Tuesday, 1 August 2017

German Grace Tam.

6. Anuttaro (Infinity-Upper-Singer)
Why the Buddha brand is ANUTTARO (Infinity-Upper-Singer)?
By you Germany-no one happy.
In Samyutta Nikãya Buddha-sentence quotations like this:
"As-Lai no saw on this world, including Chu, Ma-United Kingdom and delinquency, in world-this system is always both moral-singer, She-La, Chaplain and human-Kind, have them-being would Germany-more Like almond-Lai".
Indeed, in this world no one can match with the Buddha because he has the grace-Germany conferred-weights ever since:
1. Rupakãyesu Anuttaro: appreciation for Excellence Stems do not sin, handicapped, there is dread-(go, standing, lying, sitting), nice, Prashant đằm, full 32 and 80 General General have dime-optical zoom out shining, human-kind and Chu-no one.
2. Silesu Anuttaro: appreciation because of the World-World 2: almond.
- Lokiya Sila: Vela-About
- Lokuttara Sila: Saints-About
a) Divine-about is Five-, eight-Overview-Son-sex, Gender and Cross-Student-sex. The Buddha has always kept the world-therefore-not dirty-the stigma of rolling-at also get birth-death within London-full recovery 4 A-increase-and 100 thousand College of result-bridge. Again, He did complete enough World-action Three-La-Suite:
Silã Pãrami: -Lower Level
Silã Upparami: -Middle Tier
Paramattha Silã Parãmi: -Upper Level
b) Holy-World: From countless shit the past, he has real-action 3-Foot French Chief of fullness is:
Sammãvãcã: Chief Justice-Speaker
Sammã Kammanto: Chief-Career
Sammã ãjivo: Chief-network
cause for the arising of Saints-Dao kill make the Evil French.
3. Samãdhimhi Anuttaro: appreciation for meditation-. Meditation-2:
Upacãra SamãdiDetermine Accessibility:
Appanã Samãdhi: Added-Dinh
Determine access is an evangelical Center status-head in a scene-song yet firmly.
Enter-to determine the status of safe space Healing Center is consistently-problem in a scene-. Type 2: determine
Lokiya Samãdhi : Determine Chums are in the world, is of divine meditation-with target-ruined. Determine chums have 8:4 Tier meditation in the Colors-(Rũpãvacara Samãpatti) and 4 degrees of meditation in Infinite realms-SAC-(Arũpãvacara Samãpatti)
Lokuttara Samãdhi : Determine the export is Holy, Holy-ranks of human meditation is, certainly, not frivolous-sabotage.
4. Pannãsu Anuttaro: appreciation for Position-intellectual property:
a) Mahãpanno: You have infinite Wisdom-Mind-power-bien, Chu-Natural and human-kind no one.
b) Pathuppanno: is the Position-intellectual property-intensive, deep-thick even as the globe.
c) Hãsappanno: Yes-Wisdom makes them-being happy-like while You listen to the sermon.
d) Javanappanno: Yes-Wisdom through-out the despatch France
e) Tikkhanappanno: A-sharp-sharp Intellect.
f) Nibbedhikappanno: There is Wisdom in the Mind-the sermon is never confused-confused or stumbled-due while the sermon.
The Location-not the Buddha's wisdom Prime new was in the right in the next life too-past at left Portuguese tu Hui-three Slaps-La-Suite (Pannã Parãmi), He named Vidhura, Mahodatha ... already have Location-exceptional Intellect must be the location-awareness in time.
5. Purisasilamãcãresu: appreciation for being made man (Thai-Wholesale electronics-Hit-Me) full of active, non-appearance, outstanding academic, full understanding of business: phệ-da, make your superhuman power-supply, and tent-pancreas, no man can match by, anyone who also feel-restore the glass-high esteem.
6. Bhavassa Sammãcãresu: appreciation for a higher bar almond-all of them-being in-World.
7. ParapuggalaVimuttinnãne: appreciation for Position-intellectual property-out method-solution-get rid of the Evil-French (Mind-brain) than the location-awareness.
