Sunday, 6 August 2017

 Net is quiet peaceful clean, Speed 's help, VND Netdevice from Sanskrit: Buddhasetra is an Buddha, Buddha realms, the purity.
Out of nowhere the immense boundless: there are infinite amount of the water (the planet), of which Net realms, have the Ue (as Mrs. Sa). They have Kat born on the Net, has the mind of the UE UE; If born of the UE, the Karma every day a deep, heavy, difficult achievements France heal; also born on the Net then Karma every day a goal except, easy achievements France heal; even the Net speed also has many false distinction, in that the enemy WINS World 's most Extreme Western Tribes.
To be exhaustive and there is class, first of all need to comb through about three fundamental Experienced of Pure Land Buddhism, after discussing how tu, the regulator should be aware and prepared. After the two spoke to how the practice of tu people's daily Net Degrees. We the same track:


A Buddha Vihara dwell in States, Garden of Anathapindika Property Water-Protection, along with a thousand two hundred fifty unit Bhikkhu stilts; at that, there are loads of Bodhisattva, Headless Angel, Semi-devils and four of them attended.
Then Buddha said Bhikkhu Stilts Dormitories-benefits-the echo that "From here over the West than ten Buddhist realms memories for ever (1) (far exceeding 10 billion disbursed Ha), has the world named Sukhavati, of the world of which the Buddha as A Di Da (2) currently is talking to France.
 Symbolism the echo, the star name that is Extreme?
Because the beings in the Sukhavati without the agony, just funny things; in the realms that have seven each bulwark, seven each of bamboo mesh, each of the seven trees, each with seven treasure wrapped borders round.
Get the ao by seven treasures, in ponds filled with enough water to eight merit (3); pure pond bottom using a diamond made of sand spread on land with gold. Gold and silver, Yuri, Crystal into the continental shelf road in the four sides of the pond; on the road with shelf floor guards are also strictly physical by the seven treasure are: gold, silver, Yuri, Crystal, far from piles, chains Pearl, brain code.
In the pond there are Lotus flowers as large wheels: flowers blue green light gold shades, forecast forecast light yellow, red colors of red, white light forecast forecast white light, aromatic variety, cool clean.
 Symbolism the echo, the Sukhavati achievements merit dignified .
In the realm of the Buddha , often Troi (resound) music heaven, Earth by net gold, day and night are six time (4) scattered flower Sun mandala; beings in realms that usually early, grab the scented flower baskets bring donation ten muon memories Buddha in ten method, instant- return to a finish of Executive business travel (5).
 Symbolism the echo, the Sukhavati achievements merit dignified .

Again, the it often has the identical colors beautiful birds, such as the white stork, bird Kong-deprived, He-Yu, lang co, Ca-benefit-Residence-old Qin, Lemon-network; that six-day and night birds, the amiable domestic forecast.
That said the birds such as the Base Year (6), In force (7), Seven sensations Chi (8), Eight Saints leader (9), etc. Beings in realms that listen done them all Buddhist mantras, mantras of France, anniversary Rose!
Accommodation-benefits-the echo! He never said that the birds which is due to report crimes , because the Sukhavati no three way evil, Echo, benefits-the-Clinic that the case didn't have evil is the evil? The birds it is by the Buddha Amitabha want for French is declared saved (express pass) that evolve out of that.
In the Sukhavati, light winds blew tree dynamic dynamic grids junk and treasure treasure, making wines out the micro magic, such as hundreds of thousands of fellow music harmony; people would hear that naturally are born happy anniversary of Buddha, reciting France, anniversary Rose.
Dormitories-benefits-the echo: the Sukhavati achievements merit dignified .


