Sunday, 6 August 2017

II-being prepared (or distribution-France).
In part, this German payrolls beings That Suen raised 8 best organic beings problems, related to four certificate useful meditation.
II. 1) matter beings.
" The position he thought voters beings are beings (bhūte bhūtato sañjānāti). ... I don't understand guys speaking beings ".
II. 2) client issues.
"The position he thought voters are natural Chu Chu (deve ..... devato sañjānāti) ... I don't understand guys say Chu Thien "
II. 3) Contentious issues.
" The position he thought voters being home (pajāpati) is the birth home .... I say he guys do not understand birth home "
In three issues: beings, Chu, being home. The problem being that belong to the basic calculation, i.e. only for the love in the world are we pitching (bhūta).
The Buddha stated up "beings" is the basic platform, raised and then You analyze each type of love under the cluster resides. For as the effects of the kinds of friendly beans, bring out a bag of beans in front of many, saying: "this is how the beans" and then he poured the beans out, specify "green beans", "this is the red bean," "this is white beans" ... in the Group green beans have kind of like this, kind of like this ...
Also, Germany World Religion to call "beings" in the sense of the master, and then He analyzed: gender Education in beings, beings stay in gender Identity, beings stay Invisible in colors.
In the Group Exercise, the beings there are beings form 3 class concept is: beings (bhūta), the Celestial Beings and the Divine.
Beings is the common noun, just for the love not there or there is less blessed, what love has blessed, was identified as Chu Thien, beings have blessed the most high in the realms of Education, designated the Home Birth. For as in the national level, civilians who are blessed, the courtier who are more blessed, the King Emperor had headed, are those with a large degree of Phuoc.
File: explanation of terms Awards coming into Office "beings (bhūta)" is a concept only for the Lady love of birth from the land (bhūta). Includes all love from the four great United Kingdom (catummahārājā), because of that:
-From the four great United Kingdom back down, largely relying on the land boarder (bhūmi). The celestial Majesty, the four realms lettered three groups:
a) Bhummaṭṭhadevatā: the angels live on land (Christian).
b) Rukkhaṭṭhadevatā: the angels live in trees (Christian Life).
c) kāsaṭṭhadevatā: the angels live in nowhere (Not Christian).
The God of Longevity (rukkhadevatā) was listed on Christian.
-From the four great United Kingdom back down is viewed as the magazine categories, are full of four-type beings: birth, birth, pregnancy, low ovule of birth and birth culture. The Four realms of the United Kingdom also has four types of birth.
The Eagle (garuḍa-kim ugly birds) was born from the egg, Dragon (nāga) born where the humidity is low, "there are a few massage Felt Chu (devayakkha), demon (petayakkha) massage felt hungry daemons in thai sanh ..." (our fathers, p. 258), all the species in General is of Four United Kingdom. Also from the four great United Kingdom only have turned contentious.
However, the four great United Kingdom has the natural personality is not Christian, but just the minority, the majority live confused on the globe as the God of Life, the first female Chief House author sills Anathapindika, the massage in the deep forest.
-Four representatives of the United Kingdom: Dhatarattha (dhṛtarāṣṭra), Vessavana (vaiśravaṇa), Viruḷhaka (virūḍhaka) and Virūpakkha (virūpākṣa) was the King of heaven like the Emperor entrusted the duty of care, households maintained humanity four continents, should the also called Lokapāla (Households).
On 8 April, the spirit half of each of the four great United Kingdom come, see World Tourism week in the human species has created the career or not. On 14 may, the Prince nủa each of the Four United Kingdom traveling this world .... come on full moon Uposatha ceremony, four representatives, United Kingdom himself traveling the world ... [2] Because of the associated with the human-like, so the word "beings" included Four from the United Kingdom back down is like.
1-About beings.
" The position he thought voters beings are beings (bhūte bhūtato sañjānāti). ...
The prize:
The text on the passage refers to the common psychology of human exposure, often with scenes in the life.
The word "bhūta" here is the past participle of the root bhū language is there, being up, achievements. Bhūta should literally is "already, already contentious, have achievements".
Verse on taste refer him think to the beings we display.
Notes: the literal translation of the old way satta also means "beings", in the new translation today is "love". The word satta (beings) has three meanings:
French-born: means more France together, and then we display out.
-The type of birth: that is born from one of the 4 types of beings: birth, birth and strains of ovule abortion, birth and low birth.
-Multi electronic birth: our Life means the birth, but many here don't use "we", because being there, news should only say "beings" is enough.
The letter, coming into Office have explained bhūta "love is in the egg or in pregnancy, cells called bhabya (living being-not yet visible), when was born called bhūta (was there pitching, there). The culture of birth in the early chemical beings, beings, or damn close na mind continue born called bhabya, since suicide na Center onwards called bhūta. Being low birth, engenders in the beginning called bhabya, since second pose onwards called bhūta "[3] .
"Katamā ca narayikā ekacce opapātikā yoni Sāriputta: devā manussā ekacce ca vinipātikā ca ayaṃ vuccati Sāriputta opapātika yoni.
-Birth culture, how is Sāriputta? Chu, the beings in hell, some belonging to the human species and a number of leaders in the. Sāriputta, this so called birth culture. " [4]
"Beings" here only for mankind and the four great United Kingdom stay on the globe, because these beings are capable Prime witness meditation DD nh or-Super Fruit, these beings in realms of suffering without this ability, so in That Respect the German user from referring bhūta born in realms and realms of Four United Kingdom Lady stay on the globe.
