Friday, 17 March 2017

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1. Thread Comment
Rebirth Pure Natural Argument named Infinite Life Business Advantages to discharge Mrs May Shelf Sanh. Argument 2 types: Kinh Luan and Thich Ton Kinh Luan. Ton Kinh Chu The conclusion is based on the argument of self-created. Beijing argues that the group likes y texts themselves explain the reasoning. Argument Pure Pure Land Department is revered Luan conclusion therefore is also to conduct.
Infinite Life Sutra is one of the key three cardboard Pure is made in the Infinite Life Sutra, Amitabha Sutra and Amitayurdhyana Sutra. This conclusion is based on the established meaning of Infinite Life should be called Infinite Life Kinh Luan. Infinite Life is my commission Demolition, Sanskrit is Amitabha, Amitabha services is negative means that the Infinite Life, Boundless Light, but mainly the Infinite Life, so most of them translated Infinite Life ..
Countless letters mean No, the word means the amount of volume. Regarding the amount of 4-digit categories:
  1. Space is just the volume of the space, the material has a width, length, high occupy some space. Mathematics geometrical calculated this amount.
  2. Length: Equal time for doing e moment Unit to seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years ... called  duration.
  3. Weight: weight e Up Unit it is quantity, weight, sign, ton ...
  4. Quantity: from 1 insole A United Increased number. The Na o called immeasurable? What mortal can use words that speak, can use conscious thoughts belong 4 of calculations. If you pass all of that is calculated on. If you pass all of that is speaking minister, minister interested can leave all grace. Honestly: End the speech, the mind makes are passed away, inconceivable situation called Boundless.
Life is lived. If we take into account the hundreds of thousands of years old existence of the life span, anything longer counted dd is entitled will not be called  infinite. What can not be calculated taking language, ideology can infer called immeasurable.
BUSINESS: All that the Buddha said or say that Buddhist practitioners publication called it economic possibilities. Beijing also called carambola Beijing on contract ie with the Buddha, under contract with inborn beings. The Bodhisattva y Ton weak but composed, or annotation called technical cooperation Kinh Luan Debris. At Buddha in life, living with this constant e E, the provisions of the law to carry Galaxy disciples nh called Law.
Infinite Life is the subject Economics, Advantages Ba Xa Threads discourse sense, the purpose to fulfill the meaning of Beijing called the argument. In this paper divided into 2 parts. First he pans to voluntary measures reborn, then he makes a clear argument to explain literature racks should also called Infinite Life Prayer Luan Shelf Sanh.
Red planet: In the teaching: "Nowhere boundless wealth of the world." Today, the good and n had used telescopes can see Mars, in that there are people who are living and  countless planets in the universe. In his numerous world, the world will certainly suffer, feel, remember, clean, good and bad things discrepancies. The world happily clean, nice stately called  Pure. It follows the good and learning have to rock n ng recognition. My grandmother's world is  the world of suffering, who was forced stringent suffering. Because of  this, Shakyamuni Buddha taught special for being an extremely pure world peace and for people to approach e tu To be vã ng was born in the pure land, because if trainees pure goodness results will be  pure. He says: From here towards the west, all the way Australia has ten i Buddhism, there is a world called Ultimate Bliss. With his vision and wisdom, He can make the world think that this should teach beings in the world recommend accidents yoke suffering Samsara please rise to the birth of the world demand the Pure, hard magnetic surely now be current born in the Western Pure Land.
Grounds and o First Sense speaking, Buddha-purity glass at Dharma Chon leave all generals, leave all discrimination, discourse. This legal world bosses kh feet stocked both places, people have enough but not visible because of obstacles to disturb wanted o karma. Enough said there throughout all but the appropriate place should be in the life of endless birth and death illusory. If you can break the illusory karmic affliction, an enlightened concept is a concept that corresponds to the Pure Land. That is the "Online birth and birth place is not no place of birth". That is the meaning of this rebirth.
If the grounds and procedure to that o say reborn as "Online, the current decision, the decision being born". Because goodness magnetic dies should now leave this mundane world reborn in the Pure World. If selected for the meeting and the procedure to be told reborn as "Online is not place of birth, being born, the decision" because the rebirth based on news reports can Alaya consciousness. Alaya official capacity pervading the all place, being in this world is due to mature birth karma that energy can report this realm achievements. Thus, e is entitled being pure is  so mature now be born ie newspapers Pure mature. Should say: "Online there is no current site, being the decision  to birth".
Again, being alert her relatives in realms I have not lost my life when, if left this network itself reborn in the Pure Land is "current, the current place." But the comparison does not really function at birth, carefully considered the birth place of the plane from her I, from the birth place of Bliss? If the Self-born, while it is not being itself can not do so born? If that's the excuse being they themselves say tha lie himself was not born because others how being born? Without the mercy of birth are all born Unknown. In the Middle comment said: "The law itself does not born, nor from another being, not as good at all to say the unborn", should be able to say: "Online resting place of birth, the current that has no place of birth". So the four cases should not accept disasters. Accept results if possible leave the vehicle engine can optionally be told that.
2. Creator Topic

This argument created by Vasubandhu Bodhisattva, he had two brothers is Bodhisattva Asanga and Ton Say Leo are famous Master thesis Career contemporaries. He created a lot of e Luan who is entitled to religious life called  "Heavenly The Master thesis". His initial study of Theravada, creating 500 sets Luan Theravada, then dropped into Mahayana and Theravada create 500 Argument Mahayana. Pure Pure Land treatise is one of 500 that Commentaries Mahayana.
EMPIRE telling enough that  Bodhi Sensory Friendly Slapping is threatened, but those steps have been effective ng tri convulsion, determined to break all of them rational nh called Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva Deeds near and far, Deeds has run deep. Area Development Center Cross Faith Sister Bodhisattva. Cross Head, The Almond, The Return direction, the behavior Tu Tam Hien called Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva Thie n Body has  certified Quartet price behavior Tam Hien Bodhisattva belongs.
Shakyamuni Buddha was born in the land of India, the e sermon recorded by Indian writer is entitled. By life Nguye n Wei, He Bodhi Save Expenses translated into Thai Hoa Van and his ambassador John Hsu That Weak spot.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/3/2017.

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