Grace extremely subtle French German, deep, boundless, immeasurable wide that Chu Thanh Van Holy can know according to ability food poisoning symptoms, the privileged French as Chief Justice by Prime property of gentlemen. Still voracious human class can only know a part of France French school .
In business Dhajaggasutta, the Buddha taught the 6th German Favour French theory as follows:
" Svākkhāto dhammo Bhagavatā, Sandiṭṭhiko, Opaneyyiko, Ehipassiko, Akālikoveditabbo Paccattaṃ, viññūhi" [1] .
1) dhammo Svākkhāto: France consists of 10 districts that Buddha was preaching to perfect the first part, middle part, last portions, meaning full, bright, clear in literature and.
10 Chief Justice French is:
France French school.
9 France Super trailokya (4 + 4 Holy Leaders Saints Result + 1 Nirvana).
9 France Super trailokya (4 + 4 Holy Leaders Saints Result + 1 Nirvana).
2 dhammo Sandiṭṭhiko): Chief Justice of France including the French Super 9 trailokya that Chu was Holy Holy Holy 4-4 DAC results and Nirvana, and then found himself, know by his wisdom.
3) Akāliko dhammo: Chief of France that is relevant for Leaders Saints 4 4 Bible fruit not have time separated, meaning after the Prime witness to the holy religion for Saints after a Fruit-na removal and then b..
4) Primary French that is: dhammo Ehipassiko 9 France Super trailokya in the French meaning Foot very clean and pure, so dare to witness, to testify, DAC.
5) Opaneyyiko dhammo: Chief of France which is 9 France Super trailokya is afferent Prime witness should French first, to look forward to release the death agony born reincarnation of the three about four species.
6 veditabbo Paccattaṃ dhammo viññūhi): Chief Justice of France which is 9 France Super trailokya which lettered steps in good position was unrivaled and Holy, to know yourself, yourself, enter the Holy Fruits enjoy peace Nirvana NET President.
It is Grace that only Germany, France 6 steps Stick Holy Buddha's disciple new Text is full. Also the Divine Office Stick class may be Germany France French French school section, yet achieve that as Chief of the French is the French Super 9 tam.
1-Grace Germany France: Svākkhāto
Svākkhāto dhammo Bhagavatā.
(Read: Massage-kha-Bowl break-brackets-voa-visits-)
Dhammo Svākkhāto: France consists of 10 districts that Buddha was preaching to perfect the first part, middle part, last portions, meaning full, bright, clear in literature and.
10 Chief Justice French is:
France French school
9 France Super trailokya (4 + 4 Holy Leaders Saints Result + 1 Nirvana).
9 France Super trailokya (4 + 4 Holy Leaders Saints Result + 1 Nirvana).
In Samyuttanikāya, section Sagāthavagga presented 10 Chief perfect first part, middle part, last portions as follows:
France French school to perfect the first part, middle part, last portions like?
The Buddha of Tibet, a shelf consists of 4 questions:
First Sentence: perfect in the beginning.
Between the two sentences: perfect in the middle part.
Last Sentence: perfect at the end.
Between the two sentences: perfect in the middle part.
Last Sentence: perfect at the end.
When the Buddha a short Economic theory:
Preamble: perfect in the beginning.
Article body: perfect in the middle part.
The conclusion section: perfect at the end.
Article body: perfect in the middle part.
The conclusion section: perfect at the end.
Buddha long Experienced a theory consists of several sections:
Preamble: perfect in the beginning.
Multipart post (including several paragraphs): perfect in the middle part.
The conclusion section: perfect at the end.
The Buddha of Tibet, Tibetan Law Vi French Miracle, perfection is similar to Tibetan.
Nine French Super perfect trailokya in the first part, middle part, last portions like?
9 France Super trailokya include:
a) Holy:
Enter Save Taoist Scriptures
Most Holy Leader
Any Future Ethical Scripture
Holy Arahán Scouts
Most Holy Leader
Any Future Ethical Scripture
Holy Arahán Scouts
b) Holy berries:
Enter The Saved Saints Results
For The Holy Hybrid Result
Any Future Saints Results
Holy Arahán Results
For The Holy Hybrid Result
Any Future Saints Results
Holy Arahán Results
c) Washing: is the subjects of the Holy Scripture and the Leaders 4 4 Results.
4 and 4 Holy Leaders Saints Results just got Nirvana object only, also without any other objects.
9 France Super trailokya belongs to French as Chief Justice, is the result of the French administration in France.
France the French administration and the Chief of the French France perfect in the first part, middle part, last portions as follows:
World Cruise: perfect in the beginning.
Meditate, meditate, 4-4, Holy Scripture Result: perfect in the middle part.
Nirvana: perfect at the end.
Meditate, meditate, 4-4, Holy Scripture Result: perfect in the middle part.
Nirvana: perfect at the end.
Or present a different way:
Gender Action, meditation: perfect in the beginning.
Meditation, 4 Saints Scouts: perfect in the middle part.
4 Scriptures and Nirvana: perfect at the end.
Meditation, 4 Saints Scouts: perfect in the middle part.
4 Scriptures and Nirvana: perfect at the end.
One other presentation:
France French school: At first listen, learn, research to understand France French school "administrative boundary, methods of conducting meditation and Zen wisdom ...".
It's called the perfect French school in France at the head.
France French administration: There are 3 France.
Administrative boundary: Practitioners who maintain friendly volitional world for being clean and entirely to as the basis for administrative, administrative rights.
Administrative: Practitioners conduct meditation leads to a prime witness the friendship meditation, the endless meditation.
Administrative rights: Practitioners conduct meditation wisdom make arising intellectual meditation wisdom, clearly, the born, the removal of the best French Nomenclature; clearly, knows the status of impermanence, suffering and status, the status of egolessness, which leads to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths enlightenment credentials.
It's the perfect French administration in France in the middle part.
French Chief Justice France: Prime witness 4 St.-4 Saints and Nirvana, kill all the great paragraph negativity, craving, France.
It's the perfect French as Chief Justice in the end.
So, this is called Germany, France Favour dhammo Svākkāto.
2-the second French-German: Grace Sandiṭṭhiko
Sandiṭṭhiko dhammo Bhagavatā.
(Read: Bunch of ass-break laboratory-brackets-voa-visits-)
Sandiṭṭhiko dhammo: Chief of France including the French Super 9 trailokya that Chu was Holy Holy Holy 4-4 DAC results and Nirvana, and then found himself, know by his wisdom.
Sandiṭṭhiko has three meanings:
Prime witness by his wisdom
Divine decor friendly staff ranks conducted meditation wisdom leads to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths enlightenment syndrome, Prime witness to enter Holy-Holy Saved Import Saved results and Nirvana, becoming Holy ranks Enter.
Holy ranks Enter continue conducting meditation wisdom leads to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths enlightenment witness, testifying For the Holy Hybrid-Director-elect For the Holy Hybrid Fruit and Nirvana, be Holy For Lai.
Holy steps For further Hybrids conducted meditation wisdom leads to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths enlightenment syndrome, Prime witness Real-real Future Leaders of the Holy Scripture Hybrid fruit and Nirvana, become the real Holy ranks.
The real Holy Hybrid ranks continued to meditate wisdom leads to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths enlightenment syndrome, syndrome Arahán-Arahán Holy Scriptures, DAC and Nirvana, becoming Holy Arahán ranks.
Each tier Holy found self, know by his wisdom.
Kill the affliction great clips
Four Holy Wisdom Leaders capable of killing great paragraph in particular be afflictions (samucchedapahāna), depending on each Holy Leader intellectual property as follows:
Enter Save Taoist Holy Wisdom capable of killing great clips are 2 kinds of afflictions was the Center of the deviant comments and skeptical mind .
Holy Wisdom Leaders Most likely to kill great paragraph is kind of negativity is the Centre of the golf coarse .
Any Future Holy Wisdom Leaders capable of killing great Snippets was kind of negativity is the Centre of the golf sort of subtle .
Holy Wisdom Leaders Arahán capable of killing great piece is 7 kinds of impurities left is the mind tham, si, ego, zoom, sleepy, didn't know the disgrace of guilt, does not know the frightful Sin. All the negativity, all the evil, all craving is killing great piece not leftovers.
Four Saints Result Wisdom has special ability destroyed by TWAS (paṭipassa-dhipahāna) are the type of negativity that destroyed great piece Wisdom Leaders Saints.
Nirvana is the object freed, destroying Prince born reincarnation (nissaraṇappahāna).
According to natural law, after the Holy Church Leaders in Dak have shown results and Nirvana would then, the ranks of saints have consistent Intelligence Review (paccavekkhaṇañāṇa) , consider the number- five things:
Consistent review know Holy Leader would have a prime witness.
Consistent review knows the Scriptures which were privileged.
Consistent review unknown Nirvana has food poisoning.
Consistent review unknown affliction would have been sheer paragraph removal.
Consistent review knows negativity would have not been great paragraph removal.
Consistent review knows the Scriptures which were privileged.
Consistent review unknown Nirvana has food poisoning.
Consistent review unknown affliction would have been sheer paragraph removal.
Consistent review knows negativity would have not been great paragraph removal.
Holy Arahán it ranks private bars review unknown impurities would not yet be great, paragraph removal because the Holy Wisdom was Director Arahán kill great segment from all afflictions not leftovers.
Character witness
Holy ranks Enter Save self, self assertion will not regenerate in 4 evil realms (hell, hungry daemons, demons, beast Warrior plays), and only the reincarnated in the person, the Sun education about the most is 7, then will become Holy ranks Arahán President kill Nirvana.
Holy ranks For Future self, self affirmation only regenerate 1 bitch in the person or the Sun, then sex will become Holy ranks Arahán President kill Nirvana.
Holy ranks Real self-knowledge, self-Hybrid confirmed not back reincarnated in the realms of sex, gender, gender identity, the realms in regeneration and will become Holy ranks Arahán President kill Nirvana in the realms of gender identity.
Holy self Arahán know ranks asserted right fucking now at present this is shit, the President will kill Nirvana ended Prince born reincarnation of the three about four species.
So, this is called Germany, France Favour dhammo Sandiṭṭhiko.
3-Grace Germany France Tuesday: Akāliko
Akāliko dhammo Bhagavatā.
(Read: Asia-ca-storage-lagoons-brackets-voa-visits-)
Akāliko dhammo: Chief of France that is relevant for Leaders Saints 4 4 Bible fruit not have time separated, meaning after the Prime witness to the holy religion for Saints after a Fruit-na removal and then b..
Akāliko has 2 meanings:
Holy Holy Fruit removal, Director born in no time separated.
Saints-Saints Results in a Moral agenda of the mind.
For example, in the enter the Save St. route Center Director b. kill sequentially as follows:
Bhavangacitta ' Bhavaṅgacalana ' Bhavaṅgupaccheda ' Manodvāravajjanacitta ' Parikamma ' Upacāra ' Anuloma ' Gotrabhù ' Sotāpattimagga ' Sotāpattiphala (2-3-na) ' Bhavagacitta.
Termination Type Save route.
Bhavangacitta: Households who fuck (short for bha)
Bhavaṅgacalana: Households fuck mind shaken (short for na)
Bhavaṅgupaccheda: Households who damn cut (abbreviated da)
Manodvāravajjanacitta: Italy radial subjects (abbreviated ma)
Parikamma: Preparing to enter Holy Center Director Liu will arise (short for pari)
Upacāra: Access the Save Import Center Leaders Saints will arise (the abbreviation upa)
Anuloma: according to the French 37 line Pros DAC Enter Save Taoist Holy (short for anu)
Gotrabhu: Moved from line staff to the divine Holy (short for got)
Sotāpattimaggacitta: enter the Save St.-1 Center Director na Center (abbreviated mag)
Sotāpattiphalacitta: Enter the Save St. 2-3 Center-Center na Results (short mix)
Bhavaṅgacitta: Households, ended another life Enter the Holy mind route Director Liu
Days enter the Holy mind route Director Liu found in:
Enter the Holy instant kill, Center Director Liu b. Enter the Save St. Result, no time separated.
Similar to Most Holy mind, route Director Lai St. and Arahán St. route Leaders Directed the roadmap: Holy, Holy Mind Fruit removal Director associated students didn't have time separated.
So, 4 is for Leaders Saints 4 Saints Results in no time separated.
4 Holy leader for 4 Saints Results without waiting time
Trailokya friendly France
Education World charity France likely to result soon or late, the waiting time in the past life, the present and also results in the next life.
Gender Identity and gender identity French friendly friendly France for rebirth shit next up the Sun colors the world or the endless sky colors about depending on degrees of meditation his Prime facility.
Trailokya Super friendly France that is the Holy instant Center Director for the 4th result is 4 relative Mind Fruit no Holy waiting time, i.e. when the Saints Who would then kill the students Leaders, Holy Mind he Results arising instant born just after a suicide-na, which do not have the time to wait.
So, this is called Germany, France Favour Akāliko dhammo.
4-Grace Germany France Wednesday: Ehipassiko
Ehipassiko dhammo Bhagavatā.
(Read: Hey-hi pát-ugly-she broke-brackets-voa-visits-)
Ehipassiko dhammo: Chief of France that is 9 Feet in the border triangle means Super French France very clean and pure, so dare to witness, to testify, DAC.
Ehipassiko has 2 meanings:
Nine French Super trailokya real names means Foot France should evidence
9 France Super trailokya that is 4-4 in the Holy Scriptures and Nirvana in Paramattha- dhamma (French meaning Foot), real names clearly, do not transform according to the time, the space means 9 France Super trailokya arose in the past, are arising in the current period and will arise in the future as well as in her position. So the French Freemasons are the world's Super 9 Tanh true apparently, due to clear the names of real honest so, should dare to call new, invited to the central administrative follow practices directed to evidence, to witness the Holy Church Leaders and Nirvana by Super wisdom meditation wisdom trailokya.
For example, in the case of the box have the jewel, so dare to invite others to view ...
Nine French Super trailokya real Leanne completely clean purity
9 France Super trailokya is Chief Justice France completely clean and pure, because 9 France Super trailokya weren't contaminated by impurities, should dare to invite, motivate encourage to come to witness, in accordance with administrative practice Central leader, it will prove the Holy St. 4-4 DAC results and Nirvana , by Super wisdom meditation wisdom trailokya.
For example, In this life, these things are real, existing, song is the impure, unclean, smelly, filthy worth away then no one dared to invite, motivate dare encourage others to see. Also 9 France Super tam world is French meaning Foot completely in light and purity, should dare to invite, motivate dare encourage other people to come to witness, to testify the truth of the Holy Roman Empire, a prime witness Foursome 4 St.-4 Saints and Nirvana, to liberate the death agony born reincarnation of the three about four species.
So, this is called Germany, France Favour Ehipassiko dhammo.
5-Grace Germany France Thursday: Opaneyyiko
Opaneyyiko dhammo Bhagavatā
(Read: box-pá mỳ Singapore-di-she broke-brackets-voa-visits-)
Opaneyyiko dhammo: Chief of France which is 9 France Super trailokya is afferent Prime witness should French first, to look forward to release the death agony born reincarnation of the three about four species.
