Vol. 1
Early life of Buddha that dwell in the essential Period-perfect (3) residence in Furniture-la-Tycoon (4), the mass of the House on stilts with a full consisting of one thousand two hundred and fifty, are all the pirated A myriad-la-Han (5), in which you honor the great fake Location and symbolism Develop, Maudgalyayana, the great Question Hi La, Phu Long Na, Bodhi Monastery Her Priority, Ni Sa, da, etc. You fake religion that are all upper ranks in the capital, is the Buddhist Abbot (6), crossed the escape of three realms, but still in this level of achievement which places these majestically; usually Buddha help Zhuan Falun, Jeyakumar, made molds for all over the three realms; has full ability to receive the rich mosaic of Buddha, there are countless relatives to save them, spread throughout the show in the future were to be freed.
Took me back to the day the lower self complacency of our stilts leans forward, the four should be immeasurable Jesus Mural-benighted (7) together with the disciples who player profile (8), also together to Buddha episodes van; at the same time, Jesus Dude-slaps from ten method also to please the Buddhas relief for the remaining suspects, the glass well Germany From Strictly (9), request for hearing Catholic meaning penetrating suite.
Now Germany World Religion experiencing specific coordinates, sit peacefully, because of all the assemblies that claim to teach French to Austrian know-how intensive. Hearing them whole purity in France is listening to the Dhamma.
France of Buddha listening to behave like ca-lang-older-frequency (10), echoes around the world ten; countless Bo-Written by him, slapped the Enemy Mastermind Benefit do upper, along to shume episodes van.
At the time, the Persian King Anonymously (11), full day extra riders United Kingdom, has sometimes Buddha on sweet brother donation to arc. The King shopping this page full of dishes that you cherish, and then personally walked the procession Buddha along the Bo-Chu slaps.
In that hour, you head fake, in the Furniture-la-Tycoon also has shopping fix son Sanskrit ready, waiting for the Buddha to the application. The Buddha entrusted to him Van Enemies divided you Bo-slaps and A-la-Chinese go to the pilot House home to the application; except for the German A Nan, i DD because the previous one was invited, go far back up now to attend to increase them. Greater Germany of late and alone, not venerable or a PEAR SOAP would go along. Day not one donation, so greater Germany must embrace peace Bowl, in the class that qifu gangui (12). In mind, Germany just look forward to a free man at last do son (13), regardless of who it's to, or despicable, aristocratic class or lower. Greater Germany not cooking remove the poor white trash, only Costa made the Palm from equality, full achievement Center the immeasurable Germany for everyone. Greater Germany know that, What ever Religion German rebuke two ton Bodhi Monastery and fake American Lettuce, is the A-la-Han that the mind does not equal (14). Because the German Religious World, the threshold glass Germany prayer broadcast from infinite kindness, making people suspicious mind could not start or cancel the stock.
Greater Germany through out the trench, slowly drill the thai stepped into the gate, majestically serious, chemical principles hold true son.
At the time, Germany A Nan, the practice of allowing qifu mumo carried in the order, went through the home of female prostitution, affected sailings going her art Ma Old Post (15). She has used the mantra "Brahma" moral artist We Find Ca La (16) given to making greater Germany were stupid, and then pulled into the room, based on the brink of the modern world, caress Germany nearly ruined!
The Buddha knew the great Germany A Nan being suggestive art persecute, so He immediately finished, boys life return to the essential. The Persian King Anonymously, you Lord, head fake, also according to Buddhism essential, look forward to hearing the Dhamma-intensive.
Now Germany That ton, from atop the head light out endless treasure Lt (17), in the light of court appearance he sen treasure of thousands of wings, on which incarnation of Buddha sits the old urban planner, said the mantra. The Buddha told him Writer's mantra to bring Benefits Lawyers Feud to the rescue, except Uncle evil, led Germany A Nan together she brought back Old seat Post Ghost Buddha.
Greater Germany A Nan see Buddha, just sad, crying just ceremony, wealthy girl hated her so far, just remember broad learning specialist, which force the absolutely poor. Now greater Germany into begging please Buddha teaches the French far-ma-tha, tam-ma and meditation-na (18), are the means of the first German cultivation As a hybrid in ten to advance to leadership accomplishments result Invisible Upper Bodhi. At the time there are countless Jesus Bo-slapped and A-la-Han, pratyekabuddha from ten local to, is also looking forward to hearing, his seat, all silent, awaiting receive kim of Buddha.
