased.
Saraṇaṃ: refuge.
Gacchāmi: I'm up to, you know ...
Saraṇaṃ: refuge.
Gacchāmi: I'm up to, you know ...
The whole sentence means:
"Children bring wholeheartedly into the glasses please refuge Falling", with the charity mind have wisdom with object 9 Grace Germany Increase:
"Suppaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho ... Anuttaraṃ puññakkhettaṃ lokassa ".
Dutiyampi: a second, repeat each question, the Buddha refuge y France, qui y Increase with the charity mind have wisdom with object 9 Grace Buddha, 6 Grace Germany France, Germany Favors Increased 9.
Tatiyampi: last Tuesday, as well as the second.
Allow repeating three jewels refuge to the third tradition. It is also the customs of the ancients, to demonstrate the sincere esteem of reverence, confirmed its definitely for the three jewels: Buddha, France Said, Rising Said.
As such, the achievements of the three jewels refuge by France about the three kingdoms, the role of the disciples is the most important; also the teachers are only guidelines to help support coast disciples who are life accomplishments allowed three jewels refuge. Therefore:
-If not the Grand Master Guide, the great Germany entitles guides qui y Tam.
-If not greater Germany guide, then a Bhikkhu khưu guide allowed refuge Tam.
-If not, then the Guide khưu Bhikkhu a Sadi instructions allow the refuge three jewels.
-If not, then a tutorial approach Sadi the male, or a reach the is understanding the mind Buddhist charity ranks, knew how to guide allow the refuge three jewels should also. Because, the achievements of the three jewels refuge is by the main disciple knows how tho allowed refuge Tam correctness.
Can also for example:
Enrollment in the University: the contestant would matriculated in universities, becoming a student, is due thanks to the talent of the contestants to do thanks to the jury, and the jury only the legalizing, and recognized the contestant he is officially a real student of the University.
Also, teachers guide allowed refuge Tam's help, teach the disciples clearly understanding how the three jewels refuge, allowed life to be achievements; also the achievements allowed three jewels refuge is by understanding of the disciple.
-When the disciple repeats the verse refuge in Buddha:
"Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi: Children take wholeheartedly into the glasses please refuge in Buddha" with the charity mind have wisdom with object 9 Grace how Buddha?
-When repeat verse refuge in Buddha:
"Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi: Children take wholeheartedly into the glasses please refuge in Buddha" in Pāḷi or Vietnamese, the disciples need to understand clearly the meaning of every word, every sentence, with the charity mind have wisdom with object 9 Grace the Buddha clearly in mind, while at the same time not before not after. As well as mentioning the "parents", the right image, parent, mother, grace is clearly in the mind of people you Sudhakar. Because, the image of German parents were grace and deep in the minds of children from childhood.
Also, to object to 9 grace the Buddha clearly in mind; before that the disciple has to learn, memorize, understand the Buddha's Grace 9 complete, so when the repeat Buddhaṃ (Buddha), while Yin Buddha 9 objects visible in the right time, not before not after.
-When the disciple repeats the verse refuge in France:
"Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi: Children take wholeheartedly into the glasses please refuge of France" with the charity mind with wisdom, object 6 Grace how Germany, France?
-When repeat verse refuge in France:
"Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi: Children take wholeheartedly into the glasses please refuge" in Pāḷi or Vietnamese, the disciples need to understand clearly the meaning of every word, every sentence, with the charity mind have wisdom with objects 6 Grace Germany France is clearly in mind, while at the same time not before not after. Also such a song that he likes the most, had memorized the song from before. ma when prompted to name the song, and the entire song is clearly in the minds of people.
Also, to let the audience 6 Grace Germany France is clearly in mind; Before that the disciple has to learn, memorize, understand German, the French should Favour 6 when the repeat Dhammaṃ (Germany, France), at the same time the audience 6 Grace French German clearly in mind right now, not before not after.
-When the disciple repeats the sentence attributed Increased health:
"Saṃghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi: Children take wholeheartedly sincerely ask for refuge to increase" with the charity mind have wisdom with Grace 9 audience how the increase in German?
-When to repeat the sentence attributed Increased health:
"Saṃghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi: Children take wholeheartedly sincerely ask for refuge" in Pāḷi or Vietnamese, the disciples need to understand clearly the meaning of each letter of each sentence, with the charity mind with wisdom has 9 visible Increase in Germany's Favour, while at the same time not before not after. Also, a possible masters such as eyeglasses, stylishly has ever taught me the useful. ma when prompted to name him, his image and at the same time the German master's grace is clearly in mind the idea of pupil had meant with the master.
Also, to object to Grace Germany 9 Increased clearly in mind; Before that the disciple has to learn, memorize, understand German, the Increase should Favour 9 when the repeat Saṃghaṃ (Germany Increased), and the audience is clearly in Favour of Germany 9 Increased right at the time, not before not after.
Therefore, to enable the achievements attributed to y Tam, first the disciples need to close, with teachers is in good position in Buddhism, to hear Chief Justice French, learn, remember understanding the Buddha's Grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace nine in Germany; the German Grace Tam, because this is the object of the charity mind with wisdom This makes the unit, when longevity allowed three jewels refuge to be achievements.
So, are achievements allowed refuge by Tam thanks to understanding how the achievements allowed refuge three jewels of the disciples, that understanding the way he do thanks to teachers is in good position to know the method of teaching the disciples, to become close to the South, or the vicinity of the female. So people reach the men, who reach the females need to fulfill the duty of the disciple for his masters.
The fetus allowed three jewels refuge life
Prince Bodhi has left for the people you Siñjikāputta hear the cases of three jewels refuge (so my mother recounted for the Prince to know):
-Hey you Siñjikāputta,
A life of excuses, Germany World Religion are Ghositārāma Temple, of dwell in Kosambī. Meanwhile, my mother is pregnant. Mother to the most wealthy girl Marian World Religion is complete, sit one place and he probably combines transparency that:
"Yo me kucchigato vā kumārako vā kumārikā Bhante ayaṃ, so Bhagavantaṃ saraṇaṃ dhammañca bhikkhusaṃghañca upāsakaṃ Bhagavā taṃ, gacchati dhāretu, ajjatagge pāṇupetaṃ saraṇaṃ gataṃ" [25] .
"The white Glass Germany World Religion, the fetus would be Prince or Princess is located in the child's belly, it into the glasses please refuge where Germany World Religion, where French and German medical rules apply for refuge where Bhikkhu khưu Increase. Dear please Germany World Religion recognized it as people approach the South has attributed y Tam, since today for life".
Life infants allowed refuge Tam
The case of Prince of Bodhi as his childhood.
-You Siñjikāputta,
A life of excuses, Germany World Religion is in Bhesakaḷāvana forest near the Susumaragira in the Bhagga region. Then, I left early, née holding pattern I to Marian Religious World, wealthy girl sitting a proper place and he probably Bach that:
"Ayaṃ Bodhirājakumāro saraṇaṃ Bhagavantaṃ Dhammañca, gacchāmi Bhante bhikkhusaṃghañca upāsakaṃ Bhagavā taṃ dhāretu ajjatagge,, pāṇupetaṃ saraṇaṃ gataṃ" 2.
"The white Glass Germany World Religion, the Prince Bodhi into glasses please refuge where Germany World Religion, where French, German refuge and the refuge where the rising khưu Bhikkhu, Please Tell. Dear please Germany World Religion recognized Prince Bodhi is the approach to the South has attributed y Tam, since today for life ".
The case of Prince Bodhi has matured himself to life, please allow three jewels refuge:
"Samma Esāhaṃ Siñjikāputta Bhagavantaṃ saraṇaṃ Dhammañca, gacchāmi tatiyampi, bhikkhusaṃghañca upāsakaṃ Bhagavā maṃ dhāretu ajjatagge,, pāṇupetaṃ saraṇaṃ gataṃ" [26] .
Hey you Siñjikāputta, my third to allow refuge Tam that: "The glass city applying rules That Respect medical ethics, German and French place refuge please refuge where Bhikkhu khưu Increase. Dear please Germany recognized the Religious World as people approach the South has attributed y Tam, since today for life ".
* The fetus also are located in the womb, and the child is also his childhood yet have the understanding, that person on behalf of the child to life, please allow sincerely refuge three jewels be achievements? and there are the benefits?
The fetus is still in the womb and the child did not have the understanding of his childhood, that person on behalf of the child to life, please allow sincerely qui y Tam; in fact, the three jewels refuge's achievements, but will get the benefit, when the baby matured, heard his mother tell it to know that:
-This, when his was still a fetus in the womb, the mother has to most wealthy girl Marian Religious World, and behold, the white that:
"The white Glass Germany World Religion, the fetus would be Prince or Princess is located in the abdomen, it into the glasses please refuge where Germany World Religion, where French and German medical rules apply for refuge where Bhikkhu khưu Increase. Dear please Germany World Religion recognized it was the vicinity to the South, the three jewels refuge has, since today for life ".
-Hey, when his birth was a Prince of his childhood, yet understanding, née form, bring your child to the most wealthy Girl Like Marian Bach, Respect that:
"The white Glass Germany World Religion, the Prince Bodhi into glasses please refuge where Germany World Religion, where French and German medical rules apply for refuge where Bhikkhu khưu Increase. Dear please Germany World Religion recognized Prince Bodhi is the approach to the South has attributed y Tam, since today for life ".
When Prince Bodhi heard his mother narrates life has twice allowed three jewels refuge for himself, causing the Prince Bodhi has a deep impression that: "I am the reach the South in Buddhism". So, when the Prince was grown, was himself to much of Germany, the World Religious life please allow glass scale y Tam. Dear please Germany World recognized Religious Prince is the approach to the South has attributed y Tam, since then for life.
Although the two previous times the life allowed three jewels refuge not achievements, song also as support to the coast for the third time, certainly be achievements allowed refuge Tam, and officially became the approach to the South in Buddhism. Later, the Prince who approach the Bodhi has faith in clean where Tam, there to honor the Buddha, revered in Germany France, revered in Germany Increased, to look forward to the benefits of higher evolution, noble, noble peace.
The benefits of the three jewels refuge in two parts
-The common interests of the three jewels refuge.
- The private interests of each refuge in Buddha, y France, qui y Increase.
- The private interests of each refuge in Buddha, y France, qui y Increase.
1. The common interests of the three jewels refuge
The approach to the South, reach the females have allowed three jewels refuge life:
Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi. ...
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi. ...
be done, her accomplishments have been the common interests of the three jewels refuge extremely rich, boundless, immeasurable.
In the commentaries taught that:
"Saraṇagatānaṃ saraṇagamanena bhayaṃ dukkhaṃ parikilesaṃ duggatiṃ santāsaṃ teneva hanati vināsetīti attho" [27] .
For people who have achievements allowed refuge Tam ... get the benefits as:
-Avoid rebirth in evil realms 4.
-Reduce the suffering.
-Destroy the frightened, suffering.
-Destroying electronic painter born in samsara.
-Reduce the suffering.
-Destroy the frightened, suffering.
-Destroying electronic painter born in samsara.
It is the common interest of the three jewels refuge.
* Avoid rebirth in evil realms world 4
The four realms of evil world that is hell, Warrior plays hungry daemons, demons, animal beings, 4 this gauge for the realms would have created evil, after death, so evil for the fruit of regeneration into one of the four realms of evil about him.
For people who have achievements allowed refuge Tam Phuoc Thien capacity allowed, because the refuge this Tam, after death can ward off evil realms in four regeneration, also due to the capacity of this blessed, for the fruit of regeneration in the charity world, it is the person or the Sun education about ...
The Buddha teaches:
"Yekeci Buddhaṃ saranaṃ gatāse
Na te gamissanti apāyabhūmiṃ
Pahāya manusaṃ dehaṃ
Devakāyaṃ paripūressanti " [28].
Na te gamissanti apāyabhūmiṃ
Pahāya manusaṃ dehaṃ
Devakāyaṃ paripūressanti " [28].
Who would have the Buddha refuge,
The people he once dropped a body
Will not regenerate in the evil world
Will solar realms up exercise biochemistry.
The people he once dropped a body
Will not regenerate in the evil world
Will solar realms up exercise biochemistry.
