" He thought the land is land tri Unit (paṭhaviṃ paṭhavīto sañjānāti) ", because the land is land wall, thought should accept the land (paṭhaviṃ paṭhavito saññatvā), he thought (ego) in the soil (paṭhaviṃ maññati), thought (ego) is land (paṭhaviyā maññati), thought" the land is ours "-Hy in the soil Festival" (paṭhaviṃ-ti maññati, paṭhaviṃ abhinandati). Because workers would (taṃ kissa hetu), I say he guys do not understand the land (apariññataṃ tassāti vadāmi).
Idea tri (sañjānāti) is the perception in the scope of the idea (saññā). This is the worst perceptions of three types of awareness.
There are three perceptions are: awareness of ideas, perceptions of consciousness (vijānāti) and perceptions (pajānāti).
Tri (sañjānāti) Ideas? As awareness of the range of ideas (saññā) through signs (nimitta) would it have ever see, hear, smell, taste, touch and know. For as the baby realizes that money before it ever saw, but uses a coin? the currency had benefits like? ... then it doesn't know. Also, this type of aware something called ideas.
Just know that know, cannot know the General impermanence, suffering, egolessness ... of the subject.
Because of the perception of the idea of having a narrow range, from which emerged the contentious, the interpretation placed on the foundations of the concept of the idea, and leads to the voters opinion wrong. As the Brahmin priests made countless gods, imagine a Brahma innovative home, which lead to the health forums, initially merely Thanksgiving international, eventually became the international forums with many barbarian ritual much khê. ...
Ideas such as tri-see the rope climb in the forest for is snake, because there are colorful rope or soft looks just like the snake has ever seen. From which y deductive "snake are stalking prey, the snake sleeping ..." doesn't actually have any snake.
But the idea tri are damaged Wei at all? Not totally damaged, it just damaged Wei Wei as "going too far", i.e. when to let liberal power, who will create the wrong distinction through the recall those signs (nimitta) met and lead to error. As people see you Cup of tea bought at the store, just associate recalls sellers, and then from the sales back to sitting way, manners ... then arises mind yard or the mind, this is the "go too far" of the idea.
Coming into Office in the OWL solution has recorded stories are most fans Saṅgharakkhita khưu Bhikkhu position teacher, do envisage the butt wiggle eyes fan, his master. Know the story, Germany World Religious judge taught;
"Dūraṅgamaṃ ekacaraṃ
Asarīraṃ guhāsayaṃ
Ye cittaṃ saññamessanti
Mokkhanti mārabandhanā "
Asarīraṃ guhāsayaṃ
Ye cittaṃ saññamessanti
Mokkhanti mārabandhanā "
"Mind go away alone.
Hidden deep cave alone
One concerned cleverly kept
Exit the loop ma Fang "(PC, number 37). [1]
Hidden deep cave alone
One concerned cleverly kept
Exit the loop ma Fang "(PC, number 37). [1]
Uncontrolled main idea, not the idea guide goes on the road to the new right harm, if the ideas are correct according to the instructions, then France will bring many benefits, such as the idea of impermanence, suffering and egolessness, idea, thought of the idea of impure ... Firepower was like that is because consciousness and interfere, impair the capacity of the Bohemian idea. As is customary on stilts forest fire Rate, summarized as follows:
Its Female Executive Director ton Crystal stilts into the Woods but did not witness any Holy berries, the DAC's thoughts: "We make about How, please Respect the German Bach explains this new headings are added".
On the way home, He saw flames burning forests to, You climb to the top of the mountain, sat looking at the forest fires are burning, He thought "this fire as the fuel catch is grass, trees ... to burn, the flame so intellect also also get those large and small used unlawful to burn them like him".
Germany World Religion located in Divisions of the mind see the Interior, launched aura to appear, he taught that the unit dress up:
"Appamādarato bhikkhu
Pamāde vā bhayadassi
Saññojanaṃ aṇuṃ thūlaṃ
Dahaṃ aggīva gacchatīti "
Pamāde vā bhayadassi
Saññojanaṃ aṇuṃ thūlaṃ
Dahaṃ aggīva gacchatīti "
"Assiduous affection khưu Bhikkhu
Or scared Yi launched
As the fire spread
Unlawful use of small, big d. "(PC number 31). "[2]
Or scared Yi launched
As the fire spread
Unlawful use of small, big d. "(PC number 31). "[2]
But despite the correct idea also may not be General in three kingdoms, like to be aware of the three kingdoms General must do official tri and wisdom. As Prime evidence practitioners of meditation, but not likely reveal the tam, it is by general idea too strong powers. Idea is true to form tri tri see tam tam General seen were general, is to be able to enter tri tam General wisdom.