Again, the suffering realms as hell beings, animals being hungry daemons or demons does not have these views (maññati) wrong such as humanity or human bias as the four great United Kingdom stay on globe as Well Ālavaka massage, the massage Felt Sātāgiri, Hemavata ... What about the beings while the Four realms of the United Kingdom as Long (nāga), Kim ugly Birds (supanna) was viewed beings not heal meditation and moral result, because the review through the southern Classic media do not see there is any case Prime Eagle or Dragon meditation or Directed results.
"TheIdea tri beings are beings (bhūte bhūtato sañjānāti)".
The letter beings before just for real identities or identity skandha, letters rear beings only for specified processing meaning in chums. "Theidea of tri beings is beings" be explained "he looked beings" through three fantasy:
a- The imagine arises.
Is when he relied on the external forms or distinction, any member to compare with others, then folded her higher, lower or equal to the other.
b- The imagine arises.
Is when he imagined a "fork" is hiding in this incarnation, he self identify is eternal, is immortal. Or follow the natural theory "at that, then this will free ego". Makkhali Gosala's theory is this.
Or imagine "some beings often exist (often biased), some beings do not usually survive (fragment)".
c- The imagine arises craving.
Is he seeing a home or family home the son was tho in fitness club, the dishes he desires the reborn of themselves belong to a clan. Or when the alms, maintain world yearn to bring forth life Monitoring the Imperial clan seat.
Or see beings beautiful, stylishly ... yearn "I was like" ...
"Accept beings (bhūtato maññati)".
This acceptance by the hearing that: "being created by an innovative home or a God?" and then imagine your home creation have created beings like this in realms of hell, being like this in the realm of hungry daemons demons, beings like this in the urinary bladder of birth , in the heavenly realms, who ...
Initially thought "God turned the universe" of Brahmin deities Purusha is "creator of the universe", everything in the universe is God's right to create, the Rig Veda Purusha lauded the divinity Purusha "giant human-cosmic soul" as follows:
"Word of mouth You born Brahmin people, from two hands He born Kshatriya warrior caste, from two thighs He born of Vaishya and two feet from Him was born Shdra slaves flock. From the center of the Moon-born Purusha organ. You eyes from the Sun and from the mouth of Him born Indra, you breath the Sun, legs do the land "[5] .
So "accept beings are beings" means that accept everything from born beings to senseless things, are due to a "creator of the universe" form. Accept the "beings" means that accept the working class because "God" created, at the same time accepted these forums to give 24-creator, expecting the creator home ban for happiness ...
Acceptance of beings through class aspect will bounce a beam fall when comparing birth "we", "us", "we're on par" inferior.
Acceptance of beings through the international forum "aspects", was accepted "a railway point of opinion" of innovative home often constant.
"There are two, the National Railway, prompting the stilts, this opinion being kicked. What are the two? The voice of other people and not as physical (parato) partnership Italy "[6]
(parato ghoso: someone explain, is from another world to come, rather than who you -notes of HT. Love food pyramid shown on CHOW, our fathers-102 pages)
From the accepted "beings are beings", some thought wrong, and from the start and separate beings thought wrong nickname led to the starboard side, and AI. That is to accept "external beings (beings) is just a cover or where Lady stay an ego (beings)"
From the meaning accepted beings is a common constant self as in Lady stay, there are some people who accept "the reincarnation purify", after a long period of rotation, the Sage as well as fools also were freed. This is the theory of Makkhali Gosala.
"After 84,000 college bitch (eight hundred and forty thousand), during which time he fools and the Sage will except make the suffering" [7]
To and from it arise out of human reasoning, the unconscious passenger comment, infinite results conclusion.
News is that: "no cause or charity donation would affect the liberation of suffering, never to the time limit, then the liberation of suffering will come naturally." This is a pointless comment.
"This great, no entertainment, no charm, love species infected cells; funny human species love infected cells. No personnel, no charm, love is pure species; funny human species love was pure "[8]
For that: "there is no action that is as ascetic, maintenance or infringement by the happy self can lead to liberation". Here is the comment action.
"No self, no excuse, no entertainment, no force, no effort, no staff, no for attempts of people. All species, all creatures, all types, all lives are not in force, no effort " (our fathers, p. 53).
For that: "career or career of evil are never spent salvation to suffering at all, never came to term will naturally release". This is an infinite result.
"No prayer: With this happy world, with discipline, with this or happy with ascetic, I will make the industry ripe yet to mature, or unless the industry was mature, cannot measure suffering and with the measure, while the rollover no raises, no surplus reduced deprivation." (our fathers, p. 54.)
The Buddha has bluntly rebuke "reincarnation purify" Makkhali Gosala's that.
"We don't see someone else, the Female on stilts, be followed (paṭipanno) lead to misfortune for the majority, for the majority, lost the favor of the majority, bringing misfortune, for Chu and the human species. The Female stilts! Makkhali Gosala foolish guys like. " [9]
"This the Male stilts! In the doctrine of pagan subject statement, Makkhali Gosala's doctrine is considered most despicable "[10] .
Some of the views accepted "beings is usually longer," some view that beings "impermanence", breaking the school's Sagging Economy Ministry has raised 62 Buddha forecast perspective, at the same time explain the contentious points. Run the export point of view could sum into one of three causes:
-Do was win our student network location (pubbenivāsānussati.
-Do was win the celestial mind label (cutūpapātaññāṇa).
-By inference, logic, surveys the jurors.
