1-promote compassion, suffering
The compassionate, suffering almost as characteristic of Buddhism. It comes to Buddhism, people think "compassionate" door, "moral suffering", because that is the essence of Buddhism, so classic and act always refers to. About 9 of the bodhisattva says: "do not be angry at others, which must start from the heart to forgive their faults". The 21st World says: "Don't be hatred in response to the hatred, not bring the beats bounce to the beat, no revenge in mind those who massacred their loved ones. In summary, the rampage of life to revenge the living behavior is contrary to moral tastes of Bodhisattva ". Course, "harm harm human personalities", "network" that is usually the killer probably usually love of my life, but for "nemesis", of resentment resentment resentment will loose against short, causality loops "lenders charged charged loans" will become endless cause the suffering the pain of others and of ourselves will never end. So the Buddha taught the disciples to "of course Germany nemesis", the new converts are matter become you Lu. Forgive and help other guys is the responsibility of every disciple of Christ during the Enlightenment, as in about the sixth bodhisattva presents: "if people come to pray, then Buddhists must, depending on their abilities that help them", and "When seeing the disease, the Buddhist must help them serve as a vassal state of Buddha".
Help the same bastards, heal sickness is the guys who are doing well and are supposed to do not the Buddha's disciples. Of the procedure significantly is the Buddha see the charity work that as expressed interest and serve you. This teaching tips up heart of The Dao, the humanity religion claiming Him as compassionate and he is the Director of suffering.
The compassion of the Buddha not only human but also aiming for universal to all everything through "non" (about people at home). But want to keep the whole world non-life bodhisattva precepts, who have to keep "do not eat meat" (about 20 of the bodhisattva); not eating meat is the full expression of the compassion of the Buddha and Buddhist disciples for the muon type.
2-make the estimated savings, tri-lifestyle
Want to help others effectively, the right meaning then you must live by a discipline lifestyle and tri. Therefore, the monks must adhere to the world of things such as: "Only three shopping using a medical garment custard, a centrally located instrument etc. In addition, if the home laboratory to bring additional donation alms for the other guys. Locate Male stilts are used enough new year 6 Crouching replaced new ones, must use the average bat shattered until recently was shopping another one. Not be stored, collection of gold and silver treasure do their own (except in the case of preserving the collective). Master Male stilts not high beds, mattresses smoothly, not jewelry United States of America ". All told over the spirit at least want to, know enough, simple living to the paragraph except greed, who almost reached the school overhaul ramps at peace. The renunciation must keep "Don't eat Africa time (eat right now), don't eat more packed, not delicious recipe Favorites etc.". In summary, the renunciation must adhere to the motto "Tam often real seriously," meaning the three eat, sleep and not be too redundant, affluent. Because, if the material enjoyment too prolific, the ease make sense they become effeminate, slowly flooding. Say that does not mean that Buddhism advocates the return to life. Buddhism never negates the value of the material civilization means, because human life should be delicious, even beautiful, enjoy the necessary needs. However, something outrageous or not well. Buddhism does not advocate people living poverty, deprivation, that inspiration only tri, save, just average. There are new so not to suffer the fullness temptation, and thus have the time and conditions of interest help, share all the anguish of people who lack of luck.
3-bar of integrity, justice, respect for others ' property
The bar of integrity of public works is necessary virtues that make up my trust and respect each other in the interaction between the individual and society.
Teaching law, Male stilts like to election offences (the critics) others must meet the following conditions, the 5 words sent new crime worth:
a)-right where the vessel at, not say it.
b)-true, don't tell Say damaged Wei.
c)-Said to have benefits, not talking in vain.
d)-Say modest, not say rude.
e)-told from the heart, not told.
This consistent ethical tradition that my father had taught him: "First century treatment, treatment review – hybrid bug who must know his error review". Means himself to the center of the main leg, then building new effects giving the qu, by contrast, if "myself no being, how are other people. His disease incurable,, how to cure humanity "(Try the real body, HA stem degrees. Self rescue skills any disease, to rescue patients). Set the German public thought not only about the new Buddhist monks need to which everyone must have, especially those of the main ruling and the law again as needed it more than anyone.
