6. Anuttaro (Infinity-Upper-Singer)
Why the Buddha brand is ANUTTARO (Infinity-Upper-Singer)?
By you Germany-no one happy.
In Samyutta Nikãya Buddha-sentence quotations like this:
"As-Lai no saw on this world, including Chu, Ma-United Kingdom and delinquency, in world-this system is always both moral-singer, She-La, Chaplain and human-Kind, have them-being would Germany-more Like almond-Lai".
Indeed, in this world no one can match with the Buddha because he has the grace-Germany conferred-weights ever since:
1. Rupakãyesu Anuttaro: appreciation for Excellence Stems do not sin, handicapped, there is dread-(go, standing, lying, sitting), nice, Prashant đằm, full 32 and 80 General General have dime-optical zoom out shining, human-kind and Chu-no one.
2. Silesu Anuttaro: appreciation because of the World-World 2: almond.
3. Samãdhimhi Anuttaro: appreciation for meditation-. Meditation-2:
4. Pannãsu Anuttaro: appreciation for Position-intellectual property:
The Location-not the Buddha's wisdom Prime new was in the right in the next life too-past at left Portuguese tu Hui-three Slaps-La-Suite (Pannã Parãmi), He named Vidhura, Mahodatha ... already have Location-exceptional Intellect must be the location-awareness in time.
5. Purisasilamãcãresu: appreciation for being made man (Thai-Wholesale electronics-Hit-Me) full of active, non-appearance, outstanding academic, full understanding of business: phệ-da, make your superhuman power-supply, and tent-pancreas, no man can match by, anyone who also feel-restore the glass-high esteem.
6. Bhavassa Sammãcãresu: appreciation for a higher bar almond-all of them-being in-World.
7. ParapuggalaVimuttinnãne: appreciation for Position-intellectual property-out method-solution-get rid of the Evil-French (Mind-brain) than the location-awareness.
8. Pubbenivãsãnussatinnãne: appreciation for Position-Wisdom knows the money-of him and of them-being is a privileged Student-networking-information.
9. Dibbacakkhunnãne: appreciation for he has Genius-Labels-information.
10. Kammavipãkannãne: appreciation for Position-Wisdom to know what the result of each of them-by industrial friendly or evil beings have been created.
11. Yamakappãtihãriyannane: valued because he has used athletic-information is the God-incarnation 2 Buddhist:
12. Lokavivaranappãtihãriyannãne: valued because he has used the God-made-the human-kind, Lettered and birth in the same hell-see each other clear-clear after He finished Organ theory, from the sun-down Benefit Ðao Tran-period.
13. Apattikusalatãya: appreciation for he knows knows the circuit-guilty, the increase would sin (Sex-law) or not guilty. You are both clearly know.
14. Apattivutthanakusalatãya: valued because he knows he knows his way out of the crime-is if the tank would record-guilty, Writes from Libya allow the World-Executive-entertainment-crime (three of a kind-...)
15. Dhãtukusalatãya: valued because he knows he knows his circuit-a-quarter finals-Australian Friendship-consciousness (Upãdinnaka Dhãtu)-birth and a-quarter finals-An infinity-(Anupãdinnaka Dhãtu) of Ðất, mountain, tree, Ðá ... both of them-always-contentious fun-love in Foursome-Australian is Ðất, water, Wind, fire.
16. Manasikãrakusalatãya: valued because he knows the way, attention-chi Mr to Mind mind never to forget.
17. Thãnãthãnakusalatãya: appreciation for he knows-in-human (Hetu) or non-human resources. This is a blessing, and 3 is:
18. Dvisu Iddhisu: appreciation for the God-force 2:
19. Dvisu Anuttariyesu: appreciation for 2 dread-German noble none by is:
20. Tisukathãvatthũsu: appreciation for 3-happy Comment is:
21. Tisusamãdhisu: appreciation for 3 levels of meditation-is to determine:
22. Pãtihãriyesu Tisu: appreciation for what Africa-usually happens when You up-court, during the sermon and when down France-Court.
23. Catũsu Satipatthãnesu: appreciation for spherical pine Quartet-Anniversary-Of is:
24. Catũsu Sampadãsu: appreciation for 4 full article (Sampadã) makes the blessed-be results-high treasure-upper.
25. Catũsu Iddhipãdesa:-importance because the four-Student-Spirit (also called French-based real to 4-Prime for spirit-information):
26. Catũsu Maggesu Catũsu Phalesu: appreciation for 4 results starting from Tu-Da-Hườn-Dao, Da-Tu-Hườn-Result ...
27. Catũsu Ariyavamsesu: appreciation for 4 France Thanh Tong:
28. Catũsu vimuttinnãnesu: appreciation for Position-intellectual property, understanding media solution 4-escape from the Evil-French (Mind-brain):
