Wednesday, 22 March 2017


Keep because all beings that suffer every thing like Italy.
The trouble is very beneficial because we create opportunities for training the mind, makes me feel very uncomfortable when they are born. Cultivation of mind, change his status with others, and forgot to think of others and injured person more than injury.
In happy Bodhisattva, bodhisattva Shantideva teaches that if you do not change its status with people then you can not enlightened, and within samsara you also can't be happy. Not to mention the life after, right in this life cannot be successful both in secular activities. Despite a desire to be happy in everyday life, you cannot be happy if you no kindness. Not spread love to people then your life will never be happily.
The Bodhi mind cultivation is not just the work of those who go in search of the truth or the desire to be happy tomorrow; TU also is the work of those who do not know or do not accept rebirth and karma. Live by the ethic is happiness immoral, is subjected to suffering. While the desire to be happy and don't want to be miserable, then both to the secular people are just expecting to be happy for myself in this lifetime-must also have the kindness, the Bodhi mind. This means that the view of people like yourself; forget yourself to loving others.
Although a bodhisattva can also meet the gauge due to past industrial, evil bear her suffering bodhisattva because all, should not the troubles don't matter but also giving bodhisattva joy; adversity turned out fresh charm, these do not make life bodhisattva take but also making it more flavor. If the episode hero, when in trouble we can because people endure any bitterness. So your life turned out to be happy. The ups and downs don't cause you to negativity that also helps you enforce sequential path to enlightenment.
Want to achieve enlightenment for the benefit, you must destroy the enemy within ourselves is the thought of falling selfless charity, the greatest enemy to hinder the progress of you and of all love. How long the selfless ideals still reigns in the mind, the mind Bodhi cannot arise, and also have no way of reaching enlightenment to guide love perfectly.
Live by the selfish habit I just get the whole procession of trouble fail and discord. Centre of selfishness, then only the wrath of charity stain and dissatisfaction where we're growing, and in our daily life as to drug her off this unlucky added to other risks.
The centers accept his people always want to fall of a, wanted to be the richest, most famous, other people are poorer than inferior. It wants to rank everyone casinos; to succeed you must fail. However, when the expectations of the selfless mind is not met, then the ganh hate, resentment, hope and cling malicious other ideas emerged. By the thought of real's friendly you create countless happy evil and evil capacity. The current consequences that we don't get lost, which later have to meet are miserable.
Not bear the agony instead of others, selfish mind where we're growing, we see people and animals just troubling for us. As love, fret about how much her happy, think "I keep getting most of this conversation about it, to be safe I ever?", we're more and more frustrating, and turn them into matter.
When in trouble, that immediately realize it came from the mind of his, crumpled accepted that thought fell AI brought it back for me. Every time we see must try to realize immediately the process. If any blame for the plight we could not happily. States all difficulties on this earth are from ideological disputes. All troubles are all the evil consequences of accumulated karma in the past due to mind accept the ego. Because accept negativity that float, then crumpled negativity l i evil boot industry. All the difficulties we encounter in life are not the ones to contact industrial accumulation in the past evil due to mind selfless cause, but also to mind accept this past fall.
The most important thing in the capacity mentioned in the Training Center include the seven points are attributed every mistake for fall. So we developed the mind aversion to the thought of falling, see it as the enemy. Instead of themselves with the thought, we should split off from it, then every day activities are becoming a purely French.
Despite any difficult cases would also consider ideas for fall. Think all difficulties is the fault of ego. Let's return to the thought of falling craving all the hassle and discomfort that itself has to offer you. Please use the trouble as a weapon to destroy the ego. If you also use it to destroy the ego, is the inevitable, then it really know into France.
Good hard instead of the people, change their status with them, is the Bodhi mind training. This is certainly the most effective and fast method to accumulate merit, is the most great chemistry NET. But if not do so, then to see what happens to the grievances, fears that let's you pay it on to the thought of falling craving to destroy it. So all the hindrances are becoming full is France. Experience the magic of Pharmacy becomes barrier treatment fell, France tu best. Use the difficulties in his life thus become tu. Even people who aren't Buddhist refuge, France, Rising, do not trust the Kamma, that know how to use the trouble themselves having to destroy selfish habit, then the key is they are of pure French practice.