The Buddha told the German University A Nan:
-As a hybrid with a fellow teacher, like blood (19). New teacher Center at play, in the Dhamma of the hybrid, I feel Like there's good general discharge that now are those of the world deeply bruised to go spice?
Greater Germany A Nan white Buddha:
-I saw thirty-two German generals of world Religion is extremely nice, bright as a Pearl in formation to save li. Children usually thought, the good general is not due to craving born, why? The nature of the lewd, crude is dirty nhớp, is the foul fishy intercourse, blood xen flipped, then can't birth bright brilliant Golden general body, clean, nice micro magic like that; so I've been thirsty hair shaving Buddha under threshold.
-Heals instead of A Nan! The master and the masses should know, all of them born from infinity up to now, only I could continue moving in line by mortal could not realize computer clean clarity of mind, permanent leg that just live entirely in expectation thought; because hope is not true ideas, so have the new samsara. Today the master wanted to bridge the Invisibly Upper leaders, clearly leg before, then please take the straight heart that answered the questions of the Like. Chu Buddha in ten local are only due to a road to escape li born: that is right. Mind the directness, the words straight, and just like that go from first place to last place, in the middle of the race never had general winding.
This A Nan! Now As Lai asked the master: The master General of the thirty-two at shows of Such Hybrids which played Center for spice, then use something to see, and what's popular?
Greater Germany A Nan white Buddha:
-German White World Religion! I've used the mind and eye of the child that preferred; do the eyes see the stem of the world that Respect wins General mind born favourites, so the developed mind, depart prayer line.
The great Buddha in Germany A Nan:
-Just as the word says, the real main favorite because of the mind and the eye. So, suppose don't know the mind and the eye, unable to squash the Chen lao (20). Such has been the aggressors invaded monarch, infantry troops, then he giẹp hit need to know aggressors. Of the teacher being transferred is due to an error in the mind and the eye of the master. Now As Lai asked the master: the mind and the eye of the master now?
Greater Germany A Nan white Buddha:
-German White World Religion! All ten species of sentient (21) in the world all know the mind is inside the body. Assuming the beautiful eyes look like Blue Lotus, German Religious World, eyes on the Germany World Religion; also, the eye of the flesh of the son in on the con. As a result, the mind knows the real capital in the fuselage.
The Buddha asked the German University A Nan:
-Now the teacher sitting in the Lecture Hall of the Tathāgata, see Weird Forest-da (22) located at?
-German White World Religion! High purity Lecture Hall haunted house is situated in the garden Level-she-venom (23), while the Term forest-modern momentum outside the Lecture Hall.
-A Nan! Right in this lecture, I feel something first?
-German White World Religion! In this lecture, me first World Religion; things to see in mass; then look out to see the garden jungle.
This A-Nan! Do something that I feel is a forest garden?
-German White World Religion! Because the doors of this lecture are all open, so from my Lecture Hall in see through out.
At the time, German Religious World in between, take sharp golden arm, first in Germany A Nan, teaches that:
Tam-ma-French-deals (24) named "the great Buddhist Shurangama wealthy girl United Kingdom", including enough happy for ever; the Germany As in ten local traditions are as stately avenues to transcend mortal behavior. Master listen!
Greater Germany A Nan sailings, wealthy girl please listen to the Buddha's teaching only.
The Buddha asked the German University A Nan:
-As the master has just said, the master in the Lecture Hall, due to the extended door which I feel was the scene of the garden outside forests; so, is there anyone in this lecture, not seen As Lai see position outside the Lecture Hall?
Greater Germany A Nan dear:
-German White World Religion! In the lectures do not see Germany World Religion which is seen in the scene outside, that can not be!
-A Nan! The teacher as well. The mind of the master clear clear all, if now the mind does indeed shed light in the master, then first of all it must know in the fuselage; but there are people who would see in the trunk and see scenery outside? Although it may not be the heart, liver, spleen, stomach, then the nails grow out long hair, add motion, blood vessels, tendons jump, you should be aware of, but why not? That was not known to be inside, why is know to be outside? So that said, I know that the mind or knew in himself, that is not likely.
