A Buddha in the mountain States-SOAP-exposed, the La-browser along with them the great Bhikkhu-stilts a thousand two hundred and fifty people.
Now, A-beams-Ma-King, want to conquest of the country, the new self-Baht think: "she's Country strong, however, the public wealth, but to win them power grab is not difficult".
Then the King A-beams-how wrong of She-la-Universe-subject: "the mountain come to Mahalakshmi property-exposed, the German spot-beams That ton, on behalf of the US under the feet of world Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, and visit Germany World Religion, daily life He has not relaxed, go stand there not healthy. Then again, the Religious World of the German white Awning-water period, previously HUNG CUONG, the public wealth, not be obedient. We'd conquered them. Do not understand How there is Religious education in Germany? If You have taught thee how, please remember to carefully, never to forget the mistakes, let's talk again or what Mahadevan has heard. Things like Hybrid said never frivolous lies. "
The great God of the universe-car ride, treasure network leaders Amnesty goes to the mountain States-SOAP-. It must stop, he alight, walk to the place like Religion, visit done, sit back on one side, the German white World Religion that:
"King of Ma-masterpiece is A-beams-bowed under the Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl and dear Sir, life life there comfortable, affordable access to the get healthy?"
Are you ladies:
"People who water Canvas-period strong, courageous people a wealth, not the God of the King, the King wanted to conquest. No German or World Religion has taught what protection? "
At that, A-nan holding the fan standing almost behind Buddha. Buddha asked A-nan:
"Ye have heard residents usually group-Baht, the main discussion?"
A-nan responded:
"You hear."
Buddha told A-nan:
"If so, large and small, that more countries in harmony and prosperity. The water in the long wrong?, can not be invasive.
"This A-nan, have you heard the Awning-water States King I harmony, on the under glass favor each other?"
"You hear."
"If so, large and small, that more countries in harmony, prosperity, and long alone, can not be invasive.
"This A-nan, ye have heard residents Canvas-States usually respects the law, expressed, such taboos left behave?"
"You hear."
"This A-nan, if so, large and small, that agreement as more prosperity and lasting peace, can not be invasive.
"This A-nan, ye have heard residents Canvas-States o parents, filial gyeongsun Master Chief?"
"You hear."
"This A-nan, if so, large and small, that more countries in harmony, prosperity and lasting peace, can not be invasive.
"This A-nan, ye have heard residents usually respectful tones-Baht Temple, respected the devil spirit?"
"You hear."
"This A-nan, if so then, large and small, that more countries in harmony, prosperity and lasting peace, can not be invasive.
"This A-nan, ye have heard residents Canvas-States to preserve virginity, binge Carla purity, not UE magazine, until the play, spoken nor deviant then?"
"You hear."
"This A-nan, if so then, large and small, that more countries in harmony, prosperity and lasting peace, can not be invasive.
"This A-nan, ye have heard residents of Sa-worship-Canvas Mon, who maintained a close supporter and not indolence?"
"You hear."
"This A-nan, if so then that country more prosperous and peaceful long-term, cannot be violated."
Now, the great God of the universe-the white Buddhist: the linkage property
"The people of the other countries if only enforce a thing also doesn't expect to win them, situations far enough at all seven articles. Because the water is too busy, I'm from sledge back. "
Buddha says:
"Should know the proper forecast."
The universe-instant get up around the Buddha halls of three laps and then it must welcome that.The universe-how long is not Buddhist, Amnesty said A-nan:
"You go for the traditional Bhikkhu-stilts around the La-browse-States the group off campus again."
A-nan dear:The glass well. "
And well ordered to the La-browse-States gathered most of the Bhikkhu-stilts on the campus; then the white Buddha:
"White World Religion, the Bhikkhu-stilts have enough group. Dear mong Holy know. "
Now, the Religious left seats going to lectures, sit up seat available cleanup, the Bhikkhu-stilts:
"This the Bhikkhu-stilts, I will preach to you seven France any rot. You listen, listen, think! "
The Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha:
"Yes, the white Glass of world Religion. We want to hear. "
The Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
"This the Bhikkhu-stilts, seven France any rot is:
"1. the discussions and meetings Often literally, little big time Chief of harmony that Chief Justice France not degraded.
"2. on the bottom of sociable, non-glass left, little big time harmony that Chief Justice France not degraded.
"3. The weight of France, expressed, no taboos left regulations, little big time harmony that Chief Justice France not degraded.
"4. If any Bhikkhu-stilts would have the capacity of households, are many people known, should make the glass Church on stilts, huge forecast-Bhikkhu young harmony that Chief Justice France not degraded.
"5. Anniversary of Italian households, taking the glass, large time tastes young harmony that Chief Justice France not degraded.
"6. tu Pham, Net is not running according to the morphology of the big time, in harmony with which the Chief Justice France not degraded.
"7. The after himself, not greed mailing benefits, young and old time harmony that Chief Justice France not degraded.
"This the Bhikkhu-stilts, seven France make French growth does not reduce the damage Deductible.
"1. the less Preferred, loathe much French Finances forecast, growth is reduced.
"2. the Preferred silence, reluctant to say much.
"3. The sleeping mind, not kissing you.
"4. no gatherings say the useless.
"5. no self praise when his Germany.
"6. Nothing bad with evil friends.
"7. where the seat alone Preferred NET, tern mountain forests.
"This Bhikkhu-stilts, so, the Chief of France will be growth, is rising.
"This the Bhikkhu-stilts! There are seven France make French Primary growth is reduced.
"1. With the mind; the German News Magazine, legs, As the Chief Justice, sufficient ten German mark.
"2. There are very good, said Tigers with his shortcomings.
"3. There you know, with the infamous evil himself did.
"4. the multicultural, things have two o c in the first paragraph are good maintenance life, the middle and the end, and the penetrating Austria, purity is not dirty, happy full offense.
"5. Diligence needed, remove the evil tu, single-minded rehearsing constantly.
"6. The thing has been learning, remembering not to forget forever.
"7. the practice of wisdom, knowing birth in France, towards the Holy Sage, end to end of the root.
"With seven French like the French Primary growth forecast from being exhausted.
"This the Bhikkhu-stilts! There are seven France make French Primary growth not been exhausted: 1. The glass Buddha. 2. French Glass. 3. Diameter Increase. 4. The glass Act. 5. Glass meditation. 6. positive parent Glass. 7. French Glass doesn't let go of the lung.
"Seven France so the French Chief Justice makes growth forever without being exhausted.
"This the Bhikkhu-stilts! There are seven France make French Primary growth not been exhausted: 1. the impure Bars where the fuselage. 2. the impure Bars where food. 3. Never indulged. 4. Often meditate on death. 5. Meditate on impermanence. 6. Meditate on impermanence news gauge. 7. Contemplate slitting news egolessness.
"Seven France so the French Chief Justice makes growth not been exhausted.
"This the Bhikkhu-stilts! There are seven France make French Primary growth not been exhausted: 1. sensory, Shishir Memorial Convent, invisible sex, glasses, wuwei; 2. Tu France sensory genus; 3. Tu essential sensory genus tons; 4. Tu Hy sensory genus; 5. Tu disrespect an enlightened genus; 6. fixed genus sense of Seclusion; 7. Tu sensory discharge.
"Seven France so the French Chief Justice makes growth not been exhausted.
"This the Bhikkhu-stilts! There are 6 France real rotten make Chief France growth not been exhausted.
"1. The stem often behaved from of charity, not harmful beings.
"2. The mouth comes from, not the word.
"3. The notion from the mind, does not embrace wholeheartedly is harmful.
"4. the proper nutritional benefits animals Are probably the same, they enjoy equal, not two.
"5. The Holy Sage precept is not to physically smuggled nor UE structure, brought to, does not fluctuate.
"6. See the Holy Sage leaders to end to end suffering.
"Six such France make French Primary growth from being exhausted.
"This the Bhikkhu-stilts, 6 France real rotten make Chief France growth not been exhausted: 1. Worship; 2. Anniversary of France; 3. Meditate on the increase; 4. Anniversary; 5. Anniversary of the pilot; 6. Celebration. The six anniversary makes the Chief French growth from being exhausted.
Now, That Honor after the option to stay in La-browser facilities-States, He told A-nan that:
"You get ready. I want to go to the Bamboo staff. "
Answer: "Yes Sir."Then He edited compose y Bowl, same theo most of world Religion, according to the fall line from Ma-masterpieces go to Architecture. After an amphitheatre is located, the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts on gender, intention, wisdom. TU, th c-DAC gender results report; Prime location, designated TU bitten; Tu Kat spot, be freed completely, end off, illicit, illicit sex or is three things, smuggled and pirated ignorance. After you have freed the mind arising instant release, knowing that death ends all, Hanh Pham sanh has firmly, things to do are done, no longer regenerate life. "
Now, That Honor after their stay in the Architectural staff facilities options, He told A-nan:
"You be prepared to go to three-tomb-the echo.
A: "Yes Dear."Then He edited compose y bowls, along with theo most of world Religion, from Ma-masterpieces go to three-tomb-the ECHO, and sitting in a tree-the mausoleum. At the time the credit bar singer at that hearing the Buddha along remote mass to rest under the tree-together, out of the Tomb. They look like remote Religion sitting under a tree three-, mausoleum, the Dapper false calm, totally tame, like a large Dragon, like water in a little plaque to remember, nervous enough good general, thirty-two eighty stately ultimate beauty. See who went to times xide County Festival, Buddha, Buddha foot desk, then face sit back on one side. Germany World Religion class in the French speaking, marketing, instruction, making gains, causing the wedding Festival. The credit bar singer after listening to the Buddha says that Buddha white sailings to France:
"We ask for refuge in Buddha, y France, refuge of Saints. The threshold expect Germany to world Religion mercy accepted for us do favor-she-rule. From now on, pray do not kill, do not steal, do not commit, don't lie, don't drink alcohol. We will hold the world never blueberries. Tomorrow we ask for donation. That same Respect expected threshold should please the mass of lower incident. "
Germany, the world Religious silence. The credit bar singer to see Siddharta silence accept instant, stand up, around the Buddha three round, where it must retreat.They built large houses for them As Lai, ban this page counts, scan, land, water, sprinkle soy source «Huang Bao is located. When they finished, the cult to the white Buddha:
"The machine has finished cleaning up, leaned forward Holy knows the time."
Meanwhile, the Religious left seat, brings the medicine, holding the bowl, the same mass to the Lecture Hall. To place, hand washing the feet, the Buddha sits between, the Bhikkhu-stilts sitting on the left, the credit bar singer to sit on.Now, World Religion told the artist credit that:
"That means the offense about the five things attenuation. What is the year? 1. your Bridge benefit is not satisfied. 2. Although there are member benefit, every day wear and tear. 3. where any also not everyone ne glass. 4. Notorious rumors all over the world. 5. Environmentally destructive common destiny sa into hell. On the contrary, the artist credit, this means that the holder will have the year in Germany. What is the year? 1. What is like. 2. The property has had the more promotion do not wear. 3. Where are dear people. 4. The good rumors all over the world. 5. Environmentally destructive destiny is being up the Sun. "
Now, have midnight, Buddha told the artist credit return. The credit bar singer obedient, go around the Buddha three rounds, and then retreat where wealthy girl.Now, at night, the light has just expressed, That Honor goes to the bar away, by Angel label, being, see the angels each phone manners keep land private homes. The spirit, the spirit also Babysitting style down home land. That instant Respect back, up the seat Lecture Hall. But know, but He still asked:
"This A-nan, who made Three-Tomb-this echo?"
A-nan of the white Buddha:
"Into the universe by this spirit-to create a defensive clinic Awning-water States."
Buddha told A-nan:
"The person who created this very Italian city. At night, the Sun bright, medium did I go up to the bar, by heavenly label, see see the angels each holding land style homes, the Central deity, the God of the lower Maple also keeps land homes. A-nan! Should know where the land their homes would be the great angel who holds, in which styles to all be at peace; rest of Central kamikaze kept the middle row in; place lower down in the hold of kamikaze and Germany much less well depending on the accommodation.
"This A-nan, this spot is a Sage in wholesale, the water, the proper capacitors fiend does not lie to Wei. Into this very good, was all worship places, could not ruin. Long later if there are lost just because of three things: one is the big water, big fire and three were two is being in the machinations with people outside, so that this city. "
Meanwhile the credit bar singer Three-Tomb-echo throughout the night in the same presentation. In time, they came to the white Buddha:
"The machine has finished cleaning up, leaned forward Holy known to have up to now."
Now, the credit bar singer carry clean, hand carry sớt food. Real life is done using wash water. Then they clean up a little before seating a declaration that Buddhism: Buddha.This stay of thee,Then You pay attention to them:
Gentle level accommodation;
Most of the NET world, maintenance
NET and tu Pham,
Should Chu Hy Festival Genius.
Respect remarkable level;Now, after the sermon, the Germany That instant Respect leave room, most of the mass that brought Him back around. The great God of the universe-XA followed Theravada Buddhism, think:
Dear church ranks worthy of worship;
Laboratory and wide from;
Constant care from introspection;
Be Lettered Celestial exclamation canopy;
Usually living people,
Not evil guys together.
"Today, Germany-Cu Sa-talks go through the door into this, we call this door is the door Tickle-talks."
The human back to Buddha that horizontal, River berth sailings is named Ben Tickle-radio.Germany, the world religious affiliation out of the Three-tomb-the ECHO, go to the river. At the time, on the banks of the river there are many people, including people who use user friends boat, ferry users that to the river. Germany That same Respect, just like the moment in lishi isokinetic arm, came to both across the river. After this, literally the contemplate instant Respect say that litigation:
Buddha's boat Navy engineer;That Respect back from the Canvas-water States go to hamlet Questions-capital, in under a Pine Grove.
France is the bridge to the River,
Is the Mahayana vehicle,
Take all, people.
Also, ties mnhf
To the River, up the steps,
Make all disciples,
Ties, to Nirvana.
The Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
"There are four French intensive magic: one is Holy; the two are Holy; three and four are holy Holy is freed. It is difficult to understand, hard truths vi French knew, that I with thee chaos because uninformed should drift forever rolling not within living death. "
Consistent review in the sense that, the Buddha taught the shelf post sailings:World, wisdom, freed,Now, That Honor after the option to stay in the rural township of-Fishing facilities with the A-nan arrived hamlet Na-da. A-nan obedience, y's hug the Bowl along with the masses follow the Buddha, the route from Canvas-to Na-da and stop stay of Qianwei County-maces.
Only Buddha differentiated.
Do the gauge degrees of being,
Make end sprouts birth.
Now, A-nan in that absence of radio silence to think: "Na-da Hamlet has twelve upasaka is 1. Elderly-elderly-la, 2. Old-old-Tomb, 3. Bhikkhu-elderly-da, 4. His Chile-du, 5. Reviews-long, 6. BA-da-long, 7. She-head-long, 8. Pipe-she-head-long, 9. Da-Le-nậu, 10-amnesty. Pipe-Chile-accommodation-nậu, 11. GIA-du, 12. GIA-du-multi-has long passed. Currently do not know of them born on? Again there are fifty other people shared destiny, five hundred other people anymore, they don't know the common destiny of birth about? "
A-nan thinking like that is done, leave the place to the Religious World, tern, the top surface of the foot, the Buddha ceremony sat down on one side, the white Buddha:
"World Religion, just then the in that net, quietly idle thoughts: In hamlet-da has twelve upasaka, old-family-la, etc, the overall network; There are fifty more common network; again there are five hundred people shared network. Don't know about the birth. Leaned forward to world Religion clear. "
Buddha told A-nan:
"Twelve other renunciation, Elderly-elderly-la, etc., were in the lower part the common destiny should born natural; they enter Nirvana there rather than back to the realms. Also the other fifty public network, so the paragraph except the three links, porn, rampage, si thin, DAC results-da-ham, will return to the original gauge runs out end to the realms. Also the other five hundred generic network, except paragraph three, by the Prime result of Tu-da-done, no longer being fallen into evil, certainly the leader, just back this seven times to the end of the original gauge runs out.
