I. Yin-Buddha (Buddha Guna)
I would wholeheartedly sincerely worshipping Freemasons-the summary.
Buddha-Bao (Buddhatarana), France-(Dhammaratana) tank and Security (Sangharatana), is a three-valued treasure dishes than all treasures in owner-Tri (Savinnanakaratana) and infinity-Tri (Avĩnnãnakaratana) in Tam-about the constant and has the power to bring peace-happy to give them-being in the three realms.
Grace-The Buddha's Infinite-Power-Editor, not for drawing or the considerations for the same take, but in summary there are three Yin-The important is:
So thanks to 3-The Buddha's Grace may-them-being, including Chu-and human-kind of a simple-easy.
Infinity-infinity-Grace-The border weight of the Buddha are derived from the three Grace-The great, as well as King only by Herb present location that arises out of such.
If the matter more broadly, the Grace-The high-both of You can grab-off in the following titles: 10
Please turn on the ten mark of Buddha, from mark ARAHAM (Application-Worship) to mark BHAGAVÃ (world-religion).
1) Araham (Application-Worship)
Why the Buddha brand is ARAHAM (Board is A-La-Han, translated as-Cult)?
By Him are:
That award:
Degrees of DD ã depart Mind-brain.
The Buddha did depart all Mind-brain is what makes the Center plaque birth stigma leads them and pimp-reincarnation forever within a record.
Three Mind-Brain is important:
Three Troubling-this is source-original Brain of all Mind-Brain, for as a tree to have 3 major branches crashing across the foursome leaves sprout buds. (Please see the "Mind-Brain" has since halted following the separate mark ARAHAM)).
All things Karma-shy is Mind-brain, no longer have any Body-mind-may the Buddha, because he has to improve your Body-mind-is completely clean, the bar-by sex, to determine the net, hue, by the Holy Spirit, and Administrators-Nirvana.
For as Wheeler's name, taking a single tree in the forest brought about Peel, trim đẻo for finished oil and DAB over the fire, bending with crossbows to become straight, the new name of the natural climate very good and upright.
Also like him, you've peeled the constant mind being stars, for the goal-ruining both Mind-brain, thanks to the Hide-away forest is where tu Tu almond Starter-then DAB The oil by Da-News (Saddhã), burned them with the Essential-Ton (Viriya), bending with Crossbows are Allowed only-Consistent (Sammatha) and Ming (Vipassanã), makes the mind becomes straight, eradicate the data Industry. Next, Mr. Yuan decline clearly align-a Career of good and evil is the France-(Sankhãra) Ðoạn-infinity-Ming (Avijjã), three (Vijjã) [1], six (Abhinnã), Four Analytical Hui (Patisamdhidã) [2], Nine in France (Lokuttãra Dhamma) [3], and Myriad Primary-upper tier certification Willow-Victorian Chief Justice-.
Again not won all of the enemy is the Mind-Brain weight-vi-health, you stop being always the Money-Shield, is the habit of body, export, Italy.
Degrees of DD ã break wheel Lun-Hui.
The Buddha broke-tan-Luan-wheel broken and no longer Reborn again.
We can for example "Wheels Rotating-Hui" (Samsaracakka) include:
Does wheel Assembly on to the trunk is Tam-about (sex, Gender, Gender-Identity-and-Gender-Identity), made into the wheel-Rotation.
In Tam-Tam, for vehicle because like-is the place of birth and stay them-being.
French-Rotating four (ãsava) [6] for as the car because the rimmed France is active, constant entice them-birth to Birth and possible Removal.
Infinity-Ming for the Save as the car because of the unconscious-is where the rules-of-Charm.
The old man and death such as rims because of constant roll away and bring them to birth from this scene to scene-.
The three-Act as spokes wheel is because the Birth and death surrounded.
The Buddha standing gold-two legs is the Essential-Ton (Viriya), on the ground by-flat is the World (Sĩla), use the two hands is The-News (Saddhã) holding the sword is sharp tree-Wisdom (Panna), tight, break each homogeneous Rotating car-then under the original Bo-Threads, from here no longer carry Him around-in the three realms, six way anymore.
Alternatively, if the retrieved the cross Charm Erren do statue – represents the "Rotating-Wheel", then:
The Buddha clearly, knowledge-take advantage of the "human-Result-Related" [7] consists of 12 genera (Anga), 3 period (Addhã), 20 May (Akara), 3 Seats Connected (Sandhi), 4th place in short-Off (Sankhepa), 3 The Rotation (Vatta) and 2 (Mũta). While entering the full 7 days determine Australian night under its Portuguese-Threads, you see the real vi-international review-the sire and the Kill-off of every staff-charm, see, and then view the reverse until playback-birth-Rights clearly compounded by micro-whole-that engenders. When whole-people kill to go then the France he also kill off. When clearly, Sir Dak-results of Nirvana, is the the-escape-Suffering, break the wheel of birth-London E-Feedback.