The voracious human class certainly never a prime witness of Saints-Saints Results would also witness unprecedented enlightenment, Nirvana, so often second 11-fire [2] and 1,500 kinds of afflictions scorching, makes tempers mind, never be at peace. Therefore, the flame is the affliction need crew, should not delay. Chief Justice of France which destroyed negativity effectively only 9 Super French Freemasons.
4 Holy Wisdom Leaders capable of killing great paragraph in particular be afflictions (Samucche-dapahāna).
4 the Holy fruits of Wisdom has the ability to kill by gap are afflictions (paṭipassaddhipahāna).
Nirvana is the object freed, destroying Prince born reincarnation (Nissaraṇapahāna).
Steps Enter Save Holy Wisdom Leaders capable of killing great Snippets was 2 kind of negativity is deviant comments and skepticism, and forever never suffering due to deviant comments and skepticism .
The most Holy Wisdom Leaders Hybrid capable of killing great paragraph is kind of negativity is the Centre of the golf coarse, permanently and never be suffering due to the Coarse pitch Center .
The real Holy Hybrid Ranks Wisdom Leaders capable of killing great Snippets was kind of negativity is the Centre of the golf sort of subtle and never permanently be suffering due to the Center of the pitch kind of subtle .
Holy Arahán Scout Ranks Wisdom capable of killing great clips are all remaining negativity is taking part, si, falls, launch, sleepy, didn't know the disgrace of guilt, does not know the frightful Sin and every evil, all craving France not leftovers. Therefore, steps Arahán absolutely No agony of mind, only bad .
For voracious human class is also full of all the negativity, craving, France, also are suffering, agony, and when Prince trailokya in reincarnation birth, the unavoidable evil realms in the 4 gauge (hell, Warrior plays hungry daemons, demons, animals).
The desire to liberate suffering rebirth, the only 4-4 the Holy Scriptures and Nirvana. So, the determination of the essential tons non-stop, put the top priority is directed to the Holy Church Leaders in Dak and Nirvana. Although the fire on top of also not interested, because they think that "the fire on top of the gauge only (turn) a current, longer ones not yet destroyed, not only do the gauge (tempers) past the present, but also the long-term suffering of countless lifetimes."
Death is certain, but not sure will die when. So, put the top priority is the afferent trying effort constantly, conducting meditation wisdom to the Holy Church Leaders in Dak and Nirvana.
Thus, Holy Holy 4-4 Result and Nirvana is 9 France Super trailokya, should put his mind towards priority to Prime first.
So, this is called Germany, France Favour dhammo Opaneyyiko.
6-Grace Germany France Friday: veditabbo Paccattaṃ viññūhi
Paccattaṃ veditabbo viññūhi dhammo Bhagavatā.
(Read: Pách-chat-increase vuê-ancient Aboriginal middens-afternoon I-Bosnia-needs-whinny break-brackets-voa-visits-)
Veditabbo Paccattaṃ dhammo viññūhi: Chief of France which is 9 France Super trailokya which lettered steps in good position was unrivaled and Holy, to know yourself, yourself, enter the Holy Fruits enjoy peace Nirvana NET President.
Holy place has a friendly level 3:
Degrees of intellectual upper ranks are friendly (Ugghaṭitaññū)
This place has a friendly ranks incisive intelligence, rapid ejaculation, when listening to a song has 4 shelves, just listen to the first 2 sentences, this place has a friendly intelligence ranks can witness the Holy Church Leaders in Dak and Nirvana, right now, without waiting to hear to 2 sentences later.
Steps in good position are intellectual high (Vipañcitaññū)
This place has a friendly ranks incisive intellect, when listening to France finished headers, listen next word of explanation, development. This friendly, ranks are intellectual can witness the Holy Church Leaders in Dak and Nirvana right now.
Steps in good position are intellectual steps usually (Neyya)
This place has a friendly intelligence ranks when listening to France headline the next, listening to the word of explanation, development, it also needs to close, with the teacher position, Chu Qing Scripture Text for help, support. Improve this place ranks conducted meditation wisdom to undergo a time of mau or long, can testify to the Holy Church Leaders in Dak and Nirvana in the next life at present.
Four Holy
Holy, Holy level Entry level For hybrid, Hybrid and Any Holy Scripture ranks Arahán. Each Holy ranks just after the Prime witness to the Holy Church Leader and the next, Nirvana arises consistent Intelligence Review (paccavekkhaṇañāṇa)-Holy Scripture Result just a prime witness, Nirvana has just proven, negativity would have been all right, great piece removal impurities would rest not yet destroyed.
Therefore, every Holy ranks certainly knew his own Holy Scriptures-results that have proven themselves privileged.
Special abilities of the Holy steps
The ranks of Holy, may know each other through conversation or by tha mind.
The ranks of low-level Holy cannot know higher Holy ranks, which only ranks higher Holy can know the low-level Holy ranks, also through the conversation or by tha mind.
The complete human means class could not know the ranks of Saints.
Holy Holy entry level Result
Holy ranks can enter the Holy Berries (phalasamāpatti) which has a prime witness, to enjoy the peace and Nirvana.
Each tier Holy would have privileged the Super meditation trailokya object Nirvana, then the steps he may enter Holy Scripture Result to enjoy the peace and Nirvana.
Holy ranks Enter Save, can enter the Enter Save, to enjoy the Fruits of the Holy peace Nirvana.
Holy ranks For Lai, can enter For the Holy Hybrid Result, to enjoy the peace and Nirvana.
Holy ranks Any hybrid, can enter the Real Holy Hybrid Result, to enjoy the peace and Nirvana.
Holy Arahán ranks, can enter the Holy Arahán Result, to enjoy the peace and Nirvana.
Holy ranks were privileged to Scripture Results, then just Holy ranks can enter the Holy Fruit that's Mind, to enjoy the peace and Nirvana. So low-level Holy ranks could not enter the Holy Fruits of higher Mind, and higher Holy nor enter the Holy Center of lower Results.
9 France Super trailokya that Holy were privileged and, himself, themselves an enjoy the peace Nirvana, not related to the others. So, the Holy Wisdom of master Director can not kill the affliction of the disciple.
The disciple can inherit the master's widgets things, song could not enter the Holy fruit of the Master to enjoy the peace and Nirvana.
So, this is called Germany, France Favour veditabbo Paccataṃ viññūhi.
Grace Germany France proven
Trading post in Brahmaṇasutta [3] , the Buddha on Grace Germany France proven, found himself know by themselves are summarized as follows:
A life of excuses, a wealthy Girl Like Marian Religious to Bàlamôn done, sit in a case where probably, Bach asked Germany to world Religion that:
-White Glass Germany World Religion, so that grace the Germany France called Sanditthiko, ... Akāliko Paccattam veditabbo, Opaneyyiko, Ehipassiko, vinnūhi?
Germany World Religion taught that:
-This Bàlamôn, whose mind taking exercise , the Centre took part in exercise control, compulsory education reference center drives do ourselves, do the gauge, gauge his DIY mixed people, bear the suffering, suffering. When the Holy Wisdom Leaders arose who were taking part in a wonderful piece removal exercise then, he no longer do ourselves, not do suffering people, not to hurt yourself and DIY person, no longer bear the agony, agony.
Bàlamôn so, this time, Grace Germany France called Sanditthiko, Akāliko, Ehipassiko veditabbo Paccattaṃ, Opaneyyiko, vinnūhi.
Hey Bàlamôn, whose anger , anger control, mandatory anger inducing DIY ourselves. ...
Hey Bàlamôn, who has the mind delusion arises, mind control, mind delusion delusion required drives do ourselves, do the gauge, gauge his DIY mixed people, suffered a miserable suffering, suffering. When the Holy Wisdom Leaders arise who was a wonderful piece removal delusion , then, he could no longer do his suffering, do the gauge, gauge his DIY mixed person, no longer bear the suffering, suffering again.
Bàlamôn so, this time, Grace Germany France called Sanditthiko, Akāliko, Ehipassiko veditabbo Paccattaṃ, Opaneyyiko, vinnūhi.
He lauded praises German World Bàlamôn Ton, So please Respect medical ethics rules rules rules, Said the French medical health Increase. Mr. glass please Germany World Respect accepted he was a reach the South has attributed y Tam, since then for life.
Nirvana is proof the French Enlightenment
Nibbutasutta trading post in [4] , Germany World Religious dogma about Nirvana is France, evidence was summarized as follows:
A life of excuses, he Bàlamôn Jānusasoṇī to German Religious World ceremony, wealthy girl, sitting in a case where probably, Bach asked Germany to world Religion that:
White glass in Germany That the French called Nirvana, Sandiṭṭhikaṃ, ... So would that Nirvana called France Sandiṭṭhikaṃ, Akālikaṃ, Ehipassikaṃ, Opaneyyikaṃ, Paccattaṃ veditabbaṃ viññūhi?
Germany World Religion teaches that:
-Hey, Bàlamôn, who has a mind taking exercise, have anger, there mind delusion arises, DIY, do it yourself person, gauge gauge DIY hurt themselves and the people, suffering, agony of mind. When the Holy Wisdom Leaders arise have Nirvana, object removal is great piece of mind taking exercise, anger, delusion , then, he could no longer do his gauge, non-miserable people, do not do both themselves and the people suffering, not suffering, suffering body.
Bàlamôn so, this time, Nirvana called France Sandiṭṭhikaṃ, Akālikaṃ, Ehipassikaṃ, Opaneyyikaṃ, Paccattaṃ veditabbaṃ viññūhi.
He lauded praises German World Bàlamôn Ton, So please Respect medical ethics rules rules rules, Said the French medical health Increase. Mr. glass please Germany World Respect accepted he was a reach the South has attributed y Tam, since then for life.
6 Grace Germany France
Chu Thanh Van Holy disciples Buddha has the ability to reach the 6 French, German nghỉa Grace is the gentleman has knowledge of France French school, which is a clear understanding of the Buddha's teachings; French administrative practice was France, which has the world's fully clean, has issued Executive meditation, meditation, wisdom Executive already has food poisoning Four truths of the Holy Roman Empire, was a prime witness of Holy Scripture, the 4-4 Result and that Nirvana is the primary French France. Also the Divine Office Stick goods workers have the ability to reach German French French section Grace school districts of France and the French section of the French administrative action, that is the Executive Administration are meditation, are meditating Executive wisdom belong to France in the world, yet the Prime witness to the Holy Scriptures, the 4-4 Result and Nirvana.
Grace the Germany, France is the object of the headings recited Grace Germany France. Grace Memorial section Germany France is 1 of the 10 anniversary of the headings (ānussati) as well as 1 in 40 items of meditation.
Want to conduct the headings recited Grace Germany France, first practitioners need to learn, research for understanding the meaning of 6 Grace Germany France French genera, each thoroughly to know their true turn learning section .
On the part of France, before heading to Germany to France, Grace Memorial Trust where three jewels:
If the approach to the South, reach the female, should please allow life refuge three jewels and five precepts or World Bowl, nine ...
If is the Sadi, please allow three jewels refuge life and Sadi with cross international masters degrees or with a greater Germany.
If the Bhikkhu khưu, you should ask for repentance āpatti with a Bhikkhu khưu.
Thus, as belong to the section administrative boundary .
When practitioners had the world clean, will underpin administrative concepts section Grace meditation Germany France.
The method of Grace Memorial Germany France
6 Grace had throughout Germany, France the Dhamma of the Buddha included France 10 France Chief Justice. it is France, and French Super 9 tam (4 + 4 Holy Leaders Saints Result + 1 Nirvana).
Want to conduct the headings recited Grace Germany France, practitioners need to learn, understand, know their turn 6 Grace Germany France.
After learning, understanding the full 6 grace the Germany, France finished, should find a place the stick away, conducive to the heading of this French German Grace anniversary.
Anniversary Favors Germany France has many ways.
The first way (Mandarin) : The 6th German Favour France.
Practitioners conducting the 6th Printing Germany France as follows:
" Svākkhāto dhammo Bhagavatā, Sandiṭṭhiko,, Opaneyyiko,, Ehipassiko Akāliko veditabbo Paccattaṃ viññūhi ... " [5] made the object of meditation.
Practitioners in mind to Grace Germany France would, should clearly understand the meaning of Grace and Germany France, centering the track each grace the Germany France so, hundreds of times, thousands of times ... during the time of conducting the 6th Printing in Germany and France, to make pure faith growth where Germany, France Said.
The second Way (Special): anniversary of a German Favour France.
Practitioners can choose a German Grace France would in German French Favour do 6 subjects, to proceed to Germany, France, the Grace Memorial understanding the meaning of the French and Germans Favour France, always centering on where German Favour France.
For example: German French Grace Anniversary firstly Svākkhāto dhammo ..., Svākkhāto dhammo ... do the meditation object.
Or: anniversary of the German second French Favour dhammo Sandiṭṭhiko..., dhammo Sandiṭṭhiko ... make the object of meditation.
Practitioners consider the sentence, at the same time Germany, France Favour understanding the meaning of Grace and Germany France, centering on Germany by France's Grace track hundreds of times, thousands of times ... during the time of conducting the German French, Grace Memorial to do pure faith growth where Germany, France Said.
Headings meditation mantras Grace Germany France mean extremely subtle, deep, boundless, immeasurable vast should not be an intention into a certain point is, should just have the ability to lead evidence to reach the defined access only, could not testify to reach an intended, thus can not prove useful meditation ranks are a prime color at all. As such, the mind reach plan of Grace Memorial section Germany France still in education about daišan, belongs to the education world charity.
Results of current past treasure
Education World charity career was created due to this meditation for the result in the present, while the are conduct anniversary Grace French, German charity mind with Hy, arose very loving vi in the consciousness of mind, practitioners can sit anniversary Favors Germany France constants still feel at peace.
Due to the capacity of sex about this industry, charity in the daily life of the practitioners often are at peace, avoid disastrous risks things miraculously, most people love, the heavenly beloved and households also headless maintenance practitioners.
Result in hybrid position treasure
Education world charity was formed by industry conducted meditation , there's more solid education section about philanthropic career was created due to the alms and hold. So, when near death, no stupid mind, calm mind. Therefore, after death, if gender friendly sex industry for regeneration as a result, you will have wisdom in "the party", or regenerate do Chu Thien in one of the six realms of heaven, the celestial world of gymnastics in the pool would also have more dread, aura shining special.
The notion of Grace Germany France is an easy-to-make item arise where Tam faith, that faith is the Foundation of all the French education world charity friendly France, a French charity, gender identity of gender identity for charity to the Super trailokya friendly France.
The notion of Grace Germany France not only the headings of meditation, is likely to lead to achieve certification approach, but also objects as the basis to conduct meditation wisdom, which leads to the boredom of the five aggregates, kill the affliction, craving, take proof of the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths enlightenment proof of Holy Church Leaders in Dak and Nirvana.