"This A-nan, chums have born the die, which is probably of my life, what is ... If each person dies, you are to ask Me, so didn't bother? "
A-nan responded:
"Yes, the White World Religion, the result is disturbed."
The Buddha said:
"A-nan, now I will tell you about the mirror of France, to the Holy disciples know life birth place; end to end data lines, the result of the Tu-da-done, no more than seven lifetime will end the minutes of agony; and also say it for others to hear.
"This A-nan! French mirrors, Holy disciples gained indestructible, is Buddha the news Germany as the wedding Festival, Loads the previous Facility, the Primary Class, the full ten marks. French news, the wedding Festival is the main leg vi Dhamma, Buddha himself said, not the term forecast, teach pitching your pathway to Nirvana; was practiced by the perpetrator. The wedding Festival is subtly, we Increase message sociable, Department of Visual substances do not lie, and the moral result, on harmony, full French bottom of fuselage, Tu-da-Tu-results, da-da-oriented, and results-driven, momentum Investors A-na-ham and fruit A-na-, A-la-Han and result A-la-Han. He is four double eight steps, Holy Sage As Lai, worthy of respect, making rice blessed life. News of the Holy Sage is pure, not UE, not chipped, not leaking, is the wisdom to follow tu tam-I plan to do.
"A-nan, which is a mirror of France, leaving disciple Saints know tho being, end of road, a prime witness three clean Tu-da-done, no more than seven lifetime finish bottom border of suffering; and also tell others things. "
Now, That Honor after the options there, and he said stay facilities A-nan Let's go to the country property-li-A Bhikkhu-nan obedience, take the bowl, along with medical wear theo most of world Religion, the route from Canvas-States to the Bhikkhu property-li and sit-in a tree.Now there is a female name porn Am-she-she-l just heard the same Buddhist disciples to the Bhikkhu-dormitories-li, sitting under a tree, car, compose instant like to go to the Buddha for the ceremony cult donation. When not yet arrived, she saw how the German remote Religious appearance, especially the Chief Justice decency, good general full, as the Moon among the stars. She's very off, walk the wedding festival times to Buddha, bow, wealthy girl, sit back on one side.
Then, according to the theory, a class thing, teachings, making benefits, shields for the wedding Festival. Listening to her play, said Buddha mind, Buddha that white Anemone wedding Festival:
"Since yesterday, the refuge Tam ton. Buddhist prayer call accepted the invitation for the made-she-di in French, Chief Justice not to kill children, lifetime no thief, no ties, no lie, don't drink alcohol. "
Again the white Buddha:
"We wish That same Respect to bow the tommorow disciples received the request. Also tonight, please stay at the garden of children. "
When the Buddha's silence.She saw the Buddha was silent accept instant, stand up, around the Buddha three laps and then return to where wealthy girl. Her how long yet, Buddha told A-nan:
"We go to garden unto you."
"Yes, Sir."
Buddha and he left the seat, clutching the same bowl they hold medical student a thousand two hundred and fifty people to go to the garden.At the time, a group of Charter-far in the Bhikkhu-listen to Buddha-li, accommodation stay at the garden of Am-she-she-Le chariot won instant treasure in splendid shades; There are people who ride a bike green, blue horse, cuckoo, SW 0 mph, Jayson shirts are green; horses in colors are the same. Then, those Rate-away with the same costume, all five hundred people pull up to Her Am-Buddha. She-she-Chile after his retirement from the Buddha's return, between having their car. At that, her car runs very fast, along with the car's they pull each other, causing broken down East at 22 mph, cuckoo but still refuses to give way. The person responsible-massage Rate:
"What the world series without coming to us, to our vehicles make cardboard malkoha NW 40 mph snapped at all?"
Am-she responded:
"Gentlemen, I have sometimes come to my House tomorrow tho Buddha boy. I have to fold this page Send map donation, must go, not avoid up. "
Group Rate-far from the Mainland told her:
"Drilling Her please. So we sometimes ago. We will show you a hundred thousand gold. "
Her response:
"I was sometimes before then; can't make it. "
Group Rate-far more:
"We will donate her six times ten hundred thousand gold. Let us sometimes ago. "
She still does not bear:
"I was sometimes. Certain can not do so. "
The ratio-far says:
"We will donate your security number by half; She let us sometimes ago. "
She answered:
"Assuming your country's security level to bring me, I also don't get. Why? Because the Buddha now in my garden, he has accepted the invitation I sometimes ago. Job done, can't make it. "
The ratio of science-hands than regret that:
"Today this girl has spent the beginning of the Gospel, we lose."
They successively toward the garden Buddha are in German So far from Religious. when saw five hundred people Rate, with horse car of the great wall, oncoming lines tight, He told the Bhikkhu-stilts:
"You should know the phrase Natural Waxy-seat when walking in the Park, the Majesty and the jewelry was no different that those people. The Bhikkhu-stilts, aerial photography, keep to dread full facilities. Bhikkhu-self Center photography his stilts? Bhikkhu-stilts consistent internal body upper body, diligently not lazy, remember not to forget, except quit taking advantages in life. Foreign body, upper body bars ... the Cafe exterior body ... except quit taking advantages in life. The life Café, the Café, the Café also like.
What are the full oai stilts-Bhikkhu rite? Here, Bhikkhu-stilts, when you know it's going, then stop know is stopping, looking corpses, isokinetic, bowing to lift, carry, until the bowl holding the health eating, smoking, are not to take comfort. Tactful tỳm means clear warm ones, come in, sit, sleep, lie spoken or silent, don't mind for photography are chaotic. It's called Bhikkhu-stilts full of dread. "Five hundred people now Rate-far away to Am-she-she-Le. Near to the Buddha, off the bus, walk to the top face of the Buddha, and foot ceremony, wealthy girl sitting back on one side. As Lai on the seats, unique light shines obscured, like autumn moon; as heaven and Earth in the bright clean not dirty bit the dust, the Sun between nowhere unique shine. Then, five hundred people sit surrounded by the almost-massage Rate; Buddha in the Middle, most sángđọc light shines. At the time, between the assemblies have a Breaking-even the name is Nick-signed, from stand up seat, knee, shoulder shirt order possession of land on your knees, pieced together the hands towards the Buddha, concur with the exclamation that shelves:
Ma-Central-masterpiece old King,Five hundred people Rate-away after hearing the post does shelf Net Security-signed:
Which is more friendly,
Sweety's borders Bao Chau:
Theravada Buddhism in the country.
Norway Germany three thousand,
The ECHO as the mountain snow.
As Lotus has hatched,
The real mystery of scents.
Today saw the light of Buddha,
As the new Sun rises;
As the moon through the sky,
Don't get Clouds obscured.
World Religion as well,
Shining the whole world.
Poolside wisdom As Lai
As the evening light the torches meet;
Bring bright eyes for life,
The decision to eliminate the doubt.
"You repeat."
Net-sign before Buddha and repeat three times. Five hundred Charter-away after hearing repeated posting shelf, who each take that treasure for Translational Medicine-signed. NET-signed thus y treasure surges in Germany As a hybrid. Because Buddha from introspection should get life.Now, World Religion told those Rate-far in the Bhikkhu property-li-that:
"In life there are five things very hard to get the treasure. What is the year? One is Like a hybrid, Leg Press, appeared in life, this is very hard to get. Two is the teaching of Primary theories can be As Futuristic; He's very hard to get. The three who can credit solutions such as Hybrid presentation; He's very hard to get. Four is the French achievement that can be As Futuristic presentation; He's very hard to get. In is danger rescued yoke that response, the class knows also very hard. He is very difficult to get the treasure stuff 5. "
Five hundred people Rate-away after hearing the Buddha's teachings, a declaration, made for the benefit of instant white, wedding Festival, Buddha;
"And we Respect coach Leaned disciple tomorrow get request of us."
Buddha said to the person-Rate:
"The khanh has sometimes. We're now so is already donation. Women's digital Am-she-she-Le has sometimes ago. "
Five hundred people who Rate listening-Am-she-she-women have preceding Buddha who went, sometimes are brandishing hand that says:
"We want to worship seem to be hybrids, which woman has burned his hands on me."
Then they left early, seating face of the Buddhist ceremony, around the Buddha three ring, who then went home.Now, Am-she-she-Le male and he presented the food to upper cleanup worship Buddha and rise. After finishing food, produced the bowl, tables and chairs. Then carefully hand-carry average women in gold finish, water wash her surges before the white Buddha that:
"Among the gardens of the Bhikkhu-li, the garden of the residence-the child is above all. I bring the garden he surges As cult. Voluntary threshold As Hybrids because trade idea that child receives. "
The Buddha tells the Showgirl:
"You get this garden donation was the Buddha heads and Zhao-increase. Why is that? The gardens, residences, six animal, such as the Bowl y Lai owns, even though the ghosts, Like, date, Chu Heaven have great dread, no one capable of life mosaic the donation. "
Women's leadership skills, life teachings, thus the garden that donation was the Buddha heads and Zhao-increase. Because Buddha from introspection for her should get life. And then You say the post racks:Tower, formed the essential,Then, the Am-ladies she-BA-Le wearing a small bed to sit in front of the Buddha in the classroom say Buddha. France, khai, teachings, making for the benefit, the wedding Festival. He lectures about the pilot, about sex, about birth, about sex, as the great fire, unclean, impure, is smuggled, is stumbling, the Cup is paramount.
Cool gardens, cosy;
The bridge to bring the boat people;
Moors for the grass, water;
And for all the House, hang up:
Blessed him day and night.
For the world,
Must will to heal.
When the Ton of mind that she needs to know nhuyến, the slopes, the Republic that with thin, very easy to culture, as France's vassal state, and he for her teaching Him about the Holy Roman Empire, the Holy volume Gauge Gauge, Gauge and Gauge kill weak export Holy Roman Empire. Now Am-BA-BA-Le, who credits, such as pure white silk sheets easy to dye, right on the seat which depart the ceiling texture, the eyes of the French being, see France, the French decision, Chief of Prime head, no longer an evil leader, Captain of the myriad accomplishments. The Little Mermaid and he brought the white Buddha:
"The present rules of Medicine Buddha, y France, qui y Increase." Said so three times. "The Hybrid expected to bow to do a favor she di in French Finances. From now on, for life, do not kill, do not steal, do not commit, don't lie, don't drink alcohol. "
The woman he once led life in world from Buddha, abandoned customs discharge from before, except the UE structure, leaving the seat, the Buddha and then retreat.Now, the dominant religion in the facilities of sui Bhikkhu-him-li, A dormitory-nan:
"You compose. I want to go to the Bamboo forest. "
"The glass well."
Then compose y Bowl, along the most popular around the World, take the route from Canvas-to Lisa.At the time someone She-la-keeper named Bhikkhu-sa-da-da, heard mass along Buddha to this instant, Lisa thought: "Sa-Cu-subjects had good talks, the rumor around, ten full marks, in the middle of Chu, Like, date, Ma or ma Bias, Sa, Ba-la-Mon, which works on his own evidence, then the sermon to others, with the words that the early , between them and the last primary, meaning penetrating flavor are Austria, breaking the full almond. Human Foot steps like that, we should. "
Then She-la-subjects out into the World, come to Respect forest place; greet, sit to the side. World Religious alphabetical grades for his theory, marketing, instruction, making benefits, the wedding Festival. Listen to complete, thus he is sometimes Like the wedding Festival to honor the same mass tomorrow to real life. Silent Buddha accepted the invitation. BA-la-Mon knows he has accepted the invitation, the Mainland stand up, Buddha and three rounds around the noise report.
On the right the night cleaning up the dishes. In the morning, at the time, and he notified:
"Leaned forward Holy know know the forecast."
Now That's Respect y the same bat, clutching our surrounding, go to the other House, sitting up possible clean up available. Then, She-la-delicious food, cosy enough consecration of Buddha and Raises. Ate, produced the bowl, use the wash water is finished, he brought a small bed to sit before Buddha. World Religion because of She-la-Mon that says an:If bringing food,Then the French speaking for her marvelous micro Corrugated-la-Mon; Khai, teachings, making for the benefit, the wedding Festival. After that, He left the seats.
Costumes, Crouching,
For the maintenance,
All are large fruit.
That is true, you
Faithful under each other;
To anywhere,
As the ball according to the picture.
So, sow,
Do Luong.
Blessed is the Foundation,
Being an space.
Blessed is the households,
The way is not at risk.
Life is not threatened;
Death was contentious.
At the time, in this local paddy you, hunger, qifu gangui was real. Buddha told A-nan:
"Let's call the Bhikkhu-stilts in this local gathering in lectures."
A-nan responded well, and then admit calling Buddha Bhikkhu command-on stilts near and far about putting out in lectures. After the mass in this country are gathered, A-nan of the white Buddha:
"We have gathered. Leaned forward Holy knows the time. "
Now, the Buddha left seat, go to lectures, sit up, clean up the Bhikkhu-stilts:
"This Land hunger, qifu gangui real hard, you should be itemized, depending the place know, go to property-li and water-Bhikkhu free-States that settled there to can not suffer deprivation. We're alone together with A-nan settled here. "
The Bhikkhu-stilts, teaching obedience. Private Buddha with A-nan in the back. Later, in the Buddha-body at an CU, tinged with a chronic, throughout all his aches. "I think Buddha himself far both are soreness where the disciples are not here. If I enter Nirvana is not appropriate. So let the essential need self help save the life of the network ". Then Religion out of the pure land, cool spot to sit. A-nan to see sailings to rush the white Buddha, that:
"I see the face of world Religion, as there are less."
A-nan says:
"World Religion, depression, mind fear, worry, sadness, confusion don't know the tightening direction. But the breath has not ceased, also bit awake, silently think: That Religion is not yet an immediate removal, the eye of life has not turned off, the Chancellor has not impaired the loss, why he does not have anything to teach the disciples? "
Buddha told A-nan:
"We value something needs in the US anymore? If anyone said: ' We maintain them increases, we Increased our household photographers ', then he should have higher education destined for them Increase. As not say: ' We maintain them. We stock photography increased household. ' So why are we must have higher education destined for them rising? This A-nan, the France we in theoretical teaching, in addition as well are complete. I never claimed the Department of opinion media reach. We now have all right, old age has to eighty. As well as the old wagon, thanks to media force remodeling that may go to where. Us too, thanks to the slightly longer means power to maintain the longevity, self effort that bearing this pain. Not contemplate all thought, when entering infinite ideas, environmentally safe, no brain. So, A-nan, to illuminate; where France, shalt not lit. Take refuge, where title nuơng France, shalt not refuge elsewhere. What is ' Make himself light up, illuminate where France, shalt not lit elsewhere; take refuge, French refuge, shalt not cry somewhere else '? This A-nan, Bhikkhu-stilts, Cabinet number-essential need not indolence, remembering not to forget, except quit taking advantages in life. Foreign body bars; the Cafe exterior body, essential need not indolence, remembering not to forget, except quit taking advantages in life. The life Cafe, Italy, France. This A-nan, it's called ' ask yourself lit; where France, shalt not lit. Take refuge, refuge where France, shalt not refuge elsewhere... ' This A-nan, after We kill, if anyone could overhaul this Executive, that person is my true disciple, is the most useful study. "
Buddha told A-nan, let's go to the Tower Price-she-la. A-nan obedience. As Lai and he leaves mgồi, brought to the bowl holding the medical under a tree, A-nan:
"Take a seat cover. I want to stay here, back pain. "
An-nan responded:
"Yes." Then cover the seat. After such as Lai have sat down, A-nan moved a small seat to sit in front of Buddha Buddha says:
"This A-nan, who four student practice, God tu more often, remembering not to forget, as he may want to extend the life of more than one. A-nan, the Buddha has practiced many of the four gods, mindfulness, Chanh tri, depending on your desire, As a hybrid can live more than a bitch, to make intelligent life, except to bring many benefits, and they all right. "
At the time, A-nan silence does not answer. Buddha said so three times, A-nan also silence is not the answer. Then A-haunted circumstance, nan is not expressed. Buddha has three times now, but A-nan did not know that the petition. Buddha told A-nan: "get to know". A-nan well's Buddha, Buddhist ceremony and then stood up. A-nan goes the way of Buddha, sitting under a tree, static Italy thinking. In the time not long ago, the three-week Ma to the white Buddha:
"Italy not want Buddha to Nirvana soon. Now is the time, Buddha should quickly destroy. "
Buddha told ma Three-week:
"Please! Please stop it! We know the time. As today's Hybrids have yet to enter Nirvana, because waiting for them-my stilts the Bhikkhu can self subduing, courageous and strong, not horror, has come to an okay, has achieved its purpose, is mankind's Scout, preach religious experience, presentation, call if there's heterosexual can comment offering by Chief Justice France again, maybe by spirit that the task yourself. The disciples like not enough. And the Bhikkhu-stilts-ni, favor-she-rule, favor-she-di, all the same, are not yet gathered enough. Quang Hanh Pham, dad just wide Visual performances, the genus, making them Natural and Lettered all saw the miracle. "
Now Ma Three-week leave the white Buddha:
"Oldtimer, in Wrath-pedestals-la River-contact-boat, under a tree a-du-three-questions-law, Chief Justice of the Buddha, I've come to like the Future that advised Sir please enter Nirvana that: ' Now it's time, please quickly enter Nirvana. ' Then As Lai answered me that: ' Please stop it, this three-week. We know the time. As today's Hybrids have yet to enter Nirvana, because waiting disciples We have had, etc. so, Chu Heaven and mankind see the spirit through transformation, then we enter Nirvana. ' Now is the time, why he does not enter Nirvana? "
Buddha says:
"Please stop it, this three-week. Buddha himself said. I don't like how long head. After three months, in A contentious, the Question of stay-contest-na-sa-la, the masterpiece, between double tree, We will kill. "
At the time, Ma Three-week Buddhist thought all this is lie, will kill, and he excited excitement, he naturally disappear. Ma go how long yet, Buddha in place towers Reviews-she-la, in Italy I, tam-discharge network, an stay tho. Right at that time, the great seismic activity. The people of the whole country are frightened, the hair bristles up backwards. Buddha light shines throughout the zoom to infinity, where the dark spot was also illuminating, and likewise are seeing each other. Now That Religion says that proceedings shelves:In two useful passenger loads,At the time, fake A-Ja nan mind frightened, sclera, hair hairy hurry come to Buddha, Buddha foot desk stand face to one side, the white Buddha:
We present useful microbial discharge.
