Ca-lion hống lettuce (Kassapa-Sìhanàda sutta).
(This is also known as the "Australian hống lion" Economy-Mahàsìhanàda Sutta)
1. Like I hear. A German Religious World in time at Ujunnà (Norway-elegant-national), in the garden of the nai Kannakatthala. At the time, accomplice able Kassapa (Ca-Romaine) to the Buddha, saying welcome to enquire with the World Religious and social standing. After a party, can the Sir Ton Kassapa accomplice:
2.-Ton fake Gotama, I heard the expression: "Sa-keeper of all criticism of the ascetic Gotama, absolute defamatory, ascetic look binders, austere lifestyle of all", there are the words of the Religious right's imitation of Gotama? Is he the real unknown for slander of false Religious Gotama? Are these claims as France, France? There are advocates would encounter had primary and secondary victims? Really we don't want false Respect misleading criticism of Gotama.
3.-this one Kassapa, who said: "Sa-keeper of all criticism of the ascetic Gotama, defamation, loss of absolute asceticism, every every austerity lifestyle", he said the incorrect lyrics, were not true for slander. In this life, this, Kassapa, with labels, superheroes, we see a number of ascetic seclusion, practiced ... After the General network, to ruined body into the evil being, evil, fallen, hell. In this life, this, Kassapa, with labels, superheroes, we see a number of ascetic seclusion, practiced ... After the destructive incarnation of common network, was born in friendly, fun, natural world, purity. In this life, this, Kassapa, with labels, superheroes, we see a number of ascetic seclusion but less austere than the living ... After the General network, to ruined body into the evil being, evil, fallen, hell. In this life, this, Kassapa, with labels, superheroes, we see a number of ascetic seclusion but less austere than the living ... After the destructive incarnation of common network, was born in friendly, gender bias, realms of life. Kassapa, knowing that this true with the true future, past, sanh, removal of ascetic seclusion so people, how are we to criticize any libel and absolute asceticism germs every lifestyle, ascetic austerity?
4. This one Kassapa, have some Sa-keeper, She-la-Mon is the scientist, delicately, in the debate, (the marksman) shoot two forked hairs, go here and there as did break all ties with his wisdom. Between Me and the positioning, there are similarities and there are no points of similarity. The point of this recognition is a must, we acknowledge is a must. The point of this recognition is not, we also recognize is not. This is not the point of recognition is a must, we acknowledge is a must. Our point is to be recognized, the recognition also is a must. There are points we don't acknowledge is a must, also does not acknowledge is a must. We have to recognize this, the right is not recognised. There are points we don't acknowledge is a must, this recognition is a must.
5. the US and says: "this the Sage pundits, the point agree, let them alone. The points agreed, have the location ask one another, learn and talk with each other, a professor with the Professor, or the disciples disciple them: "The France of any charity or be viewed as real, the French mistake or be viewed as mistakes, the French should not comply with or be considered should not comply with the the French, not the Holy steps or is considered not worthy Holy ranks, between those of France or pollution is considered polluted, between you, buddy who was completely discharge the French Cup, Sa-subjects the fake Religious or Gotama, the head of the cult? "
6. this situation, and Kassapa, this happens. When you have a position to ask, learn and talk with each other. The it says: "The France of any charity or be viewed as real, the French mistake or be viewed as mistakes, the French should not obey or be viewed as non-compliance, the French should not be viewed as Saint or ranks not Holy ranks, the France of pollution or contamination is considered , between the gentle, Sa-keeper Gotama was completely discharge the French cups, the longer the false religion, Master Chief on the other denominations only partially glass-discharge ". So, this is the position, while Kassapa asked one another, learn and talk with each other, a large part of the evening we concur on this issue.
7. Hey you again, Kassapa location ask one another, learn and talk with each other, between Professor with professors, among them disciples disciple with them: "The France friendly or are viewed as friendly, the French do not mistake or no mistake is considered, the French should comply with or be considered should comply with the Dharmakirti, ranks Saint or considered commensurate Holy purity legislation, ranks or be viewed as purity, between you this author who has Sage completely the achievement of France, Sa-keeper or the false religion, Gotama counsel other denominations?