As the Buddha teaches:
This "Chu Bhikkhu khưu, have a France that practitioners have conducted, did mature, definitely leads to arise the boredom of the five aggregates, France-French identity, to kill make the craving, anger, delusion, to calm any negativity, meditation wisdom to wisdom, clearly the status of impermanence , gauge status, status of egolessness, to the Holy Roman Empire, the four noble truths enlightenment certified Dak-Holy Holy 4 4 Result and Nirvana.
France's action?
Administrative is Dhammānussati: Administrative Grace anniversary Germany France.
This French action, khưu Bhikkhu schools of Grace Memorial in Germany and France, which practitioners have conducted, did mature, definitely leads to arise the boredom of the five aggregates, French identity, nomenclature, to kill make the craving, anger, delusion, to calm any negativity, meditation wisdom to wisdom, clearly the status of impermanence , gauge status, status of egolessness, to the Holy Roman Empire, the four noble truths enlightenment certified Dak-Holy Holy 4 4 Result and Nirvana " [6] .
Through the teachings of the Buddha on the anniversary section, then Germany, France is not only Favour the heading of meditation, but also as the basis to conduct meditation wisdom anymore.
Grace Memorial section Germany France has two stages:
First phase: the anniversary of Grace Germany France in meditation, practitioners conduct anniversary Favors Germany France likely to lead to the intended access is reached (the method was presented in the previous section).
The following stages: After conducting the headings recited Grace Germany France evidence to reach Proxima, practitioners need to escape the headings recited Grace Germany France, user defined Access Center of the headings recited Grace Germany France as the basis to conduct meditation.
France to meditate wisdom
Practitioners conduct meditation wisdom should have nomenclatural, s c in France or , tho, mind, France in the French meaning Leg (Paramatthadhamma) as the object of meditation.
* Headings recited Grace Germany France as the basis, do object to conduct meditation wisdom?
According to Leanne's real France, does not have the notion of Grace in Germany and France, which have only Center with friendly intelligence do the anniversary of Grace Germany France only.
Practitioners conducted meditation with mantras headings Grace Germany France reach the intended access are analyzed according to the nomenclature of the French identity as follows:
Fixed Access Center is Center charity with wisdom belongs to the nomenclature ( anniversary of the Center section in the Satipatthana).
Access Center plan to slash this place thanks to the Italian identity based (hadayavatthu) belongs to the French colors .
As such, the nomenclature associated with French identity as objects of France to meditate.
Or another way:
This Access Center is Center charity with wisdom, from the knowledge aggregates.
- The life center of the Department Council of born with great friendly mind , belong to Shou aggregates.
- Idea Center facility Board b. Center friendly with him, from the idea of aggregates.
- The remaining facility Center Council of students with great friendly mind , belong to the onions aggregates.
- The Italian Identity based (hadayavatthu) is where the Lady thanks to fixed Access Center (University Center's charity), in colors aggregates.
(skandha, belongs to the French notion of partial Satipatthana)
As such, the five aggregates as objects of France to meditate.
Practitioners conduct meditation wisdom have mindfulness, wisdom meditation wisdom, clearly knows the French identity, nomenclature or the five aggregates are the born, the kill; wisdom meditation wisdom clearly knows the status of impermanence, suffering and status, the status of anatta, or nomenclature of skandha, which leads to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths food poisoning symptoms, the DAC-Holy Holy 4 4 Result and Nirvana, kill all the negativity, great clips every craving, every evil France , become the Holy Arahán ranks.
As such, called the notion of Grace Germany France as the basis to conduct meditation.
As the Buddha teaches:
"Thisaction by France, khưu Bhikkhu lettered anniversary German practitioners that Grace has been conducted, mature, definitely leads to arise the boredom of the five aggregates, French identity, nomenclature , to kill make the craving, anger, delusion, to calm any negativity, meditation wisdom to wisdom, clearly , bi t clear the status of impermanence, suffering, emotional status, to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths food poisoning symptoms-Holy Holy 4 4 DAC results and Nirvana".
Results of special anniversary treasure Grace Germany France
Practitioners conduct anniversary Favors Germany France, in current Prime witness yet another life 4-4 the Holy Scriptures and Nirvana, will enjoy the special treasure right past present and future taste damn much as follows:
-The East they respect.
-Friendly, clean purity.
-When dying, the calm lucid mind, not stupid.
-After death, because this industry for regeneration as noble or divine noble genius.
-Rebirth shit would also belongs the noble beings.
-Beautiful body colors Are admirable.
-The parts of the body are pretty precious.
-Scented Body radiate out.
-Scented Mouth.
-There are multiple intelligences.
-Have profound wisdom.
-Incisive wisdom.
-Have the intellectual agility.
-Have a rich intellectual.
-Extraordinary intelligence.
-Say or have interests ...
- Shit taste fresh coast have met Buddha, listening to the French Chief Justice easily meets the four truths of the Holy Roman Empire, witness, witness the Holy Holy-DAC and Nirvana.
It is the result of treasure from Grace anniversary Germany France.
Grace Germany Rising to be fully consummated in the Holy Scriptures the increase is Chu Thanh Van of the German Religious World disciple. The rising immensely subtle German favour, deep, immeasurable boundless vast that Chu Qing Scripture new Text entirely, while Chu chums Increase has only been a part, depending on the capabilities of each.
In the Dhajaggasutta [7] , the Buddha taught to recite Grace 9 Germany Increased as follows:
"Suppaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho.
Ujuppaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho.
Ñāyappaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho.
Sāmīcippaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho.
Yadidaṃ cattāri purisayugāni aṭṭhapurisapuggalā esa sāvakasaṃgho Bhagavato. Āhuneyyo, Pāhuneyyo, Dakkhiṇeyyo, Añjalikaraṇīyo, Anuttaraṃ puññak khettaṃ lokassa-".
1 Suppaṭipanno): Lettered Sacred Texts of German disciples That Stick as the steps were strictly according to the teachings of the Buddha.
2 Ujuppaṭipanno): Lettered Sacred Texts of German disciples That Stick as the ranks had honestly according to the administrative Central, not winding misled.
3 Ñāyappaṭipanno: Holy Text Bar Client) disciple of Germany was the World has released under the issued certificate of Legitimacy Bowl French Enlightenment Nirvana, freed the death agony born reincarnation of the three about four species.
4 Sāmīcippaṭipanno): Lettered Sacred Texts of German disciples That Stick as the ranks had proper wisdom-about-worthy to our revered cult ceremony of donation.
Purisayugāni Cattāri atthapurisapuggalā: Chu Thanh Van Holy disciples of Germany That has 4 double Ton 8 degrees (measured by Super mind trailokya).
Chu Qing Scripture Text has 4 pairs:
Enter The Saved Saints® Leaders Enter The Saved Saints Results
Most Holy Leader® For Future Saints Results
Any Future Saints® Leaders Real Lai Saints Results
Arahán® Arahán Leaders Of The Holy Scripture Result
Most Holy Leader® For Future Saints Results
Any Future Saints® Leaders Real Lai Saints Results
Arahán® Arahán Leaders Of The Holy Scripture Result
Chu Qing Scripture Text has 8 steps:
4 + 4 Holy Leaders Saints Results
Enter Save Taoist Scriptures
Most Holy Leader
Any Future Ethical Scripture
Holy Arahán Scouts
Most Holy Leader
Any Future Ethical Scripture
Holy Arahán Scouts
Enter The Saved Saints Results
For The Holy Hybrid Result
Any Future Saints Results
Holy Arahán Results
For The Holy Hybrid Result
Any Future Saints Results
Holy Arahán Results
5 Āhuneyyo): Lettered Sacred Texts of German disciple Bar That is the Religious life worthy to receive the stuff home from the laboratory that supplies away from giving the donation, gentlemen, to look forward to the results of a large treasure.
6 Pāhuneyyo): Lettered Sacred Texts of German disciple Bar That is the Religious life worthy to receive the things that home laboratory supplies for the distinguished guests as gentleman.
7 Dakkhiṇeyyo): Lettered Sacred Texts of German disciples That Stick as these steps deserve receives things widgets that countries have faith in clean where Tam, news and results of career, giving rise to worship him, to look forward to the results of a good treasure for themselves and the bereaved relatives.
8 Añjalikaraṇīyo): Lettered Sacred Texts of German disciple Bar That is the Respect deserved for them born homage bows hand pieced together Bai donation.
9 Anuttaraṃ lokassa puññakkhettaṃ): Lettered Sacred Texts of German disciple Bar World Religion is blessed their noble birth fill no match.
* 9 this Increase German Grace divided into two parts:
-German first Increase Grace Suppaṭipanno Grace to Germany Increased Saturday Sāmīcippaṭipanno includes 4 Grace Germany Increase belongs to Grace Germany personnel had properly according to the Scriptures (ariyamagga) combines enough 8 districts, became the Holy disciples of Text Stick ranks Germany World Religion has four pair of 8 degrees.
-Grace Germany Increased Saturday Āhuneyyo to Grace Germany Increased Saturday, nine Anuttaraṃ puññak khettaṃ lokassa- includes 5 Grace Germany Increase belongs to grace the Germany result of 4 German human Grace.
9 this Increase only German Grace Chu Saints the new Increase, also means Increasing the ranks is lettered are gender-defined practice-intellectual property, should you not yet have enough Grace 9 Germany.
1-the first increase in German: Grace Suppaṭipanno
Suppaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho.
(Read: Soup-pá mỳ-little păn-break-brackets-vóa-cars, far-vóa-fish-petrol-dry)
Suppaṭipanno: Chu Thanh Van Holy disciples of Germany That is the Religious hierarchy was strictly according to the teachings of the Buddha.
Holy Holy Sound level increase is lettered Text disciples of Germany That Religion has practice strictly, properly completely according to the teachings of Germany That no practice, do not gauge how miserable people, do not do ourselves and the people; practice according to administrative -Plan-wisdom .
Gender: Action Chu Qing Scripture Text has completely clean faith where Tam, respect the boundary, the administrative increase that the Buddha has prepared plan enacted, should Mr. strictly practice the right thing completely according to the teachings of the Buddha. Although seen very small error, gentlemen are also viewed as so great that the bugs away , would rather suffer the sacrifice lives, not to violate.
As the area of what a Bhikkhu khưu in the Visuddhimagga (Visuddhimagga), are summarized as follows:
A bandits having a Bhikkhu khưu in the forest, they think that bad luck, things should have encountered the bandits catch him tied up by khưu Bhikkhu taste a jungle rope, and then to lie in it. Unfortunately, a fire spread to forest fires, if You the up to avoid the flames, then break the rope fresh forest. As such, he will be breaking the world Pācittiya, that the Buddha has defined mechanism issued to Chu Bhikkhu khưu.
Do you think r ng: "death is certain, if I escaped death today, then later must die, but not clean. No, we would rather suffer death with clean, rather than to violate ".
Due thanks to the clean, He conducted meditation wisdom leads to the Prime witness to the Holy Arahán-Arahán St. and Nirvana, becoming Holy Arahán ranks. Meanwhile, a forest fire spread to burn Him. Mr President, in place of Nirvana's removal.
If the case of the position khưu light, sex offense any Bhikkhu should look to a Bhikkhu khưu else please repent Āpatti. That is how to make his world back in clean, to make the platform conducting meditation, conducting meditation wisdom.
Action Plan: it is conducting meditation, Chu Thanh Van was conducting meditation to show the friendship meditation, Prime the endless meditation, to underpin France to meditate, or to enter the ranks of meditation enjoys the peace.
Executive wisdom: it was conducting meditation wisdom, Chu Thanh Van was conducting meditation wisdom leads to the Prime witness to the Holy Church Leaders and Nirvana became the Holy disciples of Text Stick ranks the Buddha, called Chu St. Rose.
If every bar of Text are practicing true according to teachings of the Buddha, which has a prime witness of Saints-Saints results and Nirvana, then also the Divine Office Stick class, called Chu means Increase.
Therefore, this increase in German called Grace Bhagavato Supaṭipanno sāvakasaṃgho.
2-German second Increase Grace: Ujuppaṭipanno
Ujuppaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho.
(Read: Peek-pá mỳ-little-păn flashed by the canoe broke-brackets-vóa-cars, far-vóa-fish-petrol-dry)
Ujuppaṭipanno: Chu Thanh Van Holy disciples of Germany That was the honest administration has the right under the administrative Central, not winding misled.
Holy Holy Sound level increase is lettered Texts of German Religious World disciple, has released honest means, do not mistake his accent his error; not deceive his means no German, no talent, then don't make the person seem to have Germany, Member, etc. that under the Administrative Central Leadership means not taking part in the five ceiling, nor released unidentified pressed himself, ascetic practice.
Administrative Central Leader which is the administrative Chief of Bowl Scouts, leading to food poisoning symptoms to the Holy Roman Empire, the four noble truths Dak 4 patron saint-St. 4 Result and Nirvana, freed the death agony born reincarnation of tam.
If the DAC has 4-4 the Holy Scripture Result, become the Holy Text Bar four disciples of the Buddha, called Chu St. Rose.
If not yet a prime witness of Saints-Saints Results would, then that means that the bar is still writing, called Chu means Increase.
Therefore, this increase in German called Grace Bhagavato Ujuppaṭipanno sāvakasaṃgho.
3-the third increase in German: Grace Ñāyappaṭipanno
Ñāyappaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho.
(Read: Spain-borders-pá mỳ-little-păn-break-brackets-vóa-cars, far-vóa-fish-petrol-dry)
Ñāyappaṭipanno : Chu Thanh Van Holy disciples of Germany That is the Religious hierarchy has released under the issued certificate of Legitimacy Bowl French Enlightenment Nirvana, freed the death agony born reincarnation of the three about four species.
Holy Holy Sound level increase is lettered Texts of German Religious World disciple, was aware that Tam knew about "sex, gender, gender identity and gender identity" as three interpreters covered fire pit ngụt red fire constantly burning them all. In this world there is no one place would really be cool peace. All of them born to tempers do 11 Friday fire: "Fire taking fire, anger, delusion, fire fire fire fire, old, dead, fire forlorn, fire, fire, fire, gauge gauge fire extreme suffering", along with 1,500 kinds of afflictions. Only Nibbana as France put down everything, do TWAS all negativity, freed of all electronic gauge scene born reincarnation of the three about four species.
Administrative lead to food poisoning symptoms that Nirvana is the Administrative Chief Bowl Scouts. Practitioners conduct administrative Legitimacy Bowl combine enough 8 districts, that is, Nibbana at food poisoning syndrome Dak 4 patron saint-St. 4, great piece removal was all afflictions, and put down everything. So, Chu Qing Scripture Text has respected the Nirvana enlightenment section up the top priority. Though the fire on top also despised, not interested, because they thought: "the fire on top of just burning a past life, the present, and the fire taking fire, anger, delusion, fire ... not only scorching heat, bouncing in a past life, the present, but also the burning heat bouncing much shit in incredibly futuristic endless, ". So, Chu Saint Rose has placed top priority on conducting administrative Legitimacy Bowl leads to enlightenment Nirvana syndrome is first of all.