Degrees Of Ðáng Symmetry.
a) the Buddha as omniscient, all very Client-to-Natural symmetry and multiplication-holiday-type cult worship-it seems. He is blessed you-fill high treasure-upper most of them-being.
The cult-she seems to, such comment characters worship more or less, a – lower or higher-you, don't comment the home laboratory is the Dread Lord King ranks-the right or is the same nail class poverty, constant was blessed-treasure-the amount of credit if there are pilot Multitude Germany-news-staff news firmware-results and have the full Cooperation of fresh Mind-Italy [8] in the worship-it seems.
In Dĩpanĩ there is the sentence: "Tiddhante Nibbute Cãpisanam Cettam Samebhale" meaning: "When Buddha also in world or after entered Nirvana and then, if there are any-clean copper together worship-it seems to be also the Buddha blessed treasures as you did in the world".
As such, we should believe-that the oil when The World-religion is still at it, or after You enter the kill then, too, the fruit blessed arises due to the cult-or to come to him to the Tower seems to worship of him,-XA also together no less, as long as countries have faith in clean and attention in the Phuoc-friendly contract.
In doing so the copy has area of about the cult-cult ceremonies seemed to The World-religion. From the rows Lettered-like-T.i Sahampati worship-duờng You a corolla with a tremendous jewel like mountains of Tu-Di (Sineru), The God-Like (Sakka), four-Out-the-United Kingdom (Catumãhãrãja), etc.; the God Emperor with Him as King Tan-Ba-Sa (Bimbisãra), the King of Capitalism-Anonymous (Pasenadi)...; the University as head of household Level fake rich-her-independent from (Anãthapindika) and (Visãkhã), etc.; to the same class as her poor-nail Sumana Mãlã Jasmin, Mr. and Mrs. cotton surges-La-Mon Culekasataka surges shawls, etc.
A century after The World-religion type of killing, God Emperor Ashoka (Asoka) of the repository out 96 million of gold worship-seemed to Tam-and for the construction of thousands of towers all Saints 84-Max.
Should be added that: the Buddha is superhuman ranks high-symmetry-for our upper-birth-cult worship-it seems only, the Human spirit (-text: A-La-Han, A-Na-jaw. ...) others have removal-take a little longer or Brain-Mind Mind-Brain where the mind, or the divine human had German world class austerities foot-Chief Justice according to the higher education of The World-France-religion, is also the head of the animal life deserves worship ranks-seemed to signal that their laboratory.
b) one more thing, the Buddha is commensurate value for teaching Business Law-teaching-teachers-turned them-being destroyed because he has to take advantage of all Mind-Brain obstacle course-shy, so he only Law-Economic, institutional-, all is right-thing, foot-facts, just on the benefit-of-the pants being. He does not because 4-(Agati) [9] that the Faculty of business, the law, said Legal degrees.
Quadratic no hidden place filled up.
The Buddha is a full Gospel, He did kill-take advantage of the Mind-brain stem, Password, your idea completely in-clean-NET, in front of people or the place where the Qu-filled up, away from the ears of people, You never do, say and imagine what sin, oil is small-a little spider.
Not like those fishnets character class yourself "-Server" or "Bodhisattva", the "Holy-Human", etc. .., in front of people proved false-leaders grave as the happy world ranks leg-Chief Justice, Sage-from-Germany, Director, but behind the back of constant do sin not-bad little happy Tiger-infamous.
By the Grace, The higher-thanks-you've just above the award, should He have "ARAHAM " (Application-Worship).
Part of telling the Mind-brain that Buddha has to depart.
1. Kilesa: Mind-brain has 3 called Tam-independent from.
2. the Asava: France Downs-Lun has 3.
3. Vipallãsa: there is a Mistake-has Lost 3.
4. Anusaya: France Sleep-tube 3.
5. Agati: Wednesday-May 4.
6. Gantha: Legally-Binding Procedure 4.
7. Ogha: has-has 4 Deep.
8. Upãdãna: Tries-accept the 4.
9. Macchariva: Popcorn-Xẻn 5.
10. Anusaya: French Bed-in the center of the 7.
11. Lokadhamma: France World-may 8.
12. Mandila: France-Dirty Soil has 9.
13. Micchatta Dhamma: France Ties-There Isn't a 10.
14. Akusalakammapatha: Evil-10 called "Cross-evil":
15. Samyojana: France Straight-ending 10:
16. Kilesa: Mind-Brains 10:
17. Akusalacittuppãda: the evil mind-12:
18. Tanhã (Ai-Education) have 108.
If short-turn off the Center dramatically since Ai-exercise 3 is:
Retrieved 3 Mind Craving-Nhon's Sex for 6 units (label, Tĩ, Turkish, were killed, stem, Italy) the inner 18 Ai-Education.