* Reduce the suffering body
Whatsoever ye have there is suffering, who has allowed three jewels refuge life span, they have many good results, improved Phuoc is full of everything you need in life like real animals, clothes, shelter, drug treatment and other means, so that, should reduce all the suffering body thirsty, hungry, hot, cold, etc.
* Destroy the frightened, suffering mind
People have attributed y Tam, TAM place thanks to the Lady often recite ideas to 9 Grace Buddha, 6 Grace Germany France, 9 German Grace increases, then surely any AWE will not be incurred.
The Buddha teaches:
"Evaṃ Buddhaṃ sarantānaṃ,
Dhammaṇca Saṃghaṇca bhikkhavo
Bhayaṃ vā chambhitattaṃ vā,
Lomahaṃso na hessati " [29].
Dhammaṇca Saṃghaṇca bhikkhavo
Bhayaṃ vā chambhitattaṃ vā,
Lomahaṃso na hessati " [29].
Khưu, Bhikkhu schools of this
As Lai has taught you so:
Horrified, tremble or goose bumps.
Not arise until people often meditate
Yin Buddha, Germany France, Grace Grace Germany Increased.
As Lai has taught you so:
Horrified, tremble or goose bumps.
Not arise until people often meditate
Yin Buddha, Germany France, Grace Grace Germany Increased.
* Graphic kill Prince born reincarnation in the world
Firepower, vicious beings within samsara generator in three of four species, is because there are three:
-Cenk affliction Painter (Kilesavaṭṭa)
-Cenk industrial Painter (Kammavaṭṭa)
-Cenk fruit Graphic (Vipākavaṭṭa)
-Cenk industrial Painter (Kammavaṭṭa)
-Cenk fruit Graphic (Vipākavaṭṭa)
Tam London painter connected together into the circle, no beginning nor end there; meaning: there is negativity makes creating karma, there for the fruit of regeneration, rebirth, have afflictions, created for the result of regeneration. As such, causing them to vicious within electronic birth born reincarnation cards-endless infinity. People have allowed Lady refuge life thanks to where three jewels: Buddha, Germany France, Germany Increased Security practice meditation wisdom, which leads to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths food poisoning symptoms, the DAC is the Holy Wisdom Leaders kill 4 piece was all afflictions do not survive; at the same time also broke the broke the round London, destroying electronic graphic Three Gorges born reincarnation in three of four species, because thanks to the achievements allowed refuge by tam Tam French Super world.
2. The private interests of each allowed refuge
Each allowed refuge: Buddha refuge, Protection, refuge of the French medical rules Increase Security have different subjects, should have the benefit, the evolution, the peace.
a) The benefits of allowing refuge in Buddha Said
Those who have faith in the Buddha said, where clean the glasses please refuge in Buddha said:
Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
The bring wholeheartedly sincerely ask for refuge in Buddha with a friendly mind with wisdom Buddha Grace 9 subjects; He has the interest, the evolution, the peace is as follows:
"Pavattanena nivattanena bhayaṃ sattānaṃ ca ahite Hite hiṃsati Buddho" [30] .
"People were Buddhist refuge, the Buddha taught, told the France provide the benefits, the evolution, the peace, the commandments forbid those France provide the disadvantage, degenerative, brain gauge French instruction to kill our rollover generator painter born".
* Teach the France provide the benefits, the evolution, the peace
The Buddha taught that:
"Bhikkhave Sampannasīlā viharatha".
"This Chu khưu, Bhikkhu khưu Bhikkhu, reach the South, approach the women you live, so keeping the world happy for full full".
When there are about pure almond as the basis for administrative French meditation meditation, intellectual property development and growth. That's what France provide the benefits, the evolution, the long peace, destroying suffering due to negativity.
* * The commandments forbid those France provide the disadvantage, the degenerative, brain gauge
The Buddha taught that:
"Sace bhāyatha dukkhassa
Sace vo dukkhamappiyaṃ
Kattha Mā pāpakaṃ kammaṃ
AVI vā yadi vā raho () ".
Sace vo dukkhamappiyaṃ
Kattha Mā pāpakaṃ kammaṃ
AVI vā yadi vā raho () ".
If you are afraid of suffering, the agony of mind,
If you tired of miserable, miserable mind,
You should also not act evil karma
Both where clear and discreet place.
If you tired of miserable, miserable mind,
You should also not act evil karma
Both where clear and discreet place.
* French instruction to kill death painter born reincarnation
The Buddha clearly, knows our coast apartments, you French instruction for meditation proper wisdom with our coast born, when conducting meditation wisdom he's sure proof of the Holy Church Leaders in Dak and Nirvana, destroying electronic painter born in samsara.
b) The benefits of allowing refuge to France Said
Those who have faith in the security of the French, the German place clean glass please French medical rules that:
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
The bring wholeheartedly into the glasses please refuge in France, with the charity mind have wisdom with objects 6 Grace Germany France; He has the interest, the evolution, the peace is as follows:
"Bhavakantārato uttaraṇena assāsadāṇena ca Dhammo" [31] .
"People have said, the Chief French medical rules France likely to kill are electronic painter born reincarnation; RID bitch bass, for the results of peace. "
* Freed London bass bitch
The Chief of France that is Holy, great piece removal 4 all the negativity, all the evil, all craving France no longer residual mistakes, potentially freed London, which is sediment fuck fuck Prince born reincarnation in the realms of sex, gender, gender identity, infinite realms realms colors.
* For peace
The Chief of France that is Holy, Holy 4-entering Result affected the peace Nirvana.
* Graphic kill Prince born reincarnation
The Chief of France that is 4-4 in the Holy Scriptures and Nirvana, becoming Holy ranks Arahán President kill Nirvana, destroying electronic painter born in ba, h i London four species.
c) The benefits of allowing refuge to increase Security
The people have faith in German Security Increases, the place clean glass please refuge Increase that:
Saṃghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
The bring wholeheartedly sincerely ask for refuge to increase, with the charity mind have wisdom with object 9 Grace Germany increase; He has the interest, the evolution, the peace is as follows:
"Appakānampi kārānaṃ vipulaphalapaṭilābhakaraṇena Saṃgho" [32] .
"People have attributed the increased Protection of health, although slightly less friendly largesse, but results of Phuoc Thien immeasurable, large schools of Saint Rose raised France to meditate, to kill death painter born reincarnation".
* Although a friendly little largesse, but results of Phuoc Thien immeasurable great
Chu Saint Rose is blessed to fill out their noble born not unbeatable. Therefore, the approach to the South, the access is to have faith in the home laboratory clean where the three jewels, the sacrifice glass donation to Chu St. Rose and Chu chums Increase despite less but they will enjoy the fruits of Phuoc Thien immeasurable great both in current and past life, past life, immeasurable in its future; They are the achievement results of treasure in the realms (manussasampatti), was the achievement results of jewel in the Sun (devasampatti), and are the achievement results of Nirvana noble treasure (Nibbānasampatti).
* Be Increased teaching French Holy divine meditation wisdom
The approach to the South, reach the females was close with Chu Chu means, risen, Rises Saint be heard Chu Saint Rose raised France to meditate, to be conducted in France to meditate wisdom the four noble truths enlightenment syndrome leads to the Holy Roman Empire, a prime witness of Holy Scripture, the 4-4 Result and Nirvana, destroying electronic painter born reincarnation in three , the four species.
The standard became the southern approach, approach the female
-People approach the South literally from noun Pāḷi upāsaka.
-People approach the women literally from noun Pāḷi upāsikā.
-People approach the women literally from noun Pāḷi upāsikā.
The approach to the South, people reach the women who is close with the three jewels: the Buddha , Germany France, Germany Increased Security.
The approach to the South, reach the female in every quarter in them: Bhikkhu khưu (Bhikkhu), Bhikkhu khưu ni (Bhikkhunī), close to the South (upāsaka), approach the female (upāsikā), is found the text bar on the Buddha's disciples Gotama. So, people close to the South, reach the female is also very high.
Some people have the opinion that:
"In my family there the Buddha worship, sacrifice daily aroma Buddha worshipping ceremony of donation, they go to the temple sacrifice aroma donation ceremony cult Buddha, made blessed alms donation to Chu Bhikkhu khưu Increase etc. Of course they are Buddhists, is the approach the women and then the men or". But in fact, Phuoc Thien, things not yet qualified to become the official approach to the South, people close to the females in the Dhamma of GotamaBuddha, which can only be called the center of Buddhist belief in good faith or trust where three jewels .
A person who has the will to be the approach to the South, or the vicinity of the females in the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama. People need to have faith in clean where the three jewels, to close ranks with the charity mind in Buddhism, listen to Chief Justice French, to learn, to remember understand 9 Grace Buddha, 6 Grace Germany France, 9 German, have Increased Grace proper perception that: the Buddha Told noble, Germany France Told noble German Security Increases, noble; then Mr. White with steps in good position, please do follow the rituals and ceremonies of three jewels refuge permit life.
When achievements allowed three jewels refuge, he was officially acknowledged as the vicinity of the South, or reach the females attributed y Tam, since then for life, the whole shit.
Allow this not the three jewels refuge for the voracious human goods, but also for the Chu ranks Holy . Although Chu has Holy level achievements allowed refuge by tam Tam French Super world, once the Prime witness of Saints, when suicide-na Who had incurred Director Holy objects, great piece removal Nirvana are afflictions. But Chu Holy ranks have to please tho allowed refuge three jewels, in the presence of the Buddha, or Holy Buddha's disciples Van Bar, glass please demonstrate and recognize them as people reach the South, reach the females attributed y Tam, since then for life case Lake, rows of chums.
So, for every human, divine standards to become the access to the South or the vicinity of the females in the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama; he did not have the faith where Tam, but also have a clear understanding of wisdom Buddha Grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace nine in Germany; because, the Grace of Germany this is Tam's charity Centre audience with wisdom, when the mind as the three jewels refuge permit life. A more important thing is that people know how correct Ganesh allows three jewels refuge, let be the achievement. After the achievements allowed refuge Tam, who then formally acknowledged as the approach the male or the female has the access rules y Tam, since then for life, the whole shit.
Chu ranks Holy and divine entertainment goods have faith in clean where the three jewels, there are discerning intelligence, understanding the Buddha's Grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace 9 Germany rise, have proper awareness that "tall Buddha, Germany France, German noble Rose noble." The presence and degree of proof in good position in Buddhism, people's sincere life, please allow glass Lady refuge thanks to where the Buddha Said, the refuge where Germany, France said, thanks to Lady refuge where the Bao, the increase in German thanks to Lady most looking forward to get rid of all the death agony scene born reincarnation in three , the four species.
1. Please refuge where the Bao Buddha mean?
The Buddha (Buddha) is the free Level yourself certified food poisoning Four Holy truths of God, the Prime witness to the Holy Scriptures, the 4-4 Result and Nirvana, kill the sheer passage of all defilements, every craving, every evil; in particular, the removal of all money, shields became the first Arahán Holy ranks in all the world, has the title of Chief Justice College, Buddha is unique. He international level theory are wholesome charm international rates should be proof of the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths enlightenment certified Dak stepped Saints Enter Save, Holy, Holy ranks Most level of any future, Holy Arahán y ranks under Him. Still Holy ranks low or high, or not yet a prime witness entirely depending on the capacity of three-dollar suite of each they have accumulated from many lifetimes in the past.
* Ranks Holy refuge where the Bao Buddha thanks Lady was when Prime witness of Saints, Holy Mind Director of na-arise, Nirvana, object removal great piece was all afflictions, depending on the capabilities of each Holy Leader. Degrees of achievement Holy be allowed refuge in Buddha France Super trailokya (Lokuttarasaraṇagamana).
Ranks Holy refuge where the Buddha Said that thanks to the Lady is already proof of the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths enlightenment, the Holy Church Leaders in Dak and Nirvana y according to the Buddha.
* Class staff attach himself to ask for refuge thanks to Lady where the Buddha Said that when life allows the medical rules, please Buddha, with donation of mind with wisdom arises object 9 Grace Buddha, kill by ride, tame the negativity. That means that human achievement class be allowed refuge in Buddha France trailokya (lokiyasaraṇagamana).