Accommodation-benefits-Echo: He think, Buddha then why as A Di Da?
Because the Buddha which aura brilliance soi immeasurable throughout the realms of ten method from being hindrances (optical immeasurable); The Buddha and the people He's A Rises goon life Bhikkhu shit (Amitayus). The Buddha Amitabha the Buddha to now have 10 lifetimes and (1 million 800 thousand years = 16 damn).
Back in the water the Sukhavati has an infinite amount of Text Stick disciples are all of degree A La Chinese, not computer count that can know everything, the Bodhisattva also East.
 Symbolism the echo, the Sukhavati achievements merit dignified .
Again, the Sukhavati, these beings are few born there are degrees of any thóai switch (10) (not fallen again); including many contentious addition of most bothered (preparation of the Buddha), of which, very crowded computer count that knows, can only use countless a-steady-States to say!
 Beings would hear things on here, so play the chapel bridge was born to the country, why? Because along with the Upper ranks are: friendly staff in the same spot.
Benefits-the echo!-No property can have a little less friendly self-catering blessed Germany human charm that was born to the realms.
If there are friendly male suicide, friendly woman would hear n i the Buddha Amitabha, and then accept the maintained the title of Buddha , or a day, or two days, or three days, or four days, or five days, or six days, or seven days, a pleasing not disarray. The time of that person's time dying (dying) was the Buddha Amitabha along rows of Saints they embody in front of that person. The person is not at death mental insanity, sailings are few beings on the water Pole Tribe of Buddha Amitabha.
 Symbolism the echo, we see there are the benefits he should say the words like, if they would hear the words on, should play the prayer to Sukhavati realms births.

Finished, the Buddha told the fake Religious Symbolism the echo:
-As We today praise the Germany benefits can't think of the Buddha Amitabha, the constant HA sa number of Buddhist followers across South East North six on the Bottom are in the water, showing off the long wide tongue General (say true) bosses throughout the three kingdoms heaven heavenly (1 Buddha realms) that say honestly that : "Beings ye should believe himself riveted the German public cannot think of Business Desk:" For (a) the Buddhist schools of the Department (for the) Anniversary (remember) ", because the stars named Most-Lettered Buddhist notion of Household Facility?
Because if there are friendly male suicide, friendly woman would hear this, and hearing the title of Buddha Amitabha that maintains life, then the friendly South Prince along friendly woman then are all the Buddha households anniversary, were not regress to transfer where the leader of the main Upper Primary Sensory Class Multitude (ranks enlightened understanding of the main legs , no longer ranks would be better).
So, you should believe my Client's accept Buddha says; If someone has to play the prayer, are voluntary player, will play the prayer want born of the water of the Buddha Amitabha, the people are not rotten move where directed Infinity Primary Sensory Primary College Terrace, was born into, are contentious to, or will born into.
Dormitories-benefits-the echo! So the friendly South Prince friendly woman, if anyone have faith should play pray born on the other realms. As we today praise the Germans couldn't think of the Buddha Amitabha, the Buddha also praise the Germans can't think of my desk.