Therefore, this increase in German called Grace Bhagavato Ñāyappaṭipanno sāvakasaṃgho.
4-Printing in Germany Rose Wednesday: Sāmīcippaṭipanno
Sāmīcippaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho.
(Read: Sami-pá mỳ-little-chip-păn-break-brackets-vóa-cars, far-vóa-fish-petrol-dry)
Sāmīcippaṭipanno : Chu Thanh Van Holy disciples of Germany That has the world's Religious-right wisdom-worthy to our revered cult ceremony of donation.
Purisayugāni Cattāri atthapurisapuggalā: Chu Thanh Van Holy disciples of Germany That has 4 double Ton 8 degrees (measured by Super mind trailokya).
Chu Qing Scripture Text has 4 pairs:
Enter The Saved Saints® Leaders Enter The Saved Saints Results
Most Holy Leader® For Future Saints Results
Any Future Saints® Leaders Real Lai Saints Results
Arahán® Arahán Leaders Of The Holy Scripture Result
Most Holy Leader® For Future Saints Results
Any Future Saints® Leaders Real Lai Saints Results
Arahán® Arahán Leaders Of The Holy Scripture Result
Chu Qing Scripture Text has 8 steps:
4 + 4 Holy Leaders Saints Results
Enter Save Taoist Scriptures
Most Holy Leader
Any Future Ethical Scripture
Holy Arahán Scouts
Enter The Saved Saints Results
For The Holy Hybrid Result
Any Future Saints Results
Holy Arahán Results
Most Holy Leader
Any Future Ethical Scripture
Holy Arahán Scouts
Enter The Saved Saints Results
For The Holy Hybrid Result
Any Future Saints Results
Holy Arahán Results
Holy Holy Sound level increase is Lettered Text disciples of Germany That ton, has issued Executive Bowl of Legitimacy, leading to food poisoning syndrome Holy Roman Empire, the four noble truths Dak 4 patron saint-St. 4 Results and amazing passage removal, Nirvana all negativity, craving, France, become the Holy Arahán ranks, is worthy of our cult of donation ceremony.
The home has faith in a clean place, Tam homage Bai donation widgets to stuff four schools of St. Rose, to look forward to the benefits, the evolution, the long peace. In response to the Palm pilot's dream home to be achievements as Italy. Monks are Holy tank is about Germany completely clean, going to Germany, have intellectual property Germany completely. ...
* As the area of greater Germany, Sir Ayyamitta [8] issued in Kassaka activity near a neighbor. Every day, You go home, neighbors in qifu guoren had a family in poverty, only two parents have pure faith. Mother everyday households to Bowl to him and see him donation as the ones in the family.
One day, the mother in the forest, go to work early, before she told her daughter that the apartments:
-This love! Delicious Rice, milk, butter, sugar, thot not district, ... mother to stay there. When his to qifu gangui, you get everything that Cook to a bowl for yourself, rest, eat!
The girl asked:
-Dear mother! Mother eat?
The mother answered:
-You! The mother has eaten cold rice today left with sour water.
The girl said:
-Dear mother! Also the afternoon my mother eat?
The mother said her daughters were:
-Noon, the Cook plate grain porridge mixed with vegetables, to parents about eating!
While her mother home pilot are talking to each other, then, Mr greater Germany Ayyamitta go qifu mumo carried between the two story stand your mother.
He self taught yourself that:
"Hey Ayyamitta, take a listen here! She asserts the home cold water with the rest eat sour soup; today's lunch, she ate the grain porridge with vegetables plate; the delicious rice, milk cows, the thot not district, ... She donation Bowl to cook to win for you. To do so, she is not looking forward to what wealth things where you, that she actually look forward to accomplishing results treasure peace where the person, realms of heaven and Nirvana. The treasure which she desires, you may meet or not? So, if you're not yet great piece removal were suffering postpartum depression, it is not worthy of her real-life character pilot home! "
After finishing his education, He doesn't go to qifu gangui, which returned to take the bowl, sitting in that release:
"Arahattam apāpuṇitvā na nikkhamissāmi"
"Yet the Prime witness to the Holy Arahán-Arahán St. and Nirvana, we're not out of this place."
Due thanks to the German border in clean platform, He conducted meditation wisdom, a time not so long ago were privileged to Holy Holy Arahán-Arahán results and Nirvana, kill all the great affective negativity rotating piece, every craving, every evil became Holy Arahán noble ranks.
After the Prime witness is complete, the time is still early, so You go to qifu gangui. He even carries into the Bowl y, qifu gangui neighbors, sisters wait to Bowl to him, donation to see his face in the morning really revered cult ceremony of donation.
When the mother of the girl has just arrived home, instant girl ran out to welcome the mother and the breeze that:
-Dear mother! Today Pastor parents have more unusual face every day, the real face of incredible light, really deserves the homage ceremony cult donation. Mother à!
Hear that, she asserts the home feel extremely happy, wedding Festival that:
-Today, representatives of Germany, the son of precious I'm finished nicely Bhikkhu khưu ceremony!
Through this area, thought that:
In fact, every human can not attach himself would know the mind of the Holy steps, song about the body of Holy ranks was manifest on the face of the incredible light, gesture behavior go, stand, lie, sit, speak, ... dignified. So, that means that workers have subtle cognitive intelligence can also know that these steps deserve respect.
Similar to the case of Mr. greater Germany Sāriputta. When was the hermit Upatissa, direction of Sañcaya. See him greater Germany Assaji are going into the city Rājagaha to qifu mumo, with grave step gait, the eyes look down, the hermit Upatissa pure faith arise where Mr. greater Germany Assaji, and he thought that this khưu Bhikkhu: your Holy Arahán ranks in this life. We should close with him, and sometimes He international level theory.
After Him the great Germany Assaji speed real animals, Upatissa Taoist to the most wealthy girl He ceremony greater Germany, dear Sir the sermon. He greater Germany Assaji novel a shelf consists of 4 sentences. Upatissa Taoist position just listen 2 first sentence Prime witness a Holy instant Enter.
Thus, Chu Qing Scripture Texts of German Religious World disciple, is the worthy for our revered cult ceremony of donation.
Therefore, this increase in German called Grace Bhagavato Sāmīcippaṭipanno sāvakasaṃgho.
5-Grace Germany Increase Thursday: Āhuneyyo
Āhuneyyo Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho
(Read: A-howling-bloody-cheers break-brackets-vóa-cars, far-vóa-fish-petrol-dry)
Āhuneyyo: Chu Thanh Van Holy disciples of Germany That is the Religious life worthy of getting the stuff home from the laboratory that supplies away from giving the donation, gentlemen, to look forward to the results of a large treasure.
Holy Holy Sound level increase is lettered Text disciples of Germany World Religion, worthy receives the home from the lab that far from giving the donation gentlemen, to look forward to the results of the comparative benefit, the evolution, the great and lasting peace.
* Male bias in the talk area of realms such as the Tam Tam Thien Cross:
In the people, who created all the friendly French Buddhists during the time of Buddha, after menopause, because her career for the fruit of regeneration up the heavenly realms of sex. The male bias, the women have more power than the dread the Chu had created the France friendly in addition to Buddhism.
As the male bias Indaka born in Tam Tam Thien Cross sky realms. Money shit tastes heavenly Indaka South in this realm who, during the time of Buddha, have each generated more friendly France as precept, alms donation to Buddha, Germany France, Germany increased the three jewels, ... After menopause, because human's career for the fruit of regeneration up the Sun Tam Tam Thien, Cross has more power than the other genius Chu dread. Each time to the King, to whom Sakka, Angel South Indaka emits bright aura, auras covering pressure encroachment of the other bias, even headless King Sun Sakka. So, the King felt the bag Department, because the King himself is that aura again inferior Chu Thien Phuoc charity created in Buddhism.
* Area of sky King Sakka
One day, the King of heaven Sakka use natural label see him greater Germany Mahākassapa enter life removal idea during the 7 days, on Saturday, the King discharge new heaven knows He has a compassionate health degrees impoverished people should wait on Him to discharge the life destroying idea; King Sun Sakka media called her Queen, Sujātā, both now and down the people, into the elderly in poverty, living in a roadside party leaves hut, food ready available. The King of heaven turns into a miserable old stuff, stood waiting Him greater Germany Mahākassapa go qifu gangui fact speed they student kh.
Just saw Him greater Germany Mahākassapa from far away to heaven unto the King, the Queen called Sujātā disguised an old lady:
-Granny! Mr German University to front his own hut, what she brought to the Bowl donation to Him?
Then ask the Queen with the King that:
-He! He sometimes stopped Mr. glass to our level.
He stood back. Both provide glasses to bowls of donation. Real animals that He just receives the echo phảng incredible taste. Mr. consistent review know this old couple is the King of heaven Sakka and Queen Sujātā sailings rebuke that:
-Increase international level He poor, why the King and Queen changes made old people win of the poor?
Sakka the King said:
-White Glass You greater Germany, please be compassionate level of our economy. The money of us do every blessed, in that period no Buddha, Germany France, Germany appeared upon the Earth. We feel poor because the Department resulting mistreatment treasure, dread forces that do not match with Chu, where money was once blessed donation to Buddha, Germany France, Germany Increased.
Sakka the King immensely Hy Festival say that:
"The box! Made blessed alms charity to Him greater Germany , Phuoc Thien Mahākassapa alms extremely tall!".
Chu Thanh Van Holy disciples of Germany That is the Religious have about Germany, going to Germany, there is wisdom in Germany, have freed in Germany, has freed voters opinion Germany deserved full receives the widgets that are pure faith home laboratory where Tam, far from giving charity largesse alms. The alms donation which, although less numerous, though results of Phuoc Thien immeasurable great no problem ever since.
Therefore, this increase in German called Grace Bhagavato Āhuneyyo sāvakasaṃgho.
6-Grace Germany Increase Friday: Pāhuneyyo
Pāhuneyyo Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho.
(Read: Pa-howling-bloody-Joseph break-away motorcycle-vóa-c vóa-fish-petrol-dry)
Pāhuneyyo: Chu Thanh Van Holy disciples of Germany That is worthy of the Respect receives things widgets that the home laboratory for the distinguished guests as gentlemen.
Chu Thanh Van ranks are rising Holy disciples of Germany World Religion, life worthy to receive the things that home laboratory supplies for the distinguished guests.
Guests have two ranks:
-Guests that she is usually the body class, friends, benefactors, people ... in each.
-Special class Customers you are headless Saints rise, that means real Increase lettered rare in the world, because the Buddha Chief Dan appeared on the world is a hard thing was, when would have Primary Sensory Class Buddha on Earth, then there are Holy, divine Increase client Increase. Indeed, when 1 a-steady-States Earth lifetimes spent the period 4-cylinder-sabotage-no , without a Buddha would appear on the Earth, without Increasing or divine Holy lettered Increase.
The largesse to the class will usually be the result of past treasure the present and past the hybrid position limits.
The largesse to special class as Chu Chu means, Risen Saints Rose will be great treasure past results now and in the future, not taste damn immeasurable has limits, and make fresh charm for salvation death agony born reincarnation in the world; because, Chu Saint Rose is blessed to fill out their noble birth. So, Chu Saint Rose is the most esteemed guests class. The pilot has faith in clean where the three jewels, should reverence greet, Bai donation to Holy chums, Increase client Increase will be much precious fruit, happy wedding Festival.
* In the business post Kusalasutta [10] the Buddha teaches:
Chu had Increased to khưu Bhikkhu, then the family will be five great treasures such as:
-Khưu has the world family to Bhikkhu, who in the families see and arise in good clean, the people in her family, the French charity to be reborn onto the Sun exercise.
-When receiving homage bows, sometimes sitting on the high place; the Executive's family friendly France, to regenerate into the family of noble descent.
-Noble seat, treated to everything needed as surges of water treatment, medicine, rice ... good clean, Hy, no mind Festival stingy popcorn xẻn, ... The Onion's family friendly France to get result treasure dignitaries.
-When do blessed alms depending on their ability, the people in her family practice friendly France, to get more property wealth, riches Phu QUY.
-When listening to the French, the Chief Scout, ... The Onion's family friendly France, to be the intellectual development, clearly, knows the names of the real French ...
Khưu, Bhikkhu schools of this when there are family to khưu Bhikkhu, then the family will be the development and growth of 5 administrative expenditure this charity.
Chu Saint Rose is the most special customers you lettered. Within Prince born reincarnation, every sentient have good opportunities to be admired, close, close to Chu Saint Rose is not easy! In fact, those who have ever planted many blessed friendly accrued from many lifetimes lifetimes in the past; Now this new current lifetimes have been good, wholesome charm have opportunities to meet Chu Saint Rose is lettered guests especially noble; those who have faith in clean where the three jewels, reverence, Bai donation though more or less, will surely get a huge treasure, the most significant result satisfied both past present and future, and taste damn immeasurable also create fresh charm to escape death agony born reincarnation of the three about four species.
Therefore, this increase in German called Grace Bhagavato Pāhuneyyo sāvakasaṃgho.
7-Grace Germany Increased Saturday: Dakkhiṇeyyo
Dakkhiṇeyyo Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho.
(Read: DAC-air-Singapore-Joseph break-away motorcycle-vóa-c vóa-fish-petrol-dry)
Dakkhiṇeyyo: Chu Thanh Van Holy disciples of Germany That is worthy of the Respect receives things widgets that countries have faith in clean where Tam, news and results of career, giving rise to worship him, to look forward to the results of a good treasure for themselves and the bereaved relatives.
Holy Holy Sound level increase is lettered Text disciples of Germany That Respect life, deserve to receive what widgets that countries have faith in a clean place where friendly, Tam and the result of friendly, they make sure that:
When Phuoc Thien do alms donation to the monks, they will be the result of good, great treasure to yourself in the past life, the present and future taste damn immeasurable; Moreover, they can revert to her charity Irene section direction grandparents, parents, children or the loveliest in her benefactor was too few. When these beings--know that "sādhu" Phuoc part friendly helpfulness Hy Festival. If they're in the scene, then surely get rid of instant regeneration, gauge scenes in the friendly, the people or the Sun exercise. If they're in the scene at peace, then peace as human growth times. And they can improve that to the blessed part courtesy glass for grandparents, parents, bereaved relatives alive on life, who then "sādhu" Phuoc Thien's portion of the wedding Festival was blessed the wedding Festival (pattānumodanā) and the results of Phuoc Thien Hy this festival is equally important.
Want to be the achievement of such treasures, then the pilot server do Phuoc Thien alms donation toward Chu Saint Rose; because Holy Grace has Increased, Germany Dakkhiṇeyyo.
* As the area of alms elderberry .
In the Vimānavatthu, the area of Ācāmadāyikāvimāna are summarized as follows:
A poor old woman beggar, living behind the patio, people see her miserable, often for rice, porridge, rice to fire pieces she eat to live through the day.
One day, Mr. greater Germany Mahākassapa just thought life, and kill Cafe discharge review should go to an actual person qifu gangui. By wisdom label, You see a poor old woman, near death; If she dies, then you probably fallen to hell. With compassionate health degrees she escaped hell realms, so thanks to Phuoc Thien alms pieces elderberry, she'll regenerate up realms of heaven Heavenly Club Culture.