That means human class please Lady refuge thanks to where the Buddha is practicing according to the teachings of the Buddha, trying to create every friendly effort France: From education about gender identity, French charity charity Charity gender identity, French France, to provide the benefits, evolution, lasting peace; at the same time avoid any adverse event, France, evil degeneration, the long-term brain gauge.
* There are rules where the body of kim thanks Lady Medicine Buddha or not?
Buddha period longer at the German University, Vakkali to have faith in the Buddha's place, please clean the Buddha for permission to export became Bhikkhu khưu, so the chances are close to admire kim of the Buddha, because the Buddha has full 32 major and 80 general good general good. He greater Germany Vakkali not attention to France to study French and, only admire kim Buddha's body that never know enough.
One day, the Buddha rebuke Him greater Germany Vakkali that:
"Kim iminā diṭṭhena pūtikāyena, Vakkali te!
Yo dhammaṃ passati, Vakkali repository, so maṃ passati, yo maṃ passati, compared dhammaṃ passati " [33].
Yo dhammaṃ passati, Vakkali repository, so maṃ passati, yo maṃ passati, compared dhammaṃ passati " [33].
"This Vakkali! Nothing but the best body directly under the umbrella of this look Like!
Vakkali, who see this (food poisoning symptoms) of France, who was then seen As Futuristic; people would see As a hybrid, he found (evidence of food poisoning) of France".
Later, the great German Vakkali He conducted meditation wisdom, which leads to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths food poisoning symptoms, the DAC-Holy Holy 4 4 Result and Nirvana, becoming Holy Arahán ranks.
"see France", "seen As a hybrid": not seen by the eye of meat (maṃsacakkhu), which is seen by "France label" (dhammacakkhu) or "wisdom label" (paññācakkhu) by Holy Wisdom Church Leaders Result in Wisdom wisdom wisdom meditation Super trailokya (Lokuttaravipassnā) y according to the Buddha, so Buddha is not only seen kim stems are full of 32 major and 80 general good general good of his side , which also was the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths food poisoning symptoms, the DAC-Holy Holy 4 4 Result and Nirvana in France Super trailokya which he has taught.
A passage in the trading post Mahāparinibbānasutta (the great Nirvana Sutra), before coming President kill Nirvana, the Buddha called the great Germany Ānanda arrive and teaches that:
-Ānanda, among This, if people think That the President Respect: Germany kill Nirvana and then, we will no longer Respect lawyers more taste (no natthi satthā), then you should also not think so.
The Buddha taught that:
"Yo vo mayā, Ānanda dhammo vinayo desito paññatto ca over ca vo mamaccayena satthā" [34] .
"This French Hybrid such as Chief Justice, Ānanda had the theory, laws such as Lai reached promulgating, when As President and then extermination Nirvana Hybrid, and it was the Religion of the child".
In the modern economy this Nirvana article teaches that:
Dhammo: Chief of France which is composed of all Organs and Organ Magic Vi of France. Vinayo: That law is the full Organ.
Separated by disciplines
Tibet had 21,000 Law disciplines
Tibet has 21,000 disciplines
Tibetan Magic 42,000 French subjects French Vi
Tibet has 21,000 disciplines
Tibetan Magic 42,000 French subjects French Vi
Full Tripiṭaka have all disciplines 84,000 is.
In this legend, the Buddha explains that:
Imāni tiṭṭhanti caturāsītidhammakkhandhasahassāni Iti ahaṃ, "ekova parinibbāyāmi. Ahañca dāni ekakova anusāsāmi ovadāmi pana repository, mayi parinibbute, imāni caturāsītidhammakkhandhasahassāni ovadissanti tumhe anusāsisanti " [35] .
"As such, 84,000 this disciplines still exist, only alone as Lai President kill Nirvana. In fact, now only has a Future, such as teaching, teaching the children; When the Future President As Nirvana and removal, 84,000 will this instruction disciplines, taught the children ".
Based on the passage and notes on; Currently, the Buddha is French and 84,000 disciplines or Laws. Each of the main disciplines is a professor in Religious instruction, teaching the disciples we. Of many disciplines, so as to match the charm of each apartment we disciple. For each type of medication to fit each patient's disease.
As such, the approach to the South, reach the women read the sentence:
"Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi".
"Children bring wholeheartedly sincerely ask for refuge in Buddha" is facing bankruptcy thanks to where the Dhamma of the Buddha, under French law and the French or the French administration and law, subjects or disciplines her instruction, teaching, leading practitioners to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths enlightenment credentials, testifying to the Holy Church Leaders in Dak and Nirvana great piece removal, negativity, according to France of the Buddha were privileged.
While the Buddha was President of 2,548 years ago Nirvana removal, song the Dhamma of the Buddha still handed back upon the Earth to this day. We are the disciples of the Buddha who have learned French as wholesome charm school and the French, under the teachings of the Buddha. we should always have faith in clean where the three jewels.
Today, we sincerely read the sentence:
"Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi".
"Children bring wholeheartedly sincerely ask for refuge in Buddha" still have the full meaning, equally important at that time.
2. Please refuge where Germany France Told how?
Germany France Said (Dhammo) which is the primary school and the French France: 10 9 France Super trailokya (4 + 4 Holy Leaders Saints Result + 1 Nirvana) that the Buddha has preached the first perfect, perfect, perfect last part middle part.
* Ranks Holy refuge thanks to Lady where Germany, France Said that when privileged witness of Saints, Holy Mind Director of na-arise, Nirvana, object removal great paragraph is negativity, depending on the capabilities of each Holy Leader. Degrees of achievement Holy be allowed refuge in France France Super trailokya (Lokuttarasaraṇagamana).
Ranks Holy refuge where Germany, France said it was thanks to the lady was facing bankruptcy due to attend school in France, has issued Administrative meditation, France to meditate wisdom and got into French, Holy Church Leaders in Dak proof Result and Nirvana under the teachings of the Buddha.
* Class staff attach himself to ask for refuge in Germany where the Bao France thanks to Lady is when the life of the French medical ethics rules license please tell the College with the intellectual center of the goodwill arising object 6 Grace Germany France, destroyed by ride, tame the negativity. That means that human achievement class be allowed refuge in France France trailokya (lokiyasaraṇagamana).
That means human class please Lady refuge thanks to where Germany, France is under the academic learning thanks to Lady teachings of Buddha and released under the issued France French meditation meditation, wisdom, but not yet reached France thefood poisoning syndrome yet, Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths of the Holy Church Leaders in Dak.
3. Please refuge where Germany Increased Security means?
Germany Increased Security (Saṃgha) which is a tributary of St. Rose (Ariyasaṃgha) not lettered chums Increase (Puthujjanasaṃgha).
Chu has 4 double Boost Holy 8 Holy ranks:
4 pairs: Saints-Saints Results match
Enter The Saved Saints® Leaders Enter The Saved Saints Results
Most Holy Leader® For Future Saints Results
Any Future Saints® Leaders Real Lai Saints Results
Arahán® Arahán Leaders Of The Holy Scripture Result
Most Holy Leader® For Future Saints Results
Any Future Saints® Leaders Real Lai Saints Results
Arahán® Arahán Leaders Of The Holy Scripture Result
8 steps of Saints: Holy Holy 4-4 Result
Steps To Import Saved Saints Leader.
The Hybrid's Most Holy Leader.
Any Future Leader Holy Ranks.
Holy Arahán Scout Ranks.
Steps To Import Saved Saints Results.
Steps For Future Saints Results.
The Real Holy Hybrid Ranks Results.
Holy Arahán Ranks Fruits.
The Hybrid's Most Holy Leader.
Any Future Leader Holy Ranks.
Holy Arahán Scout Ranks.
Steps To Import Saved Saints Results.
Steps For Future Saints Results.
The Real Holy Hybrid Ranks Results.
Holy Arahán Ranks Fruits.
* Ranks Holy refuge where the Bao Rises in Germany thanks to the Lady, as when the Holy Observer-na, Director-elect Bible Center Leaders arise, object removal, great snippet Nirvana negativity, depending on the capabilities of each Holy Wisdom Director ranks. Degrees of achievement Holy be allowed refuge Increased in France Super trailokya (Lokuttarasaraṇagamana).
Ranks Holy refuge thanks to Lady where Rose has told the German DAC-Holy Scripture and Nirvana, be Holy.
In Buddhism there are 4 ranks of Holy:
Holy Ranks Enter.
Ranks The Most Holy.
Holy Ranks Any Hybrid.
Holy Arahán Ranks.
Ranks The Most Holy.
Holy Ranks Any Hybrid.
Holy Arahán Ranks.
* Class staff attach himself to ask for refuge in Germany where the Bao Increase thanks to the Lady that is lettered the holy place thanks to the Lady Rose, not Chu means Increase, because that means no increase in tributary full 9 Grace Germany Increased.
When applying for refuge to increase Security with the charity mind have wisdom with object 9 Grace Germany Increased, destruction by ride, tame the negativity. That means that human achievement class be allowed refuge Increased in France about the three kingdoms (lokiyasaraṇagamana).
* Voracious human Class please thanks where Lady refuge Chu means Falling in any case?
Phuoc Thien do alms case: Those who reach the South, reach the American faith in clean where Tam Phuoc Thien do alms, when the sacrifice donation to schools of St. Rose and Chu chums Increase; the donation to the monks Said, including Chu Chu and Increase divine Scripture Increased, there are many blessed immeasurable goodness, have immeasurable treasure fruit right fucking now at present and past life, immeasurable.
The case hearing Chief Justice France: Those who reach the South, reach the American faith in clean where the three jewels, to intimacy with the divine Holy Rise and voracious client Increase, to listen to the Chief Justice of France, please allow three jewels refuge life and whole world, or World Bowl, or the nine, ... studying Buddhist learning, according to Buddhist practice Executive Administrative Executive, meditation, meditation, wisdom to guide France to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths food poisoning symptoms, the DAC-Holy Holy 4 4 Result and Nirvana, freed the death agony born reincarnation of tam.
In a nutshell:
Ranks Holy refuge thanks to Lady where Tam, is when Prime witness of Saints, Holy Mind Director of na- generated object Nirvana, great piece removal impurities. Degrees of achievement Holy be allowed refuge by France, Tam tam Super world (Lokuttarasaraṇagamana).
* Class staff attach himself to ask for refuge where Tam thanks Lady, when the great goodness of mind with wisdom arises object 9 Buddha, 6 Grace Grace Grace 9 France Germany Germany Increased, destruction by ride, tame the negativity. That means that human achievement class be allowed refuge by France, Tam tam about (lokiyasaraṇagamana).
Tho allow three jewels refuge into good habits
The approach to the South, the access is voracious, class had a great achievements allowed refuge by tam Tam French world.
If unknown allowed his three jewels refuge not being definitive, or not to be contaminated by impurities, then no need to please allow three jewels refuge life back.
If unknown allowed his three jewels refuge substrates or by contaminated by impurities, then please allow three jewels refuge life back, to get the Lady thanks to where the Buddha Said, where Germany, France Said, where the Bao cao Thuong Increases, most of the German forward giving high benefit, high upper evolution the peace, noble Nirvana.
In fact, for every human means (puthujjana) and was more heavily in affliction, but not yet destroyed, when the mind has been polluted by by negativity. So want to keep maintaining allowed refuge three jewels, five precepts, same gender Bowl etc. for complete purity and wholeness is not easy. So, people close to the men, the women often approach please allow three jewels refuge life back is a failure to admit, is even necessary anymore. Besides, regular life, please allow three jewels refuge to become a good habit, then the truth would seem to know precious!
In TheravādaBuddhism, in the ceremony, whether large, small, often with customs, the first cult ceremonies of three jewels: Buddha, France Said, Increase the security, to the rituals of people reach the South, reach the females into the glasses please Shou allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts, the bowl, the nine ... A representative grand master monks instructions allow the refuge three jewels and five precepts, the bowl, the Mekong Delta ... the people reach the South, reach the American bar in the same position as Grand Master repeat every word, each sentence as allowed refuge Tam Pāḷi language or in Pāḷi and significance of the country themselves.