Official tri (vijānāti)?
As awareness of the mind, awareness greater than thought, because it recognizes the object at the same time to know both the characteristics of impermanence, suffering of the object, but can not enter into c's General. Typical is the receiving end of the Buddhist learning through the Scriptures. But the know of cannot do manifest the Holy Leader. Why? Because ignorance obscures.
Rights Prophet (pajānāti)?.
Is the mind, the mind of the audience understand as consciousness has the ability to make manifest the Holy Leader when sufficient growth. Why? Because the position is the opposite of ignorance, France has a clear ignorance. The Buddha has taught: "Intelligent beings ignorance kills", when the mind is full of strength, it except destroying ignorance, as the location Scout Profile except kill away the kind of ignorance that lead reborn into four miserable scene, Tam Dao positions except kill ignorance leads to being gender education ownership, position the four Scouts except kill entirely ignorance not leftovers.
After describing his chums guys wife know idea dominated, Masters Degree only 24 out of France created the fantasy (maññāti). From this platform led to the kind of false idea (saṇkhāpapañca) made of sanh start AI (taṅhā), romantic (māna), TA (diṭṭhi), and then from three this itself (kayadiṭṭhi) being up, become a rope bondage (saṃyojana-unlawful use) for him. The fuselage of an initial obstacle for the Prime witness of Saints.
Land (paṭhavī).
The land was mentioned first in 24 France, because the soil has a wide range of easy to realize, at the same time is also the first concept in the process of progressing knowledge. Outside lands such as tree, grass, rocks, mountains ... soils inside as meat, tendons, bones, fur, hair, nails, teeth ... land here just for the land inside.
According to the Conclusion A Bhikkhu ' , Talks paṭhavī (land) based words "puth" means "extended out, collapsed, or stretch, the nearest noun paṭhavī dhātu is" drooping characteristic element ", though no standard meaning. If this element does not have an object could not be the Crown space "[3] .
However, this meaning was easily confused with the element of water, the nghĩ6a of the land element is "hard or soft", the harmony with which countries have this status, when water tight quến "" the French identity element together, i.e. when water quality is less, then the soil status harder than water quality land into many , such as rock hard bone, hard bones more than meat. Clear and the meat is ground, but also has the status of software, so "hard or soft is the land".
Again, due to nature of water Binder should soil thickness and thickness as much of the "hard".
As a prize, there are four types of land coming into Office is:
1-real Land (pathavīsabhāva). Status Is hard or soft when I touched the touch.
2- Land combined. Is the Earth really count combined with other colors like fire, water, wind ... stick to each other. Combined ground outside like when we dig soil or others, or as termite mounds, stones, trees ...
Combined soil inside is: hair, hair, nails, teeth ...
The Department of land called combined, since each color cannot himself stand are cheap, they are gathered together, convergence at least 8 composition comprises: four great colors, scenery, scenic colors smell, taste and sight of real object identity, known collectively as the delegation of real glass.
3- the Earth signs (pathavī nimitta) or soil projects. Is the soil made the scene for meditation practitioners section titles of land, land NET outside is Earth kasiṇa headings, ground inside can directly under headings such as hair, nails, feathers ...
4- Land General meditation or soil processing (paññatti pathavī). Is when practitioners achieve certification as general publications: General (parikammanimitta), General Maintenance (uggahanimitta), the Photoelectric General (paṭibhāganimitta).
The Indian General has achieved in two stages: Approach (upacārasamādhi), and Dak (appanāsamādhi).
The land-only really aware through contact, while three other land types are aware, through news through thought.
All four types of land on human awareness through all chums (paññatti) both, despite contact on the ground realized computer hardware or software, but also the fixed mode obscures should for that: rock hard, porous soil, soft flesh, hard bones .... news is often aware of land through ideas.
In other words, when there is no contact land that recognize land is due to the idea of getting to know, when the contact know hard or soft carry a name attached as the tree hard, soft flour ... also know through, also due to the idea of using things (from the land is just the name of hard or soft state , any one noun would just give her status also is determined, the State's spending may not feel able to describe clearly are).
So the Buddha taught "idea of land is land tri", i.e. not getting the right food, land's general right of general food is getting to know by consciousness or mind, also through the idea that perception, the only known authoritarian, impossible to know reality is General.