In tam-I intend to
As the birds out of the egg.
"Strangely, the Ton! So what coast ground vibrations? "
Buddha told A-nan:
"In life, there are eight reasons why ground vibrations. What is the eight? Ground water on health. Country y on the wind. Wind y out of nowhere. In vain have the wind grew there when the self emerges, then a large volume of water. Large water tray then around the ground vibrations. It is a cause.
"Again, this A-nan, have when Bhikkhu-stilts or Bhikkhu-stilts-ni-DAC, or religious favoritism of the Café, the Café can be much water Tanh Tanh ground at least, want to try his abilities, when Earth's vibrations. It is the second cause.
"Again, this A-nan, when Portuguese-Christmas performance from heaven to slap God in pregnant mom, professional anniversary not disarray, when the Earth's vibrations. It is the third cause.
"Again, A-nan, when Bo-slapped out of the birth mother, pregnancy from the hips to the professional, not disarray mantras, then Earth vibrations. It was the fourth.
"Again, A-nan, when Bo-Infinite upper Chief has slapped, right at the Earth vibrations. That's the cause Thursday.
"Again, A-nan, when Buddha has directed Countless transfer upper Falun that Ma or Ma, Sa, Ba-la-Mon peoples were unable to move, when the Earth's vibrations. That's the cause Friday.
"Again, A-nan, when the border of Buddha near complete disarray, not single-minded, Buddha abandoned apartment network, then discharge Earth vibrations. It was the seventh.
"Again, this A-nan, when As a hybrid to enter Nirvana during Nirvana world balance, when the Earth's vibrations. It was the eighth.
"So that's the cause of land eight vibration."
You show respect say the post racks:Student Athletic Dark Messiah,
Great Sa-illuminating subjects in life,
Be A-nan ladies asked:
What causes the ground shaking?
As Lai from Sonic,
Birds such as ca-lang:
I said, listen,
The ground vibrated.
Medical personnel on the ground;
Medical personnel on the water.
If wind arose from nowhere,
The land thus shaking.
Bhikkhu-stilts, Bhikkhu-stilts-ni
Want to try the spirit through the force,
Mountains, sea, hundreds of plants,
The ground relied upon the vibrations.
Love, Respect, the violations,
Italy wants to ground vibrations,
The demon God of the mountains, the sea,
The ground relied upon the vibrations.
Bodhisattva, Athletic Student,
Hundred blessed General was enough,
When new import thai mother,
When the Earth's vibrations.
Ten months in the pregnant mother,
As the Dragon is the carpet padding;
From hip organic export being,
When the Earth's vibrations.
When Buddha boy
Destroy the wires,
The Scouts won loads of upper;
When the Earth's vibrations.
The Buddha, Zhuan Falun,
In the garden of the Luye;
Force leaders offering ma,
When the Earth's vibrations.
Celestial Ma phen sometimes,
Highly recommend Buddha entered Nirvana;
When Buddha network based, discharge
When the Earth's vibrations.
The great masters, Releases,
Elves, not reborn,
On the President's removal, real estate;
When the Earth's vibrations.
NET label, says the charm,
The Earth rocked for eight.
Because of this, and more,
When the Earth's vibrations.
Buddha told A-nan:
"This A-nan! The world has eight of them: one is them Suicide-capital; the two of them She-la-Mon; three of them are Homeless; four Sa-subjects is them; the year's Four heavenly; the six as they Knife-natural capital; seven of them are Ghosts; eight is Brahma.
"We remember, We passed through the back of them Suicide-capital, they said, sitting in the stands, I don't know how many times. Thanks to the force that would place our effort to even have them then we're more beautiful shades of beauty; they have, the better Our encyclopedia, or stroke. They reassigned Me that come, but we do not abandon them. What they said was, We also speak. What they can't say is, We also speak. It is common for their theory, publicity, teachings, making the benefit, then the wedding Festival disappeared from that place, they did not know or was the Sun. Like so, I passed through the back of us Brahma do not know is how many times to the sermon for them, that they also don't know who I am. "
"A-nan of the white Buddha:
"World Religion, it's magic, a new, unprecedented achievement can be like that."
Buddha says:
"France has never had such a marvelous micro, this A-nan, it is magic, it is useful only As Lai, Greece's new achievement."
Buddha says A-nan:
"As the Future can know the birth, survival and disappearance of expectancy; the birth, survival and disappearance of ideas; the birth, survival and disappearance of the games. That is really unmatched magic of France As a hybrid, you should keep in mind. "
Now Germany World Religion with the A-nan arrived Incense Tower, and then to a tree cover is located and sitting A-nan group off the Bhikkhu-stilts now present around Incense Tower back to the Lecture Hall. A-nan obedience Buddha, assemble it all, and then the white Buddha:
"We have gathered. Bow down to please the Holy know. "
That Honor comes to lectures, sit on the seat clean. Then tell Ton the Bhikkhu-stilts:
"You should know, We do the following French which itself works, into Primary Night. There are four anniversary of primary need, four, four, four, years of meditation deities, five, seven and eight Holy feeling. You should practice together in France which, together, glass sociable shalt not born litigation. Together a school teacher make together in harmony like water with milk. In France, make essential need tu learn, enlighten each other together, the wedding Festival together.
"This the Bhikkhu-stilts, you should know, We witness the French Enlightenment itself, and then published out of place here, i.e., the economic contract law, States Yes, registered business Shelves, shelf life, Dhammapada, Samyutta, A charm, Heaven economy, the Promo texts, describes the property, proof of example, Church. You remember, the possibility that analysis, the options that austerities. Why is that? As not much longer, after three months, going on to Nirvana. "
The Bhikkhu-stilts after listening to him, very close to amaze, astonish your confusion, down to Earth, coal: trumpet
"How quickly, That Religion kills! How painful, the eyes of the world coming off! We from now forever lost! "
Or have unpleasant sad cry stilts-Bhikkhu, rolling paper, not be suitable, other solid substrates such as doing two songs, rolling childhood wonder what in addition there was, didn't know where to go.The Buddha said:
"This the Bhikkhu-stilts, the thou shalt not embrace wholeheartedly favor bi so. From God to the people, without something being out without end. Want compounded micro not turn room, could not be. Before I was ever taught fellatio is impermanent, has had all Association society of separation. This body is not mine, this network does not survive for long. "
Now That Religion says post racks:We are now inBack to the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
To place an all right;
Peace mass Association
That said this means
We're old now and then,
The network did not long ago.
The work was done,
Far should discharge tho.
Anniversary do not let go of the lung,
Bhikkhu-stilts about enough;
Produced to stock photography,
Constables of mind.
In France, the
Who wouldn't let go of the lung,
Will the root end to suffering,
From the old birth-death.
"We're now the Department of advice like, as he taught the Celestial Ma Three-week to petition Him, saying: ' Italy to Buddha into Nirvana soon. Now had to beg, then time quickly kill. ' I said Ma Three-week: ' Please! Please stop it! We know the time. We also expect them to meet my stilts-Bhikkhu ... so, making them Natural and Lettered all saw the miracle. ' Now Ma Three-week back to tell Me that: ' Oldtimer, in Wrath-pedestals-la, on the river-contact-boat, under a tree a-du-three-questions-law, Chief Justice of the Buddha, I have that ' Italy does not want Buddha Nirvana soon. Now it's at the right time. Please quickly enter Nirvana. ' Then As Lai answered me that: ' Please stop it, this three-week. We know the time. As today's Hybrids have yet to enter Nirvana, because waiting for Our society has enough disciples, ... until, Chu Heaven and mankind see the spirit through transformation, then we enter Nirvana. ' Now here, As Lai has enough ... so Heavenly and Divine, are seen to be the God of transformation information. Now is the time, why he does not enter Nirvana? ' I said: ' Please stop it, this three-week. Buddha himself said. I don't like how long head. After three months, We will kill. ' The ghost at the Three-week Buddhist thought all this is lie, and he excited excitement, he naturally disappear. Ma go yet how long, in the place where the Tower Price-she-la, in Italy I discharge Him, tam-network, an stay tho. Right at that time, the great seismic activity. Sun likewise people are frightened, the hair bristles up backwards. Buddha light shines during the launch an incredibly dark place where well be illuminating, and likewise are seeing each other. Now we're talking shelf litigation that:
In two useful passenger loads,Now, suppose A-nan stand up, pitching shoulder jacket, trịch kneel to ground, hand-Bach Buddha accepted:
We present useful microbial discharge.
Professional Cabinet tam-I intend to
As the birds out of the egg. "
"We wish That the German Bow Ton stay a bitch, OK, kill rush because of the compassion of the idea being, to work for, people."
Germany, the world Religious silence not meeting. A-nan ladies sometimes up to three times. The Buddha said:
"A-nan! Do you believe the main leaders of Such Hybrids? "
A-nan responded:
"Sir, I believe the word of Buddha really said."
Buddha says:
"If you believe, stars three times disturbed? You've heard directly from the Buddha, direct from the Buddha's life that, who has four student spirit, cultivation practice many times, mindfulness, Chief of the tri, it may optionally want to prolong that in a past life, or a better next life. Buddha has four student spirit, cultivation practice many times, mindfulness, Chanh tri, according to the wish can live more than a bitch, to subtract the dark to life, making the benefit more people, for the people and be at peace. Why didn't you request at the time such as Lai shalt not kill? Listen to the second, also available. Until last Tuesday, you discourage sometimes As Lai a life or a past life more, to dark for my life, except to benefit peace for every human bias. You said, not very late, huh? We present three times, three times thou silence. In the meantime, why don't you tell Me that ' Like Hybrids live add a shit or a bitch than to subtract the dark for lifetime, because of the benefits to more people, to let the Sun be at peace '?
"Please stop, A-nan, now We have to discharge network based, left, has spit out. Want As opposed to Hybrid word uttered, never has that case. Such a proud you've spit food on the ground, they also get fed back? "
A-nan responded: "No."
"Now As a hybrid, too, has dropped, has spit out and then not eat yourself again."
Buddha told A-nan arrived hamlet Am-BA-la. A-nan placed y hug the bowl, along with the masses follow That Religion, because according to the route from Canvas-to Am-BA-la. When hamlet Am-she-la, to a hill to the tree, the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts on gender, intention, wisdom; TU about DAC, bitten; Prime location, designated TU bitten; Tu Kat spot, be freed completely, end off, illicit, illicit sex or is three things, smuggled and pirated ignorance. After you have freed the linkage arises mind liberation, knowing that death ends all, Hanh Pham sanh has firmly, things to do have done, does not have to regenerate anymore. "Now, after the customized security facilities in rural Am-she-la, Germany World Religion with the A-nan: "take this page presented to go See hamlet-Hamlet, Hopea-map, Ballet hamlet-she and the Sub-di. A-nan responded: "Yes, Sir". And then lined up to hug the Bowl y, with theo most of world Religion, the route from Canvas-States going to the other, to the North of sub-di, stay in the forest property-competition-Mrs.
Buddha said to the Bhikkhu-stilts:
"We will talk to you hear four great Catholic France. Listen, let's ponder carefully. "
The Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha:
"The glass well, Bach World Religion! We want to hear. "
Buddha says:
"Four France. If taste Bhikkhu-stilts would say like this: ' this Chu Hien, was in the other country, the other one, the other, personally heard from Buddha, was head of the French Muslim life. ' Listen to so, you also should not rush into it, nor should the article. Please come up on the business that consider possible damage. Come up on the law, come up on that review original clear tops. If not found, not law, not France, you speak back to the other that: ' Buddha not say like, I remember wrong? Because we y, y, y France, that article just says contrary to France. So this Gentle singer, teacher and a clerk bring life have also not tell others. Let that go. ' On the contrary, if it deems the other words in the right business, the rules, the right of France to say with others that: ' the master has just said, it is true that the word of the Buddha said. Because we experienced Lady, Lady, Lady of French law. That article just says the France match. So, Gentle singer, be maintained and broad life telling people to listen carefully, OK have abandoned. ' it is the great French teacher.
"Then again, if any Bhikkhu-stilts would say like this: ' this Chu Hien, was in the other country, the other one, the other, personally hear from them Increase harmony with the veteran leader of French life, multicultural, this law. ' Listen to so, you also should not rush into it, nor should the article. Please come up on the business that consider possible damage. Come up on the law, come up on that review original clear tops. If found not true, not true, not true, say the French back to the other that: ' Buddha did not say so, the master listened, remembering wrong? Because we y, y, y France. That left just with France. So, this Gentle singer, teacher and a clerk bring life have also not tell others. Let it go. ' On the contrary if it deems the other trading correct words, rules, legal right to say with others that: ' the master has just said, it is true that the word of the Buddha said. Because we y, y, y France. That article just says the France match. So, Gentle singer, be maintained and broad life telling people to listen carefully, OK have abandoned. ' It is the second French teacher.
"Then again, if any Bhikkhu-stilts would say like this: ' this Chu Hien, was in the other country, the other one, the other, personally hear from various Bhikkhu-stilts, who maintained France, maintenance, maintenance, law was head of French life, this law, this church. ' sounds like that, you should not believe, nor should the article. Please come up on the business that consider possible damage. Come up on the law, come up on that review original clear tops. If found not true, not true, not true in France, you speak back to the other that: ' Buddha did not say so, the master listened, remembering wrong? Because we y, y, y France. That thing just says contrary to France. So, this Gentle singer, teacher and a clerk bring life have also not tell others. Let that go. ' On the contrary if it deems the other words in the right business, the rules, the French right, tell the other person that: ' the master has just said, it is true that the word of the Buddha said. Because we y, y, y France. That article just says the France match. So, Gentle singer, be maintained and broad life telling people to listen carefully, OK have abandoned. ' that is the Church of France third.