For example: The Elders guide in Pāḷi.
NTL [36]: Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Definition: The bring wholeheartedly sincerely ask for refuge in Buddha.
All people reach the South, reach the females repeat.
CSN [37]: Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
The bring wholeheartedly sincerely ask for refuge in Buddha.
NTL: gacchāmi saraṇaṃ Dhammaṃ.
The bring wholeheartedly into the glasses please refuge in France.
CSN: Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
The bring wholeheartedly into the glasses please refuge in France.
NTL: gacchāmi saraṇaṃ Saṃghaṃ.
The bring wholeheartedly sincerely ask for refuge.
CSN: Saṃghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
The bring wholeheartedly sincerely ask for refuge.
Next Dutiyampi: second time..., Tatiyampi: last Tuesday also repeated as on etc.
Life ritual allowed refuge Tam became the common tradition of the Theravāda Buddhism in the country today.
In fact, the achievements of the three jewels refuge, is by understanding how the three jewels of refuge life allows people to reach the South, reach the female; also teachers guide allowed only three jewels refuge to help, teach for the approach to the South, reach the male, to be innovations allow the three jewels refuge only, so to case:
-Without Him Grand Master, then a Bhikkhu khưu have the ability to guide and allow three jewels refuge.
-If not khưu, then a Bhikkhu Sadi capable instructions allowed refuge Tam.
-If not, then the southern vicinity of Sadi, access the females have the ability to guide and allow three jewels refuge.
-If people would understand how tho allow rules y Tam, although teachers would guide, then he still rules allowed achievements y Tam. In contrast, the approach to the South, reach the females would not understand how the three jewels refuge formula to allow life, whether teachers would guide the approach to the South, reach the American's still don't allow achievement scale y Tam.
As well, a contestant had enough talent to compete, despite having the jury, then the contestant still admitted. Conversely, if a contestant does not have enough talent to compete, despite having the jury, then the contestant still not admitted.
To allow its three jewels refuge became the good habits; every day, before chanting ceremony Bai Tam, who reach the South, reach the ladies should read tho allow refuge three jewels and five precepts, or three times the bowl ... next, chanting ceremony Bai Tam, chanting Parittapāli, ... to become a good habit for yourself.
As such, the current lifetimes, the mind usually is at peace, all things fear not, because, had the Buddha Said, Germany France, Germany Increased Security thanks to the noble Lady, the place itself, should all friendly France the opportunity of development, from education about gender identity, French charity charity Charity world best France France until Super trailokya friendly France. If not be Holy, to give up his life, the mind is not stupid; good faith in the light of mind, mind, mind to objects 9 Buddha, 6 Grace Grace Grace 9 France Germany Germany Increased. Due to the capacity generally in good karma (āciṇṇakusalakamma) , become the Shan industrial death (āsanna-kusalakamma), after death, because this industry for result sure rebirth in the charity world (the person, or the Sun exercise adventi) enjoy all the peace and long-lasting, especially has made fresh, friendly charm in the Dhamma of the Buddha.
Result of allowing refuge Tam
* Allow three jewels refuge by France and the trailokya Super treasure
The French charity of the three jewels refuge for immeasurable should result greater treasure of the refuge also immeasurable Tam big fine ever since.
The French Charity of the refuge, according to tam Tam French Super world's Holy mind charity Leaders 4 (maggakusalacitta), have the object Nirvana.
Comparative Results of the three jewels refuge by France Super trailokya for two periods:
1-current Lifetimes
Results of treasure in no time separated: 4 St. the Center Leaders in the philanthropic world, tam TAM for Super results in no time separated (akālika) which is 4 St. Result Center along route Director in the Holy mind.
Saints-Saints Results with each other:
Enter the Saved Saints leader for Importing Saved Saints Results
Most Holy leader for Most Saints Results
Any Future leader for Any Future Holy Saints Results
Holy Arahán Holy Arahán for Results
Most Holy leader for Most Saints Results
Any Future leader for Any Future Holy Saints Results
Holy Arahán Holy Arahán for Results
* Enter Holy Result: Holy Ranks can enter the Holy Berries (Phalasamāpatti) finally has a prime witness, to enjoy the peace net President Nirvana (Santisukha).
2-position Fuck lai
Holy Ranks Enter Save no longer regenerate in 4 evil realms (hell, Warrior plays hungry daemons, demons, animals being), only human regeneration, or Chu Thien from 1 to 7 damn shit maximum, will become President of Arahán Holy ranks destroy Nirvana.
Holy Ranks For Hybrids recurred only a single, would become President of Arahán Holy ranks destroy Nirvana.
Holy Ranks Real Hybrids are no longer back rebirth realms of sex, gender, gender identity, the regeneration only then will become Holy ranks Arahán President kill Nirvana.
Holy Arahán Ranks right shit will kill President Nirvana ended Prince born reincarnation of the three about four species.
* Enables y tam Tam under French rules and results of treasure
Phuoc Thien of the three jewels refuge by France about the three kingdoms that is great in good heart with wisdom Buddha Grace 9 subjects, 6 Grace Germany France, Germany Favors Increased 9.
Result of allowing refuge Tam tam under incredibly rich world, it's okay to mention sweeping was immeasurable.
To have the comparison, please quote in Velāmasutta experienced [38] between Phuoc Thien alms with the French charity three jewels refuge permit life as follows:
... He Anathapiṇdikathe story, topr rich ever happened, there Bàlamôn Velāma do great charity as laboratory c modes:
Alms 84,000 alloy wheels in gold filled, Silver (rūpiya).
Alms 84,000 Silver trays full of gold.
Alms 84,000 full copper-silver alloy wheels.
Alms 84,000 elephant consists of Golden jewelry complete.
Alms 84,000 map cover by da Lion, tiger skin.
Alms 84,000 dairy cows with milk packaging.
Alms 84,000 young girl with beautiful Turquoise Jewelry maṇi ...
Alms 84,000 seats sit there precious furnishings.
Alms 84,000 x 10 million fabric variety special. In addition, alms-food, drinks, ... no matter.
Alms 84,000 Silver trays full of gold.
Alms 84,000 full copper-silver alloy wheels.
Alms 84,000 elephant consists of Golden jewelry complete.
Alms 84,000 map cover by da Lion, tiger skin.
Alms 84,000 dairy cows with milk packaging.
Alms 84,000 young girl with beautiful Turquoise Jewelry maṇi ...
Alms 84,000 seats sit there precious furnishings.
Alms 84,000 x 10 million fabric variety special. In addition, alms-food, drinks, ... no matter.
Bàlamôn Velāma was the predecessor of the great largesse, As laboratory experiments on no era ranks worthy of donation (no time Buddha and Modern lettered Germany Risen).
-Rich households, who he would do Phuoc Thien alms to the Saints enter the Store has full knowledge, the Chief Justice who had blessed the goodwill lot, there are many more treasure Bàlamôn man Velāma fruit do Phuoc Thien alms in this era.
People would do Phuoc Thien alms donation to 100 Saints Enter Save, then she blessed the goodwill lot, there are many more people who treasure the fruits do Phuoc Thien alms to 1 Saints enter the Store.
People would do Phuoc Thien alms donation to 1 Saints For Lai, who had blessed the goodwill lot, there are many more people who treasure the fruits do Phuoc Thien alms to 100 Saints enter the Store.
People would do Phuoc Thien alms donation to 100 Saints For Lai, who had blessed the goodwill lot, there are many more people who treasure the fruits do Phuoc Thien alms to 1 Saints For Lai.
People would do Phuoc Thien alms donation to 1 Real Saints, then she blessed the goodwill lot, there are many more people who treasure the fruits do Phuoc Thien alms to 100 Saints For Lai.
People would do Phuoc Thien alms donation to 100 Real Saints, then he has blessed many friendly, there are many more people who treasure the fruits do Phuoc Thien alms to 1 Real Saints.
People would do Phuoc Thien alms donation to 1 Arahán Saints, then she blessed the goodwill lot, there are many more people who treasure the fruits do Phuoc Thien alms to 100 Real Saints.
People would do Phuoc Thien alms donation to 100 Arahán Saints, then she blessed the goodwill lot, there are many more people who treasure the fruits do Phuoc Thien alms to 1 Saints Arahán.
People would do Phuoc Thien alms donation to 1, then Exclusive Buddha who had blessed the goodwill lot, there are many more people who treasure the fruits do Phuoc Thien alms to 100 Arahán Saints.
People would do Phuoc Thien alms donation to 100, Poisonous Buddha then she blessed the goodwill lot, there are many more people who treasure the fruits do Phuoc Thien alms to 1 Toxic Buddha.
People would do Phuoc Thien alms donation to Primary Sensory Class, the Buddha who had blessed the goodwill lot, there are many more people who treasure the fruits do Phuoc Thien alms to 100 Poisonous Buddha.
People would do Phuoc Thien alms donation to Chu khưu has Increased the Buddha Bhikkhu, who had blessed the goodwill lot, there are many more who do treasure fruit blessed alms donation to Primary Sensory Class Buddha.
Who would build the temple consecration donation to Chu khưu Bhikkhu increased from four directions, then she blessed the goodwill lot, there are many more people who treasure the fruits do Phuoc Thien alms donation to khưu has Increased the Buddha Bhikkhu Chu presiding.
Who would have faith in the Buddha said, where clean where the Bao, where Germany, France Germany Increased Security, into the glass allows the three jewels refuge life span, then him have blessed many friendly, there are many more treasure Builder results the temple consecration donation to Chu khưu Bhikkhu rising from quarter finals.
Who would have faith in clean where Tam, Italy friendly clean tho maintained keeping five precepts completely clean and perfect, the people of Phuoc Thien many, many more who treasure the fruit life goggles allowed refuge Tam...
Who would conduct meditation items scattered mind from celebration to all beings, in a short period of time by the time the aromatic smell, then she blessed the goodwill lot, there results a lot more trust treasure in three jewels places clean, work Italy friendly clean tho maintained keeping five precepts in cleaning.
Who would conduct meditation wisdom, intellectual meditation wisdom clearly, knows the status of impermanence, suffering and status, the status of egolessness French identity, nomenclature, although in a short period of time by first flicking your finger, then she blessed, there is more treasure the results conducted meditation items scattered throughout the heart from birth to all of them ...
Through the passage on foot is Phuoc Thien, receive alms for the highest donation is the donation to khưu has Increased the Buddha Bhikkhu Chu presiding, it was a rare opportunity.
Thien Phuoc built a temple consecration donation to Chu khưu Bhikkhu increased from four directions, then you have to wait long time accomplishing Phuoc Thien.
Thien Phuoc tho allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts maintenance life are so blessed, and have the results more treasure Phuoc Thien pagoda construction surges donation to Chu Bhikkhu khưu Increase from the four directions, and alms donation to khưu has Increased the Buddha Bhikkhu Chu presiding.
* Why life allowed refuge charity Irene three jewels and five precepts maintenance life elevated?
Found that: A person who has faith in clean where Tam, there 's a lot of money, then he can build great temples to surges donation to Chu Bhikkhu khưu. Also to achievements allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts maintenance life perfectly, he does not have the Germans believe in clean where the three jewels , but also must have wisdom understand Buddha Grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace nine in Germany; because, the Grace of Germany this is Tam's charity Centre audience with wisdom, when the mind as the three jewels refuge and allowed life expectancy maintained five precepts to be achievements. Therefore, allow the refuge three jewels and five precepts have maintained longevity in Phuoc Thien, and immeasurable treasure immeasurable also fruit.
Area of result of allowing refuge Tam
Area of money story of Him greater Germany Saraṇagamaniyatthera [39] are summarized as follows:
During the time of Buddha Anomadassī [40] appear on the Earth, at the time of the human lifespan has about 100 thousand years. A studious son meant to serve nutritional blindness parents thought: "we have a duty to serve the health maintenance of non parents blindness, can't take spice became Bhikkhu khưu. We have fresh Coast born do people, meet the Buddha appeared upon the Earth, Germany France and Germany Increased, we should to asking tho allowed refuge thanks to Lady where three jewels".