29. Pancabalesu: appreciation because of the five-Power:
30. Pancindriyesu: appreciation for Team-Based (Elf-Spirit):
31. Pancãbhinnãsu: appreciation for Team-information.
32. Chãsãdhãranannãreru: appreciation for Position-Infinite Wisdom-Often (Asãdhãranannãna), and 6:
33. Sattavisuddhidesanãsu: appreciation for the novel-France about 7 France-Net.
34. Sattãkhinãsavabalesu: appreciation for understanding of Holy level 7-Administrator-is the tier property (Sekkho Puggalo) has strong-force removal-take each stage-France-Rotating the piece; 10 (Samyouana: French Straight-End). 7 Holy ranks-is:
35. Navasattãvãsadesanãsu: appreciation for the novel-France about 9 seats stay-of them-being.
36. Dasakasinãyatanesu: appreciation for 10 Kasina.
37. Ekãdasamettãnisansadesanãsu: appreciation for understanding the 11 blessed-treasure due to the scattered Palm of your doctor-AI:
38. Dvãdasãkusaladesanãsu: You know our Mind because-being in all sin is evil, 12-Center (Akusalacitta):
39. Teresa. Dhutangagunesu: appreciation for understanding how 13 France Starter-Da.
40. Cuddasabuđhannãnesu: appreciation for the complete Wisdom-full-light – throughout, infinity-infinity-volume border crossings, there are 14:
41. Ekavisatikusaladesanãsu: appreciation for the novel-France on Sanginippakarana (in Tibetan) divided the mind heal 21:
42. Catuvisatipasayadesanãsu: appreciation for the novel-France Mãhãpatthãna (Charm-Originator-An-Argument) on the 24th (Paccaya) [1] start from Hetuppaccaya (ex-Human initiated) and finally the Avigatappaccaya (Real-Zan-multiplication).
43. Kotisatasahassa Sancaritadhamma Vajirannãnesu: appreciation for the constant through Lily-HA loads-take; France is Dukapatthãna, Tikapatthãna, Dukatikapatthãna, Tikadukapatihana... [2].
So thanks for the Grace-The appreciation, no one can match by just counting on, should the Buddha brand is ANUTTARO (Infinity-Upper-Singer).
7. Purisadammasãrathi (Fair-Dwell Thy-Phu)
Why the Buddha brand name is PURISADAMMASARATHI (Fair-Dwell Thy-Phu)?
By Him who-owners who should coast international degree-degrees.
Someone owners-charm.
Who is who in the Coast-fuck the past did-Three Executive-La-Suite, was the power professionals-need maintenance claims-about, took part in the hearing, meditation-France.
Who did the high bar happy's-is healthy coast (Upanissaya) deserve-degrees. Depending on the process-level low or high virtue, charity-more or less charm, The World-religion using media like-to-degree each Owner-Charm. There are 2 people who Owned class-Charm:
Someone Owners-class Charm along the Buddha then order Him to-degrees, did He know who owned class-with UG Thinh-Writer would then He told her to international unit-level.
International transport-them-being.
The World-religion according to the mind and body of each-Leanne's class who preach-clear-clear about blessed or crime:
Next to those who cultivate class-gender-constituents of almond bar-NET you determine meditation about the theory and then by French treasure from the Preliminary level-meditation to Quartet-meditation.
Those steps were privileged, he lectured again determine Meditation-on the France-Police, most of the tu-he set times to arises-Wisdom clearly compounded General real-micro removal-except the Mind-brain and DAC-results Saints-from the Tu-Hườn to A-La-Da-Han.
We do not delight in that area of old, there are many Chu-the Australian ranks and Friendly-charm, when heard through a French or a language-shelf by the Buddha to be instant, proof theory-Holy berries-right at your seat. He ranks's real-action – complacency, the France-La-Suite and set Friendly-the high Coast thick, you treasure from infinity-of shit too-past, to fuck there-great, Hussain met the Buddha taught-degree for, should be tasted flavors-taste-joys-for, for like fruits have matured from how many days on the high spike, only a light wind flow through time is shedding.
In the Anguttara Nikaya Nikãya, Buddha questions-quotations like so: "this Kesi! As-trainer Hybrid-training them-being worth-speed when then by how subdued-easily, by media at the tough and then by both ways: subdued-and tough ".
In short, He speed-them-birth in 3 of the following media:
The World-religion very media – mastering, knows the chemical education in circuit-them-birth such as elephant rider was pure-Shu in the training of elephants, by Him through-out the mind of all of them-being as effective in the World Award-Award, the "we-world Beings." So thanks for understanding wall-washing, Hanh-Leanne check thorough, process-level Location-Wisdom and charm of each of them-being, should He be Catholic-turned-Human-kind and Lettered a-easily. So the owner-should-level coast are well under the protection and advice-coaching.
Them-being is-.
If literally translated, the word "Parisadammasãrathi" meaning the Steps Only Dao (Sãrathi) the man (Purisa) deserve higher education-Chemistry (Damma).
So the Buddha is just full of male ones only? Not so, Sir-degrees both male and female, the rules often speaks to the South before because according to Buddha-Muslim man Hussain who also relief-and-benefits easy-easier.
Again, the only human-Kind, He still always-both human and non-animal species (Thien-Chu, yaksha, falls-the devil...) has a fresh charm.