 Reader on, we find the Buddha speaks very clearly, there are a number of points should learn more, that is:
1)-The Sukhavati: The life of all suspect the Sukhavati in far beyond ten muon memories Buddha realms too far, dying at coming only in moments of difficulty, how to be e understand this?
In the said: mind how frivolous bosses all over the about the French, then the Supreme Buddha realms memories ten just in the mind, would be far away? General network moments born in mind, would have difficulty?
Besides, the Supreme expression of the ten countries are calling for the view of the divine Lady, in birth and death which says; If our achievements in Translational career, dying at the center of an intention that is mind tho born Net speed, just start the instant current studentsbe recited. Because of that, so the Business said: "Ten muon memories within moments only associated countries realms to the mind itself , which magical !".
2)- AmitabhaBuddha: translated from Sanskrit (Sanskrit): Amitabha Buddha: the Buddha room pinyin is Amita Buddha, is translated as A Di Da literally immeasurable, bha is Optical, Amitabha is immeasurable light.
3)- eight Countries merit ? That is:
1-Water in the clear, no bullshit opaque. 2-cool water soothe. 3- scented water sweet delicious. 4-soft Water gently. 5-Water instilled. 6-Water harmony quietly. 7-Water except hunger and thirst. 8-raised the Water.
4)-Six time?
On June 6, the night 6 on time have the kind of amiablechatter; China divided on six-year night.
5)- Go operating business ?
 Executive Business Travel: walking for stretching the core after the sitting meditation or worship , walked, visualizations, meditation reference, etc., as well as operating experience.
6)-In what is a Base?
In the root is in the issue of the basis, in its origin, in the basic source for the austerities, which is Credit Based, Crystal Based Tons, Radical Notion (remember thinking), Certain Flat (static President), and Apartment Lily (wisdom).
7)- In Force ?
 In the force is strong in strength , is in the capacity strength; In the root such as the five fingers of the hand, still In Force such as jewelry co ruỗi of the fingers to grip, grasp, pinch, squeeze, rub. In Force includes: Credit Resources, Effort Force, anniversary of the force, Force, and Hue.
8)- Seven Sense Chi ?
The feeling of Sanskrit is Boddhi (Bodhi) is enlightenment; The genus is branches, seven tu sequentially will reach results leaders, also called the "seven Sensations", seven means practice will deliver. Seven sensations genus include: Visual Mantras Genus, the genus sense of French Scouts (choice), Essential Sensory Chi Jin, Hy Genus Sense, Disrespect An Enlightened Genus, the genus Triangle Theorem, and Discharging the feeling of the genus.
9)-Eight Political Leader ?
Eight Political Leader is also known as the eight Saints Scouts is the path of liberation, including eight branches are message (see know as truth), Political thinking (thinking right as true), the language Itself (properly speaking the truth), Business Administration (right action), a Political Mission ( main footcareer), the main essential tons (diligence diligence), the anniversary Itself (remember thinking not forget) , Zhengding (pure light); the lack of one in eight non-branch into the main Bowl Scouts.
Do the prayer while austerities, Buddha Amitabha has dignified the Translational degrees of him enemies win should have enough new stuff like trees, grid treasures, palaces, the birds, the sound concert micro magic, making people hear are natural Buddhist mantras recited France anniversary Rose.
If anyone heard the title of Buddha Amitabha trust anniversary honours Him from one day up to seven days, a pleasing not disarray. The time of that person's time to death was the Buddha Amitabha along rows of Saints they embody before that person to continue the procession about the Sukhavati.
10)-Tier real disengagement switch:
When was born into Extreme Western Tribes, and then continue the austerities to this day the Buddha, should not be đoạ. This year the staff coast caused the few born not before transfer, that is:
1. By voluntary force of Buddha-di-da often produced NIE preserve.
2. By the light of Buddha always screening, Bodhi mind often increase.
3. Water, birds, trees, wind trio music, cheers are Catholic meaning of gauge theory, no; people hear these pleasing startup often's the French Buddhist mantras, mantras of France, anniversary Rose.
4. The water Sukhavati is Portuguese ranks-slapped, Upper staff do you heal, no Coast scene evil bad, no mental demons, demons; Miscellaneous impurities toxic Triangle, etc. completely not born to run.
5. Due to the long life forever, with Chu and Chu Bo Buddha-slapped.


Section 2:




A Buddha dwell in the mountain States Exposed Beams in the La Browser, Ma Masterpieces along on stilts Bhikkhu1250, has crowded them Bodhisattva, the King, and the Semi-devils. At the time of Germany That Ton of fun bright. A fake Religious Nan Da from seats stand up, kneel right hand pieced together the white Buddha that:
-Germany World Religion! Today You of fun bright never seen, are you thinking to Buddhist schools of the past, hybrid position, currently ?
 The Buddha teaches:
- Instead of Healing, heal instead! This A Dilemma: He released wisdom asked were Such Future work, he is the great Singer hi hữu as United Pros Discuss (1) appears in the world, has wholeheartedly for the sake beings, so the ladies asked him.
Behold A Nan, As Future Major College Primary Sensory or khai immeasurable a voter opinion, why? Because As Future voter opinion (know) an infinite obstacles along the endless obstacles, such as Hybrids, if desired in the world, maybe in to immeasurable countless hundreds of thousands of memories na do tha shit (loads of shit) that the body of As Futuristic and still not damage reduction, why? Because As Lai was tam I (President of the pure land) in it.; is this A Nan, He listen, cleverly thoughtout, I will because he distinguished award that says.
 A fake Religious Nan dear:
-Yes! The White World Religion! The desire to be heard in Germany That Religion only teaches.
 The Buddha said:
-Oldtimer, too a steady States countless great shit, there are Buddha export world mark is Posted As a hybrid chemical education degrees escape immeasurable beings. Then there are Remote Optical fiber optic Buddha Moon, Buddha, Fried Sandalwood Buddha, etc. all 52 serial Buddha's birth.
Design then there are Buddha as World Order in the United Kingdom As a hybrid, Cult Effects, Chief Justice Turns Tri, Minh Hanh University, Charity Was, Solve World, Infinitely Sergeant, What Dwell Thy Wife, Nhon Attorney Genius, Buddha, World Religion (10 of Chu Buddha (3)).
Then the King heard the Buddha sermon pleased pleasure pretty play mind Loads of upper Bodhi, renouncing the throne spice do Bhikkhu Stilts as France Tibet, to bow to Buddha ceremony of World Order in the United Kingdom, go around to the right, kneeling pieced together the hands say praise Buddha shelf finish: white
"- German Religious World of Bach, having played Center for Loads of upper Primary sensory, Germany That Suen said the French economy for the austerities NIE retrieved the Buddha's pure immeasurable dignified. Makes you lick the spit off the Chief sensory bothered roots mortal suffering and crime. "
 World Order In The United Kingdom As Lai says with Bhikkhu Stilts French Organs that: "- The happy tu conduct dignified level of Buddha, he knew."
 Bhikkhu Stilts France Tibetan ladies:
"- German Religious World of Bach, meaning her far-reaching not Bourn of the threshold, looking forward to Germany That Religion only teaches the almond Net speed of Chu Buddha. The hearing will y according to the austerities to complete voluntary basis."
 At the time the Buddha World Order in the United Kingdom know Bhikkhu Stilts France Tibet Somasundaram has extensive teaching sailings:
"- Such as the sea, the one who retrieved water entry into the tournament through immeasurable shit, can deplete to the bottom, is the treasure of micro magic; someone who releases the essential progress , no demand directed all will result, there was no prayer. "
Then Germany World Order in the United Kingdom for Buddhist wider said two hundred ten degrees of memory Chu Buddha (21 million Buddha realms), what is the evil of the Sun people, bad for the good of the country, and according to the Centre of the chapel of the Bhikkhu Stilts France Tibet that is clearly out to see both.
Hear and see the level of strictly net, Bhikkhu Stilts France Organs Start voluntary testimony enemies win loads of upper, heart, empty net Presidentrang, all the world no one by; the whole damn year enough, He considers photography took the happy dignified pure Buddha realms.
Mr A is Nan dear:
- White Germany World Religion, the realms Buddha 's ancient network life span for how long?
 The Buddha says:
-Behold A Nan, Buddha Like Himself in the United Kingdom the network life of forty two.
 Her Childhood, Female Stilts France Tibet as NIE retrieved the almond purity dignified two hundred ten Buddhist realms of memory and practice is finished, He came before Germany World Order in the United Kingdom As Lai prostrated Buddha foot, went around the right hand pieced together three rounds white stand that: "- German White World Respect for having maintained the happy photographers dignified pure Buddha realms."
Germany World Order in the United Kingdom As Lai says: "-Now He should present details, He must know the trigger at the right time, and making fun of all beautiful beings; Bodhisattva austerities France he then will full of immeasurable great vow. "
 Bhikkhu Stilts France Tibetan ladies:
"- German Religious World of Bach, I look forward to considering you will clear the soi, things play the prayer :"