8. this situation, and Kassapa, this happens. When you have a position to ask, learn and talk with each other, it said: "The France friendly or be viewed as friendly, the French do not mistake or no mistake is considered, the French should comply with or be considered should comply with, those Dharmakirti ranks Saint or is considered commensurate Holy ranks , the pure French or be viewed as, Sa-keeper Gotama was absolutely the achievement of France, and the false religion, the Master Chief only a partial accomplishment ". So this is the place to ask, Kassapa, learn and talk with each other, a large part of the evening we concur on this issue.
9. in addition, again, this, Kassapa may locate them ask each other, learn and talk with each other, between Professor with professors, among them disciples disciple with them: "The France of any charity or be viewed as real, the French mistake or be viewed as mistakes, the French should not comply with or be considered should not comply with the the French, not Holy or ranks are considered Holy, those ranks not France or pollution is considered polluted, between the gentleness of this author who has completely discharge the Cup's French disciples of Gotama or them disciples of fake, the Chief of the cult? "
10. this situation, and Kassapa, this happens when the have the position to ask, learn and talk with each other. The it says: "The France of any charity or be viewed as real, the French mistake or be viewed as mistakes, the French should not obey or be viewed as non-compliance, the French should not be viewed as Saint or ranks not Holy ranks, the France of pollution or contamination is considered , between the Sage pundits, they disciple of Gomata has completely discharge the French Cup, they also disciples of the false religion, Master Chief on the other denominations only partially glass-discharge ". So, this is the position, while Kassapa asked one another, learn and talk together a large part of the evening we concur on this issue.
11. in addition, again, this, Kassapa may locate them ask each other, learn and talk with each other, between Professor with professors, among them disciples disciple with them: "The France friendly or are viewed as friendly, the French do not mistake or no mistake is considered, the French should comply with or be considered should comply with the Dharmakirti, ranks Saint or considered Holy, France ranks commensurate purity or considered, between the gentleness of this author who has complete the achievements of France, we disciples of Gotama or them disciples of fake, the Chief of the cult? "
12. this situation, Kassapa, this happens when the have the position to ask, learn and talk with each other. The it says: "The France friendly or are viewed as friendly, the French do not mistake or no mistake is considered, the French should comply with or be considered should comply with, those Dharmakirti ranks Saint or is considered Holy, France ranks commensurate purity or considered, between the gentleness of this author We disciples of Gotama was absolutely the achievement of France, and we respect the disciples of fake, Chief of the cult there is only partial achievement ". So this is the place to ask, Kassapa, learn and talk with each other, a large part of the evening we concur on this issue.
13. In this way, there have, Kassapa method makes one subject will found and self-knowledge: "Sa-keeper Gotama's right time, says true, say the benefits, say legal, said the rules". Hey what's path, Kassapa, what's causing the method who obey the will see and know: "Sa-keeper Gotama's right time, says true, say the benefits, say legal, right?" Is the Holy path of eight sectors i.e. primary, primary voters thinking, speech, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network, mindfulness, Chief Justice. This path, Kassapa, this method puts the main subject will see and know: "Sa-keeper Gotama's right time, say the word true, say the benefits, say legal, said the rules".
14. Hear say so, could the German Religious World white Kassapa accomplice:
-Sage Gotama, the French author of this ascetic is the Sa-Ba-la-Mon and Mon accreditation is taken to the Sa-Ba-la and subjects-subjects: Life, accomplice-Bohemian Life, not according to the rituals (such as bowel that stand, stand to eat, won't sit ceremonially), Licks his hand clean-(after eating, not washed),-Let's not jump to real qifu guoren (as required to put food into a bowl home laboratory) ,-Not get food to bring to (to himself, before going to qifu gangui food),-not to receive special food to cook for themselves. -Do not get invited to go eat. -Do not receive food from where pot Pan (Pan pot scraper, being scared of being pried open to donation of food),-Not getting food at the doorstep (fear of dedicated himself),-Not getting the food placed between the rod (fear of dedicated himself),-Not getting the food placed between the millstone of rice (fear of dedicated themselves) ,-Do not accept food from two people are eating (fear of food, just because a person),-Not receiving food from a woman who is pregnant (fear of a child in the womb marginalized),-Not receiving food from a woman who is breast-feeding (fear of milk a woman will fade),-Not receiving food from the woman are sex (fear of hindrance the fuck) ,-Not get food to go (by the faithful when there is famine),-Not get food in place have the dog stand (fear of dogs take the diet),-does not accept the premises food flies (fear of fruit flies lose the diet),-do not eat fish, meat eating, no drinking, cooking wine yeast. -The position he only got to eat at a home, just get to eat a piece or the position just get eaten in two, just get to eat two pieces, or the position he only got to eat at seven, he tastes just got ate seven pieces. Just feed unit with a bowl, feed with just two bowls, pets live with just seven bowls. Located just eat one day a packed two-day, seven-day, a packed breakfast. So does life taste follow dietary details until the new month half eaten once.
