Part II – Lesson 3
Cause and effect
A-Lead type
Héraclite, an ancient Greek philosopher, that: "no one can put the feet twice on the same water line". The dress that was talking up the continuous transformation of the human world and the phenomenon. All are available as equivalent of charm, they always take place within. and also in this causation correlation that moral issues Buddhist ethics are put out under the name of good and evil. Therefore, it comes to cause and effect-career report is said to a process of human artifacts, and from which life formed peace or suffering to every man; in it, each thinking and specific actions is a motivated opinion constitutes an or psychological state of insecurity, creates happy life or unhappiness. Of course, during the process of creating work (causation-career report) that, people always plays a central role and proactively. Here, according to the word of the Buddha, not have any dominant would by a power, by a divine Creator, etc., in the process creating the work, that only the people and the psychological action of it.
B/the content
I determine the meaningThe religion in General has a different concept of causation. Here, we only learn about cause and effect purely according to the conception of Buddhism.
Multiply is the cause, the result is the result. In the world of charm correlated born, every things, phenomena are the cause of it. Causes of a (France) called multiplication, and the present (France) of the currently exist as result. In relation to this causation, every medium existing is the cause just a result as the circulation of clouds, rain, water, steam, ... The main cause (direct) of a present called entertainment, extra (indirectly) causes that affect the result called charm (or conditions); so, if say enough is human-charm-results.
In correlation to causation, as mentioned, there's also the charm factor (intermediate) the fray; Therefore, the achievement of a result must be longer depending on the coast. So, here we have noted a number of points as follows:
* In the doctrine, a causation cannot be taken to a result, or one can not only have a staff. And the result is usually the same type. For example, chicken eggs just hatched chickens, rather than may be cases eggs hatched ducks. So there is no confusion in the same category.
* Cause and effect but the same (kind), but due to medial charm fray, so can result in the same type with different people. For example: a handful of salt if dropped into a bowl of broth salty, but if dropped into the vast lake is not salty. This difference depends on the charm (or agreement) and according to which that result form.
* Cause and effect-newspaper industry is the existence of the correlation in good-evil, Chief Justice-ties etc, it compounded vi being removal which is the embodiment of the concept of discrimination; so, with pure mind and causality issues mm exhaust-newspaper industry no longer be discussed.
III-classification of cause and effect
Typically, a result when the form it should have the full main and extra charm, so consider causation through multiple angles as time, space, physics, psychology, etc.
1-category 1 (over time):
a- concurrent causation: Is that causation from the category go to results very quickly. For example: eat, no water to drink, then runs out of thirst, the anger, the sadness etc.
b- other causation: is the type of cause and effect that time go to the fruit there is a period of time. And about that time was divided into 3 categories as follows:
* Show report: business in this life that is taken to the results reported in this life. For example: years of hard study should worry small grew up to become the person who has knowledge.
* Birth report: that is created in this life but to life after the life of the new results. For example: Tibetan Places that anyone or teasing people, will cascade into apes and monkeys.
* Backstage report: that is created in this life but to the life after life new results.
Three time this causation because there was a relatively stable period (roughly), therefore they are classed as intended. There are also cases due to the strong intervention in the medial charm make Karma becomes difficult to determine time and type. In this case, they are called indeterminate. Three time causality, simultaneously also is the answer why (in some cases) that people do heal in this life to see things, and on the contrary, people work again evil luck.
2)-category 2 (according to the physical and psychological): This taxonomy to refer to the expression of Karma through psychological attitude to life career, next comes up different distances of the Karma between psychological and physical, between the inner and exterior.
a- foreign and inner world: cause and effect of expression in psychology of the mermaid i is called inner causation (boundaries) and vice versa is foreign (foreign).
As a case of being slanderous to her position, and in prison in prison but her position Center then ANDing, glass, freed. As a result, Karma just manifested in the fuselage rather than expression in mind.
b- psychology and physics: The different manifestations of the same human causation is divided into two parts: the psychology and physics.
As a person with body (physical fitness) ugly, hard to look at, but the smart and discerning mind, gentle words, and practice good (likewise for the opposite case).
However, there are also cases be blessed both the message body and mind, or vice versa.
IV-the causality
Can say that causation is the doctrines associated with the life of Buddhist practice, associated with the moral issues of human morality; and the result was seriously posed problems of human responsibility for the key itself as well as the society. Because, the Buddha taught that: "the human person is the owner of career, who succeeded".