8. Pubbenivãsãnussatinnãne: appreciation for Position-Wisdom knows the money-of him and of them-being is a privileged Student-networking-information.
9. Dibbacakkhunnãne: appreciation for he has Genius-Labels-information.
10. Kammavipãkannãne: appreciation for Position-Wisdom to know what the result of each of them-by industrial friendly or evil beings have been created.
11. Yamakappãtihãriyannane: valued because he has used athletic-information is the God-incarnation 2 Buddhist:
-A heavenly realms in theory Benefit the comment an organ-Ðao Buddha consecutive samples in three months down Saturday.
-A ride maintenance-every morning in North-Lu-Chou.
12. Lokavivaranappãtihãriyannãne: valued because he has used the God-made-the human-kind, Lettered and birth in the same hell-see each other clear-clear after He finished Organ theory, from the sun-down Benefit Ðao Tran-period.
13. Apattikusalatãya: appreciation for he knows knows the circuit-guilty, the increase would sin (Sex-law) or not guilty. You are both clearly know.
14. Apattivutthanakusalatãya: valued because he knows he knows his way out of the crime-is if the tank would record-guilty, Writes from Libya allow the World-Executive-entertainment-crime (three of a kind-...)
15. Dhãtukusalatãya: valued because he knows he knows his circuit-a-quarter finals-Australian Friendship-consciousness (Upãdinnaka Dhãtu)-birth and a-quarter finals-An infinity-(Anupãdinnaka Dhãtu) of Ðất, mountain, tree, Ðá ... both of them-always-contentious fun-love in Foursome-Australian is Ðất, water, Wind, fire.
16. Manasikãrakusalatãya: valued because he knows the way, attention-chi Mr to Mind mind never to forget.
17. Thãnãthãnakusalatãya: appreciation for he knows-in-human (Hetu) or non-human resources. This is a blessing, and 3 is:
a) Alobho: space-Join
b) Adoso: Not the pitch-Hate
c) Amoho: Not Si-Enchanted
18. Dvisu Iddhisu: appreciation for the God-force 2:
a) Cittiddhi: God-force due to the mind is the mind net-thanks to meditation.
b) Vimamsiddhi: God-force due to Position-Wisdom is Mind-discerning Wisdom thanks to Smart-Survey.
19. Dvisu Anuttariyesu: appreciation for 2 dread-German noble none by is:
a) Silãnuttariya: about High-upper
b) Pannãnuttariya: Location-High Upper Wisdom
20. Tisukathãvatthũsu: appreciation for 3-happy Comment is:
a) Dãna: Dad-Pilot
b) Sila: Maintenance-about
c) Bhãvana:-meditation
21. Tisusamãdhisu: appreciation for 3 levels of meditation-is to determine:
a) Vitakkavicãrasamadhi: Steps of meditation have enough Surveillance Range
b) Avitakkasavicãrasamadhi: Steps of meditation has no Games but there are Suicide
c) Avitakka Avicãrasamãdhi: Meditation and range Ranks No.
22. Pãtihãriyesu Tisu: appreciation for what Africa-usually happens when You up-court, during the sermon and when down France-Court.
23. Catũsu Satipatthãnesu: appreciation for spherical pine Quartet-Anniversary-Of is:
a) Kãyãnupassanã Satipatthãna: Body Concepts
b) Vedanãnupassanã Satipatthãna: Life Celebration
c) Cittãnupassanã Satipatthãna: anniversary of the mind
d) Dhammãnupassanã Satipatthãna: Anniversary Of France.
24. Catũsu Sampadãsu: appreciation for 4 full article (Sampadã) makes the blessed-be results-high treasure-upper.
a) Sampada Cetanã: be filled enough all three partners-Italy:
Cetanã Pubba:-The first is impaired-computer before largesse.