Greater Germany A Nan heads the white Buddha:
-Your listening to Religious teachings, so That German realizes that, the mind of the truth in the outside of the fuselage; Why? Such lamps are lit up in the House, then of course he lamp lighting in the home first, then due from the door that light shining out in the yard. All beings are not found in the fuselage that only see the outside of the fuselage, like the lamp to outside the home cannot illuminate the inside of the House. The meaning was clear, make no mistake, not knowing the true meaning of it. How Ton German storage or not?
Buddha told the German University A Nan:
-The master of the House on stilts here just as real in the Interior qifu guoren Lai-la-Tycoon, is now back to forested Term-da. As Lai has longevity. The master see in them on stilts, the House when a master feed, the other teacher has no?
Greater Germany A Nan dear:
-German White World Religion! Can't be! Why? You will find this on stilts are A-la-Han, but different body, storage would eat one that makes the other unit was no.?
Buddha told the German University A Nan:
-If the mind see the master's clear knows facts outside of the fuselage, the body and the mind the way the leaves together, not anything with each other; so, who knows what the body can not know, something dear to know the mind can not know. Now As a hybrid put the arms to the master view. When the eye of the master's mind, then I feel has the distinction to know which is the arm of the Future Like?
Greater Germany A Nan dear:
-German White World, indeed there is!
Buddha told the German University A Nan:
-If the body and mind together see know each other for a while, said to be the heart outside the body! So should know, the mind or know is outside the body, as the teacher just said, is not true.
Greater Germany A Nan dear:
-German White World Religion! As Word of That Religion teaches, the mind does not see inside, so not in the fuselage; the body and mind together or know once, not, so not out of mind. Now the thinking is that in in one spot.
The Buddha asked:
-Place is?
Greater Germany A Nan dear:
-The mind of understanding did not know inside that can be seen outside, then follow your thought, it is hiding behind the eyes! For as someone retrieved the Cup save li inverted onto two eyes, but there are things up but not eye the Hippo was shy, just saw is distinguishing sailings. The mind knows the child's expressed does not see know the inside is as it is in the place of the eye; but it found unclear scenery on the outside, not hindrances, is because it's hiding behind the eyes.
Buddha told the German University A Nan:
-As the word master said, hiding behind the eyes like the eyes in the back of the Cup to save li, so when other people take the Cup to save li inverted onto two eyes, seeing the river mountains, there to see the Cup save li?
-German White World, Yes! When the other user Cup save li inverted onto two eyes, indeed have seen Cup save li.
Buddha told the German University A Nan:
-If the mind of the master snuck behind the eyes like the eyes hiding behind Cup save li, then saw the river mountains, why not see the eyes? If the mind see the eyes, the same eyes as foreign, could not see that the mind knows as is. If not see the eyes then why say that clearly know mind hiding behind the eye-like eyes hiding behind Cup save li? So knowing that, the mind clearly knew was hiding behind the eyes, like the eyes hiding behind Cup save li, as the master has just said, is not storage.
Greater Germany A Nan white Buddha:
-My World Religion! Now you think like this: The body of them born here, Government organs (25) in the complaint, in points (26) in addition, there are Tibetan, then dinner, then have a light. Please ladies up Germany World Religion: open your eyes see the morning call is found outside, his eyes saw Max called see inside; How's the meaning?
The Buddha asked the German University A Nan:
-When I see dark eyes, the dark realm he is for the eye, or not for the eyes? If for the eyes, the dark realm in front of the eyes, so why say it is in the trunk? If the dark realm he verily in the fuselage, then in the House, there is no sunlight to the Moon, there is no light at all, then everything in the dark realm of house organ of the Government are the master right? As if the dark realm is not for before the eyes then can call are is found! Suppose, instead found out, for now is seen by contrast are in, then when your eyes see the dark realm called found inside the fuselage, then why when opening eyes not see his face? If not see his face cannot say is seen in reverse; also like to see his face, then both the mind and the eye are known clearly in place of nowhere, not in the trunk! If both the mind and the eyes are in the place of nowhere then of course we are not the body of the master; just as we now Like to see the hybrid master, such as a hybrid is not the body of the master? And so, if the eye of the master has to know the value for storage of master body must not know; rather than as if master disputes the view that the body and the eyes, they both know, i.e. both know, that's just a body of mentor that will into two Buddha? So knowing that, I said to see darkness is found inside the fuselage, that's not true.
Greater Germany A Nan white Buddha:
-The often heard in Germany That philosophy teaches the four of them: who should the French By birth to Van born; due to the great wall for the second French-born Center startups. Now think what she's thinking, the real key is the heart of your child's name? Every case thinking in that instant Center does have in place, not in, not in, not in the middle.