The sense of public works will of course respect the property of others. So, the 30 second in-slapped-States-ba-Yi of National-stilts wrote: "do not be misappropriating their assets increase" and about 16, 17 Three-Yi-writing: "do not be seized in possession of another person". This teaches the Buddhist disciples abandon greed, live by conscience, incorruptible, said valuable possessions of humanity and respect for the property of the social community. There is new life so stable and mutual trust between family members, unions and civil society. Therefore, the 17th World of Bodhisattva also stressed: "If the Buddhists that for profit driven, with the right guys, and then the world series, harassed, robbed of property of the person, that's cruel behavior, guilty of contempt texture". This is not only the Buddhist bodhisattva enshrined new world life, that thought anyone would want to live true to the moral traditions of the ancestors, live by conscience and perhaps direct the Chief Justice must try to comply. Because, if these guys have dramatic force, or abuse of authority to expropriate the property of others, or misappropriating public funds, then it is the offense, as opposed to moral, will surely head bitten suffering right in the present or in the future. Because of the wealth of the people is their gut, who takes the knob of the mercy without pain, sorry. But whether the General's, public funds, also due to the sweat the tears of all the honest people form's, things falling from the sky.
So, the more people there are, the right, the more responsible life downright thanh Cong. Perhaps this is for the person class have dignitaries, is responsible for managing the assets of the collective and the new right. Because the new user class prone money temptation, provokes greed crashing out as many illegal things. Concrete evidence is daily we hear the cries of condemnation than, the press and the people's honest about corruption. Indeed at present does not have any other thing to bring a full PC and computer time for in this world. This is one of the very meaning of the Buddhist precepts of educate people about Germany integrity?
4-Chief level in favour of the upper Glass, respect honor others
The fondness, respect is the noble human virtues, so about 35 of the bodhisattva says: "have to start cooperating with fondness their parents, revered Master Chief". Also, was a bodhisattva disciples not "his praise, saying people" as world's seventh bodhisattva mentioned. Moreover, the world also says: "the bad then get yourself about yourself, the good then assign to others. If doing the contrary, Breeze, or hide the good of the people, make them suffer any libel, it is crime-la-di of the Bodhisattva ". Thought, such action is actually extremely tall, which perhaps only new University class.
In order to build the ideal collective life, cordially, harmony, the Increase of evil 8, 9 of the Male stilts says: "do not be slander others, not false evidence to slander the price for people not taking the hat people I don't like". What about the three-Yi-23rd title, then said: "do not taunt happy" co-conspirators, and you three-Yi-55 theme also adds: "not terrorism, threaten fellow tu". As if in a collective, who went strictly follow the above instruction, then things will never happen these frictions. So, will ensure the pure life peace for yourself and others. Further, aims to expand the scope of exchanges from individual to social and national unions, the bodhisattva 13 says: "do not be unjustly canceled stock those Sage payroll, virtue, the shaman, and the monarch". With the content as above, indeed act imply very sense is perfect. If any social, collective, the country would also encourage people to apply the precepts of Buddha (not Buddhists), then ask the good society will know when! Because it is the principle of life is very, very common and very easy to make, anyone can use to improve our own dignity and contributes to building a human community peace, peace.
In summary, through what was presented above, we see the precepts of Buddha taught people to promote compassion, suffering; done, estimated savings tri lifestyle; to preserve Germany thanh Cong, respecting others ' property; glass make the Chief ranks, to respect others ' honor. Though, here are the principles of education are ideally does for disciples of Buddha that is for all people, not what the private class for the Buddha's era that is for all ages, especially in the era of civilization advances.
However, the world does not have any one thing is absolute perfection, the precepts of Buddha is also not out of the rules, so hard to get out a few downsides. That is something that we will discuss in section of commentary here.
General conclusion
The purpose of the austerities is directed to the liberation and enlightenment, that want to be freed, the Enlightenment, the course must follow some guidelines. The basic principle he first was set based on the spirit of article c a shelf:
"Don't do evil,
Well do the fresh almond,
Keep the mind pure Italian,
The word of the Buddha knows knows ".
