Thursday, 16 March 2017

What is Dharma?

What is Dharma? Dharma is divided into three periods as the Dharma, the Statue of France, and the French dresses. The period of the Buddha Sakyamuni is recorded in the scriptures are not homogeneous, but most of all virtues stock levels according to age Dharma theory of 500 years, the period of the French Statue of 1,000 years, French and Mat period 10,000 years. During the Dharma (right means controls), although the Buddha was passing, but France remained unchanged facilities. Yes teachings, there is practice, and have attained the status - which called the period of Dharma, and also is known as the period of "Meditation is a problem". During the French Statue (statue icon means), but still have the teaching, with the practice, but some people attained the status of the very few; This period is also called the period of "self-permanent shrine." During the Dharma Ending (mites means decadent, weak), Dharma become moribund, teachings, not only with the practice, and as no attained the status. This period is also called the period of "permanent struggle." This is the usual explanation of the three periods, "Chief, Monuments and dresses" of Buddhism. 
But, Venerable Dharma definitions as follows: 
"You honestly practice, not fake ham nominal interests, not the greed of offerings - that is Dharma's office. If people can monastic precepts not touching money, can sit Zen , may day one meal at noon, can always wear medical world and the rules of moral, that is Dharma that abides! "
Even the Master was explaining a more simple way: 
"If you can not fight, no greed, no bridges, not selfish, not self-interest, and do not lie, then that is Dharma that abides!".
So, how is the Dharma Ending Age? In Book 5 of the Us That number is written: "When [the French] became decadent, which called the Dharma Ending Age." In Book 6, chapter of the Mahayana French Nghia Lam Yuen said: "Only the teachings that nothing else is called the Dharma Ending Age." However, a thorough description of the theory rightly be appearing in the Dharma Ending Phuong Dang Kinh Dai Dai Tap, part Yue Tang, and the Sutra cessation. Later, the theory appears Dharma Ending North Qi dynasty (550-377 AD), the essay vow of Zen Master Hui Tu South Music (South Music Tu Lap Vow Zen Master Van). Hui Tu Zen Master himself recorded that he was born in the year of the Dharma Ending 82 minutes and wrote down the entire Sutra and many other texts. He has vowed to spread the Fa until Bodhisattva Maitreya came to this world.Depending Dynasty (589-618 AD), the Zen Master Hanh Tin initiated "dharma three stages" (third period teacher) with Redundant as the first phase, Phase Three is the second TT, France and Prussia (Full the teachings of the Buddha) is the third phase. 
During the Tang Dynasty (618-905 AD), Grand Master and Grand Master Dao Thien Dao Trac can say that contemporary is already at the Dharma Ending Age, and advocate "teaching the appropriate time" (in agreement with the times teachings) , encouraging Buddhist mindfulness practice religious life. In general, whether the Dharma Ending Age befall certain matter, then in book 49 of the Law Litigation Cross, Buddha also pointed out that for years it can not be destroyed Dharma. 
This year are: 
1.  Respect Parent Education . This means that the Bhikkhu based on the true teachings that moral progress, shunned wrong views (bias) of the Theravada and the pagan heresy; thus can make Dharma not be destroyed. 
2.  The Evil That Airport  (suspended anger and evil). This means that the Bhikkhus always practice patience, not anger, reputation for virtue spread makes them go back and sloping reverence; thus can make Dharma not be destroyed. 
3.  The Supreme Court Glasses  (revered elders serve). This means that the Bhikkhu reverence and submission of the great virtues of venerable goods and diligence to learn the essential meaning of Dharma from them; thus can make Dharma not be destroyed. 
4.  Ai Lac Dharma  (Dharma treasure). This means that the Bhikkhu cherish profound legal things heard from the venerable ranks, veteran elders, and delighted practice; thus can make Dharma not be destroyed. 
5.  Tap Thien Exchange Profile  (properly explained to them that the elementary). This means that the performance Bhikshu said legal means Mahayana wisely, make the beginner who can rely on Dharma initiates on the Path to progress;thus can make Dharma not be destroyed. 
At Dharma Ending beings can not continually distinguish right and wrong, so many people want to shop but was on the wrong Buddhist monk door. That is because they lack the "Trach France Label." Although during the Dharma Ending Age, the phenomenon of "mixed pearl ankle" [yellow brass confused] in the door Buddha is not less, but the volunteer force of the Master is clear:
"I am certain renaissance Dharma. I can only allow Dharma Buddhist Dharma Ending rather have! Wherever I went, there would be merit, wisdom and disaster reduction. This is prayer my force. Therefore, unmanaged his limited ability, I go everywhere uttered Dharma and Dharma practice. "
Although the Buddha repeatedly refers to the destruction of the Dharma, the Buddha but also intends to overcome the destruction of Dharma. As in the Nirvana Sutra it is written: "During the Dharma Ending Age will have twelve thousand (120,000) lead the French great Bodhisattva, made immortal." So we can know is that the volunteer force "does not allow the Dharma Ending Age" of the Master is not his compassionate heart of yours Tathagata or what? 
The Master has left roughly that:
You killed Dharma and Sangha kill themselves, 
Ethics Falcon tu, tu's estate, 
He sincerely animal body moves, 
how life works Nowhere comparative advantages puppet. 
Bachelor's maybe five degenerations bar off. 
Numerous provincial drug being obtained triangle, 
An Increasing need to sign up by language, 
revive Buddhism in Bhikshu.
Roughly translated:
Dharma has not destroy, kill Increase Self, 
Ethics should cultivate, no one religious, 
honest rightly, been ridiculed, 
Gian exaggerating cunning, lauded. 
Want to sleep before so bright life, 
beings love three times awake, 
Grace should remind the young nuns: 
Got manic prestigious Buddhist Bhikshu!
In Buddhism can not have 99% - if only a small part of Buddhism to be false, then it is no longer the "Dharma" anymore!Therefore we must distinguish clearly, because in the temples are both "immoral and pagan". Buddhists have a saying: "Better a thousand years no rebirth, rather than a day in ma religion". If we lack Trach French label "Race Purity Ming Hoi Tu" (in Shurangama) e that we can become attractive by themselves ghosts that do not or do not know! 
By the way, the writer would like to introduce seven points are important in distinguishing right and wrong: 
1. The teacher took the husband and wife exchange, licentious sex, excessive indulgence, as bait to lure us map, and as a means to save the world; That is wrong. 
2. Teacher arouse greed map them by saying that he could use charms, uncle, and mental resources to help them become rich; That is wrong. 
3. The teacher encouraged directly or indirectly killing two carnivorous beings and beings, also said that he can use spells to save the souls of the beings being eaten; That is wrong. 
4. Teacher practice peculiar kind of asceticism, self-injury to living beings impact, and called it instead beings suffer; That is wrong. 
5. Teacher mystically and do weird things, "tools" to attract the curiosity being there; That is wrong. 
6. Teacher arbitrarily adding, modifying the fruits of cultivation in Buddhism and deviance explained the meaning of "credit, solutions, repair and certification," even self cardinals; That is wrong. 
7. Teacher of self-created and self-proclaimed sects that cardinal himself has no true basis of Buddhist morality; That is wrong.