1)- Amitayus: translated from Sanskrit (Sanskrit): Amitayus live extremely long, as several dozen billion years.
2)- Flower Favor Talks: translated from Sanskrit (Sanskrit): literally the Udumbara is Swiss Components, as bodes application components; This inconspicuous flowers, very rare.
3)-Literally 10 titles of Buddhist Followers are as follows:
01- Like Hybrids: The main Visual Modeler Mainranks, where no capital and Buddha don't go anywhere, it's Like a hybrid.
02- Cult Effects: full French micro magic, deserve donation of People, and the Sun.
03- Turn Primary Voters: Translate upbeat is Tam Tam Buddha DaMiểu, meaning unknown two racks: Physics World (World Empire), is relativelyrational, and logical true (brackets) is absolute equality.
04- Happy Intelligent Student: Preserve NET world pure, full of Qingliu (Student destined minh, minh label Bias, Smuggled take Ming).
05- Friendly Testimony: No longer living in the three realms , and the unconscious Gender Identity .
06- World Entertainment: Is known to most of the world of human space , and the universe.
07- the unconscious Sergeant: the Supreme Creator who no one pass.
08- Things Dwell Thy Wife: Unknown means of subduing them b..
09- the celestial Sphinx: Make Sun The not start happy horror, culture education for left suffering are fun.
10- World Buddhist Religion: Degrees of enlightenment and Sun worship.
Of the Bodhisattva France Tibet, Buddha Amitabha:
1.) When I tu as the Buddha, the country is still hell, hungry daemons demon, beast , I don't the throne itself visually (the Buddha).

2.) When I tu as the Buddha, the people in the country after the General network have to fallen into evil three-way then I'm not crowned sensory main.

3.) When I tu as the Buddha, the people in the country If not have iridescent yellow, then I'm not crowned sensory main.

4.) When I tu as the Buddha, the people in the country if the bad guys, I'm not beautiful throne itself visually (people are beautiful).

 5.) When I tu the Buddha, people in the water I don't know if the student mission information (know the myriad of life), the minimum is the work of hundreds of thousands of memories na do tha (countless, immeasurable), if such be the case, I'm not crowned sensory main.

6.) When I tu as the Buddha, the people in the country if there is heavenly label (see not stop concerned), the minimum is found hundreds of thousands of memories na so tha the Buddhist State, if such be the case, I'm not crowned sensory main.

7.) When I tu the Buddha, fisheries in the country if people i don't have natural Turkish (being afraid to stop listening), then also listen and absorb maintained hundreds of thousands of memories by na tha lyrics theory of Chu Buddha. If so, was I not crowned sensory main.

8.) When I tu as the Buddha, the people in the country if not be tha mind media (know the thought of others), then also know the mind of the beings in the hundred thousand memories na due to tha World; If so, I don't get the throne sensory main.

9.) When I tu as the Buddha, the people in the country if such be God of sufficiency (change unconscious measurement), also about a memorial to the hundreds of thousands of memories na due to tha water realms Buddha. If such is so, I'm not crowned sensory main.

10.) When I tu as the Buddha, the people in the country if born greed accept body (accept the ego), then I'm not crowned sensory main.

11.) When I tu as the Buddha, the people in the country if such was an head zhengding (President of the pure land), then I'm not crowned sensory main.

12.) When I tu the Buddha, if the light was still being restricted, for example to the hundreds of thousands of memories na do tha (soi 10 lens) the Buddha State, then I am not crowned sensory main.

13.) When I tu the Buddha, destined to live longer-term, a minimum of life also to the hundreds of thousands of memories na do tha shit (thegoddamn immeasurable); If so, I don't get the throne sensory main.

14.) When I tu the Buddha, Written by Gerald in the water I do not calculate the count was, until they are born in the Heavenly realms (1 billion Sun) the Visual Charm bothered counting together throughout the hundred thousand new shit out; If not so, I'm not crowned sensory main.

15.) When I tu the Buddha, people in the water I Shou destined not to limit the amount of (live Amitayus), if not so I'm not crowned sensory main.

16.) When I tu the Buddha, people in the water I heard if there from any friendly (the evil), then I'm not crowned sensory main.