Muncana Cetanã:-while making fun is the heart while largesse.
Aparãpara Cetanã:-my thoughts-think fulfills-like after work.
b) Sampada Paccaya: be filled enough four widgets (y-utilities, coke Liao, Pharmacology).
c) Sampada Vatthu: cult objects-enough to be filled-it seems.
d) Gunãtireka Sampadã: be filled enough grace-Scriptures-ranks of German Personnel is the A-La-Han when the Lord has just published Australian-.
25. Catũsu Iddhipãdesa:-importance because the four-Student-Spirit (also called French-based real to 4-Prime for spirit-information):
a) Chandiddhipãda: Pray-God of Hope-Student
b) Viriyiddhipãda: Essential-tons of God-Student
c) Cittiddhitãda: The mind-Spirit-Student
d) Vimamsiddhipãda: Mind-Spirit-Wisdom.
26. Catũsu Maggesu Catũsu Phalesu: appreciation for 4 results starting from Tu-Da-Hườn-Dao, Da-Tu-Hườn-Result ...
27. Catũsu Ariyavamsesu: appreciation for 4 France Thanh Tong:
a) Appiccho: the Ham-like to at least
b) Sallekho: the Tri-University
c) Saddhã: have The Kien-News-issue 10 France-La-Suite
d) Town: Maintenance-clean the under Five-, eight-Overview-Son-and-Quarter-Net-World.
28. Catũsu vimuttinnãnesu: appreciation for Position-intellectual property, understanding media solution 4-escape from the Evil-French (Mind-brain):
a) Pannãvimuti: exit-by Saint-Wisdom is the export World Wisdom.
b) Vimutti Samuccheda:-the magnificent piece escape by.
c) Vikkhambhana Vimuti:-escape by the pressure-compression determine their Meditation.
d) Tadanga Vimutti:-exit the wickedness in each step-by-Wisdom-Mind.
29. Pancabalesu: appreciation because of the five-Power:
a) Saddha Balam: Credit-force is faith dung-Meng where Tam-and-Entertainment-to eradicate superstition, crush deviant comments
b) Viriya Balam: Ton-force is essential-strike-Meng to eradicate the lazy-lazy,-.
c) Sati Balam: the notion of memory as dung-Meng to eradicate the memory still thinks outside the Center.
d) Samãdhi Balam: Dinh-force is determine dung Meditation-Meng to eradicate the mind doesn't take-you, not an-space.
e) Pannã Balam: Wisdom-Wisdom-courage-are strong to eradicate countless.
30. Pancindriyesu: appreciation for Team-Based (Elf-Spirit):
a) Saddhindriyam: Credit-Based is its Grace News-The Tam-and believe causation to kill-exorcism-comments
b) Viriyindriyam: Ton-Based is its Essential-Tons to kill-except the lazy-lazy, favors a-
c) Satindriyam: Anniversary-is its Location-Remember to kill-except the memory Center still thinks outside
d) Samãdhindriyam: Determine-according to determine Primary original point is to kill-except the mind not an-Head Office
e) Pannindriyam: intellectual property-Based is its Location-Wisdom to kill-infinity-minus.
31. Pancãbhinnãsu: appreciation for Team-information.
a) Dibbacakkhu: Label-information
b) Dibba Sota: Turkish-information
c) Iddhividha: God-information
d) Paracitta Vijjã: Tha Mind-information
e) Pubbenivãsãnussati: Student-network-information
The five above-also in violation of the divine-human class-vi, the Holy-DAC more Contraband-Take-(Asavakkhaya) is the Wisdom to know the France-Luan to kill-take advantage of the general public, is six (Abhinnã).