But the idea (saññā) can get to know the real scene (sabhāvārammaṇa), but if the mind by bringing ideas get, then that scene is institutional landscape, it's not real computer but it reflects true images of real French. Such people see the moon on the bottom of the water.
The main idea of creating error (papañca), created the distinction through the concept of "land", such as meat, tendons, bones, hair, nails ..... error he became an obstacle course of location, cause beings imprisoned in chums.
Papañca (confusion) make beings misunderstand the truth, do not comprehend the real France, said that "this is me", "this is mine".
Papañca in the tournament coming into Office, this word is used according to the meaning as follows:
1-Is an obstacle course, an obstacle of the spirit. Because the idea of "I" or "my" would be an obstacle for the privileged St., Buddha taught that:
Puttā m'atthi dhanaṃ m'atthi
ITI bālo vihaññati
Attā hi attano natthi
Kuto kuto puttā dhanaṃ
ITI bālo vihaññati
Attā hi attano natthi
Kuto kuto puttā dhanaṃ
My child, my property
Stupid brain priority delivery
We order, we do not have.
The property where, where?[4]
Stupid brain priority delivery
We order, we do not have.
The property where, where?[4]
2-Do increase error: refers to potential of the idea, the idea of creating the concept from a real computer, and French reasoning the concept. Such birds see mannequins, it's all right for people to think "this man (dummy)" is cruel, aggressive, hurt them ...
3-Wrong. This meaning was He teaching: Mahākacāyana
"(This) Chu ja, because Nhon and eye sắcpháp, the label officially kicked up. The three meet France is exposed. Due to the exposed coast should have the life feelings. What life can feel ideas, what have thought time had thought (vitakkehi-games), what thoughts do hý (papañca). What makes hý comment causes some disappointed obsessive thought a treatise hý people (yaṃ papañceti tatonidānaṃ purisaṃ papañcāsaññāsaṅkhā) for brilliantly by perception based label, past, present, future "[5] .
You thought wrong interpretation of Buddhaghosa (saññāsaṅkhā) (saṅkhā is the private component) is craving (taṅhā), romantic (māna) and TA (diṭṭhi). The three components of false ideas, collectively papañca.
108 AI called taṅhāpapañca, 9 types of port called mānapapañca, Ta 62 comments called diṭṭhipapañca.
In the 62 ties opinion be the Buddha points out in the Offense Sagging (Brahmajāla sutta), the deviant comments about the comment or permanent removal from the jurors start contentious argument, inference (i.e. due to wrong ideas of distinction Guide), or the sa, la certification achieved Sufficiency or label Angel Network.
"This the Male stilts, in this life or Subjects is La Sa home thinking, is home to the jurors. Due to the share split of inference and the option of jurors, this position statement like this: "the ego and the world is permanent, real being, as solid as a stone head, mountain, also the type of love, death, reincarnation flow being back, yet they still often longer." [6] .
The starboard side (māna)? [7]
The side is from the word māna or māno. Māna (romantic) serviced apartments terms mana means reflecting his alter ego, lẩy, tough.
Pali Word māna explanation as follows:
"Seyyomasmīti ādinā maññatīti = thinking especially for you".
Or "proud things over people".
This meaning was found through samples of dialogue between Mr. Sāriputta and Mr. Anuruddha is as follows:
"-Mr. Sudhakar author Sāriputta, with pure label, I can look at a thousand of the world ...
This fake Anuruddha gentler Sage-author to think like this: "with pure label, I can see a thousand worlds", this is the arrogance of Sage ... [8] .
Four meanings of māna (port side).
The status of the port is: illustrious (unnati lakkhaṇa).
The port's responsibility is: make the further development (sampaggaha rasa).
The port's achievements are: brag or wish to improve his self (ketukamyatā paccupaṭṭhāna).
Agents are: mind taking any Samyutta comments (lobha diṭṭhivippayutta padaṭṭhāna). [9]
Accept the land (paṭhaviṃ maññati).
The word maññati means "by the concept idea", i.e. from the imagine bouncing a contentious opinion.
According to ancient Indian conception, have the "gods of the land" is the master of the world, we should learn about the knowledge flow smoothly from the previous Publications of the nation until the time of the Buddha, Buddha's teaching business objects because this is 500 Billion through thiộc on stilts three Tibetan Veda.
From the conception of "physical geography" gradually the knowledge of ancient Indian ethnic background have come to "cosmic chemistry", the ancient Indians worshipped many gods.
