Messiah United Kingdom France the multitude of upper
Three realms no one by,
The teacher teaches all over the sky
Father heal four common species.
Refuge a round anniversary,
End to three States, industrial cleaner
The title Ocean canopy n
Past life memories are not the same.
VISUALIZATIONS Buddha, born vulgarity is empty, Sympathetic leaders do, European Empire for shume mesh, Ten Buddhist aura shining protection methods B o the current coordinates. Bow falls, please pray refuge. BUDDHIST CEREMONIES Even wealthy girl Nam ceremony: mind enjoy not turn France world too, now, the futuristic shifang Buddhist followers, France, the Holy Sage Increase usually Tam head. Releases the mind: We model Men, wealthy girl Ms. Pope Article dwell the duty lawyer of Sakyamuni Buddha, Maitreya Buddha religion born hybrid, great location Van Enemy Mastermind Benefit bodhisattva, the bodhisattva Samantabhadra, the French Household followers, Son bodhisattva religious society for Buddhist bodhisattva. Releases the mind South West model: wealthy girl Sukhavati worlds from bi Amitabha Buddha, the great bi Avalokiteśvara bodhisattva, Mahasthamaprapta bodhisattva vows, Tibetan Local United Kingdom Naval Dynasty bodhisattva Purity, Them. CONCUR LU INCENSE Oven fried frogs, medium flavor All over the about the French stormed the local ten shume Does the cloud wall unlawful, treasure Chu hương Chi thiềng tops know clearly the Buddha Full bodied French Express money Prove prayer incense blessed instant ban for. Huong Van Nam The Bodhisattva Ma ha slaps. (3 times) GREAT UNCLE BI Dai Nam bi society for Buddhist bodhisattva. (3 times) Natural capital natural label invisible obstacles greater bi de la ni Male black tissue out Trinidad na multi stomach skin. A male rị, she listed, batch size the Bowl out of the skin, skin, she đỏa to slap Bodhi ma ha slapped her skin đỏa, ma ha lot ni ca ca da. Projects, slaps the table out penalty due, of Trinidad na Trinidad radiate. Male models of all unlawful flip đỏa, y a rị da butt, she listed batch, Buddha da mausoleum out interior. Nam na out be careful maintenance he rị, ma ha sa mế multi table, slapped her a spoiled beans, falls, a tourist by slapping her slaps, na ma Mrs. l, ma fine beans, reached Trinidad têwo County tha. The judgment, a lot, he plots her ca, ca out, di he rị, ma ha đỏa she slapped, slapped the Bodhi slapped her, ma out ma, ma ma da rị, Oh by Jove, cu cu listed batch batch, batch mode batch mode, fine skin SOAP, skin SOAP, fine ha ma da da ra, rị ni Interior Buddha, out da dá dá out, out. Fine plated plated ma out, your Empire, y he lost, he lost to na na di, a ginseng Buddha out symbolism, fine champagne, fine property out Buddha sa skin, coral, magic batch batch coral reefs coral batch plot he rị, I know, all rị all rị car car robots, robots, Bodhi Bodhi stomach stomach Bo da, da, da da, di, na rị soles out be careful maintenance, excellent rị ni na, ba da ma na, ta BA ha. All the momentum we felt she ha. Ma ha da we felt all her ha. All the momentum took technology, furniture desk, we're out she ha. NA, we carefully out her ha. Ma out na, ta BA ha. All out to increase da, ta Khe BA prefixed a ha. We all congratulate Mrs ma ha a da, ta BA ha. Fake Fang out a da, ta all her ha. Three of da ma da ta, all listed her ha. Na da table maintenance carefully out out Yes, I she ha. Ma she listed, we're out to win favor she ha. Male black tissue out Trinidad na multi stomach skin. South rị lot her skin a Fang, size table, we're out she ha. Projects, all the power it out the side awning, da, da, ta BA ha. Male models the duty lawyer of Sakyamuni Buddha. (3 times) THE SHELVES OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY Dharma deep wide very responsible oxidized. Hundreds of thousands of secret, damn hard to find. The present hear expert maintained that litigation. Pray understand As laiyi responsible oxidized. Hai Buddhist Society Maintains tissue male bodhisattva (3 times) A DI ĐÀ KINH Buddha Amitabha Sutra says, I hear real true is not false. Usually under two hundred thousand and a half, Buddha The University is Bhikkhu on stilts, Evidence A la Han long, They know no not wall. There was a time in the garden of the Head fake, Anathapindika, tree of Lizards, Property Protection in the country is not far away. Now Buddha himself said of this experience, The age of high rank have thick merit, Symbolism of the same Mr. Maudgalyayana, Mr. Scott Fry, Lettuce, you Ca He Divorced the same Sentence She Most sailings, Chau with Nan Da the ACE Nan and your child As Lai, She also expatriates here, The first one with the Tan Lu you Ca, Damn it Tan Na, La Question, also Silver Where is the Momentum on the long term. The same divine bodhisattva, Saint, Van Enemy Professor Boon stand on people, The King of France himself. A Most Ample bodhisattva also here, Bodhisattva Qian Multi Ha, He Usually also about