"Then again, if there is to say on stilts-Bhikkhu like this: ' this Chu Hien, was in the other country, the other one, the other, personally from a Bhikkhu-stilts, who maintained France, law, law, facilities maintenance maintenance is head of this Dhamma service life. ' Listen to so, you do not believe, nor should the article. Please come up on the business that consider possible damage. Come up on the law, come up on that review original clear tops. If found not properly, not by the rules, not hit France, you speak back to the other that: ' Buddha not say like, I remember wrong? Because we y, y, y France. That thing just says contrary to France. So, this Gentle singer, teacher and a clerk bring life have also not tell others. Let that go. ' On the contrary if it deems the other trading correct words, rules, legal right to say with others that: ' the master has just said, it is true that the word of the Buddha said. Because we y, y, y France. That article just says the France match. So, Gentle singer, be maintained and broad life telling people to listen carefully, OK have abandoned. ' it is the great Dhamma Wednesday. "
Now Germany World Religion after the option to stay in the Extra facilities-di, tell A-nan arrived three-Mrs. A-nan responded: "Yes, Dear", and then lined up to hug the Bowl y, with them going by That Religion, following the path Loss-la goes the garden Rafters-head, three-she. This place has the son of a craftsman named Chau-na heard Buddha from Germs-la comes into this instant, opulent clothes tỳm to Buddha, Buddha foot desk, then face sit back on one side. Buddha in the theory classes for Europe-na, khai, teachings, making for the benefit, the wedding Festival. Chau-na after listening to signal the mind sometimes, Hy Buddha Festival tomorrow to the donation. Silent Buddha accepted the invitation. Chau-na know Buddha accepted, mainland Buddhist ceremony stood up, and then retreated. That night he prepared food. Tomorrow, at the appropriate time, he returned sometimes Buddha.Now That's Respect, along with the bowl holding the mass medical Entourage to his house, to sit up seat cleaning available. After the Buddha and mass has an ideally located, Chau-na brought the dish surges increased Buddha and. He was again a private cooking fried mushrooms-forums are strange little cherished food finds, giving rise to private Buddha. Buddha Bao Chau-na OK bring her mushroom stuff for them increases. Chau-na obedience, not daring to move for them.
At the time, publicly Bhikkhu-stilts have a Bhikkhu-stilts, old spice, a driver at the age of, right on alloy wheels, different packaging food to get.
Chau-na, after seeing them in real life, the increased take-custard, and used wash water is finished, ask Buddha to sailings by shelving items that:
Please ask the great Saints,Article by Buddha shelf:
Who Chief Sensory Releases Ton:
Life got Sa,
Training affidavit subduing?
As you have just asked,Then Chow-na took a small bed set sitting in front of Buddha Buddha, turn stubs, teachings, making for the benefit, the wedding Festival. Then, with theo most, Buddha back. Moderate to middle of the road, stopped under a tree and A-nan:
There are four Sa-class subjects,
Not orientation,
You be aware:
An Executive Director, enemies WINS;
Two, cleverly preacher;
Medical Director, living;
Four, do unclean.
Why call ' moral enemies wins '?
Why ' smart talk ' leaders?
Why ' y ' contentious leaders?
Stars ' unclean ' leaders do?
Snap sharp spikes bruised,
Recipes sure to Nirvana;
Beyond the Natural human way,
Executive Director is the enemy to win.
Manual to understand the first definition
Preaching not UE structure,
From doubt, award
Is the smart class novel.
Cleverly presented the Dhammapada
Princess directed that feed,
Far from looking forward to countless realms textures;
Is the live class y.
In time the pagan kindness hug,
Outside the theatre bar.
Frivolous, disingenuous lies
Is the stigma of doing class.
Why call ' includes evil ',
NET, or the impure.
The exterior does pretty good
As copper gold plated,
People continue to see sailings:
"It's the Holy disciples,
The other position is not equal to,
We never give ".
The preserve,
In addition to the author directly under the bar.
Cover of time TA,
States truly lecherous.
Shalt not look outward appearance,
Was in a hurry to stem glasses.
Cover of time TA,
States truly lecherous.
"We back pain, your seat experience."
A-nan responded well, then cover the seat. Resting Buddha. Now, A-nan low seat cover back over and sits before A-nan asked Buddha Buddha:
"Just then he saw Chau-na mean regret? If there is remorse? " A-nan responded:
"Chau-na has just not been Buddha donation benefits at all. Why? Because after the real life home of Lai As he then Him into Nirvana! "
Buddha says:
"A-nan shalt not say so, it says so! The Europe of today-na was more, live longer, be beauty, are energy, be good, be more Member benefits, death is the bridge to heaven, what are. Why is that? Because the donation for the Buddhist Leader at the new with the donation to the Buddhist Nirvana, at upcoming Germany either side abreast the other not. You get to tell Europe-na that: I heard directly from the Buddha, direct from the life of Buddha, that Chau-na thanks to the German donation is that big Buddha, big thing coming. "
A-nan obedience, come to Europe-na, says:
"I heard directly from the Buddha, direct from the life of Buddha, that Mr. Chau-na thanks to the German donation is that big Buddha, big thing coming. Why is that? Because the Buddhist Leader at the new donation with donation of Buddha at upcoming Nirvana, the other two parties does not equate to Germany. "
Tho Chau-na Home boys,Now, That Honor stand up, come forward is a short, come under a tree, with the A-nan:
Listen to this talk: new
Chronic conditions such as heavy, more Hybrids
Have life comes,
While eating fried mushrooms-forums,
That distemper is still increasing.
Embrace the disease that hit the road,
To the Question-exam.
"We back pain too, let's clean up seats."
A-nan responded: "Yes." And a place to sit. As Lai. A-24-foot Buddha, seated slat to the side.At that time, the Sami A-la-Chinese name is Bliss-you, away from the Sentence-di-na-masterful eyeing three-she, when moderate to middle of the road, saw the Buddhas, stumps party at risk, the Dapper Chairman, Centre of Italy completely tame, absolute calm, such as large Dragon, as the Lake stands in not irritating little plaque. After the show, he incurred in good heart wedding Festival, go to near Buddha, wealthy girl married to sit back on one side and the white Buddha that:
"White people, Like German, in the spot, preferred the Shiv. Truth hope useful instead! Although both a hundred years the vehicle deck crew come across a party that still don't know! Master I have times of sitting under a tree root coordinates static side of the road in between two sentences-di-na-masterpieces and Ba-Ba. Then the convoy five hundred machines were going across the side. The solid solid vehicles. But the awakening but not heard. Then there is the person to ask: ' did you see the convoy has just come through here? ' answer: ' Not found. ' ask: ' have You heard? ' answer: ' Don't listen. ' Back to the question: ' dog here or somewhere else? ' Answer: ' I am here. ' Back to the question: ' the dog or Mexican? ' Answer: ' The. ' ask: ' dog or sleep? ' Answer: ' don't sleep. ' The other thought: ' this is the real hope. The production of new glass experts. For although the car solid, that's still not good. ' and then he told my teacher that: ' just had five hundred solid burst forth chariot ride through this path, the car shaken but not hear, hear other stories exist! ' And then the other ceremony, hoan Hy from weightlifting. "
Buddha says:
"This precious Gospel! Today I asked him. Please open. Solid trucks passing daily, but do not hear; echoes of Thunder and earthquakes, yet the recipe but don't listen. In two things, things would get harder? "
Jason-you ladies:
"Sound of thousand of cars where by the Thunder. Not hear the car easier rather than listening to the Thunder's truth is very hard. "
Buddha says:
"This precious Gospel, once at a workshop in A hamlet in Lu-free, then there is the strange clouds emerged from concealment, and the Thunder echoes the intense beams, four dead cows and two brothers who go to plough, lower capacitor to filled. At the time We're out of the workshop lư, Executive business travel. A person from the crowd there go back where We face a police ceremony, legs, and then following the US economy. Whatever I know but I still ask: ' are the other crowd gathered to do? ' The other mainland asked me that: ' while You where, or to sleep? ' I answered: ' here, no sleep. ' The other evening for approval is not seen, the privileged sacrifice as Buddha; Thunder rolling wine both heaven and earth so that their own President, that is not or. And then her white Buddha: ' strange clouds have recently emerged from concealment, and the Thunder echoes the intense beams hitting dead four cows and two go plowing. The crowd is gathering for it. ' People in fun, sailings are France and Buddhist ceremonies, wedding retreat. "
At that--you're two appearances gold drapery, worth hundreds of thousands, leaving the seat up, and then knelt down, pieced together the white Buddha hands:
"I bring this canvas What Religious consecration. Hope to honor the life loaded bow. "
Bao Phuc-Buddha you:
"Thee to a plate for him and a plate for A-nan."
Jason-you obedience. A plate, a plate for A Buddhist Offertory-nan. Buddha thought he should receive for the trade. Phuc-Buddha ceremony and wealthy girl you sit back on one side. The Buddha turns to his theory, marketing, instruction, makes the benefit, the wedding Festival. He lectures on alms, maintenance, born, is the great fire, impure, unclean, as owners cut is France, smuggled, weak exports are up WINS. When Buddha know Italian--you're the wedding, nhuyến, not the slopes of the Tycoon, very easy opening; as usually of Buddha teaching, he lettered for the precious Gospel of the Holy Roman Empire, Gauge, Gauge and Gauge the gauge of weak export Holy Roman Empire. Jason-you detect pure mind sailings, such as fabrics clean easily tinged, right on the seat which depart the ceiling texture, French, French label arise, France, stay the decision of Chief Justice Tanh, no longer suffering evil, fallen unconscious, Captain of the achievements of the white Buddha:
"The present rules of Medicine Buddha, France, increased the Respect coach Leaned. do a favor-she-in Chief of France. From now until the whole life pray not, do not steal, do not commit, don't lie, don't drink alcohol. Hope the Religious bent was the favor-she-rule in Chief of France. "
Again the white Buddha:
"Buddhist education in chemistry At would come three-BA, please down to poor neighbors. Because I want to bring out the real creatures, ready, clear, coordinates available in homes to worship That Religious consecration. World leaders Respect the life of all beings be peaceful. "
Buddha says:
"You're so right."
You show respect say France for the precious Gospel; Khai, teachings, meant to benefit, the wedding Festival. Precious Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl--and then go.Jason-you go how long yet, A-nan his gold cloth to bring instant surges by the Buddha from Buddha received introspection and jacket up on themselves. Now, German Religious World appears a risk the dung, quang oai Hon openings, the purity, bright interface colors.
A-nan saw, thought: "We are almost near the Buddha twenty-five years now yet when Buddha had seen a bright area as it is today". And he stood up, kneel right down to the ground, hand-pieced together asked the Buddha:
"From when I was most of the Buddha, has twenty-five years now, haven't seen the Buddha as an identity today. Do not understand what charm? The urge to hear Italy Buddha. "
Buddha told A-nan:
"There are two colors that an excuse charm As other usual Bright Futures: a new leadership at Buddha's Prime into the endless ranks of upper Districts, two network based at the discharge dropped Buddha is to import Nirvana. A-nan, so that's the charm of two colors and an unusual. "
You show respect say that litigation:Bright yellow, yThe Buddha said:
Smooth, soft, very fresh, clean,
Jason-you World, Religious consecration
Aura white as snow.
"A-nan, I'm thirsty. I want to drink water. You go get water to bring to it. "
A-nan dear:
"Recently there were five hundred vehicle fording a river songs do cloudy water. Can only use foot-washing, cannot use the drink. "
Buddha said to three times that. A-nan dear:
"We just have Questions-religion River not far away, is there water in the cooler. Drinking or bathing are. "
At that there is a God in the mountain snow, steep capital trust the Buddhist leader, taking the bowl you bowls eight German public offer enough net surges Buddha. Buddha mercy head tho, and read post litigation:Buddha by eight audible,Then go to the Religious Questions-religion, take drinking water and bathing done, mass times together. Middle of the road, stop at the Buddha under a tree and Bao Chau-na:
Warranty A-nan took the country:
I thirst, now want to drink.
Then came the Question-exam.
Mellow sound, amiable,
Anyone hear please.
Most of the lower sides of Buddha,
Sailings of the White World Religion that:
Just five hundred vehicles,
Wading River on the other coast,
Did carve the water line,
Drink sure can not be.
Fishing River-save not far away,
Good, very cool in water;
Can get drinking water,
Can also bathing.
Snow paint the devil spirit,
Bring water surges As Lai.
Then, courageous and strong, reliable
The lion who walked.
Water dragon in,
Clean non-opaque mess.
Holy gaming as snow paint
Time through Verse-religion.
"You get y increase-old Chile four floorings for us lies. We back pain. Want to break in here. "
Chau-na finished seat coverings, obedience, Buddha sit up there. Asia-Buddhist ceremony and then sit back a na sidebar that
"I want to enter Nirvana. I want to enter Nirvana. "
"Should know the right time."
Chau-na sailings enter Nirvana in Buddhism.The Buddha thus said the Court article:
Buddha to Question River-religion,Now A-nan from the white Buddhist: stand up seat
In cool, not opaque mess.
Who Releases Ton down to the water,
Bathing, on the other coast.
Head of unit,
Dictate Bao Chau-na:
We are now exhausted relatives,
You experience the quick stuff. Crouching
Africa-instant obedience, na
Private medical cover that folds.
As Lai rested;
Chau-na front.
Instant Bach World Religion:
I want to enter Nirvana,
On nowhere love, hate.
The present to it.
Infinite merit semi-permanent sea,
God WINS reply:
The section you've done,
Should know the proper forecast.
Be available and promise, Buddha
Chau-na as essential.
Removal, invisible owners.
As most of the firewood, fire off.
"After killing the Buddha, permitted to hit buried so how?"
Buddha told A-nan:
"He keep silent. Let's worry about thinking of his work. It has the credit bar wedding festival artists worry. "
A-nan asked up to three times:
"After killing the Buddha, permitted to hit buried so how?
"Want to know how it should be buried beat spells do the hit London Transfer buried St. United Kingdom."
A-nan asked:
"Lets hit London Transfer buried St. United Kingdom?
Buddha says:
"Hit London Transfer buried on Holy United Kingdom, first taking the scented water bathing of the body; get new body wrap cotton fabric; user five hundred fabrics turn cuff, and then put the stem on the needle. After you've soaked sesame oil, again put kim in a second big iron, Guo, outside is the perfume of wood chips-Guo class forums. The quality of fabric is thick, the scent up on that stake. Burn complete, accommodation, Snatchers take the hanging Tower-phan, worshipped at the crossroads, to the people walking to see the Tower of France United Kingdom that idea recalls the Chief Justice of the King, has done benefits for many people.
"A-nan, you want Him buried, retrieved body wash bath lotions; get new body wrap cotton fabric; used in hundreds of fabrics in turn wrap on, put themselves into kim. After you've soaked sesame oil, again put kim in a second big iron, Guo outside is wooden incense-fried Guo class forums. The quality of fabric is thick, the scent up on that stake. Burn complete, accommodation, Snatchers take the hanging Tower phan-Church at the intersection to reclining people go see the Tower of the Buddha that turned back the memory of France United Kingdom As Lai, live, be blessed, Heavenly beings die. "
You want to Respect this meaning claim, Imago Writes novels post racks:A-nan left seat,Buddha told A-nan:
White Buddha hand pieced together on your knees:
As Lai kill speed and then,
Permission should be buried?
A-nan, be silent,
Let's worry about the components themselves.
The signal bars in the country
Will the wedding Festival fend.
A-nan asked three times.
Teaching Buddhist funeral London United Kingdom.
Want to buried stem As Lai,
Wrap the trunk, put on Guo.
Tower crossroads,
For the sake of beings.
Those who come to the homage
Are immeasurable Phuoc.
"In the lower four grades who should build the tower and donation, floral silk malkoha, music. That is who? As Lai, Bich-chi-Buddha Bar-van and Moved London United Kingdom. This A-nan, four fishing class i should be building the tower and the use of incense, flowers, silk malkoha, music for donation. "
Now That Religion says post racks:The first one is Buddhist Tower,Now, That Honor A-nan said let's go to the Sentence-contest, to the tree of life song Germs-la. A-nan responded well. And then along came with That Respect that line up. Have a Breaking-releases from the Sentence-the contest go to the Ba-BA, middle of the road, from far away to see What Religion the main content copied respectable President. Thus, natural birth, wedding, parties, going to the Mainland Center before Buddha, visit and then stood to one side, the white Buddha that:
Flanges-chi-Buddha Bar-writer
And transfer the Holy Kingdom of London
His political home.
