The Flower Adornment Sutra is one of the most precious sutras of the Mahayana . The main sutras this by Buddha Shakyamuni preached soon after his enlightenment . In about 49 days sitting thinking under a tree Bodhi , he is in the "Hai India eighty" and out the form Dharmakaya Vairocana which say the BeijingHuayan this to chemistry degrees to position the Bodhisattva abdicated Profile Location older. Buddha said Flower Adornment Sutra in 21 days, but he says here is said in meditation because 21 days of life the material according to the course life is too short. 21 days of thinking meditation , the great truth can not be calculated. A mind in meditation , the Bodhisattva can salvation be countless beings . As well as meaningful too subliminal Doing this should not be the popular and went and stored in the palace of the Dragon King . Until about 600 years after the Buddha's passing away , Then there born Nagarjuna Bodhisattva. Because so desire bridges Dharma , He spent Kabbalah down to Long Supply and stay here for 90 days to recite copy and mental san back then for the common set of this great.
In fact, the Huayen Flower Sutra has three sets:
1. The first one called the United Flower Adornment by the French Legit Lau Price Na transfer.
2. The second set is Trung Nghiem by Bao Xa.
3. The third set by Shakyamuni Buddha himself .
Since the two sets of contemporary business and medium business too bulky, can not be brought about, He Nagarjuna only sometimes is the State Flower Adornment includes 100,000 verses . But when it comes to humanity , he filtered only half as many as 45,000 shelf . When this miniature of Huayen is being transmitted to China , it is translated into two sets, which we can still see today: 60 Chinese Hymnbooks by Giac Hien, translated into Tan (418 AD) at Tao Trang Temple in Yangzhou ( Now Nanjing ) and the 80 volumes of the Tang Dynasty, under the patronage of Empress Wu Emperor Pagoda in Sea Not in Luoyang (695 TL). Võ Hậu personally came to the school to name the first product. There are 38 products in which the product "Enter the Law" is a very important product. Is this describing a type ideal , Good Wealth , has voluntarily offered a lifetime alone to serve Dharma dream build a Pureland The human world to liberate all beings from suffering, Implications .
Buddha says Doing this for every Bodhisattva, so every binary redundancy can not understanding much more mundane . We can understand roughly as: Buddha says in this Experience, as well as workshops for the scientist , the person with qualified college or younger can attend also can not understand. Why ? Because the Buddha says the Flower Adornment in meditation , he uses the mind to transfer things . And yet we have not seen the mind, how can we see the transfer of things .
The Bodhisattva of the Lotus Flower is very high depth. The lowest is the Bodhisattva file location must also have the ability to be king one plane, ie emirates could practice their religion free from . Bodhisattva dualism must be the Cursed Divine King who governs the four corners of the earth , who hear the name also respect. Bodhisattva third place must be the heavenly director of heaven, rule 33 heaven. So the highest times in the heavens are Tha Hoa Tu Tu .
The Buddha preached to the gods, as well as to remind those who have the blessings , the authority in the world should develop the Buddha , to create great merit . If not , enjoy all the blessings and fall, then no conditions to create merit . Like King Bimbisara, King Aashishan was imprisoned and then released .
The Lotus Sutra and Huayen Sutra are two sets of Buddhist sutras . The Lotus Sutra focuses on the dharma, while the Sutra Sutra emphasizes that the Buddha is fully qualified to claim the dharma . The conception of the Buddha according to the Flower Adornment Sutra course also start from Buddha primitive Germany Shakyamuni . He also carries the four elements of our body and, through the process of spiritual practice , attains the Supreme Bodhi .
To explain this view , Buddhism began to open its eyes to the depths, that is, to look inside the real of the human , that is, the spirit, to determine the different values of each person. According to the spirit of that, Jataka , Bon The formed to explain the countless previous lives of the Buddha sacrifices act bodhisattva . The body of us is like a spiritual vacuum and clothes for relatives we have two parts: network itself visible as the exterior is called the birth itself , the network itself invisible inside is called the newspaper itself . According to Mahayana , sambhogakaya is merit , is wisdom of Buddha. He taught accomplishments easy because all the words , actions and employment are derived from the position wisdom super Vietnam as well as religion faith completely holy . Offal, We look at the Buddha through his knowledge and virtue due to the development of the body of himself . The same sense that we must rely sambhogakaya Buddha to practice in order to target development sambhogakaya his own. In other words, on the path of the monastery, we see the Buddha, the Bodhisattva , what we do the same to raise our own body. we must rely sambhogakaya Buddha to practice in order to targetdevelopment sambhogakaya his own. In other words, on the path of the monastery, we see the Buddha, the Bodhisattva , what we do the same to raise our own body. wemust rely sambhogakaya Buddha to practice in order to target development sambhogakaya his own. In other words, on the path of the monastery, we see the Buddha, the Bodhisattva , what we do the same to raise our own body.