Retrieved 3 Mind Craving-Nhon's Sex for 6 ceiling (Colors, Flavor, taste, Tactile, Gerald, France) 18 Foreign Charity Mind-Sex.
Combined (18 + 18) = 36 Mind Ireland-Education.
19. Kilesa: Mind-brain has 1500:
If told in short-turn off the Mind-brain has 10 (front view).
If the Mind-brain-stroke 1500 computer since according to French:
Retrieved 1 in 81 Voracious Mind (Lokiyacitta) + 52 Tanh (Citasika) + 18 Up-Up-(Nipphanna Rũpa) [*] + 1 Damage-non (ãkãsa) + 1 living being (Jãti) + 1 (Jarã) + 1 the subconscious mind-Consciousness (Bhavanga) = 75 Mind-Brain
Divided Mind-Brain inside 75 + 75 Mind-Brain on the outside, the general public into 150 Mind-brain.
Providing Nhon for 10 Brain-Mind (Kilesa) told the front (150 x 10) the Mind-Brain 1500.
2. Sammãsambuddho (Chief-Turned-Tri)
Why the Buddha brand name is Sammãsambuddho (Chief-Turned-Tri)?
By having a Chief Justice-Victorian Chief Justice-is the complete full-Sensory level-food poisoning (Buddho), during the French-a foot-way (Sammã) order Him to express-food poisoning took no teacher-(Sãnam).
The Buddha himself-, understand-know wall-take 4 feet-physics micro-Magic-treasure is Four-Magic-God (Caturãriyasacca). Four legs-physics are:
Ariyasacca -Magic-God-means:
God is what system-gauge-display gauge-that we-birth in my life nobody out. 12 the Suffering:
The word Dukkha (Dukkha) if short award-off then only his suffering about Five-Aggregates. Because the try-accept that in the five-Aggregates has, for this body is excellent, be mine ... and accept the Shou-Aggregates, Idea-Aggregates,-Uan,-Aggregates also like him should the new Brain-Gauge-being up. A perhaps more, Five-Aggregates is the source-original, is where the substance-containing the-gauge, as have Five-Aggregates of this new gauge-Birth, suffering, Agony, Aches-Elderly-Suffering-Death ...
God is the episode – human beings out of suffering is Craving heart-Exercise (Tanhã). Charity heart-exercise strong-force infuse-all in the mind of subterranean divine-human, making them-being estimated at-ao search and try to keep these beautiful satisfaction-Italy, say, fall-by-Five-don't stop-off. Please the main Ai-Sex pimp-lead them-London-Sire from awful to shit in the ring Being Shepherds-And-Take.
Charity heart-exercise 3:
If broad, kindly mention Ai-108 education as had the forward prize.
Ireland-is-human resources-the System engenders-gauge, if the removal of the Sex-Craving the Agony-Brain removal as well.
Kill-kill-except where complete is God-the whole of the Suffering that is Nirvana. Nirvana, according from Pãli called Nibbãna, Sanscrit called Nirvãna. Ni meaning: Out or not. Vãnã meaning: Mind-brain or Tam.
Nirvana has 32, but if short-off award, College of-2 means the following:
The Buddha and the A-La-Han was privileged 2 Nirvana:
Mind-Brain Nirvana (Nibbãnam Kilesa)
Mind-Brain Nirvana (Nibbãnam Kilesa) or Possession-Residual Nirvana (Saupãdisesa Nibbãnam) is the State of mind of the Holy steps-Thai-right past two, destroyed Mind-Sex-Craving to take advantage of the brain, have been feeling-and the enlightenment-escape, complete, whole-Body still Aggregates.
The Buddha has a privileged Mind-Brain Nirvana when I dwell under its Portuguese-Threads, all won the ghosts-United Kingdom, end-very good Tham, Si,-Ta,-disturb the same 1500-brain and Sex-Craving 108 depart Heart as the drops of water left from the Lotus leaves.
When the privileged Owners-Residual Nirvana, He has declared-like language:
"Anekajãti samsãram sandhãvissam anibbisam gahakãram gavesanto dukkhã punappunam jãti,,, gahakãraka ditthosi puna geham kãhasi na phãsukã gahakũtam bhaggã te Sabbe, visanhkhatam, Visankhãragatam tanhãnam cittam khayamajjhagãti".
Meaning "When As-Lai are finding builders (Ai-Education) is the person who put the House i.e. the four body-of As-Lai that haven't been, As-Lai Hang was rotating-Hui underwent immeasurable-shit, the contentious Ganges she brought those things-to Gauge such as the hybrid-constantly-vacation".