Four where value for this,
Be As Futuristic just taught:
Buddha, Bich-chi, bar-writer
And the Tower of London in the United Kingdom Transfers.
"My Country in not far from. Dear expecting Germany to talks that night-Isle. Real life tomorrow morning you go. "
Buddha says:
"Whoa, Pham-releases. Now you made Me. "
Breaking-even considerate gentlemen sometimes three times, Buddha still responded as before; back date-releases:
"A-nan behind there, people there expressed."
Pham Chi, Buddha to hear-he-nan, A visit is done, stand aside, said:
"My Country in not far from. I like to sometimes Germany Tickle-talks to it overnight. Real life tomorrow morning you go. "
A-nan responded:
"Whoa, Pham-releases. You are now made.
Breaking-even considerate gentlemen sometimes up to three times.A-nan responded:
"Hot sun had other remote back country, which Germany World Religion is too hard, not to be."
Now, That Honor after the pubs close this meaning, and he says the post racks:Net Advanced Label who,Now, That Honor into Question-exam, go toward A living being, between the forest song the life of their line, and dollar Loss A-nan:
Tired, song Shou.
Pham-releases far see Buddha,
In a hurry to step, bow:
My country recently,
Please, save a night.
Tomorrow morning, the small donation,
Then go to the other end.
Breaking-news, us,
The road far from impossible.
Most of the people we're going after.
Go to that question.
Buddha taught obedience,
And he brought to the A-nan:
Please come to my country,
In the morning, eat and then go.
A-nan stop: Okay, okay!
Hot heaven, can't.
Three times invited not satisfied,
Looks depressed not fun.
Oh! Compounded to this behavior,
Transformation, not usually constant.
Now between the tree song tho,
Kill the endless body counts.
Buddha, Bich-chi, bar-writer
Final rules are rules relied upon removal.
Impermanence does not choose,
As the mountain forest fire.
"You make is in the middle of the tree song tho for early hybrids, Like the North, the building of the West. Of the like, because of my Dhamma will save long transmission in the North. "
A-nan responded: "Yes." And, for the top of the building to the North. World Religion himself took medicine to increase old-Chile four layers of cut up themselves, lying like a lion God hand hands hip, legs. At that time among the trees song tho the devil spirit which Buddhist faith slope, sprayed the ground throughout the season sprain flowers. Buddha told A-nan that:
"Tree Gods song tho she donation season for Marquis flowers We like, not the hybrid seems to worship."
A-nan dear:
"Why is the donation As a hybrid?"
"People would know the correct action and real-life Chief leaders France, who seem to worship."
Consistent with this, meaning police say Buddha shelf:Buddha in the middle of the song tho,At that time he Violates-ma-na AI fans stand most fans before Buddha, Buddha said:
Is inclined, the mind does not.
Spirit, mind tree
Scattered flowers up on Buddha.
A-nan asked Buddha that:
How is the donation?
French listening and practice,
Donation by the United States.
Yellow flowers as wheels,
Donation not Buddha.
Aggregates, world of anatta,
Is the donation ranks.
"Thou shalt not, avoid standing in front of Me."
A-nan heard that thought: "Piracy-ma-na usually in either side of the Buddha, most down everything essential, revered as Lai doesn't know. Now on the last day, probably to his care, why Buddha back to chase away, what is? " Then A-nan revised raiment, comes before the Buddha, that:
"Pham-ma-na usually in either side of the Buddha, most down everything essential, revered as Lai doesn't know. Now on the last day, probably to his care, why Buddha back to chase away, what is? "
Buddha says:
"Twelve-weeks beyond the Sentence-competition, and likewise all the place is the great Angel, filled with no gaps. They organised because this Crown before standing on stilts-Bhikkhu Buddha that ' the last moment Buddha Now coming into Nirvana, we want to see the cult once, that the position of that dread of Germany with stilts-Bhikkhu older javelins, light cover not for we are near to the Buddhist cult ceremony donation. ' A-nan, so that We get out. "
A-nan of the white Buddha:
"No taste or that contains ancient stilts-Bhikkhu blesses what German, austerities that businesses now have the dread Germany?"
Buddha: "damn Wednesday ninety in the past, there is birth Buddha Bhikkhu-she-contest. The position that in the meantime, stilts-Bhikkhu with hoan Hy holding torch illuminating grass into the towers of the Buddha, so that now he was there throughout the projection optics dread twenty eight each, the light of Divine Angels can't match. "Then, A-nan left seat, trịch Austria presents the role of owner, knelt, pieced together the white Buddha hands:
"Please don't kill Buddha degrees on the spot in the wilderness into contraband crude cramped. Why? We have major countries as Vedic astrology-, water-, the-li XA Bhikkhu United Kingdom accommodation, water-, Property-water Canvas, water Ca-Bhikkhu-la-guard, Three water-la-complaint. In that crowded, many people credit the grave of Dharma. Buddha in the removal of it, but many people respect, property donation-benefit. "
Buddha said: "come on, enough already! Shalt not have comment like that. OK for this place is Belgium counts. Why is that?
"When in the country, has a Great name and a friendly King City then named Sentences property-she-.- The capital of the 480-mile-long, wide King 280 miles. Now is the season for rice cheap, abundant, prosperous people. The city has seven layers, surrounded also have seven layers of Rails, engraving text looks, jewel hanging xen. The nails into the deep surface of three rings, high up the twelve rings. The castle on the ten rings. Three-column round rings. Into gold, the silver, the silver door, then the door in gold, the glass door drink store, into the glass doors of Yuri. Around the grave site by four kinds, alternating the railing by the Quartet. The Golden floor then hanging ghost silver, silver floor hanging ghost gold. There are seven class, pride filled Lotus blue, yellow, red, white. The bottom of the moat whole slices of yellowish sand. On the banks of the moat there are many banyan trees. The Golden tree, the leaves of silver fruits. Silver tree, the fruits of gold leaf. Glass tree, the fruits of Yuri. Borage flower fruit glass. Among tree-Australia has the pond bathing. The water depth, tonality, not in Venice. On the banks of the pond slice by quarter-brick. Ladders with gold, the silver ladder. Ladder Yuri then steps in gold. The shelf level by Yuri then steps by the glass. Level glass shelf then Yuri do. Around the railing, surrounded in a row. In her place of birth also tree Australia. The Golden tree, the leaves of silver fruits. Silver tree, the fruits of gold leaf. Glass tree, the fruits of Yuri. Borage flower fruit glass. About the middle of the tree has the pond by four types of security, being the four kinds of flowers. Roads, equivalent ranks. The wind is blowing, flower fall, bay leaves on either side of the road. Light wind blows through the trees, emanating the sound as gentle music. People in the country, son daughter, large and small, fun wander among the trees. Water usually have ten types of sounds: drums, shells, three-la, ca, dances, blow, the elephant, the, the, the, the vehicles, food, laughing.
"King of the great Friendly Comments have enough seven treasures. The King also had enough of four in Germany. The seven treasure is gold wheels, treasure treasure: elephants white, green horse treasure, treasure, treasure jewels, Shenzhou treasure treasure treasure force and renunciation.
"Good Majesty treasure accomplishments Detailed wheel of gold?
"On the full moon the full moon for water perfume, shampoo bath, King up to sit in the cell, can American surrounded, natural treasure wheels out front; thousands of bright spokes rims, due to Sky-divers do not have life. All-metal wheels, diameter by a staff. When the great King's Friendly Comments thought: ' We heard the first student veteran said: If the King Cafe-line seat, wealthy girl, came on the first full moon full moon, shampoo bath water, up to sit in power protection, can the natural surroundings, women with Golden wheels coming in front, wheels have a thousand spokes, the brilliant light , is the work of a heavenly Hunter, not because people do, be made in gold, thy diameters, when it was called the Holy Kingdom London Transfer. Now there's treasure wheel coming, that is not here? We try to see that car? '
"Great Friendly King Comments associated with army stuff, four million towards the gold wheels, trịch Austria presents the right shoulder, the knee must land, and hand Qu. face flap onto the wheel and says: ' You follow correctly that transported to the Orient, shalt not customary left. ' Instant wheels turning on the East. King and he led a four-race troops take the wheel of gold, gold wheels before four gods Guide. To the Golden parking stop, the King also stopped the car. Now, the Eastern States see United Kingdom come, they bring the Bowl gold silver silver bowl, rice containers contain yellow rice comes before the King, my Lord: "Welcome to the King! Now this land fertile paddy fields of Eastern, affluent people, releases the names of people, from renew pros. Bow look forward to this Prince of the Holy Kingdom of chemotherapy. We would like the most Blessed Sacrament serves, well do everything necessary. ' King Daišan Comments told United: ' no Divine Sage! That is, you made me. You follow France Chief that values people, shalt not make biased, not to illegal acts domestic. That we treat. ' The Yes command. They successively under King walked across the field until week East Coast returning.
"King in turn passes on the South, and then West, Even the gold wheels. to where the monarch were to devote as the Eastern States.
"Now, the King of the great Friendly Comments after Golden wheels across the four seas, bring legitimacy kaihua, comforted the people, back to the Question-of-her-duty dormitory, then the gold wheels stop on the air right in the door of the Palace. King Daišan Opinion delighted excited says: ' Golden wheel treasures is actually good omen. Now he is actually Transferred the Holy Kingdom of London. ' that is the Golden wheel treasures accomplishments.
"King of the great treasure White Elephant accomplishments Detailed Charity like?
"At the time, in the early morning, Friendly Comments Great sitting on your primary natural treasure of elephant, he naturally appear in front. It's pure white feathers. Seven seats filled. Can fly. First it best. Six ivory streamlined, be careful. After seeing the King thought to myself: ' this wise elephant. With training, can ride. ' And he brought the wrong test coaching. The set of possibilities. When her Majesty would like Opinions himself in good try, elephant rides up, and then into the early morning, out of the city, traveled to four seas. Until now, the rice was about to come. See the world, Friendly Comments United Kingdom excited says: ' white elephant this bodes true treasure for me. Now I'm really is turning London United Kingdom ' Scripture. It is the White Elephant treasure accomplishment.
"Good Horse treasure achievements Great Comments like?
"Now, in the early morning, great Friendly Opinion United Kingdom are sitting on your horse's natural treasures, the Chief Kublai Khan course appear before your eyes. The feathers it blue, red mane. The tail, head and neck, like the elephant. It has the ability to fly. When he thinks himself: ' the United Kingdom Comments Friendly horse wise. If the training can ride. ' Then the false King coaching a try. Full set of possibilities. When King Friendly Comments like to experiment on his own horse, and he rode up, into the early morning, out of the four, the sea. It's time to eat, was about to come. Friendly Comments United Kingdom excited says: ' this blue treasure horses really bodes for us. We are now really is turning London United Kingdom Scripture. ' it is the White Horse treasure accomplishment.
"Friendly Comments Shenzhou treasure achievements great?
"Now, in the early morning, great Friendly Opinion United Kingdom sitting in a cell, the Chief God of the natural treasure he appear before your eyes. Color pure, transparent, no Bhikkhu stain. Yes, the King said: ' the seeds of this beautiful continent too. Its light can offers both lighting. ' Then the King wanted to try the Pearl beads, and he called the four strains of troops on, put this on the Trang phan Bao Chau. At midnight at night, take it out. The light of this pearl beads lighting all troops, not on board. In addition to troops rings, it illuminates both a do-downloads. The people are waking up to work, because for is on board. Friendly Comments Great excitement says: ' Now the treasure God seed this really bodes for us. We are now really is turning London United Kingdom Scripture. ' that is the valuable achievements Shenzhou.
"Good Comments N treasure achievements great women like?
"When her female treasure Turquoise Kublai Khan. The beauty, beautiful appearance, not high, not low, not rough, not black, not white, not international, unbridled, not need. Eastern trunk warm. Summer cool body. The pores throughout the body exuding the scent of fried-forums. Mouth breathing out of favor-floral Bowl-la. Speak gently. Drill movements. Stood up, sat down, then don't take comfort. King Goodwill Comments at the time, purity is not infected before. The mind does not have any notion of what, statewide indoor intimacy. Now King Goodwill Comments excited says: ' the jewel of this bodes true women. We are now really is turning London United Kingdom Scripture. ' it is the achievements of female Turquoise treasure.
"Friendly Comments Populate treasure achievements great singer like?
"When thy wife renunciation her nature appeared to be killed. Natural treasures. Immeasurable assets. Renunciation has seriously blessed should the eyes can look through to see the underground treasure mine. Object owner or owners, are looking at that. If there is, can he keep households. If unattended, he took the offer to the King. Upasaka treasure go to my Lord the King: ' your Majesty, have devoted King, don't worry. I can deal with. ' Now, the King of the great Friendly Comments like to try treasure renunciation, enjoin preparing the boat to come to whinny. King said renunciation: ' we need gold. You get fast for us. ' Ask the renunciation: ' your Majesty, please wait a moment. Wait ashore have. ' Tỳm King rushed way: ' We stop here. Are to be used. You provide the right. ' When he gets settled strictly enjoin King, kneeling, hands shove my hand into the water. Treasure vase from the water along up by hand. As I stood, as well as in depth, with renunciation treasures, treasures from the water by coast hand that appears full of boats. Then he my Lord the King: ' just then your Majesty say need it. But how much? ' King Goodwill Comments tell renunciation: ' enough! We don't need anything. Just to try that. You how to have devoted ourselves. ' Other renunciation to hear King speak so instant throws water down treasures. Friendly Comments United Kingdom excited says: ' this treasure is true renunciation bodes for us. We are now really is turning London United Kingdom Scripture. ' it's a treasure accomplishment upasaka.
"Friendly Comments Home treasure achievements great soldiers like?
"When he told soldiers he appear Home, staff positions, Hung Meng, combs, assertive. And the army goes to the King, my Lord: ' your Majesty, if there is room in need of expansion, please don't worry. I can be myself. ' VuaThiện Comments at the time wanted to try soldiers home, gathered for four races and told soldiers that the owners: ' you're now using, not assemble head meeting. Gathered please disperse. Not strictly be strictly. Has severely let let go loose. Yet go get going. Went to get stops. ' Home treasures King heard soldiers talking is done, control four sailings made army strains not yet gathered the meeting. Gathered then disbanded. Yet strictly then strictly. Was strictly for let go loose. Yet to go, go. Went, stop. Friendly Comments at the United Kingdom's excited says: ' this is true treasure soldiers Home bodes for us. We are now really is turning London United Kingdom Scripture. ' it's the treasure Home.
"This A-nan, it's Friendly Comments great achievements of seven treasures.
"What are the four gods in Germany? One is to live long, not short lived, no one. The two are relatives, no illness, no one. Three is the gaming adventure, no one by Chief Justice decency. Four is full of treasures, no one.
"That is turning London United Kingdom Holy treasure and four of seven spirit achievement in Germany.