Is the student network leads to the conclusion agreed about the past, the label was led to the conclusion of future disputes.
Both comment on the past or future position, are collected into: often conclusion (sasassatavāda) or paragraph (ucchedavāda)
Accept the comment removal, Sagging Offense raised 7 ways.
- By inference, provincial police.
These are people who never reach the meditation, but because of his compare past pondered the logical causation wrong nickname should accept the following comment removal. Such people see the leaf litter can't grow back, contentious, and other plants is due to human birth is not related to the old leaves. Also, this incarnation appeared in full 4 (Earth, water, fire, wind) from the parents, the Lady thinking engenders in this new incarnation there and when this body ruined the kill then all were ruined. As the SAP stay in the trunk as the tree, the tree resins also ruined.
- Because the symptoms are natural label.
There are a number of Sa, this Dhamma outside of la, are natural label, but only see the death without seeing the next birth, should continue to accept the extermination thesis. 6 the Angel accept on the removal as follows:
1-thanks to the genius label, he saw the human gender Sex, but when Angel personnel die, it does not seen to be the successor of human beings, he should give that Angel has ruined the kill. The position he denials because of arguments that inference; "Truth has the ego, but ego is not completely destroyed, there was a segment on the other ego is Angel entertainment education. This ego entirely destroyed segments after death ".
2-thanks to the genius label, he sees the Offense, but when Brahma's taste is not common destiny saw the birth of the procedure, he should accept to kill comment, and uncontested 2-class on: "truth out there like ego, but ego is not completely destroyed, there was a segment on the other ego is Brahma. The ego he once shared the destiny "segment.
3-Has the Sa, la is boundless, Not meditation but don't see the realms of this meditation floor (as is the Invisible color) should accept the removal.
4-take the Sa, la is boundless Knowledge of meditation. ...
5-Have the Sa, la is Endless meditation property. ...
6-take the Sa, la is the ideal phi phi Phi meditation idea. ...
So there are 7 ways of beings like kill sections. [11]
About the Student, because the network usually accept the position recalls the past lifetimes. Should also be noted that: due to a network location on sufficiency arises "human viewpoint" because she can't remember shit being made the idea earlier, found himself starting the current housing scholarships, so that no cause would cause them to run all current students, just the random. Or do not see your resume, just saw the beings present scholarship.
"The position he thought (ego) in the beings (bhūtesu maññati)".
This is the imagine doing the port start birth.
This person said that: have an ego in this incarnation, sheltering her ego may be one of the four aggregates, this incarnation was subject of ego.
Then compare the "I" with "I" in the body of the other beings such as this body better, or on par with, or less lost relatives beings, this is Comparing the cross colors aggregates.
Comparison of the Shou aggregates as: I live at peace more comfortable, or I live more strenuous, or extreme "who live like, well I was so".
Comparison of the thought as aggregates: I have better memory, has a memory like other beings, there are more poor memory.
Comparison of the consciousness aggregates such as : I have a higher understanding, equal or inferior to other beings.
Comparison of aggregates as: I act more friendly, on par with or less than. Or I have better position. ...
"The position he thought (ego) is beings". This is the idea of wrong doing, and separate railway arises because for that "beings is the ego, the ego is beings", the ego's body left invariant only where Lady stay ego, when bodies to infiltrate the ego search other shelter and a new body shape. For as the old items, home leave the old House, go in search of a new home.
"He thought my is beings".
It is the imagination of AI. This thing out? Is when he thought of the idea of other beings like this: "this is my son, this is my kinship, here is my servant ..."
Or think that "the body is the ego's life, borrowed material is the property of ego when are forlorn, ego eliminating forlorn away her life happy (as when are entering meditation, for example), because of the ego thoughts thinking, doing this (Act) due to the ego wants to make ..."
"Her wedding Festival with beings". (similar to the wedding Festival with soil).
2-About Chu Heaven (deva).
There are three client class:
-Thien Chu (sammatadeva): is there peace beings class than people, are other people as respected: the King, the Queen, the officials, the Prince, Lady ...
Phuoc Thien Hoa sanh Chu-do (upapattideva): is the Lady in Phuoc beings treasure class as alms, maintenance, meditation ... being on the better than humanity as 6 realms of sexual heaven.
-Heavenly Divine purity (visuddhideva): only for steps A la Han.
In this heavenly just for client class client celestial beings in the chemistry in the Sun Education about, that is: The Mahārājikā (Four), the Tāvatiṃsā (thirty three, also known as the donation benefit), the Yāmā (Evening), realms of Tusita (Tournament), and the Nimmānaratī (celestial Club Culture).
But why "accept Chu (maññati deve .....)"?
-In view of the Brahmin "God (deva) is immortal," Heavenly divine acceptance is accepted to have a self can usually hang in Chu.
This is however beings class believe in Karma but just alms or maintain about that, expecting to be contentious about Heaven because for that: "Being made Chu heaven is out of gauge" is "where born immortal" (as the followers of Taoism, for example).
According to the Buddhist viewpoint, Chu is the only celestial beings Huu Phuoc than people humanity, these do shit do people have created, he blessed the world maintenance should the next enjoying the fruit blessed, according to Irene created this beings, beings of the realms divine favoritism from the United Kingdom to the four realms Tha Turns himself in , each of the same but in terms of longevity, the Lok Lok, but each realm there enemies win down various lists. For as along as the head fake, but that kind of grand theory, Middle head fake or sub Chief. At the same time the life span of each different lengths as realms:
"This Visākhā, fifty years of one's life by a night and day of four great Heavenly Kingdom of Chu, thirty the night like made into a month, twelve months a year to do so. Five hundred years so working as a network client's natural life span Four United Kingdom ... "[12] .
