Monday, 26 September 2016

All of Zhuan Falun.

All of Zhuan Falun
Ananda said. Then I heard something like this: One day, while seated Buddha at Sarnath, Isipatana origin, near Benares, he taught five brothers ascetics He was staying where he is as follows: The teacher may know, in human life there are two methods that a practitioner should be avoided.
Five brothers ascetics He asked the Buddha. That is how the two methods?
Buddha replied: One is to make the body and mind decision sensual attachment.France's men, do not value the virtues of holy. Futile. The second is keen to stick in the way of asceticism, not worthy of the holy virtues. Futile. Thanks to this approach give up two, but I have realized "The road in the middle" (Majjhima Patipada), is the way to make arise the understanding quibble vision (cakkhu), intellectual serenity there (nana ), understanding right feet (abhinnaya), enlightenment (sambhodhaya), and Nirvana (nibbana).
Five brothers Buddha asked Mr ascetics: The teacher may know, the Middle way which I have realized by the arising through the understanding quibble vision (cakkhu), intellectual serenity there (nana) , understanding right feet (abhinnaya), enlightenment (sambhodhaya), and Nirvana (nibbana) is? It is the Noble Eightfold Path, the path has 8 branches.
Five brothers ascetics He asked the Buddha. Eightfold Path is that?
Buddha replied, roads including 8 branches as: Seeing rightly understood (Sammaditthi), Thinking righteous (Sammasankappo), Say righteous (Sammavaca), Occupation righteous (Sammakammanto), Breeding true network (Sama ajivo), Diligent righteous (Samavayamo), true thought (Sammasati), Tam Dinh righteous (Sammasamadhi).
Buddha said: the teacher, the Eightfold Path is the path between, but I went and enlightenment, is the practice to gain insight arises labels, understanding real quibble minister, serenity brainer , the right knowledge, the end of suffering.
Buddha in his talk with Parivrajikas: The teacher, Birth is suffering, old age is suffering, disease is suffering, death is suffering, frustrations, anger in my heart, not to be revealed, people living with unpleasant is suffering, separation from loved ones is suffering, desire without the suffering ...
Clinging to the five aggregates is the Truth of Suffering and this is the Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering.
Buddha asked: The teacher said, rebirth in samsara is due by Craving inside. So that's what craving?
Buddha replied: Craving is the cause leading to the rebirth and there are 3 types of craving:
Sensuous earthly craving (Kamatanha) is eager longing heart, clinging to one or the other in life.
Craving born in gender identity (Bhavatanha) is the survival hangs upon.
Craving born of formless (Vibhavatanha) that hangs upon the existential.
Thanks to the Eightfold Path that leave, cessation of Craving roots. This is the Noble Truth of the Cessation of suffering.
Buddha said: Now, you know, the Eightfold Path is the Cessation of Suffering Truths Directed by true understanding, right thought, word true, true professional, a true network culture, fine tons righteous, righteous thoughts, the true center.
Buddha said: The teacher, without understanding a knowledgeable manner about the Four Noble Truths in three sides and twelve ways, it is necessary to try to do so, understand, know, see, clearly and without understanding , know, see, this knowledgeable insight, it would not call myself a completely level attained.
Buddha said: The teacher, when achieved fully attained this level, then, necessarily, within all beings, all things are impermanent, selfless and does not stop here but go further ...
Buddha said: There is a huge difference between the understanding of the theory and the implementation in practice. Understanding, Knowing, Seeing a wall as a way to take it is the fundamental platform for intellectual path arising patents. Tu is to modify perfecting the knowledge and vision arose inside of each person to bring about peace.
After explaining finished Isipatanamigadayavana forest, near the Baranasi. Buddha said: This is my last life, such longer life expectancy born more. His five brothers played ascetics infinite joyful heart.
Last Kinh His Zhuan Falun was all praise every word and see it as a turning of magic wheel, can not be changed is to reach nirvana.
Through lively praise of people transmitted together, the king of the four directions, the teacher level, the sages, the saint, the ranks of scholars, the Magi rank each area Brahmin ... different, and together extol his praise.
Praising consecutive hours, more resounding, stirring, until all the attacks. At that time, Buddha then said, ascetics were enlightened, A Nha ascetics were enlightened. From A Nha ascetics called virtuous ascetics.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.27/9/2016.

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