Monday, 7 August 2017

DOSA means anger. But according to the Sanskrit language can interpreted as anger and HURT PEOPLE. Anger is one of the three kingdoms.

Question: Result of anger?
A: Very easy to understand: The anger often has many enemies, constant resentment minds left oan tempers NET security not disengaged.
Question: Where that the mind becomes anger?
Response: The anger being up by a very small causes, such as greed, nothing else would a forest fire only due where a small fire spots. So should the Buddha had taught Germany people should not so sweet-spot for small beards, not harm.
Question: So the anger being up by where a small point is the point?
A: So where ARATI discontent. Here I'm yet contentious causes anger:
1. ARATI: discontent.
2. PATIGHA: angry.
3. KODHA:.
4. DOSA: anger.
5. BYÀPÀDA: Columns resentment towards enemies.
When you see the presentation above you've noticed the go downloads of anger. Here I would like to detail your award easy.


The cause engenders anger (anger) first of all it's because where loathing, i.e. discontent, as well as greed being up by where the preferred way.
Question: Such discontent due to the birth?
A: This discontent being up by the desire to place themselves; When not satisfied, or not satisfied, then the engenders resentment. When dissatisfaction beings in mind I haven't called a disservice, it just makes the mind we don't satisfy. If we don't eradicate it from now, then it will go to PATIGHA: angry.

Question: If we want to eradicate dissent then what to do?
A: Must use the right YONISOMANASIKÀRA that is using memory locations have observations attached to the intellectual center of each survey. I mean, there's memory like there he viewed the doors, the soup behold knows who should give in to the city, people should not give in to, and who should be detained again. If to these villains infiltrate into, then it will harass the people not to do anything. And can also be harmful to the King, harmful to both countries.
This country such a body, there sure stronghold and had six doors as label, Turkish, male, were killed, and who then Left for Italy as the King. When people have soup memory where the gates, not for the headings outside penetrate into making the stigma of opaque, or is your memory to know that this heading if brought to the Center, then make the mind becomes perforated soil. The stigma of opaque this saying is dissatisfied, angry, anger, resentment and revenge.
Question: So what's getting to know item? What are the bad item floating Center makes affliction, if not the mind?
A: Awareness in six door is not the mind, which is called consciousness. When that memory and intelligence help on the formula he knew that items would make the disgruntled Center, then go to the anger, resentment towards enemies. Memory and intellect will make the mind and consciousness to recognize the harm of anger resentment towards enemies.
Question: Problems with memory and can't stop picking who's heading was dissatisfied and then it will come out?
Response: The mind will come to upset. When exasperation has being up, the mind is no longer lucid anymore, just on a side is thinking that we have to. Mind the angry makes people uncomfortable, it is the cause of the fire. People who want to eradicate right exasperation while must have the DAMA means teaching centre.
Question: To teach?
Response: There are many ways to teach the mind, but very hard to make it calm sailings are, is because it is, we have to try to alienate any place are doing us upset, we alienate our party context, and then remember to recite one of 40 items. When the mind back to calm, the people again noticed the harm of exasperation, is the busy brings resentment, revenge, oan left etc.
I own then I go find a cool place, or go drinking cool water from an unkempt for the heart I once become net, new possible Yen thought to the harm of anger, and the result of the anger.
Question: If we can't be the ballast exasperation, mind again arises, how we must subtract the pitch? The phenomenon of the yard?
Response: The courtyard that is angry, it makes the mind very hot temper, loses the calm, the sharp turn, limbs shaking, when speaking of voice change.

The yard so much harm, because when the stadium was being up, then just know do aggressive, bring enough harm to yourself. Germany World Religion has taught Golf is a very profane, fetid, once the mind has the stadium, no longer distinguish to sexual harassment, the mind becomes darker and can result in three things:

1.-making dark mind.
2.-do not work for or, most is losing virtue.
3.-often making damaging.
If we want to get to know us, we should consider from within us (i.e. the mind) as to how to conduct the review, then finally consider doing. Also like to get to know people outside of us, then we must consider the reverse, that is, should consider the job, and then conduct review, new review finally come to mind.