Calculated life expectancy in the United States by year four great humanity is 9 million years, life expectancy in the thirty-three (Tāvatiṃsa) double the Four realms of the United Kingdom (a thousand years in the realms of it), a night of the thirty-three also double the Four realms of the United Kingdom, is 100 years by humanity.
The way computer like I have the longevity of the heavens Fitness (measured in human years) according to the following formula:
Longevity low realms genius Chu x Chu celestial realms span 4 = high level next,. Like so:
Longevity the Four United Kingdom = 9 million years of humanity.
Thirty-three realms span = 36 million years of humanity.
Longevity the Evening ma (yama) = 144 triệunăm humanity.
Longevity-realms (Tusita) = 576 million years of humanity.
Longevity (Nimmānarati) tribe of Chemistry realms = 2304 million years of humanity.
The acceptance of "Chu Chu's Heavenly Angel" yet through three reasons:
-Saw Qian Chu with the naked eye. I.e. Chu Thien out showed, perhaps for the practitioners often have happy world in clean, natural wedding Festival, usually have the phrase when the apparition to ask, to help ... As King Sun Empire Like there German Religious Art for the World to hear "her position once down to ask where the Director Directed artist, but knowing it was the Emperor of heaven, the hermit asked where Director's position"[13] .
-Communication with heavenly heavenly label by Chu. Is said to the unit NET meditation practitioners, can see or hear the divine celestial. As the client image to see celestial Sunakkhatta[14], Asita, Taoist hermit Nālaka hear Chu Thien[15] ...
-By inference. A prize for coming into Office said: "Chu Chu's Heavenly Angel", is said to 5 heavens Fitness world, from the United Kingdom to the Four realms Tha Turns himself in.
Should be noted: the four great United Kingdom border delineation between the client and the celestial beings, such as from the capital to the Panchala the boundary into Sāvatthi remained the capital of the Panchala, from the boundary of Sāvatthi onwards the city. Also, from the beings to the boundary Four realms of the United Kingdom in the title being, from the United Kingdom to the boundary for Four realms Tha Turns himself in in the the title celestial realms, Chu Spared himself in Contentious titles in Chemistry.
1- Four Realms (catummahārājā):
As the four greatest United Kingdom rule. He had Saddhammajotika Lawyers explain Life Education as follows:
"Cattāro mahārājāno = Catummahārājā.
"(The) four representatives of the United Kingdom (rule) should be called (the) Four United Kingdom".
Four representatives of the United Kingdom that is:
a-heavenly Dhatarattha (dhṛtarāṣṭra), in the East of the mountain Tu Di (Sieru), Superintendent of East Wins Shenzhou, ruled the Nostalgic spirit (Gandhabba-Sonic is the Qianlong emperor thát Ms.), Qian thát is the Angel musicians, often in the Dance Festival at the Leader.
b-the United Kingdom Viruḷhaka (Virūḍhaka), in the South of the mountain, looking South Vietnamese Thien Tu Di Ministry, ruled Kumbhanda species (External tea table).
c-Virūpakkha Uranus (Uranus Entry Distance), in the Western mountains of the Tu Di, look West Calf, ruled the Dragon species.
d-the United Kingdom (Vương0, Bias multicultural Vessavana in the northern mountains of Tu Di, ruled the yaksha (yakkha).
In Mahāvaggasuttanta have recorded:
Purimaṃ disaṃ dhataraṭṭho
Dakkhiṇena viruḷhako
Pacchime virūpakkho
Kuvero uttaraṃ disaṃ
Cattāro te mahārājā
Samantā disā cattaro.
To the East is Dhatarattha.
The South is Viruḷhaka.
The West is Virūpakkha
The North is Kuvera.
That's four greatest United Kingdom
Around the four directions (like).
2- The Moral Benefits also called the thirty-three (Tāvatiṃsa).
This is the second Exercise, the sky according to the Scriptures, the realms due to the 33 young guy human realms, the head is Maghava created the German, when the common destiny, realms of rebirth realms have names like that. A solution of the word Tāvatiṃsa is:
Tāva tiṃsati paṭhamaṃ pātubhavatīti tāvatiṃsa = ".
Called Tāvatiṃsa because this is the area to be formed soon in the world "
He explained that: When the Earth formed, the first piece of land that appears due to the withdrawal of water, later became the first Earth Summit Sineru (Tu Di), so the name is Tāvatiṃsa (translates as the First profile).
Chu Directed two groups Favor the bias is Not Christian (ākasaṭṭhadevatā) and Christian (bhummaṭṭhadevatā). [17]
3- The Cardiaca-Ma (Yāma).
This is the third heavens, this name comes from the word freerolls:
"Yāmānaṃ nirāsā yāmā (nivāsataddhita): called the Ghost Felt because that's the only genius's of residence known Lok, never known the subtle".
This realms entirely out of nowhere, should not have the two realms as Christian Moral Benefit or four great United Kingdom. (our fathers, p. 144).
4-The Big Dipper Capacity (Tusita).
This is the heavens Wednesday, there are questions like the following:
"Niccaṃ tusitaṃ ettha nibbatā devāti tusitā: called Tusita Heaven because we here always cheerful rejoice".
He said the this is the bodhisattva enjoyed three blessed fruit-la-suite, so no real concerns, worries the genus at all.