Part 1: Dharma and Dharma Ending
Once, a Buddhist may ask: 
"The Master often says:
Admit his honest, 
no other table bug, 
ie bugs who his error, 
ie Dai Dong Bi possible.
But why Venerable often openly critical, non-market talk about others and published in Vajra Bodhi Sea (Vajra Bodhi Sea - monthly magazine of Ten Thousand Buddhas)? So affordable is to say a line, and do another? "
The Master replied: 
"He will be my hell is not he. If what I say is true, it is not non-market; if not true, then I am sure will be hell. If there who said that the practice not higher causality, the eternal retribution body 500 mink (fox). 
If I deny causality - called black is white, white is called black, right into wrong, says wrong into right - say things that are not true, then I'll be hell Bat Damage (withdrawal tongue). If I did not say wrong, I'm not guilty. 
Mencius said: 'have I should like to argue where ! I also loath that's it! If the direction of the Yangtze and Mozi not switched off, then the religion of Confucius is not so bright! ' (1)
Why I like to say 'market, non' (right and wrong)? Because in Buddhism there are too many 'market, non'! 
Then there is the black religious (sectarian black), white teachers (teachers white sects), superb teachers (sect gold), pink teachers (sect red) ... are all turned into many different colors, came to behold. Even not know his dark black, nor white or he is white. so, I want to say things that others do not dare to say, if you are unhappy because someone is okay, I would not bother. I'm a professional tri demolishing deviant deviant opinions of others! "
From the talk above, we can clearly comprehend the immense compassion did not want to see suffering beings of the Master. It's called "compassionate, almost cruel", and is skillful means for teaching living beings by Bodhisattvas. The Master had time to write the poem speaks of his determination:
"I want to say the truth, 
not afraid of being beaten, verbally. 
Kill me, I am not afraid, 
Liberation, there's no harm?"
Master Hsu Yun said: 
"Confucian Confucius sinners; monk of Buddhist sinners." He also stressed: "The Terminator Dharma is the Buddhist teachings of the map, not the other sects. He who makes Lu Lu's Korean National doom, rather than the Qin. He who makes house collapse Qin Qin is the main, but not so Luc Nations. "
In doing have said that the decline of expression Dharma Ending Age can be seen everywhere - as the monks married, married nun, tomato-y sa world is replaced by a secular clothes, lay sit on the high court, etc ... There lay beside her Ouyang used his own knowledge that Bach wrote Wei Surangama Surangama Notes to protest. 
Far Join Master has said that the Flower Adornment Sutra, Business Park, the Lotus Sutra and other texts, as well as the Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana are fake. This is the phenomenon of the Dharma Ending Period. 
Master has repeatedly repeated injunctions for the protection and maintenance of Dharma:
"In Buddhism, all the classics are important, but also important Shurangama more. All that wherever there Shurangama, the office where there's Dharma. When Shurangama lost, it is a sign of the Dharma Ending period. When Shurangama lecture, I said: 'In the Dharma Ending age, Shurangama will become extinct first. Then gradually the other Sutras will also become extinct.' Shurangama is true embodiment of Buddha, the relics of the Buddha, is a Buddhist shrine tower. If Shurangama is fabricated, then I am willing to hell unintermittent, permanently in place e ị a nguc, never to return to earth to see everyone again! Those who can memorize Shurangama, memorize Surangama Note, that person was the true disciple of the Buddha! "
In Mahaparinibbana Sutta, the Buddha Shakyamuni told Supposedly Mahakasyapa that: 
"In the past when I was a king named Huu Duc, to upholding Dharma, I fought with those who want to destroy the Dharma, and died. After his death, I was born in the realms of Buddhas A Supporting and cattle became chief disciples of the Buddha there. Hey Mahakasyapa! Those upholding Dharma is immeasurable merit retribution like that. Do upholding Dharma predestined this, but today I was perfect minister page France strictly and achievements are indestructible body. "