According to the historian, one of the peoples money stay in India as Dravidian peoples by Matriarchy, this is a people against the "aggression" of the Aryan people most persistent, but always failed, the Aryan people later annexation.
"During the balance of forces, the Aryan who has also influenced about Dravidian people's beliefs" [10] .
So, while people who are Dravidian, Aryan annexation but the main Aryan population also has integration with blood the Dravidan, simultaneously introduced in both beliefs of Dravidian people on their spiritual lifestyle.
Archaeologists with the scholar had commented: "Dravidian people's beliefs is to worship the Earth Kalī" because that "mother earth" in collaboration with "father" engenders everything in this world.
"They worshipped the goddess of creation and land races (as well as the Local Spirit Sample)"
Dravidian people worshiped the ground is easy to understand, because they are ethnic money stay in India again specializes in agriculture, so with the thought of land trust stubs sessions have deity, the earth goddess ceremony if satisfied will ban them hit season, harvesting of agricultural products abundantly, left back who is the nomadic Aryan , live by livestock breeding and beef cattle are animals gives them the nutritious food, so they beef, cult is "in there" cow deity, thought Bai "-" this is thought in the beginning.
Ancient Indians (from the year 1000-800 before the era of epic period in the Rig Veda) are cult to the gods, for they all things "ordinary spirit in which" no land, no fire, ground fire. wind has the God of wind, water is water (precipitation such as God), the God of trees (rukkhadeva), spirit (nāga) ... the th n as "immortal". Depending on the imagination of them which the Chancellor sometimes is the God of the land, or the God of fire (Agni), or the God of wind (Vāyu) ... the gods created the world. This is the initial stage of the belief system of the Veda.
Later, the Brahmin priests make the higher gods to replace the God of the land, God of fire, God of wind ... as Being the owner (prajapati), then to Brahma.
At the time of the Buddha, but the Brahmin religion is no longer unique status, caste-the Roman Empire-the capital was predominant before the Brahmin caste, thought "caste Brahmin up WINS" in the Vedas have been more provocative and intellectuals during the time of the Buddha were 62 schools , which is the famous contemporary Catholic position 6 (green): Purana kassapa, Makkhali Gosala, Ajita Kesakambali, Pakudha Kaccayana, Nigantha Nātaputta and Sañjaya Belatthiputta. But these "gods" in Roman Catholic Brahmin system still occupies an important place in the ideology of the majority Indian population.
According to Li pratītyasamutpāda of Buddha: "there are five types of French identity: Earth, water, wind, fire and frivolous, the pure on there computer not see, do not know chi at all (is ignorance). Due to the rotation of the same change of the substance's forecast formed: when cold, when hot, when rain, when sunshine ... Due to the rotation long on arises a substance called fact (sukhumā viññāṇa), this fact on long rotation is strong and old evolution, when falling into the unreal becomes very small creatures (known today as the bacteria), falls into the water become small creatures living in the water, fall to the ground when evolution became insects live in the soil like worms ... fall in fruit will evolve into species in small deep left, as supplements such ...
So from ignorance engenders the rotation is. Practice engenders, when there is the form "-" very small, this excellent list of development gradually become apparent ". [11]
"Accept land (paṭhaviṃ maññati)" is there a "self acceptance can often slash" in the land of constant means accepting the land where everything is born, and in a land Lordship or is accepted "we are born from the Earth".
The phrase "think of the Earth (or ideas about the land)" refers to the confusion of land through the three areas, and opinions. I.e. three France, opinion, Ireland was present in the mind, this confusion by thought. The position he thought the land outside its home butcher, also the soil inside is: hair, nails, teeth, hair, skin ... is relying on outside from the land of birth, or by the Chancellor on the "ground" form.
The meaning of this text passage is: "after the land is his imagination created the world, he always thought of the idea to the ground as the thought of the idea to the Messiah" sacred ". From that form a pondered (project) of the land ".
Or referring practitioners practice items (kasina paṭhavī), when it arises was the General's general maintenance (uggahanimitta) or optical (paṭibhāganimitta) General. From the press, the General had the wrong tribe on Indian soil over the general idea, thus leading to the starboard side, the idea of charity.
"Thought (ego) in the soil (paṭhaviyā maññāti) ".
Referring to practitioners in the approach phase.