1.-When the mind not the yard clean fun disengaged, think what do not smoothly, wisdom was sighted and very pure. On the contrary, the pitch right badly when it comes out. Talking about the thought of the mind, when it was the pitch never thought the thing heal. When the stadium was over, although people are moderately to in this world, also becomes dark delights, then not another crazy person.
2.-Germany World Religion teaches that when the pitch then people lose morals. When people who have the pitch from little gestures to speech jobs are modest, stylishly, but when anger then everything must change, people become cruel brute, because the mind is no longer cool NET yen. When the center of the stadium, then the different actions and face still looks beautiful in good salaries.

3.-When the pitch is not when people work to be perfect, because the mind is no longer love what you're doing.
People who have had less capital to pitch you Leanne, because few people dare to communicate. When he made big, disastrous as much, because people under less want near nor when dare say what oil for when they know that the boss made the mistake.

As we all know, is a bad habit, undesirable and want to close. As I write this piece I don't want to much, because I know that talking about the pitch for you to hear, no other would talk toothache for the hearing instrument, the instrument has said through how is tooth aches. But the thing that I want to say is that the method of ERADICATION.
There are three methods of destroying the yard:
1.-how the stop stood.
2.-once the yard and then how to put down.
3.-how the end is no longer the pitch for pitch.
First of all I would like to reiterate: mental illness is greedy anger and delusion, often make us miserable, frustrated, depressed and also is bringing back the rollover, only has a modern health care salary member is Buddha the method except for the disease. So this is the method I is due where the methods and the remedy for curing of doctor tactician.
1.-the method of preventing the pitch

The first step we should not prevent dissatisfaction arises, because cancer is better than cure.
For example we were yelled at people swear at, then of course we to upset, to the next, is anger and resentment finally enemy. Resentful and angry are just the first two steps are not yet truly is a disservice, but to the third step significantly new pitch is important. The mind often sequentially as such, but because I don't usually care for easy-listening or speaking is no tu by the set method of the Chief Justice or the German Satipatthana NET World Religion teaches, so when the mind being up too quickly not enough memory it should observe it spontaneously. Because we lack the memory to control the mind, should we feel like the Palm courtyard arises up frequently as we, ready cases predicament, never actually have to go sequentially as aforementioned.
Want to stop the stadium has more representatives in Germany taught that when his pitch, then about news of immediately, i.e. counting the breath. By then, at least to me who did anything to be discerning, by lack of memory, should be subject to intrusion into the bad category, no longer lucid at the primitive, how discerning enough to meditate on when the stadium was in the mind arises. In my opinion people need to have the memory to prevent the shuttle stop for dissatisfaction arises. If when we know their dissatisfaction was being up, should recite one of 40 items. Of that person can be disgruntled stop where this is because discontent may yet make the mind strong vibrations, memory can also restrain the mind. When we meditate on a main headings, we try to bring out mind the circumstances we're in, I'd say take the heart out of the items make us discontent. Discontent for as fire of matches, we can blow off, not known to neighbors extra to extinguish.

People want to win, so under the French patient.
2.-methods of extinguishing the Yard

When the pitch being over, we put down. To easy to understand I would for example. Discontent for as fire of matches, we can blow off; If not extinguished when the fire is still in the status of matches, which to to stage angry then the fire began burning mosquito nets; the fire may still be; but here, if we do not promptly repaired, then the fire to the precipice; the fire wall, here such as the pitch, if not try to cure, then it will fire up to the roof for fire as anger. When to the roof without calling fire extinguishing vehicles to the fire will burn off, the fire so fierce, hard to quell; come here for that as the resentment towards enemies.
As mentioned above, when a float, then no longer lucid enough to judge whether anything at all. He lacks two of France's memory and know yourself, so let the evil invading the nhậpvào item-mind. The true heart of the we act very quickly, there's nothing we lack, by memory and do not know yourself, the more dangerous. When the mind is, are contentious with others, meanwhile have a about very short in the US would become calm, to see everything, that is, if we have enough memory and know yourself, an opportunity he persecuted were the wrath means I avoid going anywhere else , is a notion-meditation, or item use the wisdom of sins, is found; Mindful of impermanence, suffering brain, egolessness, when seeing an-NET will mind.
The truth in this world, who can also float, but at least nobody can continue to pitch in 30 minutes. If there are affordable, then after he is certainly not out of the many tired. And while the pitch like that also have a short period of calm mind.
If you want to avoid the pitch then you should try, please observe the mind to quell discontent, when new, or when the pitch we should take the opportunity to escape it, if we can't win it.