17.) When I tu the Buddha, ten local immeasurable Lettered Buddhist if such praise hailed the title of I, then I'm not crowned sensory main.
18.) When I tu as the Buddha, the beings in the ten method releases the mind wants to born on the water, I just recite the title I gave to the ten mantras; If not so, I'm not crowned sensory main.

19.) When I tu as the Buddha, the beings in the ten local media Broadcast Center of Bodhi (awakening, enlightenment, Buddhist), the German public, releases the mind play pray like to being on the water. If I'm at a public network, and the masses are not surrounding appeared in front of him, then I'm not crowned sensory main.

20.) When I tu as the Buddha, the beings in the ten means of listening to the title I, specialized in remember me, the German public, current students about the water I can't be satisfied, I'm not crowned sensory main.
21.) When I tu as the Buddha, the people in the country if not the full thirty-two great generals (General good in particular), then I'm not crowned sensory main.

22.) When I tu as the Buddha, the Bodhisattva in the other water born on the water I've bothered depth b. addition of (a lifetime the Buddha). Unless the person voluntarily plat beings, through the realms Buddha tu water almond Bodhisattva, donation of ten local Buddhist followers, kaihua immeasurable beings makes them invisible upperleaders in place, beyond the happy ranks usually, does money tu merit Samantabhadra (Hui intellectual insight that could most of the uniformity and difference); If not so, I'm not crowned sensory main.

23.) When I tu as the Buddha, the Bodhisattva in the water I admit the force Buddha go donation ten local Buddhist Followers, about the meal If not come across a myriad of immeasurable Buddha realms then I'm not crowned sensory main.

24). When I tu as the Buddha, the Bodhisattva in the water when in front of Chu Buddha does merit , if the stuff used to donation not enough according to your desire , then I'm not crowned sensory main.

25.) When I tu as the Buddha, the Bodhisattva in the water I can not say if Nhầt Set ( discerning minds know everything) then I am not crowned sensory main.

26.) When I tu as the Buddha, the Bodhisattva in my country if such be the stem Diamond Na la Diên ( indestructible), then I'm not crowned sensory main.
 27.) When I tu the Buddha, people and all life in the water I dignified pure bright brilliant color images especially the ultimate magic no one knows, although measurement is there Favoritism labels that list the number of the count attribute I do not crowned sensory main.

28.) When I tu as the Buddha, the Bodhisattva in my country, though the merit at least also see know shume brightly immeasurable, four hundred miles of 1290 (4triệu), if not so, I'm not crowned sensory main.

29). When I tu the Buddha, if anyone in the country I read praise tho maintained speech French Economy that never mind Hui bian Member then I'm not crowned sensory main.

30.) When I tu the Buddha, Hui intellectual advocate Member of the bodhisattva in my country that I do not amount is limited to the throne sensory main.

31.) When I tu into Buddhism, the pure water I soi see all immeasurable World ten local Buddhist followers, like bright mirrors soi Show; If not so, I'm not crowned sensory main.

32.) When I tu the Buddha, from the ground up to the Castle, Palace, pond, tree, flower, all things in the country are by treasure, hundreds of thousands of things floral and beautiful exotic. Incense he stormed across the immeasurable World ten method, the Bodhisattva smell scents are happy Buddha's monastery. If not so, I'm not crowned sensory main.

33.) When I tu the Buddha, being in an infinite amount of worlds ten method, be glory to hull, I gently welcome them to be pleasant; If not so, I'm not crowned sensory main.

34.) When I tu the Buddha, being in an infinite amount of worlds ten means listening to the title I while austerities, if such are French Infertility Patient (able to enter the reason for infertility) and Spirit subjects to pay attention, I'm not crowned sensory main.

35.) When I tu into Buddhism, every woman in the immeasurable World ten means listening to the title I 'm glad your favorite news release Center for Bodhi, boring female torso; If after death is also born again people female, I'm not crowned sensory main.

36.) When I tu as the Buddha, the Bodhisattva of infinite volume in the world with ten local listening title I, usually Hanh Pham tu (framework) to the Buddha. If not so, I'm not crowned sensory main.