Sage Gotama, the French author of this asceticism is them Sa-Mon, She-la-recognized subjects is taken to the Sa-Ba-la-and subjects alike. This unit only graze rice paddy to live, rules, brown rice, eaten conversion of granular caustic, nivara chips, eat rice husk, rice water, food to eat sesame, eating grass, eating cow dung, eating fruit, eating the roots of trees in the forest, eat fruits to loss of life.
Sage Gotama, the French author of this asceticism is recognized by the the Sa, Ba-la-Mon is taken to the Sa-Ba-la-Mon and Mon. He wore rough hemp unit, wearing hemp and other fabrics with rough, even fabric laced stitch and then throw away, wearing pastel fabrics, bark tititaka y algae do Austria, wearing the black deer, dressed in skin of the pieces by braided serow, dressed in black with sand grass (kusa), dress in bark small wood panels, wear, wear your hair braided by the blanket, dressed with braided ponytail, wear fur again. Locate the living spit hair, the beard hair spat living customs, is usually Hanh followers stand, do not take seat, is small, and people live according to the vulnerability of a small seated happy way, is prickly users do in bed, often sleeping in bed, wooden bed, making use of living life is bare soil , typically located on the side of a bed, living to dust and nhớp cover stick myself, living and sleeping outdoors, where the vessel is located, follow live feed the animal, according to UE UE organisms eat the almond (cow dung, cow urine, ash and Earth), the living do not drink cold water, don't drink cold water, follow live one night and the bath three times , follow down the bath water (to clean cleaned from sin).
15. This life if one Kassapa – accomplice, bohemian life not ceremonially, licking the hand ... so happy living by dietary weather until the second half, only eat once, but if it doesn't overhaul and not evidence, was Student Center Student Tools, tools, tools, intellectual property, time does taste great distances Sa-pylorus , how very far She-la-the pylorus. Kassapa, if this Female-stilts live practice compassionate mind, no hatred, no harm and evil with the take the contraband or evidence, and stay right at the moment, the mind liberation, liberating wisdom loads smuggled this, Kassapa, female-on stilts known as Sa, known as She-la-Mon.
Hey, if one Kassapa just graze rice to live this, Kassapa if he only ate rice, brown rice, eaten conversion of granular nivàra ... eating fruit, roots of trees in the forest, eat fruits to loss of life, but if it doesn't overhaul and not evidence, was Student Center Student Tools, tools, tools for the student position forecast wisdom's ways so far Sa-pylorus , how very far She-la-the pylorus. Kassapa, if this Female-stilts live practice compassion, not hatred, not evil, and the take the contraband or evidence, and stay right at the moment, the mind liberation, liberating wisdom disabled this, Kassapa, gonorrhea, female-on stilts known as Sa, known as She-la-Mon.
This one Kassapa, if a person wearing hemp hemp wear rough, crude mixed with the other cloth, ... live a night shower three times, follow down the bath water (to clean cleaned from sin), but if it doesn't overhaul and not evidence, was Student Center Student Tools, tools, tools, intellectual property, time does taste great distances Sa-pylorus , how very far She-la-the pylorus. Kassapa, if this Female-stilts live practice compassionate mind, no hatred, no harm and evil with the take the contraband or evidence, and stay right at the moment, the mind liberation, liberating wisdom disabled this, Kassapa, gonorrhea, female-on stilts known as Sa, known as She-la-Mon.
16. When heard here, can the White World Religion: Kassapa accomplice
-False Religious practice rather difficult, Gotama Sa-keeper! Hard action instead of She-la-Mon!