The Buddha taught that anyone can become a Buddha if he practices for full of great compassion and fullness of Bodhisattva . But in countless past lives , the Buddha, Sages , spread the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva body , benefit the sentient beings , reach the Supreme Bodhisattva . Today, if we want to achieve fruitful as Buddha, we must also develop Bodhi mind and commitment to the Bodhisattva cult .
Approaching the peak of the system of thought of this, Flower Adornment Sutra introduced the Buddha and how to practice how to become a Buddha , or Bodhisattva law. Indeed, Huayen gives us a liberal view , in that there is nothing Buddha, that is true Buddha .
Well, this Buddha is Buddha-favored , but thought especially of Huayan about the existence of eternity of a Buddha comprehensively requires us to reach a level of certain public can understand, live and act Direct such.
More than half, the sutra strictly represented through the Buddha image with 10 types of body: five body organs , national body , beings body, Thanh Van body , primate body , bodhisattva body, like Lai body , body , body And Hu no body.
1. Khandhas yourself: Buddha also exists from the aggregates , but he carried to fruition the omniscient because He is not the aggregates dominant . While living beings also carry the five aggregates , but due to strict binding so beings always suffer suffering birth and death . Indeed, the Buddha asserts that the aggregatesformed so people so people are dependent on it. Because it depends on the material body , ie aggregate of form , so we still are 4 things: hunger, thirst, heat, cold tortured . Taste liberation 's first obtained the preliminary results are far from being hungry , hot, cold. So , we see the teacher during samadhi without eating , sleeping think without feeling hungry , tired , because they are living with a flexible foot, beyond the dominant of the body. Beings are subjected to the five aggregates are crouched, tortured , suffering with the body, Death is not sad with it. While Buddha is liberated completely because change is the aggregates into France itself that classic called "Weak energy transfer material ie copper Tathagata".
2. National level itself : is talking about mountains and rivers great earth . According to the spirit of United seriously , look majestic mountain river, watching the stream, flower buds newly hatched fish swimming birds gliding or see Buddha dignified , scenery chastity , makes us Development Center , which was accidentally sermon. In short , the second type of body of the Pergamum Buddha is to spread the soil, make plants, make mountains and rivers to shelter and support all species.
3. Beings : In the eyes of the Taoist in the Huayen spirit , from bees, ants, to grass, bush, nothing is not cute , not the Buddha. Conversely, for the ordinary , then all things in life are offensive thorn eye and this is bound to make them suffer. In other words, the monks practiced on the rock, next to the stream in the mountains , but they felt that there are three generations of ten Buddha, so they easily progress free .
4. Sravakas itself : From the beings themselves, if realized life this has nothing solid, should launch center in search of friendship. Abandon the life that's, to follow the roadmap Buddhist , bring themselves religious practice 37 the assistant director of the Four Noble Truths in the heart of life , is seen as the Dharma body of the Buddha , or bar text itself .
5. Pratyekabuddha relatives or Pratyeka Buddhist hermits: a row Pratyekabuddha class intellectuals , mentally very sharp. They shop predestined to see the relationship between people together in society . And according to the teachings of the Buddha , who saw predestined then see legal leg truth and that is a prerequisite to progress to fruition the omniscient . So ,
6. Bodhisattva Body: Sravakas practice exercise, even Pratyekabuddha hermit observed the law. When synthesizing these two ways, we have a model of the third is both moral and intellectual , into the birth of birth called Bodhisattva . Thus, the bodhisattva who bring light awakening to all beings . They develop Bodhi mind , start thinking beings and help. That is the power of the Buddha .
7. As Lai body : When the cultivate enough bodhisattva and the great compassionof the Buddha to achieve the Buddha, ie the body . With the body as Lai , no longer have to engage in life to save as the Bodhisattva , not hermit retreat as the prongs , also do not need to live in collective practice as Thanh Van . Because Tathagata body does not come from nor go to where. It itself affects all sentient beings and teaches them all without the recitation of the mind.
8. Tri yourself : When was successful to fruition Tathagata , then at that time as motionless and still as the level to be sentient . Should be the main activity of the Tathagata not the physical body , in ordinary language , but by wisdom . Using location itself , which uses intellectual Tathagata impact beings , making them rise tothe Bodhi . All measures do not have any law that intellectual Tathagata not referred to. Wisdom Tathagata refers to where it was legal to turn the Dharma body of the Buddha . If wisdom Buddha compares to a monk or layman , the impact they have to play mind , shines on all things, it causes the object to change the law of Buddha.