"A-nan, a long-time Friendly Comments new guest car export protection du Kingdom of late. King said the car: ' You hit the car. Why is that? I like to watch people get peace, not the tribulation occur. ' At the time, the people in the water along the stands watching, they tell the guys who hit the car: ' He let go slow. I would like to see the United Kingdom's gaming reputation clearly. ' This A-nan, Friendly Comments about people affectionately patted the United Kingdom such as I love you. Glass national glass as his father King's grave. What's scarce they give rise to the King: ' the King's life, loaded, please bow to use. ' The King said: ' Whoa, the khanh! We have enough financial security to use. The khanh please take off take that. '
"At another King thought: ' We want to build the Palace. ' When just having that in mind, the people in the country to the King, my Lord: ' I'm building palaces for the King. ' The King said: ' we're for so were you donation. We are able to handle it. ' Repeat national petition: ' we would like to build palaces for the King. ' the King said: ' you want ' discretion. The nation was ordered to bring the sailings, eighty-four thousand car gold coming into Question-to make her Primary residence-France. Then the taste subtly themed angels in heaven Knife-seat thought to myself: ' we only have the ability to build power for the King of France the great Chief Justice Charity. '
"This A-nan, who was cleverly constructed French Chief Justice Angel long power sixty miles, thirty miles wide, is jewelry by four. The background flat surface. The continental shelf is paved with brick layer seven treasures. France has eight thousand columns in 1290. Dear Golden columns, the pillars made of silver. Silver columns-body pillars of gold. By Yuri and glass. Electricity is surrounded by four layers of Rails, are made of four types. There are four-level shelf also by four categories. On France's power has eight thousand four thousand floor treasure. Floor in gold, the silver window. Silver floor, Windows with gold. By the glass and Yuri. Gold Silver bed floor. Silver, gold bed floor. Soft blankets are woven by kim flood spread on the bed. By the glass and Yuri. The light of glorious palaces do United everyone, like the sun shining at pole no one can see.
"Now, the Friendly Comments United Kingdom arises thought: ' Now on either side of the cell, we make up much of the pond and garden tree Australia. ' Thus King for the garden. Horizontal vertical do-downloads. King thinks: ' in front of France let electric established a French pond. And he built the pond into France a due-downloads. The water in the pond, pure, no plaque Venice. The bottom of the pond slice brick Quartet. The pond is surrounded by the railing, are made of four things treasure: Golden, white, glass and Yuri. The water in the pond, grow or the flowers like the pros-Bowl-la, a three-head-ma,--first, manure-da-capital. The United States emitted the scent canvasses all over the place. About of land in the four face ao grows the flowers as a-Oh-animals-most, enjoy-bặc, ba-la-la, tu-romantic-da, BA-ca-cu-ma-Forum, Chile. King wrong person to look after the pond. Those who came across, leading down to the bathing pond, cool fun options. Need water for drinking water. Need the food for food. Dress, floral, coach, Member of the things, are not inversely to Italy.
"A-nan, now King Goodwill Comments have eight thousand four thousand elephants, Golden jewelry, silver wind range by Bao Chau, Son statue United Kingdom is superlative. Eight thousand, four thousand jewelry in gold and silver, with Bao Chau, Power Strip forward code United Kingdom is superlative. Eight thousand four thousand chariot, lined with stately, lion skin by Quartet, London is the most Metal. There are eight seed four thousand unimpeachable, Shenzhou is superlative. Eight thousand four thousand women, turquoise jewellery is superlative. Eight thousand to four thousand homeless musician, most said. Eight thousand four-thousand seat, the infantry is superlative. Eight thousand, four thousand Verses-contest-she-is superlative. Eight thousand four thousand of palaces, Chief of France's State-of-electricity. Eight thousand four thousand floor, Grand Chief floor is superlative. Eight thousand four thousand of them are in bed, the Royal Bank, kim; above the bed mattress cover fur, fur blankets. Eight thousand four thousand memories of Austria by the fabric thing like record-ma, ca-exam, three-degree. Eight thousand four thousand food, every day clean up each different dishes.
"A-nan, now, in the early morning, King Goodwill Comments, along with the statue of Boy riding eight thousand four thousand elephants, chopped out of the Question, consider me, across the four seas. In about few moments, return to the meal. And then ride a Force code, along with eight thousand four thousand horses, in the early morning, out of the export review, publicity, travel across the four seas. In a few moments, return to the meal. Ride the car Kim Luan, Force pull security code, along with eight thousand four thousand vehicle, early production, considering the publicity tour, across the four seas. In a little while back about the meal. Along with the eight thousand four thousand EU, using Shenzhou illuminating interior security of supply. Days and nights always shining. With eight thousand four thousand women's turquoise jewellery, told wise, skilful, most down either side of a dress. With eight thousand four thousand homeless musician, everything necessities are given to Homeless musician told lo. With eight thousand four-thousand seat, if available, delivered to the Home Army. With eight thousand, four thousand permanent headquarters in the capital Sentence-contest. With eight thousand four thousand of the Palace, the King usually dwell in Chief of France. With eight thousand four thousand floor, King often break as Chief Justice. With eight thousand four thousand seats, King often sits on the Crystal Court, because to an meditation. With eight thousand four thousand memories y, jewelry by marvelous terrace, arbitrary that even to cover the person from disgrace. With eight thousand four thousand food, often eating natural food. Because the voters.
"When eight thousand four thousand elephants coming, they cannot get thicker, crap, the dead harm beings untold. The King then thought to myself: ' this elephant Hordes hurt too many beings. From now on, every year new for an elephant. Such a turn for the rest of the round, then go back '. "
Now, the Religious Affairs told A-nan:
"King of the great Friendly Opinion thought: ' We are containing the Germany, tu was what blessings far bitten so beautiful? ' King remembered that thanks to three human s/he was bliss that quote. Three human charm. One is the alms, the two are maintained, it is meditation. King left thinking: ' Now I have been enjoying life Gospel conference time, please proceed further for the solar industry overhaul. Let restricted and less; sparkling noisy place; hidden in a quiet place to cultivate the arts Director. ' Then the King of false call-hardened female Sage Pearl sailings to, that: ' Now I have been enjoying life Gospel conference time, please proceed further for the solar industry overhaul. Let restricted and less; sparkling noisy place; hidden in a quiet place to cultivate the arts Director. ' Jewellery answers: ' the glass well. Please comply with the word of the great United Kingdom teaching. ' And then lịnh for both colors in addition to the exemption from the most Blessed Sacrament. The King of France, on power up instant floor in gold, silver, the dwell bed sit on thinking, left, joins the real evil, has games and has four, have the wedding and stray far from the glass arises, a prime witness of the first meditation. Except kill games and four cabinet diplomas, who specializes in aerial photography, for khôngtầm, not four, and by certain beings Hy there, the second meditation. Absent from the wedding, an anniversary, no professional discharge stay themselves, feeling things that Holy Sage said is the discharge, an anniversary with a prime witness, stay Zen third. Remove discharge and gauge, except kill pros and Hy from the previous, non-miserable, no discharge, and anniversary, a prime witness the fourth meditation.
"Then the King of Friendly Comments leave the bed out, silver floor dwell gold, go to floor the great Chief Justice, sitting on the bed from the mind, practice their scattered throughout a long lap and then to a different method; an stay with Center owners with questions from across the vast, bosses, not two, not to limit the amount, minus all the hate, the mind does not grudge. Practice balls, Hy, who discharge too.
"Now, women said: ' thought Jewel was long not seen religious thought should go to most, visit a phen. Present should face the King. ' Female Friendly Sage told him eight thousand four thousand of the women that: ' you're each shampoo bath lotions, makeup. Such firepower for so long we didn't see respect, should take the most visits a phen. ' Women can hear it, and likewise all the makeup, shampoo bath clean. Then tell security soldiers Home jewellery God gathered the four strains, that: ' we haven't seen long ton gaming, should please most visits a phen. ' Home Security warrior spirit sailings assemble four strains, ladies with ladies: ' Four races already. Should know the time. ' Then Tell women led eight thousand four thousand possible female, along with four military stuff go to Kim-LAN. The sound vibrations of our wines to the King. Hearing this, the King went to the window to watch. Protect women at her stand on one side door. Find women's Protection, the King said: ' sailings next step from You. We'll see. ' Friendly Comments United Kingdom left the Court, off the floor the great Chief Justice, comes down electrical French Chief Justice, along with jewellery goes to the garden-Kingdom, sitting up compose. Excellent Friendly content at the Comments of the United Kingdom over the normal bright. Female Friendly security Sage thought to myself: ' excellent Majesty face today than normal. There are strange omen? ' Then Tell My Lord the King: ' women, present unusual beauty. Com is not going discharge network life omen? Now eight thousand four thousand elephants, White audience said, were jewelry in gold and silver, with Bao Chau made wind strips; all the property of the King. Looking forward to the King a little note, shared enjoyment, we recommend removing exhaust longevity which left ten thousand inhabitants. Eight thousand four thousand horses, the most the United Kingdom code. Eight thousand four thousand chariot, Kim Luan told the most. Eight thousand four thousand EU, Shenzhou most protection. Eight thousand four thousand women, turquoise jewellery the most protection. Eight thousand to four thousand homeless musician, the most security. Eight thousand four-thousand seat, the infantry is superlative. Eight thousand, four thousand Verses-the most successful competition. Eight thousand four thousand of palaces, the French Chief of State power. Eight thousand four thousand of the court floor, Grand Chief of the most floor. Eight thousand four thousand of the Court sitting, told the Court the most power. Eight thousand four thousand memories y, nhuyến y need the most. Eight thousand four thousand of feed, are rare. All her treasures belong to the King. Looking forward to the King a little note, same fun, life network, discharge clerk neglected great wall people. '
"Friendly Comments United Kingdom response Said: ' so far, provided you serve me a way from the Hoa Thuan glass, never saying a Word, why did you smuggle crude answer? ' Women's turquoise my Lord: ' there or he doesn't answer it. ' The King said: ' things that you just said, elephants, horses, vehicles, temples, raiment, and likewise other, valuable editor Hao are impermanent, not preserve long, which advised us to save damaged ng passive, like the pros? ' Women's turquoise my Lord: ' there or how positive is new? ' The King said: ' the price you say, the elephants, horses, vehicles, temples, moats, compose are impermanent, not preserve long, which we don't recommend passion relationship to do for spirit damage. Because no King network how long will died. All beings have a prearranged have died, have incorporated all have egos, not living my life here. So let's cut the fellatio to address ethics. If you say that the glass is new. '
"This A-nan, hear the word of the King taught jewellery, sad cry whine, fuss, tears which says: ' the elephants, horses, vehicles, temples, moats, compose are impermanent, not preserve long, don't fall in to the passion for God-loss TB Quartet. Because no King network how long will died. All beings have a prearranged have died, have incorporated all have egos, not living my life here. So let's cut the fellatio to address ethics '.
"This A-nan told the other women say, done moment, Friendly Comments United Kingdom suddenly General, non-miserable little destiny, as the Knights in a delicious meal, soul spirit beings up the Sun Brahma Saturday.
"After seven days, the ice King London, Shenzhou disappear, elephants, Horses, women's Turquoise treasure, treasure, treasure troops also killed one day; the Citadel, ponds, French power, temples, the jeweller, multi-LAN, Metal garden turned into the wood, the soil. "
Buddha told A-nan:
"This A-nan, compounded this behavior is impermanent, turning the room, General wear and tear, kill destructive fiend. Join the exercise. The target network. Enthusiasts say fellatio doesn't know enough. Just who would witness a privileged place, Holy see clearly, knows enough.
"This A-nan, I remember once in this place, we're six times reborn do Move London United Kingdom and finally abandoned Scripture correctly in place. Now we're into the unconscious, Chief Justice of the upper back also like to remove discharge based network, sent relatives here. From now on, we had a great end to the birth, no longer have any place where abandoned me. This is life in the end. We are no longer living the life back again. "
Now, the Religion in Question-exam-masterpiece, A being made, in the vuờn Sa-la, between two trees song tho, at near kill, say with A-nan that:
"This A-nan! You go to the Fishing-contest-masterpiece, notify those Germs-la that: ' Chu Sage should know, As Lai half tonight will enter Nirvana in between the trees in the garden of life song Sa-la. The person should promptly to the ladies and asked the suspect and directly heard the Buddha taught, only to later out of regret. "
A-nan obedience Buddha, left the seat up, Buddha that goes. Along with a Bhikkhu-other stilts, tears flowing, that on the Question of net-exam-na. When, having five hundred Dresses-la entertainment there are meeting at all. They see A-nan arrived, both stand up say hello and then stand on one side, and that:
"Do not understand what that fake Religious right on into the evening?"
A-nan tears said:
"Because the benefits of the people, to trust the people or Germany As a hybrid to midnight now going into Nirvana. The person should promptly to the ladies and ask things skeptical, directly listen to Buddhist teachings, only to later out of regret. "
Just heard complete, those Germs-la trumpet than unpleasant, down to Earth, someone fainted. For as big as the original trốc tree, the branches of the stem are pouring snapped. They Board of coal:
"Kill the Buddha speed that fast! Buddha kill speed how fast! The eyes of the world that kill d., the beings suffered lasting harm! "
A-nan comforted them:
"Come on, you shalt not sad! Heaven and Earth, even animals have the unimpeachable birth has died. Want for compounded micro existed forever is impossible to obtain. Not true, Buddha taught: ' have the combination there, there being all have that ' kill! "
Then, the person who Dresses-la said:
"Let's go home, bring the whole family in white canvas gauge and five hundred, along to the Song."
Those who went home dollar Loss, and then bring the whole family, and brought all five hundred white silk sheets out of the Question, to the middle of the jungle Song tho, and come to A-nan. A-nan had just seen from far away, the thought: ' they're very East. If let one by one to the audience, afraid that yet all over, As Lai has kill speed. We should tell them at the beginning of a day to the throat of the Buddhist cult '. "A-nan sailings pimp in hundred Dresses-la and joined in to before the Buddha, Buddha feet ceremony, wealthy girl standing to one side and that:
"Now the Real name and family dollar, please visit Germany World Health Respect have normally?"
Buddha says:
"Bothers you to visit. I wish for you to live longer, convalescent. "
A-nan in that way would have led most of the Loss in dollars and to visit the Buddha. Meanwhile, the foot of the ceremony, wealthy girl dollar Loss, and then sits to one side.World Religion preaching to them about impermanence, khai, teachings, meant to benefit, the wedding Festival.
Listen to France, the Germs-la who went all wedding Festival, bringing five hundred white canvas gauge sailings surges Buddha. Buddha head receptors. The Germs-la leave a seat, then Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl out to retreat.
At that time, in the Sentence-a competition Infringement-even the name Tu-BI is bothered most veteran, has a hundred and twenty years, multiply heard Germany Sa-Cu-subject talks tonight will kill in the middle of the tree song tho, he thought: ' we're against France with skepticism. Only in Germany are opening new talks-Isle Centre of Italy. We should promptly tried its best to go to Buddha. ' night he tried out, go to the Song tho, to spot A-nan. After finishing, he greet ladies:
"I heard Sa-Tickle-radio Nirvana coming into tonight, should come forward to cult listed once. For France there is disbelief, looking forward to meeting You to discuss resolution-Isle for facilities. So You get me into the cult wasn't listed? "
A-nan said: "don't, Tu-canvas! The Buddhas are chronic. Shouldn't bother him. "Tu-canvas trying to solicit to three times that:
"I hear Germany As Lai launched as United pros-very long, talks appeared once, should come here expecting cult listed to be addressed in doubt. He wasn't there for me having a salad? "
A-nan also still answer as before:
"Others are Buddha. Shouldn't bother him. "
Then Buddha said A-nan:
"A-nan, thou shalt not prevent. Let him on. He wants to resolve the doubt, nothing annoying. If the listener is France, must be food poisoning. "
A-nan Bao Tu tent sailings:
"If he wants to visit the Buddha, please."
Tu-get Einstein into, say hello, the Buddha sat on one side and the white Buddha:
"I'm for France with skepticism. Have you decided wasn't for? "
Buddha said: "you can optionally ask".Tu-canvas questions:
"White Isle-talks, there are other sects, claiming the master, as he Disqualified-lan Ca-Romaine, loss-elderly-Le Kieu-A-match,-XA-da Sí-dormitories-kim-baht-dollar, Three-match Ca-fried, Slapped-Le-da-Bhikkhu tastefully-echo, hopea. The master then have France, Germany Sa-Cu-subjects know talks end or not? "
The Buddha answers: "come on, come on! Talking about it is useful? The Dhamma he we are both clear at all. Now I will tell you you're penetrating the French Dieu, He listen and tactful impairment tests. Hey Tu-canvas! In the Dhamma without eight Holy times leaders in which no result Sa-keeper first, second, third, fourth. In the Dhamma would have eight Holy times leaders in which the Sa first-fruits, second, third, fourth. Now in this Dhamma has eight Holy leader should have the results of the first subject-Sa, Sa results-Mon Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. In the US there are no Pagan ".Then Religion read shelf:
We're twenty-nine years,The Buddha said:
Spice tỳm legitimacy.