In conclusion, if we want to stop standing in the yard, then should have memory and should know himself, to prevent it not for being up in the mind.
3.-ended approach uncheck the yard

This method is a method of teaching the mind to become calm in these cases and should make a cool mind. When we teach our mind is calm and cool NET security in the case of make yourself, then the US is happy that his wife, happily, I, in, friends, and associates with people we also happily spread.
In addition to the three above, to treat with respect, I would like to add three more methods award is:
a)-View all cases is no. I'd say use the intelligence to think everything to that shows we are not cause for concern. For as someone yelled at the other doesn't, we should think: do not know what they say? Listen up, please tell them again. For using the don't ask again for Roger, we should find that isolated people why considered? More importantly, is it by themselves should place themselves out. Moreover, should think: people are being burned yard fire, should not be the ballast that yelled at nhiếc; We should go where, endure that contentious with the insane, moreover we Disciple of Buddha, He has taught pitch is the source of sin, he teaches reincarnation beings should end up, that one is filed-his response to his word should be under the temple for a muon, one should not let the highbrow criticism bothered cooking contempt , and the eternal disgust. When people think like that, then the Palm no longer bother to the world, than losing to scramble the contacts with other people, then yelled at the nhiếc course no problem.

b)-Sprayed. When the mind is the case makes the pitch up, then immediately have to pity, scattered characters make us pitch; pity is the mind from in Buddha-Muslim. We should think: anger makes people lose their calm and doing things not or, take all the good names of Germany. Who should pitch for being miserable, not going to bear, should reveal out the ones that bothered intellectuals criticize. So we're not so that instigation, on the contrary should pity him. If we don't hurry, I might avoid the round of golf, and will laugh for the world. And that is the source, we must make the rollover.
Please remind you that: suddenly we can't lay the Palm from, when I happened to make us the pitch. Why? Because if you want to spread kindness from, at least we have to set our minds free from, before meeting the circumstances make us, if we're going to get to the place where the mind from drifting by new surplus. Right from the first act of mind from new,; the Memorial never mind from, which are scattered from the Center, then surely no results, for as people want, without reserve available water, or like people to a new thirst of wells.
c)-join the meditation . If the position would have take part in meditation, then the new reference is a method of meditation makes the mind of people from hope action becomes calm. As I said above, our Center of that hope, is because of external circumstances, should take calm makes the mind.
The Buddha teaches the mind who doesn't when good calm such as fish to water or monkey in the jungle. Divine monkey never sit still. Our mind too, never be in place yet, it's still too Cavalier under the ceiling, according to unruly scenes because the ceiling should not mind calm. So only a single method is to make the mind calm, as well as want to monkey don't jump from tree lines through the trees excuses, only one method is the column it back somewhere. So who wants his practitioners remained on a seat, then only one method is meditation, means to recite one of 40 German items-World Religion has taught.
I would like for example: mind I like monkeys, tree column to column headings such as monkey to recite, and not other memory would rope like a monkey, not other intelligence column would the monkey monkey always considered column of room would have to add column, constant intellectual observations considered also disappointed by a staff and find the world to eradicate. When the mind set is tame and then, at least the outside of the dominant, if there were voices also awaken yourselves to be, because it's already familiar with the framework.
If say the pitch that without talking to UPANÃHA not called completely. So here I'm more Prize for you easy to perceive.
UPANÀHA affliction that is bigotry. This affliction is the branch of the pitch, rarely revealed outside the stadium because it belongs to the dependent class. But in the Middle it bring disastrous to me no less.

In summary 3 important things in the center of the pitch are:
2.-DOSA: anger, think angry hurt by all possible means. It belongs to the section chief karket is toxic greed, anger, and delusion.
3.-BHYÀPÀDA: resentment Column enemy, Italy says when anger but have yet to do anything people: try to in the mind, waiting to be given convenient then will do, regardless of how much time is five.

The three defilements above are related to each other very snugly, while the khắng is no UPANÀHA. But when the center of the pitch being up, stop it, don't go to the anger, that it also be extinguished and no longer accept to keep in mind. So should this affliction is not in anger. Moreover, someone has already run out, never contain instigation, should at least see comes to UPANÀHA: the bigotry instigation in the mind.
If someone asked: which of the bigotry of wrath means there are angry, why even have the name UPNÀHA bigotry angry?
Response: Bigotry (angry) as part of its own KODHA: (angry) created. We can for example that: the boss is (), also UPANÀHA KODHA bigotry is yard clerk. Then you see the obvious bigotry is keep taking what's given to pitch. When the yard produced and delivered to the UPANÀHA contains many stories will go to DOSA: anger (anger going back). If people can not stop standing, then the anger will follow later. Design idea we need to the bigotry and resentment how different columns. The bigotry is pitch who never think of beating people they were angry, but they were never done good with him. Or suppose there talking to her testimony also just because, shalt not sure never help, when others need help.