This, Kassapa – says generally in life: "hard to act instead of Sa-happy subject! Hard action instead of She-la-Mon! Kassapa, as someone who lived this accomplice, bohemian life not ceremonially, licking the hand ... so live happy details dietary, until the second half, eat only once. Kassapa, if the hard action in this, the very difficult Act of Sa-happy subjects, She's happy just subject-subject of this ascetic and only subject to the ascetic practices, time really does not deserve that says: "hard to act instead of Sa-happy subject! Hard action instead of She-la-Mon! " A resident artist, or the person for the renunciation to a servant girl ghè team can follow the almond: "I live, no sordid living accomplice ceremonially, licking the hand .... so live happy details dietary, until the second half, once".
Kassapa, as this also this ascetic, beyond the ascetic practices, Sa-happy subjects or she-la-happy subjects still hard, still practice it is hard to conduct maintenance, so the truth deserve that says: "hard to act instead of Sa-happy subject! Hard action instead of She-la-Mon! " Kassapa, if this Female-stilts live practice compassion, not hatred, not evil, and with the removal of the pirated or self certification and stay right at the moment, the mind liberation, liberating wisdom disabled this, Kassapa, gonorrhea, female-on stilts known as Sa, known as She-la-Mon.
Hey, if one Kassapa grass fed only rice to eat Brown rice, rice ... eating fruit, roots of trees in the forest, eat fruits to live, if the loss is hard, very hard of Sa-happy subjects, She's happy just subject-subject of this ascetic, and only subject to the ascetic practices of this real time not that says "Hard act instead of Sa-keeper! Hard act instead She-la-happy subjects ". A homeless musician, or a resident musician, until a servant daughter ghè team can follow the almond: "I only eat rice grass to eat Brown rice, rice ... eating fruit, roots of trees in the forest, eat fruits of the forest to live". Kassapa, as this also this ascetic, beyond the ascetic practices, Sa-happy subjects or she-la-happy subjects still hard, still practice it is hard to conduct maintenance, so the truth deserve that says: "hard to act instead of Sa-happy subject! Hard action instead of She-la-Mon! " Kassapa, if this Female-stilts live practice compassion, not hatred, not evil, and the take the contraband or evidence, and stay right in the Center, current wisdom, freed t tho award loads smuggled this, Kassapa,-on stilts known as Sa, known as She-la-Mon!
This one Kassapa, if a person wearing hemp hemp wear rough, crude mixed with other fabrics ... live a night shower three times, follow down the bath water (to clean cleaned from sin), if there is a hard, very hard of Sa-happy subjects, She's happy just subject-subject of this ascetic and only subject to the ascetic practices of this real time, not that says: "hard to act instead of Sa-happy subject! Hard action instead of She-la-Mon! " A resident or a resident child singer to a servant girl ghè team can follow the almond: "I only wear hemp hemp wear rough, crude mixed with other fabrics ... live a night shower three times, follow down the bath water (to clean erase sins)", this addition because this ascetic Kassapa In addition, the ascetic practices, Sa-happy subjects or she-la-happy subjects still hard, still practice it is hard to conduct maintenance, so the truth deserve that says: "hard to act instead of Sa-happy subject! Hard action instead of She-la-Mon! " Kassapa, if this Female-stilts live practice compassion, not hatred, not evil, and the take the contraband or evidence, and stay right at the moment, the mind liberation, liberating wisdom disabled this, Kassapa, gonorrhea, female-on stilts known as Sa, known as She-la-Mon.
17. When heard, so can the German Religious World: white Kassapa
-False Religion, rather difficult to know a Gotama Sa-keeper! Hard to know rather a Ba-la-Mon!
This, Kassapa – says generally in life: "hard to know rather a Sa-keeper! Hard to know rather a Ba-la-Mon! " Hey, if a person living accomplice Kassapa, bohemian life not ceremonially, licking the hand ... so live happy details dietary, until the second half, eat only once. Kassapa, if this becomes a Sa-keeper, if becoming a Ba-la-Mon only depends this ascetic, and only subject to the enforcement of this ascetic, the truth not that says: "hard to know rather a Sa-keeper! Hard to know rather a Ba-la-Mon! " A resident artist, or the person for the renunciation to a servant girl ghè team can follow the almond: "I live, no sordid living accomplice ceremonially, licking the hand ... so live happy details dietary, until the second half of the month of eating only once". Kassapa, if this becomes a Sa-keeper, if becoming a Ba-la-Mon only depends this ascetic, only subject to the enforcement of this ascetic, the truth not that says: "hard to know rather a Sa-keeper! Hard to know rather a Ba-la-Mon! " A resident artist, or the person for the renunciation to a servant girl ghè team can do as this almond: "I live, no sordid living accomplice ceremonially, licking the hand ... so happy living by dietary weather until the second half, only to have one". Kassapa, as this also this ascetic, beyond the ascetic practice, still hard to know still hard to know a person or a subject of Sa-Ba-la-Mon, so the truth deserve that says: "hard to know instead, a Sa-keeper! Hard to know rather a Ba-la-Mon! " Kassapa, if this Female-stilts live practice compassion, not hatred, not evil, and the take the contraband or evidence, and stay right at the moment, the mind liberation, liberating wisdom loads smuggled this, Kassapa, Female-on stilts known as Sa, known as She-la-Mon.