32. Chãsãdhãranannãreru: appreciation for Position-Infinite Wisdom-Often (Asãdhãranannãna), and 6:
a) Asayãnusayannãna: Hui know France sexual orientation-direction (ãsaya) and the French Sleep-underground (Anusaya) in our Mind-being.
b) Indriyaparopariyattinnãna: Hui know radical-dung-strong or weak-coward of them-being.
c) Yamãkappãtihãriyannãna: flax Lily-come in the use of amphibians-God-incarnation 2 Buddhist.
d) Mahãkarunãsamãpattinnãna: Hui know French international transport them-being when An exhaust-Bi-Dinh.
e) Sabbannũtannãna: Hui understand all things don't balance mistakes (-).
f) Anãvarannãna: Hui understood everything not hindrances, not chi che.
33. Sattavisuddhidesanãsu: appreciation for the novel-France about 7 France-Net.
a) Sĩla Visuddhi: Thanh-Tinh due to Maintenance-about
b) Citta Visuddhi: Thanh-Tinh due to the Edit Center treatment makes play-birth Approach-and Type-set.
c) Visuddhi Ditthi: Thanh-Tinh do understand see foot-Chief Justice is Wisdom clearly "and" (Five-Aggregates), due to its harmony Quartet-Australian and constant dominated by 3 Endless-General
Typically, A Gauge-Brain, Infinitely-Fall.
d) Visuddhi Kankhãvitarana: Net-due Tue clearly human-charm of the list-and end from Huai-Yi for the list-in Tam-World.
e) Maggãmaggannãnadassana Visuddhi: bar-do not mistake the intelligence Net according to the Mind-Brain of 10-Suicide, clearly is the Dao or Dao isn't.
f) Visuddhi Patipadãnãnadassana: Net-due Tue clearly see how progress-is should take-action 9 France-Police-Intelligence.
g) Visuddhi Nãnadassana: Net-due Tue-world clearly see the Holy Scriptures, and 4 Administrators-4-Result.
34. Sattãkhinãsavabalesu: appreciation for understanding of Holy level 7-Administrator-is the tier property (Sekkho Puggalo) has strong-force removal-take each stage-France-Rotating the piece; 10 (Samyouana: French Straight-End). 7 Holy ranks-is:
Tu-Da-Hườn leader
Tu-Da-Hườn results
Tu-Da-a function result
35. Navasattãvãsadesanãsu: appreciation for the novel-France about 9 seats stay-of them-being.
36. Dasakasinãyatanesu: appreciation for 10 Kasina.
a) Pathavi Kasina: Threads-soil section
b) Apo Kasina: Soles-water entry
c) Kasina Vãgo: Threads-the wind
d) Tejo Kasina: Threads-fire category
e) Nĩla Kasina: Subject-items in blue
f) Pita Kasina: Subject-items in yellow
g) Lohita Kasina: Threads-item color
h) Odãta Kasina: Subject-items in white
I) Kasina Akãsa: Threads-damaged items-not
j) Aloka Kasina: Threads-light-light category.
37. Ekãdasamettãnisansadesanãsu: appreciation for understanding the 11 blessed-treasure due to the scattered Palm of your doctor-AI:
a) supati Sukham: When sleep is an-fun.
b) Patibujjhati Sukham: when the wake was also an-fun.
c) Na Pãpakam Supinam Passati: not bad-evil y th dream away.
d) Manussãnam Piyohoti: people are injured.
e) Amanussãnam Piyohoti: Africa-workers injured.
f) Devatã Rakkhantri: Chu-the often-household maintenance.
g) Nãssa Aggi, Visam, Sattham and Kamati: fire, poison and gas-about not doing harm.
h) Tuvãtam Samãdhiyati Cittam: the mind to enter meditation swiftly.
I) Mukhavanno Vippasidati: skin color, his face was fresh-the bright light.
j) Asammulho Kãlam Karoti: When coming to the Center, which was the average static-not enchanted.
k) Uttarim appativijjhanto Brahmalokũpagohoti: If not privileged-high upper then when death was birth of the Sun-the Offense (-).
