Monday, 27 March 2017

18.  Patience
On the  path  of spiritual advancement  we will face many  challenges , but before talking about the  thorny obstacles  that  we  may  face ,  we  just  go back to  about 2500 years ago when  the Buddha decided  ordained  sacrifice themselves  for moral, he faced countless obstacles. He began  meditating  and did not  achieve  what he wanted,  if not  patient  , he gave up. He  continued to  practice  asceticism , 
 Try asking in the case of an ordinary person,  we  have enough  patience  to  continue  the path that  we  want to go again? Then he  meditation samadhi  during the  49 days before he  attained  Bodhi. The  success  of  the Buddha is not an  inherent nature  ,   
When you understand the  patience  leads to  success  such large, then  we  wonder  patience  with  meaning  what?
 Forbearance means patience,  endurance scenes  left eye , reverse heart.
 Humiliation is an insult, it is  shame , do  damage  to the  pride  of his.
 But in doing Sanskrit no word "flesh" which humiliated word here is because even the  Grand Master  when they  translating  classics from Sanskrit into Chinese that out. They added more humiliation to give it more  meaning . Why did they do that?
 We  remember before  Buddhism  was introduced  into  China , the Confucian has developed  widely in the  society  of this. German  Confucius  took Hieu, To, China, was appointed its principal and take correction as  fundamental to that teach people. Therefore, the  Chinese  have a saying: "police officer possibility, impossibility humiliation", which means that  intellectuals  would rather die than suffer dishonor. You try to think that "it is better to die than to be humiliated", the  value  of the word "humiliation" is more severe than death.
 Therefore, when  translating  the book is even the  Grand Master  yore  paired these two words back  together  for  the meaning  of it deeply to  beings  reflect that  practice .
 So  humiliation  is to humiliation to the extreme no one can be   more patience than that.
 Saying so,  Buddhist  practitioners why  need to  patience?
 The path of  cultivation  that wants to reach  fullness  is not easy, such as  meditation can not be any one way to achieve "clear mind to understand nature," and  reciting the Buddha  also need  time  to  achieve "most Mind disorder ". But in this life  we ring what others  do not tolerate  can  succeed  . To  succeed  is small, but if you want  to succeed  ,  we  need to  ring more. Moreover, the  ancients  also have the sentence: "Little impatient, unsuccessful", 
 We   face a lot of  thorns every day , not to mention human beings eat back arrogant,  greed, devilish white instead of black. If you do not  have the heart  patient , the greed, anger, ignorance will revolt makes the body, speech and mind of  us hope and from which  we  will create for themselves the  evil  that could interfere with the  birth after present. When  faced  with  adversity ,  we  should remember that all  things  in  this world  are  impermanent ,  
 Saying that does not mean  we have to  choose  the path  to live. Which  path  we take is  the path  of humanitarian  -based  radical  more friends and fewer enemies and grab  motto  is to create  happiness  for themselves ie create  happiness  for himself. If someone curses me, then I have to calm myself thinking: do I do wrong? If so, they shame was  appropriate  then, that we should not reform the only thank them alone. If we  in the white , the other where these insults have  involved  what to do Where to bother! 
 Patience  of  heart from  balls is different with  patience  by  ambition ,  hatred and delusion ,  craving  promote . Because the  patience  of  craving is  born, they try to bite their teeth for a while, and then seek to  harm  people for  revenge . This is  evil . When talking about  patience  to  revenge  the tale Dongzhou Liet International  about the year 26 life Chau  Beijing Wang , ie the same time as Germany  Confucius  in brackish water, between the king of Vietnam's demand for money, and King Corn is Fuchai . 
 You remember that sleep  slowly  since  fleeing  King King Ping of Chu killed the entire  family  of his, must think how to escape through the frontier, only one night early euphoria silver. After he met King Wu Hsieh, along with Sun Tzu bring home about the vengeance of  the  house, but now the king died. The hatred caused him to send soldiers  buried the tomb of King Ping King to  kill dead body as angry for the  angry . When the Vietnamese king was often  heard  from Ngo is empty, to surprise surprise, but Sun Tzu helped King Wu troops back in time. Since then between Vietnam and Wu to create enemies  to resentment . 
 When King Wu was preparing to drag troops to  avenge , the Vietnamese king was sickened to death, the child's name instead. For not  listening to the suspicion  of sleep  Tu Tu  is the  moment  people have mourned that hit the enemy, King Ngo defeated to death, she was the wrong name and swore to vow. When the army was strong, the King of Discord defeated King Qigong. But instead of killing him, he  heard the  flattery of Thai Ta-hsin to get the message. 
 During  the  imprisonment  , because of great  lords , the  audience listened to Pham Lai to taste the feces of King Phu My for  his heart  while he was sick. Do you see that when  people  have  decided  to avenge themselves  , they  accept to  do anything to have a chance  of revenge . Because of the thought that Qigong was  repenting  , the wolf named "Tigers" returned to Japan. After that, he  listened to  Pham Lai's words tobring his  wife Tay Thi, Trinh Dan to make  Pisces passionate and forget the room. In the end,  Gandhi defeats Misanthrope. 
 What  patience  of the demand for money is on this life hardly anyone  equaled because in  position  lofty summit of one because lord a country where oranges hearts do name grooms, hot stool, holding pens where  appearance  is not  expressed  resentment . The tasting allocated to Fuchai increasingly  demonstrate the  patience  to the extreme and shows even  revenge  vehemence helped for progress towards  success . But  success  does not pay. The price here is from when Tieu tasted the feces, he was born bad breath, so although the delicacy he ate did not taste good. Fortunately, Pham Lai found a vegetable called "vegetables" offered to the king to prevent this disease. This vegetable has a bad  odor but is very good with Kuti, so the king gave the name of this mountain with vegetables.
 Have  patience  , the  kindness and  compassion new  overflows ,  liquidity  Net  rampant ,  career  rise, people who  cherish , and  of course  attainment  fulfillment .
 Since  find  merit  great and  precious  of  patience , so  the ancients had the good message with a powerful life as follows:
 Rings of rings,  donated by  donors.
 Many many many,  disaster  cultural  least presentable  target.
 Wear dresses, infinite  gods  try to obtain.
 Retired retirement pension, so that  the name of  any  freedom .
The translation is:
 Ring ring ring ( body rings ,  export rings , heart rings), it left all  injustice in  from this end to end.
 Constitutive abstinence (fasting, fasting, fasting), thousands of eagerly disappear.
 Confidence (body, speech, heart),  the realm  of  infinite fairy is also here.

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