"The Anāgatavaṃsa-atthakathā that shit before finally ceiling to make Christmas into, any bodhisattva Chief vigilance would also being about the Stool. As the bodhisattva Maitreya (Metteyya) along the upper two player of the time, the Writer Gerald before Christmas being down humanity must also be reborn on the Stool to wait the right time of the human lifespan is 8 years will bare " Christmas is like, (our fathers, p. 144).
5-The Lac Thien Hoa (Nimmānarati).
This is the Fifth Sun, named like that because of the following reasons:
- Yathārucite suyameva ramanti nimminitvā nimmānarati etthāti: bhoge Called the celestial realms we Synced this club because, like to enjoy yourself, na utilities Lok turned out that enjoyment "
- Rati Nimmāne etesanti nimmānaratino: Heavenly realms is the Culture we enjoy pleasure do it yourself culture.
- Nimmaanaratiinam. Nivaasa nimmanaratī: The Sun Turns the stay of the natural character of the hedonistic material culture to enjoy. (our fathers, p. 145).
"Thought (ego) in zhucheng in heaven", is that we have an ego, Thien Chu has a better ego ego. This is due to the starboard side of things.
"Think ego is Chu Thien" , this is the case, meditation is a prime location for the student network, remember back before (just a life that only), see Or see "themselves also was the headless Angel" before, just because or infuriating that common destiny, "ego" Chu's Heavenly reborn in this body, "ego" Chu's Heavenly reborn in this body
Or by a privileged natural label, see the Thien Chu because infected immersed exercise (khiḍḍāpadosikadevatā), or the common destiny of human bias because of anger (manopadosikadevatā) that common destiny. On the contrary, the human genius has no part in, the natural human without infuriating is longevity, should accept the ego's genius often also lettered. [18]
"Think Chu is my heaven-heavenly divine with the wedding Festival" . I.e. for Angel home often is his teacher's constant, is the boss ...
Or have the Sa, la meditation, past life recall before "we" are assemblies of the Angel's owner, should accept that "natural" is lettered. The meaning remains the same as the way of the "beings".
Sumaṅgalavilāsinī The School's coming into Office files, business Sa post Subjects that Tournament Results:
- Khiḍḍapadosikā is natural too drunk in the Mekong tributary class the fun with natural products that she has taste, to forget the real-life famous, through real life forecast only a stop must also die. Because the fire from chemical birth of Chu this bias is very strong compared to the firepower of humanity, humanity despite starve for 7 days is also not a common destiny because of the fire in the body is not strong enough to burn down brilliantly aggregates. Chu's Heavenly fire also are strong, the body of the human Angel is the international identity by birth, chemistry just quit eating a common destiny as well, such as the Lotus petals bear the fragile health of the fierce midday sun hot summer, just a stop also withered remnants, when wilt and despite how many sprinklers can not recover.
- Manopadosikā is client-class celestial usually infuriating, because of jealousy of the other bias, bias when it met generally panned. But if both are infuriating both general mission together, if not infuriating then made peace with each other, will not be a common destiny. Because that fire about being kicked from the overwhelming anger of both, when the met will broadcast the flame burned body both as two fire torches flaming fire.
According to Sammohavinodanī-atthakathā, two types of natural human Khiḍḍapadosikā and Manopadosikā in the four heavenly realms [19] .
4- On the contentious issue.
"He thought voters being home (pajāpati) is the birth home"
"Being home" usually only for the creator, here only for Devil in the forgiveness of Self Culture, was the Lord of the realm of sex.
"Accept delivery server (pajāpatiṃ maññati)".
According to the beliefs of the Catholic Church, La has the deity as the rain gods, God of wind (vâyu), the God of fire (Agni), spirit trees ... the gods of this Creator is God, the owner of gymnastics world, is called Prajàpati (the word Vâyu, Agni, Prajàpati is written according the Sancrit). Spirit Prajàpati (Pali written is Pajāpati) "is considered" Greasemonkey đấp fan oven, fire techniques, You want to do something, then do it now it's perfect " [20] .
So the acceptance of birth home is due to hear the legend from the old store.
Or the hermit has won the position found was natural in the forgiveness of Self In Chemistry, found that the god realms needed anything will have people bring to surges, so for that he is the owner, the master Creator. Because the natural decor of the label WINS hermit limited, outside the realm of this this out they no longer saw any higher realms further, should accept that: "this host is Supreme".
Again, the location of this Home Birth expectancy is 16 years Chu Thien = 9,216 million years of humanity's position should see Home Birth is not dead, only the workers in lower realms or the Human Being's common destiny home, so that the mean position.
"Sixteen hundred years of one's life (16oo in realms of humanity-Ns), this one on Friday night, Visākhā of Chu Thien in the Sun Turns Self In Tha. Thirty night and day so as a month. So do the twelve months a year. Sixteen thousand years Chu Thien do the network client's natural life in the Sun Turns himself in "Tha[21]
Or thanks to the essential need of cultivation, reaching student through Network recalled before find themselves is a customized them of Being home, alone destined Home Birth also still often shared constants until now.
In the section "home" by the idea, arises, and AI, but imagine making being run Ta comments are more appropriate. Because of her position to imagine "the French found out birth home is usually constant sustainable", the home's common fisheries exist.
Or her to imagine "the Birth of this home have no evil, no any evil career".
Or imagine that "the France of the Contentious democracy is immortal, while the France of the ego is not sustainable, being disintegrates".