According to a prize: "coming into office he imagine a barrier for me in the ground" or "have a fall in soil, in tha main tha this fall is an obstacle of the ego (I)" or "General Land is an obstacle course for all tha falls and the ego", as a fencing between ego and tha fall , should not be ego enter bridges.
Ṭīkā (late coming into Office) have explained: the phrase "in the ground" means "are contained the intersection", i.e. the soil was contained or ego tha fall or both. The phrase "(I) in the ground" refers to comments, and AI.
Comes to comments because accepting a "ego", but this fall in a section of the fuselage (fuselage land) should belong to the body, or to accept a fall is often constant, is the owner of the world.
Again, the error when he said that "there is a fall in soil or on tha". Tha main this fall has created obstacles, making "ego" can not enter into the Indies General
Comes to the side is that the ego is also the ego in the Earth (Gen.) is another, or proud that his general printing.
Then again, when thinking of the land she's Indian General, gain can fall into, because that land is Indian General "my" (AI falls).
But the primary meaning of thought "(ta) in the ground" is by the side of things.
Actually, the idea has the "we" is due to the comments generated, but romantic and comments cannot be present, at the same time in port there (because there are no proper comparison with real French count).
Again, in this text raised vessels "(ta) in the land" i.e. "we" is the other, the soil is different, so you explain "(ta) in the ground" is the side [12] .
Here, the side was the pride or self on the General ground that gentlemen's accomplishments.
At the same time, both because of its then sticking your towel snugly into the soil, which is the General Indian status to accept the hand seals.
"Looking forward to Indian land General will like this, be like there" is the State of education, hold on India soil General ...
There is no question that: "the General of meditation is best or?" answer: is the best idea, because that is the type of idea birth Princess from "green leaves", "blue", while recalling "green" is starting in the Center, then of course no leaves or sea water. But, thinh, incense, in education, promotion, both the nomenclature as the mind, thought, life, relevant to education world were put into Education , such as the Center for gender education charity, the heart of any ...
This lady's Indian General of birth from lust, holds the Indian General's general publications wouldn't let go of the left should be called exercise its (kāmupādāna).
"Thought (ego) is land (paṭhavīto maññāti)".
Referring to the position he was privileged. Does taste perception (maññati) "his" or "other people" is derived from the land, the fantasy as arises, relatives say this concept is wider than the fall.
Because development projects of limited amount of Earth kasiṇa meditation, he imagined outside of Court of origin has "the Africa project of" and in "Africa project of" she have an ego. That is, in the judgment of this is parts inside have an ego, aside of the judgment of this is the "outside lands" have an ego.
According to Atthakathā 's Hernia: (coming into Office) to accept the "land" through three fantasy: "another person's land", "land" and "I am the land is mine".
The phrase "(ego) is the land" just for the view accept the seat into the fall, called ego.
During the period an stay on (enter), when out of the plan to import, recalls a uniform status with the General's reasoning, that "the land (meditation) is I, or me (meditation)", such as water into the milk is milk with water, water is the milk, should fall into fall comments.
In Paṭisambhidā magga (Infinitely concerned Leadership Award) has also stated:
"Here, people would then see" land "as the heading fall like this: " what is the soil section, he is. What, he is heading the land ", he saw the ground and fell as the same. Just as a person who saw the flame of the lamp was lit and the colors are the same, so what's the flame, then color. What is a color, then the flame. " [13] .
"The land" refers to the Indian land.
Proud to have achieved the certificate of meditation is, again, because of the thought that "these thoughts, this life, this awareness is the" main subject of "ego (the land)", mind's position fell into fall. But "think ego is the land" is due to the comments generated. [14]
"Think the Earth is mine (paṭhavīm ' ti mañāti)".
When the development projects of the immeasurable position he thought "the land is ours", this is the way of fantasy. Because that meditators have mature in peace of fixed bridges, extended stay was General as far as Italy.
The prize:
In the Economic literature on the circuit, the Buddha points out each stage of meditation, practitioners come from access, privileged and mature in their type, for every period due to misleading ideas should each stage are arising, starboard side, comments.
Every French (AI-romantic-comments) back in vogue as intense each stage, should Germany World Religion stating France in each stage, such as the way the General Award above.
In the period to access the side come up on the ideas being kicked, in the Prime period, comments come up on the ideas being kicked, in the period of stay, craving come up on the ideas being kicked.