9. France itself : View of meditation subjects but emits no sound , but the impact to visualize the Buddha, relate to the way of life of him, and they rise to initiate follow, ie Dharma body of the Buddha was preaching . Additionally, Flower Adornment Sutra concept all measures, including mountains and rivers great earthare getting force dominated by lily Tathagata , is the form of Buddha . In other words, if there is a Tathagata on the stone, pieces of wood can turn into Buddha. Conversely, if not with lily Tathagata shines on, it's still rock stone only. In the same direction, Flower Adornment advocated in all ways to promote the Hybrid to shine into life , into the universe , turn all into Buddhism .
10. Nowhere relatives or spleen Lot Price Na Body: Pi Lot Price Na translated spectra intelligent projector, only to intellectual illumination outlawry , transformed into legal body . At that time , mind and non-duality , combined into one and this is the type of the world of the practice difficult to express in ordinary language .
Ten Buddha say on a whole body of Pi Lo Price Na Buddha , combined between truth and wisdom , from a Bible author to ordinary people on life for both sentient and non-sentient.
Huayutaka Sutra version of the Tang Dynasty was formed by nine conferences :
Huayutaka Sutra version of the Tang Dynasty was formed by nine conferences :
v First Society: Buddha enlightenment ies Bodhgaya . VTP is dignified by countless magical protection, Buddha Price-na great German fullness sitting on a vajra . The number of Bodhisattvas is as much as that of the ten worlds . The micro- Bodhisattva said to ask the Buddha, the auspicious moment of the aura said the answer, then the spirit again . The Bodhisattva as the Most Venerable Dharma ... each of them said shelves praise the Buddha. Now, Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Buddha entered the tam-doi, the Buddhas praise . Then Bodhisattva Samantabhadra about the Tibetan Page of the World was decoratedwith the immense stately , due to the ancient virtues of the practice of the monk. Bodhisattva Universal Worthy said this is because the predecessor of Germany Pi-lot-price-na in life past , when he was made Prince University Oai Quang offerings to the Buddhas, has practiced countless parades , which achievements This great magnanimous merit . Praised by the Buddhas . Then Bodhisattva Samantabhadraabout the Tibetan Page of the World was decorated with the immense stately , due to the ancient virtues of the practice of the monk. Bodhisattva Universal Worthy said this is because the predecessor of Germany Pi-lot-price-na in life past , when he was made Prince University Oai Quang offerings to the Buddhas, has practiced countlessparades , which achievements This great magnanimous merit . Praised by the Buddhas . Then Bodhisattva Samantabhadra about the Tibetan Page of the Worldwas decorated with the immense stately , due to the ancient virtues of the practice of the monk. Bodhisattva Universal Worthy said this is because the predecessor of Germany Pi-lot-price-na in life past , when he was made Prince University Oai Quang offerings to the Buddhas, has practiced countless parades , which achievements This great magnanimous merit . Then Bodhisattva Samantabhadra about the Tibetan Page of the World was decorated with the immense stately , due to the ancient virtues of the practice of the monk. Bodhisattva Universal Worthy said this is because the predecessor of Germany Pi-lot-price-na in life past , when he was made PrinceUniversity Oai Quang offerings to the Buddhas, has practiced countless parades , which achievements This great magnanimous merit . Then Bodhisattva Samantabhadra about the Tibetan Page of the World was decorated with the immense stately , due to the ancient virtues of the practice of the monk. Bodhisattva Universal Worthy said this is because the predecessor of Germany Pi-lot-price-na in life past , when he was made Prince University Oai Quang offerings to the Buddhas, has practiced countless parades , which achievements This great magnanimous merit .
V Second Society: The Buddha sits on a lotus throne in Pho Quang Minh Palace , revealing divinity , the bodhisattvas from all ten directions come to the assembly. Manjushri Master thanks to the Buddha's power to tell the Bodhisattva of the title of Buddha. Then Bodhisattva Manjushri talk about the different names of the Four Noble
In the realms of Ta Mei to the heart of beings that make them subdued. Bodhisattva Manjushri and the nine Bodhisattvas as memo ... about ten questions and answers back and forth intelligent subjects Dharma profound . Bodhisattva Tri Thu asked, he Manjushri answered about 140 vow of chastity arise sake beingsfrom three industry body, speech and mind of the Bodhisattva . Lastly, Bodhisattva Manjushri asked,
V Third Society: The Buddha did not leave the Bodhi Tree and soared up to the Imperial Palace on the top of Mount Tu-di. Sakyamuni decorate the palace to conquer the Buddha and the gods said the verse praise the Buddha. The Bodhisattva as France Hue ... from realms Buddha in ten also to gather and each of whom said shelf praise immeasurable merit winning magic of Buddha practice . By dread power of the Buddha, bodhisattvas Fa Hui triangle-soot enter Boundless Media . Bodhisattva Dharma Hue out broadly speaking about the method of the Crusade . Thich came to ask, French Bodhisattva Dharma talked about the immeasurable merit of Bodhisattva new Bodhi mind . Development of the mind can be equal to Buddha, is also absent . Then Bodhisattva France Hue lectured on the practice of Bodhisattvas play mind to cultivate and to achievements such as: ten security support office, ten methods entered the field,
V Fourth Association: Buddha up the sky god. Sun Da-ma king decorated palaces, setting buildings nghinh Visiting Tathagata and said shelves praise Buddha. Bodhisattva Cong Duc Lam tam-soot enter Compassion Thinking broadly about methods The Almond and distinguished executive minister of each well. Bodhisattva Cong Duc Lam said the Bodhisattva of each executive minister Cross Infinite organ of Bodhisattva makes people practice all achievements Infinite organ .