Effort. The big truth is no longer missing, The King liked the Title also had hard by, Chu doesn't know how much Bias, All are also popular here. Now, the Buddhist master called Symbolism, Tell that from the US here, Go straight to the West, Over ten times the memory to future generations. Have a happy, wonderful world There is Buddha Amitayus, Does the equivalent of the sermon clearly. So the teacher know as the excuse, Why call other countries beyond the pole? They are pure enjoyment, Suffering great area of toothpick somewhat, For so called new realms of life very happy. Symbolism The Echo! Again see, The other realms around the outside in, The road has seven trees, Mesh-covered seven times, seven times the bulwark, The whole is gold silver treasure, All the fins surrounding noise. The other countries because it established, Called Sukhavati pure beings happy. Symbolism The Echo! New here, The other countries have both the indoor pond, The entire interior is you. The eight countries Germany is abundant in in, The bottom of the pond as well very good not bit of land, The sand below are all yellow substance, Four by the side tier amend, Crystal, gold, silver of Yuri, Merge considered extremely beautiful. On the floor, Also offers gold, silver, Cu, Chains, brain code their every species. Trimmed off in addition as a, Lotus pond in the incredible good flowers, Only horizontal horizontal wheels, The scent of clean, aromatic, unusual mystery Enough of four colors: blue, yellow, red, white, All by color light appears. Master Symbolism! There is that, The water that is properly solemn dignified, Thanks to the German cause. Back here, I will watch watch, The celestial music still echoes, hum, The land is on a six-night time good gold. United Wi on down, They are in the mood to bring out about, This bag under the other flowers, Early morning daily give away donation. Surges throughout the ten Buddhist memory for ever, How where the minute of right, Then stroll heels disengaged. Master And Symbolism Develop! Try me, How fast the German Club Extreme realms, It is the true reality. And here again the master view, Other countries have enough birds to divorce, Imagine beautiful lack of spend on color. Bach HAC along pretty deprived of huge, Anh vu, the same symbolism, The Qin mausoleum, also a singer. The birds on the night he called for sing, Full, is sweet as ru, Cast into the allowed tu, Five, five, seven, Bodhi The eight main road as politically. Beings in realms that heard, Are all Buddhist mantras, France, Rose also recite nobody stopped. Symbolism The Echo! Don't tell the teacher, The bird was then convicted journalist born, Because the German realms Di Da, Hell, hungry ghosts, is the beast, Three's clean birth there. Symbolism the master! Should clear the other realms, The name was not bad, Do real bird ever, The bird ran through Buddha, Want to make the French plenty, Should You turn new turned out. Master And Symbolism Develop! Look here, Other Buddha realms than this remote, Wind-blown trees, Rana johnsi The same is the grid overlay on the tree, Emits the dulcet voice of incredible, Truth is no different from hundreds of thousands of music, At the same time the khua all up. One can hear the sad nature, Please remember the Dharma sailings are Increased immediately. Symbolism The Echo! See more here, Other Buddha realms where there are over, The brilliant part, unimpeachable triggers By virtue of the order of the Gospel. Symbolism The Echo! Please do understand, Amitabha is Mark how, Aura light cover screw, Buddha Ten local country such as SOI does not. The title of the Moon in water, waters A Di Đà proclaimed lost new name. Master Symbolism! Again see, Germany Di Da boundless, immeasurable life All the people living on par as the Buddha, Since it's hard to count out life shit, So the name Di Da, The master of this Symbolism! Hear that thought, Germany Di Da throne became Buddhist, To date ten shit chu. And here again the master view, Theravada Buddhism there are also boundless, immeasurable The Sami Radio, La Han, Can't calculate that. The bodhisattva is also in favour of this, Master And Symbolism Develop! See here how, The Buddha how the sweeping across Germany, Triggers the right food. And here again the master view, The Extreme water tribe who up there and then, All are real throne. Buddha's coming into the very back East, Just a shit anymore. Read the numbers hardly counted out, Temporarily take the constant sa which tells, Many call for easy to understand. Symbolism The Echo! Who heard, Trying the play the next prayer should place the dog all the time. Because in the net with people in good standing, Happy together forever throughout eternity, Symbolism The Echo! To the people, Multiply the Gospel very thick German friendly charm, The newly born to the water. Symbolism! Master view that you don't, If anyone has a real, Fresh