Her sons have faith in clean where the three jewels, found Him grand master Nisabha is the ultimate Holy Text Bar rank disciples of Buddha Anomadassī, the wealthy girl glass 24-Sir please allow three jewels refuge life. Dear Sir as a reach the South has attributed y Tam, since then for life. Life after allowing three jewels refuge is done, people close to the men he rounded his duty to serve nutritional blindness, and parents keep maintain its three jewels refuge permit completely clean and completely; off to honor the Buddha Said, Germany France, Germany Increased Security, for the remainder of the human lifespan of the time 100 thousand years.
After death from the people, because of the three jewels refuge industry piecemeal to the fruit of regeneration up the Thirteen Natural Triangle Sun [41] King Sun Sakka in her realms through 80 solar King bitch. When reincarnated in the person, there are 75 dad become move London, United Kingdom, and the Holy King in a large country, no stars ever since. That is because the result of allowing three jewels refuge life in the time of the Buddha Anomadassī.
Do Phuoc Thien tho maintenance capacity allowed refuge this Tam, especially during the long period of Prince born reincarnation, never regenerate in 4 gender: evil realms (hell, Warrior plays hungry daemons, demons, animals) shit at all; only do natural regeneration in the Sun, an exercise all the peace in the highest realms of heaven; or reborn as male in the realms, also enjoy all the peace in the highest realms.
Rebirth in the realms would also be special treasure results 8.
He taught that:
I get people, all of them born in reverence everywhere.
I have a sharp intellect.
All schools of natural PM under my.
I have a lot of wealth was none.
I get the skin color like gold in the net every shit.
I was all, all of them born endearing.
I have close friends, never betrays.
The list of my good, aromatic are echoes everywhere.
I have a sharp intellect.
All schools of natural PM under my.
I have a lot of wealth was none.
I get the skin color like gold in the net every shit.
I was all, all of them born endearing.
I have close friends, never betrays.
The list of my good, aromatic are echoes everywhere.
It is the result of 8 allowed three jewels refuge.
Mr German University Saraṇagamaniya that:
To the time of Buddha Gotama appeared upon the Earth. Do Phuoc Thien allowed refuge three jewels Buddha, during Anomadassī , for regenerative results in rich family households in the city Sāvatthi. When the boy was 7 years old, one day, the boy led a group of children out of the city, come visit the temple game see rong Chu greater Germany Increased, most wealthy girl to boy big ceremony in Germany into the glass life please allow three jewels refuge, due to its greater Germany's instructions:
Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Repeating boy follow him greater Germany:
Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi ...
He greater Germany guide refuge in Buddha, y France, qui y increase; repeating boy follow him greater Germany, the food poisoning syndrome boy at the same time the four Holy truths of God, the Prime witness from Entering Holy-Holy Saved Import Saved Results to the Holy Arahán-Arahán St. and Nirvana, becoming Holy Arahán ranks, with Record information, analysis of Wisdom the quarter finals at the same time, not before not after life with allowed rules y Tam .
The Buddha Gotama allows spice boy became a Bhikkhu khưu in the Dhamma, has the greater Germany Saraṇagamaniyatthera. Because of money, he is close to the South had allowed three jewels refuge during the time of the Buddha Anomadassī, preserving maintenance allowed refuge Tam completely and entirely, never defiled by defilements.
As such, Phuoc Thien of the refuge three jewels brings:
-Fruit jewel in the achievement the people (manussasampatti)
-Fruit jewel in the achievement heavenly realms (devasampatti)
-Achievement noble treasure results Nirvana (Nibbānasampatti) it is a privileged witness to the Holy two damn Arahán President kill Nirvana, terminate the Prince born reincarnation of tam.
Results of the three jewels refuge treasure is actually great and immeasurable.
Phuoc Thien capacity of three jewels refuge
Area of the Fisher name Damila [42] the fishing profession throughout his life raising network, to 50 years Mr. LAM patients lying in bed, unable to sit up, thanks to daily care caring wife. One day, a greater Germany to stand in front of the House, the hostess (fisherman's wife) Sir, sometimes He sat near Mr Damila.
Mr. Damila with weak white that:
-During the past year, how much I've had would most meet him, nor do You seem to be religious consecration, the grace that has value for you to visit.
With compassionate look forward to ease suffering, and he asked German?:
-He his illness, Damila like?
He replaced white wife that:
-White Glass Him greater Germany, a very severe illness.
He said that greater Germany:
-This he he want Damila longevity allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts ?
Mr. Damila with weak white that:
-Dear Mr. White, I want to be the life of the German University allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts. Mr. White.
He guided his German Great Damila longevity allowed refuge Tam:
"Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi".
Mr. Damila repeat according to Him:
"Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi..."
Mr German University Guide, did he Damila repeat as He allowed three jewels refuge is done, then he Damila no longer slightly to repeat more again, and then turn off the respirator, that life not maintained active. After his death, by the blessed life charity allowed three jewels refuge , renewable for as men in the Sun the four Heavenly Angel review that Consulate South.:
-"So blessed that we are, in good biochemistry as men like this?".
Angel South mainland recall reincarnations, Phuoc Thien tho so clearly allowed refuge three jewels , five precepts, maintenance service life that are not yet due thanks to greater Germany have compassionate mercy save the slitting. Mind you, from the Sun does down, wealthy girl holiday sailings, Mr. Bach greater Germany that:
-White Glass Him greater Germany, now the child is a male, in the realms of heaven Heavenly Quarter. Department of d, the son was born as male, is thanks to Him there are compassionate Mercy Health for life child allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts, his life only allowed three jewels refuge , which have yet to catch up with the five precepts-life maintenance , then took my out slightly, turn off the respirator. Do Phuoc Thien Tam's refuge for permission results in biochemistry as male. The son brought Him wholeheartedly into wealthy girl glass holiday, grateful to Him forever. Dear Sir, please be compassionate for her son, an international full service life allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts, let your child be the interests, the evolution, the lasting peace in the heavens above.
Mr. compassionate international German University degrees South Angel tho Guide allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts. Angel South extremely grateful, Mr. Hy Festival greater Germany, the wealthy girl glass 24-Sir, permission to return to the heavenly realms enjoy all the peace in the heavens.
Through the area of the fisherman fishing craft network farming, life does not improve substantially largesse. Come near, the fishermen have wholesome charm are? visits to Germany, he was extremely Hy Festival, to have faith in a clean place, tho Tam allowed three jewels refuge before. So thanks to death in good Karma (āsannakusalakamma) life allow the refuge three jewels have an extraordinary capacity, there are great possibilities, resist all evil career has created all his life, to let the blessed friendly allowed three jewels refuge for regeneration as male in the Sun the four Heavenly realms, the lowest in 6 realms of heaven education gender There are 500-year life expectancy, years, compared to the people in 9 million years. Because, a day in the Sun by four great 50 years in the realms.
The fishermen Damila all my life to do the fishing craft, being not significant philanthropic largesse. At dying thanks to Phuoc Thien of the three jewels refuge for regeneration in South as fruit in the Sun the four Heavenly Phuoc Thien of capacity rules y Tam!
Ten result of allowing refuge Tam
In business Sakkasutta [43] are summarized as follows:
A life of the Sun King, Sakka (Like Roman Empire) along most natural to Him lettered 500 German University Māhāmoggallāna, wealthy girl finished desk stand a place. Meanwhile, He taught Modern German King Sun Sakka that:
This King-Sun Sakka, allowed refuge Buddha is tall. Some of them born in this life, to have faith in clean where Tam, have allowed life refuge Buddha Said, after they died, Phuoc Thien do allow the refuge the Buddha Said, do nam, celestial regrowth results or female bias in the Sun. China's bias has been 10 results special treasure: longevity, beauty, peace, aromatic, taste a DD, noble, colors, sound, aroma, taste, great sun exposure than the rows lettered in other realms of the celestial heavens.
Same as above:
This King-Sun Sakka, French medical ethics rules license is the most noble thing. Some of them born in this life, to have faith in a clean place Tam has French medical ethics rules license life, after they died, Phuoc Thien do allow French medical ethics rules, for the result of regeneration as male, female or in the Sun. China's bias get particulartreasure 10: longevity, beauty, peace, the Sun, the aroma, noble status, color, sound, aroma, taste, sun exposure all the more amazing the rows lettered other bias in the Sun.
This King Sun Sakka, allowed refuge in Germany Increased Security is most noble thing. Some of them born in this life, to have faith in a clean place three jewels have Increased medical ethics rules license life, after they died, Phuoc Thien do allowed refuge in Germany Increased Security, for regeneration in South, as fruit or natural girls in the Sun. China's bias has been 10 results special treasure: longevity, beauty, peace, the Sun, the aroma, noble status, color, sound, aroma, taste, sun exposure all the more amazing the rows lettered other bias in the Sun ...
Results of three jewels refuge permits extremely rich, also wonderful is legal because y great Tam, have extraordinary abilities.
Allow the refuge three jewels have an importance in Buddhism.
* How importance?
Allows the refuge to the three jewels became Sadi, the Bhikkhu khưu.
Allows the refuge to the three jewels became Sadi.
Allow rules y Tam to be the approach to the South, reach the women.
Allows the refuge to the three jewels became Sadi.
Allow rules y Tam to be the approach to the South, reach the women.
1-allow the three jewels refuge to become Sadi, the Bhikkhu khưu like?
During the early development of Buddhism, Bhikkhu khưu Increase is Holy Arahán ranks number very few, so the Buddha allows each Bhikkhu khưu, goes every way to an economic theory, spread, two Buddhist Bhikkhu khưu should not go the same way.
A Bhikkhu khưu go theory, have an international number generated faith in clean, have the will to want to export became Sadi, Bhikkhu khưu. He led the electronic world khưu Bhikkhu position on most of the Buddha, for permission to export became Sadi, Bhikkhu khưu. Have the remote domain Bhikkhu khưu hard leads about the death of most of the Buddha, please allow. So, Buddha allows Bhikkhu khưu that:
"Anujanāmi imehi saraṇagamanehi upasampadaṃ pabbajjaṃ tīhi, Bhikkhave," [44] .
"Khưu Bhikkhu, as Lai Chu This allow tho Sadi, Bhikkhu khưu by life allows for refuge three jewels".
About Prince has the will to want to tho Sadi, Bhikkhu khưu, hair, beard shaved first, even cāsa the core color y excelsa, to put the right role at the ceremony, the priest, wealthy girl finished ahead pieced together two hổm sit arm to horizontal forehead, please allow three jewels refuge life in Pāḷi.
The international masters degrees (upajjhāya) guidelines allow refuge three jewels in Pāḷi before, about life death allowed refuge Tam, repeat right every word, each sentence by the international masters degrees as follows:
Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Tatiyampi gacchāmi saraṇaṃ Buddhaṃ.
Tatiyampi gacchāmi saraṇaṃ Dhammaṃ.
Tatiyampi Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Tatiyampi gacchāmi saraṇaṃ Dhammaṃ.
Tatiyampi Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
When the world electronics repeat right every word of each sentence by the international masters degrees, about life death allowed refuge full Tam 3 times, about her death became the Sadi-Bhikkhu khưu in the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama.
That is how the life expectancy by khưu Bhikkhu allowed refuge three jewels (Saraṇagamanū-pasampadā).
Spent some time later, Buddhism increasingly developed, Bhikkhu khưu increasingly East. So, the Buddha taught Chu Bhikkhu khưu is unknown, from then on, eliminating life spice Bhikkhu khưu life by allowing three jewels refuge. The Buddha allows renunciation Shou khưu Bhikkhu by litigation once the Declaration (Ñatti) and the next 3 times the proceedings Into the language (Kammavācā) called ñatticatutthakammavācā.
The Buddha teaches the following:
"Yā mayā saraṇagamanehi tīhi, Bhikkhave sā upasampadā anuññātā taṃ paṭikkhipāmi ajjatagge,.
Bhikkhave, Anujānāmi ñatticatutthena upasampādetuṃ kammena " [45] .
"Khưu, Bhikkhu schools of This, such as allowing the life expectancy by khưu Bhikkhu allows qui y Tam, from now on, such as eliminating tho Hybrid Bhikkhu khưu.