Men (Purisa)-level 3:
The male animal as Dragon Lord Apalãlo in Mount Hope-Greek Codes-paint, Cũlodara and Mahodara in world-boundary species of Dragon. Aggisikha and Dhũmasikha in the leader area of-Lan, Aravãla., has been The World-religion has the Compassionate-use Introspection Spirit-information-for the Dragon Lord, which he runs out of data and end-nộc Hungarian toxic is pleasing pitch-hate, and Tam-life Five-Fiend. Elephant Dhanãpãlaka Mr.-life for Tam-qui. Not just how many other animals, he also Writes from bi-speed-a lot.
The man did the guilt thing, constant accept Ta-comments such as sons of foreign-directed Nigantha (Jain) name Saccaka, who she-La- Ambatthaname Subjects, Pokkharasãti, Sonadanda, Kutadanta..., was The World-religion from theory of bi-French-international-for, leaving pure faith arises where the Bao, Tam-depart Ta-Opinion; be the Chief Justice-opinions and high-privileged. The man crashed against his and Lily are-not just how much speed he, also very much does not end.
The non-human Male as the yaksha Alavaka, Sũciloma, Kharaloma, The God-Like (Sakka), Ðại-Pham- Pakã... already accept the Ties-and-Beam, himself had ranks Germany-Supreme, was happy the Buddha sermon-speed until play mind into Tam-Bao.
Coaching-from the World-religion.
The word of The World-religion-culture education to uttering them-being very much can not tell. When the teacher-coach, depending on:
In summary, coaching his 3-from:
1. The World-religion don't do evil is so shunned by the Evil Executive Stems 10 France, export, Italy called the cross-Wicked:
2. Mr. promotional-rate should do the things is so 10 Violations of the Executive (Punnakiriya):
3. You should teach your mind to clean is doing-try-hard kill-take the Mind-Brain (Kilesa) and the French Sleep-in the mind (Anusaya) is what makes the mind of birth stigma and make them dirty-sa-fallen within London-death birth.
The Mind-Brain he subdivided into 2:
If the summary plus, the Chief of the training-from-Turned-Tri can short in 2 language advice Shou you treasure:
1. The easy-constant dwell in the center of Beards or forget his class, often let go-lung-remember, not for the decision to do a job for long, achievements.
Our mind-being immersed herself drunk-passion under the Five-of-bran-self, thinking that we were young and old, yet still strong yet still painful, yet pleasurable agony. ... should at least be given the tribute to the wholesome and the French-Germany. Dẩu remember to go anymore to do the through-speaker for approximately, khộng to all-Position to the fact-the Friendly-France. Such is the ease of Mind-Beards.
Again, something else would the c c-embankment runs a ramp and then stopped a short circuit, never run a circuit to the destination; building laboratory or Tri-Phuoc or hearing – France,-meditation ... one day it always more days; have people in one time and then complete, is no longer in memory of the genus to the Buddha-Dharma. All events-State of Mind is Easy-Beards.
The easy-to-roots is the home and beards-the Evil French. Them-being would do-for the easy-beards and then by the substance contained in the body-brain Trouble-heart, suffer the agony of birth,-the old, Sore, dying, this life through the shit don't stop.
2. The Not Easy-Easy-with the permanently erased, beards, Beards. The person is not easy-hang the people's Beards in mind in the mind, not just in one time only, in any time, place and action, too.
Clouds-computer people is not easy-5: Beards a) Sĩlepatitthito: in the framework of the world-the law
The Not Easy-Beards is wall-plagued very much-result of France not Evil for invading-enter and bouncing-bloom in the body-mind is, is the home and roots-the France. Should such language: Buddha-sentence "this the teacher Bhikkhu-Khưu! the footprint of all animal species are located within the footprint of the elephant; the French charity constant qui-convergence across under the competence of the not easy-beards like that! ".
"Appamãdo Amatam Padam ": The Not Easy – go to where is the way of beards, real-kill. They are not easy to Mind any contentious--Beards, often to the administrative, professional, needed-Germany as the Father-, Maintenance-, Hearing-France, take part in meditation ... and try not to stop keeping-keep-NET-Based, not to Altaf as Tran-sexual; them-being, sure one day will kill-take advantage of the Mind-the great Brain, micro-and will be tasting flavor-flavor nirvana is where countless Beings Real-Kill.
Thus, while important in the disease about to enter Nirvana, The World-religion look at every four-they are sitting in front of him, with full of people, the melancholy, sad-face-, who then tears the lagoon-give me ten ... anyone who also are virtual brain looks, Messiah From extra permanent-in the hour-... When seeing the sight, Him and he blurted the word Lok thus: "this the disciples! The people should remember that the French property-Vi must be goal ruined, he is probably of course. C c people should not Easy-to-make, beards, every benefit-useful to body-mind to be cursory results! "is the last word of The World-religion when coming off the world, Palĩ called"Pacchimabuddhavacana "(dark-late-Programming).
How much does include the full lyrics to French Education that The World-religion has labored to spread in 45 years long market post-equal, so we are Buddha-Prince, owner-coast meet Chief Justice-France, should also be carved carving where Mind encrusted lyrics trainer of his Golden-and-to-"The Not Easy-Beards" most clearly see the path in the same-day escape-hybrid.
Tuesday, 1 August 2017
German Grace Tam.
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