Hey, if one Kassapa grass fed only rice to eat Brown rice, rice ... eating fruit, roots of trees in the forest, eat fruits to loss of life. Kassapa, if this becomes a Sa, becomes a Dame-la-Mon only depends this ascetic and only subject to the ascetic practices, time really does not deserve that says: "hard to know rather a Sa-keeper! Hard to know rather a Ba-la-Mon! " A homeless musician, or a resident musician, until a servant daughter ghè team can follow the almond: "I eat only rice to eat Brown rice, rice ... eating fruit, roots of trees in the forest, eat fruits fall to live". Kassapa, for this in addition to this, in addition to the ascetic asceticism, is still difficult to know a person or a subject of Sa-Ba-la-Mon. So the truth deserve that says: "hard to know instead, a Sa-keeper! Hard to know, rather, a She-la-Mon ".
Kassapa, if this Female-stilts live practice compassion, not hatred, not evil, and the take the contraband or evidence, and stay right at the moment, the mind liberation, liberating wisdom disabled this, Kassapa, gonorrhea, female-on stilts known as Sa, known as She-la-Mon.
This one Kassapa, if a person wearing hemp hemp wear rough, crude mixed with other fabrics ... live a night shower three times, follow down the bath water (to clean cleaned from sin). Kassapa, if this becomes a Sa, becomes a Dame-la-Mon only depends this ascetic, and only subject to the ascetic practices of this real time not that says: "hard to know rather a Sa-keeper! Hard to know rather a Ba-la-Mon! "
A resident or a resident musician, until a servant daughter ghè team can follow the almond: "I wear hemp hemp wear rough, crude mixed with other fabrics ... live a night shower three times". Kassapa, as this also still difficult ascetic know a person or a subject of Sa-Ba-la-Mon. So the truth deserve that says: "hard to know rather a Sa-keeper! Hard to know rather a Ba-la-Mon! " Kassapa, if this Female-stilts live practice compassion, not hatred, not evil, and the take the contraband or evidence, and stay right at the moment, the mind liberation, liberating wisdom disabled this, Kassapa, gonorrhea, female-on stilts known as Sa, known as She-la-Mon.
18. When I hear that, could the German Religious World white Kassapa accomplice:
-False Religion, how specific gender Gotama? What is mind tools? What is the intelligence tools?
Kassapa, now in life – this, As Hybrids appear, is A-la-Han, Chief Justice Turns Tri ... (see Sa-Business subjects, passage of 40-42) ... see danger in these little bugs, head of school in France, and body language, career, being active in clean, happy world student tools, the constables, full mindfulness, the Chief Justice position and know the voters.
Kassapa, how is this Male-happy world Student Tools on stilts? Here, this one Kassapa, Female-stilts abandon suicide being, avoid friction being, quit, quitting, the staff know very good you have, from, live mercy to the happiness of all beings and species of love. Such is the happy world of her in the Act. (Sa-Business subjects, such as the passage of 43-61), ... While a number of Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects of oil used by food laboratory credit donation still feed by the TA network, such as the use of magic to be an alright, to make the promised thing from ... (Sa-Business subjects, such as passage of 62). .. to prevent effective drugs. There he then stay away from the TA network. Such is the world of the Student Tools. And so this, Kassapa, the Female-stilts, thanks to specific precepts seriously should not feel fear from a spot about the households maintained precepts. Kassapa, as an Observation-this Byzantine Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, already offering hostile, not feel any fear of hostilities. Also, this billion-stilts, so Kassapa precepts, tools should not feel fear from a spot about the households maintained precepts. Her position thanks to this noble precepts of student stuff, so enjoy life Club, pure mind. So this, Kassapa, Female-specific precepts on stilts.