Also the resentment the hostile column on the pitch a mean rank bigotry was not communicating with people they have anger but also trying to harm for the period are, in any case, if given the opportunity.

The door disservice bigotry (angry) is:
1.- Do not mind the yen Tinh district, as for the mind, remember to make it, so the mind takes calm. Who let the bigotry in the mind of the other person not to know that you are in common with the animals, knowing it would harm food in any case convenient for it, should mind the constant worry.
2.- the Center was destroyed, as the case would have on the other person's anger, bigotry, when having her secluded place, or public places are felt in the heart palpitations, shortness of breath like to do yoga face. The bigotry in the crush as people bring diseases cancer, increasingly eating grew out, because the mind increasingly obsessive pitch, the more discerning and lost the ability to work.
3.- Harmful to the life . Person or bigotry the instigation or had many enemies and resentment causes much karma. At least anyone away, though fascinating in her affection distaste also. Person or bigotry and the yard for as slow, do not know the bomb explode the moment, ask has anyone dared to come near. So the life of the people he suffered alone, alone, no friends, when there's no one to help.
4.- bad for jobs. The work of who and bigotry he pitch often been obstacles, because no people help and also by in golf should work not to be ingenious.

The stadium and the pitch is usually sexual bigotry mankind, who everybody knows from school. But the method and eradicate the bigotry, the pitch must learn and as to the onions for the effort because this is the method of release
Question: People like to flame, then pitch shots to do?
Response: Here I am a simple and effective method for, if you can be, the results will be too the desire.
That means that the fire extinguishing the fire spot cure, as well as people who want to put down the pitch or the pitch except before for having to put down where it arises. So first of all we should ask: why the course? We found that: because we accept this is me. Fame. We are the people who have the power, wealth, age in society etc. Because I accept him as such should anyone going is what we're angry and bigotry the instigation.
We think: we're offended. If we do not pay back the life of cooking we are cowards, effeminate, awesome.
For fear of losing face. Because the three comment that tone and bigotry. So people want to stop and not bigotry, then pitch to eradicate the source of the pitch in the first, the means to eradicate what we.
First of all we should know about?
According to the Buddha, we're four great components. Who does what we should accept as new creation industry friendly or evil and Karma makes reincarnation. Beings because what we should hurt, no matter. What do we accept as her, not him, because it often changes, bringing suffering to us. When we die, we don't bring her by. When the recipient clearly was like, then people don't because I do sin and not because the lifetime making the yard create sin.
If people want to stop and the bigotry should then under France's two yard:
1.-End yard. First Thing, want to end the stadium should destroy immediately the mind, because we like the pitch Center fire extinguishing the original spot healing shalt not fire cannot be extinguished the flames. So we should file for patient, compassionate before and always have the heart in me.
The life because life is more than live for myself. So when the character would touch me, make us discontent, Lam when someone would like not angry, but that if I go, then the lifetime for that alone I fear etc. So should he back against and then cause resentment, public enemy left oan qui also only live for the world. If we endure everything all alone. But people know where, when his life against with external circumstances to win it then I also troubles inside the stadium, then. We have lost external circumstances only slightly annoying, if we lose the negativity inside as I don't know my life forever suffering would end new, meaning when we win a character that makes the pitch, then I also causes resentment enemies left and on regarding Sin oan locate lai. The Buddha has taught that ATTÀNAM SEYYO JITAM: win the new noble myself. This is the only Buddha himself.

So we are Buddhists try to win our new center called the absolute winner, since when who wins OK, no resentment, no enemies left oan fear the revenge, the mind is conditioned to an thoi, poems where freed.

2.-to heal with the characters themselves were (angry) . I would like to say that when I don't pitch, or pitch, but not resentment, back to heal and help the character that we had the yard (angry). If we want to, there is a simple method for convenience is everything I also concede that he is due to error: section where we're, we resented wrath memories because we were new, the affliction also reincarnation, should the new anger, sad hate etc. If we have no troubles, no longer being confused in this world, so we should try to gauge austerities to quickly run out of hot reincarnation.