(Chu, the desert of evil
They are friendly to serve passengers,
NET itself States,
Client a Buddhism).
and are concentrated into the target language as:
"Africa is just evil" (Prevention of wrong things, terminate the bad evil)
"Special release" (Keeping the extent would then free the extent)
"The problems that Refugees" (Avoid the disparagement of the person's life)
etc, and summarized into 10 the purpose of the following:
1. To NIE recovery to increase them
2. To increase the they reach extremely friendly
3. To increase them live peacefully
4. To extract those who do not know the disgrace
5. To those who know the disgrace of living alone
6. Leave for those who have not believed born faith boots
7. To those who believe more and more trust
8. To eradicate the contraband or in current
9. To prevent smuggled or in future
10. The Chief Justice was long (1).
Church History tells us that in the early stages, only the Buddha set out the essential principles that have not specified the gender specific things. But in the 12th after the Buddhist leader, in the ranks of Female stilts have people doing things wrong cause the blameless life, hurt to the kudos of the Holy Mass, hindering the practice, so the new option, option offense Buddha means violating the right mechanism's tasks. Then, gradually over time, the precepts that had been built up into Five natural bowl of convergence (5 column 8 groups) namely that 250 of the Female gender of the 348 Billion and stilts on stilts ni Pàli law. Of course, there are the differences between South and North, but very small, negligible.
Such is the formation of the precepts of Buddha also forecast in world and was the first episode after the Buddha entered Nirvana. Then, the disciples of the Buddha according to which that Act maintained to this day. Though the space and time always changes, if applying xi an act be regulated from the time of the Buddha, the difficulty which inevitably have much inadequacies. We see that the Constitution and the laws of the world has always been updated (by changes and additions) to adapt the transforming of the circumstances and the times. If they cannot be adjusted and supplemented in time then after a time, presume there will be many things become obsolete and ridiculous. Such is the rule of removing very stern of everything in the universe.
How to act? We know that the Buddha was born in Êẽn, Max 25 centuries, and precepts were determined from that. But each country has cultural traditions, climate, geography, customs and different each time also always evolves, then precepts of Buddha can be appropriate with all the space and all time or not? And if not completely appropriate, why the disciples of Buddha do not adjust to suit every space and every time?
Though these reasons are as follows:
1. Precepts just because Buddha intended processing. We know that the Buddhist theory of business, there are also high due to the map of Buddha as well as the ancient Sage Saints today declared the dogma, and the comment by the master's tuition rise higher, the erudite Professor treatise tÐch stool dissection, notes that make up the classics. However, the only Buddhist precepts specified mechanism, in addition nobody authorized plan as well as not competent enough to work. Such is the thing that history education has confirmed.
2. The second reason is that in French the first organ aggregation, A fake religious Nan for false religion Ca Lettuce know that before entering, Buddha have wills that in the Act because He prepared, later if the Male stilts noted small world would no longer fit the can away facilities. CA and he asked A Lettuce Nan: "so Buddha said specifically the world would be considered small can go or not?", then A response: "not Buddha Nan says specifically". Therefore, false religion Ca Romaine concluded: "Because Buddha did not say specifically, so, if we assume that the world Ðột-cat-la (Almond) is responsible should go, then people will say that the world Ðột-cat-la should go about Three-la-theme-theme-dormitories-and should also be removed. And then other people say, not the three-dollar theme-theme-that should give up sex-and-residence Three-Yi-theme (being fallen) should also quit etc., so don't know where is limited and in the will arose the controversy, that's hard for position. By the way, is what the Buddha was prepared, we have the full episode (and when applicable, the customized example of magnet facilities), and what the Buddha is not prepared, we are not arbitrarily set add ". The competition, closing mass was endorsed unanimously bar (2).
3. the third reason is the event Threads She break up: She Hit almost all Threads (Devadatta) spice with tu Center the planet tons in 12 years, but the preferred later Kabbalah, put legitimacy. The teacher wanted the island Chief of Buddha to win our National leadership on stilts, with A King World Soap structure (Ajatasattu), tempted, seduced the King killed father to the throne, as follows: "You killed my father, I kill Buddha; you will be King of water Ma Da Masterpiece (Magadha) as Buddha, now in Ma. Da Masterpiece has a new ruler, a new Buddha, the orgasm? ".