Or imagine that "there is no bad location where evil Beings, without any evil career where she's position, also had French bad evil ego, there are evil career".
When "thought (ego) collation of birth" was by her side.
Is this ego comparison inferior Birth home or locate witnesses meditation will give "ego" this higher ego Being Home.
When "thought (ego) as Being the" Home of the Ant, TA is the imagine yourself or others is derived from Birth by Birth, Home Server create
When "think my home is Contentious" is due to craving control, this arises when he said that: "the Birth Home is my master, the Lord of me...". The imagine this work arises craving is appropriate.
"Wedding Festival with Being Home" is arising for the Home Birth reference Hy.
So there are three fantasy about Being home, the imagine this railway arises, and craving a good relationship, cause beings cling to the ego, a form of opinion.
The rest is like the solution on the ground.
Because the client understand heaven just a Jarre beings, are enjoying the fresh fruit has made deposit, but the main purpose of this Dhamma is "liberation get out every living being", he released criminals with the aim to destroy happy take negativity, rather than expecting the Phuoc Thien Chu enjoyed life.
"This the Male stilts, if you ask your pagan artists as follows:" Chu Hien, there are living happy Offense to Gotama subjects Sa đượcsanh up the Sun? ". The Female stilts, asked so you have bothered mind (aṭṭiyeyyātha), (harāyeyyātha), the humiliation of the mistreatment was sick (jiguccheyyātha) or not? "
-Yes, the White World Religion. [22]
Germany's next world Religion indicates in human type conscript in the realms of Gender Identity, that is:
"He thought voters Brahma is Brahma (Brahmaṃ Brahmato sañjānāti). ... I don't understand guys say Violates thhiên ".
"Brahma" is said first in engenders the taste profile of meditation, there is a network of Earth life, the Entourage of Brahma is the Secondary Offense (Brahmapurohita) and the US (Brahmapārisajja) are also included in this section.
Coming into Office Word brahmā award episode (Brahma) are as follows:
"Brūhati parivaddhatīti = Brahmā.
(People) than all the eminence known as Brahma "
"Mahanto brahmā = mahābrahmā
Brahma, the largest, called great Brahma "
Us taste natural lifespan is one third of the Earth's past life, expectancy Violations is half of Earth damn bias Side.
Brahma is being run first when the globe in space stage, the Brahma being up later depending on the blessed more or less which became the heavenly Side or Breaking Them.
"While the world moved into, Delinquency was out but the drum does not. At the time, a love life or take advantage of the network, or take advantage of shared destiny, treasure Phuoc from celestial beings through Sound Optical Violate Offers empty ...
This the Male on stilts, the first love her live longer, better General Excellence and is much more authority. What about the love of birth after the shorter, less general living better and be less authority than ... ". [23]
Breaking the bow is only for shelter of Brahma,
Talking to Brahma is said to the overlordship of meditation, meditation Profile realms Profile realms include the three realms: the US, the heavenly side and Breaking the Great Brahma.
Three realms but divided because away from each other, but the same is located on a flat surface. For as the city away from the commune commune away from the district capital, but all in one province and covers the ground.
"Accept Brahma (Brahmaṃ maññati).
Acceptance of Brahma has kicked up as follows:
-Accepted in view of the Brahmin religion m away: "Brahma was the creation of this world, he is ' often with the head falls (brahman)", while the other senseless things to the same due to Brahma created, those born to them by Brahma created a minor fall (atman).
In fact, the Atman or Brahman according to the conception of the Brahmin religion, also is just one, in the Upanishads (Upanishads) has answered the following questions:
"What was the first reality only Supreme, is all that aware of it, people will get to know all the universe?"
-It is the "Supreme cosmic spirit, Brahman," Brahman is àtman (àtman means breath, soul) ... " [24]
According to the Brahmin religion, Brahma has only a Brahman (great falls), but there are countless minor fall (Àtman), which is the breath of her position, the minor fall is the life of Brahma. Brahmin religious believers practice to the U.S. this fall back to join the great fall, when he will become Brahma "Lord of the universe". When he is no longer suffering anymore because has merged with innovative home Brahma, items that they used to do the projects is: From (mettā), bi (karunā), Hy (mudutā) and discharge (upekkhā), should this section four also called breaking the stay (brahmavihāra).
-Acceptance due to recall past life the past: i.e. There are some common destiny love from the Beginner meditation, reborn on humanity, thanks to the essential need to practice, Prime witness was meditation, past life recall the past (just remember to be a shit that's it), seeing that the first born often exist, on the contrary the following contentious love cannot usually survive , should accept the position the original Brahma is often constant, and from that advocated "the ego and the world is generally longer for a rank and impermanence love class for one another.
-Accept Brahma due to hear the winning position she can speak again.
As such, the acceptance of Brahma with a cause, this acceptance is also falling into often. I.e. that can locate Brahma is often constant.
"Thought (ego) in the Brahma (Brahmani mañnati)".
This is the imagine making being run falls, i.e. the comparison between themselves with Brahma, the comparison he is as follows:
-We're inferior to Brahma taste.
-We're on a par with the Brahma, due to this reach Profile Zen.
I'm taller than Brahma, this evidence because of its reach from the second meditation.
The thought comes due to an ego is opinion than a great falls (brahman) have accepted in advance.
"Thought (ego) as Brahma (Brahmato mañnati)".
This is the imagine doing arises deviant comments, accept on a regular constant ego. "Thought (ego) is Brahma" refers to the position she has reached Preliminary meditation, due to disputes on the concept predates should think "we" becomes Brahma, "" we have rendezvoused with the Creator.