From when We become Buddha,
Until now fifty years.
The world, intellectual property,
The river alone thinking.
Now He lectures:
Sa-no pagan subjects.
"This Tu-canvas! If the Bhikkhu-stilts and likewise can order this worldly realms forecast center of photography not emptiness A-la-Han.
Then the Tu-A-nan with Sir canvas:
"Those who follow Germany Sa-Cu binge-dam austerities Pham, currently austerities and austerities, and likewise will have great benefit. A-nan, he followed As Lai austerities happy offense are also major benefits. I now see the face As Lai, asked what the suspect, are also major benefits. Far As Lai also signed for me as the sign for the disciples. "
Then he the white Buddha:
"Today's Children can stay in the France of the Future that life spice World As instruments for the student to be?"
Buddha says:
This Tu-epilogue, "if any school Violates hetero-lice like to austerities in the Dhamma, to be tried over four months to consider their behavior, Somasundaram, Leanne washing them. If you see enough of the dread no facilities what shortcomings, new life student tools allowed in in the Dhamma. Tu-canvas, should know, also due by each person's name. "
Tu-canvas back the white Buddha:
"Hetero-Chi wanted tu Pham learned in the Dharma, are to be tried over four months to consider the perceived behavior, Somasundaram, names of vessels. If you see enough of the dread no facilities what shortcomings, new life student tools allowed in in the Dharma. Now you can service four years in Dharma, when enough dread nothing flawed new facilities please specific life span. "
"This We Tu-epilogue, said before then, did so by Tanh's each way."
Right in the night, and tent are pure sex, life spice austerities, right in the present, the task themselves, know as truth that "Sanh has ended, the offense has to do, have done, no longer regenerate". At close to midnight, he has proven results A-la-Han, is the last of the disciples of Buddha and the Buddha before destruction.Now, A-nan stand most after Buddha clapping cannot mourn, beds made, that:
"As Future kill speed stars hurry! World Religion kills speed stars hurry! Dafa sink quietly how fast too! Worldly eyes kill me thinking long fallen beings! We thank Buddha that appeared thanks to the only school, but his career has not become that Hybrid has As tu kill! "
Then Germany World Religion though know that trying to ask:
"Bhikkhu-A-nan stilts?"
The Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha:
"Bhikkhu-stilts A-nan is in back, patting the bed weeping Buddha, can not themselves, that: As Lai kill speed stars hurry! Dafa sink quietly how quickly too! Worldly eyes kill me thinking long fallen beings! We thank Buddha that appeared thanks to the only school, but his career has not become that Hybrid has As tu kill! "
Buddha told A-nan:
"Okay, okay, A-nan! Shalt not have upset lamented. To date, we serve you with unlimited amount of charity from relatives, not two; speaker from Ireland, Italy from the AI does not limit amount, not two. A-nan, you made Me, the great German. If there is a donation of the Chu, Ma, Pham, Sa-Ba-la-Mon and Mon, fine by be. You make diligent up, how long will not become Leadership "
Then tell Ton the Bhikkhu-stilts:
"This the Bhikkhu-stilts! A disciple of Buddhist schools of the past just as A-nan. A disciple of Chu lai taste just like A Buddha-nan. But the disciples of fake a past Buddha đượcPhật lettered prompts new security idea. Also A-nan today, we just take the eye is known As Hybrid need anything, So what Religion. That is the position that owners of French A-nan, you keep in mind.
"Move London United Kingdom position that France has four Saints, States. What are the four? When the Bible United Kingdom come, people around the country are to welcome nghinh; see the King and the wedding Festival, listening to teachings also admire the prestige, Hy nhan Huan doesn't know. When standing, when Seong Seong sit and when Saints United Kingdom is located, are national cult listed, see the King they pleased, hear the King they pleased, they look watch dung nhan King not bored. It is the hope of the French Move Rotating four Saints of the United Kingdom. A-nan also has four France especially. When A-nan shut on them, they are on stilts-Bhikkhu wedding Festival; the sermon for them, who also heard the wedding Festival; look at suspected, listening to the sermon never ceases. When A-nan silence on them on stilts-ni-, Bhikkhu when A-nan on her Priority rules, when A-nan on them Favor-ba-di, which would see A-nan also excited, hear A sermon-nan also excited; they look content and facilities look A-nan theory not bored. That is the position that France, the four States of A-nan. "
Now, A-nan trịch Austria pitching shoulder, kneel right down to the ground, the white Buddha:
"World Religion, currently the Sa-keeper throughout, including the veteran business insight, multicultural law, virtue high bar, usually to the cult that human beings are Buddhas, listed 24-close and ask. But after the Buddha and speed, they did not kill again, I don't know who else to ask, how? "
Buddha told A-nan:
"Thou shalt not worry. The boys progeny usually have four seats in memory: 1. Ideas to birth Buddha, rejoice to see, remember not to forget, the birth center passage grave. 2. Ideas come to the Buddha, rejoice to see, remember the idea not to forget, birth center passage grave. 3. the Idea to transfer the first Falun Buddha, rejoice to see, remember the idea not to forget, birth center passage grave. 4. Ideas to the Buddha in Nirvana, the wedding Festival would like to see, to remember the idea not to forget, birth center passage grave.
"This A-nan, after We kill, boy or girl the home line remember thinking when Buddha Christmas has the merit, when Buddha had the spirit leaders like Prime, when Buddha Zhuan Falun have the plat like that, when the level of kill Buddha di coaching. Then each person goes to the four it homage, erected the temple Tower of donation. When the dead are being up realms, except for the privileged. "
Buddha says A-nan:
"This A-nan, after We kill, there are people who Liked their lines to bridge, please get them life Student Tools world spice shalt not to long ago. Those who Violate school hetero-releases to pray also for family life leaders about student stuff, OK have to try over four months. Because the others have capital available to the other theory, if so long then the comments before they will arise again. "
Now A-nan knelt, pieced together the white Buddha hands:
"Bhikkhu-stilts-Xiển rampage rude, professional self, after killing the Buddha, are treated?"
"After We kill, if the Bhikkhu-stilts Xiển-rampage did not comply with dread, not listening to teachings, the same process to allow Pham-forums is transmitted most of the Bhikkhu-stilts nobody is the same talk, same forth, just said, help."
A-nan again the white Buddha: "after the Buddha, kill the woman to head should be treated like?"Buddha:
"Do not meet them."
"Suppose to meet?"
"Shalt not talk."
"Assuming the talk?"
"Ask yourself who the Italian photography collector.
"This A-nan, thou shalt not think after I kill, you take refuge, the place no one cover. Never has such a concept. And the World should know that we're taught from when the Leader so far is the refuge, you cover it!
"This A-nan, from now onwards, allowing the Bhikkhu-stilts depending up the facilities about forbidden things. The guys on, people under different title must consent. It was France's man of glass. "
Then Buddha said to the Bhikkhu-stilts:
"This the Bhikkhu-stilts, for the Buddha, and they Increase, for legitimacy, he got something else, skepticism should promptly ask for past regrets. In time, we're going to preach the theory. "
The Bhikkhu-stilts are silent. Buddha says:
"You, for the Buddha, and They increase, for legitimacy, he got something else, skepticism should promptly ask for past regrets. In time, we're going to preach the theory. "
The Bhikkhu-stilts have also remained silent. Buddha says:
"If you're afraid of not daring to ask please, thanks to learn to ask for help; so timely to past regrets. "
The Bhikkhu-stilts also remained silent in the ether. A-nan of the white Buddha:
"I believe that the masses here who are yours, trust no one skeptical for Buddha, France, and legitimacy."
"A-nan, We also know this in them though a Bhikkhu-smallest stilts also saw the sign, no longer fallen into evil road, only seven times this Sex realms back to sanh austerities is end to end suffering."
Now, Germany World instant Respect for life one thousand two hundred disciples was directed.And That's Respect up wrath-multi-la-raises to reveal a gold color arm tackle, with Bhikkhu-stilts:
"You take a consistent observation that, As each Hybrid when, as United pros-long Bowl-new talks."
In this sense, observation of world Religion read shelf:Electronic color right hand needle,
Buddha as the Swiss components.
Come, come, impermanent;
We kill, never let go of the lung.
"So the Bhikkhu-stilts have never let go of the lung. We're not letting go for lung which was the Chief Justice. The whole thing immeasurable thanks to not let go of the lung that has been. All things are impermanent, that was the last of the teachings As Hybrids. "
Then, enter the Religious profile of meditation; and then from beginning meditation meditation II import export; from the second meditation, added tam meditation; from tam meditation meditation, quarter-import export from the four boundless not import export meditation made; from boundless not made definite boundless knowledge of import export; from boundless knowledge of intention appears, enter loads of possession; from infinity possessed of certain African import export ideas Africa Africa thought of; from phi phi phi specified origin idea idea appears, enter life removal ideas.At the time A-nan asked A-na-law:
"World Religion has on Nirvana?"
A-na-law says:
"Not yet, A-nan. What Religion does is in the intention of killing the ideal life. I at first was heard from relatives that Buddha, Buddha meditation new export foursome when to Nirvana. "
And World Religion from life destroying African import export ideas ideas ideas ideas from phi, phi phi phi phi idea, entered indefinite possession; from infinity possessed certain boundless knowledge of import export; from boundless knowledge of certain non-import export of boundless; from boundless not intended quarter import export of meditation; from the quarter finals to tam import export meditation meditation; from tam II import export meditation meditation; from the second meditation meditation profile import export; and then again from beginning meditation meditation quarter-turn to export, and then from the four meditation, Buddha into Nirvana. Then, the ground vibrations, Sun people. The dark spot that the Moon the sun shines not to be are brilliance. Beings in which to see each other, and said: ' the other (suddenly) born here! The other (suddenly) born here! ' Her light shone all around, than the Client's Natural light.Now, Sun is the donation-capital, in the middle of nowhere, using pattern-la, United pros-Bowl-la, United States-early-ma, United States-ma-sentence beginning, flower-da-seat, riveted body Buddha and they sprayed on. Then grab the dough deep fried flavor-canopy fuselage scattered herd of Buddha and the society.
Yes, speed kills Buddha Brahma United Kingdom in the middle of nowhere soaked shelf article that:
All species of creatures,Sun Love Theme-complete Nhon read shelf:
Must remove the aggregates.
Buddha is Infinite,
The world is not ai.
As Lai, The Holy Hero,
There are infinite force Lt,
Maybe in long life,
But today kill speed!
Warm are impermanentBhikkhu-sa-heavenly subjects read shelf:
Just France hung.
There are beings are dead,
The President is destroying Buddhism.
The great tree, forestry, 1st BaronetBhikkhu-stilts A-na-law read shelf:
SA-l loads.
Messiah worship Applications, Irene Rice
Removal between the trees.
Buddha an indefinite stay,Bhikkhu-stilts Pham-ma-na read shelf:
No need to breathe in and out.
Capital from the President to the removal,
The sacred star is now off.
Not being tâmbiếng afternoons;Bhikkhu-stilts A-nan read shelf:
Homemade, tu upper wisdom.
No, not infected,
Who Releases Religious left.
Sun people frightened heart,Metal gods-Bhikkhu-la do post litigation:
Hairy body erect.
All have achievements,
World Religion into Nirvana.
The world loss of cover,Suite area of lishi read shelf:
Being permanently blind,
No longer see the Chief Justice,
Christ between the Lions.
The natural, human, ma, Pham,The Buddhist model Ma-da read shelf:
Life now and hereafter,
No longer see the Buddha,
Between the Lions level.
Buddha garden contentious forestry-Bhikkhu;Spirit Song tho read shelf:
Mr. LAU showed leaders.
Back Copies of births,
He die impermanence.
Never do I takeSpirit of the forest tree Sa-la read shelf:
Marquis flowers, sweet season surges
The Force Ten Germany, Messiah
As Lai on Nirvana?
This realms ultimate Club,The four heavenly read shelf:
Birth Buddha head here;
Here switch Ph p,
Here, Nirvana.
As Lai Loads upper position,Knife-Natural capital United Kingdom read shelf:
Usually takes place probably impermanent,
Unhand beings suffering,
Finally on Nirvana.
Experience memories thousand van KIEP,Diem Uranus read shelf:
Bridge the invisibly Leaders.
Unhand beings suffering,
Finally on Nirvana.
This piece of the ultimate medicalDa-heavenly-read shelf:
Used As body wrap.
Now an then, kill Buddha
This medicine to anyone else.
This is the last incarnation,Turns Self In heavenly read shelf:
Aggregates, world here.
Utopian thought, Hy,
Not the ear old fire-death.
Right in the middle of the night,THA Turns Self In heavenly read shelf:
Buddha lying on.
In the forest at Sa-la,
Like a lion kill.
The world forever darkThe Bhikkhu-stilts read shelf:
Moon stars are shedding,
Cloud hermetic cover impermanence,
Modern decor blurry Sun.
This incarnation as cheap foam,After the Buddha entered Nirvana, the Bhikkhu-stilts sad, unpleasant, sow yourself to the ground, rolling calls for coal not floating regime, sobbed plier which says:
Fragility is nothing fun.
Buddha was kim cang,
Longer be impermanent.
May Chu, Buddha Dharani
Also reinstallation impermanence;
Dissipate like pinch of snow,
Worldly people statewide.
"As Future kill speed stars quickly instead! World Religion kills speed stars soon instead! Dafa stars sink diving soon instead! The pants being forever fall; the eyes of the world was off "
As the big trunk, trốc, roots snapped twigs. As the snake was slithering, crawling biliary, winding, does not know of any way creep. The Bhikkhu-stilts too, sad, unpleasant, sow yourself to the ground, rolling calls for coal not floating regime, plier sobbed that say: ' Like killing an Hybrid stars quickly instead! World Religion kills speed stars soon instead! Dafa stars sink diving soon instead! The pants being forever fall; the eyes of the world were off! 'Now, elders A-na-law advice:
"Only the Bhikkhu-stilts, you shalt not cry sad, so the Client has a Natural look down to see, they can tell is spooky."
The Bhikkhu-stilts asked A-na-law:
"How many angels on it?"
A-na-law says:
"Full sealed nowhere. Counting the stars. In them are all in vain, compensation, poopy, steps to go limp, eyes that coal wiper: ' Like killing an Hybrid stars quickly instead! World Religion kills speed stars soon instead! Dafa stars sink diving soon instead! The pants being forever fall; the eyes of the world were off! ' As the big trunk, trốc, roots snapped twigs. As the snake was slithering, crawling biliary, winding, does not know of any way creep. The Headless Angel, too, relied upon are all in vain, compensation, poopy, steps to go limp, eyes that coal wiper: ' Like killing an Hybrid stars quickly instead! World Religion kills speed stars soon instead! Dafa stars sink diving soon instead! The pants being forever fall; the eyes of the world DD off! '
The Bhikkhu-stilts all night till morning French language sermon together.Elders A-na-A-nan law goes to the notify of line Loss-la know Buddha was destroyed, as they want the donation to how can come in time. A-nan obedience, stand up, the foot of the Buddha, and then took a Bhikkhu-stilts, just crying has just come into the city. From a distance A-nan see five hundred Dresses-la because of a bit of the coast are the group in one spot. See A-nan, they all stood up, and asked wealthy girl nghinh:
"Fake Religion have come here so early?"