Then, She Hit Da silver desk Threads and four disciples Center, go to the ladies with the Buddha: "white World Religion! World Religion age was high, so increased their traffic back to you. World Religion just beneficiary France lost at present, to raise them for the leadership ".
Buddha: "this Subject unto him to hit Her! Symbolism the ECHO and Maudgalyayana had great intellect and spirit as such, we were not delivered increased for them instead, more you are stupid, the zombies, which brought Increased them handed to you? ".
Being Buddha categorically rejected his dark intentions, Threads associated with Her four disciples: "we're with you together break the harmony Rose, sabotage the Falun of Sa Ðàm Cu subjects; to do that, we've known broke the harmony Rose, sabotage the Falun of Buddha ".
For who rắp do pious, Threads She associated initiator export 5 illegal things here:
1. Female lifetime wearing stilts y chalk algae (picked fabrics from the junk heap).
2. Female stilts during qifu gangui follow life.
3. Female stilts only lifelong eating once a day.
4. Female lifetime stilts have to sleep outdoors.
5. Female lifetime stilts are not eating meat (3).
In fact, in 5 things on only the fifth thing is different from Buddha, because Buddha allows Female stilts are net food humiliation (meat dish) if not seen, not heard, and no doubt people kill animals to get the meat for his donation. In addition, the 4 remaining Buddha also has rules, but applies a flexible way. Here, she is the Subject of intensive looking forward me admiration and especially knowingly break the harmony of the Sangha, because that offense is guilty. And crime against this must fall into the hell of Endless cockroaches, take a full fruit gauge could not be rescued, as the word of the Buddha has confirmed (4).
Such is the three main reasons causing the precepts of Buddha cannot be added and changed. In addition, one of the reasons is from when the Buddhas destroyed for today already know how religious ranks, high German master's Presbyterian-although in the Act have any thing-still flexible adhered without the intention to change add; except that you compose, analysis, references to the following easy to understand and easy to practice. Maybe you have to apply the word of Buddha Law in the five part coaching move: "Yet what do We prepared, but if it doesn't fit (customs, usages of) a local then should not apply; In contrast, however, is not due to things We fixed mode, which is the work to follow (customs, customs) of that local, non-compliance cannot be "(although the market Fell Pediatric catheterization no residual process of micro-pure fake, between any application. While Africa Falls Pediatric catheterization method of residual process all interested practitioners, any privileged real) (5).
Now, we try to conduct the survey, something the precepts of the renunciation, whether they even have real value to what extent. Want to do this, first let's discuss the nature of the world. According to the lawyer, the nature of the world are divided into two types is Fake, and Leanne. Leanne world means the nature of the world that every breach of the guilty, though the Buddha has determined whether or not the specified mode. For example, guys would steal, murder, then (have just violated national law just) is bitten himself. So called family identity. Also Suppose about the world Buddha instituted to prevent the causes of crime. It has indirect nature, rather than yourself it is not sin. For example, drinking alcohol and hoarding treasure etc. Because the drink will make guys mind maze, and then doing things wrong or know. As well as the stored gold and silver will easily stimulate greed, cause obstacles for their cultivation. So that Buddha prohibited Male stilts are not drinking wine and store gold silver, rather than the fact the two things do not break the law and not be bitten directly. So two things called Imitation. When a person in the world such as robbery or Leanne offense of murder then y is just a crime only, also disciples of Buddha if violations of the medium so guilty that just about offense, doing things left by the Buddha has prohibited.
If a survey about 5 heaven of Male on stilts, we found that the majority of fiction-the basic world-today is still full of the practical value, but there are some other less important in the natural world-Yi-then indeed, today no longer fit the rising artist's seclusion lifestyle anymore. Therefore, we can not fully positive values of them. Though in the present era, the very science civilization progress, social activities and personal lifestyle far from fine. If the Act is not timely adjusted and supplemented and updated, then there are certainly many things become disabled, no longer fit the current times. That Act is born of Buddhism, as if it did not exert fully the positive performance of it, how secure the survival and flourishing of Buddhism? That is the very pressing, genuine young monks and nuns of the majority that we want to raise a petition to the high opinion the higher increase of meditation in Germany.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.22/9/2016.
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