Khưu Bhikkhu, as Lai Chu This allow tho Bhikkhu khưu by way of litigation once Ñatti: Declaration and the next three Kammavācā proceedings: the language" [46]
Life way Bhikkhu khưu by way of litigation once the Declaration and follow-up litigation 3 times Into the Pāḷi language called: Ñatticatutthakammūpasampadā.
Life way Bhikkhu khưu started from him the great Germany Rādha and be handed down until today. Currently the country traditionally Buddhist Theravāda like water Srilankā, water in Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, countries Laos, original Buddhism in Vietnam etc of ritual life spice ceremony Bhikkhu khưu almost identical life rituals Bhikkhu khưu litigation 1 times Ñatti: Declaration and subsequent litigation 3 times Kammavācā : Into the language, entirely in Pāḷi language.
2-Allow Tam to rules became Sadi?
People have faith in clean where the three jewels, the awareness of life in the country has many things bound, hard to act happy noble offense, so people will give up going home. Because the Spice level life gently, being more binding, happy offense Act noble advantage: Learn French learn, practice meditation, French Executive meditation wisdom etc.
The Buddha instituted the world Prince enough for 20 years, allowed the life Bhikkhu khưu; people under age 20 are tho Sadi (Sāmaṇera).
The Buddha allows renunciation Shou Sadi that:
"Bhikkhave, Anujānāmi tīhi saraṇagananehi sāmaṇerapabbajjaṃ, evañca pana Bhikkhave pabbajjetabbo" [47] .
"Khưu Bhikkhu, as Lai Chu, this allows the life expectancy by Sadi renunciation allowed refuge Tam.
Client khưu Bhikkhu, so This so-called renunciation Shou Sadi".
Life ritual Sadi [48]
About Prince has the will to want to tho Sadi, first shaved hair, beard, wearing cāsa core color y jackfruit, to put the right shoulder, to the ceremony, the priest, wealthy girl finished ahead pieced together two hổm sit arm to horizontal forehead tho please allow three jewels refuge in Pāḷi.
The international masters degrees (upajjhāya) guidelines allow refuge three jewels in Pāḷi before, about life death allowed refuge Tam, repeat right every word, each sentence by the international masters degrees as follows:
Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Tatiyampi gacchāmi saraṇaṃ Buddhaṃ.
Tatiyampi gacchāmi saraṇaṃ Dhammaṃ.
Tatiyampi Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Tatiyampi gacchāmi saraṇaṃ Dhammaṃ.
Tatiyampi Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
When the world has the right to repeat every word of each sentence by the international masters degrees, about life death allowed refuge full Tam 3 times, about her death officially became Sadi in the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama.
Mr. Rāhula then age seven, was the first in the Dhamma of Sadi Buddha Gotama.
Life celebration ritual Sadi by Shou allowed refuge three jewels are handed down from the time of the Buddha, until today, Buddhist calendar 2,548 on Buddhist countries in the Theravāda.
3-Allow refuge Tam to be the approach to the South, reach the girls like?
A person who want to be close to the South (upāsaka), approach the female (upāsikā) was close with the Buddha, Germany France, Germany Increased Security. First thing, he must have pure faith where Tam, has the clarity of intellect to understand the Buddha's grace, 9 6 Germany France, Grace Grace 9 Germany rise, have proper awareness that: high Buddha, Germany France, German high nobility, her search to the most wealthy girl taste Grand Master desk sincerely, please allow three jewels refuge life like the following:
Sometimes the glass guide Elders allowed refuge three jewels, and the disciple repeats the three jewels refuge permit life according to the Elders:
Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Tatiyampi gacchāmi saraṇaṃ Buddhaṃ.
Tatiyampi gacchāmi saraṇaṃ Dhammaṃ.
Tatiyampi Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Tatiyampi gacchāmi saraṇaṃ Dhammaṃ.
Tatiyampi Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
The disciple repeats according to the Elders in full three times, each time:
-When repeat verse refuge in Buddha:
"Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi", with the charity mind have wisdom with object 9 grace the Buddha.
-When repeat verse refuge in France:
"Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi", with the charity mind have wisdom with objects 6 Grace Germany France.
-When to repeat the sentence attributed Increased health:
"Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi ", with the friendly mind with wisdom have object 9 Grace Germany Increased.
The second and third as well.
So, when the achievements allowed refuge Tam, right then, he formally became a person access to the South (upāsaka), or people who approach the female (upāsikā) took refuge to the three jewels full lifetime.
In fact, the approach to the South, reach the women in Buddhism are difficult, that people would get the truth is noble. Because, the Buddha appeared on the world is a hard thing. Also, Germany France, Germany Increased Security appeared on Earth is also the hardest thing. So, be became the approach to the South, or the vicinity of the female is also very difficult.
In the period would have the three jewels appear and persist in the world, in time, they have fresh coast are good opportunities to please tho allowed refuge three jewels: the Buddha, the Health Protection of medical regulation France Protection, refuge to increase Security. TAM is not always present on this world! When the Buddha Chief Dan appeared on the world, then there are three jewels, Buddha that appeared on this earth is one thing extremely hi hữu, very rare. As the Buddha taught:
"Buddhuppādo dullabho lokasmim ..."
The Buddha appeared on this is the hard part.
Indeed, when during a long a-steady-States fuck Earth, experiencing the period 4-cylinder-ruined-not without a Primary Sensory Class Buddha would appear on Earth, called Suññakappa: the earth does not have Primary Sensory Class Buddha.
Real hope and extremely lucky past Earth in which we live, there are 5 Primary College Buddha appeared on this earth.
In the past there were three Buddha: Buddha Kakusandha Buddha , Koṇāgamana and Buddha Kassapa appear on this earth, the fourth Buddha Buddha Gotama 's appearance and he has President kill 2,548 years ago Nirvana, but his teachings are still circulating on the world today should we have charm, there are good opportunities to please allow three jewels refuge life. Who would of achievements allowed three jewels refuge here, who then officially became the approach to the South or the vicinity of the females in the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama. Access to the South, the access is the two of them in four of them: Bhikkhu khưu, Bhikkhu khưu ni, reach the South and reach the women. So close to the South, reach the female is also a noble status in Buddhism.
In the Scriptures teach that: Dhamma of Buddha Gotama exist only on this world for about 5,000 years. After 5,000 years the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama disappeared, been ruined completely, because removal is no longer the disciple has the ability to keep maintained. In this current time, the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama still being handed down, Trinity Tam is still present. Those who reach the South, reach the charming women heal has allowed three jewels refuge life is done, achievements should have faith in clean where Tam, for keeping the Centre maintain allows the refuge three jewels, for DD reachable completely clean and whole. Who is he, will surely be a huge treasure fruit, extremely rich, the high benefit, high evolution, the peace in both tall shit goddamn immeasurable and current hybrid position, until reaching Nirvana, freed the death agony born reincarnation of tam.
So, Allowing refuge three jewels have an importance not only for the Spice level Sadi, Bhikkhu khưu, but also for the countries in the South, access access to the females.
For people who reach the South, reach the females also means life, class allows transport y Tam is the first step on the threshold of Buddhism. Allow the refuge three jewels of every sentient beings have to go through 3 stages:
The first phase: Is the phase achievements be allowed refuge by tam Tam French world (lokiyasaraṇagamana).
The period between: Is there a good chance the life stage allowed refuge Tam. In the alms, the largesse ceremony usually has a shelf life allow the refuge three jewels and five precepts, Bowl ... Daily and nightly, chanting ceremony Bai Tam. First, should read the three jewels refuge, allowed life to become a good habit, past Prince born of his reincarnation.
Last stage: Is the phase conducted meditation wisdom, which leads to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths food poisoning symptoms, the DAC-na, Director Holy Scripture arise, the Center Director object Nirvana. That is the stage of achievements allowed three jewels refuge by France Super trailokya (Lokuttarasaraṇagamana) and next Prime witness the Holy Instant Results, not time divides (akālika) that is the result of allowing refuge Tam tam, Super under Saints and Holy Leader Who definitely only Result objects Nirvana.
Allow the refuge three jewels of each approach to the South, reach the perfect women's early stages, the period between the perfect and the perfect last phase, has the aim to rescue the last wing is Nirvana.
Three jewels refuge and allowed the France
To allow the refuge three jewels are perfect, the vicinity to the South, reach the women need the support of the French allowed refuge three jewels are perfect and also thanks to be clean faith where Tam supported the French action was completed.
The France is:
Phuoc Thien-alms.
-Preserving the five precepts, the World Bowl, nine, ten, ...
-10 career, stay away from the evil industry 10.
-Live by Chief Justice network, stay away from deviant lifestyle network.
-Don't feed the network by 5 harmful trade as craft:
Do not trade weapons killed them.
Do not trade them: people, the species of animals.
Do not trade in meats.
Do not trade in intoxicating substances such as alcohol, opiates, narcotics, tobacco, ...
Do not trade the kind of poison to kill them.
Do not trade them: people, the species of animals.
Do not trade in meats.
Do not trade in intoxicating substances such as alcohol, opiates, narcotics, tobacco, ...
Do not trade the kind of poison to kill them.
-Conducted administrative meditation, meditate, France etc.
* The access to the South, reach the women in Buddhism?
The approach to the South, reach the women in Buddhism should learn lessons of business Mahānāmasutta [49] are summarized as follows:
A life of excuses, Germany That is Religious in Nigrodhārāma, Temple of Kapilavatthu; Meanwhile, the King Mahānāma , Sakya lineage to the most wealthy girl Marian World Religion, sat a confluence of the white and he probably thought:
-White Glass Germany World Religion, how called the southern access (access to the women)? Mr. White.
The Buddha taught that:
-Mahānāma, who have faith where Tam came to ask for refuge where the Buddha Said, where French, German medical rules apply for refuge where Germany Increased Security.
Hey Mahānāma, who had allowed three jewels refuge life as such, called the approach to the South (reach the female).
-White Glass Germany World Religion, how called the approach to the South (reach the) there? Mr. White.
The Buddha taught that:
This approach, the Mahānāma-men (reach the) avoid the police being, stay away from the theft, avoid the deviant, stay away from the lie, to stay away from the alcohol and other intoxicating substances is the highest human beards.
Mahānāma this, the vicinity to the South (reach the female) is Italy friendly Center avoidance far 5 things about so called people reach the South (close to the female) there.
-White Glass Germany World Religion, how called the approach to the South (reach the) have full faith? Mr. White.
The Buddha taught that:
-Mahānāma, the approach of this the male (the approach) in Buddhism, is trust in the Prime witness place clean the Primary Buddha of College As Future that:
Germany, the world religious affiliation is:
Germany Arahán is the upper tier have password Italy completely clean and pure life, deserve to receive the donation of the heavenly divine cult ceremony, Brahma and humanity .
In Germany The Chief Sensory Class is itself enlightenment truths the four Holy Roman Empire, a prime witness of Holy Scripture, the 4-4 Result and Nirvana, kill all the negativity, all the great chunk of craving, all non-evil leftovers alive, first of all in the world they are all special money; shields, become the Primary Sensory Class Buddha unique,.
Minh Hanh Of The German Student as the Ranks are full of Qingliu, Bowl and 15 high Virtue.
Germany Friendly Programming theory of truth degree benefit actually born.
Germany Through Tam The world is clearly, knows they are in the world, the world, France world.
Our chemistry teacher Upper Countless German b. is the Magisterium Ranks they improve ties, Chief Justice rules do evil, from voracious class multiply Holy ranks.
The Celestial Sphinx In German the master of Chu, Chu Thien Pham, humanity ...
The Buddha is itself enlightenment truths the four Holy Roman Empire, a prime witness of Holy Scripture, the 4-4 Result and Nirvana first in all of the world, became the Buddha Chief unique sense of Class, and then Mr. theory teachings they have wholesome charm also meets the Holy Roman Empire quarter-truth syndrome medicine upon him (also 4-4 the Holy Scriptures, DAC and Nirvana depending on the capacity BA-la-confidential and voluntary of every sentient).
Germany, The World Religious Affiliation is there Tier 6 German special Grace so full full 30 France three almond-la-your privacy.
-Mahānāma, the approach of this the South (access the women) have faith in clean where Prime Buddha into the Chief of College As such Hybrid, called the approach to the South (reach the) have full faith.