The Inn so deems, the morning, He even brought a bowl of health go to accommodation. Meanwhile, King Sun Sakka turns into real animals brought to the elderly to bat for him, you know it's the elderly King Sun Sakka, recommended that:
-The King, he should not win the blessed the poor.
He wouldn't open the cover of the bowl, still standing before the poor old lady. She thought: "He is there greater Germany about Germany's large, are much revered, Diocese of poverty we have nothing to do in Phuoc Thien precious alms to him, we only have rice water and elderberry are not good at all. Besides, also sustained in a non-clean utensils, I would dare to make blessed alms to Bowl to Him was " So that Bach:
-The glass is sometimes You go somewhere else, Mr. white.
He still doesn't stand still go elsewhere, others bring real animals came to bat, he still does not open, cosy surges the CAP the bowl to get. Old think: "sure You greater Germany to stand here to an international". She incurred the faith in Phuoc Thien wanted to do pure alms. She brought to the Mainland, Mr elder pieces to open the lid, Bowl to Bowl on in donation a way to honor Him.
He expressed greater Germany want real life, to let you see, the more pure faith arises, in Phuoc Thien Hy Festival alms. People understand Italy, seat cover, seat of Sir real-life piece of elderberry. Drinking is done, Sir, makes the wedding Festival in Phuoc Thien old woman alms, and let her know that She was the mother of him in the goddamn money. She had more faith in Modern Germany, You place clean and extremely blessed the wedding Festival charity Bell did. She later died, Phuoc Thien capacity due to alms for the fruit, are reborn as South of Lac Thien Hoa realms (the fifth of the six realms of heaven education gender) have more dread, enjoy all the peace in the heavens.
* Area of Sāriputtattheramātupeta [11] : hungry daemons demons his mother Great Germany Sāriputta are summarized as follows:
Female demon hungry daemons reincarnations have been his mother Great Germany Sāriputta shit Thursday in the past, since the current lifetimes.
Women's money hungry daemons demons as his wife Bàlamôn wealth wealth. He Bàlamôn have faith in clean, work Italy friendly mind, Phuoc Thien do alms donation supplies of food, drink, clothes ... to Samôn, Bàlamôn; alms, distributed to impoverished people, who through the ...
One day, he Bàlamôn have to go elsewhere, he said his wife taught at home instead of he preserve customs, Phuoc Thien work lo alms donation to Samôn, Bàlamôn, distribution, food supplies to the starving poor people. ... The wife at home do not follow the commandments of my husband. When it came, she thanks Lady let go lyrics yelled at nhiếc, eat or drink urine, lick the blood, saliva ...
After she died, so her renewable for industrial storage batteries on Devil starving hungry daemons, dining map dining or drinking dirty, urine, saliva, pus ... turn suffering extreme hunger and thirst, cold, because the result of evil career was created. Female demon hungry daemons recalled reincarnations were his mother, want to slash Sāriputta greater Germany thanks to him, Chu heaven keep the gate prevented female demon hungry daemons. Female demon with Thien Chu Sir hungry daemons that:
-Mr. Chu, money bitch I was once his mother Great Germany Sāriputta, Chu heaven for me to visit Him.
Female demon hungry daemons is closed area, you stand on the great Germany Sāriputta see female demon hungry daemons, with compassionate and he asked:
This hungry daemons-demon! Naked body, shape, sick because genuine leather bone, his body shaking. Who you are, he increased the speed of international thee?
Hear Him ask, female demon hungry daemons said:
-White Glass Him greater Germany, reincarnations of the con was his mother, because of the evil karma for rebirth makes hungry daemons demon bear hunger, eating the Lynn ..... like water, nose pads, people spit up, drink water of gold flowing out from the corpse, eat your pussy ..... , drink blood of men suffer dismemberment, drink the blood of animals, life without refuge, in the graveyard, the beach tha ma.
Dear Mr. White, beg alms, charity largesse and Phuoc Thien section 's helpfulness to you. Phuoc Thien, thanks to the new sewing from suffering evil hungry daemons like this.
He greater Germany Sāriputta listening male demon hungry daemons were mother in reincarnations, compassionate, attempting to rescue a female gauge hungry daemons, demons with abacus College Germany Mahāmoggallāna? Germany Anuruddha and Him greater Germany Mahākappina. He went to qifu gangui Mahāmoggallāna greater Germany to the Palace to meet King Bimbisāra. The King sometimes invite, ask Him what supplies need the King to surrender. On the occasion, Mr. German University for the King my Lord know Mahāmoggallāna female demon hungry daemons were his mother Great Germany Sāriputta, lived in poverty have no place.
Hear that, the King commands transmission construction 4 cup accommodation of Chu Bhikkhu khưu. When construction is finished, the King ritual consecration is especially to Him greater Germany Sāriputta 4 cups.
Again, Mr. greater Germany Sāriputta ritual consecration the Cup to Chu Bhikkhu khưu Increase from four directions, there are Buddha, please revert this blessed part of direction to a female demon hungry daemons were mother in money. Female demon Phuoc Thien section Hy Festival hungry daemons alms that He greater Germany Sāriputta helpfulness. Immediately after the wedding Festival Phuoc Thien section alms, damn demon hungry daemons escape sailings, rebirth as a female genius shining aura, have beautiful, extravagant clothes, has a magnificent Castle, full of wealth of Chu, the noble peace in the heavens.
The next day, Angel's ladies is currently down, wealthy girl He ceremony greater Germany Mahāmoggallāna, He asked a female bias that:
This female bias-you have excellent, gorgeous, brilliant aura everywhere, as well as the bright moon. Do what you are being friendly Phuoc in magnificence, the castle is full of everything in the Sun, most satisfied?
A female bias, you have more of this dread of special forces, you made blessed, now friendly to get the results of treasure worth satisfied?
White female Angel with Him greater Germany Mahāmoggallāna that:
-White Glass Him greater Germany Mahāmoggallāna reincarnations in every child, is his mother, due to industrial evil Sāriputta greater Germany for regeneration do male slitting scene bear demon hungry daemons must hunger and thirst to eat ..... like blood, pus ... Recently, I've been to most of the great Sir Germany Sāriputta, beg have bi suffering children, introspection you've blessed alms charity, complete feedback directed to children; I've been blessed part of manmathan Hy Festival, should my child get rid of shit hungry daemons demons, is reborn as women get all as he has seen.
Dear Mr. White the great Germany, currently down to the foot of the ceremony, wealthy girl him and he greater Germany Sāriputta is holy, ranks have compassionate beings suffering in life.
The area of such as on Tibet and in there a lot in the Peṭavatthu, the Vimānavatthu.
As such, himself no chance of largesse, but the mind with the wedding Festival blessed by others, shall also be equally valuable results, such as the area of Vihāravimāna [12] are summarized as follows:
* Area Of Vihāravimāna:
He greater Germany Anuruddha dwell up bow Tam Tam Thien Cross sky sees a beautiful aura shining shining pervades all directions, has a magnificent Castle. He would like to know that business because the female Angel has to be worth a treasure so satisfactory results.
Women's Angel white for her damn money you know, is a close friend of Ms. Dai Visākhā home laboratory in the city Sāvatthi. Ms. Visākhā for the construction of a temple is Pubbārama, then, do the temple's consecration feasts to Chu Bhikkhu Buddha tank khưu. She attended that ceremony, and very blessed that your charity wedding Festival, by the heart wedding Festival part Phuoc Thien alms donation, that after she died, Phuoc Thien do's for the wedding Festival results of regeneration up the Sun Tam Tam Thien, Cross became a female there are the result of such treasure.
Chu Saint Rose is blessed to fill out their noble birth. Worthy gentleman receives things Widgets Lab's server to have faith in a clean place where friendly, Tam and the result of friendly colleagues, looking forward to the good treasure to fruit for themselves and their bereaved relatives.
Therefore, this increase in German called Grace Bhagavato Dakkhiṇeyyo sāvakasaṃgho.
8-German eighth Increase Grace: Añjalikaraṇīyo
Añjalikaraṇīyo Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho.
(Read: the light-steering-storage-fish-rá-Joseph break-away motorcycle-vóa-c vóa-fish-petrol-dry)
Añjalikaraṇiyo: Chu Thanh Van Holy disciples of Germany That is worthy of the Respect for they pieced together the hands of supply homage Bai donation.
Chu Thanh Van ranks are rising Holy disciples of Germany World Religion, worthy for them born cult ceremony hand pieced together donation, to look forward to the benefits, the evolution, the peace of long past the present and the past life, immeasurable.
Chu is the increase in the world have Holy Germany completely clean, going to Germany, German intelligence, freed in Germany, freeing tri comments Germany completely full, magnificent piece removal were all the negativity; so, password, did Mr. completely clean, no longer contaminated by impurities. So, Chu Saint Rose deserves for all beings: human, natural, natural reverence, pieced together the hands cult ceremony of donation.
* Area of King Sun Sakka (the Roman Empire Like) monks in ceremony, wealthy girl Saṃghavandanāsutta [13] , are summarized as follows:
This client-khưu, Bhikkhu Sakka Tam Thien Thirteen realms of heaven dwell down from the Castle Vejayanta, chư khưu Bhikkhu ceremony, wealthy girl.
Client khưu Bhikkhu, then this God Mātali, who struck the car of Sakka the King my Lord that:
-Is like, my Lord, the human species born from where the weapon box, have the weapon box body colors, often starving poor white trash, should hail Uranus. So, why are you Chu ceremony, wealthy girl Bhikkhu khưu. Please explanation for the lower spirit clearly understand client's offense Bhikkhu khưu how to increase?
King Sun Sakka explains to Mātali understood that:
Mātali, the body politic-this wealthy girl glass Increased khưu Bhikkhu, Chu ceremony because, gentlemen living in the Woods, with no home, not keep rice in store. Mr. happy living by real-life use, qifu mumo walks the ninth and did before noon, gentleman's steps, friendly true theory provide the benefit for beings, Mr. live where purity with happy offense noble life.
Mātali, Chu Thien Group had this oan Asura genius group left with, and on the contrary the heavenly Asura Group also left with client groups, crime humanity has left mutual whitewash; also lettered Bhikkhu khưu living Increases do not whitewash left, not hatred. Chu, mankind still accept its own tributary of St. Rose, no longer accept.
Mātali, this so shall I respect the increased khưu Bhikkhu Chu ceremony, wealthy girl.
When Mātali to hear word of the King's Award lecture done Sakka unto my Lord that:
-Secret, my Lord, You offer homage to cult followers, Increase khưu Bhikkhu guys down spirit also homage to cult followers he Rises khưu Bhikkhu.
King Sun Sakka in lofty realms of Tam Tam Thien Cross finished teaching, the wealthy girl glass holiday khưu up the car, and then increase the Bhikkhu schools of dwell.
Chu is the Rising Holy worthy for Chu, Brahma, humanity respect cult ceremony donation, and that means that the increase is lettered steps are gender-defined practice-intellectual property, maintain the Chief of German Religious World also deserve respect cult ceremony of donation.
These beings have faith in clean where the three jewels, often 24-Bai donation to its ranks Germany purity will be 4 France: long life, beauty, peace and health.
As the Buddha teaches:
For the cult ceremony usually donation,
Homage to the ranks of Elders,
He often grows four French Protestant,
Long life, beauty, peace and health.
Homage to the ranks of Elders,
He often grows four French Protestant,
Long life, beauty, peace and health.
Or they have faith where Tam, wholeheartedly into homage Bai donation to the three jewels: the Buddha, Germany France, Germany Increased Security, it will be 5 treasure the good fruit is:
Āyu: live long longevity.
Vaṇṇa: beauty Has stylishly.
Sukha: mind-body usually at peace.
Bala: mind usually healthy.
Paṭibhāṇa: Have a quick, incisive wisdom.
Vaṇṇa: beauty Has stylishly.
Sukha: mind-body usually at peace.
Bala: mind usually healthy.
Paṭibhāṇa: Have a quick, incisive wisdom.
Therefore, this increase in German called Grace Bhagavato Añjalikaraṇīyo sāvakasaṃgho.
9-German ninth Increase Grace: Anuttaraṃ puññakkhettaṃ
Anuttaraṃ puññakkhettaṃ sāvakasaṃgho lokassa Bhagavato.
(Read: Asia-button-Commander-teeth-prompt-khết-pun lot increases-cut-c-vóa-break clinic-far-vóa-fish bowl-petrol-dry)
Anuttaraṃ puññakkhettaṃ: Chu Thanh Van Holy disciples of Germany That mutual respect is of noble birth fill blessed no match.
Holy Holy Sound level increase is lettered Text disciples of Germany That ton, have about Germany (sila), the German plan (samādhi), German wisdom (paññā), liberation, Germany (vimutti), freeing tri opinion in Germany (vimuttiñāṇadassana) full ... is blessed of noble birth do not fill the place. Indeed, when sowing seed blessed friendly though less though many, will also result in immeasurable treasure the present and past life both many lifetimes.
An example for comparison:
Chu Saint Rose rice such as fertility.
Countries which have the intelligence for as skilled farmers.
Italian author friendly Centre of alms for as good seed.
Countries which have the intelligence for as skilled farmers.
Italian author friendly Centre of alms for as good seed.
Skilled farmers know the weather service, sowed good seed crops on the fertile rice, certainly when the harvest will be more human. Also, the host laboratory are intellectual, Phuoc Thien-like drills, though little known though many lettered place St. rose, or attach himself to increasing the high fill of Phuoc Chu of sentient beings, not unbeatable, they certainly will be immeasurable treasure fruit even in a past life, the present and the past life, immeasurable. Moreover, sow fresh coast receive Holy Holy-and Nirvana Super tam.
Area of natural male Lajādevadhitā are summarized as follows:
During the time of the Buddha also in world, a poor little girl was hired to keep ploughing, she carries a package of popcorn to eat during the day. The next morning, Mr. Grand Master Mahākassapa discharge life destroying ideas (nirodhasamāpatti) is completed, should international level she deems poor, he has even come to Bowl bearing y her to qifu gangui. See him from far, her extremely wealthy girl and pick out the instant the wedding Festival ceremony is done, Sir, you bring the popcorn part to eat during the day, please do blessed alms to bowl of donation. While the wedding Festival with Phuoc Thien alms donation to Him Grand Master, at back, she was a daughter to die. Do Phuoc Thien she donation thanks to result, as female named Lajādevadhitā in the realms of heaven Heavenly Thirteen Freemasons.
Then, when recalling his reincarnations, the male Lajādevadhitā Thank You Trưỡng University, she is now down to his accommodation, offering sweeping water..., for the Grand Master, he did not allow her to do her job, she cried lock. Germany World Religion, thus raising the international level theory to natural female. After listening to France, natural male Lajādevadhitā Prime witness into the ranks of Saints enter the Store. She is extremely wealthy girl German World Religious ceremony the wedding Festival and permission to return to the heavenly realms.