"Think of Brahma is mine (Brahmaṃ-ti mañnati)".
There are two ways to think of "Brahma is mine":
-Ego belongs to Brahma, Brahma creates, by starting from the birth of Brahma. That is, this "ego" is the map of Brahma, is the property of Brahma, Brahma is the owner of this ego.
The Brahma are also due to the "Ta" reborn. This is the case then a prime Student Network prove position recalled that before his heavenly Sound, Optical unit is reborn into the Palace as Brahma.
This is imagined do arises craving good relationship with Brahma.
"Wedding Festival in Brahma (abhinandati Brahmaṃ)".   
This is to imagine how being run Hy take for Brahma.
2-sound-Optical (AboutĀbhassara).
Optical sound heavenly realms (ābhassarābhūmi) is the Second meditation. Here including the Minimum Luminous astronomical objects (parittābhābhūmi) and Optical (Immeasurableappamāṇābhābhūmi).
God the Second meditation called the celestial sound Optical, from this body aura launch precipitate out as light of fire was launched from a large torch. There are questions like the following:
"Ābhā sarā etasanti ābhassarā (Brahma sound Optical realms is the Brahma aura launch túa from myself into each beam)" [25] .
The rest is similar to explain about the problem of Brahma.
3-On the net (Subhakiṇha).
Brahma Net Variable is God Tam realms of body, meditation was covered with aura, aura is a brilliant blocks and beautiful as a brilliant gold pieces are placed in a gold box.
He said that the "aura of divine Brahma in the blend of meditation as well as the three kingdoms of the moon are very beautiful, so called subhakiṇṇhā".
Tam also meditation floor there are three realms are:
-The Minimum Net (Parittasubhābhūmi).
-The Invisible net weight (Appamāṇasubhābhūmi).
-The Net (VariableSubhākiṇhābhūmi).
Have questions about Net natural Variables freerolls as follows:
"Subhāti ākiṇṇāti subhākiṇṇā (Brahma Net Variable natural realms, the body is surrounded by a Halo luminous) [26] .
The rest, similar to a part of Brahma.
4-For Result Bias (Vehapphala).
Natural Fruit square is one of the seven realms of meditation, Teachers Quarter floor Shou says that: the Department of Ad called the fruit because when the world was ruined by fire, the three realms are meditation Profile burn, 7 times the flame once destructive due to sabotage by the water, when the world was ruined by the water, the three realms of the second meditation also ruined by , 7 times the destructive due to water, which once ruined by the wind, the three realms were also vandalized, private meditation Triangle the Four meditation are from all three types of this disaster, so the name is the result of natural (the Sun has the results of extensive welfare).
On the other hand, however, say the Brahma there longevity is "a damn Earth", that is to say when the globe form the great Brahma being up, if her position being late than not, of course, lived another life to earth because the Preliminary meditation always ruined with the Earth, to sabotage due to the water, then had 8 fuck the Earth , the Brahma Sound Optical longevity is 8 Earth lifetimes, but will not be enough if she's as contentious. Similarly with respect to Brahma Net Variables, although she lifetime unit is 64 fuck the Earth round, but will not be enough if the birth later.
The position of private Brahma Ad realms Results despite being sooner or later also still rounded enough longevity is 5oo bitch on Earth. So called Promo results.
5-Win (Abhibhū).
"Fake Winner" is another name of beings Infinite realms (asaññasattabhūmi). These WINS? WINS four honors aggregates, so called Win.
Beings in this realms have no consciousness, so called Ridiculous Idea (asaññā), called the unconscious Thought because thought in mind tho, but just call the unconscious Thought is enough, because the idea has a wider scope of activities, life skills work-life guide to enjoy the scene.
We usually think "what an infinite perception, then it is not the beings". But in the realms of the unconscious idea but just randomly, but beings, because that "beings exist due to network identity and skandha realms mailing rights network, two types of network privileges. The Invisible colors just right, the network also has the Ridiculous Idea? Comment the lawyer "Infinite realms Fantasy beings continue being here on the right Network identity". That is clear, "because the network identity permissions should be called being"
The strange case of firepower is due: when reaching the quarter finals of meditation (meditation four) with the wind, her position after meditation, the review found guilty also in mind, should partner Italy Cup with the argument that aggregates "micro thing is magic, will cease all sin".
After the mission, the General then reborn on the this as a random phenomenon throughout the Earth, but damn 500 when the idea of being up, the unit died, her statue disappeared in random Infinite realms. Such as arrows in vain thanks to's chords, chord springboard how many arrows, then break out of nowhere with a long time. Likewise, the status is due to the power of meditation, meditation, the birth of the idea of sabotage forces up sharp at the same time he also vandalized then aggregates.
So the Pali has stated that "when the idea of being up, Brahma the Infinite ideas General network".
Both the fruit and the heavenly Ideal bias Square is located close to each other on a flat surface.
Year title from Brahma to Win Author is talking up the four steps of meditation (from beginning of meditation to meditation four), the first German World Religious meditation three floors are raised position Infringement Lord Home. The four floor meditation, Germany World Religion raised position Infringement means that home entertainment is: your ad Results, at the same time referring to the unconscious Thought.
Each stage of meditation are born, evidence, comments and love.
Of the 24 titles, each title in Germany That Respect both stressed the idea tri, like "paṭhaviṃ paṭhavito sañjānāti: the land is landtri ideas"; "bhūte bhūtato sañjānāti: idea tri beings are beings"; "deve ..... devato sañjānāti: idea tri Thien Chu Chu's Heavenly" ...