Often, when achieving something that few people achieve it arises are proud or have fun. Also, in the early phases of cultivation, thanks to essential needs, arising was chess is Uggahanimitta (general maintenance), and Paṭibhāganimitta (General or general Net Optics), when achieving that first Indian General knows, Centre a fun wedding Festival, without the knowledge of France or French through this divine will satisfy , lead to privileged on the general idea has a privileged port, was being run.
If meditators have accept before an ego or tha falls in the ground, then in the stage of this approach as offering false perspective, the time will have to compare this with other ego ego under three ways: we're over, we're equal or inferior.
In the Prime period, is when the mind can enter into harmony Center India, bridges of general practitioners, will claim that: "the General is we (the ego) or is a general publication," this is deviant opinions are superior to the starboard side and craving. Because that's the General when lost (in time to enter the meditation), the "ego" he did? If the Prime Minister of India is the Indian General, when ego, ego removal must also kill.
The phrase "think the land is ours" is the implied comments, romantic, love.
Through comments, because for that "has an ego in the land".
The broadside, the noble himself because he owned the land in the body, such as the publication of meat, bone, teeth, nails and. .. " Or foreign soil mastery stems are soil headings kasina.
Through AI was always sticking your towel snugly into the Indies, India's general view general are subject. But why have this?
Because of the position he has achieved in France are mature in meditation and expansion are general optical (paṭibhāganimitta). French mature years of meditation are:
1-mature in the genus meditation (āvajjanavasī).
Is the genus of mastered meditation practitioners, to meditate in the place, time, how long you want also.
First of all practitioners work to spend on games (vitakka), current starting Center for the decorative range Dong (javanacitta) get to know, is to spend four (vicāra), Quartet kicked up as the object to the center of power in compliance ... In turn like to spend. "Only in Germany That the new Religion had the master to this great purpose in the two spirit (medium sized splash fountain at a lửacùng on the fuselage), others are under way, could not have said more quickly. [15]
Meaning: practitioners master chi meditation fixed admission or when the designated audience responses are like Italy.
2-mature in import (samāpajjanavasī).
As practitioners enter meditation anywhere, always have been. As she Uppalavaṇṇā an stay on the designated spot when being young Nanda harm, or as Mr. Moggallāna (maudgalyayana) quickly enter net Dragon costume to meditation Nandopananda.
3-mature in stay meditation (adhiṭṭhānavasī).
Practitioners in certain long depending on your desire.
4-mature in production (vuṭṭhānavasī).
Is the ability to export the plan quickly as Italy.
5-mature in the survey (paccavekkhaṇavasī).
Want consistent investigation of meditation, meditation will now start spending as for he practitioners to consider. Thanks to the mastery review, clearly his meditation floor defects mini-stroke reached, left the cons, then advance to higher meditation. The review found that consistent Profile practitioners of meditation is very fragile, can be ruined easily, cons of meditation Profile is due to the games-four games – this is Rakesh, obstruction of the second meditation practitioners and Crystal tu Jin Jin (bhāvanā) to exclude games-quarter finals, reached the second meditation.
Practitioners left the Cafe review "of the second meditation easy to slump, falling backwards, because the defect is also meditation Profile Hy (pīti), Hy is the obstacle course of Tam meditation". Practitioners essential tu Jin to eliminate the Prime witness Hy tam meditation ...
Buddhaghosa says that He "wanted to certain fullness: the practice, practitioners must also expand General optical (paṭibhāganimitta) was privileged. There are two aspects of Indian general expansion, which is in the vicinity and determined an "[16] .
As specified in an achievement only, he said "(General) the land is ours".
As such, "think the Earth is ours" then the AI are superior to comments and romantic.
"Wedding Festival in the land (paṭhaviṃ abhinandati)".
This is the fantasy land of Hy way take part.
The word abhinandati is moderately fun, that's the fun of taking part at the same time then the Center back's status, the famous lẩy, that's romantic. According to the Conclusion of A-port, and the Conversation-Bhikkhu with each other when there is no deviant comments fray.
Germany Sāriputta has taught: "Hy-life means taking the life of favor, synonymous with the yard, discharge means si". Hy-life means taking is said to this case.
The roots of the starboard side, comments, craving the wrong ideas derived from the nickname of the soil is like, and this leads to Hy take part "to land".
Germany, the world Religious pointed out the danger when the wedding Festival in idea, this will entice thrilled this beings fall into misery. Because of that: People would think, "Earth tri idea (I) in the soil (meditation)", "(I) is the land", "the land is mine," he will not be abandoned, opinion, Ireland.