Other home builders in this? As-Lai has found you! From here, you are no longer a take home is four-times of As-Lai. The slopes of the House is the Mind-Brain of yours, such as-Lai then broke; the roof is-which you've created it, As-Lai also was shattered. Currently, the mind As-Lai has privileged Nirvana, apart from the Identity-General, As-Lai has Willow-results A-La-Han is France goal-destroy all Ai-Exercise! "
The Five-Aggregates Nirvana (Nibbãnam Khandha)
The five-Aggregates Nirvana (Nibbãnam Khandha) or-Residual Nirvana (Anupãdisesa Nibbãnam) is when the same time span, the Saints-then off Five-Aggregates enter the net no longer contentious Prince-President, Robin-feedback.
The Buddha offers Teacher-physics teaching superior out-of-high-level award them-being full 45 down to when the diocese-the-content, you have to close the experienced Kusinara, Crouching beneath two life-tree, enter-then-President. At the time Mr President-kill all Five-Aggregates is good, tho, Thought, Action, consciousness, so called Five-Aggregates Nirvana.
There's more Nirvana Tuesday Property is-Nirvana interests (Dhãtu Nibbãnam). Currently, Dormitory-the Buddha in favor are scattered all over the place for garbage-Chu-Natural and human-kind see-Bai, when Buddha-Catholic circles 5000 years enough, his natural advantage-Residence'll fly about qui-convergence into a block at the Bo-Threads Dao-Colon (Buddha Gaya in Indo-China Resolution), turned out a Buddhist-like at The World-religion in the world, also dwell on Bo-theoretical Union-France full 7 day and night. Then the Offense-and Chu-Angel from above the realms of heaven, handles the corolla to fly down the 24-cult worship-it looks and hear French, are privileged-result from Tu-Da-Hườn to A-La-HA's constant deluge of Han.
Sees enough 7 days, naturally in kim-trunk release fire fire up Kindle-ruined Dormitory-benefit, since the Catholic-France complete his-full-kill. So called Xa-benefit Nirvana.
DAO-God is the way to go to where the Destruction is way Bowl.-Chief-Dao (Ariyatthangika Magga) include eight genera:
Bowl-Chief-DAO, divided in three parts:
So people under the Bowl-Chief-Dao also called tu, Hui, to determine who is the Foundation of the Buddha-Muslim.
Bowl-Chief-Dao Center-Dao (Majjhimã Paitpadã) means the road between the two poles of no-decency not "Suffering-Happy" and not "Benefit-Nursing":
The way he makes constant capacity arises France-Label (Cakkhu) and Tri-Wisdom (Pãna), making the mind become bar-light-net during that rescue-winged is the Sensory-Enlightenment and Nirvana.
T-Magic-Soles are the real France-, show-course that everyone can see, test-taking.
Quarter finals-Magic-Foot-Leg that is God-Ly never damaged-or bear photo-effects of time. Four legs-physics has had in the past, are in-and will remain-in in-bred. But the only Tri-Wisdom of the Buddha-new sensations are only and from when he moved France-Sandar garden-place London in Isipatãna, 4 foot-physics Vi-the magic he was universally to all Natural and human-Divine-type.
According to 4 feet-physics, under the original Bo-Threads, the Buddha himself expressed-Satori authentically French wall-the following:
The French then tells the following could-like the same way-as above:
Ten-Second-Entertainment-charm, if counting down then starting Endless-and counting backwards starting from premature aging, death.
According to French on the if-like private about a human-the coast:
All of France, including the French, the Buddha was himself found, knowing the wall-take advantage of micro-crystals, not by where the Imagi-tuợng which do You place stool-clear-integration of clear, thanks to the complete Wisdom-full bright-no limit-, through-do not hesitate, You self-serious food poisoning took no one teaches.
In particular about the Quartet-Magic-God, the Buddha has tri-key-touches-standing shed identified the French tri-appreciable expressed as God has 12-Gauge things like open in front, so You have as Full-Gauge Tri-God (Parinneyye Dhamme Sammãsambuddho).
He has tri-appreciable France the removal-except that God is the center of the news-Craving-exercise 3 or 108 should you have as a whole-Ai-Tri (Pahãtadde Dhamme Sammãsambuddho).
Mr. tri-appreciable France make up the-failing is that the Soles removal-turned-Intelligence is trying to achieve by trying 4-Dao, 4 Result and Nirvana should He have all the prophets God removal-(Sacchikãtabbe Dhamme Sammãsambuddho).
Mr. tri-appreciable French lady is under the Dao-bat-News Chief God-Dao has the energy to deliver where the prize-escape is Nirvana, you should mark all-Tri Dao-Soles (Bhavetabhe Dhamme Sammãsambuddho).
So thanks for the Grace-The high-you've just above the award should the Buddha brand name is Sammãsambuddho (Chief-Turned-Tri).END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.2/8/2017.
Tuesday, 1 August 2017
German Grace Tam.
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