Buddha told the German University A Nan:
-The teacher just said, because the French born so the center of the prearranged combination of thoughts, in that instant Center shall have in place. But the Center did not have the self cannot be combined; If there is no self that can be combined, then turned out about the same ceiling 19th Saturday (27) could be combined? That's absolutely ridiculous! If there can, then now the master hand pinch the stem teacher, the mind knows the master's body out in pinch, or from the outside in? If in the trunk it is seen in the fuselage; If from the outside in, it must see the face.
Greater Germany A Nan white Buddha:
-Seen as the eye can see, a clear mind to know then is not the eye, should say mind saw is not right.
The Buddha teaches:
-If the eye could see, then when the master in the House, the door see? Then again, those who have died, that my eye still, perhaps to view; which if seen or what is called the dead animals? Again, this A Nan! The mind clearly know of the master, if there are n ch can make, then have a can or have more? Now it's in the trunk, then the physician can then together around the stem or not the same all over? If just one, when I pinch on one arm, then both arms two legs must know; But if both hands two feet all know don't know where pinch, if know what pinch the novel "a can" of the master, by itself is not established. If the mind has many able, then the more people out there, so is the master? If the might of the mind in the same throughout the body like the pinch in the event on "a possible" before; If not the same throughout, then when I touched the head, also touched a prearranged head, foot said, do not know, but the truth is not like that. So know that proper thinking, in that instant Center does have in place, as the word master said, is that this is not right!
Greater Germany A Nan white Buddha:
-German White World Religion! I've ever heard, when talking about "truth" Written for him Enemies along the French gentlemen Prince (28), Germany World Religion has taught that: "the mind is not in, nor outside". According to my thinking, it does not know in the fuselage, so the mind is not in the body; mind and body, so the mind is not on the outside of the fuselage. Mind and body together, which is not known to the inside, so the mind must be in the middle.
The Buddha teaches:
-The teacher has just said, the mind in the Middle; in between, then certainly not confused, and also is not without a certain spot. So the teacher said "about the Middle", then what about the middle of her? In exterior or in the place of the fuselage? If something about the middle of her body, where that one side (29), not the Middle, in the middle of the Council – which as in; If in the exterior, you can get raised or not be raised? Can not raise the same as there, stating are you can't have something around the middle. Why? As a user, for there is something to be in one place, and call it in the Middle, if standing in the East that he then look up out in the West, if standing in the South which he then looked up in the North; the "in between", direction was jumbled, the mind is also trouble clearing, real.
Greater Germany A Nan white Buddha:
-The "between" that you say, not the latter, and this scene. As Germany World Religion ever taught, where Coast base label colors scene that spawned the label. The label was based has the distinction of best scenes, not understanding, consciousness arises in between and, in scenes in it.
The Buddha teaches:
-The mind of the master if in between and what her mind's landscape consists of both parties, or not including the two parties? If both includes the radical intermingling and flipped; the scene then, the senseless distinction, of course, became two of the opposition; get is the Center "in the Middle"? Then the mind cannot include both parties! The mind was not included on either side, it does look like the know of, also does not like not knowing of the landscape, IE not possible before; What about what's between the General? For that, he said the mind in the middle is not correct storage.
Greater Germany A Nan white Buddha:
-German White World Religion! Before you hear How Ton along with four German disciples (30) Great Maudgalyayana (31), Bodhi Monastery (32), Phu Long (33), and Symbolism Develop (34), when French instructor once said that, the mind knows not also distinction in, also not out, also not in the Middle, not at all non-stick, hang on anywhere, call center. So, I don't stick to the plaque called the mind?
The great Buddha in Germany A Nan:
-The teacher says, the mind knows no distinction in that at all, then the phenomenon in the world as unreal and goes on the ground, swimming underwater, space flight, i.e. all things that teachers do not stick sticking to, is there or not there? If no, then the same with the turtle fur rabbit horns (35), nothing that says is not sticking? If there is no master but cling to, you can't say no. No, the General call is not new; not otherwise, i.e. There is General. There, the General must have room where, where have to say is do not stick sticking! For that, the non-stick sticking to anywhere, call it the mind knows, as the teacher just said, is that this is not right.