This "divine male stilts! Who does the wedding Festival, the Festival of the wedding. Who said people suffering the wedding Festival is not freed"gauge[17]
Should also understand the meaning of "wedding Festival" in language "shelves One wedding Festival boundaries". This is thrilled over understand wrong on the subject. Meaning: the false idea of distinction leads to the starboard side, and AI. The starboard side, and leads to thrilled with landscaped for (landscape-ārammaṇa).
So the idea of voters led to the idea of the ultimate wedding Festival, what do the wrong idea of distinction created again is different. Practitioners should get a clear analysis and the like.
"Because human? (taṃ kissa hetu) ".
Is accepted by voters thought any way, as understood by the voters thought, understanding the land by ideas, understand the port land, due to comments, because, due to take part in the wedding.
"We say he guys do not understand the land (apariññātaṃ tassāti vadāmi)".
The Buddha said "understanding Earth through thought, over the side, through the comments. Through charity or through land, she joins the wedding does not understand anything about the Earth ". News is the only means to understand through soil, do not understand the ground reality in true French General.
What is clear on the ground?
The soil is understood by fullness (pariññā), location of fullness has three types:
1-Place van fullness : He is understanding through learning elements:
This is the land of the fuselage, this land is outside the body, this is the land of crude, it is the land of subtle, this is the land of Nice, e y is bad, the land, this is the land of the past, this is the current land, this land is. ... Here is the status of the land, it is the responsibility of the land, this is the land of achievement , it is necessary to birth land. Understand the ground through four meaning is understood the real earth, but learn has not really understood about the land, just to understand through text-decoration only.
The land has 4 meanings are:
-Status (lakkhaṇā): (kakkhalata) or (muduka).
-The Department (rasa): preserve (paṭiṭṭhāna rasā).
-Achievements (paccupaṭṭhāna): contains (sampaticchana).
-Agents (padaṭṭhāna): there are three great also (avasesadhātutaya).[18]
-The Department (rasa): preserve (paṭiṭṭhāna rasā).
-Achievements (paccupaṭṭhāna): contains (sampaticchana).
-Agents (padaṭṭhāna): there are three great also (avasesadhātutaya).[18]
2-Position investment fullness : Is the police, thinking about ground reason impermanence, suffering, egolessness, Seth ... The understanding also have yet to truly understand the land, however can receiving General impermanence, suffering, egolessness of land but can not enter the tam.
3-Position tu fullness : After thinking clear, the police number-he can enter general impermanence, suffering and egolessness General or General, achieve the Holy leader, abandoned the exercise to take part for the land.
Who would understand the ground will understand through all three types of voracious, because not yet success should not understand the wisdom of the Holy Land, from which thrilled the land in the fuselage as the red cheeks, beautiful long hair, white teeth are as immature corn seeds ... or land outside the body, such as gold, jade, gems ...
Question rắng: "France is, of course, they are often senseless change unsustainable, and egolessness because we could not enjoin them to like this ... is like there are ... But they have no consciousness, then how we are suffering? "
Response: "called the gauge here not to say tho, that comes up to the cause engenders suffering because attached to the mind, they present or not present is by charm (paccaya), clinging to them when they make changes of mind, leads to suffering. As when the label was based (cakkhindriya) with touches the ceiling arises contact labels ... labels clearly based or ceiling shades are all colors but they are, as the coast arises nomenclature, hang on to them when they lost the mind fall into melancholy, that the existing framework is presented.
Again, the colors of France by four types of forms: Do, do, do real things, due to the weather.
-Colors due to career created is: labels, Turkish, male, were killed, stem units (kāyindriya), feminine, masculine colors, colors, colors of Italy right network. The birth of this up depending on the (results), when bad karma, the pay squeeze in could be sabotage lead to suffering. But the case of Mr Cakkhupāla (Households) blinded by evil emerge past industrial result (the label was based was ruined), for human suffering can usually mind the infinite Soreyya because as you start up or thought sexual harassment A La Han vớivị Mahā kaccāyana, from human male body become woman leads to suffering. [19] Similarly, when the Atrium serviced apartments, serviced apartment, the apartment, the body was ruined.
-Colors due to the mind-body identity expression was: tri (pavattanakaayaviññatti), SAC expression language (vacīviññatti vacīvikāro), voter contempt (lahutārūpa), (mudutārūpa), need sharp colors like (kammaññatārūpa). In which three colors especially thinh, and like having the perfect body as well as the above mentioned password shit nice, if one of the three colors was ruined (or don't have) then, when the display language would be clumsy. As people have voice khan khan, ồm oàm or walking heavily, not gently relaxed ...