Next KODHA and UPANÀHA bigotry (instigation) is the DOSA: anger. DOSA as Sanskrit means to harm people. I want to say is killing people or make people dashed property as arson, or buoy vu for incarcerated persons etc. in brief is to make the people were suffering, failure, disgrace.

Please you understand that: not from anger to harm others. On the contrary he first hurt myself that people who don't know her anger. Why is that? Because of the anger is the person with the fire burned hot this affliction in the mind, so can not resist to withstand new words or employment to reduce the frustrating in the mind, like the pitch is people were suffering before than people being hurt. Have done not at harming himself as seen and wrath. People are often angry or old can, like we saw her life and reduction, and her beautiful oil to become bad. So we should pity the anger is more angry at them, and we should also try to avoid the Palm of anger. The independent said the anger never bring the happily happiness to yourself.
So conspicuous and easy to understand I would take for example, a car has 120 or 200 kilometers speed per hour. Good driver who never run full of it, he just ran 8 or 9 dozen kilometres an hour. If running out of its speed, the car he surely could not stand up to a month, because the car is not damaged, then certainly no driver.
That car also like human beings. Because each person has a potential power to a certain extent. If we work out the level of how many times the effort also being sick. Here I would like to say that when people don't anger the parts in the body of the work normally, but when the pitch up, then the parts of the body work increases with a faster pace. So should the anger have more power, can do the heavy work that when the stadium can't do yet. But when he feels tired. So should the anger to harm the health of so many people.
Anger was likely to cause harm to the health of the body as such, what the German case of human conduct, Leanne as the dutiful, patient, compassionate etc when the anger, the frustration, the knowledge that Leanne German often praise also was ruined.
The ruinous greed for as water floods. If flooding occurs, of course there is damage, but left little things. Also the harm of the anger as well as fire House; When burnt it is difficult but also anything back, there's also affordable is just a pile of coal.

Anger is a fire hotter than the fire, though the heat of the atom must also not equal. External fire just burned us hot temper, OK fire burning and heart afflictions also make us have to birth on 4 way Evil.


Jesus Buddhists make anyone who also hear and learn through that alms except greed, maintain world anger, wisdom kill ignorance or delusion.
In my research, the only maintenance is a wall to stop standing in anger, as well as fear of the fire wall of brick buildings to prevent the fire outside, or as close to a cage to confine the lion. But the truth is also still fire rockets, which the lion is also still a lion forever destroy; but the fire without burning the House because thanks to walls and lion haven't eaten because people were only: When the wall is damaged, the Coop is broken, then the fire still burns, Lions eat people. Such anger only prevent or curb, shalt not yet terminated, and also not dead. Then maintain the world yet also called quench anger completely.
Only two of France: From the new ball, and is the method of flame anger. Because the word is want for beings are happily. BI is pity beings and constant thought to help beings from suffering and be happy.

Metta's status as the most benefit for beings; the is offering the benefit for beings; have the results you most is kill dropped the angry resentment hate enemies beings; and there is the place of birth, is clearly that the beings who also injured himself as his own love. So who has the mind from never make others miserable.
Compassionate status is to help people who are suffering, suffering that is helping to gauge other people off; the is intolerable to see that people were suffering without relief; There is no result when doing other guys suffering though he did for myself was miserable; and there is the place of birth is seen beings in samsara as who's the fire around his path to escape, no one who yearn to rescue. So who has a compassionate constant worry help the perpetrator of the accident, suffering.

From teaching centre is bi and hot temper, anger becomes cool. We can talk about is the pen of a lion, and compassion is the method taught to become gentle lion.
About the practice, people can not use compassion who soon is anger. Don't say is to use compassion in time, while the anger didn't remember coming from bi, then how do you extinguish the anger. When anger subsides, the new memory to compassion.
That said, I'm not criticizing the words of the Buddha, because I've tried to apply the aforementioned method is trying to use compassion while, really I could not ride the pitch was easy, because compassionate mind often comes after the anger, such as fire-extinguishing vehicles ever also came after the fire When the car came to be suppressed the fire, then the damage is also more or less.
So in teaching compassion is legal except anger was wrong?
A: Do not! But I say it in a different way. I say people want to eradicate popular anger at least must file for the mind available compassion before. As he must learn to take part in meditation on compassion for the headings to be mature, to make the mind fully cool to see anger without anger, called the new people who are compassionate and new heart anger. The compassionate mind as people feared the fire House wall high, should they do roofing tile brick homes; not to have led to the fire in the House, left back in the House also have a fire extinguisher. About such fenced wall. Memory locations such as home, compassion for as extinguisher.
Who want to prevent anger then first of all should prevent and extinguish ARATI: discontent. Kill the grievances have nothing hardly. When people know that we have, then the Mainland leave is quieter. It automatically stopped immediately.