boys girls good are not packages, Be heard Amitabha Buddha, Is your name associated accept maintenance immediately, A day to always seven days, Such a bipolar instantaneous success. The same number at his take, The Scriptures with you right now, Eyes for coi, The thought of him at off slightly fluted, Immediately be born up Buddhist realms, Is the water as Lai. We see the benefit of this, Tell the teacher to review my thoughts. If anyone was listening to this talk, Should try to bridge the realms Buddha birth there, The master of this Symbolism silent listening! Now we praise Germany Di Da and then, The Buddha wisdom ever since. Orient him A Closing such as hybrid, Tu Di, Di, Overhaul Tu Di Buddha Magic with you Acoustic-optic. Like Buddha tells the desk copy, Ganges River sand billion total loss right instead. The Lord in the Lord, General Government-long wide tongue out cover, Three thousand realms never bit missing. Right advice they are born, Recommend an evening business news. How fast the German cause the other realms, Buddha are lettered households maintained in memory. Symbolism! Also in the South, There Are Sun Moon Buddha, The list, Quang Diem Kien hai Sir, Tu Di Posted As Future essential progress, Germany's wise count tells why. Like a lot of Buddha, Ganges River sand what's left of Him. The Lord in the Lord, General Government-long wide tongue out cover, Three thousand realms never bit missing. Right advice they are born, Recommend an evening business news. How fast the German cause the other realms, Buddha are lettered households maintained in memory. Symbolism! Also in the West, Have Amitayus As Lai, Immeasurable Buddha General unto him Great, Security General, two Colon Immeasurable, The same Optical Hybrid as fast-static. The Lord in the Lord, General Government-long wide tongue out cover, Three thousand realms never bit missing. Right advice they are born, Recommend an evening business news. How fast the German cause the other realms, Buddha are lettered households maintained in memory. Symbolism! Also in the North, Diem Kien, Nan Come there the equivalent, Max Sound is also Buddha Wins here. Japanese Born, full of Clever, Hammocks Constant HA sa hard description are changed. The Lord in the Lord, General Government-long wide tongue out cover, Three thousand realms never bit missing. Right advice they are born, Recommend an evening business news. How fast the German cause the other realms, Buddha are lettered households maintained in memory. Symbolism! Also in the lower, Have You Written List, Lions Optical List, Reaching The Colon As French Plating, Hybrid, Maintenance of France, like Buddha, Ganges River sand comparison more instead. The Lord in the Lord, General Government-long wide tongue out cover, Three thousand realms never bit missing. Right advice they are born, Recommend an evening business news. How fast the German cause the other realms, Buddha are lettered households maintained in memory. Symbolism the master! In the upper left, Buddha, Buddha Offense Xiu United Kingdom, Buddha Incense with Incense Quang hai, Great Stacie Be with you Best Strictly Buddhist Incarnation As Hybrid Flowers Said, Sa La Shou Wang As Lai, Opinions Necessarily Means he Told flowers, Tu Di da Buddha Painting, Ganges River sand comparison is not wrong. The Lord in the Lord, General Government-long wide tongue out cover, Three thousand realms never bit missing. Right advice they are born, Recommend an evening business news. How fast the German cause the other realms, Buddha are lettered households maintained in memory. Symbolism! Pleasing the teacher has devised, Why this call is, All schools of Buddhism hold that memory. Symbolism The Echo! Generally, all Daughter, son heal you hear is sewing, People hear good news in this economy, The same name lettered Buddhist night on litigation. These people have no fears, Buddha are lettered help out for, Also the throne Friday don't worry, To where the Buddha easy outdoor one. Symbolism The Echo! OK still hesitated, Should my word, With the word of the Buddha for the client or, The master viewed as has anyone played curse, Hours or after praying over her realms, These people are not coming back, The Buddhist throne amend evidence. The other person has to already very crowded, Now is also not lacking, So I advice for or, Fresh boys girls good who, If the news should play chapels wait for nothing Pray the other extreme to students. Symbolism! The teacher should treat them, Now We praise the Buddha and then, A lot of German hard or think. We must praise back Buddhist followers, This merit-it's hard to think, Say that the very hard to do, Like the Buddha truth does not hesitate. In the country of extreme suffering, The dirty life the stigma of bad enough all year, Fuck the same sexual comments, They are born pure dirt, impurities. In this tu realms that the Buddha, They said the French