Even the King Sakka along Queen Sujātā in Tam Tam Thien Cross sky realms does down largesse alms donation real objects to Him grand master Mahākassapa Thien Phuoc to be special.
* Area of he Puṇṇa
Area of he Puṇṇa, his journeyman rich households Sumana is summarized as follows:
During the time of Buddha Gotama did in world, has his family Puṇṇa [16] poverty, make rice his rich rental households Sumana, everyone in the family has faith in clean where the three jewels.
One morning he ploughing, also in the morning, Mr. greater Germany Sāriputta discharge life removal idea (after 7 days), go to an actual qifu gangui his family Puṇṇa, should You go straight on direction he Puṇṇa are ploughing. See him greater Germany Sāriputta from far, he Puṇṇa sailings leave plough, to most wealthy girl, desk, cosy tree toothpicks and surges of water used, drinking water. He greater Germany Sāriputta receives is complete, follow the direction of his home Puṇṇa, met his wife Puṇṇa 're rice for my husband. She Writes the great ceremony, wealthy girl Germany Sāriputta Bach, that:
-White Glass You greater Germany, compassionate Sir glass receives real character part or parts of the impoverished family.
He greater Germany Sāriputta Compassion International receives an all animal parts, she played the wedding Prayer Festival immensely:
-By thanks to the blessed friendly alms of us, pray for our family to be a part of France that He was privileged.
He greater Germany Sāriputta bless that:
-Looking forward to your families are satisfied.
She's incredibly Hy Festival goes back home, Cook the other rice loan to her husband, rush brought out rice fields, with the Centre of Phuoc Thien Hy Festival alms to Him greater Germany Sāriputta, make her mind-body gentle, nhuyến need not copy hidden.
Also the part he Puṇṇa, late for hungry cows eat grass, drop, go ashore, he sat under the shade of trees, waiting for his wife, oil hungry, but the mind is still the wedding Festival, anniversary Retrospect Phuoc Thien the do alms toothpicks and water to Him greater Germany Sāriputta. nPI from afar, he found his wife are going to delay every day, but she seems unusual, surely she's the wedding Festival that something. She has just arrived with her husband Sir sailings that:
- Today, many Hy Festival please! This morning, I bring you rice, middle of the road to meet Him greater Germany Sāriputta are going real qifu mumo, I arose the belief in clean, bring your rice bowl to joint donation to Him greater Germany, not real animals cooking Sāriputta poverty. He had Compassion International Center of German University degrees receives all real animal parts of England, you should be part of Phuoc Thien Hy Festival alms!
He Puṇṇa just listen to each sentence, each making his voice arises mind friendly loving to extreme, should not be constantly tracking the full words of his wife. The unpressurized, he wants to know for sure myself listen to true is not, should he tell his wife that:
-I say This again for you again!
His wife dear back clear again, this time he heard clearly ascertain true all right, so he was extremely blessed the wedding Festival charity Bell's wife, gave part of his rice donation to Him greater Germany Sāriputta; Next he said to his wife know he also just did blessed alms charity donation tree toothpicks and water to Him greater Germany Sāriputta. n.ghe, she also immensely the Phuoc Thien Hy Festival alms of my husband.
The couple together the Phuoc Hy Festival participants donation to Him greater Germany Sāriputta. Dinner is done, he is reciting the idea to the blessed friendly alms recently made new, sleep, he thiu always thiu always awaken again, sit see the paddy fields just ploughed into the morning, having the pieces of gold y (net gold) making him the flowers both eyes; and his wife also felt as he did. He took back the rice go down, grab up a bullion, right it's bullion NET; He brought to the breeze and tell my wife that:
-I, the husband and wife were we blessed alms charity donation to Him greater Germany Sāriputta, Phuoc Thien do alms, sailings for treasure to the spouses of us today, we cannot hide some big gold like this!
He Puṇṇa took some pieces of gold dropped into the tray, take the King and my Lord up that:
-My Lord, this morning turning people away ploughing, Tak t plowing into the net gold ingots are. Dear Lord, please transmit the order for troops to bring the car to carry the gold he about to take off in the King's treasure.
-Who is who? The King asked.
He Puṇṇa my Lord: -my Lord, a population is Puṇṇa, an impoverished farmer for hire.
-This morning, you've done something special?
-My Lord, population of largesse donation tree toothpicks and drinking water, the water used to come to him the great Germany Sāriputta; also handy wife part population of largesse donation part of rice population of greater Germany to come to him.
The King that:
-Puṇṇa you have spouses, This largesse charity donation to Him alms Sāriputta, so greater Germany, fruit treasure immediately in today. So, you want shall I do?
He Puṇṇa my Lord: -my Lord, requested the King to bring communication of thousands of cars to the rice over there, to all the gold he lost & found on the Palace.
The King take command thousands of cars to cargo net gold, troops in North Korea and said: "the King's Gold", an instant the pieces of gold back into the soil. The soldiers in the Imperial Court returned to ask the King for such things happen. The King wisely and he transmits that:
-You think of how, when picked up the pieces of gold?
-Execute them down I think and say: "King's Gold".
-Other net non-gold Number Killed. The person should think back and say: "your Golden Puṇṇa" and then the gold number about Porter here. -Judge King.
Yes the King orders them back.
Yes true, this time they bring him gold all the flurry of substance between the stadium of the Dragon into a pile of high gold 80 black hand.
He became Puṇṇa millionaire households
The King for the people in the meetings in the stadium of the Dragon, and he asked that:
-In this city, the other guys have big yellow numbers like this?
All the people in your city:
-Your Majesty, there is no other person at all.
-Body politic should he ordained Puṇṇa how the new worthy? -The King said.
-Please Mr. Puṇṇa ordained status as the great millionaire households.
The King saying:
-Puṇṇa, from This you are great millionaire households, Bahudhanaseṭṭhi name: Phu households more wealth.
After becoming the great funky households Puṇṇa, his family the more pure faith where Tam, Phuoc Thien do alms donation to khưu has Increased the Buddha Bhikkhu Chu presided during 7 days. ddonline on Saturday the Buddha family level economic theory he Puṇṇa, the whole of his family great Phu households Puṇṇa, the couple and their daughter the name Uttarā are prime evidence into the ranks of Saints Enter Save .
Husband and wife he Puṇṇa do Phuoc Thien alms donation to Him greater Germany Sāriputta, after the discharge of the ideal life, removal by Phuoc Thien capacity alms in cleaning and personal charm, sailings for jewel in the day, became more worldly wealth households rich and even more special, privileged witness family enter the Save St.-Enter the Saved Saints Results , become the Holy steps Enter Save, in France Super tam.
The above case, there is not at least in Buddhism.
Chu Saint Rose is blessed high fill of all beings: human, divine, Pham Thien, Thien Phuoc ... make donation to Holy rising with lettered in good clean outcome achievement, will be the jewel in the realms (manussasampatti), the achievement results of treasure the Sun (devasampatti) and special achievements result treasure meets Nirvana syndrome (Nibbānasampatti).
Laboratory experiments have faith in clean where Tam, news and results of career, although largesse alms donation to attach himself to still be Increased client achievements result treasure no less. Indeed, the Buddha taught Him German Ānanda University that:
-Hey, Ānanda, in hybrid position will have the class entitled "Bhikkhu: Bhikkhu khưu", the only piece of y-neck wrap (or column in the wrist), the offense about the evil action, France. The song has pure faith where Tam, Tam Phuoc Thien do friendly Italian alms towards donation Chu khưu, Increase of oil Bhikkhu Bhikkhu khưu breaking the world.
This charity Ānanda largesse alms donation to Chu lai unit forecast to increase in khưu Bhikkhu, As Lai teaches that: pilot home still blessed and immeasurable charity results immeasurable treasure no matter you'll be. As lai not taught directly or indirectly that largesse friendly home: pilot alms donation to life individual countries, there will be more friendly and have blessed the fruit treasure more friendly largesse alms donation to khưu Increase pilot life Bhikkhu lettered. [17]
Therefore, this increase in German called Grace Anuttaraṃ puññakkhettaṃ sāvakasaṃgho lokassa Bhagavato.
Grace Germany Rising is the object of the headings recited Grace Germany Increased. The anniversary of Grace Germany Rose is 1 of the 10 anniversary of the headings (ānussati) as well as 1 in 40 items of meditation.
Want to conduct the anniversary of Grace in Germany Increased, first practitioners need to learn, research for understanding the meaning of 9 carefully, ever Increasing German Favour the more France for real know their turn French section Learn .
On the part of France, before conducting the headings recited Grace Germany Increased, practitioners have faith where the three jewels:
If the approach to the South, reach the female, should please allow life refuge three jewels and five precepts or World Bowl, nine ...
If is the Sadi, please allow three jewels refuge life and Sadi with cross international masters degrees or with a greater Germany.
If the Bhikkhu khưu, you should ask for repentance āpatti with a Bhikkhu khưu.
Thus, as belong to the section administrative boundary .
When practitioners had the world clean, will underpin administrative concepts section Grace meditation Germany Increased.
The method of Grace Memorial in Germany Increased
9 Grace Germany Increased only available fully in Holy lettered Increase only; the increase is the Holy Scripture Chu Thanh Van disciple of Germany That has 4 double ton, 8 Holy by Super Center ranks tam. If ever since Holy, then there are 4 ranks of Saints.
Holy Ranks Enter.
Ranks The Most Holy.
Holy Ranks Any Hybrid.
Holy Arahán Ranks.
Ranks The Most Holy.
Holy Ranks Any Hybrid.
Holy Arahán Ranks.
Want to conduct the anniversary of Grace in Germany Increased, practitioners need to learn to understand the mood turn 9 Grace Germany Rise. after understood Grace 9 Germany Rose finished, should find a place conducive to an absence of bar item anniversary German this Increase Grace.
Anniversary Favors Germany Increase has many ways.
The first way (Mandarin) : Anniversary 9 Grace Germany Increased.
Practitioners conduct anniversary 9 Grace Germany Increased as follows:
"Suppaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho.
Ujuppaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho.
Ñāyappaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho.
Sāmīcippaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho.
Yadidaṃ cattāri purisayugāni aṭṭhapurisapuggalā esa saṃgho Āhuneyyo-sāvaka Bhagavato,, Pāhuneyyo, Dakkhiṇeyyo, Añjalikaraṇīyo Anuttaraṃ puññakkhettaṃ lokassa,... " make the object of meditation.
Practitioners in mind to Grace Germany Increase would, should clearly understand the meaning of the French and German did Increase their Grace, Grace each track in Germany such Increases, hundreds of times, thousands of times ... during the time of conduct anniversary 9 Grace Germany Increased, to make pure faith growth where Germany Increased Security.
The second Way (Special) : A Memorial in Germany Increased.
Practitioners can choose a German Favour Increased in 9 Grace Germany Increase do objects, to proceed with the anniversary of Grace should increase, the German understanding the meaning of the French and German Increased Grace, always centering where Grace Germany Increased.
For example, the notion of German first Increase Grace: Suppaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho ..., Suppaṭipanno-Bhaga sāvakasaṃgho vato ... do the meditation object.
Or: Grace Anniversary Germany ninth Increase: Anuttaraṃ puññakkhettaṃ Anuttaraṃ puññakkhettaṃ lokassa, lokassa ... make the object of meditation.
Practitioners consider the sentence Increased, at the same time German Grace understanding the meaning of the French and German did Increase Grace, Grace track in Germany Increased her hundreds of times, thousands of times ... during the time of conducting the German Increase, to grace the anniversary increase faith in clean places in Germany Increased Security.
The notion of Grace Germany Rising is an easy-to-make item arise where Tam faith, that faith is the Foundation of all the French education world charity friendly France, a French charity, gender identity of gender identity for charity to the Super trailokya friendly France.
As such, the notion of Grace Germany Increase not only the headings of meditation, is likely to lead to achieve certification approach, but also objects as the basis to conduct meditation wisdom, which leads to the boredom of the five aggregates, kill the affliction, craving, take proof of the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths enlightenment proof of Holy Church Leaders in Dak and Nirvana. As the Buddha teaches:
-Khưu, Bhikkhu have a lettered This France that practitioners have conducted, did mature, definitely leads to arise the boredom of the five aggregates, France-French identity, to kill make the craving, anger, delusion, to calm any negativity, meditation wisdom to wisdom, clearly the status of impermanence , gauge status, status of egolessness, to the Holy Roman Empire, the four noble truths enlightenment certified Dak-Holy Holy 4 4 Result and Nirvana.
France's action?
Administrative is Saṃghānussati: Administrative Grace anniversary in Germany Increased.
This French action, khưu Bhikkhu schools of Grace Memorial in Germany Increased, that practitioners have conducted, did mature, definitely leads to arise the boredom of the five aggregates, French identity, nomenclature, to kill make the craving, anger, delusion, to calm any negativity, meditation wisdom to wisdom, clearly the status of impermanence , gauge status, status of egolessness, to the Holy Roman Empire, the four noble truths enlightenment certified Dak-Holy Holy 4 4 Result and Nibbana [18] .
Through the teachings of the Buddha on the anniversary section, Grace is not only Rising German headings meditation, but also as the basis to conduct meditation wisdom anymore.
Grace Memorial section Germany Increase has two stages:
First phase: the anniversary of Grace in Germany Increased in meditation, practitioners conduct anniversary Favors Germany Increase likely to lead to the gain access. (the method was presented in the previous section).
The following stages: After conducting the headings recited Grace Germany increased the evidence reached the vicinity of intention, practitioners need to escape the headings recited Grace Germany Increased, user defined Access Center of the headings recited Grace Germany Increased as the basis to conduct meditation.
France to meditate wisdom
Practitioners conduct meditation wisdom should have French identity, nomenclature or , tho, mind, France in the French meaning Leg (Paramatthadhamma) as the object of meditation.
* Headings recited Grace Germany Rising platform, do object to conduct meditation wisdom?
According to Leanne's real France, does not have the notion of Grace in Germany Increased, that only Center with friendly intelligence do the anniversary of Grace in Germany Rose only.
Practitioners conducted meditation with mantras headings Grace Germany Rising to reach the near default are analyzed according to the nomenclature of the French identity as follows:
-Fixed Access Center is Center charity with wisdom belongs to the nomenclature ( anniversary of the Center section in the Satipatthana).
-Mind approach plan to slash this thanks to where Italian identity based (hadayavatthu) belongs to the French colors .
As such, the nomenclature associated with French identity as objects of France to meditate.
Or another way:
-Fixed Access Center is Center charity with wisdom, from the knowledge aggregates.
The life Center-Department of Council of born with great friendly mind , belong to Shou aggregates.
-Idea Center facility Board b. Center friendly with him, from the idea of aggregates.
-The remaining facility Center Council of students with great friendly mind , belong to the onions aggregates.
Apartment-Italy (hadayavatthu) is where the Lady thanks to fixed Access Center (University Center's charity), in colors aggregates.
(Skandha, belongs to the French notion of partial Satipatthana)
As such, the five aggregates is the object of France to meditate.