Make rules for any errors of thought falls. Instead of thinking: "this is my difficult" think it is difficult, then place their bruised ego destroy ego bruised by donating back to it the trouble. The best thing is to use just the fear, the fear, the fear of bad as being blameless, except to break the fall. If not possible the fear of crisis so crazy. This is the profound psychological methods essential to defeat the thought of falling of charity which is the source of all the problems made it into not.
In life there are too many obstacles that you have to deal, confronted long in length, or living with them: sick, hurt morale, in any sense, etc., it is best to think: "all this suffering due to bruised ego habit of we bring." Be attributed to the suffering of thought falls. And then make the decision to head to bear the trouble him for someone else. Here's how to practice effective and courage that you can do.
Think: "we have yet to escape the suffering is due from an infinite cards so far we only fuck loved her, to who died wearing one. From now onwards, we only live by the Bodhi mind. I will love them all because that is the source of happiness. "
If the switch trader himself injured people, all suffering will ch m. All troubles will disappear thanks to us lifestyle changes. How to practice his status changed with the end of all troubles and miseries in the world.
When in trouble, let's apply the France Center tonglen (giving and receiving) in Mahayana teachings. Let's take the procession all the suffering of others in mind, and for them all – relatives, wealth, happiness, his merit. There are many other people experiencing the same difficulties as me, so we should just play the Centre suffered their suffering, as well as suffering and causes of suffering of all people. In this way, we as people that endure suffering themselves are experiencing.
When you think you're good instead of suffering for others, you miserable experiences into practice disciplines. Since you are suffered rather painful for the plight, or the other gauge, life really miserable where you become a great purify, a fine car to charity means the German claims. As the number of those suffering to you are replacing is impossible, should merit you accumulate well into infinity.
One other mind training teachings taught: "clean sweep broom is diseases karma." You will feel glad to be sick due to think as follows: "evil career I've accumulated in the past, which I am sure must bear the results reported today has matured personally in this place. If it's not ripe now, then I will have to head result in immeasurable evil newspaper shit in the realms of bad. " Think that will leave you relaxed, fun. You don't get frustrated or negativity about anything. Because the mind relaxation should not external distraction and you can continue to practice French.
Think again: "in the past we have played other guys for gauge change resistant voluntary dedication dear life, property, and the happiness of his people in Germany. Today I got on the suffering, evil and obstacles instead of the other guys. So we have successfully satisfied. " Thinking like that makes happiness.
Pabongka Dechen Nyingpo advised that when illness worsened, you should think: "That means I was successful in France subject to change. By taking the trouble to our happy practice giving and receiving, I have accumulated merit immeasurable, the cause of happiness, and a lot of bad karma purification. If there were obstacles, I would stab out lazy, not a France purify repentance, not accumulated bit of Germany. " As mentioned above, should think not the suffering of its own people, that all the suffering of people gathering where his thing. "I'm hurt instead of all the pain of all current and future students to come mortal Trijang Rinpoche" cycle also taught we should think "it's good to know how when we can truly bear the agony instead of all the love right now." Make such thinking to feel happy, the wedding Festival. The French practice, bear completely forget her because they are so we can find happiness.
When added to tu French this metabolism, bile hypnosis during a break between the time of meditation, you should please implore master and Tam gia stronghold for themselves can use suffering to practice leader. When cultivation has had little progress, please donate, the evil spirit, prayer to God for the charity please for everyone happier.
A mind training teachings explained: "The devil is God's temperamental renders the spirit of Buddha as a Gauge of General currently ... emptiness."
Though hope idea born kicked a lawless way, or whether you've created bad karma as the offense, left the word of master recommend, still use France to transfer the mind, thought: "When good practice instead, we pray the procession taking every experience discomfort instead of others. So far our pleas have been met. We're rather they hated situations ". Then set the vow: "I hope this is the evil of evil people have violated all three types (About the bar, and the bodhisattva precepts Suite Tong-ND.) the paragraph ends the way the rescue and of people left tips of the master. Looking forward for this evil into everything that every sentient aversion. Please give only the sowing and to meet the suffering results, please let people get rid of this evil and its consequences.
For example you don't meditate as it should, then please apply in France who transfer as follows: "Please give this evil will change for all the trouble of the people. Please let me change them that experiencing the evil career. " Let's instead all love that experiencing things not wanted so.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.23/3/2017.

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