trade mission of oxidized. The world has believed in deeply, Symbolism should know! I didn't hesitate. In bad years, Mr Mr life This work hard instead, Bodhi Director is right. Because throughout the world, in addition to This French speaking people believe it's hard, Is a rare thing please. This Buddhist scriptures say yes, Symbolism the echo with the teacher Bhikkhu on stilts, Total how many listeners, Sun, who jointly Tu la, Hear the word of the Buddha said, Glad to believe that keeping step. MA HA UNCIVIL THREE LA SUITE MOST INTEREST Germany bodhisattva Self Interest in the brand, The new Open-Hui tu bring thick! The foot as a flat optical components, Projectors are the five aggregates nothing soi. Uncivil hue soi across old men, All fucking gauge ear complaints! Symbolism, mind shalt not nan, facilities The other colors no one else! The no excuses, would a distant, Color is not sharp, not each other. Tho, thought, action, awareness, other, Vacuum reviews also a wonderful world! This symbolism, does? The review is not legal: No, such that students that, Clean the mess, add, also the vacuum. Therefore must consider any information probably, As frivolous, what looks best? Tho, thought, action, awareness, clean philastraena, The label, the Atrium, the female, while Lady where thanks? The fuselage, Italy also these aggressor contingency like that, The other bare record, also told no. Did not label the information throughout the world To gender awareness also saw nothing. The unconscious ignorance, there is that Lady? My duty emptiness soi it must target! Have no insurance, Lao Tzu Dead old anymore, way under disturbed? Suffering, destruction, not instead! No longer place, DAC is? Infinite Prime facility is amazing! The old road materials cited tu bodhisattva. Leanne as my duty as vacuum, Thanks to hue uncivil, damaged soi philastraena! Do not hesitate anymore, stop fear! No fantasy, no crazy Island Center! The leg as his duty before nature, Nirvana's realms, the Director should be oxidized! TAM Buddhist world, the certified results, high Them all thanks to uncivil tu should. This uncivil very sacred! Then the great mantra meditation leaders should help. Dai minh mantra's brilliance! Uncle infinitely superior hose vọi high! Invisible college diploma he that, Include enough force, dark spirit! The brain gauge mossy rainforests mossy rainforests except off, This speech, such damages set foot. So uncivil, theory This spells out the notion like this: The throat of the Roman Empire, Roman Empire, three listed la listed, Three raises listing, Bodhi slapped her ha. THERE ARE FEW BORN MANTRA A male di Max she. Most tha fo diverse. Multi kill Yes tha. A di rị it she Bhikkhu. A di rị, all conversation she Bhikkhu. A di rị, Bhikkhu ca lan. A di rị, Bhikkhu ca lan. Fo fo fo, nị na di. Only maximum of ca, ta BA ha. (3 times) CONCUR BUDDHA Di Da Buddha body colors yellow, Good general quang minh ten full innings. Light in the big mountains, The eyes in the water source off four mining. How many Buddhist culture aura memories, Bodhisattva embody those twenty fold. Four of the eight curse would expect them, Nine Lotus products in the procession to the throne. South West Extreme tissue lost from the world the great bi Amitabha Buddha. Male Amitabha Buddha tissue. Dai Nam bi Avalokiteśvara bodhisattva. Nam Mahasthamaprapta bodhisattva. Southern Local tissue Organs United Kingdom bodhisattva. Male Pure Modern Naval model Them. GATE FOR THE MIND A tired heart not supplications, The bridge of sit Lien of the United stations. Fresh capital loss father Di Da, SOI glitter dazzling lightening the net. Thanks to the constant also Buddha depths, The present mindfulness pleased son a. Volunteering should be directed, Specializing in heart of worship; Ancient Buddhist words pledged that, Forty-eight vows to lead the way. Testimony that: who played the kindly, Our country treasures to you Friendly female, female credit per person, The Buddhist thought, the ten mantras releases out. We're not the procession in our country, Was not sure as the Buddha is not wrong. Because trust As Lai, Charming living Buddha dai idea immensely. The vast sea, vow Thanks to thanks to the Buddha escaped the ceiling ring. Guilty trails such as the stone Knife Sharpener, More great blessing, as high as thick. Pray for the falls said on, Know, know, know the names of a carefree spirit. Request the Sin out of gauge, Not affectionately the world love story. The bridge formula gentle spirit, In meditation as they Bang Oldtimer. Golden Buddha hand carry stations waiting, The bodhisattva stand now he looks. The procession were killed have so East, Them in moments of Cabinet Council of the West. View of the Buddha's well, Lotus Bloom racing clean ceiling now owned. This meeting saw the Buddha, legs Dang French light mental task listener. The decision means that the population of them, tu