Now greater Germany A Nan, in the mass, from stand up seat, derailed right shoulder shirt, right knee down to Earth, transparent glass arc that Buddha hand pieced together:
-The World's smallest kids is Religious, so loving, but Respect is renunciation, but still one tree Hill back on the love of the World Religion; so, though many listeners know that broad has not yet reached the result invisible contraband, not enough power restored ties pay attention "I Love La", so much so that it's driving lead put on the House girls porn. The main reasons for me not to know who in the foot in where, How compassionate Religion please bow to mercy, just teach us the way tu far-ma-tha, making these guys take the evil clear opinion based charity.
Greater Germany A Bach year, Buddha stature Nan sown into the ground (36), together with the masses, even the desire to hear the word of the Buddha.
At that time Germany World Religion, from where the emitted aura, Director the unimpeachable brilliance brilliant as hundreds of thousands of Suns, the world of Buddha are lettered shaken six ways (37), the water of the ten realms method much as mote along at all visible. By the dread God of Buddha, all the world were formed in the world. In that world, all the Portuguese are big in the head slaps his hand pieced together, waiting to hear the Buddha.
Buddha told the German University A Nan:
-All of them born from unconscious only I could until now, too many crazy Island (38), seeds of natural fruit feel Zhao industry gauge, the same as the left beam-evil (39). Tu people cannot prove Infinite Director Bodhi, the terrace of the bar-written, Visual, or Thien Chu-Coast; or worse so that the collectivity, sa or do the devil and her children of ma. That's because no two roots, cultivation of mistakes, like cooking sand that want to become rice, despite experiencing of shit as much as Mote, also could not be successful. Two things the roots? This is a Nan, A mortal roots from infinity only I could, as at present the master and all sentient beings are taking mind phan charm (40) which makes the self the names. Two is the possible pure Bodhi's Leanne Nirvana inherent from the unconscious only I could, as the present master, discerning mind mystery leg of master born out of all France, but Mr. charm only the silhouette did fall away of them. So since they born forgot the names of discerning which should, however, throughout the day using it without self-knowledge, to have to fall into the kind of reincarnation one way does seem a whitewash. This A Nan! Teacher wants to know the way tu far-ma-tha, pray to escape death ring, now As Lai asked the master ...
In an instant the Buddha put the arm up, gold shades co five fingers back, asked the German University A Nan:
Greater Germany A Nan dear:
-White World, you see.
The Buddha said:
-I feel something?
Greater Germany A Nan dear:
-Me World Religion put his arm up and co in your finger back into the bright, dazzling fist both the mind and the eye.
The Buddha asked:
-Master users something to see?
Greater Germany A Nan dear:
-The mass and have eyes to see.
Buddha told the German University A Nan:
-When you were the teacher says, As Lai put the arm up and co in your finger back into the bright, dazzling fist both mind and eyes; the master now please answer my question As a hybrid: the master eye can see, but the teacher get something done to recognize the brilliance of the fist As a hybrid?
Greater Germany A Nan dear:
-Germany World Religion now decanting asked, mind you, use the mind to think, consider the search; So what you get is likely to think that the mind.
The Buddha his rebuke:
-Wrong! A Nan, the thinking that is not the heart of the master!
Greater Germany A Nan startled frightened, rushed up the white Buddha hand pieced together:
-If it is not the child's mind, then called something?
Buddha told the German University A Nan:
-That's just the fantasies created by those General Tran's damaged front, they fascinate Leanne leg of the master. So far, only I could from legions just got his aggressors, missed the computer a often his head, should have to bear the shipping within birth and death.
Greater Germany A Nan white Buddha:
-German White World Religion! The children's love is Respect, due regard that the Religious World Center. But the mind is not the only German donation to world Religion, but also the donation serve Buddhist followers and the charity through constant knowledge Sha Kingdom. The great courage and strong heart generator, do the French really hard to do, is to have this mind; that suppose to be cancel stock Chief France, lost goodwill, is also due by this mind. Now Germany World Religion that is not mind, then that is the same with the wood, not stone. Since leaving the mind's little knowledge is no longer something else again, why Germany So that Religion is not the mind? The truth experienced fear, that both are also mass or. German Religious World please please show mercy bow to the great bi, just teach the guys not yet enlightened.