38. Dvãdasãkusaladesanãsu: You know our Mind because-being in all sin is evil, 12-Center (Akusalacitta):
8 Space Center-Join
2 the mind-Revenge
2 Tam Si-Enchanted
39. Teresa. Dhutangagunesu: appreciation for understanding how 13 France Starter-Da.
a) Pamsukũlika: Released by gatherers to fabrics may-wear.
b) Tecivarika: by the way the only right triangle-y.
c) Pindapãtika: by just going real life son qifu mumo-no increase.
d) Sapadãnacãrika: Released by often go under each home-qifu gangui each neighbourhood.
e) Ekãsanika: by just sitting in one spot-life (life only once a day).
f) Pattapindika: real-life in the only way the Bowl only.
g) Khalupashãbhatika: equal when stopped (not used, non-life) character-the rise and then not allowed real-life places.
h) Arannika: equal only in the forest (in the villages).
I) Rukkhammũlika: only in the place where the original tree (not in the Cup, tent or having cover coatings).
j) Abbhokãsika: Just in, gaps (not under oil).
k) Sosanika: only in graves or spot removal-contest.
l Yathãsanthalika): lettered-where Only specified increases first, not moved.
m) Nesajjiaka: Just sit clerk is (go, stand).
40. Cuddasabuđhannãnesu: appreciation for the complete Wisdom-full-light – throughout, infinity-infinity-volume border crossings, there are 14:
a) Dukke Nãnam: Hue seen suffering God is real-feet-.
b) Samudaye Nãnam Dukkha: Hue clearly see God's foot-Set-truth.
c) Nirodhe Nãnam Dukkha: Hue clearly God is real removal-.
d) Nirodhagãminipatipadãya Nãnam Dukkha: Hue clearly see God's truth-Ethics.
e) Atthapatisambhidã: Hui clearly see the results or the Manager (media – through the means of notes).
f) Dhammapatisambhidã: Hui know the people or the media throughout France.
g) Nirutti Patisambhisã: Hue knows the five-or throughout the media.
h) Patibhãna Patisambhidã: Hue clear-clear separation and despatch all things.
I have just mentioned above Lily 8) + 6 piece was Lily in the genus number 32, 14 the Hue
41. Ekavisatikusaladesanãsu: appreciation for the novel-France on Sanginippakarana (in Tibetan) divided the mind heal 21:
8 Kãmãvacarakusale: Celestial Sex scene in Center-about
5 Rũpãvacarakusala: Tianxin in scenery-about
4 Arũpãvacarakusala: mind in infinity-landscape Colors-about
4 Lokuttarakusala: the mind of the Holy-ranks.
42. Catuvisatipasayadesanãsu: appreciation for the novel-France Mãhãpatthãna (Charm-Originator-An-Argument) on the 24th (Paccaya) [1] start from Hetuppaccaya (ex-Human initiated) and finally the Avigatappaccaya (Real-Zan-multiplication).
43. Kotisatasahassa Sancaritadhamma Vajirannãnesu: appreciation for the constant through Lily-HA loads-take; France is Dukapatthãna, Tikapatthãna, Dukatikapatthãna, Tikadukapatihana... [2].
So thanks for the Grace-The appreciation, no one can match by just counting on, should the Buddha brand is ANUTTARO (Infinity-Upper-Singer).
[1] "Hetu" is born (Janaka), "Paccaya" as France consolidated (Upatthambhaka) ones. In other words, "Hetu" is reinforced from the source (Mũla) which "Paccaya" support personnel is in line, such as the Department of the same granular make preschool rustic, also the country's responsibility is for the sprouts were solid. But a separate noun split like that, but in General "Hetu" or "Paccaya" may also be referred to as "human".
[2]- Dukapatthãna: Treatise about pratītyasamutpāda each piece 2 chi
- Tikapatthãna: comment on pratītyasamutpāda each paragraph 3 genera
- Dukatikapatthãna: comment on pratītyasamutpāda each piece 2 and 3 genera
- Tikadukapatthãna: comment on pratītyasamutpāda each paragraph 2 and 3.