"France" itself is no "chief, Statue, dresses"; but the human mind has the distinction of "Chief, Statue, Mat". According to the Master, whenever people work longer practice, then is Dhamma abides. 
If no one practice, no one read, recite and memorize Shurangama, it is the Dharma Ending Period. Because of Shurangama, with the "Race Purity Ming Hoi Tu" preach about killing (police), theft (direct), fornication (sex), deception (expectations);with the "Five Ten Ma Kettle" ma preached heaven, pagan thoroughly to the bone, and both parts are saying very clearly that when the world is no longer the holder, then the Dharma Ending Period. About longer, ie Dharma longer so! 
in 1990, during a lecture at the Center for Lao Co. in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, the Master has earnestly said: "Dharma Ending period was due to householders holder only for a single home people that make up! ". why is that? 
the Master explained that:
"The monastic life alone a temple, proclaiming himself king professed publicity, as king a plane. The lack Trach house France Label 'should take the French for their households, household access to households, and households are always hell! In period Dharma, all the mass were living in a spare contemporary forest temple and the Taoists used together. However, in the Dharma Ending age, people did not like the lifestyle of modern forestry spare anymore. Everyone in a separate temple - he in his way, I follow my way - making the house becomes bewildered, confused. They see this monk looks beautiful physiognomy came to his protector, building its own pagoda abbot him. and then he found another monk nor bad, they built a temple for that position again. household access to households, ultimately makes the renunciation being greedy lust list further benefit that must be completed! "
Venerable absolutely no objection to the construction of the temple, but only because people today than enjoyment, do not know that taking French and education (meaning Dharma and moral education) in order of beings. They just know how to use "big temple" to sentient beings, and laid out ways to be famous and get rich. 
Look of the Master of the temple building as follows: 
"Created by the temple does not create man, created not by creating Buddhist people. I want to make a statue worker. I want to cast up living Buddhas, Bodhisattvas live, those living Patriarchs. I also want to make all beings around the world are turned into living Buddhas, Bodhisattvas live, living Patriarchs always more! I demolishing the temple is not large, which is the town temples, shrines List Huang, of the clan shrine. When the temple in small temples move to large, all can work together to practice, like the lifestyle of a contemporary work ever done. why are not small temple good? because it lacks restraint, bondage; no need to "Contemplate on", which can eat at, even leisurely walk carefree, very easy to forget about cultivation. Everyday phan coast just know, that sets this gas is deadly wound Buddhist corrupt! "
I hope Buddhism will cherish these words and do not continue to "steal ears ringing," deceived humanity. At present, the signs of chaos in Buddhism in Taiwan was extremely serious, we can say is that it takes the alarm then; however, no person dare to speak up calls; that everyone watched the scene just gawked Buddhism is moving slowly toward extinction. 
By three steps as a monastery, go five steps as having a large temple - everyone tried to organize the conference, souls, making empowerments, transmission France, built the temple ..., without or know anything about the teachings propagate and guide beings how to end birth and death! (2)
the fundamental teachings of the Buddha's education, making all beings have the wisdom, has Trach French label, said workers know the results, good clip tu evil; but not a squid focuses on setting up shrines temple, organized the conference!We have never wondered that behind the strict teachings of the Master this hidden laments how quickly?

As the meaning of the phrase "freaking ray vision sensing feature, any area of the body itself," The Master just wanted the light from the torches illuminate his hand as far as possible, but not interested in her getting burned! "Oil encountered numerous difficulties, I still keep my mind strong." END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/3/2017.

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