This French identity when there is a change that leads to suffering as stated. The Buddha has taught a lot of Tibetan Scriptures that:
"This divine Male stilts, you think? Identity is often impermanent?
-World Religion, is impermanent.
-The Female stilts, something impermanent, something he is suffering or lost?
-World Religion, is suffering ".
What is impermanent, suffering, subject to variables. If not, Prime time can run up (TA) opinion as follows: "what is the ego. That is the world. after death the will usually also, usually constant, permanent, constant variables are subject to sabotage?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion ". [20]
End of the Earth.
I. 2) water issues.
" He thought the Taste of water is water tri (āpaṃ āpato sañjānāti), because the thought of the idea of water as water (āpaṃ āpato saññatvā), should accept the water (āpaṃ maññati). I say he guys do not understand the country. "
According to the conception of the Brahmin religion, the country is due to the Rain gods (Prajanya) in combination with water (Apas), the God of water rảy Water carries deep into the ground to do everything, lush greenery birthing.
"Along with the worship of water God strong Apas, they also worship the goddess element, also known as Rudra spirit Wind specialist toxic cause diseases" [21] .
Here, because the gods "accepted" should he taste for Apas that have a "self".
"The word āpo (water) base words" ap "refers to, or from" apartment "is pāy + scared us growing up or maturing. According to Buddhism, the main elements of the different elements of the sticky lust France. " [22]
The cold water is not a status, the status of water is flowing out or quến. When the water flows out the other elements to soften, making them fresh profit but easy more destructive, we see many countries make the soil easily dissolved than, conversely when the water quến gather the identity element cluster, more destructive but hardly out thick rough bad, price more infertile. As the core tree, tree bark bark than perennial young etc.
-Status (lakkhaṇa): (paggharaṇa) or quến (ābandana).
-The Department (rasā): make evolution (byūhana).
-Achievements (paccupaṭṭhāna): Quến screw back (saṅgaha).
-Necessary (padaṭṭhāna): there are three great also (avasesa dhātutaya).
-The Department (rasā): make evolution (byūhana).
-Achievements (paccupaṭṭhāna): Quến screw back (saṅgaha).
-Necessary (padaṭṭhāna): there are three great also (avasesa dhātutaya).
I. 3) fire problem.
"He thought the tri fire is fire (tejaṃ tejato sañjānāti), because the thought of the idea of tri fire is fire (tejaṃ tejato saññatvā), should accept fire (tejaṃ maññati). I say he guys do not understand the fire ".
"Fire" is there a generally accepted cosmological constant, which is the "spirit of fire-Agni".
According to the conception of the ancient India during the Veda: ' tutelary spirit is lowering the fire (Agni), the tutelary god of the air (vâyu) and tutelary genius is the Sun God (surya), also known as Mithra. The three gods that considered the dark Trinity spirit in the Vedas (trimurti) "[24] .
As accepted in view of the Brahmin religion, should this person that "has a character in the fire-God of fire", from voter opinion discrepancies led to the starboard side, and just like in the open.
Fire (tejo) is explained as a raw (dhātu) features "hot or cold". The noun root words raw export tejo "tij" is making developers, ripe[25] .
In fact, out of fire by France as a real understanding of fire through:
-Status (lakkhanā): hot or cold (uñhatta-sīta).
-The Department (rasā): make the set (paripaccana).
-Achievements (paccupaṭṭhāna): Software root (maddavānuppādana).
-Agents (padaṭṭhāna): there are three great also (avasesa dhātutaya).
-The Department (rasā): make the set (paripaccana).
-Achievements (paccupaṭṭhāna): Software root (maddavānuppādana).
-Agents (padaṭṭhāna): there are three great also (avasesa dhātutaya).
Who knows about the fire will understand by this meaning foursome.
I. 4) issue of wind (vāyo).
"He thought voters wind is wind (vāyaṃ vāyato sañjānāti), because the thought of the idea of wind is wind (vāyaṃ vāyato saññatvā), should accept the wind (vāyaṃ maññati). I don't understand guys say wind ".
"Wind". Is there an accepted order may in the wind, is the God of wind (vâyu). According to the conception of the Brahmin, the God of wind in mid-air. "considered the breath of fire", "God of wind, tasked with spirit baptism of fire moved the sacrifice that people in a religious ceremony surges up the spirit" [26] .
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