A-nan responded:
"For the sake of the Lord, so early in the morning I had to come here. You should know, As Lai last night did kill speed. You want the donation to how then should come in time. "
They are Germs-la heard, who went the sad feeling tearful bi than ever since: "Buddha in Nirvana star rush too! The eyes of the world destroyed! "A-nan:
"Come on, come on, gentlemen! Shalt not be sad cry! Want to be destructive behavior compounded, can't be. Germany As a hybrid has taught, when there are dead, the news being the American Association news there is separation, all bruised are impermanent. "
We Welcome the new dollar that table:
"Let's come home carrying the aroma, digital music, go to the forest Song Shou to donation on a stem, and Needles sometimes Buddha body Kim put up a bed, causing the young corner four-dollar Loss to a pallet bed; having NNW 2 mph, phan, colon burned incense, scattered flowers, music, the rise of donation. Put in the East around the corners for the public donation, and then take out the door into the West, to a broad high hills that cremated. "
The table is finished, who went home, shop the floral stuff, digital music, and then go to the forest Song tho, property donation-benefit. During the day, they set up a Buddhist interests-hostel bed. They Play the same dollar to pick 'em up. But not as bad.Elders A-na-new law said:
"This gentlemen, do not ignore the hard pallet! Currently have the Chu Thien wants to a pallet bed. "
The Germs-la question:
"Italy wants to how Bias Lettered a pallet bed?"
A-na-law response:
"The people who like to wear perfumes, digital music throughout the body on a Metal donation, and then sometimes the Buddha-body Kim put up a bed, causing the young corner four-dollar Loss to a pallet bed; having NNW 2 mph, phan, colon burned incense, scattered flowers, Troi music donation. Put in the East around the corners for the people, and then giving donation into the West door, to a broad high hills that cremated. Italy wants to save fuselage Metal Bias Lettered in seven days to homage by the donation Tuesday United townships, digital music, after visiting the new up beds, for the loss of youth-la procession corner four on the Eastern door, going around the corners to give the public donation, and then take out the North door, across the river Hi-affiliate-meditation to Thien Mu pagoda which cremated. Italy Chu Thien is so should cause real bed. "
The Germs-la says:
"That's great! Please in my Chu Heaven! "
We Welcome-la told each other:
"We go to the front, to go to the alley flat, clear the way, scanning, burning incense, and then return here to worship the stems of seven Needles seem to be."
And then the loss of the same dollar into, go to the alley flat, clear the way, scanning, burning incense, finished out, back to the forest Song tho, floral, used music to donation Kim. After seven days, at the afternoon sun, they sometimes put up a Buddha-body Metal bed, causing the young corner four-dollar Loss to a pallet and take time between the crowds of people escorting, has colon phan, Huong hoa, music donation. From the Sun-the donation capital used pattern-da-la, United pros-talks-Bowl-la, United States-early-ma, United States-United States first-sentence-da-capital, and fried flavor powder-Forums Home Sun sprayed on metal body and permeate the solo music, Angel, demon spirit soaked anthems.Then the loss of dollars said to each other:
"Please ignore the human music. Please arrange music to property interests. "-donation
And then the person who Dresses-la pallet and gradually progress to the bed, on the door to the East, to each of the lanes, then stop to let people burn incense, umbels, Troi music donation. At the time there she Lo-di line Loss-la steep capital trust, holding a large yellow flower such as wheel donation kim. Then a woman, take the exclamation: "The canopy Loss-this may be the big welfare dollars. As the last kill Hybrid degrees here. Throughout the country people of Hon openings donation ".They included Kim, body donation to the North door, across the river-boat-related to Thien Mu pagoda, put down the land and your honor with A-nan:
"We should now donation way anymore?"
A-nan said:
"I directly heard from Buddha, the Buddha taught that the words of life: want to beat the death benefit-the French do XA hit London Transfer buried St. United Kingdom."
Question: "Allow Holy London the United Kingdom Transferred and buried?"A: "About allowing funeral Transformed London United Kingdom, first taking the Holy scented water bathing of the body, and then grab the new cotton body wrap, and then took five hundred fabrics turn wrap on, put themselves into kim. After you've soaked sesame oil, again put kim in a second big iron, Guo outside is wooden incense-fried Guo class forums. The quality of fabric is thick, the scent up on that stake. Burn done gatherers take the hanging Tower, benefit-residence of phan Thiet Church at the crossroads to the people walking to see the Tower of France United Kingdom that idea recalls the Chief Justice of the King has done benefits for many people. A-nan, you want Him buried, first taking the scented water bathing of the body, and then grab the new cotton body wrap, and then took five hundred fabrics turn wrap on, put themselves into kim. After you've soaked sesame oil, again put kim in a second big iron, Guo outside is wooden incense-fried Guo class forums. The quality of fabric is thick, the scent up on that stake. Burn done gatherers take the hanging Tower, benefit-residence of phan Thiet Church at the crossroads to the people walked to see the Tower of the Buddha that turned back the memory of France United Kingdom As Lai, live, be blessed, heavenly beings die. Except for people who have privileged ".
We Welcome-la told each other:
"We're on the shopping map hit buried, the floral stuff, cotton, Guo, fragrance oils and silk white."
Those Germs-la into the shopping stuff done, back to the Thien Mu pagoda, Buddha-body bathing nostalgic water, then take the new cotton wrap around, wrap the five hundred white cloth, then placed in kim had laced perfume, put the needle into a large, metal, and Guo a fried-wood outer wrap flock Guo. Done, get up on the full aromatic firewood.Next, the spirit line of Dresses-la Route name-di, holding the torch fire big on her, but the fire is not burning. The person who Dresses-la elders also hold fire, the fire is still not under the magnet. Elders A-na-law they are Germs-la:
"Come on you, not the power to burn! Fire does not burn is because Italy Chu Heaven. "
We Welcome-la question:
"Why Chu led to fire missiles again Genius?"
A-na-law response:
"Chu Thien Nhan see Ca-Romaine are led five hundred disciples from Three countries-she went on to be seen without Buddha cremated. There are Religious in half way. Chu Thien said Italy should cause no fire burning. "
They are Germs-la said: "Please leave satisfied Italy".At the time, the Ca-Romaine pimp five hundred disciples, from Three countries-she goes on, the horizontal line between the medium, to meet someone-hopea in hand a flower van-da-la. Big brother-Romaine to near asked:
"Hey you! Where are you from? "
Qian'an County Atomic-a: "I from the Sentence-retest".CA-Romaine again asked: "do you know my master?"
Asked: "master I present?"A: "Have destroyed seven degree day. I am from there, should be natural that this flower gatherers ".
CA-lettuce hear done wholeheartedly very upset. Five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts heard Buddha, kill all sad cry, reeling calling for coal not suitable and popular regime that: "such as Lai kill degrees how rush too! World Religion kills speed stars rush too! Dafa sink diving how fast too! The eyes of the world were destroyed, beings forever fallen failure! " Such large trees were the original trốc, broken branches. As snake tail tightly, all reeling, not knowing where to go crawling. But in them he a Bhikkhu-stilts Awning name-nan-da line they Prefer, prevent the Bhikkhu-stilts that:
"Thou shalt not worry sadness. World level we are destroying Religious freedom. The old man he previously often said we should do this, not to do this. But from now on then we do arbitrary. "
CA-Romaine heard, as new, sad the Bhikkhu-stilts compose y Bowl go fast to the Song before cremation, not to be able to see The Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts heard big brother-lettuce say both stand up Ca-Entourage came into increasing Question-exam, contact Ni-River-boat to the Thien Mu pagoda, and then to A-nan. Asking is done, stand aside, told A-nan:
"We'd like to see a Buddha last time when not cremated, can it?"
A-nan responded:
"But not cremated, but hard to see, because the body had been wrapped in a layer of flavor, shower fuck-coated fabric layer five hundred three white, placed in a metal. Kim officials put in a iron out, Guo has wrapped a wooden sheep-flock of Guo, so hard to see. "
CA-Romaine beg beg three times, A-nan still answered as old, is hard to see the Buddha again! Mr. Big-new faces increasing fire flock to enjoy the cult, then right when he suddenly from in three important classes of Buddha, Guo put two feet out. The feet have different colors. CA-lettuce see such astonished, asked A-nan:
"Buddha-body kim, the stars now have another change?"
A-nan responded: "before there's an old lady, Germany As Lai, proceed to hand clapping to the foot of the Buddha, to tears on the foot of him, so there's another change colors like". Listen to the complete, Ca-Romaine unhappy, Mainland towards the fire ceremony, wealthy girl Kim dear Buddhist forums. Four sets them and Chu on-air Bias also works. Buddha foot suddenly not showing anymore. Mr. Big-Medium lettuce goes around the fire three rounds just lauded that:The present bow celebrationBig brother Germany big lettuce-oai, four full fiscal mismanagement, has just finished reading the article on the shelf, then the fire not burn that turn natural. We Welcome-la told each other:
Germany direction Infinitely superior,
Saints do not think measurement,
Holy high ultimate.
Great Sa-Supreme subjects,
Paramount, i no Bhikkhu D08,
Germany's renewed-ni, icebreakers
Great First dinner to honor Christ.
The present bow celebration
Messiah, Ursa
Ascetic nobody by,
Teach the end previous infection.
Holiday glass Upper Respect
Unstained ceiling texture;
Tham, si end to clean;
Start living life is not the President.
The cross of Christ during the ceremony, glass
Not two, could not match.
Almighty God Supreme, World Charity
Chi Suen between heaven and man.
Homage An Ok Ttrí,
Food poisoning four emperors, static, President
Invisible upper on Sa,
Make the skip Ta about the Chief Justice.
Homage, station Director
Where the President of world Religion.
No heat, Bhikkhu D08,
Mind is usually calm.
Homage to God Almighty Invisible Structure,
Except clean the cleaner directly under,
No limit label, wisdom
The immortal realms title.
Homage to Messiah College Multitude,
Hy, think hard, summer residences
The voice like a lion,
In the forest, not horror.
Every ma, beyond the four races;
So the homage.
"The fire burned strong too hard stop, e fire all dormitory-benefit! Please tỳm where water extinguish. "
Then the tree gods song tho her standing, steep capital trust, used the force to do turn off the flame. They Play again said: "twelve-weeks around the Question-this exam, how many fragrant flowers picked off, bring about surges, cosy dormitories-benefit".And then they come out either side of the tỳm the stuff scented flowers bring about property donation-benefit.
At that time the population of Germs-la Ba-she heard Buddha destroyed in Song tho, thought to myself: "we should to that request property-section of Tower donation in the country". The loss of Three countries-dollar she ordered to take four sailings Thursday troops were infantry, infantry soldiers, far from code, infantry, go to the Question-exam and sent messengers said:
"We heard the Buddha has kill speed. Buddha is also our Teacher. Because the glass Tomb, we come to the property section please-benefits of water tower donation. "
King Questions-exam answers:
"Indeed, as you say. But since Germany World Religion struck the forest and kill levels here. The people in the country I care donation. Bothers you remotely to property-bridge. But that really is not! "
At the same time the population of Canvas-drink Reviews-la-PHA, the population of the sentence-seat water La-ma-elderly, people line the Ba-la-Mon Bhikkhu water-save-theme, the people they like country line American-only-la-protection, people in tears-away water property-li-, and Bhikkhu King A-SOAP-like water Sprite-masterpiece, listen to Germany As Lai kill speed in the tree-Life Sentence in the Song-Contest, are thought to myself: "now We should go to that property share-benefit".A-beams-and the King ordered that in the water bring four army stuff through the Ganges. King A-beams-how wrong She-la-Leanne Incense subjects:
"You're on behalf the Sentence-contest asking King Modi-la, life life there comfortable affordable, access to affordable, healthy and has said to you thousand of which respect each other, neighbors, Republic not have happen things litigation. Now we hear As Lai in removal of quarter. For Germany, please Respect That so strongly revered, should not govern the distant, to the sometimes part, to bring the remains of Tower water donation. If accepted, we will divide our country cannot finance for less. "
BA-la-Mon Sandalwood comes into Question, Yes, Leanne-speaking with the Germs-la:
"Your Majesty, there is masterpieces-country visit oodles. You go stand there quietly? Healthy steps? And the message that: ' we're with you thousand of which respect each other, neighbors, Republic not have happen things litigation. Now we hear As Lai in removal of quarter. For Germany, please Respect That so strongly revered, should not govern the distant, to the sometimes part, to bring the remains of Tower water donation. If accepted, we will divide our country cannot finance for less '. "
The Germs-la replies:
"Such Results! Result as the words he said. But since Germany World Religion struck the forest and kill degrees here, the people in the country I care donation. Disturb you from far away to beg Amnesty-benefit. But this cannot be. "
The sailings summoned up severely Conference proceedings, reports that:Us peace conference,King Fishing-contest also summon up spirit pants Conference reply:
Far to bow,
Humble request.
As not accepted,
The four soldiers were available.
No regret life.
Use sense not;
All must use force.
The people away from hard,Now, She-la-Mon Leanne Flavor stands out to understand example people:
Hid the humiliation of begging
As Lai di.
But not to be.
KIA wants to use infantry,
We are also available.
Fight to the end,
Never fear.
"Chu, head of the passive Gentle teachings of Buddhism have long mouth, French language, proceedings centres according to Catholic culture of kindness, often longed for them are beings!!!, y-l now because property of Buddha-aside that become against each other? Di as Lai, if want to have widespread benefits, then the current benefit-should property divided into many parts. "
They are compliments. They should seek parliamentary desk who afford politically to help. Everyone says She-la-keeper who Owned the perfume and the location are enough, can be split. And he brought the wrong Flavor Leanne:
"You take because we do favor eight-campus Division equal parts."
Are the orders of the King, Leanne property-right Flavor favor, bow, wealthy girl, is done from the first of Buddha's teeth get to own a place. And then told the Messenger bearing the tooth of Buddha to King on A-SOAP-like that:
"We ask You in the name of King that: ' your Majesty, there is daily life comfortable? Step away? Dormitories-less than to make great looks? Today I delivered the messengers brought on by tooth As Lai to up donation, for Majesty crush looks looks. Tomorrow morning, at Morningstar, I split the benefit-residence'll dedicate myself to '. "
Meanwhile, the Envoy obedient, go to the King A-SOAP-like, ask that:
"She-la-Mon Sandalwood Tanh visit oodles answer: glass ', daily life comfortable? Steps away are. Dormitories-less than to make great looks? Today I delivered the messengers brought on by tooth As Lai to up donation, for Majesty crush looks looks. Tomorrow morning, at Morningstar, I split the benefit-residence'll dedicate myself to '. "
Next Leanne Flavor took a the average volume of a jelly, and then divided into eight gain amnesty, he told people:
"You talk to me please vase to Tower of the shrine in a private home."
Everyone says:
"Wisdom instead. So is appropriate. "
And they agree to.At that time, the villages All-Bowl also to please the portion of ash left to build the Tower of donation. People also consent.
After the alien Question-contest-instant advantage Tower dormitory donation. Three countries-she, price-la, La-ma-elderly, Bhikkhu-save-only la, Ca-protection, Bhikkhu-, Ma-li-masterful property after property-offers benefits of being the water tower donation. BA-la-Leanne Flavor pick subjects into residences-Tower home donation benefit. Rural population All-Bowl game remaining part provides about Tower donation.
As such, the benefit is divided into Buddha-worship halls in eight of the Tower, the tower is the ninth, tenth Tower is the Tower of ash and eleventh Tower is the Tower of hair, worship the Buddha as a hair in it.
Birth Buddha now? The leader now? Kill speed time?
Birth when the echo star grows. Renunciation when copying Echo grows. The leader when the echo star grows. Kill speed when copying Echo grows.
Student athletic Honor birth when?
Tu spice agony when?
Supreme Leader-elect when?
Enter Nirvana into?
Eight others: As a hybrid being.
Eight others: Buddha.
Eight others: the Bodhi.
Eight others: to kill.
Stars Echo grows, the dominant religion of birth.
Stars Echo grows, Buddha.
Stars Echo grows, the Chief Justice.
Stars Echo grows, enter Nirvana.
Mồng, being Thoroughly religious student.
Eight others, in the forest seclusion.
Eight others, the Supreme Leader.
Eight others, into Nirvana.
February, As Hybrid beings.
February, Buddha.
February, the Bodhi.
February, to kill.
February, being Thoroughly Religious Student.
, Into the Woods tu gauge.
Two months into the paramount Leader.
February, into Nirvana.
SA-la bloom,
Enough dazzling light color,
At the birth of it,
As Lai entered Nirvana.
Germany from Nirvana,
Many people claiming to concur.
Overcoming the fear
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