Then the Buddha for a German declaration A Nan and, like to mind the people to be able to enter the sterile France rings (41), from where the lion Court (42), He rubbed the top of greater Germany A Nan, teaches that:
-As often said, France is due to start turning the mind students. All causation, world, Mote, the human mind which can place all the names. This A Nan! All things existing in the world, though petty as grass, leaves, rope, knotted, if the roots are thorough review decanting can Leanne; Although as nowhere was also named the same general risk, more is pure mind, lucidity, oxidized, Leanne can do for all the animals, which do not themselves can Leanne? But, if the teacher tried to accept the narrow-minded, the computer considers the distinction of knowing who is, then she must mind can completely owned, nothing to be owned six ceiling colors, flavor, taste, tactile, France. Also as we are now, I'm listening Like Hybrid said France, which is due to where the sounds that have distinguished; oil kills off all see listening for understanding in the ceiling outside scene (43), take only the inner realm of consciousness, the President then the President's static realm is still the legal ceiling (44), the distinguished silhouette in the ceiling. Not Like Lai told the teacher denied the computer distinguish of understanding is not mind, but where the mind of the master, he must judgment for mature, if earthly scene leaving the front of the eye that still has the distinction of knowing, that is the mind of the master! If the Tanh said, when leaving the scene no longer sailings can self bare, then it is just the bare silhouette scene distinguished only. Tran is not usually longer, when they destroyed the change then the mind distinguish Tran Canh's no longer, as the turtle fur rabbit horns; by then, the body of master French well into out paragraph removal, did nothing to overhaul French infertility patient?
Instant greater Germany A Nan along both of them are sleepy, silence, not knowing what to say! The Buddha told the German University A Nan:
-All the people in the world, now the convent in tuy achieved nine ranks second in class (45), but still not clean the ends of the negativity, the only evidence of results A-la-Han, all because of bigotry the hope this mortal thought, for that is the true error. And also so that until today, however, is the wide learning of listening more, yet the achievement results.
Greater Germany A Nan heard Buddha-like, back to the sad tears, Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl, and then hand-Bach, scandalously kneeling Buddha that:
-From the heart of Germany, the World Religious renunciation because the series back where God of dread World Religion that often myself, no need to agonizingly austerities, and then here in Germany That will Respect ban for France the Chief Justice. I don't know that mind which cannot replace each other, should have lost a mind of his own. So, I however, the renunciation, that the mind cannot penetrate legitimacy; such miserable child whose father abandoned the run. Today I know, but have heard many broad study without austerities, then what other guys are not listening not studying! Such people say eating without eating, never no. White Germany World Religion! We today are two hindrances (46) bound, so that does not recognize the mind quiet resident Leanne; German Religious World mercy please bow to a poor start, steamed along the Center mission of discerning oxidized, opening direction label for us!
At that instant, Germany World Religion, from where the sand in front of the chest wall, General launched aura, brilliant light, there are hundreds of thousands of colors, at the same time projecting a worldwide Buddhist ten lettered soi, glean from the Buddhist schools of the constant in the water, down to the vast realms sa Germany A Nan and all. Germany World Religion told Nan that A German University:
-Now As a hybrid because he that erected the large French primary flags, also makes them born around ten method of achieving the deep secret the names of oxidized, pure mind and pure label Director. This A Nan! First of all answer the teacher's questions such as: did the teacher say I feel the hand of brilliance such as hybrid, so, the light of the hand do have? How did that become the fist? And Mr. grab something to see?
Greater Germany A Nan dear:
-German White World Religion! Buddha body as gold match-match-Forum (47), shining like the treasure mountain, perfectly pure, was born of the light; Indeed I have used my eyes to see, see Germany World Ton co holding five fingers in again, put up for mass viewing, so that there is something holding hands.
Buddha told the German University A Nan:
-Today As Hybrids will bring immediate truth to tell the teacher. Those who have the mind, just take for example is be food poisoning. This A Nan! For as the fist of the Tathāgata here, without the hand of Such Hybrids is not the fist one then; If no then the master's eye see you fail. So, grab the label of the master base that compare with your fist As hybrid, meaning storage of two things that are the same?
Greater Germany A Nan white Buddha:
-German White World, rightly so! Have not had the eye of the then found of the failure; so get your child shows that compared with the World's fist, both the work and the meaning storage are the same.
Buddha told the German University A Nan:
-Master said the same, that's not true. Why? If people have no hands, then nothing ever holding hands; but who do not have children then the eyes see is not entirely there! Why is that? The teacher tested the road asks a blind that: "he found something not", surely the other blind people would answer me: "before my eyes only see darkness, nothing else!" Take that which considers the ceiling in front of themselves black, rather than what the computer found there exhausted?