-White Glass Germany World Religion, how called the approach to the South (reach the) have blessed alms full? Mr. White.
The Buddha taught that:
-Mahānāma, the approach of this the male (the approach) in Buddhism is not stingy person, preoccupied in his wealth, said bringing wealth, largesse alms with friendly clean, with soft hands, good heart wedding Festival alms to those who value for alms , not biased, always serving the wedding Festival of his wealth to others.
Hey Mahānāma, how blessed alms as such, called the approach to the South (reach the) have blessed alms in full.
-White Glass Germany World Religion, how called the approach to the South (access the women) had wisdom? Mr. White.
The Buddha taught that:
-Mahānāma, the approach of this the South (access the women) conducted meditation wisdom, intellectual meditation wisdom clearly, knows the born, the removal of the French identity, nomenclature; wisdom meditation wisdom clearly, knows the status of impermanence, suffering and status, the status of egolessness-French Nomenclature, which leads to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths food poisoning symptoms, the Holy Church Leaders in Dak and Nirvana, kill the affliction of all great piece, craving be Holy.
Hey Mahānāma, are intellectual Super wisdom meditation trailokya so, called the approach to the South (access the females) are intellectual... ".
Thanh Van disciples of the Buddha, there are 4 ranks: Bhikkhu khưu, Bhikkhu khưu ni, reach the South, reach the female; Although the Spice level, or the row in the homeless also are likely to witness the Holy Church Leaders in Dak and Nirvana, be Holy.
Reach the South reach the male noble or vile
The approach to the South, reach the females attributed the y Tam said, became close to the South or the noble or vile woman because base on 5 genus France existing in the vicinity of the South, reach the women.
5 genera, France that the Buddha was teaching theory in business Caṇḍālasutta [50] is:
* 5 genera of the vicinity to the South approach to the vile women
This khưu Bhikkhu, who lettered-reach the South, reach the women have 5 genus France is the approach to the South, reach the vile women, pollution and objectionable.
5 the genus how French?
-The approach to the South, the access is people have no faith where Tam, and results of career news.
-The approach to the South, the access is the person who broke the world, none.
-The approach to the South, the access is the superstitions, believe bullshit unfounded, do not believe where industry and results of career.
-The approach to the South, the access is people who urge the Phuoc Thien Buddhism outside bridge.
-The approach to the South, reach the women worry households, serving, help spread the maintaining pagan heresy.
Khưu Bhikkhu, who lettered in this approach the South, reach the women have 5 genus France is the approach to the South, reach the vile women, pollution and objectionable.
* 5 genera of the approach the South reach the noble women
This khưu Bhikkhu, who lettered-reach the South, reach the women have 5 genus France is the approach to the South, reach the noble women, access to the South, reach the female jewel, the South access, access the females like that pink, White Lotus flower which sen.
5 the genus how French?
-The approach to the South, the access is people have faith in a clean place, Tam and results of career.
-The approach to the South, the access is people having sex, keeping the world completely full.
-The approach to the South, the access is people have the Chief Justice, don't believe bullshit unfounded, just news and results of career.
-The approach to the South, the access is the expectation of the Phuoc Thien in Buddhism.
-The approach to the South, reach the women worry, household servant, help spread the Buddhist maintenance.
Khưu Bhikkhu, who lettered in this approach the South, reach the women have 5 genus France is the approach to the South, reach the noble women, access to the South, reach the female jewel, the South access, access the females like that pink, White Lotus flower which sen.
The Buddhist in his approach to the South, reach the females need to have faith in a clean place, Tam and results of career, there Chief Justice opinion where career (kammassakatā sammādiṭṭhi), not superstition, don't believe bullshit unfounded, do not believe in the luck ... but only where industry and result of his career. As the Buddhist he called people to have Chief Justice ant the place, make sure that:
"Kammassako kammadāyādo kammayoni kammapaṭisaraṇo kammabandhu hi, m, yaṃ vā kalyāṇaṃ vā pāpakaṃ karissāmi kammaṃ, dāyādo bhavissāmi tassa" [51]
"I have my own career, I was the person who inherited the fruits of karma, karma is born, your body's sex industry, the industry is where I will thanks to the lady who inherited the fruits of charity or business career of evil.
If evil career opportunity for the result, then suffer brain gauge results, without resentment responsible for one, try to create a friendly, professional and business friendly in the wedding Festival.
If career opportunities for friendly result, then enjoy the fruits of peace, not the mind fall, try to create the charity industry, cumulative supplements many career. "
Because, the Buddhist there Chief Justice opinion, believe that:
"In addition to his business, no one is likely to result, or brain gauge at peace".
At that time, according to the Scriptures record, people come to listen to the Chief Justice of France, and then pure faith arise where Tam, please allow three jewels refuge life, life without maintenance five precepts, the bowl, the nine world ... at the same time.
Today, please allow the refuge life three jewels and five precepts or World Bowl etc. at the same time has become a common ritual in Buddhist tradition in the Theravāda Buddhist countries.
Allow three jewels refuge has a very important for the life never allowed refuge Tam, now please allow three jewels refuge life is finished achievement; right then, she became the approach to the South or the vicinity of the females attributed the y Tam, since at that for life.
For people who reach the male or the female life once the access allowed refuge Tam, there please allow three jewels refuge life many times for more solid, become good habits do pure faith growth where the three jewels in the past life, the present, and to create fresh charm for the next life.
And maintain life cereal World is often about (niccasīla) of the people in General, for the approach to the South, reach the women in particular. The approach to the South, reach the women keeping five precepts in clean and totally, help support allows the three jewels refuge was completely clean, not polluted by by negativity.
Therefore, please allow the refuge life three jewels and five precepts at the same time.
Repentance ceremony of Tam
Repentance ceremony of Tam Bao is a very necessary before please allow life refuge three jewels and five precepts.
In daily life, for the voracious human afflictions class, so the fuselage, password, the unavoidable mistakes with Tam Pham, because intentionally or unintentionally committed mistakes. If Yes, then the fuselage, export, Italy is not left clean, due to contaminated by impurities. Want to, export, Italy back in clean, then the only way to repent of his sins, and then try to preserve, not to do it again. When the great goodness of mind arising have pure faith where Tam, meanwhile, should please allow life refuge three jewels and five precepts.
As well as common sense, people like to wear a new beautiful luxurious clothes, precious jewels such as diamonds, granular xoàn, n manī... First Thing, we need to clean the body clean, then, the new new beautiful luxurious dressing, makeup the precious jewelry. It is belongs to the body. Also on the part of mind, like to sometimes three jewels: Buddha, Germany France, Germany Increased Security in his mind dwell, first thing is his mind should make become clear, by repentance faults with the three jewels. When the great goodness of mind became clear, meanwhile, should please allow three jewels refuge life and five precepts, etc.
In the tradition of the people of Myanmar (Burma), from when we were little, my parents have taught me memorize the Confessor article three jewels, so in the small ceremony, whether large belongs to Buddhism, as do Phuoc Thien alms, listening to the sermon, on about "uposathasīla" monthly, even every day , Bai Tam ... First everyone bar read the Confessor Tam, next new life please allow three jewels and five precepts refuge or World Bowl, or the nine world ... become a customs and traditions from ancient to the present.
Comment, see the traditional feast of repentance Tam of the Myanmar (Burma) provide the benefits, the evolution, the peace in both the current and the next life in a past life. Therefore, the approach to the South, reach the American faith in clean where Tam, should mimic to become a good tradition in Buddhism.
Confessor article three jewels
During the ceremony though small, big, one person or many people wholeheartedly into wealthy girl glass holiday Tam, the presence of Chu Bhikkhu khưu Increase (or a Bhikkhu khưu), all everyone bar read the Confessor Tam.
The article the confessor of Myanmar people greater Italy as follows:
Okāsa, okāsa...
Dear Mr. White, I'm allowed to Him for the opportunity ... Evil, evil gun industry body, the evil in the three categories of this evil, if there are any missing career criminals to Buddha, Germany France, Germany Increased Security, to grandparents, my parents, my nest, etc. To avoid the evil does not have opportunities for professional results, so bring all the dear Buddha ceremony for Protection, wealthy girl, Germany France, Germany Increased Security, sincere please repent Tam's faults, the second, the third.
Due to the great competence in good heart repentance this guilt, the wish to always avoid the evil realms, 4 3 accident disaster, 8 cases of disadvantage, 5 types of enemies ... and look forward to soon witness the Holy Church Leaders in Dak and Nirvana, freed the death agony born reincarnation of the three about four species.
Confessor article content has 3 main parts Tam
-Repentance of sins, to avoid the disaster, all the evil karma has no chance for bad results, result.
-Wish from all unfavorable circumstances.
-Looking forward to soon witness the Holy Church Leaders in Dak and Nirvana.
Evil industry Body has 3 career is contentious, burglary, murder.
Evil Guns career four evil is lying, say shove my prick split, say vulgar verbal yelled at nhiếc, says the word useless.
Italy evil career has 3 career is greed, hatred, commit comments.
4 the evil realms: hell, Warrior plays hungry daemons, demons, animals being.
3 accident disaster:
Bombing victims of war.
Infectious disease victims.
Victims die of hunger.
Infectious disease victims.
Victims die of hunger.
8 cases of disadvantage: they are born, in the following circumstances could not conduct violates not a prime witness, noble happy Holy, Holy and Nirvana that is:
-Born in the hell realms.
-Born in the beast.
-Born in the qủy hungry daemons.
-Brahma in the world best Idea (body only without the heart), including Brahma also means infinite realms in colors (only the mind without body) do not listen to be Chief Justice of France.
-Outback people.
-Growth in the pagan family ties.
-Disabled deaf and dumb People.
-Who has the wisdom that does not meet Buddha, Bhikkhu khưu. client or
5 types of enemies cause disaster of property improvements:
-Flood destroying of property improvements.
-The fire destroyed wealth assets.
-Thieves robbed of property.
-King of the brutality of the property.
-Naughty children do dissipate assets wealth ...
The word bless
Once people reach the South, reach the ladies excuse me, anoint the Confessor, Mr. Tam finished the Grand Master on behalf of the monks bless to reach the South, reach the women. Each of the wishes of elders (or representatives in Germany, or Bhikkhu khưu) about the lyrics are not the same, song about Italy then are the same. Gentleman often wished for all who approach the South, reach the female soon to be the accomplishment of his desire things.
Chu usually have Exclusive Buddha that:
Icchitaṃ patthitam tumhaṃ,
Khippameva samijjhatu.
Khippameva samijjhatu.
Wish thing, the will of the child
Have soon been achievements as Italy.
Have soon been achievements as Italy.
People approach the South, reach the women are all talking up fellow Hy Festival lyrics:
Sādhu! Sādhu!
Heal instead! Heal instead!
Heal instead! Heal instead!
Please Shou allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts
Next people reach the South, reach the American Council of life please read bar allows three jewels and five precepts of medical rules as follows:
Ahaṃ tisaraṇena pañcasīlaṃ, dhammaṃ saha, Bhante yācāmi, anuggahaṃ katvā, sīlaṃ detha, Bhante.
Dutiyampi, ahaṃ, pañcasīlaṃ, dhammaṃ saha tisaraṇena Bhante yācāmi, anuggahaṃ katvā, sīlaṃ detha, Bhante.
Tatiyampi Bhante ahaṃ, tisaraṇena, pañcasīlaṃ, yācāmi, dhammaṃ saha anuggahaṃ katvā sīlaṃ detha, me, Bhante.
"Dear Mr. White the Grand Master, the life maintenance, please allow three jewels and five precepts of medical rules.
Dear Mr. White, glass beg the international compassion guides allow the refuge three jewels and five precepts for children.
Dear Mr. White the Grand Master, the life maintenance, please allow three jewels and five precepts of medical rules.
Dear Mr. White, glass beg the international compassion guides allow the refuge three jewels and five precepts for the second time.
Dear Mr. White the Grand Master, the life maintenance, please allow three jewels and five precepts of medical rules.
Dear Mr. White, glass beg the international compassion guides allow the refuge three jewels and five precepts for children, the third ".
