Buddha Bhikkhu Lot Price Na.

Buddha Bhikkhu Lot Price Na (Sanskrit: वैरोचन, Vairochana, or Maha-Vairochana), Pi Lo Price Na means "to shine", the brilliant light shining everywhere (variable luminous projector). He is the Buddha in the center, one of the Five Buddhas Method (In The). The color of his body is white. He sat in the middle on a lotus pedestal by eight major constituent lion. He can eradicate si contingent toxic poison, toxic ignorance of beings and can transfer formula A Da Na (official "sustain") the nature Tri Dharma Body. In the year of his uncle Surangama Central Ministry of Buddha.
Dharma Master Nan Da Rub It (Siksananda) in the Tang Dynasty has used this title translation in the translation eighty books Flower Adornment Sutra (Bat Flower Adornment Cross) his. In Book 12, "Food Tathagata Title" has said,  "Buddhas-mail! Germany As-Lai in Xuzhou this galaxy, or Circuit Set Nghia Thanh title, or titles Consummation Nguyet, pink or Leo titles, or titles of Shakyamuni, or the title to truly Tien, Lot Price Pi title or Na, or punch Thi title, or the title of the Great Samana, or titles I won, or the title of Teacher, have ten thousand mark thus made privy see other beings. "
Master also Gandhara Buddha Baht (Buddhabhadra) in the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the Flower Adornment translations sixty books (Luc Hoa Nghiem Cross) His Vairochana translated Sanskrit into Chinese is Lo Xa Na (Rocana).

Private Shelf pay Surangama Owl Award

50. Da Da Da sentence spared the skin.
Central Buddhist religion of Pi Lo 
Tathagata racial populations of moral 
self-propelled Universal Paramita 
Chu selfless legal notary.
Roughly translated:
Buddha in the center of Pi Lo 
lineage beings have taught 
throughout Van Hanh Tu Paramita 
The selfless legal notary.
Commentary: Da da da tha translated as "Tathagata", is also the Buddha Ministry. Note Surangama five sets, divided into five directions. In the middle is the Ministry of Buddha, the Buddha Bhikkhu Lot Price Na is cardinal. The west is a Lotus, there is Buddha Amitabha cardinals. Oriental is Vajra Ministry, there is Buddha A Animal cardinals, ie Buddhist Tai Dien Tho Medicine. The south is Bao Sanh Ministry, The Buddha's birth cardinals. The boreal is Bill Ma, Buddha Achievement is cardinal. Stalks are five sets. This is because the world's cardinals in the management and suppression in the military era in modern ma ma new military comply with tubers, but even if they comply with tubers but kept thinking of making this world slowly tangle disorder damaged. Born into this world everything is so natural accidents foreign drugs produced. Ma pagan celestial galaxy just afraid that there is no confusion, just afraid of this world do not deteriorate quickly, but due to the suppression of the Buddha where they surreptitiously sabotage, defiantly dared not do evil. The ghost world and the Buddhist opposition to each other. Buddha, the teachings of beings soon to become a Buddha, the teachings of beings ghost of ghost directing soon. But Buddhism is thanks ma tu achievements helped him, so was the good ghost of the religious intellectuals Buddhism. Cultivators as against to the scene upon under received, should look at the dark side to know the place well. We need to respect the Buddha, but also did not oppose the satanic, see relatives who are equal resentment, Buddha are like a ghost, so they do not need to hate and not love, not evil nor good. Realm like not much difference. Five ministries will pay Surangama later went through the full.
Gia is the racial question Out of the Buddha, the true nature of the Tathagata strains, ie Buddhist disciples believe in the Buddha.
'' Lo Buddhist monk at the center. '' In the middle of the Buddha, of the ground (earth). Earth born of all things, prosperous land all four seasons, four seasons a year are prosperous land, spring, summer, autumn winter. Spring is rustic prosperity, prosperous summer, the fire, the needles fall prosperity, prosperity winter fishery. One of only four seasons, but has five elements, is arranged like? Because brothels are in the middle, water, fire wood needles are four parties, spring, summer, autumn and winter so the four seasons. Spring is rustic prosperity, prosperous summer, the fire, the needles fall prosperity, prosperity winter fishery. You see, the winter here is wet, not just a little, the Guangdong-called "Islamic Nam" means wet season.
If Turkey does not have the four seasons are like? Turkish prosperity in all four seasons, spring three months, three months have ninety days, with brothels, it can grow on. Summer, autumn, winter, are groundbreaking. So in the middle of the Proceedings of the Mau territory, the east is Giap Ất of carpentry, southern Binh Dinh is under fire, the west is Renewal of metallic, boreal is attached Nham You Shui. It was born five elements relative restraint.
"Buddha in the center of Lo Pi" Pi Pi Lot Price Lot is Na is Sanskrit, translated as "necessarily turn origin".
"Lineage have taught beings '' Between the Buddha Ministry. Race of teaching Buddhism to all beings.
'Van Hanh Tu Paramita around.' 'Van Hanh Monastery around, still happy, cross the Van Hanh, Paramita practitioners to the other shore.
'' The selfless legal notary '' obtained the selfless approach, the impermanent, is outstanding evidence of staff, all staff, the unobstructed space. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/3/2017.