People such as gold foil to dry
The echo-euphoria stand propped the door to excessive destruction
Don't wait inside the fuselage of TU
Why wage private refurbished please cleanup lo tu

Once the death of
Would anyone protect yourself
His wife had oil releases love
Shut up-if only to know do thinh stand.
7. Purisadammasãrathi (Fair-Dwell Thy-Phu)
Why the Buddha brand name is PURISADAMMASARATHI (Fair-Dwell Thy-Phu)?
By Him who-owners who should coast international degree-degrees.
Someone owners-charm.
Who is who in the Coast-fuck the past did-Three Executive-La-Suite, was the power professionals-need maintenance claims-about, took part in the hearing, meditation-France.
Who did the high bar happy's-is healthy coast (Upanissaya) deserve-degrees. Depending on the process-level low or high virtue, charity-more or less charm, The World-religion using media like-to-degree each Owner-Charm. There are 2 people who Owned class-Charm:
- Buddhaveneyya: the Class due to the Buddha-degrees.
- Sãvakaveneyya: the Class due to the fact an-Thinh.
Someone Owners-class Charm along the Buddha then order Him to-degrees, did He know who owned class-with UG Thinh-Writer would then He told her to international unit-level.
International transport-them-being.
The World-religion according to the mind and body of each-Leanne's class who preach-clear-clear about blessed or crime:
-We-being would preferred the blessings are on the administrative, is unresolved (Kãya Sucarita), due to export (Vaci út Sucarita) and Italy (Mano Mano Sucarita) of the blessed, most of them French-birth and play Center in the making-deal thing.
-We-being would preferred the evil, Evil Act the legal theory, Sir, is the evil act by the (Kãya Duccarita), due to export (Vaci út Duccarita) and Italy (Mano Duccarita) same result report of France, most of them-being and play Mind woah-fear of the things sin and Who do the fresh salmon.
Next to those who cultivate class-gender-constituents of almond bar-NET you determine meditation about the theory and then by French treasure from the Preliminary level-meditation to Quartet-meditation.
Those steps were privileged, he lectured again determine Meditation-on the France-Police, most of the tu-he set times to arises-Wisdom clearly compounded General real-micro removal-except the Mind-brain and DAC-results Saints-from the Tu-Hườn to A-La-Da-Han.
We do not delight in that area of old, there are many Chu-the Australian ranks and Friendly-charm, when heard through a French or a language-shelf by the Buddha to be instant, proof theory-Holy berries-right at your seat. He ranks's real-action – complacency, the France-La-Suite and set Friendly-the high Coast thick, you treasure from infinity-of shit too-past, to fuck there-great, Hussain met the Buddha taught-degree for, should be tasted flavors-taste-joys-for, for like fruits have matured from how many days on the high spike, only a light wind flow through time is shedding.
In the Anguttara Nikaya Nikãya, Buddha questions-quotations like so: "this Kesi! As-trainer Hybrid-training them-being worth-speed when then by how subdued-easily, by media at the tough and then by both ways: subdued-and tough ".
In short, He speed-them-birth in 3 of the following media:
1. Abhinnã: writes clearly teaching-the clear good and evil.
2. Sanidãna: You teach according to the whole-is depending on the result of benign or evil happens, He just shows human friendly or do evil.
3. Sappãtihãriya: Mr. Islam-by 3 France Africa-usually:
a) Iddhippãtihãra: using the French Spirit-information.
b) Adesanãpãtihãra: by clearly knew the mind of them-being.
c) Anusasanipatihãra: With these tips-commandments, prompt-prompt and delivery – gender training, Dinh, Hue.
The World-religion very media – mastering, knows the chemical education in circuit-them-birth such as elephant rider was pure-Shu in the training of elephants, by Him through-out the mind of all of them-being as effective in the World Award-Award, the "we-world Beings." So thanks for understanding wall-washing, Hanh-Leanne check thorough, process-level Location-Wisdom and charm of each of them-being, should He be Catholic-turned-Human-kind and Lettered a-easily. So the owner-should-level coast are well under the protection and advice-coaching.