Practitioners conduct meditation wisdom, there are intellectual meditation mindfulness, wisdom, clearly, knows the French identity, nomenclature or the five aggregates are the born, the kill; wisdom meditation wisdom clearly, knows the status of impermanence, suffering and status, the status of egolessness of French identity, nomenclature or of the five aggregates that lead to food poisoning symptoms to the Holy Roman Empire, the four noble truths Dak 4 patron saint-St. 4 Result and Nirvana, kill all the negativity, all the great chunk of craving, all French, becoming the evil ranks St. Arahán.
As such, called the notion of Grace in Germany Increased as the basis to conduct meditation.
As the Buddha teaches:
This "Chu khưu, Grace Memorial administrative Bhikkhu Germany increase that practitioners have conducted, did mature, definitely leads to arise the boredom of the five aggregates, nomenclature, this identity, to kill make the craving, anger, delusion, to calm any negativity, meditation wisdom to wisdom, clearly , knows the status of impermanence, suffering, emotional status, to the Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths food poisoning symptoms-Holy Holy 4 4 DAC results and Nirvana ".
Results of special anniversary treasure Grace Germany Increase
Practitioners conduct anniversary Favors Germany Increased, in the next life we privileged evidence-4 Saints Saints 4 Result and Nirvana, will enjoy the special treasure right past present and future taste damn much as follows:
-The East they respect.
-Friendly, clean purity.
-When dying, the calm lucid mind, not stupid.
-After death, because this industry for regeneration as noble or divine noble genius.
-Rebirth shit would also belongs the noble beings.
-Beautiful body colors Are admirable.
-The parts of the body are pretty precious.
-Scented Body radiate out.
-Scented Mouth.
-There are multiple intelligences.
-Have profound wisdom.
-Incisive wisdom.
-Have the intellectual agility.
-Have a rich intellectual.
-Extraordinary intelligence.
-Say or have interests ...
- Shit taste fresh coast have met Buddha, listening to the French Chief Justice easily meets the four truths of the Holy Roman Empire, witness, witness the Holy Holy-DAC and Nirvana.
It is the result of treasure from the German Increase Grace anniversary.
9 Buddha, 6 Grace Grace Grace 9 France Germany Germany Increased, each item is the Grace of meditation; practitioners conduct item anniversary 9 Grace Buddha, mantras 6 Grace Germany France, anniversary 9 Grace Germany Increase ease of doing pure faith growth where the three jewels, that faith is very important, as the basis for all friendly (Education about gender identity, French charity charity Charity gender identity, France France and Super-hardened trailokya France) arise and grow.
Practitioners meditate meditation section conducted 9 Grace Buddha, mantras 6 Grace Germany France, Germany Increased, Grace 9 anniversary each item is only likely to lead to evidence of reaching upacārasamādhi (access plan). Since then, practitioners who use access to the items this meditation platform made of the object to proceed with wisdom, meditation can also lead to food poisoning syndrome Holy Roman Empire, quarter-truths of Holy Scripture-DAC and Nirvana.
Dread the forces anniversary Grace Germany three jewels
Area of greater Germany Mahākappina [19] , when He was a King who ruled the city Kukkutavatī. One day, the King of the same 1,000 officials courtiers riding out the exhibition, visitors encounter a group of merchants from the city Sāvatthi, and he asked the King:
Hey you, in Sāvatthi have what Protestant or not?
-My Lord: Buddho uppanno! : Buddha has appeared upon the Earth!
The King had just listened to the title "Buddho", then the Mainland arising ever loving. The King asked back to third, those merchants were my Lord as the last time, would arise so loving. The King said:
-Also any other Evangelical?
-My Lord: Dhammo uppanno! : Germany France appeared on the world!
The King has just listened to "Dhammo", as well as the last time, the Mainland arising ever loving, should ask to hear my Lord, third to last Tuesday, would arise so loving. The King said:
-Also any other Evangelical?
-My Lord: Samgho uppanno!: ddbreasts Rising have appeared on the world!
The King has just listen to "Samgho", as well as twice before, raising unprecedented loving arise, should ask to hear my Lord, third to last Tuesday, would arise so loving.
The King took the Gold Plaque notes the 3,000 gold coins made in prize money, and then given to a group of merchants, the command to bring the Queen Anojā to lead. In the sea of gold, the King clearly, given the throne back to the Queen to the throne to rule the country.
Not good feedback, from which the King the same 1,000 officials courtiers dwell to much on the way to meet the Buddha. Aparacchā deep and broad rivers, where no boats, with early wishes most of Buddha, should the King anniversary of Buddha's Grace: "Itipi so Bhagavā Arahaṃ, Sammāsambuddho, Vijjācaraṇasampanno, Lokavidū, purisadammasārathi, Anuttaro, Sugato Satthādevamanussānaṃ , Buddho, Bhagavā " [20] . By the Grace of the Dread Lord Buddha, the same 1,000 officials riding across the River he easily.
Next came to the river Nīlavāhinī, also a large and deep, not boats, like last time, the King anniversary Favors Germany France: "Svākkhāto Dhammo Bhagavatā, Sandiṭṭhiko, Opaneyyiko, Paccattaṃ, Ehipassiko, Akāliko veditabbo viññūhi" [21] . By the Grace of the dread of Germany and France, the King and other related horse riding across the River he easily, as the last time.
Next came back to meet the river Candabhāgā, also a large and deep, not boats, like the two previous times, the King anniversary Favors Germany Rising: "Suppaṭipanno Bhagavato saṃgho Ujuppaṭipanno Bhagavato, Sāvakasaṃgho-sāvaka, Nāyappaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho Sāmīcippaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho yadidaṃ, cattārī, purisayugāni aṭṭhapurisapuggalā, Ahuneyyo, Pāhuneyyo, sāvakasaṃgho Bhagavato esa Dakkhiṇeyyo Anuttaraṃ puññakkhettaṃ lokassa, Anjalikaraṇīyo," [22] . By the Grace of the dread of Germany Increased, the King and other related horse riding across the River he easily, like the two previous times.
Germany World Religion know the King the same 1,000 officials approached, He launched aura 6 color shines make mark for the King the same 1,000 officials know. All are to the most wealthy girl Marian World Religion is complete, and then sit to hear Him discourse. Listen to the King, the same 1,000 officials are testifying to the Holy Roman Empire, the four noble truths enlightenment certified Dak Enter Save-Holy Holy Saved, become the Entry ranks St. Enter the Save, then please country export Buddha ceremony, wealthy girl become Bhikkhu khưu. Buddha Cafe review clearly all have blessed may arise of widgets stuff Samôn 8, should You take the right hand pointing with your finger pointing that transmission of teaching:
"Etha bhikkhavo! caratha brahmacariyaṃ dukkhassa antakiriyāya sammā ".
"You come to Like! The child becomes the Bhikkhu khưu in my prayers! Chief Justice of France which as Lai was preach, perfect in the first part, part a, last portions gi. You should try essential happy offense practice noble tons, to witness the Holy Arahán Holy Arahán-Director-elect, to terminate the electronic gauge born reincarnation ".
When the Buddha taught just stop respond immediately, the King, the same 1,000 officials became a Bhikkhu khưu are full of widgets stuff Samôn 8, be incurred by Phuoc Thien. Chu did increase general khưu Bhikkhu, continental basis, as the lower 60 khưu Bhikkhu.
About the merchant who, when they get to the sea by the king rewarded gold, go straight to the Palace of Queen Anojā, audience, please process the sea to 3,000 bonus leader gold Guineas. The Queen saw that and he asked:
-You do something which the king rewarded such large amounts?
-Ask the Queen, they didn't do what work facilities, only the Evangelical message.
-You can tell me?
-Ask the Queen! Can be: Buddho uppanno! : The Buddha has appeared upon the Earth!
The Queen has just listened to the title "Buddho" then the Mainland arising ever loving, she was asked back to the third, the people ask the merchants back as before, times would also arise loving. Ms. Bao tv:
-Also any other Evangelical?
-Ask the Queen: Dhammo uppanno! : Germany France appeared on the world!
The Queen has just listened to "Dhammo", as well as the last time arising instant ever loving, so ask again the third time, hear my Lord would arise so loving. Her next tv:
-Also any other Evangelical?
-Ask the Queen: Samgho uppanno! : Germany Rising have appeared on the world!
The Queen has just listen to "Samgho", as well as twice before, raising unprecedented loving arise, should ask again the third time, hear my Lord would arise so loving.
The Queen taught:
-Three great Evangelical to King's seem to reward the people who have 300 thousand. Also, per, we reward you 300 thousand, you get bonus 900 thousand gold coins ".
As such, the merchant of the Evangelical message only the Buddha, Germany France, Germany Rising have appeared, that is territory 1,200 bonus thousand gold coins.
The Queen said:
-The King of the same 1,000 important courtiers go?
The merchant ask:
-My Lord the King, the Queen, the same 1,000 important courtiers come to most of the Buddha and will.
Hear my Lord so, tv Queen called Lady of 1,000 officials to notify:
-The King of us together 1,000 courtiers or Protestants regard the Buddha, Germany France, Germany Rose has appeared on Earth, Who gave up the throne to leave for us, such as invasive water beaches, and along with 1,000 pieces of important courtiers comes most of the Buddha, will be joined to the rescue.
Perhaps we do not have a gauge? The King abandoned the throne as invasive water dumps the pieces, don't we kneel to lick saliva dumps him? We will also go to most of the Buddha, will be joined to the rescue? Did you think?
Lady Dong 1,000 group unanimously come to the Queen most Buddha.
Tv Queen prepared the horse, the same 1,000 each wife after the horse to most of the Buddha and follow the path that the King and the officials did dwell.
The Queen and the first lady went to the river Aparacchā, Empress Yin Buddha mantras: "Itipi so Bhagavā Araham...". Led by Ân force dread Buddha, people crossing the River he easily.
Next to the Nīlavāhinī River, the Queen Grace anniversary Germany France: "Svākkhāto Dhammo Bhagavatā...". By Grace France, German forces dread people together across the River he easily, as the last time.
Next to the river Candabhāgā, the anniversary of the Empress, German : Grace "Suppaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho..." [23] . Due to the rising power of Germany Favour dread, people also cross the river easily, as he twice before. Then, Queen and wife comes most of the Buddha.
Germany World Religion know the same Anojā position 1,000 Queen Lady approached, He launched aura 6 color shines make for Empress and wife to know. All are to the most wealthy girl Marian World Religion is complete transparency:
-White Glass Germany World Religion, the King Mahākappina the same 1,000 officials have come to this? Mr. White.
The Buddha culture spirit through obscure not to the Queen the same 1,000 wife see khưu the same Mahākappina position 1,000 Bhikkhu Bhikkhu khưu. Germany World Religion teaches that:
-You sit listening As Hybrid theory, and in it you will see Mahākappina the same.
The same Queen Lady position 1,000 safe sitting to hear the Buddha sermon. When the hearing is completed, the French Queen along 1,000 Lady position food poisoning symptoms are the four Holy truths of God, the Prime witness to enter Holy-Holy Saved Import Saved Results, become Holy ranks Enter Save; at the same time as soon as he khưu the same Mahākappina position 1,000 Bhikkhu, Bhikkhu khưu are prime evidence from Most Holy-Holy Hybrid Result, Lai's most Holy-Holy Holy Arahán to Fruit Hybrid Real-Holy Arahán Holy Arahán a tr Results along with the four intellectual property analysis.
Meanwhile, the Buddha produced Kabbalah, the Queen and the wife of King Mahākappina of seeing the same 1,000 officials, now in general risk a Bhikkhu khưu dignified, as representatives in Germany 60. Empress and wife of the pure faith arise, German Religious World spice please glasses become Bhikkhu khưu ni.
Germany World Religion only teaches the same 1,000 Lady Queen to meet greater Germany Bhikkhu khưu ni Uppalavannā directions exporting countries become Bhikkhu khưu ni.
The Queen the same 1,000 Lady position, after becoming Bhikkhu khưu ni in the time not long ago, all Prime witness to Holy Holy Arahán-Arahán Result became St. Arahán noble ranks in the Dhamma of the Buddha.
Dread force anniversary celebration, Buddha Grace Grace Grace anniversary France Germany Germany Increase !
The Buddha appeared on the real world is very rare; damn Prince born reincarnation of every sentient met the Buddha or Chu Thanh Van Holy disciples is also the one thing Greek owners.
Indeed, in the history of reincarnations of the Buddha Gotama, the Buddha period from Dīpaṅkara to Koṇḍañña, Buddha spent the long period of 1 a-steady-States the Earth into space-bitch-sabotage-no, that does not have a Primary Visual Class Buddha would appear on a world called Suññakappa: fuck the Earth there is no Buddha.
Blessed Truth instead! Fuck Earth in which we live is called Bhaddakappa has five Buddha sequentially appear well past Earth. In the past period there were three Buddha: Kakusandha Buddha, Buddha Koṇāgamana and Buddha Kassapa. In the current period: Buddha Gotama has appeared upon the Earth, and then he was the President of killing Nirvana 2,548 years ago, his Dhamma also handed back the world for up to 5,000 years, and then will also completely disappeared. During the hybrid position will have the Buddha Metteyya appeared upon the Earth in the same shit the Earth Bhaddakappa .
But that, in the past life, Earth has five Buddha sequentially appear on the Earth, but the time gap from the Buddha to Buddha countless-countless other can't calculate.
For those ranks had three almond-la France full-suite, this shit is fuck two, as in the case of the King Mahākappina and Queen Anojā, when listening to the title Buddho: Buddha, Dhammo: Germany, France, Saṃgho: Germany Increased, raising the clean faith arises where the Buddha, Germany France, Germany; Although they have yet to most of the Buddha, not yet listen to the Chief Justice of his French, but when encountering obstacles, they have the special ability anniversary ideas-9 Grace Buddha, 6 Grace Germany France, Germany Favors Increased 9; because, the German was Tam Favour accumulation in their minds from many lifetimes, from Chu past Buddha and has made a full 10 France three almond-la-suite. Now shit this current, when most wealthy girl to Buddha ceremony, listen to Chief Justice French, they easily meets the four truths of the Holy Roman Empire, witness, witness the Holy Saints 4-4 DAC results and Nirvana, kill all the negativity, all the great chunk of craving, all French, becoming the evil ranks St. Arahán.
Results of special anniversary treasure German Grace Tam
Practitioners conduct anniversary Favors Germany three jewels, in the next life we privileged witness to the Holy Church Leaders and Nirvana, will enjoy the special treasure right past present and future taste damn much as follows:
-The East they respect.
-Friendly, clean purity.
-When dying, the calm lucid mind, not stupid.
-After death, because this industry for regeneration as noble or divine noble genius.
-Rebirth shit would also belongs the noble beings.
-Beautiful body colors Are admirable.
-The parts of the body are pretty precious.
-Scented Body radiate out.
-Scented Mouth.
-There are multiple intelligences.
-Have profound wisdom.
-Incisive wisdom.
-Have the intellectual agility.