19. In this position, how is National Kassapa-stilts for protection the grounds? When the eye see Kassapa this SAC, Female-stilts not holding General General ... (Sa-Mon experience, paragraph 64) ... what causes because Italy was based are not tame, cause the craving, bi, the evil, real friendly France kicked up, Male-stilts overpower her cause, households maintained Italy, practicing the households maintained Italy based. Her position, thanks to the households maintained the noble, should enjoy life Club, pure inner ... So this, Kassapa, female-maintained households the stilts. (Sa-Business subjects, such as the passage of 64-75) ... when the Cafe itself has five glasses of strong discharge, joyful birth; due to the jubilation should bring forth Hy; due to the center of the fuselage, the wedding Festival contempt; due to security, the life birth Club balloon body; due to the life Center, was lost. Female-stilts cups, glasses, and French resident evil the first meditation, a State of physical being, by loving Cup with the reach the quarter finals. Female-stilts instill, soaked wet makes fullness filled myself with loving Cup by birth, education is not a place on the body not because her birth sex glasses from loving to instill. Kassapa, as a people, this most adept bath or shower most people disciples. After sprinkle the powder bath in brass bronze instant stuffing her powder, with water, the Bureau's bath powder is wet, tempered water imbued with water wet, wet outside and with water but does not melt into drops. Also, this one Kassapa Male-stilts instill, soaked wet, make the fullness, filled myself with loving Cup by birth, education is not a place on the body not to be sexual beings by loving Cup he instilled. Such is the mind of the Student Tools.
Again, this one Kassapa, Female-stilts kill games and four, and stay second meditation, a State defined by the loving being, not games, not four, static content for the mind ... (Sa-Business subjects, such as the passage of 77-79) ... the third meditation (as Sa-Business subjects, passage of 79-81) ... and stay on the fourth meditation ... (Sa-Business subjects, such as the passage of 81-82) ... which is at the heart of the Student Tools. Kassapa, which is the center of this tool.
20. With the mind intention plain, static, no texture, no Africa, brain nhuyến n, easy to use, sturdy so serene, Female-stilts lead the mind, direction to the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice. The position he said: "this is my best Incarnation of France, due to the four, due to his parents being, thanks to the rice porridge foster, impermanence, ruined a great piece,, chalk, in the trunk, then we cry and wake tied."
Kassapa, for this as a the Yuri Bao Chau, the beautifully throughout, eight face cleverly refined, smart sharpening, brilliance, not directly under UE, full all America chess. And a rope was beads through the Pearl blue, rope, yellow, red, white or a pale color. A person holding the Pearl's eyes in on hand will see: "the Pearl Yuri Bao Chau, the beautifully throughout, has eight sides, cleverly refined, smart sharpening, brilliance, not directly under UE, full all America chess. And the string is the string through the Pearl blue, rope, yellow, red, white, or pale yellow ". Also, with the fixed Centre, Kassapa, this static, pure, no texture, no negativity, nhuyến, easy to use, sturdy, even so, the Male-led Centre, on stilts to the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice. He said: "this Body position of French identity, is due to the four, due to his parents being, thanks to the rice porridge foster, impermanence, sabotage, sabotage, passages, a chalk. In the trunk, we cry and wake tied ". Such is the wisdom of the Student Tools. (Sa-Business subjects, such as the passage of 85-98) ... The position he said: "... There is no other life." Such is the wisdom of the Student Tools. Kassapa, which is wisdom in this tool.
Kassapa, and this does not have a TAM, student tools tools world, wisdom tools other more seriously, more seriously, the stuff about the winning enemies mind tools and Student Tools wisdom.
21. This Kassapa, have some Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subject advocates precepts. These use many means to scatter exclamation precepts. This one Kassapa, spoke about precepts of reverence to the most noble, I found no one who by precepts of ours, how can anyone than be. So We better over all of precepts, i.e. increase the upper boundary.
This one Kassapa, have some Sa-keeper, She-la-ascetic, advocates binge took cover. These use many means to scatter exclamation asceticism, cover glass. This one Kassapa, talking about asceticism cover glass to honor the most noble, I found no one by being pinned to the ascetic my glasses, how can anyone than be. So We better over all about asceticism cover glass, i.e. increase the upper cover.