37.) When I tu into Buddhas, Heavens person in the immeasurable World ten means listening to the title of your favorite news, I 'm glad, it must bow my, five in sowing the ground almond, Bodhisattva, headless Angel and who respectlife; If not so, I'm not crowned sensory main.

38.) When I tu the Buddha, people in the water I want raiment voluntary options appear on the Mainland. If not may cut dyed dry, I'm not crowned sensory main.
39.) When I tu as the Buddha, the people in the country enjoy happy if such as Italy, I'm not crowned sensory main.

40.) When I tu as the Buddha, the Bodhisattva realm of water I optionally want to see immeasurable realms Buddha water ten means sailings are satisfied; If so, I don't get the throne sensory main.

41.) When I tu as the Buddha, the Bodhisattva in ten means the world hear that title I, from which come at the Buddha if the trunk is missing bad never full of goodness. I'm not crowned sensory main.

42.) When I tu the Buddha, Bodhisattva in ten means the world heard the title I put all evidence be freed Me Mirna (President of the pure land), about a thinking, donation immeasurable headless Buddha without losing the Chief intention; If not so, I'm not crowned sensory main.

43). When I tu as the Buddha, the Bodhisattva in ten means the world hear that title I, after the common destiny was born into the religion you; If not so, I'm not crowned sensory main.

44). When I tu as the Buddha, the Bodhisattva in ten means the world heard the title I 'm glad Hon openings, happy Bodhisattva, full of merit; If not so, I'm not crowned sensory main.

45.) When I tu as the Buddha, the Bodhisattva in ten means the world heard the title I put all evidence was the Zhengding, in Zhengding arrive at the Buddha often find immeasurable Chu Buddha. If so, I'm not crowned sensory main.

46.) When I tu as the Buddha, the Bodhisattva in the water I customised Somasundaram by every person who wants to be heard in France would naturally sailings are listening to France ; If not so, I'm not crowned sensory main.

47.) When I tu as the Buddha, the Bodhisattva in ten means the world heard the title , if I can't be bothered to Real Depression Moving ( Visual Classhierarchy), I'm not crowned sensory main.

48.) When I tu as the Buddha, the Bodhisattva in ten means the world heard the title , if not be filed depth of tone Rings (able to enter all of the voice), the second Republic Needs Rings (can enter the Republic Council) and with the third French Infertility Patient (able to enter the reason for infertility), then I'm not crowned sensory main.

According to the legend, we are to know the forerunner of the Buddha Amitabha has spent much of his life many lifetimes worship Buddha and Lettered easy austerities . The shit before have the words voluntary release, but not as much as the times met the Buddha himself in United Kingdom in Buddhist scriptures Amitayus mentioned above in a past life, later with 48 lyrics play vows truth is mighty wide.
After 48 College was originally on, Bodhisattva France Tibet expert Uncle austerities, dignified vun claim immeasurable virtue in loads of shit, no record of ceilingmembrane, out taking part, the professional needs of France to benefit beings. Bodhisattva complete six Three La Suite: alms, maintain world, rings the humiliation, meditation, mind hue.
As well as beings that Bodhisattva was the embodiment of every species to the discretionary time that granted them on the road; all the rings in the difficult patient, do the hard work are because the great vows to save suffering beings to Board only.
The great falls of the French Tibetan Bodhisattva depicted from the great bi boundless and shouldering responsibility at large for all the people in the Sukhavati, therefore we should trust to increase the Bodhi mind, believe the Germany austerities full of Buddha Amitabha has dignified the Sukhavati . See what benefits like, we chalk Chi fan new to austerities .
Here, Buddha Amitabha has purify was the consciousness, the conscious mind purity 's existing variables form the Net Speed. If the beings for Buddha mind i.e. Sow mindfulness on the Buddha's pure land, such as pouring a pot of water on the sea. Water pots reconcile with sea water, shared a taste; also, when beings were born on the national level of the Headless Buddha, will be through contractions become dignified as a vassal state of Buddha. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.(3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM NGO.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,NEWCASTLE.7/8/2017.

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