Greater Germany A Nan white Buddha:
-In front of the blind see only darkness, where can be found?
The Buddha asked the German University A Nan:
-The blind do not have eyes only see black, and those who have the eyes in the dark in the House, then two up her different or not different?
-Indeed, my World Religion! People in the House this evening and the other two, the blind him so out of nothing.
This A-Nan! Totally blind people see black, suddenly the eyes are light, back to see every scene before your eyes, then known as the eye sees; also in the House the other night, while being totally see black, suddenly have bright lights, also clearly see all the scenery before your eyes, in this case, the master also said the lights found? If indeed the visible light, then it can't be called lights; Besides, suppose the lights to see you don't have to master? So knowing that, only lights the scene unravel, but seeing as the eye can see, rather than the lamp; also, the eyes just make scenery manifest, also see who is found, not the eyes!
Greater Germany A Nan together with our hearing the word of Buddha, while her mouth shut but the mind has not yet opened, still expecting compassionate Buddha taught more, so a pure heart, hands open, wait for the Buddhist mercy education.
Now Germany World Respect soft arm extensor shines, opening five fingers out, Bao Dai Germany A Nan mass together that:
-As the new Director, the when in the garden of Nai (48), each teaching A subject Most Elegant sa Group (49) include in the master of the House on stilts that: "all beings never taste the fruits of Bodhi together A-la-Han, all due to the negativity of ceiling (50) guests fascinated." Early life that you master that are funny and human achievements result Holy?
Now religion assuming Kieu Tran Na (51) stood up the white Buddha:
-The aging today, in mass in private was the name is "the prize", human food poisoning are two letter "," ceiling that certified results. White Germany World Religion! For as the passengers on a holiday where the Inn, or sleeping, or eating; sleep, eat again Pack the page onto the road, not in the saddle; only the new proprietor is not going anywhere. From this example you think: Not in the saddle, then called "solo"; the yen also called "home". And so, I'm taking the "don't stay" to articulate the meaning of the word "guest". As tạnh, whenever the Sun shed light on the air, the light shone through the slits, making clear the dust out of nowhere; dusty then oscillates, nowhere, then quiet. From this example you think: quiet, then called "not"; longer range, then known as the "ceiling". And so, I'm taking the "wobble" to articulate the meaning of the word "Tran".
The Buddha teaches:
Meanwhile, Germany, the world Religious sailings in mass before holding five fingers in again, and then open, the open and holding, and asked the great Germany A Nan that:
-Now I feel nothing?
Greater Germany A Nan dear:
-You see the hand of German treasure That you show respect in front at the mass at open fist.
The Buddha asked the German University A Nan:
-I feel Like holding their hand open mass front, the Hybrid is so hand As Lai has mastered have opened, or see you have mastered are open?
Greater Germany A Nan dear:
-You hand the German Religious World treasure holding open mass front, the main German hands you see How Religion when seized upon opening, rather than the see of the hold open.
The Buddha asked:
-What's up? What is varicose?
Greater Germany A Nan dear:
-The hand of German Religious World does not stand still; rather than see computers of children, the no longer static, then get called!
Then the Buddha, from the hands dropped a stream of light, radiating to the right of the German University A Nan, the great German turned out right. The Buddha again launched a stream of lights to the left of Germany A Nan, Germany again turned face to the left. Then the Buddha asked the German University A Nan:
-The master's head recently that human movement?
Greater Germany A Nan dear:
-Me That Religion dropped the light you treasure, to the right and to the left, so the spin look right and left, the head itself.
-A Nan! The master of light look Like Hybrids that oscillating, head turned to the right and then turn to the left, which is the master's head varies, or see the range?
-German White World Religion! It is the head of the oscillator itself; rather than see computers, the stop is still there, what case is oscillating.
-That's right.
Then Buddha said throughout the mass:
-If they get the wobble that calls it, not in the saddle which call it; then you see A master teacher, Nan, that self-oscillations head count found does not fluctuate as you master see the hand As a hybrid of self holding self open, rather than see computers don't stretch non co. So why now you still get the body do master, took the action to do the scene; knows that from beginning to end is the only anniversary anniversary kill! You have missed the leg whole crazy work, the names of the island. Because the true emptiness of mind so you do have character, self himself leeway works in the kind of reincarnation! END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.20/9/2016.
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