This one Kassapa, have some Sa-Ba-la-Mon, Mon intellectual advocates. These use many means to scatter exclamation wisdom. Kassapa, talk about this revered intellectual most noble, I found no one who was my intellectual equal, how can anyone than be. So We better over all about intelligence, i.e. increase the upper wisdom.
This one Kassapa, have some Sa-Ba-la-Mon Mon, advocated liberation. These use many means to scatter the exclamation. Kassapa, this talk about freeing the reverence most noble, I found no one by being rid of Me, how can anyone than be. So, one more than all of the rescue, i.e. increase the upper freed.
22. this situation, Kassapa, this can happen. The du Dr. layman may say: "Sa-keeper, the Dragons dragons Gotama the lion but only in place, not in the middle of the masses". Should tell them: "shalt not have said so. SA-keeper, the Dragons dragons Gotama the lion and uncrowded spot between them ". Kassapa, they should tell this as such.
This, Kassapa, this can happen. The du Dr. layman might ask: "Sa-keeper, the Dragons dragons Gotama Lions between them, but not with the infinite spirit dragons captain ... with infinite spirit captain..." and no one asked Sa what question Gotama-keeper ... and "someone asked Sa-keeper Gotama". "When people ask, Sa-keeper Gotama cannot answer" ... and "when people ask, Sa-keeper Gotama answers for them" ... and "oil for having answered, the answer does not do heart people meet" ... and "answer Center" unsatisfactory ... "But people don't see comments of Sa-keeper Gotama is worth listening to." ... "People see comments of Sa-keeper Gotama is worth listening to." ... "Oil for there to be heard, people also don't trust" ... "People may believe". "Oil is for people have trust, people don't believe expression" ... "People have trust and demonstrate trust" ... "The oil to have manifest trust, people do not reach the spot as the real" .... "People reached the spot as true." ... "The oil to reach the spot as real, people do not bring out the practice are". Should tell them: "shalt not have said so. SA-keeper, the Dragons dragons Gotama lions, dragons in the Middle, with the infinite spirit dragons captain, someone asked Sa-Sa-Gotama subjects, Gotama subjects answer when asked, the answers do mind people are satisfied, people see comments of Sa-keeper Gotama deserve to hear, after hearing people believe, when there is trust people manifest trust , people reached the spot as real, to reach the spot as real, people give out practice ". Kassapa, they should tell this as such.
23. a, Kassapa, this in the United Kingdom on the mountain Ghost Thứu Xa. At the time, Pham Chi tu ascetic who had named Nigrodha to ask about evening ascetic cover Cup wins. When asked about winning the Cup cover, ascetic evening We've answered. And when I answered, he played Center for the wedding Festival as with a Supreme joy.
-The white Australian German, one can hear Honor after the sermon, not as with a wedding Festival festivity paramount? Really marvelous white Australian, German vi! Really marvelous white Australian, German vi! The white Australian German, as the upright back what was thrown down, exposing what was hidden, just a way for guys, bringing light into the darkness to those who have the eyes can see. Likewise, Chief Justice share many Religious World are means of presenting explained. And now I'm refuge World Religion, y France, qui y Male-stilts Rising out of Germany, I'm White. renunciation with Respect, the World University service life, please.
24.-who formerly Kassapa This layman, now want to spice, great longevity in France and wanted this law must live separate four-month stay. After living four months special stay, we Increase if agreed will give spice, great longevity about to as Male-stilts. But I noticed the fish before people wrong.
-The white Australian German, if the person is the ancient Pagan, now want to spice, great longevity in France and wants this law to live four months special stay, after living four months special stay they Increase if agreed will give spice, great longevity, time I will ask for special living stay four years, after a four-year stay in separate living If we increase the agreed, expecting them to increase production for the modern world, for you to locate Male-stilts.
And accomplice can be with Respect How Kassapa and modern life. The modern world not long life span, the German Australian NET security alone, Kassapa does not launch Yi, fervent life, introspection. And not long, it is the Supreme purpose that the children were removed from Leung family, family living, towards. Such is the infinite upper wing rescue happy offense right in the present, himself with food poisoning symptoms, and WINS stay: "Being happy, did take advantage, what should I do after this life, did not have another life." German Australian Willow so tri Kassapa.
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