Them-being is-.
If literally translated, the word "Parisadammasãrathi" meaning the Steps Only Dao (Sãrathi) the man (Purisa) deserve higher education-Chemistry (Damma).
So the Buddha is just full of male ones only? Not so, Sir-degrees both male and female, the rules often speaks to the South before because according to Buddha-Muslim man Hussain who also relief-and-benefits easy-easier.
Again, the only human-Kind, He still always-both human and non-animal species (Thien-Chu, yaksha, falls-the devil...) has a fresh charm.
Men (Purisa)-level 3:
Purisa Tiracchãna: Animal Ðực
Manussa Purisa: Man
Purisa Amanussa: Africa-South
The male animal as Dragon Lord Apalãlo in Mount Hope-Greek Codes-paint, Cũlodara and Mahodara in world-boundary species of Dragon. Aggisikha and Dhũmasikha in the leader area of-Lan, Aravãla., has been The World-religion has the Compassionate-use Introspection Spirit-information-for the Dragon Lord, which he runs out of data and end-nộc Hungarian toxic is pleasing pitch-hate, and Tam-life Five-Fiend. Elephant Dhanãpãlaka Mr.-life for Tam-qui. Not just how many other animals, he also Writes from bi-speed-a lot.
The man did the guilt thing, constant accept Ta-comments such as sons of foreign-directed Nigantha (Jain) name Saccaka, who she-La- Ambatthaname Subjects, Pokkharasãti, Sonadanda, Kutadanta..., was The World-religion from theory of bi-French-international-for, leaving pure faith arises where the Bao, Tam-depart Ta-Opinion; be the Chief Justice-opinions and high-privileged. The man crashed against his and Lily are-not just how much speed he, also very much does not end.
The non-human Male as the yaksha Alavaka, Sũciloma, Kharaloma, The God-Like (Sakka), Ðại-Pham- Pakã... already accept the Ties-and-Beam, himself had ranks Germany-Supreme, was happy the Buddha sermon-speed until play mind into Tam-Bao.
Coaching-from the World-religion.
The word of The World-religion-culture education to uttering them-being very much can not tell. When the teacher-coach, depending on:
Mood and wholesome charm,
Location-based and-each of them-being,
Resources – human, time and opportunity,
Style-every culture-...
In summary, coaching his 3-from:
Sabbapãpassa Akaranam: Should not do evil.
Kusalass pasampada: should do the healthy thing.
Sacittapariyodapanam: Should cultivate the mind to clear.
1. The World-religion don't do evil is so shunned by the Evil Executive Stems 10 France, export, Italy called the cross-Wicked:
Identity Theft-Identity Theft
Say The Word Slip Ðâm
Say The Word Independent From Evil-(Speaking To Risk)
It's the word of the far-Vong infinity-Useful
TA-(don't believe human-result crime ...)
2. Mr. promotional-rate should do the things is so 10 Violations of the Executive (Punnakiriya):
-To Serve-The Fevers-Thoroughly (Veyyãvacca)
-Four-Infinity-Energy-Mind (Appamannã)
-The explicit-shunned (Methunavirati)
-Endless Fun Only-Minh
-No adultery
-Essential-Ton Tri-Bowl-Son (Uposatha)
-Bowl-Saints-Dao (Ariyamagga)
-Religion-France: Sasana (World, Dinh, Hue)
3. You should teach your mind to clean is doing-try-hard kill-take the Mind-Brain (Kilesa) and the French Sleep-in the mind (Anusaya) is what makes the mind of birth stigma and make them dirty-sa-fallen within London-death birth.