V fifth association: the Buddha's head. First-rate sun king decorated the palace to nghinh sometimes Tathagata . By dread power of the Buddha, bodhisattvas Vajra Trang tam-soot enter Tri Quang . Bodhisattva Kim Cang Gaya exported to and told the Bodhisattva of disciplines Cross Dedication and distinction explains executive general practice of each stage location.
V Sixth Association: The Buddha in Malaysia insisted on the gods of Tha Hoa Tu To. Bodhisattva Kim Cang Tibetan immortal Dai -Illuminator Dai Quang Minh . After Bodhisattva export regulations , then he lectured on The Venue .
V Seventh Association: Buddha is at Pho Quang Minh. Bodhisattva Samantabhadrause powers appeared and told the public about the practice of high-tam ten great depth of soot. Here are ten things psychic magic . The Bodhisattva Vajrayana also speaks about the ten rings of Dharma and about the Buddha's openness to the bondage of sentient beings , teaches the mind of hatred or obstacles hundreds of ways . Therefore must diligently practice the ten measures, enough ten pure , ten Great location,
V Society 8: Buddha is at Pho Quang Minh. Bodhisattva Samantabhadra import-black triangle Buddha United Tibet Dignified . From third-soot up, Bodhisattva Hue asked 200 issues as: y only of potash , Deeds of Bodhisattvas , so Buddha appears out death ... Bodhisattva Samantabhadra used ten replied, distinguished Forum said in 2000 Method . He used the shelf chant say again the virtues of the Bodhisattva .
v Hoi ninth: Buddha in forest Sworn radar with 500 Great Bodhisattvas like Manjushri , Samantabhadra ... Buddha used compassion to heart-soot Leo Tan Body watched around ten world dignified and each world has countless bodhisattvas to attend. Bodhisattva Manjushri and Mass retired from Buddha to go to the South. Venerable Sariputta and 6000 Bhikkhus also ask for the Buddha's courage to go to the South. Final, There are good people out of 2000 people came to the ceremony of listening to the Buddha Bodhi . Manjushri Bodhisattva instructed him to go take school with 53're good knowledge , from monks Duc Van to the Bodhisattva Maitreya, listening received numerous disciplines nectar large, finally met the bodhisattva Samantabhadra . From the manifestation of Samantabhadra , he successively acquired the vow of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra . Finally, he attained dharma .
Finally, based on the spirit of the Flower Adornment Sutra , we are Buddhists , they must play Bodhicitta . We learn our own bodhicitta, not with hope . It means that we have to absorb the essence of the teachings with the pure soul rather than stopping at analyzing or learning in words or words . But want to advance toliberation , we first of all need to rise to countless Bodhi . But what is Bodhi Mind? Flower Sutra also preach explicitly as follows:
" Bodhi Mind is a great compassion , because it saves all beings . It is the development of the pronoun , for helping the whole world . It is to develop a peaceful mind , for making all sentient beings overcome all suffering. It is a mind of benefit , for making all living beings leave evil . Development of mind , introspection, because anyone is scared to keep . Develop mindlessness , for leaving all obstacles . Development of generous mind , For all the dharmas are full. Rise to the infinite , because throughout the realms of nowhere all over come. Broad mind development , because the mind is not contrary to the three . Development of intellectual mind , because of all over the sea-mind-set.
He Bodhisattva Samantabhadra uttered in Flower Adornment Sutra of Phẩm "Enter Unthinkable Deliverance Scene About Pho Hien Hanh Nguyen :" Thien Son! In the offerings , the Dharma offerings are above all. French offerings are: Cultivation accordance with Buddhist teachings , suffering world for all beings , photographic life beings , diligently practice good base , do not abandon the well bodhisattva and not leave the Bodhi mind. " So to finish the business, remember: In earthly filled with ego and selfishness of this, try to think there's something you pretty high bar by sacrificing all to hone his move to the lobby, that the pursuit of happiness for others in the Name?END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY..29/3/2017.
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