-Extraordinary intellectual ...
-Say or have interests ...
-Fuck the taste of fresh coast have met Buddha, listening to the French Chief Justice easily meets the four truths of the Holy Roman Empire, witness, witness the Holy Church Leaders in Dak and Nirvana.
It is the result of treasure from the German Grace Tam anniversary.
* Area of Germany? Sugandhatthera
In the Apadāna,? Germany Sugandha narrates his reincarnations are summarized as follows:
During the time of Buddha Kassapa, unique Ranks appeared upon the Earth, is the most noble Ranks in all of them born in everything. He has 32 major and 80 general good general good accessories, shining aura radiating from the needle, in the magical glow as the Moon, light aura also luminous as the Sun, making all of them born everything along the cool scenery as the bath through a rainstorm, to help all sentient beings have the healthy development of all friendly charm of France.
The Buddha has about Germany completely clean, making the platform as the ground; going to Germany not unshakable as mountains of Korea; There is wisdom in Germany, vast as frivolous.
The Buddha is no longer sticky, no longer bound, as the wind blows.
The Buddha has Center bi scattered around to all of them born King. Mr. theory teachings, who favored an international blessing, though in fact should be the person or in the other realms.
At the time of Buddha Kassapa I, was the son of the millionaire households wealth, reputation in the city Bāraṇāsi. One day, while walking in the Woods, I see the Buddha Kassapa are just taught them theory born immortal path Nirvana.
The Buddha was a natural male more all natural Chu; is a natural superior offense ranks all Brahma. The Dhamma of Mr perfect in the beginning, the Middle, the end, full of meaning, brighter in literature, his sound incredibly magical, ethereal when listening to making an incredible NET, do TWAS all negativity.
When listening to the Dhamma of Buddha Kassapa, my pure faith arises, decided to leave their homes and property. Dear please Buddha Kassapa allows renunciation becomes khưu in the Dhamma Bhikkhu. After becoming Bhikkhu khưu, I learned much understand broad, was the Bhikkhu khưu multicultural student position, is a talented Wizard responses, errors in all cases, I am often lauded German Grace three jewels: Buddha's Grace, Grace, Grace France Germany Germany Falling between the rows of Buddhists.
Results of treasure lauded German Grace Tam
When Manchu fuck Bhikkhu khưu, after death, because industry lauded German Grace Tam, I was doing a natural regeneration in the Dipper Capacity in da Heaven (Tusita), enjoy all the peace in the heavens. To the damn South bias upon, after death, because her career also for regeneration do men, there are incredible fragrance:
Scented breath.
The mouth fragrant.
All scented body radiating throughout the day and night.
The mouth fragrant.
All scented body radiating throughout the day and night.
The smell of this, all the more fragrant aroma of jasmine, Lotus, fragrant flowers, other than all the aroma of the kind of postpartum depression ... smell tho this magical was the result of the lauded Grace Buddha, Germany France, Grace Grace Grace Tam German increase, the German nobility in my money.
Now, this current, due to the fresh Coast I've been to most of the Buddha Gotama, dear Sir, please allow me to be his becoming Bhikkhu khưu in the Dhamma. I also praised the Buddha Grace, Grace, Grace rising German French German. Who heard me extolling the German Tam noble Grace, also make them appeased is negativity.
Due to the capacity lauded German Tam noble Grace, I proceeded to recite Grace Tam German headings as the basis to conduct meditation wisdom, which leads to the Holy Arahán a privileged witness, has excellent piece removal all affective negativity, covertly in the mind, has eradicated the ignorance, craving, no longer regenerate life.
I have a wholesome charm is renunciation becomes the Bhikkhu khưu in the Dhamma of the Buddha Gotama, it is a good thing. I saw the Holy Arahán Holy Arahán-Director, DAC and Nirvana became Holy Arahán ranks with sanming, four Analytical Wisdom, green, pine, etc. I finished the first level's Samôn, has practiced according to the teachings of Buddha Gotama noble [24] .
Who would have faith in clean where the three jewels, often lauded German Tam noble Grace, he surely will be the result of Nice treasure. Conversely, if people would blame, derogatory, defamatory to the throne three jewels: Buddha, France Said, Increase the security, then he will have no consequences. But if after that, he said sincerely repent of his sins, you can avoid the disastrous thing.
Pure faith where lofty throne
Faith is the leading charity in all things French; from education world charity French, gender identity, gender identity of French charity Charity France until Super trailokya friendly France. People have faith in the noble throne place clean, he has been blessed and sublime goodness get results of Phuoc Thien also sublime.
Buddha taught in the business post Aggappasādasutta [25] the meaning is as follows:
This khưu Bhikkhu, Chu-faith in clean in four lofty throne.
* Four stars how high?
1) all sentient species: they don't have legs (snakes, fish...); they have two legs (humans, chickens, ducks...); they have four legs (elephants, buffaloes, cows ...); they have many legs (centipede, Millipede child...); they have sharp aggregates (the world best idea); they have no identity aggregates (4 realms invisible gender identity); they have the idea (of mind) (the world of sex, gender identity, infinite realms realms gender identity); they had no idea (the world best idea); they must not have thought, nor no idea (the invisible colors about non-ideal phi phi natural of ideas). Among them how many species, such as the Future Buddha, Ch nh which College teaches that the mind charity: "headlessBuddha Chief Dan is highest Ranks, in her entire sentient species".
Who would have faith in the Buddha's Chief College place clean Feeling, the beings known as the person who has faith in clean where the Buddha highest throne, have faith in the Buddha's lofty throne place clean, definitely be noble treasure results.
2) The friendly France is France is made; including how many friendly France, Holy appropriate Leaders enough 8 Chief, client friendly position which teach that: Holy Leader combines enough 8 Chief is noble French charity for charity in all France .
Who would have faith in clean, Holy appropriate enough Leaders in eight districts, the beings known as the people have faith in German French place clean highest throne, has faith in the French throne in clean, lofty sure was result of high treasure both.
3) all France both compounded micro-and France wuwei; How many in which France, the French charity Cup Nirvana (virāga), which Chu Thien Tri teaches that: French Cup, Nirvana is the highest French, in all France .
* Nirvana charity Cup: France Is France?
As France makes no longer enthralled in the five ceiling.
Is France who took part in the desire to kill the five.
Is France eradicated the roots craving sticky stuck.
Is France cut Prince born reincarnation of tam.
Great piece of mind France is craving.
Is France who put a stop to take part.
Is France kill every scene, which is Nirvana.
Is France who took part in the desire to kill the five.
Is France eradicated the roots craving sticky stuck.
Is France cut Prince born reincarnation of tam.
Great piece of mind France is craving.
Is France who put a stop to take part.
Is France kill every scene, which is Nirvana.
Who would have faith in clean in Nirvana France Cup, the beings known as the person who has faith in clean where Nirvana France highest star charity Cup, have faith in clean in Nirvana France Cup Ireland crowned her lofty, sure to be noble treasure results.
4) In all groups, the unions, the monks are disciples of Text Stick Ranks As Hybrids, which Chu Thien Tri teaches that: Monks is the Holy Text of the disciples Sound ranks as the highest Sacred Rank is Hybrid, in groups, the unions then.
Chu Thanh Van Holy disciples such as Lai has 4 double rooms, 8 are the Saints rank Ranks deserve receives donation widgets things; are these Steps deserve to be welcomed as distinguished guests; are these Steps deserve for our donation, is the cult ceremony worthy of Rank; Chu Saint Rose is blessed their students fill not unbeatable.
Who would have faith in the divine Holy place clean boost, the beings known as the people have faith in German where clean Boost highest throne, has faith in the German throne sublime Boost place clean, definitely be noble treasure results.
This khưu Bhikkhu, Chu-faith in clean in four such lofty throne
The Buddha shelves that post theory:
Pure faith where lofty throne,
Wisdom knows where lofty throne.
Faith in the Buddha, clean
Invisible Upper Ranks is worthy of donation.
Pure faith in Germany, France
The French President's charity Cup is the pure land at peace.
Pure faith in Germany rising at all,
Phuoc is filling their noble birth.
The donation to the monks,
Phuoc Thien high growth are many,
Are results of high treasure is long lived,
Beauty, fame, notoriety, peace,
Physical strength and mental confusion.
Charity donation spot ranks high at all,
There is intention firmly in France,
Ranks will be Chu heaven, humanity,
Reach the lofty place, Center of the wedding Festival.
Wisdom knows where lofty throne.
Faith in the Buddha, clean
Invisible Upper Ranks is worthy of donation.
Pure faith in Germany, France
The French President's charity Cup is the pure land at peace.
Pure faith in Germany rising at all,
Phuoc is filling their noble birth.
The donation to the monks,
Phuoc Thien high growth are many,
Are results of high treasure is long lived,
Beauty, fame, notoriety, peace,
Physical strength and mental confusion.
Charity donation spot ranks high at all,
There is intention firmly in France,
Ranks will be Chu heaven, humanity,
Reach the lofty place, Center of the wedding Festival.
Faith where the three jewels and treasures
Faith where the three jewels and that's where the Bao Buddha, faith where Germany, France Said, faith where Germany Increased Security. To understand the faith where Tam? and the result of it? This was Princess Cundī German World asked White to honor; and he taught in the business post Cundīsutta [26] the meaning is as follows:
A German Religious World, childhood is at VeluvanaTemple, near Rājagaha. Meanwhile, Princess Cundī along with 500 500-passenger chariot Princess to the most wealthy girl Marian World Religion is complete, sit one place, probably combined with the White World Religion that:
-White Glass Germany World Religion, brother is Cunda taught me that:
"The approach to the South, reach the American faith in clean where the three jewels, to the refuge where the Bao Buddha thanks Lady, refuge taking refuge thanks to where Germany, France, the German place thanks to Lady refuge Increased Security; and stay away from the center of the friendly Italian police being, stay away from the theft, avoid the deviant, stay away from the lie, to stay away from the alcohol and other intoxicating substances is the highest human beards. Who, after death, because her career for regeneration in the charity world [27] only, do not regenerate in the evil world [28] ".
-White Glass Germany World Religion, I'm allowed to ask that:
Trust where the Buddha Told how, after death, only to regenerate in the charity world only, do not regenerate in the evil world?
People have faith in Germany France Told how, after death, only to regenerate in the charity world only, do not regenerate in the evil world?
People have faith in Germany Rose Told how, after death, only to regenerate in the charity world only, do not regenerate in the evil world?
The world shapers full full how, after death, only to regenerate in the charity world only, do not regenerate in the evil world?
Germany World Religion taught that:
-Cundī, all species of beings: They do not, they have two legs, they have four legs, they have many legs, they have colors, no color born UAN UAN, they have ideas, they have no ideas, they must not have idea, nor have no idea ... Among them how many students, As future, Primary Sensory Class Buddha that Chu Thien Tri teaches that: As the Buddha, the Chief Sensory Class is the most noble Ranks in the sentient species.
Who would have faith in the Buddha places clean, who became known as the people have faith in the Buddha's noble place, clean and get the result of high treasure.
Hey Cundī, compounded by structural coast range, and the infinite range of French charm so no texture, in France he has how many, Nirvana France Cup of AI (virāya) is no longer French charm, who aspires to join the destroyer, eradicated craving sticky stuck, cut end to electronics born reincarnation , which is Nirvana, but Chu Thien Tri teaches that: French charity Cup Nirvana is the most noble of French in France.
Who would have faith in the French Cup Nirvana place clean, the people were called the people have faith in German French noble place, clean and get the result of high treasure.
Cundī this, in all groups, unions, Chu Saint disciples of Literature raises the bar As Lai has 4 double 8 Holy ranks is worthy to receive life Ranks Saturday donation widgets; are these Steps deserve to be welcomed as distinguished guests; are these Steps deserve for our donation; are the Steps worthy of celebration, Chu Saint Rose is blessed of noble birth fill not unbeatable, but Chu Thien Tri teaches that: Holy is the Increase of higher schools of the upper most in the group, the unions.
Who would have faith in the divine Holy place clean boost, who became known as the people have faith in German upper high place clean; and there are results of noble treasure.
Cundī This, in about how much, but Chu beloved Holy that is not broken [29] , about not being punctured [30] , not b BLOB [31] , not broken lan [32] , autonomy, which Chu Thien tri level lauded praise, comments and craving can not press that thanks to the world. Thanks to the clean and perfect as the basis for legal practice meditation, France to meditate. For client friendly position should teach that: [33] of the Scriptures is about the most noble in the type world.
Who would have faith in clean in the ranks of Holy, who he called the people to have faith in the noble clean; and noble treasure results.
The Buddha taught that the shelf post theory:
Pure faith where lofty throne,
Wisdom knows where lofty throne.
Faith in the Buddha's noble clean
Invisible Upper Ranks is worthy of donation,
Pure faith in Germany, France
The French President's charity Cup is the pure land at peace.
Pure faith in Germany increased both
Phuoc is filling their noble birth.
The donation to the monks,
Phuoc Thien high growth are many,
Are results of high treasure is long lived,
Beauty, fame, notoriety, peace,
Physical strength and mental confusion.
Charity donation spot ranks high at all,
There is intention firmly in France,
He ranks as a vassal state, humanity
Reach the lofty place, Center of the wedding Festival.
Wisdom knows where lofty throne.
Faith in the Buddha's noble clean
Invisible Upper Ranks is worthy of donation,
Pure faith in Germany, France
The French President's charity Cup is the pure land at peace.
Pure faith in Germany increased both
Phuoc is filling their noble birth.
The donation to the monks,
Phuoc Thien high growth are many,
Are results of high treasure is long lived,
Beauty, fame, notoriety, peace,
Physical strength and mental confusion.
Charity donation spot ranks high at all,
There is intention firmly in France,
He ranks as a vassal state, humanity
Reach the lofty place, Center of the wedding Festival.
Faith is the French leader in the charity France from French charity trailokya trailokya Super friendly to the French.
For the Holy, be sure to always have faith completely clean where Tam, a solid way, there is nothing that can make the ranks of Holy faith reduction where the three jewels; because the Saints who kill by sheer negativity was skeptical piece .
For the rows reach the South, reach the female divine, also has faith always clean where the three jewels is not easy; because the voracious staff has more negativity dominates, as negativity skeptical where Tam, and results of career.
So, to ease the clean faith arises where the three jewels, the need to have clear and lofty subjects. As Buddha taught in Cundīsutta:
-Pure faith where the Buddha Said and that's where the Buddha is the sense of lofty Ranks College Primary in all species of sentient beings in the world.
-Pure faith where Germany, France Said It was faith where Nirvana France Cup as France freed all the death agony scene born reincarnation of the three about four species.
-Pure faith where Germany and that's where the Bao Increase Chu has 4 double Increases Holy 8 ranks St., Phuoc Dien of noble is born not unbeatable.
When the subject Tam high and clear, people close to the South, close to the new women's easy clean faith arise where Tam and preserve her faith be maintained, will definitely get results highest treasure in the treasure in my life.END=NAM MO SHAKYAMOUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.8/8/2017.
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