Prayer was an extensive reply enough thick. Buddha was sure any damage do not wrong, Net requirements, anyone who believes wholeheartedly. Net level of a home, Lotus nine are parents themselves. Flowers bloom and know the names of components, The bodhisattva he healed you with us. APPENDIX: CONTINENTAL HONG TRAN The Hong Tran works too gloomy, Shit match b. convergence concur those. People who know life affordable Oh! Body but yes, there and then hườn not. See how cleverly stir strange, Dream in a concentration that genus. Make the sadness that ni, New visualization that packed far. When to stand, sit, sit stand Now t.h cards such as dried tree buds. When traveling, Now close your eyes that loads the coffin. When do comb giắt brooch, Now send correctly outside the mound. When would the new taper yellow, turquoise Now a handful of broken bone cold fishy. When would you beautiful eyes. Now see the form, see the picture is. When up the downstairs, Now a melancholy blue grass fungus. When polio oanh oanh, Now a mid-air battle wind rain. When would the horse trick car filter, Now clouds the procession bringing Moon dream. When out on the expansion, Now homes villages away. When would my mom mother father dad, Now mountain shadows away for ever. When would my wife husband and wife, Crescent now also looking forward spending round. When would you you son, Now the two falls the water non far away. When ten apart, Now the leaves wilt fresh branch. When would you owner beaked, Now the cup of wine, the States thiu always absent, The stems as low dimensional shadow, As the foam beam half water phều off. Old Mr. Pengzu lived life, Eight hundred of today's time span. To which came the most frustrating, Rich that to Newt proved frustrating. Poor cold, hunger and thirst Hair, skin burning gauge bulging ceiling. Soon a dark ephemeral mai, Riches also falls, they work well. Smart intellectual heroes, Foolish passion also shared a mound. Sea Tran many fears that tough, Mau mau lightly heels through the Mekong River-boat. The life so boring so cooking, Games where the rescue that about the smart new. Oh my soul, o my soul die the death, The life today, tomorrow the Dune Sea? The province then a drunk. Will please worship that brought about the soul. The soul of the other country, For the far left that devil shit ma hang. Thanks to thanks to the Buddha Di Da, Launched a lightening glare aura. While the next clear lead. Pimp my soul out of six decent career. Guanyin bodhisattva excited, Willow branch carry hand grip needle. With the same World Releases him, Also recommended are sometimes up right Golden shower Having said that, there are colon phan, There is a strange scent, jade had built. God the realms, access There have welcomed, there are drums, the procession goes one way. The procession arrived at the Western scene, There are five flavors, Interior ponds. Yuri has the land would become a light, Ma ni have water in all these flows around. The class has seven Pearl accents, Seven trees, seven main scorer. Have the banks, have long needles, Have the birds say France jerseys easy-listening task. Heard expressed, Director How much karma the soul delights end. Was born about nine Lotus products, Those ears are also stumbling block, these circular also charm. Buddha as the mother figure, I see my mom left still worry. The Golden floor radio treasure what deficiency, Jade rice, eat, wear, then Austria. No thanks, no resentment, no sorrows, Not old, not die, where is there reincarnation. Tanh was then please, Ancient mirrors now has to clean the ceiling box. Tu must life shit, Sea love AI source has dried. The choice is to be food poisoning, meditation That position lights dimmed to Lily? Words was following prayers, Pray for the mau mau as the Buddha. Itself out of Me, The next level is the compassionate beings. HELPFULNESS Chanting boundless merit Please provide feedback towards all regions near to far They are born in France about how la All of Da Thien Western Mobile Pray Navigator three obstacle course mind brain Opening prayer-boundless wisdom shines Prayer except the crime of serious life cover Under the bodhisattva eternal selfless Prayer Net Da Di pace born Lotus nine are parents themselves The United testimony of the French Enlightenment infertility Together with you we bodhisattva Chu Volunteers bring the Germany created Towards the near far enjoyed thanks The same body type unimpeachable records All the Buddhas, to the shore happily. AUTO SCALE Y Self regulation y Buddha, please pray they can, according to both leaders, crush loads. Self regulation y France, please pray they born, Tibetan economy, clear lens position hue as the sea. Self regulation y Increase, please pray they born, physical systems, all are not afraid.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.22/3/2017. |
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