The discontent for as fire matches, we can blow off is easy, but very sorry that people not be put down since then. If I let it go to the upset, then not another one to fire fire matches were played. When the fire burned her to the wall, is the fire, if we don't shut down up to the roof for fire as anger hard to heal.
So we should be careful though fire matches should also not easy to extinguish, beards sailings when found.

After the anger is resentment. Sanskrit language called BYÀPÀDA means anger and hurt people saying the column can harm people to anger.

Result of the resentment column enemies

Many people believe that resentment is a good enemy column. Because the person who hurt his relatives, then to revenge is nicely. So he tries to find that person harm enemies to have angry.
Not speaking out but someone who also knows the meaning of the columns should be exonerated. BYÀPÀDA means column enemy, resentment saying columns stick whom anger into mind deliberately make him suffer the agony of any one case, circumstances.
When people have resentment towards enemy column and then the mind always extravagant, and find ways to make her enemies were suffering.
According to the Sanskrit language, the word BYÀ means harm. PÀDA is the Act means the Act makes people were disastrous.
The lifetime for the project should cover the constant delusion to think that we hurt someone, he will suffer pain miserable, pathetic. Her delight with his actions. But on the contrary it is a very wrong. Because the person suffering pain, was hard for other people, not people being themselves do. When that person would feud with resentment others column is he brought into his lap before the disastrous. So who did the vengeance resentment column what harm?
Response: The resentment often take vengeance column calm, the mood changes constantly, when worship was also unable to make the net Center was the constant Center of stigma, opaque. If people have the wisdom to see his mind the stigma of opaque, the happily been reduced much, especially the French charity in mind I slowly destroy, for meditation and increasingly decline, when the French patient, compassionate, memory, know yourself and the world lost, then pepper almond that he can harm other people be because in the Center no longer has a bit of friendly France. As for the above, then we must realize the harm in his mind before, because of all the good things of being dashed off, such as a bomb. When the bomb exploded, I suppose that others are harmful or not yet known, or the damage to an extent not knowing, that the disastrous woah she's bomb is no longer the shape again. The column of resentment and hurt people hurt people who are not known to but themselves marginalized more than most, as he bombs.
The person who feuded with resentment and columns, he closed his home back to home happily benefits themselves. I would like to say that when people who vengeance resentment column, not when she wants to meet her embittered and clearly is his interests be prevented from standing again. So the Buddha taught in France called hindrances have a column France is resentment.
People that have columns that resentment and vengeful God have you heal and you previously also recede.
People as possible to do big should review and realize the harm of the anger and resentment towards bigotry enemies; because it's a great disservice by negativity engenders. When did great that has bothered the Tanh intellectuals are shunned, the course will not do nothing other than failure. The many other enemies resentment anger would release the silkworm silk and wrap yourself back, ending his motor died. The more resentment anger enemies failed in all circumstances well just because.
If this is not hostile to each other, the resentment is actually a world there are many happily. Germany World Religion has taught: SAKKAM JJHAM LOKE ABHÀPA Is. Means: The do not harm each other, not resentment, retribution is the happily in this world.
The columns can be divided her hostile resentment make three grades are:
1.-Columns issue hurt enemies, resentment because he hurt me.
2.-Columns issue hurt enemies, resentment because he has hurt me in the progeny.
3.-Columns issue hurt enemies, resentment because he helped people that I hate.
The booked up resentment by three more where vengeance is:
1.- heavy Class: hurt people because people offend us.
2.- Middle Class: hurt people because people make people love trouble.
3.- light Class: harm people because he stands with the people we hate.
Who has the wisdom when noticed the disservice of resentment anger enemies as was on the award, please try to overhaul the French:
2.-Know yourself.
4.-From the marbles.

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