Because adopted the know do, so everyone will get that concept (maññati) according to the legislation and for it's the truth.
Should understand that legislation is the name for what is "bogus" and "real".
The noun "bogus" thing only as "responsibility, God, the creator, the working class ...", this comes from a Convention is widely accepted, but there is a possible French names (sabhāvadhamma). Who is the person who created the Convention? The leader of a collective, such as the King established the Tax Convention, the penalty, the way rewarded, a ceremonial costume. in his level of and people must obey. The Brahmin priests created 4 class, the Lord established the mandate in the territory of his own rule, the position is widely respected as the recluse, hermit, the pagan Catholic ...
The Convention's temporary values only in a certain period of time, when replaced by another leader, the Convention will transform or no longer exist. Together, the concept is not true reality, French is only valid for a certain period of time only, when the light of truth to light, the doctrine must also change leg or Africa were down.
The noun just for "real thing" as "intellectual, list the colors...". Is the noun just for the real France.
Even for the true France, but the noun then also does not reflect the true reality of France, only reflects the looks outside only. Such a person's image in the mirror, the image in the mirror image reflects only on the outside, the inside is emotionally happy sad, to think, that the operation of the internal organs inside ... How do other grievances for the mirror. Also, although the only real French nouns, but the noun is just talking up the outer part of the real French computer only.
Like "list-only" for a love (satta), but how can a full out "list-colors", the noun as "Chu, Brahma, Home Birth, ..." just for "a list", just speak up sense generic rắng: client identity better bias list colors of humanity, but is it true? Has the heavenly is the second entertainment then how does that match the tastes of the human person by party, Chu heaven then its nomenclature means then how can comparisons by human Saints nomenclature.
Just because clinging to noun forget real computer should have the conception (mañnati) the real France, the original truth of what is called the "Heavenly, Divine being, Brahma..." is just a mailing list-that-always, change, not often.
Cling snugly khắng on what "not real", is an illusion, clinging to your towel snugly into the noun only "real", but are not aware of the actual French would become "the wrong idea".
The Buddha has taught "the Female stilts, this two brought to the magic of France were joint disorder (sammosa-mesmerizing blur) and the magic of France. What are the two?
- Writer (padavyañjana) reversed (dunnikkhittam) and meaning be misunderstood (dunnīto). If the OWL writing reversed forecast meaning be misunderstood. This legislation, the Female is two stilts France brought to the scheme in disorders and the disappearance of Magic "in France. [27]
Like enough to see France's List of hazardous range mode, when "the meaning be misunderstood" the false ideas have legs and face France disappear.
The Buddha also taught:
"For this, Kassapa as gold (truth) does not disappear when the gold is not yet out of his life. And this, when the current Gold Kassapa was born, then gold (real) disappear.
Also, this Marvelous French does not disappear, Kassapa, when French icon has not appeared. And this statue, when French Kassapa was born, then the magic disappeared in France ". [28]
This idea should understand that "when there is a know by know by then the master thought it will disappear". French Icon is the image formed by the imagination, as the French leg was this illusion obscures, do not show up.
This is very apparent when we caught the views against each other, as in point 62 the Buddha through the wrong idea.
In fact, there are only two main perspectives: Often conclusion (sasassattavāda) and (ucchedavāda), but by the idea, due to the wrong inference should pullulate 62 special schools.
And also from illusions or false idea of distinction born's notion of ego (atta diṭṭhi), that has an ego, there is a greater fall (or tha fall) is the owner, the other the noun to call the ego is the stem (kāyadiṭṭhi), given that there is an "ego" in this incarnation. The middle fork (atta) and the fuselage opinion what's different?
-The fuselage was a component of the fork, the notion of ego is raised: "ego" with "tha".
In fact, no self, ego has no course "ego" was also there and of course "excuse" well no.
So the notion of ego, the Buddha called Ta (micchādiṭṭhi), did not have a falling out, the notion of common Sections are no platform, no place is based, because that "was not there, then what ? Did not have then what ruined the kill? ", such as people who do not have the property that" this sustainable asset, or that when I die this property destruction ", this person has to say untrue.
Four French identity issues raised: "by the idea" should accept there is a tha fall, from tha fall arose there "an ego", and also due to the fantasy that "ego" was born from the Earth, from the water, from fire, from the wind.
When accepting "is ta-ta's" then tho, thought, and knowledge is the basis of the ego.
When accept is a component of the fall: "we are in good, we have in the colors" then one of the four other aggregates list is ego, three aggregates the rest will be owned by fall in components such as colors aggregates ".
Similarly, from the beings to Result, Germany raised the Religious World keep 2 things wrong of chums: accept keep ego-accept keep tha fall.
Specifically about the Win, because everyone will get to hear that "the Win (abhibhū) beautiful, live longer not suffering because without consciousness" so imagine to Win, and then accept the counterfeit market exist, this Victory is deviant of the ants.
His "comparable" with the Author, found that because you should mind the agony, new WINS assume no mind should not have suffering, this way he folded his position is inferior and Fake Wins then the noble, or that "we will Win by fake" because its reach France constitutes False Wins , or for "higher winning us Author" because the gain Infinite meditation. This is the side of him.
When he founded the prayer "can I expect the reborn Group Wins". This is the AI of the position.
Win a wedding Festival., or the achievements are Wins later. This is the argument with the Fake wedding.

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