Above is the ceremony of ritual life, please allow three jewels refuge and five precepts, or bowl, or the nine, ... popular in the country of Myanmar (Burma) has become the tradition from time immemorial until today.
Chu attempting the Grand Master has loaned the original Buddhist Theravāda about spreading on the home, in which He Attempted the Grand Master Households is Ancestor has the largest. He has translated and published many books, business daily proceedings multiplayer for Sadi, Bhikkhu khưu, reach the South, reach the women.
In the ceremony of the cult shelves three jewels, there are 3 shelves the Confessor article three jewels and has 3 shelves article asserts no refuge elsewhere thanks to the Princess, the only refuge, the Buddha of the French medical ethics, medical ethics rules Increase only.
The main article this shelves can bring into use in cases before and after the three jewels refuge permit life and whole world or World Bowl or the nine, then the truth is trendy.
Before life, please allow three jewels and five precepts refuge should read article 3 shelf repentance three jewels: Buddha repentance, repentance, with Germany, France, the Confessor with Germany Increased Security, to make his mind becomes clear where the three jewels, then please allow life refuge three jewels and five precepts , then the truth.
And after the service life has been allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts, should read article 3 shelf insisted no refuge elsewhere thanks to the Lady, that only the Buddha refuge, where Germany, France, where Germany Increased Security only, to make growth more solid faith, truth.
Life celebration ritual allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts
In the small ceremony, though large, though one person or many people, have proven presence of Grand Master, Sir, or Mr. greater Germany, or Bhikkhu khưu, Sadi ... first the wealthy girl glasses Tam ceremony done and stick to reading three shelf repentance Tam.
Shelving the Confessor article three jewels
1) shelf Article repentance with the Buddha Said
Uttamaṅgena vande haṃ (Ut-Commander-content-woah-na voanh-de-pungent)
Pādapaṃsuṃ varuttamaṃ (Pa-a-pulse-vóa păng-Commander-cement)
Buddhe yo khalito doso (Pen-cheers pretty profoundly-storage-motorcycles-buckets)
Buddho khamatu taṃ mamaṃ * . (Pen-rather rough-cheek-cheek increase TU-cement).
The wholeheartedly into the glass bowing ceremony, wealthy girl
Dust ceiling under the upper foot high Buddha
Mistake would have to protect the Buddha,
Leaned Bảo Buddha's indulgences, please tell me.
(a ceremony, wealthy girl Oh)
Dust ceiling under the upper foot high Buddha
Mistake would have to protect the Buddha,
Leaned Bảo Buddha's indulgences, please tell me.
(a ceremony, wealthy girl Oh)
2 Post racks with the Confessor) France Said
Uttamaṅgena vande haṃ (Ut-Commander-content-woah-na voanh-de-pungent)
Dhammañca duvidhaṃ varaṃ (Visit-vulnerable-criminals-for textbooks-vóa-teeth)
Dhamme yo khalito doso (Visit-quite-sortable table storage-motorcycles-buckets)
Dhammo khamatu taṃ mamaṃ * . (Visit-quite-cheek-cheek increase TU-cement).
The wholeheartedly into the glass bowing ceremony, wealthy girl
Two French Security class: French school and French onions
Mistake would have committed to Child Protection, France
Leaned Bảo indulgences's French please.(a ceremony, wealthy girl Oh)
Two French Security class: French school and French onions
Mistake would have committed to Child Protection, France
Leaned Bảo indulgences's French please.(a ceremony, wealthy girl Oh)
3 shelves with the Confessor Article) Increase the security
Uttamaṅgena vande haṃ (Ut-Commander-content-woah-na voanh-de-pungent)
Saṃghañca duvidhuttamaṃ (Gasoline-on-criminals-for-textbooks-Colonel whimpering and cement)
Saṃghe yo khalito doso (Gasoline-Khe, cheers pretty-storage-motorcycles-buckets)
The wholeheartedly into the glass bowing ceremony, wealthy girl
Two steps to increase Security: increase and Increase divine Scriptures
Mistake would have to Increase the security,
Please increase the Security of indulgences he bowed to her.(a ceremony, wealthy girl Oh)
Two steps to increase Security: increase and Increase divine Scriptures
Mistake would have to Increase the security,
Please increase the Security of indulgences he bowed to her.(a ceremony, wealthy girl Oh)
Prayer shelf article
Iminā puññakammena (Í-eyelid-punh-na-kam-passion-frustrated)
Sabbe bhayā vinassantu (Xặp-concrete break-his ragged-bunch-TU-ratted out)
Nibbānaṃ adhigantuṃ hi (Níp-ba-Asia-countries-I think-tung-whinny)
Sabbadukkhā pamuccāmi. (Xặp-count-casting-kha pá mỳ-bring it on-dad-eyelid).
Due thanks to the competence center of the Confessor, this friendly
Ask any disaster please both destroy
Looking forward to witness the Holy, Holy, DAC Results Nirvana
Children look forward to the rescue every scene regeneration framework.
Ask any disaster please both destroy
Looking forward to witness the Holy, Holy, DAC Results Nirvana
Children look forward to the rescue every scene regeneration framework.
Benefits of the repentance and prayer
Five things the scourge (antarāyikadhamma):
Kammantarāyika: The scourge of evil industrial gravity.
Kilesantarāyika: disaster due to negativity deviant comments fixed.
Vipākantarāyika: disaster due to result of regeneration.
Ariyūpavādantarāyika: disaster due to blameless Holy ranks.
Aṇāvitikkamantarāyika: disaster by breaking the world. [53]
Kilesantarāyika: disaster due to negativity deviant comments fixed.
Vipākantarāyika: disaster due to result of regeneration.
Ariyūpavādantarāyika: disaster due to blameless Holy ranks.
Aṇāvitikkamantarāyika: disaster by breaking the world. [53]
In 5 things, disasters have 3 things: the scourge of evil, gravity crash due to negativity deviant comments fixed and disaster due to result of regeneration, all three things this disaster occurred in a past life, the present method of cure, must bear the fruit of that evil.
2 things: the scourge due to blameless Holy ranks and disaster due to breaking world, both things this disaster, right past the present, can heal by repentance ceremony of his mistake.
Disaster blameless Holy ranks including Buddha, Germany France, Germany boost, master, grandparents, parents, elders, the ranks have about Germany, ...
If have missed the wrong to offend the ranks, then the only way to do 24-repent his mistake with her rank.
After the ceremony is complete, the Confessor should always consider not to happen; as such, he avoided all the disaster, will be the achievement of interests, the evolution in any friendly France, the peace both in the present and past life past life, immeasurable.
Therefore, repent Tam is a huge benefit.
Disaster caused by breaking the world class human capital means there's still heavy afflictions, in their daily lives unavoidable things breaking.
If made about whether large, small can also cause disasters in the past life, present and past life. Want to avoid what happened to disaster for themselves, then the only way to do repentance ceremonies, and then ask about maintenance life back, that is the only way, to give his world becomes clean again.
Repentance Ceremony is the common way to access people and khưu Bhikkhu, Sadi the South, reach the women.
For Chu Bhikkhu khưu, before the administrative litigation desk Bhikkhupātimokkha "Ceremony that litigation about Bhikkhu khưu monthly on the day of the full moon and the last day of the month, Chu Bhikkhu khưu each must do āpati 2-3 repentance ceremony of mutual position, then increasing the administrative litigation Bhikkhupātimokkha".
As for Sadi, should repent and be fined, then please allow three jewels refuge life.
For the South, approach the accessibility class for women, should anoint the Confessor Tam, then please allow life refuge three jewels and five precepts, or World Bowl, or the nine world, ... that's the legitimate, to strengthen the faith and honor the Buddha Said, Germany France, Germany Increased Security.
The article prayer shelf that is his earnest aspirations, looking forward to avoid disaster and look forward to soon witness the Holy Church Leaders in Dak and Nirvana, all electronic gauge scene born reincarnation in three, four species.
A review found that the ceremony please Shou allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts that Myanmar people use very clearly:
-Life applicants allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts.
-Visiting supplicate Him Grand Master Guide allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts.
As such, it is a ritual so please love, reasonable for the applicants and the instructor.
Please Shou maintenance allow the refuge three jewels and five precepts
After reading 3 shelf article repentance and prayer shelf Tam article is completed, all people reach the South, reach the American Council of life please read post bar allows three jewels and five precepts of medical rules as follows:
Ahaṃ tisaraṇena pañcasīlaṃ, dhammaṃ saha, Bhante yācāmi
(Asia-pungent; numbness dash-na-rá-XA XA-audio-champagne-mausoleum textbooks Visit cement-cha-eyelid
(Asia-pungent; numbness dash-na-rá-XA XA-audio-champagne-mausoleum textbooks Visit cement-cha-eyelid
anuggahaṃ katvā sīlaṃ detha, me, Bhante.
Asia-Sarah-ghá-pungent cut-trailers-tomb of de-Jan delights; numbness).
Asia-Sarah-ghá-pungent cut-trailers-tomb of de-Jan delights; numbness).
Dutiyampi, ahaṃ, pañcasīlaṃ, dhammaṃ saha tisaraṇena Bhante yācāmi (Maxim-little-giăm-pí-pungent; numbness dash-na-rá-XA XA-audio-champagne-mausoleum textbooks Visit cement-cha-eyelid
anuggahaṃ katvā sīlaṃ detha, Bhante.
(Asia-Sarah-ghá-pungent cut-trailers-tomb of de-Jan delights; numbness).
(Asia-Sarah-ghá-pungent cut-trailers-tomb of de-Jan delights; numbness).
Tatiyampi Bhante ahaṃ, tisaraṇena, pañcasīlaṃ, dhammaṃ saha yācāmi
(Commander-little-giăm-pí-pungent; numbness dash-na-rá-XA XA-audio-champagne-mausoleum textbooks Visit cement-cha-eyelid
(Commander-little-giăm-pí-pungent; numbness dash-na-rá-XA XA-audio-champagne-mausoleum textbooks Visit cement-cha-eyelid
anuggahaṃ katvā sīlaṃ detha, Bhante.
(Asia-Sarah-ghá-pungent cut-trailers-tomb of de-Jan delights; numbness).
(Asia-Sarah-ghá-pungent cut-trailers-tomb of de-Jan delights; numbness).
Dear Mr. White the Grand Master, the life maintenance, please allow three jewels and five precepts of medical rules.
Dear Mr. White, glass beg the international compassion guides allow the refuge three jewels and five precepts for children.
Dear Mr. White the Grand Master, the life maintenance, please allow three jewels and five precepts of medical rules.
Dear Mr. White, glass beg the international compassion guides allow the refuge three jewels and five precepts for the second time.
Dear Mr. White the Grand Master, the life maintenance, please allow three jewels and five precepts of medical rules.
Dear Mr. White, glass beg the international compassion guides allow the refuge three jewels and five precepts for the third time.
The instructor allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts
The Guide allows the refuge three jewels and five precepts (or World Bowl, Delta ...) can you Grand Master or Sir greater Germany, or Bhikkhu khưu, or Sadi; without the Spice level, then even the vicinity of the South or the access is quadratic in good position likely guide allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts properly according to the rite.
In fact, the three jewels and five precepts of medical rules are the main achievements are due to the disciples know how tho allowed refuge three jewels, also teachers guide allows three jewels refuge, to help support the disciples of achievements allowed three jewels refuge.
The disciples know how tho allowed refuge Tam Said as follows:
-When repeat verse refuge in Buddha:
"Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi", with the charity mind have wisdom with object 9 grace the Buddha.
-When repeat verse refuge in France:
"Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi", with the charity mind have wisdom with objects 6 Grace Germany France.
-When to repeat the sentence attributed Increased health:
"Saṃgham saraṇaṃ gacchāmi ", with the friendly mind with wisdom have object 9 Grace Germany Increased.
When repeating the sentence article about, then there are volitional friendly Center avoidance far objects violates article about him, keeping the article about him to be pure.
The approach to the South, reach the female achievements allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts is due thanks to the teachers training guidelines allowed refuge three jewels and five precepts. Therefore, teachers have a crucial role for every disciple.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.8/8/2017.
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