The Mind-Brain he subdivided into 2:
a Mind-Brain Weight)-Australian (Rough-profile), the mind wants to Close-being, taking part of the improvements, expecting her to do ... can eradicate by the Maintenance-and determine Meditation.
b) Mind-Brain virus, hard to perceive is to make play-run the Mind-brain, can kill-take by Saints-Wisdom.
If the summary plus, the Chief of the training-from-Turned-Tri can short in 2 language advice Shou you treasure:
-Should The sparkling-far-Beards (Pamãda) (the incentives)
-Should The passenger Not-real-Beards (Appamãda).
1. The easy-constant dwell in the center of Beards or forget his class, often let go-lung-remember, not for the decision to do a job for long, achievements.
Our mind-being immersed herself drunk-passion under the Five-of-bran-self, thinking that we were young and old, yet still strong yet still painful, yet pleasurable agony. ... should at least be given the tribute to the wholesome and the French-Germany. Dẩu remember to go anymore to do the through-speaker for approximately, khộng to all-Position to the fact-the Friendly-France. Such is the ease of Mind-Beards.
Again, something else would the c c-embankment runs a ramp and then stopped a short circuit, never run a circuit to the destination; building laboratory or Tri-Phuoc or hearing – France,-meditation ... one day it always more days; have people in one time and then complete, is no longer in memory of the genus to the Buddha-Dharma. All events-State of Mind is Easy-Beards.
The easy-to-roots is the home and beards-the Evil French. Them-being would do-for the easy-beards and then by the substance contained in the body-brain Trouble-heart, suffer the agony of birth,-the old, Sore, dying, this life through the shit don't stop.
2. The Not Easy-Easy-with the permanently erased, beards, Beards. The person is not easy-hang the people's Beards in mind in the mind, not just in one time only, in any time, place and action, too.
Clouds-computer people is not easy-5: Beards
a) Sĩlepatitthito: in the framework of the world-the law
b) Indriyesu Smavuto: Produced-end Apartment-for-the-net.
c) Bhojane Mattannu: know the degrees in the eat ___
d) Jãgariyam Anuyanjati: often awaken, less enchanted sleep.
e) Bhãvagam Kusalam Dhamman: Essential-Ton join the meditation, action directed to the French super high-privileged.
The Not Easy-Beards is wall-plagued very much-result of France not Evil for invading-enter and bouncing-bloom in the body-mind is, is the home and roots-the France. Should such language: Buddha-sentence "this the teacher Bhikkhu-Khưu! the footprint of all animal species are located within the footprint of the elephant; the French charity constant qui-convergence across under the competence of the not easy-beards like that! ".
"Appamãdo Amatam Padam ": The Not Easy – go to where is the way of beards, real-kill. They are not easy to Mind any contentious--Beards, often to the administrative, professional, needed-Germany as the Father-, Maintenance-, Hearing-France, take part in meditation ... and try not to stop keeping-keep-NET-Based, not to Altaf as Tran-sexual; them-being, sure one day will kill-take advantage of the Mind-the great Brain, micro-and will be tasting flavor-flavor nirvana is where countless Beings Real-Kill.
Thus, while important in the disease about to enter Nirvana, The World-religion look at every four-they are sitting in front of him, with full of people, the melancholy, sad-face-, who then tears the lagoon-give me ten ... anyone who also are virtual brain looks, Messiah From extra permanent-in the hour-... When seeing the sight, Him and he blurted the word Lok thus: "this the disciples! The people should remember that the French property-Vi must be goal ruined, he is probably of course. C c people should not Easy-to-make, beards, every benefit-useful to body-mind to be cursory results! "is the last word of The World-religion when coming off the world, Palĩ called"Pacchimabuddhavacana "(dark-late-Programming).
How much does include the full lyrics to French Education that The World-religion has labored to spread in 45 years long market post-equal, so we are Buddha-Prince, owner-coast meet Chief Justice-France, should also be carved carving where Mind encrusted lyrics trainer of his Golden-and-to-"The Not Easy-Beards" most clearly see the path in the same-day escape-hybrid.

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