1- causation-moral issue Buddhist Ethics: First of all, the Catechism taught human causation awakening in the actions of her artifact to alienate the evil work and effort to do the blessing in order to bring peace, peace for life. Causality teachings focused on the issue of evil, i.e., moral issue of human ethics in General and of the Buddhists in particular. However, the issue of causation is the teachings in that it set out the personal responsibility of every human being with regard to the living conditions of the people. Therefore, can not cause tenets Convention-News moral Buddhist ethics-patterned Convention as enacted laws in society. For example, a person guilty, the law will punish y when the offence is defined-i.e. y has done the sin, while, with ethical and moral, he is guilty as soon as the concept of sin (bad) arises in the mind of the medicine, though it is just the notion rather than not behavior. Therefore, individual responsibility according to the Catechism, causation here, is the highest responsibility for ethical psychological attitude of every man, that is not the conventional legal responsibility in society.
In some cases, these wise people can escape the law, but with the moral ethics, they could not escape his own conscience. Thus, if standing on the educational aspects, human doctrine, indeed, is a method of education extremely healthy and positive. Because right from the beginning, the sense of causality has brought people back to itself. Humans are completely responsible for the thinking and action of his own. Happiness or misery is made by themselves. Here no one reward or punishment would not have religious beliefs or physical t m would be able set up on the basis of Buddhism. A moral ethical background, and such positive, intellectual and spiritually people like that, if applied to every human being, family, school and society; presume will take to a life of peace and happiness.
2- causation – starting point of the process of Liberation: As mentioned, the doctrine on causation issues in good-evil, Chief Justice-ties, good-bad, etc., i.e. the issues related to the ethics of human life. However, it is also the starting point of the man to go to. But for Buddhism, enlightenment and Liberation, not only in the field of cause and effect-evil, that it also goes further, which is going out of the world, treated between good-evil (in release).
Because, the Buddha taught the French to be egolessness. Therefore, any distinction in good-evil, Chief Justice-deviant ... are all products of the notion of capital being kicked from the fall. Here, the most important thing is to take the effort of thinking and realized that there was no face whether a falling idea would actually present; all is anatta. When realizing this means have stepped up way to go into the real world at the rescue-a world pass up on any notion of discrimination, every crazy idea junction, the world of purity, equanimity and Memorial Cup. Here, death death of causation not anymore, because that when fall idea was let go then the craving defensive and will dissipate, and when fall ideas, craving and accept its being destroyed piece, the pillars of the world correlation of evil newspaper industry has collapsed; This is the meaning of the ultimate Nirvana.
V-some tenets of causality
Through the section are presented above, the result has a very important position in explaining the differences in industry every man, and the established a moral platform very Buddhist moral and positive. Buddhist causation is not destiny, nor predestined inherent in nature. Because, the existence of human beings does not simply depend on the staff have sown in the past life, that it depends now on where the action (new) created in the present. This also opened for people a dynamic, positive way to overcome all the obstacles of karma, can even terminate mortal line suffering right in this life. In fact, according to the word of the Buddha, all karma (of past lifetimes immeasurable) has focused on the fuselage in aggregates, the remaining problem is the behavior of create (contact) between the apartment and the world body, said the new industry in particular was created through the communication between 6, 6 ceiling to sense (or 6) feel happy life , sad, miserable, or suffering, is not lost. From there, the way of liberation, authentically, really not the karma of the five aggregates, that is behavioral artifacts of the five aggregates. So when do we get food poisoning that the five aggregates is falling, they have no character and no longer owned the craving defensive and the five aggregates is mine, is mine, is my ego; right now, cause and effect-Karma will no longer exist.
In the classic, small line or talk about causation export world, but in fact, if the right in this world that negativity, smuggled or was the primary export is dedicated paragraph in the world, as well as Lotus flowers rise up from the water and bloomed the middle of nowhere.
Cause and effect-career as France charm born, so there is no reason that it often eternal universe. The problem is that efforts to leverage the power of wisdom illuminating shadows of ego to go into the real horizon as real; that was the picture of the steps A La mortal line ended the Han dynasty reincarnation right on this earthly land.And as for the Buddhist, the need to understand the cause and effect, building trust on the basis of cause and effect, from which to create themselves a serene life, at peace. Dhammapada, Buddha taught that: "the leading French, Italian master artefacts, for Italy, talk box, infection or action, brain gauge experimentalists, such as airport (go) by drag character, ... for Italy, peace steps followed, as the ball does not leave the"./. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=VIETNAMESE GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/9/2016.
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